House of Rothschild Bankster History Time Line Part 2
Times of Israel News Updates August
9/11 Inside Job With Rothschild Connected Companies
House of Rothschild Bankster History Time Line Part 2
House of Rothschild History and Choices For USA President
House of Rothschild History and Choices For USA President
- "Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish President." — Abner Mikva (Jew) Former White House Counsel, Clinton Administration
Hitler - Slave Labor and the Warburgs / Rothschilds / IG Farben
- Video and ChrisRoubis
- 1919 By 1919 Krupp was already giving financial aid to one of the reactionary political groups which sowed the seed of the present Nazi ideology. Hugo Stinnes was an early contributor to the Nazi Party (National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei). By 1924 other prominent industrialists and financiers, among them Fritz Thyssen, Albert Voegler, Adolph sic] Kirdorf, and Kurt von Schroder, were secretly giving substantial sums to the Nazis. In 1931 members of the coal owners' association which Kirdorf headed pledged themselves to pay 50 pfennigs for each ton of' coal sold, the money to go to the organization which Hitler was building.3
- 1922 Dutroux Affair Fritz Thyssen became the earliest important financial backer of Hitler. In 1922, Fritz became acquainted with Pilgrims Society
member Averell Harriman with whom he agreed to set up a US branch of the Thyssen interests, the Union Banking Corporation, managed by Prescott Bush, but its funds controlled by the Thyssens. In 1923, he gave general Erich Ludendorf, who inspired Fritz to support Hitler, 100,000 gold marks for the Nazis, prior to the attempted putsch by Hitler that same year. Most people, including industrialists, gave up on Hitler after the failed coup, but not Fritz, who became a close friend of Hitler and Hess. In January 1926, Dillon Read & Co., with Clarence Dillon (Pilgrims), James Forrestal, and William H.Draper mnning the company, created the German Credit and Investment Corporation. They also created Vereinigte Stahlwerke. In 1932, together with banker Hjalmar Schacht, another person with close friendly ties to Pilgrims Society members/Anglo-American bankers, Fritz organized a meeting between Hitler and Germany's leading industrialists, which proved instmmental in Hitler's rise to power the following year.
- 1933 Nader Library It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strategies of Hitler’s primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans. and Wikipedia Muslim Brotherhood Links to the Nazis began during the 1930s and were close during the Second World War, involving agitation against the British, espionage and sabotage, as well as support for terrorist activities orchestrated by Haj Amin el-Hussaini in British Mandate Palestine, as a wide range of declassified documents from the British, American and Nazi German governmental archives, as well as from personal accounts and memoires from that period, confirm. 6] Reflecting this connection the Muslim Brotherhood also disseminated Hitler's Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion widely in Arab translations, helping to deepen and extend already existing hostile views about Jews and Western societies generally. more
- 1938 Scribd The-Crime-and-Punishment-of-I-G-Farben The invasion of Austria on March 11, 1938, marked the beginning of Hitler's policy to move beyond the borders of Germany by force. I.G. was ready within days after the troops started to march. It presented the Nazi occupation officials with a memorandum entitled "New Order for the Greater Chemical Industry of Austria." 1 Essentially, the "new order" plan was a request for government permission for I.G. to take over SkodaWerke Wetzler, the largest chemical concern in Austria. I.G. made sure to clothe its plea with the rhetoric of German national interests. The erstwhile Jewish company was now ready to goose-step with Hitler. The absorption of the Austrian concern, I.G. promised, would aid in the pursuit of the aims of the four-year plan as well as promote the elimination of Jewish influence in Austrian industry. Skoda Werke Wetzler was dominated by the Jewish Rothschild, and I.G. made the most of this fact see EndWhiteGuilt Reznowski thesis: Summers said in a past email thread: "Hitler was Rothschild bait for Germany" --- and Germany remains effectively enslaved and broken to this day.
- 1939 Wikipedia Max Warburg served on the board of directors of Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben, the giant German chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination camps. His brother Paul Warburg served on the board of directors of I.G. Farben's wholly owned American subsidiary. (However, Paul Warburg died in January 1932, before Hitler was elected Chancellor.) The Kilgore Committee Report of 1942 indicated that all I.G. Farben board members had precise and prior knowledge that Zyklon B was being used to murder civilians in concentration camps, with no attempt made to halt production of the gas after such murders were understood. I.G. Farben was crucially instrumental in funding the rise to power of the Nazi Party, and also in building up the industrial and war-making capabilities of Germany once the Nazis were in power while simultaneously attempting to restrict industrial production materials to countries marked for invasion by Nazi Germany, all of this to such a degree that all German board members other than Max Warburg were charged after World War II as war criminals.
- 1939 his is a summary of family ties between the Rothschilds and Warburg families. These two families ties are critical to understanding the flow of investment capital between Europe and the U.S. Their growth and power is interwoven with the historical changes that were taking place in Europe during the 19th century.
- 1939 LaRouchePub Royal Dutch Shell's World War II-era chief Henri Deterding was a notorious backer of Adolf Hitler, and the company's banker in France, Lazard, was instrumental in creating Banque Worms out of a Shell-connected transport company; Worms was at the core of the Fascist Vichy regime in Nazi-occupied France. Royal Dutch Shell is even closer to the Rothschild banking interests, which took a stake in the company in exchange for some Russian oil properties.
- 1939 WesDancin Many of the highest-placed leaders in the Nazi party, including Hitler, Roehm, Forster, von Schirach and almost all of his bodyguards were gay. Hitler surrounded himself with homosexuals and even retrieved Roehm from Bolivia, making him Deputy Fuhrer. This knowledge enabled outside countries like Britain and ideologies like the Freemasons to control Hitler
- 1939 Curezone / BGT: The Warburgs practically owned IG Farben until they ran into financial difficulties in the mid 1930’s; that’s when they had to court American Industrialists to bring an infusion of cash into Zionists owned IG Farben. When IG Farben defaulted its $500 million bonds to American Ethyl Corporation, they had no choice but to lure American investors to IG Farben. The Warburgs brought in their former clients whom they had previously financed to invest in IG Farben and they recruited these American Companies: Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Ford, ITT, Dupont, General Electric, etc. etc. etc. I have a compilation from the State Department Decimal Files and Harry Truman’s Kilgore Investigation – Trading with the Enemy Act. IG Farben manufactured 95% of the Zyklon B gas that were used to gas the Europeans Jews. IG Farben was the Nazi Warmacht and without IG Farben, there’d be no Hitler. Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben. Very similar to Obama, the puppet of the banks and the military industrial complex. BAYER head Carl Duisberg personally propagated the concept of forced labor during First World War. The idea was later warped to mass murder at the company's own IG FARBEN concentration camp, Monowitz. IG Farben was the only German company in the Third Reich that ran its own concentration camp Monowitz. At least 30,000 slave workers died in this camp; a lot more were deported to the gas chambers. It was no coincidence that IG Farben built their giant new plant in Auschwitz, since the workforce they used (altogether about 300,000 people) was practically for free. The Zyklon B gas, ... was produced by IG Farben´s subsidiary company Degesch.
- 1939 Rothschild’s agents burned down the Reichstag building to foment the rise of the Nazi Party. verify?
- 1939 TakeOverWorld There is also vast evidence of collaboration between leading Zionists and Nazis --- NOT to rescue Jews --- 800,000 Hungarian Jews and others were abandoned by the Zionists over the pleas of a Rabbi. NOT out of fear --- collaboration came from Zionists who had already relocated to Palestine, but who received Nazi leaders and broke a global boycott of Nazi goods. Zionists were EAGER to exterminate "undesireable" Jews and cleanse Jewry of the poor, the old and feeble, the religious and moral, old-fashioned Euro-Jews who were not "on program" with Zionism and founding the State of Israel. They organized to prevent Jews from escaping Nazi-held territory to neutral territory. They organized to prevent rescue funds from reaching Euro-Jews and to divert it to Zio-Jews and their new "ethnically pure" State. This was based on a similar nationalist/racist/separatist ideology coupled with the recognition of Nazi power and the desire to personally and politically benefit from such power.
- 1941 Bibliotec Pleyades One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler's seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War. Zyklon-B, an extermination gas produced by Hoechst, was used to kill millions of innocent people, before their corpses were burnt One hundred percent of all explosives and one hundred percent of all synthetic gasoline came from the factories of IG Farben. Whenever the German Wehrmacht conquered another country, IG Farben followed, systematically taking over the industries of those countries. Through this close collaboration with Hitler's Wehrmacht, IG Farben participated in the plunder of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France and all other countries conquered by the Nazis. The U.S. government investigation of the factors that led to the Second World War in 1946 came to the conclusion that without IG Farben the Second World War would simply not have been possible. We have to come to grips with the fact that it was not a psychopath, Adolph Hitler, or bad genes of the German people that brought about the Second World War. Economic greed by companies like Bayer, BASF and Hoechst was the key factor in bringing about the Holocaust.
- 1941 Wikipedia IG Farben During the planning of the invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland, IG Farben cooperated closely with Nazi officials and directed which chemical plants should be secured and delivered to IG Farben.In 1941, an investigation exposed a "marriage" cartel between John D. Rockefeller's United States-based Standard Oil Co. and I.G. Farben. It also brought new evidence concerning complex price and marketing agreements between DuPont, a major investor in and producer of leaded gasoline, United States Industrial Alcohol Company and its subsidiary, Cuba Distilling Co. The investigation was eventually dropped, like dozens of others in many different kinds of industries, due to the need to enlist industry support in the war effort. However, the top directors of many oil companies agreed to resign, and oil industry stocks in molasses companies were sold off as part of a compromise worked out. ... IG Farben held the patent for the pesticide Zyklon B 20] (used in Holocaust gas chambers), and owned 42.2 percent (in shares) of Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung) which manufactured it. IG Farben also had managers in Degesch's Managing Committee. Of the 24 directors of IG Farben indicted in the so-called IG Farben Trial (1947–1948) before a U.S. military tribunal at the subsequent Nuremberg Trials, 13 were sentenced to prison terms between one and eight years. Some of those indicted in the trial were subsequently made leaders of the post-war companies that split off from IG Farben, including those who were sentenced at Nuremberg. citation needed] HenryMakow The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, was a "Soviet" (i.e. Illuminati British) agent who ensured the destruction of both Germany and European Jewry. ... Thus, he advanced two of the Illuminati's main goals: integrate Germany into a world government by annihilating its national, cultural and racial pretensions, and establish Israel as the Masonic bankers' world capital by threatening European Jews with extinction. ... "OPJB,"(1996) Lieut Commander John Ainsworth-Davis' (Christopher Creighton) account of how he and Ian Fleming led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks. According to this book, Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959.
- 1949 IG Farben Trial Defendants Carl Krauch, Hermann Schmitz, Georg von Schnitzler, Fritz Gajewski, Heinrich Hörlein, August von Knieriem, Fritz ter Meer, Christian Schneider, Otto Ambros, Max Brüggemann, Ernst Bürgin, Heinrich Bütefisch, Paul Häfliger, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jähne, Hans Kühne, Carl Lautenschläger, Wilhelm Rudolf Mann, Heinrich Oster, Carl Wurster, Walter Dürrfeld, Heinrich Gattineau, Erich von der Heyde, Hans Kugler Wikipedia IG Farben Trial Nurember Trial Paolosilv -nazis-and-their-post-war-careers terms: looting, enslavement, Auschwitz III Monowitz, human experiments and held some 25,000 forced laborers under horrible circumstances of death, "They were prisoners thus no particular harm was inflicted, as they would have been killed anyway", plundering, spoliation and of mass murder. taking of property without the owner's full and non-coerced consent
- 1950 Wikipedia The IG Farben Building was developed on land known as the Grüneburggelände in Frankfurt's Westend District. In 1837, the property belonged to the Rothschild family Hoechst GmbH, a subsidiary of Sanofi-group
- 1974 "Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel" written in 1974 by Hennecke Kardel. see Biblioteca Pleyades IG Farben Scribd Crime and Punishment of IG Farben and Wikipedia IG Farben Building
Defendant |
Post War |
Rothschild Connection |
Carl Krauch see Goering. | Executive director of IG successor company Chemische Werke Huls (now Evonik) AG. | History of the Pharma Cartel Rockefeller, and Evonik EfinancialNews |
Heinrich Hörlein | became head of the Elberfeld plant of I.G. Farben i.L. and, in 1952, chairman of the supervisory board of Farbenfabriken Bayer AG Wollheim Memorial | see Curezone Among the German bankers on the supervisory board of Farben into the late 1920s was Max Warburg, the brother of Paul Warburg of the Manhattan Bank, who was sent to the United States by the Rothschilds to install the Federal Reserve System |
August von Knieriem | in 1950 he worked as a consultant on the reconstruction of BASF. In 1955, he became chairman of the supervisory board of I.G. Farbenindustrie Wollheim Memorial | The old "I.G. FARBEN" subsidiaries "BASF", "BAYER" and "HOECHST" dominate the German and European chemical industries |
Hermann Schmitz | member of the administrators' council of Deutsche Bank in Berlin, while he took the honorary president of "Rheinische Stahlwerke AG | price of gold fixed at the premises of N M Rothschild by the world's main Bullion Houses: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, ScotiaMocatta and Societe Generale. |
Georg von Schnitzler | returned to the business world as president of Deutsch-Ibero-Amerikanische Gesellschaft German Latin American Society | price of gold fixed at the premises of N M Rothschild by the world's main Bullion Houses: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, ScotiaMocatta and Societe Generale. |
Fritz Gajewski | returned to the business world with Dynamit Nobel, becoming chairman of the company in 1952 He also chaired the boards at Genschow & Co. and Chemie-Verwaltungs AG | In 1926, I.G. merged with Dynamit-Nobel, the German branch of the dynamite firm .... While Hitler's bombers were dropping tons of explosives on London, they were paying royalties on every gallon of gasoline they burned to Standard Oil. ... see Rockefeller / Rothschild connections. |
Fritz ter Meer | became Chairman of Bayer AG. In subsequent years, he also took on board positions at a number of other companies, including, Inter Alia, Theodor Goldschmidt AG, Commerzbank AG, Bank Association, Duewag, VIAG and Union Bank AG, | see CBG Network Coalition Against Bayer |
Wilhelm Rudolf Mann | he returned to his earlier role of head of pharmaceutical sales at Bayer. He also returned to market research company GFK, of which he had been president from 1935 to 1945, continuing in this role until 1955, whilst also holding a role on the Foreign Trade Committee of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie | |
Christian Schneider | he took roles at the Süddeutsche Kalkstickstoff-Werke AG Trostberg and Rheinauer Holzhydrolyse-GmbH | |
Otto Ambros | After his release he became an advisor to chemical companies and Konrad Adenauer | In 1949, an unusual gathering took place at the Villa Rothschild. German politicians including Konrad Adenauer, Theodor Heuss, Adolph Schönfelder, and Hermann Strafer gathered to formulate post-war Germany’s fundamental rights laws (Grundrechte). |
Max Brüggemann | see Wollheim Memorial | was removed from the trial and his case discontinued on September 9, 1947 due to medical reasons |
Ernst Bürgin | Ernst Bürgin returned to Switzerland, where he died in his birthplace, Wyhlen, on June 22, 1966. | |
Heinrich Bütefisch | In 1952, Bütefisch became a member of the supervisory boards for Deutsche Gasolin AG, Feldmühle, and Papier- und Zellstoffwerke AG. He also became a consultant for Ruhrchemie AG Oberhausen, joining its supervisory board in 1952. | |
Paul Häfliger | Paul Häfliger died on November 15, 1950, in Mühlheim am Main. | |
Max Ilgner | he became a professional political lobbyist.In 1955 he was appointed the chairman of the board at a chemical company BASF Intertrade AG is a subsidiary of BASF SE, The Chemical Company. | see Reformation Who financed Hitler |
Friedrich Jähne | he was a member of the supervisory board of Farbwerke Hoechst and chairman of the supervisory board of Adolf Messer GmbH. In 1955, he assumed the chairmanship of the supervisory board of Hoechst, | The Lazard Houses served as financial advisor for Hoechst. Goldman Sachs International and Rothschild & Cie. served as financial advisors for Rhone-Poulenc. 1998 |
Hans Kühne | He was however acquitted the following year and soon secured a role with the Bayer pharmaceutical research facility in Elberfeld | |
Carl Lautenschläger | he was taken under the wing of Bayer chairman Ulrich Haberland, who gave him a job as a research associate at the company's Elberfeld facility | |
Wilhelm Rudolf Mann | ||
Heinrich Oster | Following his release in 1949 he took on a position on the board at Gelsenberg AG | |
Carl Wurster | He became chairman of the board at IG Farben in 1952 and successfully led moves to re-establish BASF | a reunion was attended by Otto Ambros, Heinrich Bütefisch, Fritz Gajewski, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jähne, Carl Krauch, Hans Kühne, Wilhelm Rudolf Mann, Christian Schneider and Fritz ter Meer |
Walter Dürrfeld | He became a member of the management board of Scholven-Chemie AG in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, the supervisory board of Phenolchemie GmbH in Gladbeck in Westphalia, and the supervisory board of Friesecke & Hoepfner GmbH in Erlangen. | |
Heinrich Gattineau | became a member of the board and supervisory council of WASAG Chemie-AG, and Mitteldeutsche Sprengstoff-Werke GmbH (Central German Explosion Works) | Hitler's move into Austria left terror in its wake, and the chemical industry was no exception. Immediately after the Anschluss, all the top Jewish personnel of Skoda were dismissed by government decree. I.G. filled the breach by supplying Aryan technicians. 3 However, to protect the takeover against possible future legal challenges, I.G. entered into negotiations with Josef Joham, the personal representative of the Rothschilds. Joham, also a Jew and therefore personally vulnerable, was hardly in a position to oppose I.G.'s demands. These kept enlargin |
- 1939 PalestineRemembered British House of Commons votes 268 to 179 in favor of White Paper issued by Colonial Secretary of State Malcolm MacDonald. White Paper calls for conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to "Arab acquiescence" ; protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. British official estimates of Palestinians killed or executed by British military and police during Arab Rebellion is over 2,000 for 1936 and 1938 alone. Total for all years is estimated at 3,500-4,000. About 500 Jews killed in same period. October Stern Gang or Lochemay Herut Yisra'el (LEHI; "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel") formed by dissident IZL members led by Avraham Stern.
- 1939 Eustace Mullins In Madrid, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid" tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described
- 1940 - GripesOnline "The New World Order" is published by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace and contains a select list of references on regional and world federation, together with some special plans for world order after the war.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1940's Wikipedia "The Wise Men" Dean Acheson, Charles E. Bohlen, W. Averell Harriman, George F. Kennan, Robert A. Lovett, John J. McCloy The Wise Men were a group of United States government officials and members of the East Coast foreign policy establishment who, beginning in the 1940s, developed the containment policy of dealing with the Communist bloc and crafted institutions and initiatives such as NATO, the World Bank, and the Marshall Plan 1967, President Johnson brought together: Dean Acheson, George Ball, General Omar Bradley, McGeorge Bundy, Clark Clifford,Arthur Dean, Douglas Dillon, Justice Abe Fortas, Averell Harriman, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Robert Murphy and General Maxwell Taylor. They were briefed by General Wheeler and George Carver on Vietnam. Carver and Wheeler reported that great progress was being made in Vietnam. Rothschild? see also Alex Constantine In October 1978, the German-Marshall Foundation sponsored a luncheon chaired by Wall Street's John J. McCloy (Nazi recruitment, Pentagon design, J.F. Kennedy murder cover-up). Hermann J. Abs (1901-94 – Hitler's banker, "architect" of the postwar German "economic miracle," honorary president of Deutsche Bank A.G., to be cherry-picked by the Pope after the P-2 Masonic money-laundering scandal to reorganize the Vatican Bank) addressed this conclave of "businessmen and bankers and members of the Foreign Policy Association in New York City on the ‘Problems and Prospects of American-German Economic Cooperation.’" Rubbing elbows with McCloy and the Reich's ranking banker at the dais were "Henry H. Fowler, Wall Street investment banker and former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; Henry Cabot Lodge, former U.S. ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; George C. McGhee
- 1940-1945 PalestineRemembered Arrival of over 60,000 Zionist immigrants, including 20-25,000 who have entered the country illegally (April 1939-December 1945), increases Jewish population in Palestine to 31% of total. Registered Jewish landownership rises to 6.0% of area of country.
- 1940 -- AriesComputer Assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico. British secret police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. Interpol moved to near Berlin., with Reinhard Heydrich in charge.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1940 MasterMason Knoop & Jones publish A Short History of Freemasonry to 1730.
- 1940: IAmTheWitness Hansjurgen Koehler in his book, "Inside The Gestapo," states the following, of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, "A little servant girl…….came to Vienna and became a domestic servant…….at the Rothschild mansion…….and Hitler’s unknown grandfather must be probably looked for in this magnificent house." This is backed up by Walter Langer in his book, "The Mind Of Hitler," in which he states, "Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber…….Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home…….where Alois was born." On the surface, it would appear Hitler was unlikely to be a Rothschild, but then again, when you discover the benefits that the Rothschilds got out of this war, both financially and politically, a Rothschild connection does not appear as outlandish as it may initially seem. 1941: President Roosevelt takes America into the second world war by refusing to sell Japan any more steel scrap or oil. Japan was in the midst of a war against China and without that scrap steel and oil, Japan would be unable to continue that war. Japan was totally dependent upon the United States for both steel scrap and oil. Roosevelt knew this action would provoke the Japanese to attack America, which they subsequently did at Pearl Harbor.
- 1941 NWObserver COI created — In preparation for World War II, President Roosevelt creates the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI). General William “Wild Bill” Donovan heads the new intelligence service. 1942 Roosevelt restructures COI into something more suitable for covert action, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan recruits so many of the nation’s rich and powerful that eventually people joke that “OSS” stands for “Oh, so social!” or “Oh, such snobs!” 1943 Donovan recruits the Catholic Church in Rome to be the center of Anglo-American spy operations in Fascist Italy. This would prove to be one of America’s most enduring intelligence alliances in the Cold War.
- 1941 History of the Money Changers Sir Josiah Stamp, director of the Bank of England during the years 1928-1941, made the following statement with regard to banking, "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again... ... Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."
- 1941 -- AriesComputer Japan attacks U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor, allegedly through the maneuvering of Roosevelt and his advisors to provide an excuse to enter the war.
- 1941 ConspiracyArchive William Casey directed OSS operations through Alan Dulles in Europe during World War II. Prior to his OSS affiliation, Casey worked for the Board of Economic Warfare which allegedly targeted “Hitler’s economic jugular.”3 Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, was the Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. He was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller Empire and other mammoth trusts, corporations and cartels.
- 1941 Comment It’s been declassified for years that we knew that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor. We did our best to piss off the Japanese by stealing their money in our banks and blocking their oil shipments. Australian Intelligence told us 5 days in advance the a Japanese Naval Task force was headed towards Pearl. We moved the newest ships to San Diego and let 2,400 good men die so we could enter a war that made many bankers and arms sellers rich. The Rothchilds and Rockefellers to name 2.
- 1942 PalestineRemembered Avraham Stern killed by British police. It should be noted that the Stern gang received extensive financial and military support from the Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to terrorize the British Mandate in Palestine. Click here to learn more about the subject. May Biltmore Conference in New York attended by Zionist leaders from U.S. and Palestine, urges that "Palestine be established as a Jewish commonwealth."
- 1942: IAmTheWitness Prescott Bush, father of future American Presidents’ George Herbert Walker and George W, has his company seized under the, “Trading With The Enemy,” Act. He was funding Hitler from America, whilst American soldiers were being killed by German soldiers. Jews are also being slaughtered by these same soldiers. Interestingly the ADL never criticizes any of the Bushes for this.
- 1942 Zionism_Israel Biltmore Program - Zionist leaders, headed by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, convene at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and declare their postwar program (known as the Biltmore Program). The program recommended an end to the British Mandate and demand Jewish control over immigration to Palestine with the aim of founding a Jewish "Commonwealth." wish history, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Timeline, Zionist movement, Israel history, Middle East history
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1942 TakeOurWorldBack A hoax is concocted involving so-called "gas chambers" and a conspiracy theory of an "extermination policy". Rabbi Stephen Wise, who had pointed out back in 1900 that "six million" bleeding, suffering Jews would make a damned good argument in favor of Zionism (q.v. above), is now heavily involved in peddling the extermination theory. Although the claims - supported by ample eyewitnesses - of gas chambers on German soil are subsequently shot to pieces when investigators visit the so-called "death camps" and find there is not one iota of corroborating forensic evidence
- 1942 INL The relationship between Chase Bank and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed "very special esteem" with top German officials and "a rapid expansion of deposits," according to Newsweek. Niedermann's letter was written in May 1942-five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the US also went to war with Germany.
- 1943 November PalestineRemembered Five-year limit on Jewish immigration (expiring April 1944) extended so all 75,000 visas permitted in 1939 White Paper can be filled.
- 1943 BibleBelievers (Aquarian) Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was developed in 1943 by Albert Hoffman, a chemist at Sandoz A.B.—a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G. Warburg. While precise documentation is unavailable as to the auspices under which the LSD research was commissioned, it can be safely assumed that British intelligence and its subsidiary U.S. Office of Strategic Services were directly involved. Allen Dulles, the director of the CIA when that agency began MK-Ultra, was the OSS station chief in Berne, Switzerland throughout the early Sandoz research. One of his OSS assistants was James Warburg, of the same Warburg family, who was instrumental in the 1963 founding of the Institute for Policy Studies, and worked with both Huxley and Robert Hutchins."10 CharlestonVoice Wikipedia LSD was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland (conveniently left out mention of Warburg) as part of a large research program searching for medically useful ergot alkaloid derivatives ... Beginning in the 1950s the US Central Intelligence Agency began a research program code named Project MKULTRA Google books
- 1943: IAmTheWitness February 18th, Zionist, Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council states, “If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!” He would go onto state, “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!” This is not a surprise, the whole idea of Zionist support for the slaughter of innocent Jews was to scare the survivors into believing that their only place of safety was Israel. How else do you think the Zionists could ensure Jews leave the beautiful European cities in which they live, in order to settle in a desert! 1944: On 6 November Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir. He is also responsible for an assassination attempt against Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine, this same year. ... Interestingly he also masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist. In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.
- 1944 January PalestineRemembered Stern Gang and IZL join to conduct terror campaign against British. 6 November Stern Gang murders Lord Moyne, British resident minister of state, in Cairo.
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- 1944 Wikipedia Harry Dexter White (Weit) Harry Dexter White (October 9, 1892 – August 16, 1948) was an American economist, and a senior U.S. Treasury department official. He was the senior American official at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, and reportedly dominated the conference and imposed his vision of post-war financial institutions over the objections of John Maynard Keynes, the British representative. After the war, White was a major architect of the International Monetary Fund andWorld Bank Harry Dexter White was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the seventh and youngest child of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, Joseph Weit and Sarah Magilewski,
- 1944 History of the Money Changers The United States income is running at 183 billion dollars, yet 103 billion dollars is being spent on World War II. This was thirty times the spending rate during World War I. Actually, it was the American taxpayer that picked up 55% of the total allied cost of the war. In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (initially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or IBRD - the name, "World Bank," was not actually adopted until 1975), were approved with full United States participation. ... the principal architects of the Bretton Woods system, and hence the IMF, were Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes. Interestingly Harry Dexter White who died in 1946, was identified as a Soviet spy whose code name was, "Jurist," on October 16, 1950, in an FBI memo. Also, John Maynard Keynes was a British citizen. ... What these two bodies essentially did, was repeat on a world scale what the National Banking Act of 1864, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 had established in the United States. They created a banking cartel comprising the world's privately owned central banks, which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations. In the same way the Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a new national fiat currency called, Federal Reserve Notes, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat money called, "Special Drawing Rights," or SDR's. Member nations were subsequently pressured into making their currencies fully exchangeable for SDR's. The IMF is controlled by its board of governors, which are either the heads of different central banks, or the heads of the various national treasury departments who are dominated by their central banks. Also, the voting power in the IMF gives the United States and the United Kingdom (the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England), effective control of it.
- 1945 Rense The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other principals. Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves to head the operation. He had previously built the Pentagon, and had a good reputation among the Washington politicians, who usually came when Baruch beckoned.
- 1945 NWObserver Operation PAPERCLIP – While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America, unpunished, for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing, he creates the “Gehlen Organization,” a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia. These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg (who massacred Jews in the Holocaust), Klaus Barbie (the “Butcher of Lyon”), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann) and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years, serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA. However, much of the “intelligence” the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society, in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans (who might otherwise punish him). In 1948, Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent, and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious “missile gap.” To make matters worse, the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents, undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect.
- 1945 Texxmars General George Patton objected to the monstrous and satanic Morgenthau Plan (Wikipedia) and vowed to tell Americans the truth about it. Patton was assassinated. VeteransToday
- 1945 Wikipedia Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939–45). It was conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Soviet–American Cold War (1945–91); one purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the USSR 1] and the UK 2] and to (divided) Germany itself.
- 1945 VanguardNewsNetwork FDR Jews 1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR. 2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal system. 3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America. 4. David Niles -- presidential aide. 5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father" of New Deal. 6. Samuel I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR. 7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII. 8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR. 9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress. 10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed. 11. Sidney Hillman -- presidential adviser. 12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission. 13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR. 14. Herbert Feis -- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs. 15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR. 16. Nathan Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser. 17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR. 18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR. 19. E. W. Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director. Lincoln Rothschild New Deal Art Director
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1945 Reformation in 1945, Vietnam was still a colony of the French. Laurence Rockefeller, it appears, had given the extensive store of weapons to Ho Chi Minh with the hope that Vietnam would drive out the French so that Standard Oil would be able to take over the as yet undeveloped offshore fields. But in 1954, Vietnamese General Giap finally defeated and drove out the French at Dien Bien Phu with weaponry provided by the U.S. Ho Chi Minh reneged on the deal since he could read too, and he was well aware of the Hoover resource report and knew there was a vast supply of oil off the Vietnamese coast. ... In the 1950's a method of undersea oil exploration was perfected which used small explosions deep in the water and then recorded the sound echoes bouncing off the various layers of rock below. The surveyor could then determine the exact location of the arched salt domes which hold the accumulated oil beneath them. But if this method were used off the Vietnam coast on property Standard didn't own or have the rights to, the Vietnamese, the Chinese, the Japanese and probably even the French would quickly run to the United Nations and complain that America was stealing the oil, and that would shut down the operation. ... In 1964, after Vietnam was divided into North and South, and the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident, several U.S. aircraft carriers were stationed offshore of Vietnam and the 'war' was started. Every day jet planes would take off from the carriers, bomb locations in North and South Vietnam, and then using normal military procedure when returning would dump their unsafe or unused bombs in the ocean before landing back on the carriers. Safe ordnance drop zones were designated for this purpose away from the carriers. ... Even close-up observers would only notice many small explosions occurring daily in the waters of the South China Sea and thought it was only part of the 'war.' The U.S. Navy carriers had begun Operation Linebacker One, and Standard Oil had begun its ten year oil survey of the seabed off of Vietnam. And the Vietnamese, Chinese and everybody else around, including the Americans, were none the wiser. The oil survey hardly cost Standard Oil a nickel, the U.S. taxpayers paid for it. See also 911oz
- 1945 - GripesOnline The United Nations Charter becomes effective.
- 1945 Scribd Truman (33rd degree Mason) becomes the 33rd president of the United States. His regime offially 'recognises' the state-of-Israel in 1948
- 1945: CliffordShack Carlos Alberto Bulgheroni was born in Rufino, Argentina. History of the Jews, Argentina
- 1945 History of the Money Changers The second, "League Of Nations," now renamed the, "United Nations," was approved. The bankers, World War II, had been a success this time as a result of the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion the world had felt after yet another World War. This blueprint for world government would soon have its own international court system as well.
- 1945 PalestineRemembered End of World War in Europe. Large-scale illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine resumes under Haganah control. British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin issues White Paper announcing continued Jewish immigration into Palestine
1945: IAmTheWitness Carlos Alberto Bulgheroni was born in Rufino, Argentina. History of the Jews, Argentina - 1945 INLNews The very heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, which had an American arm that was controlled by the Rothschilds through their lackeys, the Warburgs. Paul Warburg, who manipulated into existence the privately-owned "central bank" of America, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, was on the board of American I.G. Indeed Hitler's I.G. Farben, which ran the slave labour camp at Auchwitz, was, in reality, a division of Standard Oil, officially owned by the Rockefellers, but in truth the Rockefeller empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild's Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution. Wikipedia The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a Germanoccultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party). According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the organization's "membership list...reads like a Who's Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich", including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. In 1917 people who wanted to join the "Germanic Order", out of which the Thule Society developed in 1918, had to sign a special "blood declaration of faith" concerning the lineage ...many closed down by anti-Masonic legislation in 1935 and Global Research
- 1945: IAmTheWitness The Rothschilds take a giant step towards their goal of world domination when the second, "League of Nations," called the, "United Nations," was approved this year.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1945 Google Books The Seagraves, bestselling authors (Lords of the Rim, etc.), contend that Japan systematically looted the entire continent of Asia during WWII, seizing billions in precious metals, gems and artworks. Further, according to the authors, from war's end to the present, the looted treasure, used by President Truman to create a secret slush fund to fight communism, has had a malignant effect on American and Asian politics. The Seagraves assert that the Japanese imperial family, along with Ferdinand Marcos, every American president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush, and numerous sinister figures on the American hard right have been tainted and in many cases utterly corrupted by the loot.
- 1946 to 1949: CliffordShack McCloy named a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation
- 1946 Wikipedia Major General (ret.) (Aluf) Daniel Rothschild (born 1946) is the head of The Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), an Israeli Think Tank in the Lauder school of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) and is the chairman of the annual Herzliya Conference series. Gen. Rothschild also heads the Council for Peace and Security, an Israeli association of national security experts, He is a member of the advisory board of the Central Bank of Israel
- 1946 History of the Money Changers The Bank of England was nationalized, which might seem at first sight to be a far reaching measure, but actually made little difference in practice. Yes, the state did acquire all the shares in the Bank of England, they now belong to the Treasury and are held in trust by the Treasury Solicitor. However, the government had no money to pay for the shares, so instead of receiving money for their shares, the shareholders were issued with government stocks. Although the state now received the operating profits of the bank, this was offset by the fact that the government now had to pay interest on the new stocks it had issued to pay for the shares. ... So, although the Bank of England is now state-owned, the fact is that the British money supply is once again almost entirely in private hands, with 97% of it being in the form of interest bearing loans of one sort or another, created by private commercial banks. ... As a result of this, the bank is largely controlled and run by those from the world of commercial banking and conventional economics. The members of the Court of Directors, who set policy and oversee its functions, are drawn almost entirely from the world of banks, insurance, economists and big business. ... Although the Bank of England is called a central bank it is now essentially a regulatory body that supports and oversees the existing system. It is sometimes referred to as "the lender of last resort," in so far as one of its functions as the bankers' bank is to support any bank or financial institution that gets into difficulties and suffers a run on its liquid assets. Interestingly, in these circumstances, it is not obliged to disclose details of any such measures, the reason being so as to avoid a crisis in confidence.
- 1946: IAmTheWitness On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others. Around 45 people are injured. Menachem Begin went on to proudly proclaimed himself as, "the father of modern terrorism." Just to put the gravity of the attack on the King David Hotel into perspective, it was at the time the biggest death toll as a result of single terrorist action ever and was only surpassed over forty years later by the Bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie.
- 1946 March PalestineRemembered Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, proposed in 1945 White Paper, arrives in Palestine. May Anglo-American Committee report estimates size of Jewish armed forces at around 61-69,000 people (Haganah: 58-64,000; IZL: 3-5,000; Stern: 2-300) and declares "private armies" illegal. Recommends admission of 100,000 Jews into Palestine and abolition of Land Transfers Regulations. Palestinians strike in protest. 11-12 June Arab League meeting in Bludan, Syria, adopts secret resolutions warning Britain and U .S. that disregard for Palestinian rights will damage their oil and commercial interests in Arab world. July British White Paper on terrorism in Palestine accuses Haganah of cooperating with IZL and Stern Gang in acts of sabotage and violence. 22 July Ninety-one British, Palestinian, and Jewish civil servants and visitors killed when IZL blows up wing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem housing British government secretariat. 31 July Anglo-American Conference in London produces Morrison-Grady Plan proposing federal scheme to solve Palestine problem. Zionist and Palestinian leaders reject the plan.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1946: CliffordShack John J. McCloy, creator of the CIA, becomes a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. In this capacity he acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalisation movement in Libya—as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers, and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment".
- 1947-1949: CliffordShack McCloy was president of the World Bank
- 1947 USAFilmsThe World Almanac for 1947, (holocaust) in quoting figures supplies by the American Jewish Committee states that the world Jewish population in 1939 was 15,688,259. The New York Times of February 22, 1948, stated that the world Jewish population ranged from 15,600,000 to 18,700,000, excluding some 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine. How could the Jewish population have increased so rapidly after losing six million during World War II? Walter Sanning, the author of Dissolution of European Jewry, says that no less than 2,200,000 Jews had emigrated out of Europe leaving 2,847,000 Jews residing there at the height of the German occupation in June 1941. After the war, 3,375,000 Jews, according to the Red Cross, applied for holocaust reparations. This figure included many of the emigrants. Thus, the actual number of those who died at the camps from all causes ranges between 150,000 and 300,000.
- 1947 Christopher Bollyn Peres was also the chief of the Israeli navy, whose main task at the time was the illegal smuggling of men and arms for the Zionist forces in Palestine. When the war of 1947-1948 ended, Peres "assumed the position of Director of the Defense Ministry's procurement delegation in the United States," according to his biography. As director of arms procurement in the United States, Peres was responsible for organizing illegal arms smuggling. Transfers of weapons and planes to Zionist forces violated the U.S. Neutrality Act. Much of the Haganah arms smuggling activity was run from an office above the "syndicate-owned" Copacabana Club in New York City, where Peres and Teddy Kollek, the Hungarian-born son of the director of the Rothschild bank in Vienna, (DidYouKNow) worked closely with the "crime syndicate" headed by the leading Jewish gangsters of the time. Wikipedia Teddy Kollek Teddy Kollek was born in Nagyvázsony, 120 km from Budapest, Hungary as Kollek Tivadar. His parents named him after Theodor Herzl. Growing up in Vienna, Kollek came to share his father Alfréd’s Zionist convictions. Teddy Kollek (second from the right), with the Ein Gev Pioneers (1934-39) In 1935, three years before the Nazis seized power in Austria, the Kollek family immigrated to Palestine, then under British mandate. In 1937, he was one of the founders of Kibbutz Ein Gev, on the shore of Lake Kinneret. 1] That same year he married Tamar Schwarz. They had two children, a son, the film director Amos Kollek (born in 1947), and a daughter, Osnat. In the 1940s, on behalf of the Jewish Agency (Sochnut) and as part of the "The Hunting Season" or "Saison" Teddy Kollek was the Jewish Agency's contact person with the British Mandate MI5, providing information against right-wing Jewish underground groups Irgun and Lehi (known as "Stern Gang"). He succeeded Reuven Zaslani and preceded Zeev Sherf in this function, and was carrying out the Jewish Agency's policy of assisting the British in fighting these groups. 3] In 1942 Kolleck was appointed the Jewish Agency's deputy head of intelligence. Between January 1945 and May 1946 he was the Agency's chief external liaison officer in Jerusalem and was in contact with MI5's main representative as well as members of British Military Intelligence. On 10 August 1945 he revealed to MI5 the location of a secret Irgun training camp near Binyamina. Twenty-seven Irgun members were arrested in the raid that followed. 4] During World War II, Kollek tried to represent Jewish interests in Europe on behalf of the Jewish Agency. In 1947–48, he represented the Haganah in Washington, where he assisted in acquiring ammunition for Israel’s then-fledgling army. Kollek became a close ally of David Ben-Gurion, serving in the latter’s governments from 1952 as the director general of the prime minister’s office. 5]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1947 Biblioteca Pleyades The EU has its origins in the European Movement (1947), which was founded by Knight of Malta Joseph Retinger, who also founded the Bilderberg Group (1954).
- 1947 PalestineRemembered London Round Table conference reopens. February British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin proposes variant of Morrison-Grady Plan to London Conference and Jewish Agency. Arab delegates in London and Jewish Agency reject proposal. February Bevin announces submission of Palestine problem to United Nations. April- (UNSCOP). September Publication of UNSCOP report. Majority of members recommends partition, minority recommends federal solution. September Arab League denounces UNSCOP partition recommendation, and appoints Technical Military Committee to supervise Palestinian defense needs. September Arthur Creech Jones, British colonial secretary, announces Britain's decision to end Palestine Mandate. September Arab Higher Committee rejects partition. October Jewish Agency accepts partition. October Arab League meets at Aley, Lebanon. Iraqi General Isma'il Safwat, chairman of Technical Committee, warns of dangers posed by Zionism at end of Mandate and urges Arab states to mobilize their utmost force and efforts to counter Zionist intentions." One million pounds sterling allocated to Technical Military Committee. October Britain says it will leave Palestine in six months if no settlement reached. November Report by Safwat warns of virtual impossibility of overcoming Zionist forces with irregulars; urges prompt Arab action in organizing military force; advocates training Palestinians to defend themselves. November UN General Assembly recommends variant of UNSCOP partition plan allocating 56.5% of Palestine to Jewish state and 43% to Arab state with international enclave around Jerusalem; 33 votes for, against, abstentions. Arab representatives walk out (Click here to read more why Arabs rejected the U.N. partition plan). 30 November Haganah calls up Jews in Palestine aged 17-25 to register for military service. December Arab League organizes Arab Liberation Army (ALA), a voluntary force of Arab irregulars under guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawuqji to help Palestinians resist partition.
- Timeline continued below
- China/Russia, WWIII and the Rothschilds
- Zionist have a long history in China Go to China Bo Xilai 'color' revolution
- 1949 Wikipedia History of the Jews in China ... Many of these Jews were of Indian or Iraqi origin, due to British colonialism in these regions, and became the largest dealers in opium. and During the early days of Jewish settlement in Shanghai the trade in opium and Bombay cotton yarn was mainly in Jewish hands. and Dr. Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Republic of China, held admirations for the Jewish people and Zionism, and saw parallels between the persecution of Jews and the domination of China by the Western powers. He stated, "Though their country was destroyed, the Jewish nation has existed to this day... Zionism] is one of the greatest movements of the present time and Jakob Rosenfeld Wikipedia
- 1949: IAmTheWitness On October 1, Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the People's Republic Of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to foment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.
- 1950s FAS By 1953 the Chinese, under the guise of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, had initiated research leading to the development of nuclear weapons. The decision to develop an independent strategic nuclear force was made no later than early 1956 and was to be implemented within the Twelve-Year Science Plan presented in September 1956 to the Eighth Congress of the CCP. The decision to enter into a development program designed to produce nuclear weapons and ballistic missile delivery systems was, in large part, a function of the 1953 technology transfer agreements initiated with the USSR.
- HSBC Bank, Rothschild ... PBC Peoples Bank of China (Central Bank) Zhou_Xiaochuan
- JewishFaces China, Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler] Chen Bidi, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Sidney Rittenberg WPP group and Martin Sorrell, Rewi Alley," the man who organized communes in China before Chinese even knew they were to be ruled by Jewish communists (in the 1920's, well before 1949), Virginius Frank Coe, George Sokolsky, Jewish columnist for Hearst appointed to stop Joseph McCarthy's housecleaning.
- 1949: WorldTruthTV On October 1, 1949 Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the People’s Republic Of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to forment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Wikipedia Soloman Adler Solomon Adler (August 6, 1909 — August 4, 1994) was an economist who worked in the U. S. Treasury Department, serving as Treasury representative in China during World War II. He was identified by Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley as a Soviet intelligence source and resigned from the Treasury Department in 1950. After several years teaching at Cambridge University in England, he returned to China in the 1950s and was a resident there from the 1960s until his death, working as a translator, economic advisor, and possibly with the Central External Liaison Department, a Chinese intelligence agency. Texemarrs men like Israel Epstein Wikipedia and Sidney Shapiro (Wikipedia .. of Jewish ethnicity), who lived in China and had the reins of power over two key areas of Beijing’s Communist Government—the treasury (money) and the media (propaganda). Interestingly, Zionist Jews hold sway over these same two essential instruments of government today in the United States. and see and search Truman, Roosevelt.
- 1968 Vietnam era BobTuskin HSBC The world's dirtiest bank According to Global Finance magazine (BlackListedNews), the UK-headquartered HSBC Holdings is the world’s 3rd largest bank with $2.36 trillion in assets. 2] Formerly known as Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation, HSBC has served as the world’s #1 drug money laundry since its inception as a repository for British Crown opium proceeds accrued during the Chinese Opium Wars. During the Vietnam War HSBC laundered CIA heroin proceeds.
- 1979 PoorRichards In 1979 Li took control of Hutchinson Whampoa, one of the old British companies that had long dominated Hong Kong's economy. Companies of such political importance are not given away casually. In 2000, the Queen awarded Li the title of 'Knight (Commander of the Order) of the British Empire.' Wikipedia Li ka Shing
- 2010 WayneMadsenReport Soros and Rothschild interests in New York helped fund the Chongqing property bubble in 2005. In late 2010, Soros Fund Management established an office in Hong Kong after an initial multi-billion investment in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange-listed Minsheng Bank Ltd. and Longfor Property Group.
- Jonathan Pollard
- 2010 SilverDoctors SilverDoctors has previously reported that the president of the HKMEx Hong Kong Mercantiel Exchange was a previous director of the NYMEX, Albert Helmig. ... We now have conclusive evidence linking the creation (and ownership) of the HKMEx directly to Nathaniel Rothschild of the House of Rothschild! In June of 2010, the En+ Group became a founding member of the HKMEx according to MarketsWiki. The En+ Group is a Russian mining, metals, and energy company founded in 2002 according to the En+ Group website. And the En+ Group Board of Directors, again according to the En+ Group EnPlus: Vladislav Soloviev, Deputy Chairman of the Board 3. Oleg Deripaska, President, director 4. Artem Volynets, Director 5. Andrey Zagorsky, Director 6. Andrey Elinson, Director 7. Victoria Petrova, Director 8. Philippe Mailfait, Independent Director
- 2011 WayneMadsenReport As George Soros and CIA-supported non-governmental organization (NGO) provocateurs and street demonstration planners have been caught trying to destabilize Russia and Egypt, another less public plot to bring about political change on U.S. terms has been uncovered in China... Chongqing's vice mayor and police chief Wang Lijun was caught trying to obtain political asylum in the U.S. consulate general in Chengdu, which is not far from Chonqing. Wang, an ethnic Mongol, is a close confidante of Chongqing Communist Party secretary Bo Xilai. Bo's father was a Communist veteran of Mao Zedong's communist guerrilla campaign that ultimately saw the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. ... Bo was hoping to be elevated to the Chinese Communist Party's nine-member Politburo Standing Committee after seven members, including President Hu Jintao, step down later this year. Bo and Wang were the impetus behind Chongqing's western-style real estate boom and development schemes. However, it now appears that Bo and Wang were much more: they were the vanguard of U.S.-controlled Communist Party leaders from outside of Beijing who were to take the places of some of the seven CCP Politburo members. ...
- Wikipedia Henry Paulson, China "Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has intimate relations with the Chinese elite, dating from his days at Goldman Sachs when he visited the country more than 70 times.
- Rense china war 2008?
- DeepPolitics copy Baron Robert Rothschild - primary founder of the European Economic Union with Paul Henri Spaak, In 1944, at his own request, he came to the Embassy of Chongqing as first secretary, where the headquarters of Chiang's government were located at the time. Here he also met Mao's envoy, Zhou Enlai, whom Rothschild "grew to like." After the Japanese surrendered Rothschild went to Shanghai where he was consul general from 1946 until Chiang's government fell. Then he moved to Washington.
- 1947: IAmTheWitness The British who prior to World War 2 declared that there would be no more immigration of Jews to Palestine in order to protect the Palestinians from their acts of terror against both them and British soldiers, transfer control of Palestine to the United Nations. The United Nations resolve to have Palestine partitioned into two states, one Zionist and one Arab, with Jerusalem to remain as an international zone to be enjoyed by all religious faiths. ... This transfer was scheduled to take place on May 15, 1948. The United Nations had no right to give Arab property to anyone, as indeed even thought the Jews owned 6% of Palestine at that time, resolution 181 granted the Jews 57% of the land leaving the Arabs who at that time had 94% with only 43%. Information collected by the ADL in its spy operations on US citizens is used by the House Select Committee on Unamerican Activities. Subcommittee Chair Clare Hoffman dismisses the ADL’s reports on suspected communists as "hearsay."
- 1948 Wikipedia Stern Gang, Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: Lohamei Herut Israel, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel"), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Group or Stern Gang, was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine. Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. ... Initially called the National Military Organization in Israel, it was the smallest and most radical of Mandatory Palestine's three Zionist paramilitary groups (Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi), and never had more than a few hundred members. Lehi split from the Irgun in 1940 and by 1948 was identified with both religious Zionism (although most members were not Orthodox Jews) and left-wing nationalism (despite most members wanting to remain politically unaligned).
- 1948 Zionism_Israel Israel War of Independence (1948 War). Declaration of Israel as the Jewish State; British leave Palestine; Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian invasion began.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1948 Wikipedia Emma Georgina Rothschild, CMG (born May 16, 1948) is a British economic historian who is currently a Professor of History at Harvard University. She is also serves as the director of the Joint Centre for History and Economics at Harvard University and an honorary Professor of History and Economics at the University of Cambridge. ... She is a member of the Rothschild banking family of England and serves as a trustee of the Rothschild Archive, 1] the international centre in London for research into the history of the Rothschild family.
- 1948 Wikipedia The People's Bank of China (PBC or PBOC) is the central bank of the People's Republic of China with the power to control monetary policy and regulate financial institutions in mainland China.The bank was established on December 1, 1948 based on the consolidation of the Huabei Bank, the Beihai Bank and the Xibei Farmer Bank. The headquarters was first located in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, and then moved to Beijing in 1949.
- 1948 Wikipedia Emma Georgina Rothschild, CMG (born May 16, 1948) is a British economic historian who is currently a Professor of History at Harvard University. She is also serves as the director of the Joint Centre for History and Economics at Harvard University and an honorary Professor of History and Economics at the University of Cambridge. She is a member of the Rothschild banking family of England and serves as a trustee of the Rothschild Archive, the international centre in London for research into the history of the Rothschild family.
- 1948 January PalestineRemembered Palestinian guerrilla leader 'Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni secretly returns to Palestine after ten-year exile to organize resistance to partition. February U.S. delegate to UN says Security Council role should be to keep peace in Palestine, not enforce partition. Syrian delegate suggests appointing committee to explore possible Jewish Agency-Arab Higher Committee agreement. March Transjordanian prime minister Tawfiq Abu al-Huda secretly meets British foreign secretary Bevin. They agree that Transjordanian forces will enter Palestine at end of Mandate but will restrict themselves to area of Arab state outlined in partition Plan. (Click here to read our response to the Zionist claim that seven Arab armies attempt to annihilate the newly emerging "Jewish State") March President Truman secretly receives Chaim Weizman and pledges support for declaration of Jewish state on May 15. March U.S. delegate asks UN Security Council to suspend action on partition plan and to convene General Assembly special session to work on a trusteeship plan. Arabs accept limited trusteeship and truce if Jews also accept. Jewish Agency rejects trusteeship. March President Truman calls for immediate truce and says U.S. will share responsibility for temporary trusteeship.
- 1948 Wikipedia Saul Alinsky and EndrTimes also EndrTimes John McCloy Obama advisors
- 1948 Wikipedia William Ayers In 1969 he co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group 2] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings during the 1960s and 1970s, in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. ... During the 2008 US presidential campaign, a controversy arose over his contacts with then-candidate Barack Obama. He is married to Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather organization. His parents are Mary (née Andrew) and Thomas G. Ayers, who was later Chairman and CEO of Commonwealth Edison(1973 to 1980) ... Ayers became involved in the New Left and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) ... In 1973, new information came to light about FBI operations targeted against Weather Underground and the New Left, all part of a series of covert and often illegal FBI projects called COINTEL. 20] Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against Ayers ... Ayers worked with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley in shaping the city's school reform program, 46] and was one of three co-authors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge grant proposal that in 1995 won $49.2 million over five years for public school reform. 47] In 1997 Chicago awarded him its Citizen of the Year award for his work on the project. 48] Since 1999 he has served on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty, philanthropic foundation established as the Woods Charitable Fund in 1941 ... The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Ayers' contacts with then-candidate Barack Obama, a matter that had been public knowledge in Chicago for years see Diana Oughton and Seven Sisters colleges ... and Chesa Boudin went on to win a Rhodes scholarship.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1948 Wikipedia Thomas G. Ayers was president (1964–1980), CEO and chairman (1973–1980) of Commonwealth Edison. Ayers served as chairman of the Board of Trustees of Northwestern University, the Erikson Institute, the Chicago Community Trust, the Chicago Urban League, the Community Renewal Society, the Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, and VP of the Chicago Board of Education. Ayers also served on the board of directors of Sears, G.D. Searle, Chicago Pacific Corp., Zenith Corp., Northwest Industries, General Dynamics Corp. of St. Louis, First National Bank of Chicago, the Chicago Cubs, and the Tribune Co. see OpEdNews WMR Wikipedia and THOMAS G. AYERS & BARACK OBAMA
- 1948 Wikipedia Cass Canfield
- 1948 HuffingtonPost Frank Marshall Davis (Obama mentor) had published little poetry between 1948 and his final volume, Awakening, and Other Poems in 1978, but there was a revival of interest in his work during the Blacks Arts Movement of the 1960s. His porn book Sex Rebel: Black was published in 1968 by Greenleaf Classics, a busy smut-house which churned out stroke books at a steady pace; and while Sex Rebel: Black might be a 100% died in the wool truthful autobiography, it may also very well be that the pseudonym, Bob Greene, took over Frank Davis Marshall, allowing him -- to lesser extent than Linda Albert writing as JT LeRoy -- to express things otherwise left unsaid.
- 1948 Outing Barry Obama's CT SS# Offers Hint Into Birth Controversy Question: Why does Barack Obama, who was allegedly born in Hawaii, have a social security number that was registered in Connecticut? Answer: Because John J. McCloy lived in Connecticut. McCloy led the secret CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) (go to NFU Obama Home Page) group that engineered Obama's Frankenstein-like birth. McCloy,the enigmatic father of the U.S. intelligence community, together with a small group of friends within the CFR, which included Adlai Stevenson, Nelson Rockefeller and Cass Canfield, Jr. literally designed Barack Obama, Jr.. McCloy worked for the owners of the Federal Reserve. McCloy served in the capacity of legal counsel for both the Rockefeller and the Warburg families. (Both families have close ties to the Rothschild banking family) Barack Obama’s maternal grandmother, Madelyn Payne, was an illegitimate daughter of the Rockefeller family. She was raised by an accountant for Standard Oil. Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's biological father? Obama’s secret biological father, Frank Marshall Davis, was the illegitimate son of Adlai Stevenson’s father, Lewis. Lewis Stevenson, Obama's paternal grandfather? Lewis had cavorted with a black nursing attendant during a stay at health spa in Arkansas City, Kansas. Anna Marshall in 1924, mother of Frank Marshall Davis ... Cass Canfield, Jr., a New York publisher, had connections in Kenya to arrange for a “cover” father, Barack Obama, Sr., for the operation. Canfield had ties to Kenya as he had adopted the illegitimate son of an English royal who was born to wayward young woman, of the Vanderbilt family. Both the royal and the woman were members of Kenya’s Happy Valley set. Canfield learned of the infant as his family and the matron of the Vanderbilts had attended the same church in New York. Adlai Stevenson and Cass Canfield went on a secret mission to Kenya to arrange for a "cover" father for Barack Obama. Though Obama was born in Hawaii, the fact that Obama,Sr. was not his real father, obligated McCloy to secure a social security number for him. He accomplished this in Connecticut where McCloy was a resident. McCloy lived in Cos Cob,a suburb of Stamford. He was next door neighbors with Frederick Warburg, the head of the Warburg family who shared ownership of a bank with the Rockefellers. Remember Chase Manhattan? Frederick Warburg
go to Capcom
- John J. McCloy Wikipedia was a lawyer and banker who served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II, president of the World Bank and U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. He later became a prominent United States presidential advisor, served on the Warren Commission, and was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men." He was a legal counselor to the major German chemical combine I. G. Farben, and was the Assistant Secretary of War from 1941 to 1945, during which he was noted for opposing the nuclear bombing of Japan. From March 1947 to June 1949, McCloy was president of the World Bank. In 1949 he replaced Lucius D. Clay (see Wolheim Memorial IG Farben Building, Rothschild) who was the Military Governor for the U.S. Zone in Germany as the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany and held this position until 1952, during which time he oversaw the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany. At his direction, a campaign of wholesale pardoning and commutation of sentences of Nazi criminals took place, including those (Flick, Krupp, Sandberger, Weizsacker) Following this, he served as chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank from 1953 to 1960, and as chairman of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1965; he was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1946 to 1949, and then again from 1953 to 1958, before he took up the position at Ford. and .... From 1954 to 1970, he was chairman of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations in New York, to be succeeded by David Rockefeller, who had worked closely with him at the Chase Bank. McCloy had a long association with the Rockefeller family, going back to his early Harvard days when he taught the young Rockefeller brothers how to sail. He was also a member of the Draper Committee, formed in 1958 by Eisenhower. He later served as advisor to John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and was the primary negotiator on the Presidential Disarmament Committee. In 1963, he was awarded the prestigious Sylvanus Thayer Award by the United States Military Academy at West Point for his service to the country. ... He was selected by Johnson to serve on the Warren Commission in 1963. he brokered the final consensus — avoiding a minority dissenting report — and the crucial wording of the primary conclusion of the final report. He stated that any possible evidence of a conspiracy was "beyond the reach" of all of America's investigatory agencies — principally the FBI and the CIA — as well as the Commission itself. From 1966 to 1968 he was Honorary Chairman of the Paris-based Atlantic Institute. 13] Originally a partner of the Cravath firm in New York, after the war McCloy became a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. In this capacity he acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalisation movement in Libya—as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers, and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment".
- 1948 Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia). Soon afterwards it was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world." Later that year Wisner established Mockingbird (Wikipedia), a program to influence the domestic American media. Wisner recruited Philip Graham (Washington Post) to run the project within the industry. Graham himself recruited others who had worked for military intelligence during the war. This included James Truitt, Russell Wiggins, Phil Geyelin, John Hayes and Alan Barth. Others like Stewart Alsop, Joseph Alsop and James Reston, were recruited from within the Georgetown Set. According to Deborah Davis (Katharine the Great): "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1948: IAmTheWitness In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognise Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train. ... They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognise it. The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue coloured version of the Rothschild, "Red Hexagram or Sign." ... This angers many Jews who realise this Hexagram was used in the ancient mystery religions as the symbol of, "Moloch," (described as a demon of unwilling sacrifice and is also interestingly the name of the stone owl the elite worship at Bohemian Grove), and, "Astaroth," (described as the Lord Treasurer of Hell). The Hexagram was also used to represent Saturn, which has been identified as the esoteric name for, "Satan." This indicates that anyone killed in the name of Israel is actually a sacrifice to Satan. These dissenting Jews believe the, "Menorah," the oldest Jewish symbol should be used and pointed out that the Hexagram is not even a Jewish symbol, but of course as the Rothschild Zionists use it that is what ends up on the Rothschild, I mean Zionist, I mean Israeli flag. ... In the early hours of April 19, 132 Jewish terrorists from the Irgun gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and the Stern gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, brutally massacre 200 men, women and children as they are sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. ... Following the United Nations transfer of Palestine to an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state on May 15, the Israelis launched a military assault on the Arabs with blaring loudspeakers on their trucks informing the Arabs that if they did not flee immediately, they would be slaughtered. 800,000 Arabs with the recent memory of the Deir Yassin massacre at the forefront of their minds, fled in panic. They asked for help from neighbouring Arab states, but those states did not get involved as they were no match for the Israelis whose up to date military hardware had been supplied by the Jewish Stalinist regime in Russia. Following this assault, the Jews now controlled 78% of the former Palestine as oppose to the 57% that had been given to them illegally by the United Nations. and see
- 1949 Bollyn B'nai B'rith was instrumental in gaining U.S. support for the nascent Zionist state of Israel in the late 1940s. The Jewish secret society of Freemasons used President Harry Truman's friend - and their agent - Eddie Jacobson of Kansas City (standing behind Truman) in off-the-record meetings in the Oval Office to persuade the president to approve the Zionist land grab known as the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan of Palestine and then to recognize the state of Israel the next year following the Zionist ethnic cleansing of nearly 400 Palestinian villages and towns. By applying pressure directly on Truman, B'nai B'rith dictated U.S. policy in spite of strong resistance from the U.S. Department of State. When Truman extended de jure recognition of the Zionist state on January 31, 1949, the only guests invited to the signing ceremony in the Oval Office were members of B'nai B'rith: Eddie Jacobson, the B'nai B'rith executive vice president Maurice Bisgyer, and the secret society's president, Frank Goldman.
- enlarge
- 1949 Bollyn The Mossad, Israel's secret service, has been operating in Yemen since the 1940's. In 1949, the Mossad arranged for the removal of some 49,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel with the approval of Yemen's leader. Michael Chertoff's "Mossadnik" mother, Livia Eisen, played a key role in this secret airlift, code-named Operation Magic Carpet, which involved some 380 flights on British and American aircraft. Today, there are some 360,000 Yemenite Jews living in Israel. and Michael Chertoff was part of prosecution team that helped blow the 1993 World Trade Center investigation ... Patrick Fitzgerald who was Chertoff’s boss on the WTC non-investigation is in Illinois prosecuting political opponents of Rahm Emmanuel
and Barack Obama.
- 1949 MasterMason The Spanish Government includes an item in its budget to spend over $100,000 for the maintenance of a special tribunal to suppress Freemasonry.
- 1949 TakeOurWorldBack US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, Zionism's leading opponent in the Truman administration, is fired by Truman. Within two months he is assassinated, with a clumsy attempt to make it appear as a "suicide".
- 1949: On October 1, Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the People's Republic Of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to forment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.
- 1949 April Zionism_Israel Armistice - Israel and Arab states agree to armistice. Israel gained about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.
- 1949 Wikipedia Phyllis Barbara Lambert (née Bronfman, born 1927) is a Canadian philanthropist and member of the Bronfman family. Born in Montreal, She moved to France in 1949 and married Baron Jean Lambert, a banker and Rothschild cousin, but they divorced in 1954.
- 1949 Texmarrs In the Truman White House also was Harry Hopkins (Wikipedia), a secret Soviet agent who arranged for Stalin and Russia to be given America’s nuclear blueprints and materials. The fledgling nation of Israel was also given atomic bomb materials and plans. see GoldSeek
- 1950 - GripesOnline International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee: "We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."
- Wesman Todd Show krauch
- Cold War with Russia a Rothschild Hoax
- Cold War Hoax, and Eustace Mullins Kaye Summersby
- 1946 Eustace Mullins On March 5, 1946, at Fulton, Churchill made his famous "Iron Curtain" speech. He warned that an "Iron Curtain" had descended upon Europe, the Communist enslavement of the Eastern European countries. He failed to mention that he and Franklin Delano Roosevelt had joined at Yalta to deliver Eastern Europe to Stalin, with Alger Hiss, the originator of the plan, beaming in the background. Not a single journalist, anywhere in the world, mentioned Churchill's overwhelming personal complicity in creating and maintaining the dire situation which he now publicly deplored. ... Although few Americans recognize the name of George Kennan, he ... was the bureaucrat entrusted with the maintenance of the Cold War in Washington ... spent many years travelling in Czarist Russia on "missionary work" for the world Communist movement. He was entrusted with many millions of dollars by Jacob Schiff, known as "A Prince in Israel", who was born in the Rothschild house in Frankfurt, and who, according to his grandson, John Schiff, had spent twenty-two-million dollars of his, personal funds to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. ... George Kennan also worked with Jacob Schiff in financing Japan in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 ... Kennan, .. actually drafted the text of the Marshall Plan. ... It was a permanent guarantee that the captive nations of Eastern Europe, which had been delivered to Stalin by Roosevelt, Churchill and Alger Hiss at Yalta, would never be liberated from Communism.
- 1946 Wikipedia Aeverill Harriman (Nazi financier) served as ambassador to the Soviet Union until January 1946. When he returned to the United States, he worked hard to get George Kennan's Long Telegram ( the United States Treasury asked the U.S. Embassy in Moscow why the Soviets were not supporting the newly-created World Bank and the International Monetary Fund) into wide distribution. Kennan's analysis, which generally lined up with Harriman's, became the cornerstone of Truman's Cold War strategy of containment. constructed a road map for the Cold War, ....see George C. Marshall, James Forrestal The Sun Valley lodge in Idaho was built by Pilgrims Society member Averell Harriman in the 1930s ... often compared with the Bohemian Grove
- 1950 ...Atrueott .. the Soviet Union and world communism was funded into existence by American (Zionist) Jews in New York. This becomes readily apparent by studying such seminal research books as “Dossier – The Secret History of Armand Hammer”, “Target: Patton – The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton” and “The Death of James Forrestal”. Both Forrestal and Patton became completely informed as to the strong connections of Wall Street Jews, London Rothschild bankers, and world communism. They were assassinated because they were eager to whistle blow to the American people. and see
- 1990 Fourwinds10 Rothschild agent, Mikhail Khordorkovsky Russian Jew, gained his fortune along with many other Jewish oligarchs, by exploiting the Yeltsin era’s privatizations. With the backing of Jacob Rothschild, Khordorkovsky started the bank Menatep Banking Group just prior to the fall of communism in 1990. The Menatep Banking Group is associated with the Rothschild-Soros Carlyle Group Here.
- 1991 Soviet coup Wikipedia KGB , Gennady Yanayev, Valentin Pavlov, Vladimir Kryuchkov, Dmitriy Yazov, Boris Pugo, Oleg Baklanov, Vasily Starodubtsev chairman of the USSR Peasant Union, Alexander Tizyakov president of the Association of the State Enterprises and Conglomerates of Industry, Transport, and Communications 14]
- The Real Crime of Khodorkovsky
- 1995 BorisYeltsin Khodorkovsky also privatized the Komsomol property available to him. By then Bank Menatep was a well-developed financial institution by Russian standards and became the first Russian business to issue stock to the public since the Russian Revolution in 1917. The bank grew quickly with a help of Rothschild, winning more and more valuable Government clients such as the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Service...
- 2012 RT Nato US Oil War
- Criminal State Congressman Barney Frank join others circulating a petition to free Israeli Master Spy Jonathan Pollard. A dual-citizen operative, Pollard did more damage to our national security than anyone in U.S. history. When he stole more than one million classified documents and Tel Aviv sold them to Moscow, our “special friend” gutted Cold War defenses on which American taxpayers spent more than $20 Trillion (in 2010 dollars) from 1948-1989.
- 1950: IAmTheWitnessIsrael passes their law of return, guaranteeing every Jew worldwide the right to dwell in the state of Israel, however the Palestinians even though they had lived there for 1300 years, were denied that right. John Davitt, former chief of the Justice Department's internal security section notes that the Israeli intelligence service is the second most active in the United States after the Soviets and of course both Israel and the Soviet Union are run by an Ashkenazi Jewish leadership.
- 1950
- Alfred Hartmann, BCCI, Rothschild Google books and ThereAreNoSunglasses BCCI
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1950 History of the Money Changers Every nation involved in World War II greatly multiplied their debt. Between 1940 and 1950, United States Federal Debt went from 43 billion dollars to 257 billion dollars, a 598% increase. During that same period Japanese debt increased by 1,348%, French debt increased by 583%, and Canadian debt increased by 417%. James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February states, "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." This is when the central bankers got to work on their plan for global government which started with a three step plan to centralize the economic systems of the entire world. These steps were: Central Bank domination of national economies worldwide. Centralized regional economies through super states such as the European Union, and regional trade unions such as NAFTA. Centralize the World Economy through a World Central Bank, a world money, and ending national independence through the abolition of all tariffs by treaties like GATT.
- 1950 Wikipedia The Golden Gimmick refers to a foreign tax credit deal enacted in November 1950 by the US Government under president Harry Truman between King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO), a consortium comprising Standard Oil of California (Socal), Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), Standard Oil of New York (Mobil) and Texaco. King Ibn Saud was being influenced by Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo of Venezuela who cut a similar 50/50 deal with Jersey Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Royal Dutch Shell. (Rothschilds own controlling interest) This 50/50 deal accorded the American oil companies a tax break equivalent to 50% of their profits on oil sales, the other 50% was diverted to King Ibn Saud via the US Treasury. The King agreed to this 50/50 splitting of Aramco's oil profits instead of nationalizing Aramco's oil facilities on Saudi soil. Venezuela eventually led the effort in forming OPEC and Saudi Arabia gained full control of Aramco by 1980.
- 1950 -- AriesComputer Attempted assassination of Truman by Puerto Rican nationalists. Korean War begins. Congress passes McCarran's Internal Security Act setting up program for detention of subversives. Hiss convicted of perjury; Nixon elected to Senate after smear campaign against California opponent. U.S. Army engages in "simulated" germ warfare in San Francisco and the Pentagon. National Council of Churches founded in U.S. CIA organizes the Pacific Corporation, a large holding company which was the first of many CIA "private" enterprises.
- 1950 MasterMason Bernard E. Jones publishes A Freemasons Guide and Compendium.
- 1951: IAmTheWitness On 1 April the Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency the Mossad, which will go on to terrorize the world, is formed. The motto of the Mossad is probably the most disgusting secret service motto in the world, it is, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."
- 1951: CliffordShack 5,000 Afghanistan Jews emigrate mostly to Israel and the United States.
- 1951: CliffordShack Zalmay Khalilzad born.
- 1951 comment:The National Magazine Company. Founded by US tycoon William Randolph Hearst, who died in 1951, The Hearst Corporation is held in a trust for his descendants. It cannot be sold until the death of the last family member who was alive in 1951. It is understood that Hearst is being advised by NM Rothschild, the investment bank. So we see that Popular Mechanics Magazine can be directly connected to both the Carlyle Group and the banking firm of N. M. Rothschild. Is it any wonder that mis-information from these powerhouses is directed at the investigation of the 9-11 cover-up?
- 1951 MasterMason The January issue of the English magazine Theology publishes are article entitled "Should a Christian be a Freemason?" by the Rev Walton Hannah. The article creates a storm within the Anglican Church.
- 1952 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser lead a revolution to overthrow king Farouk. Nasser preached anti-colonialism and played a substantial role in the creation of the PLO. (Palestinian Liberation Organization). note the King was ousted July 23
- 1952 The London Connection (download) Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, Ohio University, the University of North Dakota, the Escuelas des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C. The original book, published under the title Mullins On The Federal Reserve, was commissioned by the poet Ezra Pound in 1948. Ezra Pound was a political prisoner for thirteen and a half years at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (a Federal institution for the insane). His release was accomplished largely through the efforts of Mr. Mullins. The research at the Library of Congress was directed and reviewed daily by George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club in Washington, whom The New York Times on September 28, 1952 called, "A highly regarded reference source in the capitol. Government officials, Congressmen, and reporters went to him for information on any subject."
- 1953-1958- CliffordShack McCloy was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation ... J.D. Rockefeller III set up the Population Council in 1952 which, ever since, has been advocating zero population growth in the US. In 1972 this sentiment was echoed by Lawrence Rockefeller (CFR, Bil, TC) who was appointed by Nixon to lead a commission into population growth.
- 1953 to 1960: CliffordShack McCloy chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank
- 1953 History of the Money Changers President Eisenhower orders an audit of Fort Knox. Fort Knox is found to contain over 700 million ounces of gold, 70% of all the gold in the world. Although Federal Law requires an annual physical audit of Fort Knox's gold, it is under Eisenhower's presidency that the last audit is carried out, for reasons that will soon become clear.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1953 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Operation Ajax (see below)
- 1953 Time Magazine Operating as a one-man subcommittee, Joe McCarthy last week picked up an old scent from the House Committee on Un-American Activities, subpoenaed some new witnesses, and came up with a striking instance of the flabbiness of the Truman Administration's loyalty program. McCarthy's principal quarry was Edward Rothschild, for 20 years a bookbinder in the vast Government Printing Office. Had Rothschild ever been a Communist? The question was highly pertinent because the GPO prints, along with its many dull governmental publications, secret military reports, and advance texts of important documents like Supreme Court decisions and the U.S. budget. Rothschild refused to...
- 1953 MasterMason The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel is consecrated by the GL of S on 20th Oct
Al Rajhi Bank, Rothschild, HSBC, Money Laundering
- 2012 San Francisco Chronicle HSBC Holdings Plc’s head of group compliance, David Bagley, told a Senate hearing he will step down amid claims the bank gave terrorists, drug cartels and criminals access to the U.S. financial system by failing to guard against money laundering.
- Senate Report HSBC money laundering, Al Rahji Bank, terrorist financing and Executive Summary below and Al Rahji terrorist financing connections
- 2006 WMR Dubai -- the emirate has the smoking gun evidence tying the Bush criminal cartel to arms trafficking, Viktor Bout, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda. Internal documents from the UAE Central Bank in Dubai detail huge money laundering operations in the UAE according to financial industry insiders. Moreover, the Sharjah branch of HSBC Holdings PLC was tied to international arms trafficker Victor Bout, indicted in Belgium for money laundering and named in various UN reports as a chief embargo buster in Africa and Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. ... American citizen Iqbal Hakim, a native of India, was the chief examiner for the UAE Central Bank. Hakim, yet another whistleblower who has been ignored and mistreated by the Bush administration and threatened by Bush's Persian Gulf potentate friends, discovered a suspicious $343 million per year money flow through an HSBC personal account in Dubai. The transactions were investigated by the FBI and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement but no prosecutions resulted. ... There are deep-seated ties between the Bush-Cheney criminal cartel, key GOP operatives, and the UAE. Significant questions about the oil industry’s ties to the U.S. military-intelligence complex were raised when Michael Trumpower, the owner of Prescott, Arizona-based company Matco, Inc. filed for bankruptcy shortly after George W. Bush's inauguration. In questionable financial moves similar to those of Enron, Matco traded on a lucrative oil concession it was granted for all offshore exploration off the Emirate of Fujairah for unsecured loans for equipment and services. Fujairah, one of the poorest of the emirates, is led by Sheik Hamad bin Mohammed al Sharqi, one of the more fundamentalist Wahhabi Muslims in the UAE leadership. Al Sharqi patronizes the Fujairah Islamic Call and Guidance Center, which has recruited a number of foreign adherents of Wahhabi Islam. These include Filipinos, British, Americans, Russians, and Sri Lankans. Moreover, all their native countries are targets of Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. In addition, a number of Pakistani nationals who worked at the National Bank of Fujairah were known by international law enforcement to be sympathetic to the Taliban.
- 1953: IAmTheWitness N. M. Rothschild & Sons found the British Newfoundland Corporation Limited to develop 60,000 square miles of land in Newfoundland, Canada, which comprised a power station to harness the power of the Hamilton (later renamed Churchill) Falls. At the time this was the largest construction project ever to be undertaken by a private company.
- 1954 to 1970, CliffordShack McCloy was chairman of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations
- 1954 - GripesOnline Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers, international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis.
- 1954 MasterMason The Rev Walton Hannah publishes the anti-Masonic book Masons by Degrees. Pick & Knight publish The Pocket History of Freemasonry. Freemasons are imprisoned in Spain.
- 1954: IAmTheWitness "The Lavon Affair." Israeli agents recruit Egyptian citizens of Jewish descent to bomb Western targets in Egypt, and plant evidence to frame Arabs, in an apparent attempt to upset American/Egyptian relations. Israeli defense minister, Ashkenazi Jew, Pinhas Lavon is eventually removed from office, though many think real responsibility lay with David Ben-Gurion. A hidden microphone planted by the Israelis is discovered in the Office of the US Ambassador in Tel Aviv.
- 1954 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser is sworn in as the Premier in Egypt. He Declares Egypt independent of Western powers and looks to open relations with the Soviets. Britain withdraws an offer to build the Aswan Dam (which would later create 50% of Egypt's electrical production). Nasser allowed the Soviets to build it and stated his plan to nationalize Egypt's Suez Canal. He pressed for the British to remove their troops. That same year Israel attempted a false flag operation to prevent the British from leaving the Suez and to paint Nasser's party as terrorists. It was known as Operation Susannah better known today as the Lavon Affair since Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon (a fall guy) was forced to resign.
- 1954 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline the Lavon affair. Israeli IDF agents bomb American and British targets in Egypt and try to blame it on the Egyptians. On July 23 one of the bombers Philip Nathanson has his bomb go off prematurely in his pocket lighting him on fire. By searching his house it was discovered that the bombings were a false flag operation. Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon is forced to resign in 1963 six years after the event, however his signature had been forged on a document by Zionist Colonel Benyamin Givli and his spy ring. (Shmuel Azar, Yosef Carmon, Victor Levy, Dr. Moshe Marzouk, Meir Meyuhas, Robert Dassa, Phillip Nathanson, Marcelle Ninio, Avraham Dar and Meir Za'afran)
- 1954 comment: "In 1954 the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company changed its name to British Petroleum and became an international consortium that shared profits with Iran at a 50-50 split. The company was 40% owned by Iran, 40% owned by 5 American companies and 20% owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the French Petroleum Company. No Iranians were allowed on the Board of Directors or to audit the company. The 5 American companies include Exxon (Rockefeller), Gulf Oil (Mellon), Mobil (Rockefeller), Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Texaco (George Bush); all of which were controlled, merged or or owned by parent companies affiliated with the Rockefeller family over time."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1955
- 1955: IAmTheWitness Edmond de Rothschild founds Compagnie Financiere, Paris.
- 1955 MasterMason Dr Mauro Bari (PGM of the Philippines) is opposed by the Roman Catholic Church from holding public office on the grounds that he is a Freemason.
- 1956: IAmTheWitness Telephone taps are found connected to two telephones in the residence of the US military attaché in Tel Aviv. and WhatReallyHappened Amdocs, Inc. the company which sub contracts billing and directory services for phone companies around the world, including 90 percent of American phone companies, is owned by Israeli interests and Amdocs bod: Robert A. Minicucci, Bruce K. Anderson, Adrian Gardner, Eli Gelman, John T. McLennan, Simon Olswang, Zohar Zisapel, Julian A. Brodsky, James S. Kahan, Nehemia Lemelbaum, Richard T.C., Giora Yaron
- 1956 MasterMason The Feb 23rd issue of the Christian Science Monitor- has a long favorable article about Freemasonry. The High Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church petitions the Minister of the Interior to withdraw government recognition of Freemasonry. The Church of Nazarene states that it is opposed to Freemasonry. The Oct 8th issue of Life magazine is devoted almost entirely to Freemasonry.
- 1956 Zionism_Israel Suez Campaign. In retaliation for a series of escalating border raids as well as the closure of the straits of Tiran and Suez canal to Israeli shipping, and to prevent Egyptian use of newly acquired Soviet arms in a war, Israel invades the Sinai peninsula and occupies it for several months, with French and British collaboration.
- 1956 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline With the Israelis being busted in their attempted false flag, and the soviets building the Aswan Dam, Nasser is sworn into become president. Israel invades Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and France and England bomb Egyptian targets. The Suez Canal is shut down. President Eisenhower stepped in to create a cease fire. The British award the southern portion of Egypt the Sudan independence (on paper).
- 1956 November. Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Following Eisenhower's cease fire, UN peace keeping forces patrol the border between Egypt and Israel. They would remain there until May 1967. Following their removal, Israel invaded again that June 5th. Israel claimed Egypt was building amassing troops on their border but lacks the evidence to prove this and Russian Satellite photos show otherwise. If Egypt had made moves it may have been because they recently made a defense pact with Syria (knowing that the UN was leaving) and Israel shot down six Syrian aircraft in a preemptive strike.)
- 1957–1960: CliffordShack The Dauletabad gas field structural feature was detected during geological surveys. Rockefeller's drool over discovery and plan for eventual exploitation of gas fields within 50 year timeline.
- 1957 MasterMason The Grand Lodge of Japan is formed. A court in England rules that Freemasonry is not a religion. The Lutheran Church fails to achieve unity at a meeting due to the opposition of one group of its members to membership of Lodges by members of the Church. Bernard E. Jones publishes The Freemason's Book of the Royal Arch. Paul Nettl publishes Mozart and Masonry.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1957: IAmTheWitness James de Rothschild dies and it is reported (by the Rothschild owned media) that he bequeaths a large sum of money to the state of Israel to pay for the construction of their parliament building, the Knesset. He states that the Knesset should be, "a symbol, in the eyes of all men, of the permanence of the State of Israel." On page 219 of his book, "Tales of the British Aristocracy," L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke’s Peerage, states that the Jews, "have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also." Maurice de Rothschild dies in Paris. 1962: de Rothschild Frères establishes Imétal as an umbrella company for all their mineral mining interests. Frederic Morton publishes his book, The Rothschilds, in which he states, "Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild. Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to, and never do, publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition." This attitude reveals the true aim of the Rothschilds, to eliminate all competition and create their own worldwide monopoly. 1963: On June 4th President John F. Kennedy (the 35th President of the United States 1961 – 1963) signs Executive Order 11110 which returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Rosthchilds owned Federal Reserve. Less than 6 months later on November 22nd , president Kennedy is assassinated by the Rothschilds for the same reason as they assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, he wanted to print American money for the American people, as oppose to for the benefit of a money grabbing war mongering foreign elite. This Executive Order 11110, is rescinded by President Lyndon Baines Johnson (the 36th President of the United States 1963 to 1969) on Air Force One from Dallas to Washington, the same day as President Kennedy was assassinated. ... Another, and probably the primary, reason for Kennedy's assassination is however, the fact that he made it quite clear to Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, that under no circumstances would he agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state. The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on February 5, 1999, in a review of, Avner Cohen's book, "Israel and the Bomb," states the following, "The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program...The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option." Edmond de Rothschild establishes La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild (LCF), in Switzerland as a venture capital house. This later develops into an investment bank and asset management company with many affiliates. He also marries his wife Nadine and they have a son, Benjamin de Rothschild. 1965: Israel illegally obtains enriched uranium from NUMEC (Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation).
- 1957. US Senate Report Money Laundering, Drugs, and Terrorist Financing: HSBC Case History Al Rajhi Bank Founded in 1957, Al Rajhi Bank is one of the largest banks in Saudi Arabia, with over 8,400 employees and assets totaling $59 billion.1076 Headquartered in Riyadh, the bank has over 500 branches, mostly in Saudi Arabia, but also in Malaysia, Kuwait, and Jordan.1077 The bank was founded by four brothers, Sulaiman, Saleh, Abdullah, and Mohamed, of the Al Rajhi family, one of the wealthiest in Saudi Arabia. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
- 1957 GWB Bilderberg meeting. It will be recalled that the Bilderberg Conference is a creation of M16 under the direction of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The idea came from Alastair Buchan, son of Lord Tweedsmuir. Buchan was chairman at the time, and a board member of the RIIA and a member of the Round Table reportedly very close to the British royal family This was the same conference that welcomed Labour Party leader Dennis Healey to its ranks. Others in attendance were Francois Duchene, whose mentor, Jean Monet Duchenes, ran the Trilateral Commission member list
under the tutelage of H. V. Dicks from Tavistock's Columbus Center. Among the governing council of this gigantic propaganda opinion-making apparat is included the following: Frank Kitson, a one time controller of The IRA PROVISIONALS, the man who started the Mau- Mau insurg ency in Kenya. Lazard Freres, represented by Robert Ellsworth. N. M. Rothschild, represented by John Loudon. Paul Nitze, representative of Schroeder Bank. Nitze has played a very prominent and substantial role in mat- ters of Arms Control agreements, which have AL- WAYS been under the direction of the RIIA. C. L. Sulzberger of the New York Times. Stansfield Turner, a former director of the CIA. Peter Calvocoressi, representing Penguin Books. Royal Institute for International Affairs, represented by Andrew Schoenberg. Columnists and Reporters, represented by Flora Lewis, Drew Middleton, Anthony Lewis, Max Frankel. Daniel Ellsberg.
- 1958-1965: CliffordShack McCloy chairman of the Ford Foundation
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1958 Wikipedia Kenji Miyamoto was a Japanese politician who led the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) from 1958 until 1977.
- 1959 comment:"Sun Alliance was itself a product of the merger in 1959 of The Sun, which was founded in 1710, with The Alliance, which was founded in 1824 by Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Moses Montefiore. Sun Alliance went on to acquire London Insurance in 1965 (becoming Sun Alliance & London) and Phoenix Assurance in 1984. The company formally changed its name from Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc to RSA Insurance Group on 20 May 2008 ... "ROYAL & Sun Alliance (RSA) has sold its 21.5% stake in investment bank NM Rothschild for £109m Too late suckers!]" "In 2008, David] Emerson developed MDA guidance systems for 9/11 hijacked planes] joined private equity firm CAI Capital Management a 9/11 hedge fund controlled by the Desmarais Family] as a senior advisor. Emerson's directorships included: Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada" RSA Insurance Group plc .. was formerly also listed on the NYSE: in late 2006 it was delisted from the NYSE due to the sale of all of its United States operations, in a large part due to its refusal to pay its obligation of US$4 billion for the World Trade Center. Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Jewish parents. His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born pediatrician who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine.
9/11 - Barak to Klutznick to Emanuel to Obama via BCCI, Brzezinski, then all to Rothschild
- B'nai Brith
and the assassination of Lincoln more..and ... Milton William Cooper (Wikipedia). Created CAJI News service, and see EIR article The Ugly Truth About the ADL. search terms: Simon Wolf, John Wilkes Booth, Tom Gerard, Roy Bullock ADL spying, more
- The Creation of the first Jewish President, Obama Well not really, there's Truman, Eisenhower, Roosevelt...etc ...Obama is a Chicago B'nai Brith / CIA / Thomas G. Ayers
creation and ... IfAmericansKnew
- 1948 B'nai B'rith enlarge
- more Secretive creation of Israel, Harry Truman. See Rothschild connection to Goldman Sachs / B'nai B'rith / JINSA / Obama and Bettylu Satlzman (daughter of Philip Klutznick (B'nai Brith), shopping center mogul / connection to Obama JewishVirtualLibrary B’nai Moshe, then the B’nai Zion and Christian Trumpets Sounding 3 men Clark Clifford, Benjamin Disraeli, Chaim Weizmann
- 2004 Lester Crown has been the chairman of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a group whose longstanding board members include Michelle Obama and Watch.Pair Michelle Obama’s cousin is Rabbi Capers C. Funnye (Wikipedia), spiritual leader of a mostly black synagogue on Chicago's South Side. Funnye's mother, Verdelle Robinson Funnye (born Verdelle Robinson) and Michelle Obama's paternal grandfather, Frasier Robinson Jr., were brother and sister. More search terms include: Ethiopian Hebrew, Institute of Jewish and Community Research, The Chicago Historical Society, and see New York Times the man who married Funnye’s cousin Michelle. Funnye is the first cousin once removed of Michelle Obama, the wife of 44th United States President Barack Obama. Michelle Obama was a member of the Chicago CFR.
- Manufacturing a President ...Thomas Ayers
, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Lester Crown, Bettylu Saltzman, Goldman Sachs, Philip Klutznick (B'nai Brith), Ford Foundation, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Valerie Jarrett, Vernon Jordan
, CIA .... on and on ... more below.
- 1968 PinchukFund Exhibition "Shoah by Bullets" attended by Baron Eric de Rothschild and see the Shoah Foundation, Board of Councilors: Steven Spielberg Honorary Chair Edgar M. Bronfman Honorary Co-chair Renée Crown Honorary Co-chair Lew Wasserman Honorary Co-chair In Memoriam Wallis Annenberg, Russel Bernard, Gerald Breslauer, Jerome Coben, Stephen Cozen, Susan Crown David Eisman, Phyllis Epstein, Emanuel Gerard, Andrea Gordon, Douglas Greenberg, Eric Greenberg, Yossie Hollander, Robert Katz, William Lauder, Lee Liberman, Skip Paul Bruce Ramer, Harry Robinson, Michael Rutman, Jerry Speyer, Erna Viterbi, Casey Wasserman, Harold Williams. and see the Tonka Report Amos Yadlin (New York Times) traveled to Chicago in an effort to enlist Crown’s help in convincing the administration to attack Iran.
- ChicagoJewishNews, Obama supporters: Abner Mikva, Chicago Congressman, federal judge, WH counsel; Joel Sprayregen, JINSA; Jewish Community Relations Council (supporter); Newton Minnow (Sidley Austin) (hired Obama); Bettylu Satzman, daughter of Philip Klutznick (supporter); Davis, Miner, Barnhill& Galland (Obama worked for them for 10 years); Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, KAM Isaiah Israel Congregation, Hyde Park liberal, (supporter); Lester Crown, James Crown headed Obama's Illinois financial campaign; Alan Solow, attorney. see Bollyn,
- B'nai B'rith is a fraternal Jewish organization, founded in 1843, ... and B'nai B'rith established the Anti-Defamation League in 1913. The ADL chief is Abe Foxman. Marc Rich was a major financial contributor to the ADL. Michael Ledeen is on the JINSA advisory board. NoGW How Jews Took the WH
- Connect David Axelrod to Rothschild
- David Axelrod client Cleveland mayor Michael White...corruption case, Sam Miller, Aaron David Miller (son, U.S. Advisory Council of Israel Policy Forum, is Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, and has been an advisor to six Secretaries of State.) more Rothschild connection.
- Connect Rahm Emanuel to Rothschild via Wasserstein & Perella (Emanuel was managing director of the Chicago office in 1999) to Lazard to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. ... New York Times John Simpson, who ran the Chicago office of the investment banking boutique Wasserstein & Perella, had flown to Washington to meet with Rahm Emanuel at the behest of Mr. Simpson’s boss, Bruce Wasserstein (Wikipedia), a major Democratic donor .... Wasserstein was also the head of Lazard. New York Times ...and the Economist: before he joined Lazard, Bruce Wasserstein talked to Rothschild about buying a stake and running its investment-banking business. But the family did not warm to the forceful American. Lazard's gain and Rothschild's loss?... and New York Times Dealbook ...Mr. Rosenfeld (of Rothschild North America) isn’t the first Lazard alumnus to rejoin the firm in recent years. Shortly after Mr. Jacobs took over as chief executive in 2009 after the death of Bruce Wasserstein (Rahm Emanuel), the investment bank hired Felix Rohatyn as a special adviser. other search terms include: Appellate Court Judges Thomas E. Hoffman and Shelvin Louise Marie Hall. Goldman Sachs / Emanuel.
- Connect Vernon Jordan / Wasserstein / Lazard / Rothschild
- Valerie Jarrett, The Creation of a President
- Jarrett was chairman of the Chicago Stock Exchange and was a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (any entity connected to a Central Bank has the Rothschild name on it. She has been vice chairman of the University of Chicago's board of trustees, chairman of the university's hospital board and a vice chairman of the team preparing the city's bid for the 2016 Olympics—one of the mayor's most cherished initiatives. and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers
- Philip Klutznick
and the creation of Obama
- The ADL established its bank accounts at Sterling National, and, according to IRS records, invested in bank stock. The only other outside investment into which the ADL would ever put its own money would be the American Bank and Trust Company (ABT) more below, David Gravier), another New York City bank which listed ADL National Commissioner and B'nai B'rith International President Philip Klutznick as a director. ABT would go under when shady Mossad financier David Graiver (Wikipedia) made off with all the bank's deposits and then ostensibly died in a mysterious airplane crash over Mexico. JewishVirtualLibrary Chicago Zionism
- Connect Klutznick to Rothschild.University of Chicago Library In 1978, Klutznick initiated a commission headed by Baron Guy de Rothschild to examine the economic implications of Arab-Israeli peace for Israel and the international Jewish community. Another focus of his leadership was Jewish culture, demonstrated in efforts to strengthen and reorganize the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture and Beth Hatefutsoth, the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora. Klutznick's service as WJC President was brief. He took a leave of absence upon his appointment as Secretary of Commerce in 1979, and chose to leave the position to his replacement, Edgar Bronfman, after leaving the government.
- Connect Rothschild to B'nai B'rith via British / American Intelligence Operations
- Wikipedia Burgess and Blunt, Cambridge Five The Cambridge Five was a ring of spies, recruited in part by Russian scout Arnold Deutsch in the United Kingdom, who passed information to the Soviet Union during World War II and at least into the early 1950s. see Philby, Maclean, Burgess, Blunt and Rothschild more
- 1964 Wikipedia Victor Rothschild (3rd Baron) was recruited to work for MI5 during World War II in roles including bomb disposal, disinformation and espionage, winning the George Medal. Because of his association with Burgess and Blunt, he was questioned by Special Branch at the time of Blunt's unmasking in 1964 (though not publicly until 1979 by Margaret Thatcher) and was apparently cleared, subsequently working on projects for the British government more and see Google Books: Philby, The Hidden Years, ...Roger Hollis is himself a Soviet agent, and is backed by the powerful Victor Rothschild. and Google Books Glasgow Herald, James McKillop.
- Wikipedia Irwin Suall was an American socialist and researcher. He was national director of fact-finding for the Anti-Defamation League from 1967 to 1997 in which capacity he directed that organizations undercover intelligence gathering on extremist groups. He was also criticized for expanding the focus of his activities to Black-nationalist, Arab and leftist groups as well as far-right organizations and see EIR Ugly Truth About the ADL In the San Francisco probe alone, police uncovered evidence that the ADL had illegally penetrated 20 different police agencies in California alone, and had also gained access to classified police files in Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, and a half dozen other cities across the country. see Leagle ADL v. SUPERIOR COURT 79 Cal. Rptr.2d 597 (1998) Court of Appeals of California, First District, Division Two. November 16, 1998. see Tom Girard, Roy Bullock more
- EIR Ugly Truth About the ADL Lansky Boland could also emerge as a pivotal figure in a renewed probe of the Jonathan Jay Pollard spy scandal. A graduate school classmate of Pollard's at a special national security studies program at the Fletcher School of Diplomacy, Lansky Boland was placed in a job with the CIA at the same time Pollard went to work for a Naval Intelligence unit Both Pollard and Lansky Boland were proteges of the Fletcher program director, Dr. Uri Ra'anan. Ra'anan was a former Israeli intelligence officer who in the 1960s set up an Israeli spy unit at the national headquarters of B'nai B'rith, the parent organization of the ADL Pollard, nbppnews search Meyer Lansky, Lansky Boland.
- EIR ADL Ugly Truth Not only is the ADL emphatically not a Jewish civil rights lobby; the ADL, and its parent agency, B'nai B'rith, have been, from their inception, arms of the British secret intelligence agencies and secret societies that are sworn enemies of the United States. The B'nai B'rith and the ADL have used their nominal Jewishness to conceal their actual allegiance and agenda. The early history of B'nai B'rith is part of one of the ugliest chapters in the British-led Confederate secessionist insurrection against the Union in the 19th century. search terms: Ku Klux Klan, Medellin Cocaine Cartel... U.S. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant targeted the Order of B'nai B'rith as a Confederate spy agency. Campaigner-Unbound
- Connect Bettylu Saltzman to Obama ..coming soon
- Connect Penny Pritzker to Obama coming soon
- 1988 NAFTA -- Connect Rahm Emanuel (ChicagoMag chief architect of NAFTA) and Robert Rubin (Goldman Sachs SECFilings) via the passage of NAFTA, (, Nafta's politico-commercial nexus is best symbolized by Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, once the co-chairman of the largest underwriter of Mexican financial deals, Goldman Sachs. to (connect to Rothschild)
- In January 1995, one year after the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and immediately after Rubin was sworn in as Secretary of Treasury, Mexico was suffering through a financial crisis that threatened to result in it defaulting on its foreign obligations. President Bill Clinton, with the advice of Secretary Rubin (Goldman Sachs) and Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, provided $20 billion in US loan guarantees to the Mexican government through the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). and see ChicagoMag Emanuel for NAFTA ... notice that Wikipedia never mentions NAFTA on Emanuel's page. Nick Deardon Obama's first appointments included Rahm Emanuel, pro-war and pro-Wall Street; Robert Rubin and James Jones, fierce advocate of the expansion of Nato; and Dennis Blair, formerly a strong supporter of US ties with the barbaric President Suharto of Indonesia. Arlen Specter (Russian Jewish, Spekter) involved in coverup of Kennedy assassination. Bollyn Crown introduced Emanuel to John W. Rowe, the former chief executive of Unicom, who made Emanuel a millionaire in 1999 after he left the Clinton White House, where he had single-handedly pushed the disastrous NAFTA bill through Congress. Steven Nasatir, President, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. Peter R. Orszag worked with Emanuel on NAFTA
- Go to: Connect
- Lester Crown to Rothschild
- Connect Obama to Goldman Sachs Wikipedia Greg Craig is currently a partner in the Washington, DC office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP, one of the largest law firms in the United States. In April, 2010, it was reported that Craig was engaged to advise financial giant Goldman Sachs on litigation strategy before the Securities and Exchange Commission filed its civil suit. Skadden is a long-time lawyer to Goldman. Concern that a recent Obama Administration member would lobby on behalf of such a high-profile object of both regulatory and legislative attention was expressed and deflected. Though there is a two-year Administration ban to avoid revolving door concerns, Craig said "I am a lawyer, not a lobbyist," and legal representation is not covered by the ban.
- SunTimes Antoinette Cook Bush (a Valerie Jarrett cousin who is a partner at Skadden)
- 2008, David Axelrod ran Obama's 2008 Campaign and Rahm Emanuel becomes WH Chief of Staff
- / Bollyn Axelrod and Emanuel began working together to defeat Senator Charles H. Percy (R-Ill.) in 1984 ... Begin wanted Percy removed from his position of power in the U.S. Congress and Klutznick
made it happen.
- Daily Newscaster The conviction of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in 1986 exposed the existence of a ring of U.S. officials spying for Israeli intelligence. Pollard was found guilty of passing secret documents to his Israeli handlers, what caused U.S. Intelligence agencies the most concern was that Pollard new document titles and serial numbers that he did not have the necessary security clearance to access. Only someone with the highest level clearance could have passed this information to mole Pollard. ... Fast forward to May 7th, 1997 when a call was intercepted by the National Security Agency between an Israeli embassy official and the head of Israeli intelligence that revealed the presence of a top-level mole in the U.S. government. The Israeli diplomat was eager to gain access to a specific communication between Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Yasser Arafat. The Israeli diplomat asked the Mossad chief, Danny Yatom to get the information using their high level operative in the U.S. government code named ““Mega,” Yatom scolded the diplomat saying, “This is not something we use Mega for.” ... Rahm Emanuel has the right connections in Washington D. C. and deep personal and family ties to the nation state of Israel. During the Clinton presidency he was a close personal advisor to Bill Clinton holding top secret clearance and able to access virtually any document or secret held by the United States. Is Ramn Emanuel Mega?
- Allianz Global Risk, Offices in Chicago and New York, Rothschild
- Wikipedia Penny Pritzker billionaire and DejanLucic elite fundraisers (Orin Kramer, Penny Pritzker, Alan Solomont, James Rubin
- Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times are both owned by a Chicago Zionist named Samuel Zell.
- Obama CBOT, CME, CBOE?
- Connect Goldman Sachs / JINSA to Obama more below
- James Sprayregen BusinessWeek Mr. James H. M. Sprayregen is the Co-Head of the Restructuring Team at Goldman, Sachs & Co. He was a Restructuring Partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP Wikipedia . Mr. Sprayregen rejoined Kirkland & Ellis in December 2008 and was based in the Chicago and New York offices, ...see also Lord, Bissell & Brook, Rudnick & Wolfe, Bourse Partners II, Park Capital, L.P. Mr. Sprayregen served as a Director of American Bankruptcy Institute ... CampaignMoney Glencoe, IL contributed to Romney for President.
- Joel Sprayregen Joel Sprayregen is a former ACLU staff attorney and National Vice-Chair of the Anti-Defamation League. Connect Joel to Obama via ADL to B'nai Brith to Klutznick
to Bettylu Saltzman. See American Thinker, TruthTellers, Manta Sprayregen, Glencoe, IL JINSA Vice President 123People Relatives: James H Sprayregen, Linda R Sprayregen, Marilyn J. Sprayregen Tracy W Sprayregen, Shefsky Law. Also see Bollyn on Emanuel, Klutznick, Bettylu Saltzman (Wikipedia). .. and DirkEiler on Edmond Safra, BCCI, Marc Rich, Picciotto. AntiOligarch
- Connect Obama to Goldman Sachs ... BigNews ... Back when Obama was a freshman candidate for Senator he was selected to be keynote speaker for the Democratic national convention in 2004. ... It was the launch of his presidential campaign (Obama 2008) and Goldman executives soon gave over $800,000 to jump start the Obama presidential bid along with collecting millions of dollars from their fellow Wall Street firms and clients. Oh yes, Robert Rubin (Wikipedia) became the Obama economic expert, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Billionaire Warren Buffet became his most trusted economic advisor, a man who was to invest $5 billion in Goldman Sachs in the height of the economic meltdown. Yet Buffet was also a personal guest of Lord Rothschild at a private conference at his English estate. and FireDogLake
- Connect Obama to Aon Corp to IISS Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank to Rothschild Patrick Ryan is chairman of the Aon Corporation and a co-chair of Obama’s deep-pocketed presidential inaugural committee ( and ... Aon Special Risks Appoints Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank as a Special Advisor LONDON, 15th March 2004. Aon Special Risks, the market leading Counter-Terrorism, Political Risks and Kidnap and Ransom insurance broker and risk consultant, today announced that Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank would be joining the company as a non-executive special advisor. see Aon media room and IISS Field Marshal The Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank GCB LVO OBE ... is a Director of N M Rothschild & Sons Limited. see IISS
- 2008 Mail Allistaire Darling and ... The 'Better Together' campaign he leads has brought in big-hitting media strategists Blue State Digital, which helped bring US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande to power.
- Marc Rich / Clinton / Emanuel / Amdocs Mega NFU Page and Middle East NFU Wikipedia Glencore Rothschild, Glencore, Wikipedia on Glencore / Rothschild connection via Philipp Brothers see Wikipedia Engelhard, Marc Rich, trader. LaRouchePac Philipp Brothers, Lazard. he oil spot market was created in 1969 by the Lazard/Rothschild-allied Philipp Brothers, then the world's largest metals trader. Philipp Brothers, largely in the person of their top trader Marc Rich, began by selling small quantities of Iranian crude oil to independent refiners. The oil shocks of 1973 and 1979, which were orchestrated by the financier oligarchy under the cover of the OPEC oil embargo and the fall of the Shah in Iran, resulted in a shift in oil pricing away from long-term contracts toward the Rotterdam-based spot market. By "spot" is meant, that one buys the oil at a market only 24-48 hours before one takes physical (spot) delivery, as opposed to buying it 12 or more months in advance. In effect, the spot market inserted a financial middleman into the oilpatch income stream in much the same way that deregulation would later do for electricity. see IPE and NYMEX ... Scooter Libby was Marc Rich's attorney, and Chief of Staff to Dick Cheney.
- Connect Obama to Rothschild via the Pilgrim Society ... Walter Annenberg of the Annenberg Challenge Wikipedia was a member of the Pilgrim Society
- Serendipity Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay.
- 1997 and Mega Group, (Martin Indyk (Wikipedia) Clinton administration mole hunt, search terms: Yatom, Mossad, NSA, Warren Christopher, Arafat, Hebron withdrawal, Mr. X - Pollard's inside controller, Monica Lewinsky, Amdocs, Comverse Infosys, blackmail, EIR and Mega Premel page 1997 Israeli agents place a tap on Monica Lewinsky’s phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and President Bill Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms that Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were being taped and ended the affair. At the same time, the FBI’s hunt for “Mega” is called off. and May 7, 1997 Mega Israeli spy United Jersalem investigation quietly dropped. see Franklin, Rosen, Weissman indictment case not quietly dropped
- Aangirfan Chicago FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent began investigating the Al Qaeda money trail between Chicago and Bin Laden. Their investigation was spiked by FBI headquarters in Washington. FBI agent John P O'Neill got close to the connections between 'Al Qaeda,' the Saudi government, and the CIA and MI6.
- Feb 1997 United Jersalem (conservative) article: "Supposed spies for Israel have included David Tenenbaum, an Orthodox Jew and engineer who worked at the U.S. Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command in Warren Michigan. Tenenbaum was charged with passing sensitive information on the Patriot missile and advanced armor to Israel. (Detroit Free Press, Feb. 20, 1997) More than a year later the case was quietly dropped, with the FBI stating only that "The case is closed. No criminal charges have been filed." United Jersalem (conservative)
- EIR, Amdocs overhauled Whitehouse telephone system, check Insight Magazine, and Mega. and Emanuel, Rahm, WMR: MEGA, entered Chicago synagogues same time as Mossad agents, Ames and Hanssen names leaked to cool trail to Mega, Emanuel knew that Hanssen spied for Russian and Israel at at the same time, Hanssen and Emanuel had a relationship,
- Indymedia New Orleans Marvin Rosen (Mossad) see (NFU Marvin Rosen), chief Obama fundraiser 2002, linked to David Rosen Hillary Clinton fundraiser, and Mel Sembler (Florida), both Rosens fundraisers for Joseph Lieberman (see Michael Eisner), link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel via PROMIS software, Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits, Israel and the Russian Federation. ,
- Jack Abramoff connection? Richard Dennis, Chicago Commodity trader
- Chicago Tribune James Warren, British Intelligence agent, see Bill Frist,
- Emanuel CivicCommittee members, Crown
- 2012 Wikipedia Rahm Emanuel Rahm Israel Emanuel (born November 29, 1959) is an American politician and the 55th and current Mayor of Chicago. He was formerly White House Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama. He served as senior advisor to President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1998 and as a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Illinois's 5th congressional district, from 2003 until his resignation in 2009 to take his position in the Obama Administration. ... During the 1991 Gulf War, Emanuel volunteered with the Israel Defense Forces as a civilian helping to maintain equipment. They are members of the Chicago synagogue Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel, Emanuel is a close friend of fellow Chicagoan David Axelrod, chief strategist for the 2008 Barack Obama presidential campaign. Axelrod signed the ketuba, the Jewish marriage contract, at Emanuel's wedding ... Rabbi Asher Lopatin of Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel Congregation, senior advisor and chief fundraiser for Richard M. Daley ... Emanuel's knowledge of the top donors in the country, and his rapport with "the heavily Jewish donor community" helped Clinton amass a then-unheard-of sum of $72 million, Emanuel became a senior advisor to Clinton at the White House, joined the investment banking firm of Wasserstein Perella, where he worked until 2002, made $16.2 million in his two-and-a-half-years as a banker. At Wasserstein Perella, he worked on eight deals, including the acquisition by Commonwealth Edison of Peco Energy and the purchase by GTCR Golder Rauner of the SecurityLink home security unit from SBC Communications.
- Go to Housing Crisis manufactured by Rothschild Search terms Freddie Mac, Rahm Emanuel, FOIA, Obama, OFHEO, Emanuel "indicated his support of President Bush's position on Iraq. He has aligned himself with the right wing of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Leadership Council. on WH Chief of staff position...Ira Forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, said that the choice indicates that Obama will not listen to the "wrong people" regarding the U.S.–Israel relationship
- He was named in the BCCI criminal bank scandal, in the death of Vince Foster and the stolen Promis software scandal of the Justice Dept, and in the 1996 campaign finance scandal involving allegations of Red Chinese money. NFU page more search terms: Household International, Household Bank, Nugan Hand Bank, William Colby, Chicago Andreuccetti, Mossad, soybean trading, foreign currency dealings, CBT, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange.Rothschild ... and BeyondWeird Colby BCCI, AbundantHope Rothschilds and the Chicago Board of Trade, Marc Rich (Reich) Rense, NFU BushFortune2 Nicholas J. Bua, who was the Special Justice Department Counsel to whitewash Reagan White House complicity in stealing the PROMIS Software in the Inslaw Affair
- Solving 9/11Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod have been working together since 1984 when they teamed up to help Paul Simon defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.). Teamed up with Bettylu Saltzman.
- Former Goldman executives who hold senior positions in the Obama administration include Gary Gensler, the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Mark Patterson, a former Goldman lobbyist who is chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; and Robert Hormats, the undersecretary of state for economic, energy and agricultural affairs. With regard to his personal political views, Blankfein has described himself as "a registered Democrat, and a Rockefeller Republican ... conservative on fiscal issues and more liberal on social issues".
- Gary Gensler, Mary Schapiro, Elena Kagan, Peter Orszag, Jacob Lew,
- Skolnick Marc Rich Secret Accounts
- Percy Sutton (Wikipedia) / Obama / Harvard video connection: Percy Sutton spoke of Dr. Khalid al Mansour, paid Obama's Harvard costs via Prince al Waleed bin Talal, and see
- To begin his meteoric rise toward the White House, money originated from what Clarice Feldman of American Thinker calls the “Gang of Four”— Soros, Peter Lewis, Stephen Bing and Herbert & Marion Sandler. All are Jewish billionaires. and John Rogers Jr. and Creation of First Jewish President / Percy Sutton and see Murdoch, Rupert / Rothschild
- TheOtherMcCain President Obama’s top political strategist to have deep ties to the American Communist Party (CPUSA) and other leftist individuals and organizations. ... as a political reporter for the Hyde Park Herald, which Kengor says brought Axelrod to the attention of Don Rose and David Canter. Both of these men were associated with the Communist Party and other far-left organizations.
- Robert Orszag / Emanuel more, search Iceland, Citigroup, NAFTA, Emanuel,
- Paul Goldstein .. B'nai Brith Britains Weapon Against America
- 1959 - GripesOnline "The Mid-Century Challenge to U.S. Foreign Policy" is published, sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers' Fund. It explains that the U.S. "cannot escape, and indeed should welcome...the task which history has imposed upon us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions - spiritual, economic, political, social."
- 1959 Wikipedia Penny Pritzker 2011 Forbes listed her as the world's 651st richest person, daughter of Sue (Sandel) 7] and Donald N. Pritzker (1932–1972), co-founder of the Hyatt hotel chain, contributed to these campaigns: George W. Bush, Joe Lieberman, Bill Bradley, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. Accused of looting family trusts, Ms. Pritzker and cousins Tom and Nick were sued by cousin Liesel Pritzker and Matthew Pritzker. ... and search terms include: Olympic Village Subcommittee, Chicago, Pritzker, president of Pritzker Realty Group, ...didn't happen. more.. The head of the Chicago 2016 bid committee was Patrick Ryan, chairman of the Aon Corporation and a co-chair of Obama’s deep-pocketed presidential inaugural committee. (Under Ryan’s watch at Aon, the company settled a massive corruption probe with 3 states for $190 million. see . ... media room Aon Special Risks Appoints Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank as a Special Advisor LONDON, 15th March 2004. Aon Special Risks, the market leading Counter-Terrorism, Political Risks and Kidnap and Ransom insurance broker and risk consultant, today announced that Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank would be joining the company as a non-executive special advisor. and Michele Malkin Olympic cronies
- 1959 LouisProyect Elbit Systems. Lester Crown’s father, Henry Crown, first took a “controlling block of stock” in General Dynamics in 1959, and when Henry passed away in 1990 (having retired some years earlier) Lester was already serving as their chairman; although at present the only member of the Crown family serving on General Dynamics board of directors is Lester’s son James S. Crown (who is also a board member of JPMorgan Chase) .
- 1959 MasterMason 21 Freemasons are imprisoned in Spain, without trial, under the 1st March 1940 law. 1960 A further 14 Freemasons are imprisoned in Spain. H.V.B.Booth publishes The Royal Order of Scotland.
- 1959 Wikipedia The Atlantic Institute (full name - Atlantic Institute for International Affairs) is an independent, non-governmental institute which promotes economic, political, and cultural relations among NATO alliance members and the international community in general. Based in Paris, France it was founded in 1961. The institute was approved by the NATO Parliamentarians Conference in June 1959 and opened formally on January 1 of 1961. Former Belgian Prime Minister Paul van Zeeland was the first Chairman of the institute, while Henry Cabot Lodge became Director-General later that year. Headquarters initially were at the Hôtel de Crillon, site of the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Funding was supplied by the Ford Foundation, with a further $800,000 given between 1969 and 1973. In 1978, talks were held to consider a merger between the Atlantic Institute and the Trilateral Commission, member list On July 12, 1984, the offices of the Institute were bombed by the left-wing guerrilla group Action directe,
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- Timeline continued below
- 1960: CliffordShack Ann Dunham's (Obama's mother) pregnancy engineered by Rockefeller clique within Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- 1960s: CliffordShack Enormous oil and gas resources discovered in Turkmen– (Turkmenistan) discovery of 62 trillion cubic feet Dawletabad gas field in 1960s became the largest gas field find in the world outside Russia and Middle East.
- 1960s ConspiracyPlanet The Rothschilds had purportedly paid off a $500 million lien against the Church (Mormon, LDS) from its acquisition of worthless Florida swampland in the 1960s. George Bush Shares Masonic Handshake of "Full Fellowship" with LDS Church President, Thomas Monson. TheMoneyTeachers Deseret Ranch now covers an area 50 by 30 miles (80 by 48 km), with a separate section surrounding Kenansville in Osceola County." Rothschilds got Congress to pass the 1987 Industrial Loan Banking Law and since then Utah has been the key money laundering location for the Rothschilds/Federal Reserve.
- 1960s Obama WMR/NFU Beals' significant report remains relatively obscure to those outside the field of applied anthropology but what it detailed is a critical indictment of the CIA and Defense Department in co-opting young and inexperienced field anthropologists like Dunham Soetoro to conduct "data mining" for CIA and Pentagon covert "counter-insurgency" operations. Dunham Soetoro's receipt of funding from the Ford Foundation is a troubling aspect of President Obama's upbringing. Far from being raised by a leftist "flower child" of the 1960s who for a time reportedly lived on food stamps, young Barack Obama was raised in a family that was never without need or want but benefited from a CIA-funded regime that permitted anthropologists like Dunham Soetoro to collect large tax-free salaries abroad while conducting dubious research for the CIA via foundation-laundered funding.
- 1960 New York Times Morgan County Trust Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York was composed of twelve directors from each of the merged firms: Henry C. Alexander, Chairman of the Board; Dale E. Sharp, President; Stephen D. Bechtel, President, Bechtel Corporation; William C. Bolenius, Executive Vice President, American Telephone and Telegraph Company; Paul C. Cabot, Chairman of the Board, State Street Investment Corporation; Charles S. Cheston; J. Luther Cleveland, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Morgan Guaranty Trust; John L. Collyer, Chairman of the Board, B.F. Goodrich Company; H.P. Davison, Vice Chairman of the Board; Charles D. Dickey, Chairman, Committee on Trust Matters; John T. Dorrance Jr., Assistant to the President, Campbell Soup Company; W. Alton Jones, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Cities Service Company; Devereux C. Josephs, Vice Chairman, Committee on Trust Matters; Thomas S. Lamont, Vice Chairman of the Board; L.F. McCollum, President, Continental Oil Company; Junius S. Morgan; Thomas L. Perkins, Chairman of the Board, American Cyanamid Company; Carrol M. Shanks, President, The Prudential Insurance Company of America; James M. Symes, Chairman of the Board, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Clyde E. Weed, Chairman of the Board, the Anaconda Company; Henry S. Wingate, President, the International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd.; Robert W. Woodruff, Chairman, Finance Committee, The Coca-Cola Company; George S. Young, President, The Columbia Gas System, Inc. (Banks' Directors Approve Merger. New York Times, Feb. 9, 1959; Display Ad 51. New York Times, Jan. 6, 1960 p. 51.)
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1961: CliffordShack Barack Obama, Jr. born to Ann Dunham. Dunham, employed by the Ford Foundation and the Asian Development Bank in Pakistan. Wikipedia To address the problem of poverty in rural villages, she created microcredit programs while working as a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development. Dunham was also employed by the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and she consulted with the Asian Development Bank in Pakistan. Towards the latter part of her life, she worked with Bank Rakyat Indonesia, where she helped apply her research to the largest microfinance program in the world. LewRockwell According to a published report in the September Rock Creek Free Press of Washington, D.C., investigative reporter Wayne Madsen says Obama’s mother Ann Dunham worked “on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation.” The East-West Center had long been affiliated with CIA activities in the Asia-Pacific region, Madsen says. WMR
- 1961: CliffordShack David Rockefeller proposed that the Port Authority build a World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.
- 1961 MasterMason The Grand Lodge of India is formed by the UGL of Em the GL of I, and the GL of S. Harry Carr publishes Mother Kilwinning Lodge. Robert L. Duncan publishes The Reluctant General - a biography of Albert Pike.
- 1961 Wikipedia Atlantic Council is a Washington, D.C. think tank and public policy group whose mission is to "promote constructive U.S. leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the central role of the Atlantic community in meeting the international challenges of the 21st century. Board of Directors Robert Abernethy, Timothy D. Adams, Ralph Bahna, Wesley K. Clark, Paula Dobriansky, Henry Kissinger, Judith Miller, Alexander Mirtchev, James Schlesinger, Walter Slocombe, David A. Wilson, Maciej Witucki, R. James Woolsey, Dov S. Zakheim, Anthony C. Zinni
- go to more
- 1962 LaRouchePub Both Herman and George Brown (Halliburton founders) were important figures in the internationally dominated Houston business world. Herman Brown was a director of the Rothschild-linked First City National Bank (ScionofZion) and pipeline operator Texas Eastern, which he and George founded to buy the "Big Inch" and "Little Inch" pipelines after World War II. George Brown served as chairman of the politically important Rice University for 15 of his 25 years on its board, and served on commissions for Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson, as well as on Texas State commissions from the 1930s through the 1970s.
- 1962 MasterMason Liberty Lodge No 70 formed in Biaritz, France as a travelling Lodge to serve Spanish Freemasons. H.C.Ronins-Landon publishes Mozart and the Masons - new light on the Lodge of Crowned Hope. Harry Carr (editor) publishes Minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel)
- 1962 - GripesOnline "The Future of Federalism" by Nelson Rockefeller claims that current events compellingly demand a "new world order." He says there is: "A fever of nationalism...but the nation-state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks...These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a new world order...Sooner perhaps than we may realize...there will evolve the bases for a federal structure of the free world."
- 1963: CliffordShack Ajami arrived in the United States in the fall of 1963, just before he turned 18. He did some of his undergraduate work at Eastern Oregon College (now Eastern Oregon University) in La Grande, Oregon. He did his graduate work at the University of Washington, where he wrote his thesis on international relations and world government, and earned a PhD.
- 1963 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline JFK tells Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion that Israel will not be allowed Nuclear weapons. Israel builds a nuclear facility in Dimona anyway. Kennedy demands inspections. Israel lies to the US, even going as far as building another phony plant for them to inspect. JFK sees through this. The US pressure contributes to Ben-Gurion's resignation. Levi Eshkol replaces Ben-Gurion and Kennedy goes after him.
- 1963 MushroomGeeks Further it is clear that the Kabaala-ists bankers financed and collaborated with the Nazis, just as they today collaborate with the Sun Myung Moon cult.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1963 MasterMason Knoop, Jones, & Hamer publish Early Masonic Catechisms (2nd ed). H.L.Haywood publishes Masonic Essays.
- 1963 History of the Money Changers President Kennedy issues dollar bills carrying a red seal, and called United States Note. A lot of people believe he was already printing his own debt free money and that is why he was killed, in much the same way as President Lincoln. However, these United States Notes carrying the red seal were merely a reissue of the Greenbacks introduced by President Lincoln. What could have been motive though, is that on June 4, President Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the United States government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. This order gave the Treasury the power to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury. This meant that for every ounce of silver in the United States Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new debt free money into circulation. Kennedy was assassinated November 23,1963. See NFU-Bush Body Count
- 1963 - GripesOnline It is alleged that just ten days prior to his assassination, President John F. Kennedy tells a Columbia University audience: "The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans' freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight."
- 1963 November Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline JFK is assassinated. (see the rys2sense JFK document) in short the CIA and Mossad at the delight of the MIC and Israel, kill the president and later his brother and blame the JFK shooting entirely on a patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. The RFK murder was also a false flag and they framed a Palestinian. search terms: James Fetzer, John Hankey, Richard Hooke, GHWB was coordinating events in Dealy Plaza, LBJ mastermind of operation with the CIA, see Billy Sol Estes, E. Howard Hunt death bed confession, identified Cord Meyer, David Atlee Philips, William Harvey and David Sanchez Morales as in chain of command, Jack Ruby worked for Richard Nixon, Texas oil men such as Clint Murchison, H. L. Hunt provided financing to preserve oil depleation allowance, Madeleine Duncan Brown had affair with Lyndon Baines Johnson, son Steven 1950, CIA and the oil boys would take out Kennedy, Mac Wallace was involved, see Clifton C. Carter, Clint Pioples, Henry Marshall, George Krutilek, Harold Orr, Coleman Wade, Ike Rogers, Josefa Johnson John Kinser, LBJ ordered the killing trhough Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace. Douglas Caddy.
- 1963: CliffordShack Kennedy assassinated. McCloy, legal counsel for The Fed's Rockefeller and Warburg families, implicated in assassination and cover-up.
- 1963 EducateYourself This is the legacy of the Warburgs and the CIA. Their principal agency, the Institute for Policy Studies, was funded by James Paul Warburg; its co-founder was Marcus Raskin, protege of McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation. Bundy had Raskin appointed to the post of President Kennedy's personal representative on the National Security Council, and in 1963 funded Students for Democratic Society, through which the CIA operated the drug culture. see 'phony left' page ... Business International Corporation (Obama attendee) BIC also attempted to infiltrate members of Students for Democratic Society (SDS) at Columbia University in the 1960s by offering them money from Rockefeller family coffers. BIC, which ran Business International Roundtables, was cited in its attempts to infiltrate SDS and other leftist groups. BIC, which helped propel Obama into international affairs and, later, a profession in politics, was a key to the co-option of leftist groups by Rockefeller and other corporate interests. The following video describes how BIC attempted to infiltrate SDS and other leftist groups beginning after 28 minutes. In a book titled "The Strawberry Statement," James Kunen described Business International, as related by an unnamed 1968 SDS conference attendee, as leading an effort to finance SDS demonstrations in Chicago in the late 1960s. BIC is described in the book as "the left wing of the ruling class."
- 1963 Dec 31, CliffordShack December McCloy was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, with Special Distinction, by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
- 1963 Dec VeteransToday On the night of New Year’s Eve, 31 December 1963, at the Driskell Hotel in Austin, TX, Lyndon Johnson and Madeleine Brown, a longtime mistress and the mother of his only son, Steven, had an interesting conversation. Madeleine asked LBJ if he had anything to do with the JFK assassination. Johnson got angry; he began pacing around and waving his arms. Then LBJ told her: it had been Dallas, TX, oil executives and “renegade” intelligence agents who were behind the JFK assassination. LBJ later also told his chief of staff Marvin Watson that the CIA was involved in the murder of John Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson would often stay at the Driskill (in what is Room #254 today) and LBJ is confirmed by his presidential schedule as being present at the Driskill Hotel the night of 31 December 1963.
- 1964 Zionism_Israel PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) founded with the aim of destroying Israel. ThePalestinian National Charter (1968) officially called for liquidation of Israel.
- 1964 MasterMason On 29th Dec, Bishop Mendez Arceo of Mexico, expresses his view at Vatican II that Roman Catholics should make peace with the Freemasons of the World. Harry Carr (editor) publishes Collected Prestonian Lectures. Alec Mellor (a Roman Catholic) publishes Our Separated Brethren - The Freemasons. He later becomes a Freemason and a member of Phoenix Lodge of Research No 30 (GLNF). Discussions were held in England as to whether to modify the ancient penalties of the Craft degrees.
- 1964 Wikipedia Victor Rothschild (3rd Baron) was recruited to work for MI5 during World War II in roles including bomb disposal, disinformation and espionage, winning the George Medal. Because of his association with Burgess and Blunt, he was questioned by Special Branch at the time of Blunt's unmasking in 1964 (though not publicly until 1979 by Margaret Thatcher) and was apparently cleared, subsequently working on projects for the British government. Rumours continued to circulate, and Rothschild himself took the step of publishing a letter in British newspapers on 3 December 1986 to state "... I am not, and never have been, a Soviet agent." Roland Perry's 1994 book The Fifth Man (London: Pan Books, 1994) repeated the charges without firm authority, and there remains no evidence to suggest that Rothschild spied for the Soviet Union. 6] Wikipedia Burgess and Blunt, Cambridge Five The Cambridge Five was a ring of spies, recruited in part by Russian scout Arnold Deutsch in the United Kingdom, who passed information to the Soviet Union during World War II and at least into the early 1950s. Four members of the ring have been identified: Kim Philby (cryptonym: Stanley), Donald Duart Maclean (cryptonym: Homer), Guy Burgess (cryptonym: Hicks) and Anthony Blunt (cryptonym: Johnson); jointly they are known as the Cambridge Four. Both Blunt and Burgess were members of the Apostles, an exclusive and prestigious society based at Trinity and King's Colleges. John Cairncross, long suspected of having been the 'Fifth Man', and formally identified as a Soviet agent in 1990, was also an Apostle. Other Apostles accused of having spied for the Soviets include Michael Whitney Straight, Victor Rothschild, research fellow Lewis Daly and Guy Liddell and see TribWatch Apostles / Rothschild and Indeed, preoccupation with the lost 10 tribes of Israel was on in the days of the Drummond cult. For example, some of the Irvingites had private words with certain men who were of the Mormon opinion that the native North-American Indians were the lost tribes. Understand that the Mormons were affiliated with Freemasons and that Freemasons were affiliated with Rosicrucians and/or Rothschild Illuminatists. But, now, see here: akin to the Mormons proclaiming a New Jerusalem in the United States, John Dowie--the "ghost" of Edward Irving--built from scratch his own Illinois city, called "Zion." The city included a huge, 8,000-seat auditorium. Its seal had a cross and a crown, clearly Freemason imagery used also by the likes of Charles Russell. fwselijah see also Richard Tomlinson (Wikipedia) search term: "The Increment", SAS, SBS, "Secret Intelligence Service" CRW, SAST
- NATO / al Qaeda / Zionist / Saudi / Rothschild Cabal
- 1988 Eustace Mullins It is no accident that Brussels is the headquarters of NATO, which actually rules Europe in the name of the World Order, or that the head of NATO Wikipedia is Lord Carrington Wikipedia, a Rothschild relative, and partner of Henry Kissinger Wikipedia in the notorious international operation known as "Kiss Ass", an irreverent Wall Street title for the firm of Kissinger Associates, wheelers and dealers for the World Order. Nor is it an accident that in the current White House crisis, as Reagan stands convicted in the eyes of the world as an international conspirator caught with his hands in the till with his Israeli co-conspirators, who had to be hastily summoned to "take over" the situation ? None other than Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft Wikipedia, a partner in Kissinger Associates ! Scowcroft is also a trustee of the Rand Corp Wikipedia ., Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies Wikipedia, Council on Foreign Relations, and the US Air Force University; Lord Carrington has very close ties with the British royal Family, and is a director of continued on page Rio Tinto, one of the three firms on which the Rothschild fortune is based
- go to more
- Springmeier Lord Carrington is another Illuminati kingpin that Slobodan Milosevic dealt with. He was the European Union’s chief negotiator for the Balkans during the early 1990’s. Lord Peter Rupert Carrington has been prominent in NATO (Sec. General) and the head of the Bilderbergers. His co-worker Lt. Gen. Michael Rose was caught red-handed in preventing NATO air strikes from being launched to stop Serbian campaigns of genocide, and also in encouraging fighting between the Bosnians and Croats.
- Biblioteca Plaeyades NATO was a creation of the Brotherhood and is designed to evolve by stealth into a world army by encompassing more and more countries and by manipulating ‘problems’ which give it the opportunities to operate outside its designated area. The last five Secretary-generals of NATO alone have all been Bilderbergers, Joseph Luns, Lord Carrington, Manfred Woener, Willy Claes, and Javier Solana.
- PhilipCoppens Over the course of 1998 and early 1999, as the scandal (Clinton / Lewinsky) ) dominated American politics, Clinton seemed to take inspiration from the movie (Wag the Dog) and engaged US forces in three military campaigns. There was Operation Desert Fox, a three-day bombing campaign in Iraq, which took place at the time when the House of Representatives debated articles of impeachment against Clinton. There was Operation Infinite Reach, a pair of missile strikes against suspected terrorist targets in Sudan and Afghanistan, just three days after Clinton admitted in a nationally televised address that he had indeed had an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky. Thirdly, Operation Allied Force, a months-long NATO bombing campaign against Serbia that began just weeks after Clinton was acquitted in his Senate impeachment trial. No wonder that critics charged that these operations were an attempt to distract public attention away from the Lewinsky scandal; Serb state television went so far as to broadcast Wag the Dog in the midst of the NATO attacks on Serbia. or can you also surmise that the Lewinsky affair was raised to disguise the NATO actions?
- PoweredByChrist Lord Carrington is one of the key people running Hollinger, Inc. (Wikipedia) which is financed largely by Rothschild and Li money, and owns the Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun, and hundreds of other daily or weekend mainstream establishment newspapers. Sir Henry Kissinger also helps run Hollinger, Inc., which originally began as a British company procuring weapons from the United States during W.W. II. Lord Carrington and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Rupert Nicholas Hambro have ran The Telegraph, PLC, which has ties to the Bank of England and the British Royal Family. Hollinger, Inc. owns The Telegraph, PLC. Conrad Black Wikipedia
- David Abshire, U.S Ambassador to NATO 1983-87, Bronfman / Jordan nndb United Negro College Fund,
- 1966 Wikipedia Republic National Bank of New York is founded by Edmond Safra. Safra had previously opened the Trade Development Bank (and sold eventually) in Geneva, Switzerland, which acquired a 36% stake in Republic. see also Republic New York Corp, Republic National Bank, Kings Lafayette Bank, American Swiss Credit, Republic Factors Corp, Miami, LA, Safra Holdings, Bank Leumi of Canada, Citibank, London Gold Fixing, 1999 HSBC acquires Republic, 2001 pleads guilty to fraud (Japan) See Reference for Business History
- Wikipedia SAS Special Air Service, Special Air Service or SAS is a corps of the British Army constituted on 31 May 1950. 5] They are part of the United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF) and have served as a model for the special forcesof many other countries all over the world. The SAS together with the Special Boat Service(SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), Special Forces Support Group (SFSG), 18 (UKSF) Signal Regiment and the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing form the UKSF under the command of the Director Special Forces.
- Libya Against Super Power Media The Assassination of Minister of Defense, planned by Clinton! According to IRIB, “Islamic Times”, quoted by Farsnews, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew about the terrorist operation, which targeted the security complex in Damascus. On tour last week in the region, Clinton tried to coordinate the operation and the countries that are involved, namely, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey. The head of diplomacy even oversaw the content of the debates that took place in the context of multiple security meetings of the above countries, before the terrorist attack. No wonder, therefore, if the Israeli authorities claimed, following their meeting with Clinton, the Assad regime’s days are numbered.(****SO ARE HER’S) Three days before the attack, Israel has even made the decision to deploy troops along the borders with Syria. As for Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the new head of the intelligence services, Prince Bandar bin Soltan and Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassem had assissté, while two preparatory meetings in the presence of intelligence agents. Last week, the press had reported a secret meeting between Hamad bin Jassem and a senior Israeli security. The Prime Minister had then asked the caller, to leverage all possible means, to overthrow Assad
- Libya Against Super Power Media On Sunday, 30 January 2012 the Chairman of Hamas Polit-Bureau Khaled Mashal met with His Excellency King Abdullah II of Jordan, and His Excellency the Crown Prince of Qatar, Sheik Tamim, at the Royal Palace in Amman. Present were also high ranking members of the Muslim Brotherhood. With Gulf States, and most significantly Qatar continuing to conspire against Syria, meeting in Turkey, with a war on Syria being systematically manufactured (30) Hamas has become a NATO / Zionist tool, that is lending itself willingly to be abused for bringing about NATO´s, Israel´s and Obama´s “Endlösung” of the Palestinian Problem. The saddest of it all is, that it will not be a Palestinian Solution. It will not even be a Palestinian Solution within the context of a comprehensive solution for the Middle East. It will be a final solution of the “Palestinian Problem” within the context of a long planned war on Syria and Iran, and a new colonization of the Middle east by NATO and Israel. DirkEiler Safra, BCCI, Rich, Picciotto
- Enochored
- NewsFromSyria WMR WMR reported, “Our Lebanese sources as well as the Lebanese daily newspaper Aldiyar now report that a NATO base is to be built soon on the grounds of the largely abandoned airbase at Klieaat (Qlei-at) in northern Lebanon. The base will serve as the headquarters of a NATO rapid deployment force, helicopter squadrons, and Special Forces units although the cover story prepared by the Lebanese and US governments is that the base will provide training for the Lebanese army and security forces. The base was pushed by elements in the office of the US Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Bush administration had recently warned Lebanon about the presence of “Al Qaeda” teams in northern Lebanon.” more search terms include: Fath al-Islam, Nahr al-Bared refugee camp, Tripoli, Phalangist forces to act as a counterweight to Hezbollah,
- 1965
- 1965 MasterMason The BBC presented a program entitled Freemasonry - The Open Secret purporting to be an expose of Freemasonry.
- 1965 Cannonfire To protect American business interests, the CIA engineered a coup in Indonesia in the 1965-67 period, which led to one of the most appalling episodes of mass murder in history. Over 500,000 people died in the resultant bloodbath, which ended with the installation of a CIA puppet named Suharto. Lolo Sotero, Barack Obama's stepfather, was the key liaison between Mobil/Stanvac and the Suharto regime. search terms include: American Mobil, Rockefeller, Caltex, Sukarno
- 1967 Zionism_Israel Six day war - Israel destroys the Egyptian air force on the ground, conquers and occupies Sinai and Gaza, then conquers the West Bank from Jordan, and Golan Heights from Syria.UN resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal, establishment of peace.
- 1967 The Five Arrows Group was formed to undertake international investment banking business, consisting of NMR de Rothschild Frères and Pierson, Heldring, Pierson
- 1967 MasterMasonThe UGL of E celebrated its 250th anniversary, and publishes Grand Lodge:1717-1967.
- 1967 Global Research CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York. Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. 3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1967: IAmTheWitness The treatment of the Palestinians by the Zionist Jews, finally ignites enough anger in the Arab world for Egypt, Jordan and Syria to mobilise on Israel's borders. All of these three countries are suddenly attacked by Israel and as a result the Sinai which included Gaza was stolen from Egypt, and the West Bank and the Jordan River stolen from Jordan. ... As a result of this, on June 8, the Israelis launch an attack on the USS Liberty with Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats, in an effort to blame it on Egypt, to bring America into the war on their side, and of course follow to the letter, their Mossad motto, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War." ... As a result of their attack, 34 American servicemen were killed and 174 wounded. Israel lies as usual, claiming it mistook this warship that was flying a large United States flag, for an ancient out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir, that was 180 feet shorter. They also claim the ship was in the war zone, when it was actually in international waters, far from any fighting. The Israeli's attack on this warship lasts for 75 minutes during which time they shoot up one of the United States flags, resulting in the sailors desperately raising another one. ... In the aftermath of this attack, the American sailors who survived are warned by the United States military not to discuss the matter with anyone due to, "national security." This story gets no prominence in the Rothschild controlled mainstream media and as usual Israel is in no way even rebuked for their crimes by their subservient country of America. ... The following day, June 9th, Israel illegally occupies the Golan Heights which it seizes from Syria. This area goes on to provide Israel with one third of its fresh water. ... Israeli General Matityahu Peled, is quoted in Ha'aretz (19 March 1972) with the following statement, "The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." Another sickening and deceptive statement but again at least he's consistent with the Mossad motto, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War." de Rothschild Frères is renamed Banque Rothschild. 1968: Noémie Halphen, wife of Maurice de Rothschild dies.
- 1967 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline The Six Day War. Israel preemptively attacks Egypt, (days after the UN forces were removed) bombing airports with the claim that Egyptian forces were building up on the Israeli border. An intelligence ship in the area the American USS Liberty could have proven otherwise, but it was bombed by Israel. Israel steals the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. John McCain's father took part in the cover up of the USS Liberty bombing. ... The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked Israeli planes for three hours but they failed to sink it. Survivors have their lives threatened if they even talk about it. First Israel blames the attack on Egypt. Then they are forced to retract and say that they mistakenly attacked a US ship for three hours with unmarked planes thinking it was an Egyptian ship. This is the second time Israel attacked the US and tried to blame it on Egypt. During this false flag attempt Egypt was nearly nuked by the United States.
- 1967 ScionofZion the ten member banks of the Federal Reserve: Rothschild Bank of London Warburg Bank of Hamburg Rothschild Bank of Berlin Lehman Brothers of New York* Lazard Brothers of Paris Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York* Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy Goldman, Sachs of New York Warburg Bank of Amsterdam Chase Manhattan Bank of New York and see Modern History Project the seven men.
- 1967 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline With LBJ was president, UN peace Keeping forces are removed from the Egyptian border with Israel.
- 1967 History of the Money Changers Congressman Wright Patman, then the Chairman Of The House Banking And Currency Committee, stated in Congress, "In the United States today, we have in effect two governments...We have the duly constituted government...Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1967. IAmTheWitness The ADL is caught operating a massive spying operation on critics of Israel, Arab-Americans, the San Francisco Labor Council, ILWU Local 10, Oakland Educational Association, NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian Treaty Council, the Asian Law Caucus and the San Francisco Police. Data collected was sent to Israel and in some cases to South Africa. Pressure from Jewish organizations forces the city to drop the criminal case, but the ADL settles a civil lawsuit for an undisclosed sum of cash.
- 1968: CliffordShack The Dauletabad arch was confirmed by seismic surveys. 1972–1974: Exploratory wells confirmed existence of natural gas reserves.
- 1968 Brianiaradio 1968 Minnesota Trial Court's decision holding the Federal Reserve Act unconstitutional and void and holding the National Banking Act unconstitutional and void was never appealed or vacated?
- 1968 Wikipedia Troyspace “In 1968, Evelyn de Rothschild was appointed a director of Paris-based de Rothschild Frères while Guy de Rothschild from the French branch of the family became a partner at N M Rothschild & Sons. In 1976 he took over as bank chairman from Victor Rothschild and in 1982 became chairman of Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG, the coordinating company for the merchant banking group. He became co-chairman of Rothschild Bank A.G., Zurich in 1994, serving until 2003 when he oversaw the merger of the family’s French and UK houses. David René de Rothschild of the French branch took over as executive chairman of Rothschild International after the different branches had been merged and Sir Evelyn continued as non-executive chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons. In 2003, he founded with his wife, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a holding company, E.L. Rothschild, to manage their investments in The Economist and various enterprises in India.
- 1968 Wikipedia Philip Morris Klutznick (July 9, 1907 – August 14, 1999) was a U.S. administrator who served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce from January 9, 1980 to January 19, 1981 under President Jimmy Carter. Klutznick and his company American Community Builders (ACB) went on to work in partnership with Marshall Field's department stores, building major shopping malls in the Chicago suburbs, ... longtime associates Ferd Kramer, Jerrold Loebl, Norman Cohn and Lester Crown. Klutznick was also a major leader of the American Jewish community. ... he was the president of B'nai B'rith International and briefly also president of the World Jewish Congress. and family company, Truman, Eisenhower, The B’nai B’rith Philip and Ethel Klutznick Exhibit Hall is established in Washington. Known today as the Klutznick National Jewish Museum Klutznick and Crown are friends
1968 PinchukFund Exhibition "Shoah by Bullets" attended by Baron Eric de Rothschild and see the Board of Councilors: BOARD OF COUNCILORS Steven Spielberg Honorary Chair Edgar M. Bronfman Honorary Co-chair Renée Crown Honorary Co-chair Lew Wasserman Honorary Co-chair In Memoriam Wallis Annenberg Russel Bernard Gerald Breslauer Jerome Coben Stephen Cozen Susan Crown David Eisman Phyllis Epstein Emanuel Gerard Andrea Gordon Douglas Greenberg Eric Greenberg Yossie Hollander Robert Katz William Lauder Lee Liberman Skip Paul Bruce Ramer Harry Robinson Michael Rutman Jerry Speyer Erna Viterbi Casey Wasserman Harold Williams.
- 1968 Wikipedia Lester Crown (family birth name Henry Krinsky) Lester Crown (born June 7, 1925) is the son of Chicago financier Henry Crown (died 1990), who created Material Service with two brothers in 1919, which merged with General Dynamics in 1959. 2] He has been a perennial member of the Forbes 400 list since 1982. Lester controls family holdings, including large stakes in Maytag, Hilton Hotels, Alltel, Aspen Skiing Company, New York's Rockefeller Center, and pro basketball's Chicago Bulls. He also holds a stake in the New York Yankees, being a Partner since 1973. Presumably, the large stake held in Bank One at the time of the 2003 Forbes 400 listing has converted to JPMorgan Chase stock and was derived from an interest in First Chicago Bank, which was enumerated in the 1998 Forbes 400 list as First Chicago NBD shares. Recent achievements include brokering a controversial agreement to expand O'Hare International Airport, and spearheading the funding of the new Cook County Hospital (Stroger Hospital). He is a major benefactor of Jewish charities, universities and the Aspen Institute. He is the chairman of the Commercial Club of Chicago and Chicago Council on Global Affairs. His current hometown is Wilmette, Illinois.
- 1968 Wikipedia Henry Crown & Company, General Dynamics
- 1968 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline RFK is murdered. Press blames a Palestinian man for the murder. A man who can not even remember the days events. However in in March of 2008 two Scientists independently uncover a second shooter and match the gun used to one of Kennedy's security guards through acoustic analysis from an unknown recording of the shots fired. 13 shots fired and the said shooter had a gun with only 8 bullets maximum. Also RFK was shot from behind and his accused assassin was in front of him. The Palestinian may have been just a patsy. (who would desire such a thing?) The UN unanimously passes the UN resolution 242 requiring Israel to return the occupied territories taken by force during the war Israel started. Israel ignores this. All prior to Yom Kippur
- 1968 - GripesOnline Nelson Rockefeller pledges that "as President, he would work toward international creation of a new world order."
- 1968 - Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Operation Shock - Sabotage of power plant and Nile bridges in Egypt 1968 - Operation Gift - Sabotage of 14 Arab airliners in Beirut International Airport, Lebanon 1969 - Operations Orchard 22, Orchard 37 - Assaults on high voltage wires and a control antenna in Egypt 1969 - Operation Bulmus 6 - Assault on fortified Green Island, Egypt 1969 - Operation Rooster 53 - Seizing an entire Egyptian radar installation
- 1968 MasterMason Bro Harry Carr meets with Cardinal Heenan in London on 8th March to discuss the relationship of Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church. As a result of these discussions, the anti-Masonic tracts sold in Roman Catholic churches in London are removed from the stacks.
- 1968 The Club of Rome which began in 1968 and in 1991 their chairman said that they would be using the idea of global warming in order to further their agenda of an one world government
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1969 History of the Money Changers Congress approves laws authorizing the Federal Reserve to accept the IMF's, "SDR's," as reserves in the United States and to issue Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for SDR's.
- 1969 MasterMasonThe Masonic Book Club is formed in Bloomington, Ill, USA and publishes its first book in 1970 - a facsimile of the Regius Poem. A Pocket History of Freemasonry by Pick, Knight, & Smith is published
- 1970
- 1970s VHO Jewish cemetery desecration incidents (false flag anti-Semitism)-- highlighted in newspapers and magazines around the world -- served to discredit the West German Federal Republic, and to bolster the "progressive" and "anti-fascist" image of the East Berlin regime. Stasi agents continued their work into the 1970s and 1980s, Bonn government officials confirmed in 1991, infiltrating West German "neo-Nazi" groups and staging "right wing attacks." The head of the "Federal Office for Constitutional Protection," Eckert Werthebach, confirmed in April 1991 that East Berlin agents had helped organize "neo-Nazi" activities during the 1960s and 1970s. Several neo-Nazi activists, he confirmed, had actually been Stasi agents. This was a "perverse connection," he said, "but when it involved destabilizing the Federal Republic, any means were valid for the Stasi ."
- 1970s TheForbiddenKnowledge Vancouver, B.C., San Francisco, New York, London, Manchester, and Amsterdam (not to mention Macao and Hong Kong) are some of the big bases of Triad Operation. Money is made by extortion, gambling, prostitution, drugs, or any other way to make a profit. The Triads have worked with the CIA in creating the drug network. The creation of the Golden Triangle as a source for drugs was a joint CIA-Triad operation. The Chinese communists couldn’t pass up the opportunity to debauch America. The Red Chinese government has secretly worked with the Triads in supplying heroin and opium knowing that these drugs were going to U.S. military bases. U.S. garrisons In Germany were supplied high grade drugs that came through the Triads, either grown under Triad supervision or in places like Red China. One of the kingpins in this drug trade was Lumpy Ho, whose business fronts were known as the Dutch Connection. and Xithous369 Triads, Freemasons, Rothschild
- 1970s YellowBrickRoad The Quantum Group of Funds are privately owned hedge funds based in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) and Cayman Islands. They are currently advised by George Soros through his company Soros Fund Management. Soros started the fund in the early 1970s along with Jim Rogers.
- 1970 LaRouchePub pdf Middle East Oil Crisis
- 1970s PROMIS was first developed by Inslaw during the 1970s under contracts and grants from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Nicholas J. Bua (Wikipedia), who was the Special Justice Department Counsel to whitewash Reagan White House complicty in stealing the PROMIS Software in the Inslaw Affair
- 1970 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Nasser dies and his vice president Anwar Sadat becomes president. Sadat enjoys support from the Muslim Brotherhood. MB was first supported by the West as a force against the "atheist" Soviets but that just became blowback and created a large force of Anti-Western nationalists.
- 1970s 911Blogger The British parent company, AMEC, provides “engineering and project management services to the world’s energy, power and process industries.” 18] It is a major international player in the oil and gas industry, as well as in other natural resource industries. AMEC had a significant presence in Saudi Arabia dating back to the late 1970s, providing support to the national oil company Saudi Aramco, which is by far the richest company in the world. 19] Executives and board members at AMEC included former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg.
- 1970 Unhypnotize Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild was very influential within the UK security services. (aangirfan: MI5 and MI6 .) Edward Heath in 1970 made Rothschild the head of the government's Central Policy Review Staff. Unhypnotize Israeli connection to London Tube bombs. Search ICTS
- 1970 History Commons An FBI wiretap at the Israeli Embassy in Washington picks up Richard Perle, an aide to Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA—see Early 1970s), discussing classified information with an Israeli official. This is the second time Perle has been involved in providing classified information to Israel (see Late 1969). This data was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, 5/1982; AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE, 3/24/2003; COUNTERPUNCH, 2/28/2004]
- 1970 - AriesComputer Zbigniew Brzezinski who later became President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor] writes a book entitled "Between Two Ages." He has nothing but praise for Marxism: "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision...Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief...Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of communism, represents a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to the world." He also describes how war can be waged against a nation without its citizens even realizing they are under attack: "Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly...techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation's capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1970: IAmTheWitness While working for Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Ashkenazi Jew, Richard Perle is caught by the FBI giving classified information to Israel. Nothing is done.
Thomas Ayers, Godfather of Chicago Politics, Obama
- Thomas G. Ayers Wikipedia , father of William Ayers, was the godfather of Chicago politics and funded the creation of Barack Obama, the President on board of directors of General Dynamics, First National Bank of Chicago and the Chicago Tribune. See below how these are connected to Lester Crown (Henry Crown), Valerie Jarrett, and William Ayers.
- Tea Party It is known that Obama launched his political career at a 1995 fundraiser at (William) Ayers’ Chicago apartment and that the two served alongside each other from 1995 to 2000 on a $100 million education foundation, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC. According to documentary evidence, it was (William) Ayers who helped hire Obama at the CAC. ... Also, Obama and Ayers served as paid directors of the Woods Fund, a nonprofit that channeled money to leftist causes. (Saul Alinsky brought William Ayers and Obama together in 1988). ... Ayers started attending the ABCs Coalition’s (Alliance for Better Schools Coalition) monthly meetings, held ... in a conference room on the 57th floor of Chicago’s First National Bank downtown headquarters. Thomas Ayers (father) was on the board of First National Bank of Chicago see Wikipedia )
- reference: (Watch.Pair), OpEdNews / WMR, AyersCCI College of Commerce & Industry, OpEdNews Obama betrayal.
- StuartBramhall privatization champion Arne Duncan, McGeorge Bundy, Webster Tarpley. Little Tboca, Axelrod, SteadyDrip Commercial Club of Chicago,
- Thomas Ayers, on the board of the Chicago Tribune, Valerie Jarrett's husband (Dr. William Robert Jarrett) worked for the Tribune, see Wikipedia In 1983 Jarrett married Dr. William Robert Jarrett, son of famed Chicago Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett
- Watch.Pair Thomas G. Ayers, arranged for Obama’s first job at the prestigious Jewish law firm of Sidley & Austin, where Michelle Robinson also worked. ... it was in that 86-88 time frame that Obama likely met up with the Ayers family ... Obama returned in the summer of 1989 to work as a summer associate at the prestigious Chicago law firm of Sidley & Austin ... Sidley had been long time outside counsel to Commonwealth Edison. The senior Sidley partner who was Comm Ed’s key outside counsel, Howard Trienens, was a member of the board of trustees of Northwestern alongside Tom Ayers (and Sidley partner Newton Minow, too). It turns out, Bernadine Dohrn worked at Sidley also.
- Thomas Ayers, on the board of General Dynamics, The Henry Crown family owns General Dynamics. Lester Crown’s father, Henry Crown, first took a “controlling block of stock” in General Dynamics in 1959, and when Henry passed away in 1990 (having retired some years earlier) Lester was already serving as their chairman; although at present the only member of the Crown family serving on General Dynamics board of directors is Lester’s son James S. Crown Rothschild (also a board member of JP Morgan Chase) see connections to
- Klutznick Papers UofChicago
- Connect Thomas Ayers and the First National Bank of Chicago to BCCI
- Wikipedia Bert Lance Lance was implicated in the BCCI scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s. He was involved in deals with notable BCCI luminaries Agha Hasan Abedi, Mochtar Riady and Ghaith Pharaon and with BCCI's largest borrower, P. S. Prasad, and joined with Arkansas-based power investor Jackson Stephens in facilitating BCCI's takeover of Financial General Bankshares. Lance and Stephens made millions in the wake of BCCI's collapse. In January 1978, Lance sold his stock in National Bank of Georgia to Ghaith Pharaon, while on the same day, BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi paid off Lance's $3.5 million loan at the First National Bank of Chicago.
- Sidley Austin SteadyDrip Commercial Club of Chicago, SteadyDrip research Commercial Club of Chicago Rothschild
- The Chicago Public Education Fund was the predecessor for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, there leadership council members included Virgina Aronson - Sidley Austin LLP - managing partner and R. Eden Martin - Sidley Austin LLP – counsel. Sidley Austin LLP is a Law Firm where Michelle Obama was a Lawyer and Barack Obama was an Intern. New York Daily News Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Bernardine Dohrn (William Ayers wife) they all three worked at Sidley Austin LLP in 1987. Bernardine Dohrn was a Litigator for the Sidley Austin LLP firm.
- WTPOTUS Real Estate / Money Laundering / Philanthropy Schemes All the players in this game of hoarding US tax$ and doing money laundering schemes have solid connections. In fact, there is even a solid connection between Obama and Thomas Ayers (Bill Ayers father). The same holds true for Peter Geithner (Treasury Secretary Geithner’s father). The Fathers of these men were all involved in real-estate schemes while each one claiming to be a “Philanthropist” (aka Communist) and setting up fronts to funnel in Grant money. The Obama-Ayers connection has been presumed to be only that between Obama and William Ayers. However, there is a direct Obama-Ayers connection between Obama and Thomas G. Ayers (photo), father of William Ayers and the retired president and CEO of Commonwealth Edison, that predates the 2005 mortgage with Northern Trust.
- Watch.Pair Barack Obama owes his rise from obscurity to the office of President of the United States to high-ranking members of the Prieuré de Sion Wikipedia , Thomas Ayers Wikipedia, Gaylord Freeman New York Times, and the other Prieuré de Sion / Bank of Chicago directors, John Drick and A. Robert Abboud. ...John Drick, A. Robert Abboud, and Gaylord Freeman were three members of the Prieure de Sion that were associated with the First National Bank of Chicago. John Drick had started as an assistant cashier in 1944 and became a vice-president three years later. In 1969 Drick became both the president and one of the directors of the bank. He also was on the board of a number of other companies including, Stephan Chemical, MCA incorporated, Oak Industries, and Central Illinois Public Service. The Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance (the Guardian Assurance) in London where P.J. Freeman worked had shared a building with the First National Bank of Chicago which had Gaylord Freeman as chairman of the board of directors. Watch.Pair Thomas Ayers / Obama Chase Manhattan, Continental Illinois, and First Chicago(FNB of Chicago) the power houses behind Trilateralism. First Chicago Corp.
- continued First National Bank of Chicago and its parent, First Chicago Corp. also collaborated with British Intelligence, MI6, via First Chicago Bank’s liaison with Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance. The latter was bought by the largest insurance company in the world, AXA, which is located in Paris. see Rothschild Scoreboard-Canada
- 1971 MasterMason Bro Harry Carr has several more conferences with Cardinal Heenan. This les to a friendly relationship developing between the Craft and the Roman Catholic Church. On 26th April it is rumored that the Church is about to change its rule about barring Masonic membership to its members. King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Trition by Alex Horne is published. Early French Exposures by Bro Harry Carr is published. Mozart's opera The Magic Flute, which is generally believed to contain Masonic themes, is examined by Jacques Chailley and his comments published.
- 1971 Dejan Lucic-Nathan Philip Rothschild (1971) Young Nathan is the son of Jacob Rothschild, from whom he inherited innumerable managers, agents, and an influence over the vital political, economic, media and military institutions all over the world, including even the Butrint archaeological site in Albania... The companies and corporations “RIT Capital”, “Atticus Capital”, “JNR Limited”, “NM Rothschild”, “Vanco”, “Trigranit”, “British Petroleum”, Rio Tinto, are only a part of the resources which are at the disposal of the new king in his crusade for the east. To achieve this he has at his service not only the western nomenclature in the EU, NATO, Great Britain, but also numerous financial and political operatives all over Europe and Asia (Soros, Berezovski, Djukanovic, the Mitals...).
- 1971 History of the Money Changers All the pure gold had been secretly moved from Fort Knox, sold to international money changers for the $35 per ounce price, and is believed to now be kept in London. This is also when President Nixon repeals Roosevelt's Gold Reserve Act of 1934, allowing Americans to once again buy gold. As a result of this gold prices began to soar. In fact, 9 years later, in 1980, gold sold for $880 per ounce, a staggering 25 times what the gold in Fort Knox was sold to the international bankers for.
- 1971 Inter-Alpha Bank Group
AIB Group Banco Espírito Santo Santander, Spain Soc Gen ING Bank Intesa Sanpaolo KBC Bank Nordea National Bank of Greece Commerzbank The Royal Bank of Scotland Group AIB Group, Eire BANCO ESPIRITO SANTO SA, Portugal Santander, Spain Soc Gen, France ING Bank, the Netherlands Intesa Sanpaolo KBC Bank, Belgium Nordea, Denmark, Finland and Sweden National Bank of Greece, Greece Commerzbank The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, UK and Wikipedia and Seeker401 The Inter-Alpha Group was formed in 1971, as a syndicate of six oligarchic European banks, the year the Nixon Administration foolishly took the dollar off gold and destroyed FDR’s Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates. That move opened the door to imperial currency warfare, the creation of the petrodollar market, and ultimately the Brutish Empire’s control over the U.S. dollar. ProjectWorldAwarness Lord Jacob Rothschild, the behind-the-scenes controller of the Inter-Alpha Group, was a partner at Rothschild at the time he set up the Inter-Alpha Group in 1971, using its resources and then leaving in 1980 ...
- LaRouchePub
- Inter-Alpha Group
- AIB Group, Eire
- Santander, Spain
- Soc Gen, France
- ING Bank, the Netherlands
- Intesa Sanpaolo
- KBC Bank, Belgium
- Nordea, Denmark, Finland and Sweden
- National Bank of Greece, Greece
- Commerzbank
- The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, UK
- 1971 MasterMason Bro Harry Carr has several more conferences with Cardinal Heenan. This les to a friendly relationship developing between the Craft and the Roman Catholic Church. On 26th April it is rumored that the Church is about to change its rule about barring Masonic membership to its members. King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Trition by Alex Horne is published. Early French Exposures by Bro Harry Carr is published. Mozart's opera The Magic Flute, which is generally believed to contain Masonic themes, is examined by Jacques Chailley and his comments published.
- 1971 Dejan Lucic-Nathan Philip Rothschild (1971) Young Nathan is the son of Jacob Rothschild, from whom he inherited innumerable managers, agents, and an influence over the vital political, economic, media and military institutions all over the world, including even the Butrint archaeological site in Albania... The companies and corporations “RIT Capital”, “Atticus Capital”, “JNR Limited”, “NM Rothschild”, “Vanco”, “Trigranit”, “British Petroleum”, Rio Tinto, are only a part of the resources which are at the disposal of the new king in his crusade for the east. To achieve this he has at his service not only the western nomenclature in the EU, NATO, Great Britain, but also numerous financial and political operatives all over Europe and Asia (Soros, Berezovski, Djukanovic, the Mitals...).
- 1971 History of the Money Changers All the pure gold had been secretly moved from Fort Knox, sold to international money changers for the $35 per ounce price, and is believed to now be kept in London. This is also when President Nixon repeals Roosevelt's Gold Reserve Act of 1934, allowing Americans to once again buy gold. As a result of this gold prices began to soar. In fact, 9 years later, in 1980, gold sold for $880 per ounce, a staggering 25 times what the gold in Fort Knox was sold to the international bankers for.
- 1971 Inter-Alpha Bank Group AIB Group Banco Espírito Santo Santander, Spain Soc Gen ING Bank Intesa Sanpaolo KBC Bank Nordea National Bank of Greece Commerzbank The Royal Bank of Scotland Group AIB Group, Eire BANCO ESPIRITO SANTO SA, Portugal Santander, Spain Soc Gen, France ING Bank, the Netherlands Intesa Sanpaolo KBC Bank, Belgium Nordea, Denmark, Finland and Sweden National Bank of Greece, Greece Commerzbank The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, UK and Wikipedia and Seeker401 The Inter-Alpha Group was formed in 1971, as a syndicate of six oligarchic European banks, the year the Nixon Administration foolishly took the dollar off gold and destroyed FDR’s Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates. That move opened the door to imperial currency warfare, the creation of the petrodollar market, and ultimately the Brutish Empire’s control over the U.S. dollar. ProjectWorldAwarness Lord Jacob Rothschild, the behind-the-scenes controller of the Inter-Alpha Group, was a partner at Rothschild at the time he set up the Inter-Alpha Group in 1971, using its resources and then leaving in 1980 ...
- LaRouchePub
- Inter-Alpha Group
LIBOR & the British Bankers Association Thomson Reuters Inter-Alpha Group Gulf Cooperation Council Rothschild Middle East Aspen Institute & the Middle East Housing Crisis - 1972: CliffordShack Khalilzad meets Cheryl Benard, when they were both students at the American University of Beirut. (Benard has an entry in the Internet Movie Database from her work as a child actor in German movies.) What was a German Jewish girl, born in New Orleans, doing at the American University in Beirut? Zalmay Khalilzad is long been known as a Zionist poodle. His wife Dr. Cheryl Benard, the Austrian-Jewish woman is senior policy adviser at Ziocons think tank RAND. ZK's role model is Fouad Ajami and this guy has some funny Persian/Afghani accent. He most likely recruited Zalmay & Cheryl for the Mossad. "Wherever you dig in Lebanon you find a spy," political science Professor Hilal Khashan of the American University of Beirut was quoted as saying by The Media Line, a regional news portal.
- Cap and Trade CO2 scheme
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1972 Great Dreams During December 1972, the UN General Assembly unanimously elected Maurice Strong to head UNEP. Also Secretary General of both the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which launched the world environment movement, and the 1992 Earth Summit, Strong has played a critical role is globalizing the environmental movement. ... and ... Maurice Strong and Al Gore on Cap and Trade...Great Dreams Strong, the silent partner, is a man whose name often draws a blank on the Washington cocktail circuit. Even though a former Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the much hyped Rio Earth Summit) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations in the days of an Oil-for-Food beleaguered Kofi Annan, the Canadian born Strong is little known in the United States. That’s because he spends most of his time in China where he he has been working to make the communist country the world’s next superpower. The nondescript Strong, nonetheless is the big cheese in the underworld of climate change and is one of the main architects of the failing Kyoto Protocol. Full credit for the expose on the business partnership of Strong and Gore in the cap-and-trade reduction scheme should go to the investigative acumen of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) ... search terms include: Molten Metal Technologies, pump and dump stock scheme, lawsuits, AZL, cronyism, Joyce Foundation, John Ayers, etc... go to Maurice Strong and the Oil for Food Scandal (BCCI, Capcom), TheZog Who is Behind the Climate Change Hoax ... This involves a 10 TRILLION dollar a YEAR scam shown to involve: Maurice Strong Al Gore Richard Sandor George Soros Barrack Hussein Obama Valerie Jarrett David Blood Mark Ferguson Peter Harris Franklin Raines (Brother of Bill Ayers) John Ayers. Chicago Climate Exchange CCX] Climate Exchange PLC European Climate Exchange Sustainable Performance Group Joyce Foundation Generation Investment Management GIM] Goldman Sachs GS]
- 1972 LaRoucePub BCCI was founded in 1972 by Pakistani banker Agha Hasan Abedi, it was initially capitalized by the British-run Sheik Zayed of Abu Dhabi, incorporated in Luxembourg, and conducted all of its real business in London. True, Abedi was closely allied with the Pakistani military, especially with Gen. Mohammed Zia ul-Haq, who took power in 1977; and BCCI was used as a laundromat for the billions of dollars a year generated by the hundreds of heroin laboratories in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) that processed Afghani opium and smuggled it onto the world market. Likewise, BCCI was the central bank for the British and American arms flows to the Afghan Mujahideen. goto BCCI
- 1972 MasterMason A Register of Grand Lodges Active and Extinct by George Draffen is published.
- 1972 Chagataikhan George Bush Sr, .. transformed the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a small Pakistani merchant bank, founded in 1972 by a Pakistani partner of Adham (Agha Hasan Abedi); into a world-wide money-laundering machine, buying additional banks around the world to create the biggest clandestine money transfer and whitening network in history. Wikipedia
- 1972 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Munich murders. 11 Israeli athletes are killed by Black September a group formed after thousands of Palestinians were forced out of Jordan. Israel will blame the PLO again, without evidence, and use this very untactful public event of 11 people killed on the world stage while the world was watching the Olympics in Germany, to retaliate and kill over 100 people.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1973 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline April Operation Wrath of God and Operation Spring of Youth. Israel raids Lebanon in the early morning and assassinate three of the highest PLO leaders in their homes a long with over 100 other people. The justification was because of the Black September attack in Munich. Whether or not Black September even had anything to do with the PLO is heavily disputed.
- 1973 SilverBearCafe Pilgrims Society member John M. Meyer Jr., Knight of the British Empire, head of J.P. Morgan & Company, founded Depository Trust Company of New York in 1973. It's now known as the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation and is a member of the Federal Reserve System; see discussion of how the DTC has turned back concerns and investigations concerning naked short selling It's more Pilgrims Society subversion "seizing the wealth necessary."
- 1973 Wikipedia Nixon Operation Nickel Grass was an overt strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The Military Airlift Command of the U.S. Air Force shipped 22,325 tons of tanks, artillery, ammunition, and supplies in C-141 Starlifter and C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft between October 14 and November 14, 1973. ... led to the 1973 oil crisis.
- 1973 Zionism_Israel Yom Kippur War (October War). In a surprise attack on the Jewish day of atonement, Egypt retook the Suez canal and a narrow zone on the other side. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights. Following massive US and Soviet resupplying of the sides, Israel succeeded in pushing back the Syrians and threatening Damascus. Ariel Sharon was instrumental in the successful crossing of the Suez Canal, which cut off the Egyptian Third Army. Israeli casualties were unacceptably high however, and both Syria and Egypt celebrate the anniversary of the war as a victory. British Prime Minister Edward Heath makes Lord Victor Rothschild the head of his policy unit. Whilst he is in that role Britain enters the European Community.
- 1973 MasterMason A Commentary on Masonic Ritual (2nd Edition) by E.B. Cartwright is published, with comments by Bro Harry Carr. Emulation - A Ritual to Remember by C.F.W.Colin is published.
- 1973 Wikipedia SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) was founded in Brussels in 1973, supported by 239 banks in 15 countries. It started to establish common standards for financial transactions and a shared data processing system and worldwide communications network designed by Logica 2]. Fundamental operating procedures, rules for liability, etc., were established in 1975 and the first message was sent in 1977. see Open Offshore Bank Account for Nonresidents Online Banque Privee Evelyn de Rothschild, Geneve
- 1973: CliffordShack Ajami joined the politics department of Princeton University where he did not get tenure. He made a name for himself there as a vocal supporter of Palestinian self-determination. He did his graduate work at the University of Washington, where he wrote his thesis on international relations and world government, and earned a PhD.
- 1973 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline October Yom Kippur War. October 6th on the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur Egypt and Syria strike back and regain control over their stolen territories, territories the UN mandated that Israel return which Israel refused. (Israel had also been making intense border fighting with Egypt over the Suez since 1969) Another UN resolution, the same as 242 is passed, which Israel ignores by building Settlements (racial colonies) into Palestine. Egypt upheld its half of the resolution and withdrew their troops. The moment Egyptian troops left Palestine, Israel re-occupied it and began building its colonies. The UN passes 338 calling for a cease fire.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1973: IAmTheWitness In his book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen states, "One major reason for the historical blackout on the role of the international bankers in political history is the Rothschilds were Jewish… ….The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as an instrument to try and convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds and their allies is an attack on all Jews. In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboo within universities. Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds of ADL communities all over the country. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interfere with its highly professional smear jobs… ….Actually, nobody has a right to be more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews… ….The Rothschild empire helped finance Adolf Hitler."” ... George J. Laurer an employee of the Rothschilds controlled IBM, invents the UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode which will eventually be placed upon every item traded worldwide and bear the number, 666. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, Verse 17 through 18, states the following in relation to this number, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The whole Satanic aims of the Rothschilds are now in full view of the world, everything bought or sold carries the mark of the beast, 666. N. M. Rothschild & Sons British Newfoundland Corporation, Churchill Falls project in Newfoundland, Canada, is completed. ... N. M. Rothschild & Sons also create a new asset management part of the company which traded worldwide. This eventually became, Rothschild Private Management Limited. Edmond de Rothschild, a great-grandson of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild, bought the cru bourgeois estate of Château Clarke in Bordeaux.
- 1973 US Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline (Nixon) sends Israel 2.2 billion dollars (during the Yom Kippur War)
- 1973 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline OPEC raises gas prices 130% causing an oil shortage in the US (This was a direct response to Israel's war and the US giving them aid) Israel gets 90% of its oil from it's stolen territory Sinai and from Iran while Iran is under the CIA installed US puppet Shah. (see 1953 Operation Ajax at the bottom for details)
- 1973 - GripesOnline International banker and staunch member of the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller founds a new organization called the Trilateral Commission. He invites future President Jimmy Carter to become one of the founding members. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the organization's first director.
- 1973 - GripesOnline The Club of Rome, a U.N. operative, issues a report entitled "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System." This report divides the entire world into ten regions. Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao's deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973.
- 1973 Wramsite, new information came to light about FBI operations targeted against Weather Underground and the New Left, all part of a series of covert and often illegal FBI projects called COINTEL. Due to the "illegal tactics" of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against admitted ringleader Bill Ayers!
- 1974-Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline now US created co-economic dependency with Saudi Arabia via Bin Laden construction, US firms, and the IMF. (this was to break OPEC) (here is how it was done) This was a mile stone for the NGO/economic hitmen strategy.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1974 History of the Money Changers A New York periodical publishes an article claiming that the Rockefeller family were manipulating the Federal Reserve for the purpose of selling off Fort Knox gold at bargain basement prices to anonymous European speculators. 3 days after the publication of this story, its anonymous source, long time secretary to Nelson Rockefeller, Louise Auchincloss Boyer, mysteriously fell to her death from the window of her ten storey apartment block in New York.
- 1974 MasterMason The Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (as the Roman Inquisition was renamed by the Pope in 1965) sends a letter to the various Episcopal Conferences on 19th June informing them that Cannon 2335 prohibiting its members from joining Freemasonry is to be interpreted to apply to such groups as are opposed to Church.
- 1974 Wikipedia Gush Emunim was an Israeli messianic and political movement committed to establishing Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. 1] While not formally established as an organization until 1974 in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, Gush Emunim sprang out of the conquests of the Six-Day War in 1967, encouraging Jewish settlement of the land based on the belief that, according to the Torah, God gave it to the Jewish people. 2] and see EIR
- 1975
- 1975 History of the Money Changers Edith Roosevelt, the grand-daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt questioned the actions of the government in a March 1975 edition of the New Hampshire Sunday News, in which she stated, "Allegations of missing gold from our Fort Knox vaults are being widely discussed in European financial circles. But what is puzzling is that the Administration is not hastening to demonstrate conclusively that there is no cause for concern over our gold treasure, if indeed it is in a position to do so."The United States government still did not undertake an audit of the gold in Fort Knox to quell this speculation.
- 1975 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Vietnam war ends.
- 1976 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Israeli Shin Bet stages a false flag hijacking to put blame on the PLO. Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers' (This story broke June 2007) Sayeret Matkal was sent to rescue the hostages however the blames should have been placed on The PFLP and Israel itself not the PLO. This event will forever be pointed at as to accuse the PLO of being terrorist to politically make them illegitimate.
- Timeline continued below
- Institute for Religious Works, Vatican Bank, Rothschild,
- money laundering, tax evasion
- 1587 Troyspace The Bank of Rome began opening branch offices in Venice in 1587. Vatican Bank controlled by the Jesuit General, aka the “Black” (hidden, shadowy) Pope. The Jesuit’s Bank of Rome opened its Bank of England branch in 1694. The first bank to be named after a country, the Bank of England had nothing to do with the British government – except to own it through privately held, interest-compounded debt. Fleet Street, Baltic Exchange in the City the Rothschilds have traditionally chosen The City’s Lord Mayor. Vatican Assassins: the Vatican’s Black Robes “own and control” the Federal Reserve Bank “The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc. ” more on Black Pope
- 1821 Watch.Pair In 1821 Carl Kalman Amschel Rothschild (1754 - 1782)] Geni was sent to Naples, Italy to oversee loans there that were meant to finance Metternich’s forces who had arrived to quell a rebellion. While in Italy the Rothschild ‘mantle’ came upon Carl and he made a series of ingenious deals with the Italian government that forced Naples to pay for its own occupation. He also helped Luigi de Medici (Wikipedia) of the Black Nobility to re-gain his position as finance minister of Naples, and Wikipedia Carl_Mayer_von_Rothschild ...he proved himself in Naples as a strong financial manager and someone very capable at developing all-important business connections. He established a good working relationship with Luigi de' Medici, the "Direttore della Segreteria di Azienda del Regno di Napoli" (Finance Minister), and his operation became the dominant banking house in Naples. As a result of Carl's success, the Rothschilds had a substantial banking presence in England and three other major European capitals, giving the family considerable influence and an advantage over their competitors.
- 1832 Wikipedia The C M de Rothschild & Figli bank arranged substantial loans to the Papal States and to various Kings of Naples plus the Duchy of Parma and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. However, in the 1830s, Naples followed Spain with a gradual shift away from conventional bond issues that began to affect the bank's growth and profitability. The Unification of Italy in 1861, with the ensuing decline of the Italian aristocracy who had been the Rothschild's primary clients, eventually brought about the closure of their Naples bank, due to declining forecasts for long-term business sustainability. However, in the early 19th century, the Rothschild family of Naples built up close relations with the Vatican Bank, and the association between the family and the Vatican continued into the 20th century. In 1832, when Pope Gregory XVI was seen meeting Carl von Rothschild, observers were shocked that Rothschild was not required to kiss the Pope's feet, as was then required for all other visitors to the Pope, including monarchs. 29] “ "Rothschilds... are the guardians of the papal treasure." -Encyclopedia Judaica, 1901–1906, Vol. 2, p.497 ” search Mountbatten
- 1857 SkolnicksReport What later was called the Continental Bank of Chicago (Continental Illinois National Bank) was founded in Chicago under different names prior to the American Civil War. About the same time as the setting up in 1857 of the Chicago Board of Trade with which the Continental became interwoven. Their transactions were so incestuous,,, how could one tell one from another? Early in its highly corrupt history, the Board of Trade was and some say, still is] such a gambling hell, that Western Union Telegraph once cut off its wire there, refusing them services. From early on, the Bank as well as the Board of Trade were supervised by the British and French Rothschilds, jointly with the Pope and the Papal States. And from early on, representatives of both the Vatican and the British monarchy sat on the Board of Continental. Few understand enough about all this to easily conceive of the Pope and the Queeen, together. In the public mind, at best, these are forces of friction. see Wikipedia Lafayette_C._Baker Lincoln assassination, cotton, British, Civil War, Rothschilds. see Lester Crown was the Director of Continental Bank Lester Crown Wikipedia (Continental Illinois National Bank)
FDIC historical CINB LA Times Thomas C. Theobald CBK, NYTimes L. F. Rothschild is seeking a buyer or a large capital injection. and Edgar form N-PX search Theobald / Rothschild, Credit Suisse Capital Appreciation Fund, and SECInf Scribd CFR member list 2012, nndb Theobald Citibank, Chicago Annenberg Challenge Wikipedia Obama, and Investing.BusinessWeek Chicago Growth Partners. Jones Lang LaSalle real estate, 40,000 employees 70 offices world wide. Sheila A. Penrose Chairman, also Boston Consulting Group, Northwestern .edu audit Theobald, Ayers, MarketVisual JLL B'nai Brith yes Erisafraud IN RE XEROX CORPORATION ERISA LITIGATION This is a case about fiduciaries who abdicated their responsibility to safeguard the retirement savings of thousands of Xerox workers, causing losses that exceeded hundreds of millions of dollars. Despite their fiduciary obligations to the Plans, Xerox and the other Defendants failed to failed to monitor the prudence of the Plans’ investments in Xerox stock and failed to disclose Xerox’s practices to the Plans’ participants. The retirement plans of thousands of working people were devastated by the extraordinary corporate misconduct at the highest levels of Xerox, perpetrated by, or with the full knowledge of, the Plans’ fiduciaries.
Theobald is a defendant.
- 1942 The IOR, founded in 1942 by Pope Pius XII, handles financial activities for the Vatican, for orders of priests and nuns, and for other Roman Catholic religious institutions.
- 1976 Wikipedia Propaganda Due, or P2, was a Masonic lodge operating under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Italy from 1945 to 1976 (when its charter was withdrawn), and a pseudo-Masonic or "black" or "covert" lodge operating illegally (in contravention of Italian constitution banning secret lodges and membership of government officials in secret membership organizations) from 1976 to 1981. During the years that the lodge was headed by Licio Gelli, P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi, and corruption cases within the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire. 1] P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state" 2] or a "shadow government". 3] The lodge had among its members prominent journalists, members of parliament, industrialists, and military leaders—including Silvio Berlusconi, who later became Prime Minister of Italy; the Savoy pretender to the Italian throne Victor Emmanuel; and the heads of all three Italian intelligence services.
- 1980s WMR In the 1980s, the IOR and the partly-Vatican owned Banco Ambrosiano were used by the CIA to covertly fund a number of anti-communist operations around the world, including the contras in Nicaragua who had the strong support of Reagan and Helms. In 1982, Banco Ambrosiano chief Roberto Calvi was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London. Calvi was a member of the powerful Masonic Propaganda Due (P2) lodge in Italy and after his firing it was feared by P2 that he might reveal the nature of secret payments by the lodge involving the Vatican and the bank. P2 members called themselves "frati neri," Italian for "black friars." There is strong evidence that Calvi was murdered by P2 agents. and Antechamber "Declassified secret service papers reveal that Ted Shackleton, deputy chief of the CIA station in Rome in the 1970's introduced the notorious Licio Gelli - head of the neo-fascist P2 masonic lodge and for years a fugitive in Argentina - to General Alexander Haig, then Nixon's chief of staff, and later, from 1974 to 79, Nato Supreme Commander. P2 was aright wing shadow government, ready to take over Italy, that included four Cabinet Ministers, all three intelligence chiefs, 48 MPs, 160 military officers, bankers, industrialists, top diplomats and the Army Chief of Staff. After meetings between Gelli, Italian military brass and CIA men in the embassy, Gladio was given renewed blessing - and more money - by Haig and the then head of the National Security Council, Henry Kissinger. Just how those and later funds were spent is a key point in the Casson] investigation." (William Scobie, Observer, 18/11/90)
- 1984 Abebooks book by David A. Yallop, called In God’s Name, which details the author’s thorough and astonishing investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I on the night of September 28-29, 1978, During the late evening of September 28th or the early morning of September 29th, 1978, Pope John Paul I, Albino Luciani, known as 'the smiling Pope' died only thirty-three days after his election. that when the body of the pope was discovered, his contorted hand gripped a piece of paper that was later destroyed because it named high ranking members of the curia who were Freemasons and others who had a role in numerous corruption scandals and the laundering of mafia drug money. One of the names believed to be on the paper was that of bishop Paul Marcinkus, who was later promoted by Pope John Paul II to Pro-President of Vatican City, making him the third most powerful person in the Vatican, after the pope and the secretary of state. and Wikipedia John Paul I was found dead sitting up in his bed shortly before dawn on 29 September 1978, 22] just 33 days into his papacy. The Vatican reported that the 65-year-old pope most likely died the previous night of a heart attack (whitewash). and Wikipedia Discrepancies in the Vatican's account of the events surrounding John Paul I's death — its inaccurate statements about who found the body, what he had been reading, when and where he had been found and whether an autopsy could be carried out produced a number of conspiracy theories, many associated with the Vatican Bank, which owned many shares in Banco Ambrosiano. and Wikipedia Malachi_Martin Alleged service of Jewish interests.
- 1989 Wikipedia Paul Marcinkus was the president of the Istituto per le Opere di Religione, also known as the Vatican Bank, from 1971 to 1989. As early as April 24, 1973, Marcinkus was questioned in his Vatican office by federal prosecutor William Aronwald and Bill Lynch, head of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section of the United States Department of Justice, about his involvement in the delivery of $14.5 million US worth of counterfeit bonds to the Vatican in July 1971, part of a total request of $950 million US worth stated in a letter on Vatican notepaper. and see Watch.Pair
- 2009 RT Vatican banking scandal ... see “His Holiness” by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi. (whistleblower) ... the Vatican had already warned of legal action against Nuzzi after he published letters in January from the former second-highest Vatican administrator to the pope. In those letters the administrator begged not to be transferred for having exposed alleged corruption that cost the Holy See millions of euro in higher contract prices. The prelate, Monsignor Carlo Maria Vigano (Wikipedia cover-up), is now the Vatican's US ambassador. ... Nuzzi, author of Vatican SpA, a 2009 volume laying out shady dealings of the Vatican Bank based on leaked documents, said he was approached by sources inside the Vatican with the trove of new documents. Most of them are of fairly recent vintage and many of them painting the Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, in a negative light. ... Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, the head of the Institute for Religious Works Wikipedia, otherwise known as the Vatican Bank, gets significant ink. His private memos to the pope with his take on the Vatican's response to the global financial crisis and how to handle the church's tax exempt status amid Italian government efforts to crack down on tax evasion have also been published. ... The bank has been trying for some two years to remedy its reputation as a shady tax haven beset by scandals. One of them is the collapse of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano and the death of its head, Roberto Calvi, who also helped manage Vatican investments and was found hanging from London's Blackfriars Bridge in 1982. ... first draft of a report from a Council of Europe committee on the Vatican's compliance with international norms to fight money laundering and terrorism financing. British Ambassador Nigel Baker, who went on the Institute for Religious Works (Wikipedia) tour, later blogged that the Vatican's reputation depends on showing that its institutions are transparent. The Bank Identifier Code of the Institute for Works of Religion is IOPRVAVX. and see Biblioteca Pleyades Vatican Mafia and George W. Hunt TheBigBadBank
- 2012 PoliticsDaily VATICAN CITY -- The head of the Vatican bank is being investigated on suspicion of money laundering, Italian law enforcement officials said on Tuesday, a bad omen for the Catholic Church as it struggles to overcome the scandal of clergy sexual abuse. .. Italian authorities said that besides bank chairman Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, chief executive Paolo Cipriani was also a target of the probe. And Italian prosecutors said they have seized $30 million in Vatican assets held in another Italian bank, Credito Artigiano.
- FreemasonWatch Rothschild Bank AG Zurich tied to Calvi Murder and P2 Masonic Lodge Heer, now 62 and enfeebled by the disease, readily confessed to embezzling 55 million Swiss francs ($33 million) from Bank Rothschild AG Zurich between 1986 and 1992
- Rense POWERS Fritz Springmeier, Huffington Post JP Morgan Chase is closing the Vatican bank's account with an Italian branch of the U.S. banking giant because of concerns about a lack of transparency at the Holy See's financial institution, Italian newspapers reported.
- 2012 WMR The controversy surrounding the Vatican Bank, formally known as the Institute of Works of Religion (IOR), began when J.P. Morgan Chase closed an IOR account at its branch in Milan, citing a lack of transparency. That was followed by the firing by the IOR's supervisory board of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, a former Banco Santander executive, for pushing for more transparency for the Vatican Bank and compliance with the EU's laws on financial transparency. However, the J.P. Morgan Chase action was, according to our sources, prompted by Sunstein and his colleagues at the Treasury and State Departments. On March 7, the State Department, for the first time, added the Holy See to its list of money-laundering nations. That move triggered a wave of financial pressure on the IOR and Vatican, which was aided and abetted by Tedeschi. The IOR board then ousted Tedeschi. ... WMR has been told that the Vatican came under pressure after it had backed the initiatives of the BRICS bloc of nations -- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa -- to seek a realignment of the world's financial system to provide greater influence for the emerging economies of BRICS and a reorientation of financial control away from London (Rothschild), Frankfurt (Warburgs), New York, and Washington. The Vatican's policy placed it on the list of de facto enemies of Soros, the Rothschild baking cartel, the European Central Bank, and the World Bank/International Monetary Fund.
- 1976: IAmTheWitness Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal, aide to Ashkenazi Jew, Senator Jacob Javits, states, "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." 1978: Ashkenazi Jew, Stephen Bryen, then a Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffer, is overheard in a Washington D.C. hotel offering confidential documents to top Israeli military officials. Bryen obtains a lawyer, Nathan Lewin, and the case heads for the grand jury, but is mysteriously dropped. Bryen later goes to work for Richard Perle.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1976 Chagataikhan Safari Club The Safari Club- An Alternate Super Intelligence Agency. In September 1 1976, a group of countries got together and established a newly formed secret cabal of intelligence agencies called the Safari Club. It included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran. The club was a brain child of Alexandre de Marenches, head of the French external intelligence service SDECE. It was likely formed with the connivance of CIA to compensate for it’s paralysis after Watergate - as a means of circumventing US Congress which had tied down the CIA! Acutely conscious of the Soviet threat these countries had decided that if the US could not do anything to counter it, they would!
- 1976 Wikipedia JINSA Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Founded in 1976 In the late 1980s, JINSA underwent a profound repurposing of mission which, although retaining the interest in maintaining and strengthening the U.S.-Israeli defense relationship, widened its focus to general U.S. defense and foreign policy, with missions and meetings with national leaders and military officials from countries as diverse as Ethiopia, Belgium, South Korea, India, Bulgaria, Italy, the Republic of China, Uzbekistan, Costa Rica, Spain, Eritrea, Jordan, the People's Republic of China, Hungary, United Kingdom and Germany, ... JINSA is closely associated with the neoconservative movement and U.S. Military Industrial Complex. JINSA Leadership - Officers and the Executive Committee David Ganz President Morris J. Amitay Vice Chairman Phillip Aronoff Vice President Ira "Bob" Born Vice President Dr. Armeane Choksi Vice President Hon. David Dewhurst Vice President Ted Dinerstein Chairman, Programming Robert Friedman Member at Large Joel Gemunder Vice President Benjamin Gettler Chairman, Policy & Resolutions Committee Mark Helbraun Vice President David Justman Co-Chairman of the Board of Advisors Sharon Turboff Katz, D.D.S. Vice President Robert Keats Vice President Jonathan Kislak Chairman, Editorial Board, The Journal of International Security Affairs Randall J. Levitt Vice President Myra Rosenberg Litman, M.D. Vice President Michael Nachman Vice President Herb Ornstein Member at Large Nina Rosenwald Vice President Michael Salzhauer Vice President David Schachne Vice President Larry Siedlick Vice President Steve Silvers, M.D. Vice President Joseph Spindler, M.D. Treasurer Joel Sprayregen Vice President David P. Steinmann Co-Chairman of the Board of Advisors George Violin Vice President Edward Weiss Member at Large Stephen Wertheimer, M.D. Vice President Leonard Yablon Vice President
- 1976 PeoplesConference IPCO City of London Inc. Becoming a Sovereign State in 1694, when King William lll of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the Private Bankers. By 1812, Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stockmarket and scammed control of the Bank of England. .. Today, the City State of London is the worlds financial Power Center and the wealthiest square mile on the planet. .It houses; Rothschild controlled 'Bank of England' Lloyds of London The London Stock Exchange All British Banks The Branch offices of 384 Foreign Banks 70 USA Banks Fleet Streets Newspaper and Publishing Monopolies Headquarters for Worldwide Freemasonry Headquarters for the worldwide money cartel known as 'THE CROWN'.
- 1976 Wikipedia David Graivier (connections to ADL, Klutznick) more The Montoneros' banker, Secretly, however, Graiver became the investment banker for the Montoneros guerrilla group. He reportedly laundered US$17 million in funds that the Montoneros had received from illicit activities, principallykidnapping. These investments included a variety of interests in both Argentina and overseas, and by 1976, Graiver owned a significant stake in Jacobo Timerman's La Opinión (one of the leading newspapers and the leading magazine publisher in Argentina), the Galerías da Vinci retailer, as well as banks in Argentina (Comercial de La Plata and the Bank of Hurlingham), New York (American Bank and Trust and Century National Bank), Brussels (Banque pour l’Amérique du Sud), and Tel Aviv (Swiss-Israel Bank). These and other assets amounted to around US$ 200 million by then, and the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, considered Graiver one of the three leading Jewish banking figures in Latin America (with José Klein, in Chile, and Edmond Safra, in Brazil).Rothschild Octopus 3 Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- LA Times and pic BCCI Official in Venture With Keating : Banking: The ex-owner of Lincoln Savings reportedly formed an offshore firm with a director of scandal-plagued Bank of Credit & Commerce International in 1986. October 05, 1991| JAMES S. GRANELLI | TIMES STAFF WRITER Former Lincoln Savings & Loan owner Charles H. Keating Jr., moving into the international investment arena in 1986, helped to form an offshore currency trading firm with a key director of the scandal-ridden Bank of Credit & Commerce International. The director, Alfred Hartmann, also was chairman of a small BCCI-owned bank in Geneva that has been linked to drug-money laundering and was chairman of a Zurich-based institution involved in providing $3 billion in loans to fund Saddam Hussein's nuclear, chemical and ballistic missile programs in Iraq.
- Zoominfo Alfred Harmann ... BCCI Director and President of the Geneva Branch Chubb Group Chief Financial Officer BCC Holding Managing Director of the Swiss Branch Bank of Credit and Commerce International Administrator Bank of Credit and Commerce International Head Bank of Credit and Commerce International President Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. President Swiss Chemical Manufacturer's Society Head BCCI Chairman BCCI Managing Director of the Swiss Branch BCCI Board Memberships and Affiliations Board Member N.M. Rothschild and Sons James B. Nicholson, Trustee vs. Harmon - Witness John McCain, 22 Oct 2008 cached] Gokal introduced Keating to Alfred Hartmann, a BCCI director and president of the Bank's Geneva branch. ... Steven Pizzo reported in the NATIONAL MORTGAGE NEWS that Hartmann provided $3 billion in loans to Saddam Hussein for nuclear, chemical and ballistic missile programs just preceding the Gulf war and is the director most closely linked to the laundering of Medullin Cartel drug money. ... In 1986, Keating, Hartmann and other BCCI directors met in London, Paris, Zurich, Phoenix and the Bahamas where they founded a corporation known as TRENDINVEST. The British, Muslim Terrorism and September 11 cached] After the BCCI took over this bank it installed Alfred Hartmann as manager. Hartmann then became the chief financial officer for BCC Holding and thus one of BCCI's most influential directors. Hartmann was a member of the British banking establishment through his connections with the Rothschild family, being a member of the board of directors of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, London, and president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. (4) progressive era » 2009 » July, 16 July 2009 cached] July 9, 2009 Al, The Villages, Fl writes: ... Alfred Hartmann, a bizarre Swiss banker who was also a administrator of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Hartmann also was president of the Swiss Chemical Manufacturer's Society. In 1989 the U.S. Sto-ries in the Swiss compress cite Hartmann in 1986 complaining that sales of Swiss chemical producers was MO down and that hip markets had to be developed. George Soros and the Rothschild Connection, 9 May 2007 cached] was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the Swiss branch of the BCCI (Banquede Commerce et de Placement SA), head of the Zurich Rothschild bank AG and member of the board of N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London.He was also on the board of the Swiss branch of the Bruce Rappaport, Alfred ..., 14 Oct 2001 cached] Bruce Rappaport, Alfred Hartmann, and BCCI ... BCCI and BNL shared a key figure in common, Alfred Hartmann, who was on the board of directors of both banks and the head of BCCI's secretly controlled Swiss affiliate, Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP). and see OpEdNews Iraq-Bush-I-and-BN-and-B-by-Stephen-Pizzo and LA Times
- 1976 LarouchePub BCCI became a "crown jewel" in the British offshore hot money system because of its ties to the City of London. ... In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London.
- 1976 MasterMason A Freemason at Work by Bro Harry Carr is published.
- 1977 Jock Green-Armytage Graduated from McGill University with a BA in Economics and received his MBA from Columbia University. He joined NM Rothschild & Sons Limited in 1970 and was appointed an executive director in 1977. He was Managing Director of The Guthrie Corporation plc between 1982 and 1988 and was a non-executive director of NM Rothschild & Sons Limited from 1988 to 1997. He is Chairman of JZ International Ltd and Chairman of AMEC plc and a non-executive director of JZ Equity Partners and a number of other companies. and SJBerwin TheVillage G-A should step down, Telegraph.UK 2006 Mason retiring,
- 1977 MasterMason Several Prince Hall Lodges in South Africa give up their Charters from the USA and join the regular Craft in South Africa. Quatour Coronati Lodge publishes in facsimile the 1723 and 1738 editions of Anderson's Constitutions in one volume. • 600 Years of Craft Ritual by Bro Harry Carr is published.
- 1977 Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions Pilgrims Society member Edmund de Rothschild attends the 1st World Wilderness Conference. At the 4th conference Maurice Strong will inform everyone that Edmund was the founder of the environmental movement
- 1977 Wikipedia Gaith Pharaon, former Saudi Ambassador to all Europe, 1948-54, attended Harvard Business School (and board of associates), formed REDEC, annd was key player in global oil / banking, 70s and 80s, investor, Interdec Inc, CRS Group, Moran Co. bought banks for James R. Bath (Bush), currently a player in the mid East, invested in Arbusto Energy, In 1987, the Harken Energy was desperate for money, and a bank that was half-owned by BCCI gave Harken a $25 million loan. Another Saudi investor and Pharaon partner, is Abdullah Bakhsh, who joined the board of directors as a part of the deal. Bakhsh's banker was Khalid bin Mahfouz, who had his own shares in Arbusto/Harken, via the inheritance of Salem Bin Laden, ...Pharaon was listed on Forbes The World's 10 Most Wantedfor his involvement in the BCCI scandal, but was removed?, with Attock Energy, was awarded $120 mil contract, jet fuel to Afghanistan, see also Khalid bin Mahfouz
- 1977 ModernHistoryProject The Mont Pelerin Society ... The present star of the Hoover Institution is Milton Friedman, who is credited with bringing economic disaster to Chile, Israel, the United States, and other countries in which his "monetarist" theories have been introduced. Friedman's "monetarism" is the same old bankers' swindle of endless creation of more interest bearing debt money, requiring ever increasing taxes merely to meet the interest payments. Friedman came to the Hoover in 1977 as senior research fellow, simultaneously accepting a post as economic consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. He and his consort, Murray Rothbard, dominate a closely interlocked network of "hard money", "conservative" groups, which includes the Heritage Foundation, Mont Pelerin Society, Cato Institute, Ludwig von Mises Institute, and American Enterprise Institute, Their mentor is the late Ludwig von Mises, At the age of 16, Milton Friedman became the protege of Arthur Burns at Rutgers and Columbia. ... At that time. Vienna was dominated by the House of Rothschild, which had controlled the national debt of Austria since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Austria's Tyrol silver mines were owned by the Rothschilds, as were her railways. Empress Elizabeth's closest friend was Julie de Rothschild, sister of Baron Albert, head of the Austrian House. ..
- 1977 Wikipedia James Riady .. is the deputy chairman of the Lippo Group, a major Indonesian conglomerate. He is a Chinese Indonesian, and also the son of Mochtar Riady, founder of the group. The group has recently signed an agreement with Khazanah of Malaysia to relinquish its majority stake in Lippo Bank Riady's entry into the American business community began in 1977, when he was persuaded by Arkansas banking moguls W. R. Witt and Jackson T. Stephens, and founders of Stephens Inc., one of America's largest investment banks outside of Wall Street, to become partners in the Stephens's Worthen Banking Corporation, after the younger Riady was sent by his father, Mochtar Riady, to set up a banking presence in the United States. Mochtar Riady was also interested in helping Jimmy Carter's former budget director, Bert Lance, sell stock he held in the National Bank of Georgia, though the deal never materialized. Through their dealings with Stephens Inc.
- 1978 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Anwar Sadat the president of Egypt and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign the camp David accords. February 1979 Shah is forced to take a "vacation" to Egypt never to return to Iran.
- 1978 Martin Frost Information on Forstmann's connections to the Rothschilds are sketchy but notable. It begins in 1978 with US businessman Derald Ruttenberg, "a friend and associate of.. .banker Lord Rothschild" and board-member of J. Rothschild International, who played a "key role" in the creation Forstmann, Little & Co.121 Jacob and Forstmann later became friends. In fact Forstmann credits his brief relationship with Princess Diana to Jacob's personal intervention, meeting her in 1994 at a dinner hosted by Jacob. "I think Jacob thought it would be a good idea for the two of us to meet and it was", Forstmann told the Telegraph}22 Then in 2004, after taking control of IMG, Forstmann appointed Sir Evelyn de Rothschild to IMG's board of directors. In addition Rothschild North America provided banking services to IMG.123
Trillions in Offshore Accounts ... it's immoral.
- RT Wealthy tax evaders, aided by private banks have exploited loopholes in tax legislation and stashed over $21 trillion in offshore funds, says a report. The capital drained from some developing countries since 1970 would be enough to pay off national debts. The findings show the gap between the haves and the have-nots is much larger than previously thought. The document, entitled The Price of Offshore Revisited, was commissioned by The Tax Justice Network (pdf file) campaign group and leaked to the Guardian. The report provides the most detailed valuation of the offshore economy to date. "The problem here is that the assets of these countries are held by a small number of wealthy individuals while the debts are shouldered by the ordinary people of these countries through their governments," wrote James Henry, expert on tax havens and former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey in his report. The document cites the world’s leading private banks as cherry-picking from the ranks of the uber-rich and siphoning their fortunes into tax-free havens such as Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. The wealth of the super-rich is "protected by a highly paid, industrious bevy of professional enablers in the private banking, legal, accounting and investment industries taking advantage of the increasingly borderless, frictionless global economy." TaxJustice blog
- US Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations New Data Show Corporate Offshore Funds Not “Trapped” Abroad: Nearly Half of So-Called “Offshore” Funds Already in the United States ... WASHINGTON –New data released today PDF] by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, show that large multinational U.S. corporations with substantial offshore funds have already placed nearly half of those funds in U.S. bank accounts and U.S. investments without paying any U.S. tax on those foreign earnings. ... “Some multinational corporations say they want to bring foreign funds back to America, but can do it only if they get a special tax break,” said Levin. “They claim their foreign funds are otherwise ‘trapped’ abroad, but new data show that is not true. Many U.S. multinationals have already invested a large portion of their foreign funds right here in the United States, taking full advantage of the safety and security of the U.S. financial system to protect their money while paying no U.S. taxes on those funds to support the U.S. system.” ... Earlier this year, a survey was sent to 27 U.S. multinational corporations and found they held more than half a trillion dollars in tax-deferred foreign earnings at the end of FY2010. The survey also found that 46% of those foreign earnings – almost $250 billion – was maintained in U.S. bank accounts or invested in U.S. assets such as U.S. Treasuries, U.S. stocks other than their own, U.S. bonds, or U.S. mutual funds. more search terms: federal tax code Section 956(c)(2) ... allows U.S. corporations to use foreign funds to make a wide range of U.S. investments without incurring tax liability
- Moses Singer ..... domestic and international estate planning and asset protection, including the use of sophisticated estate planning techniques in the representation of high-net-worth individuals..... use of offshore trusts and estate planning strategies for wealth preservation and succession planning. ... clients include professionals, real estate developers and owners, closely-held business owners and directors of publicly-held companies. His practice also includes estate administration and the representation of clients in taxpayer disputes at the federal, state and local levels.
- 1978 •MasterMason The Craft in the Far East by Bro Christopher Haffner is published. The York Legend in the Old Charges by Alex Horne is published. Prince Hall, Life and Legacy by Dr Charles Wesley is published and reviewed in AQC vol 90, pp 306-322.
- 1978 DeanHenderson The Vatican’s secretive Opus Dei “saintly Mafia” was behind the ascent of Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla to the Papacy. Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II and launched an Opus Dei/Vatican offensive to roll back Latin American liberation theology movements and East European communism. Fascism came naturally to Karol Wojtyla. During the 1940’s he was a chemical salesman for Nazi combine I. G. Farben. Wojtyla sold the Nazis the cyanide they used at their Auschwitz death camps. One of his best friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, mastermind of the 1978 Center for Disease Control Hepatitis B study in the US, through which the AIDS virus was introduced into the gay population. and the Cutting Edge the meaning of the color red... Pope John Paul II is lying in state wearing his traditional white Zoroastrian robe covered by the traditional red robe of royalty, Mayer Amschel Bauer changed names to Rothschild (red shield), Lenin adopted the color red for his Communist flag
- 1979 the October Surprise, Reagan dirty tricks to defeat Carter, Iran illegal weapons sales.
- 1979 Bibleoteca Pleyades Paul Volcker ... Chairman Federal Reserve System 1979-1987. Identified by BND officer Hans Langemann as a person who attended the December 1, 1979 meeting of Le Cercle in the Madison Hotel in Washington.... Volcker became a member of the advisory board of Power Corporation in 1988 and is a friend to Canadian Paul G. Desmarais, Sr., a Privy Councillor and controlling shareholder of Power Corporation since 1968 (Desmarais and the Belgian Albert Frère jointly own about half of the major industries in France and Belgium, including Suez, Société Générale, Total, Imerys, and Groupe Bruxelles Lambert). Director of Prudential Insurance 1988-2000. Chairman of Wolfensohn & Co. in New York 1988-1996. North American chairman of the Trilateral Commission 1991-2001. Chairman of the newly created J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Company from March 1992 to 1995, Wolfensohn & Co.'s London-based joint venture. Volcker has called for a breakup of the nation's largest banks and a reimplementation of many aspects of the Glass-Steagall Act which prevented commercial banks from engaging in investment banking activities such as trading securities. ... and member list
- Paul Desmarais, has also been a member of the advisory councils of Carlyle, Chase Manhattan Bank (his son Andre now is a member of J.P. Morgan Chase's International Council), and Barrick Gold Corporation (set up by international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi who's first employer was the Bin Laden family and has close ties to the British throne; Barrick also employed Bush Sr.; the later discussed Rothschild buddy Vernon Jordan
; and was headed by Peter Munk, a 1001 Club member and skiing partner of Prince Charles). In 1992 he was appointed a member of the Canadian Privy Council, the same year that Maurice F. Strong, Conrad M. Black, and Charles R. Bronfman (brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr.) were also made members. Power Corporation is one part of a large international business empire, that together with the relatively obscure Frere family, virtually co-owns the state of Belgium (GBL; Suez; SG; Tractebel). Desmarais and his son hold many directorships in these Belgian and French companies.
- 1979 Wikipedia News Corporation News Corp was created in 1979 by Rupert Murdoch as a holding company for News Limited. News Limited was created by Murdoch from the assets he inherited in 1952 following the death of his father, Sir Keith Murdoch, and subsequent expansion. The main asset left to him was ownership of the Adelaide afternoon tabloid, The News. News Limited operates today as News Corporation's Australian brand, operating out of Surry Hills, in Sydney. News Corp Rupert Murdoch Chairman and Chief Executive Officer News Corporation José María Aznar Former President of Spain President FAES - Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis Natalie Bancroft Director News Corporation Peter L. Barnes Chairman Ansell Limited James W. Breyer Partner Accel Partners Chase Carey Deputy Chairman President and Chief Operating Officer News Corporation David F. DeVoe Chief Financial Officer News Corporation Viet Dinh Professor of Law Georgetown University Sir Roderick I. Eddington Non-Executive Chairman for Australia and New Zealand J.P. Morgan Joel I. Klein Executive Vice President CEO, Education Division News Corporation Andrew S.B. Knight Non-Executive Chairman J Rothschild Capital Management Limited James R. Murdoch Deputy Chief Operating Officer News Corporation Chairman and CEO, International News Corporation Lachlan K. Murdoch Executive Chairman Illyria Pty Ltd Arthur M. Siskind Senior Advisor to the Chairman News Corporation John L. Thornton (HSBC, China) Professor and Director of Global Leadership Tsinghua University of Beijing Stanley S. Shuman (Director Emeritus) Managing Director Allen & Company LLC ... Lord Rothschild is deputy chairman of BSkyB Andrew S.B. Knight – is Chairman, J. Rothschild Capital Management Limited News Corp. – director; Reader’s Digest Association Inc. – director; RIT Capital Partners – director; Rothschild Investment Trust Capital Partners plc – director; Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust Plc – director; The Economist – editor. go to Creation of First Jewish President / Percy Sutton and see
and see the Advocate Weblog Rupert Murdoch owned publication News of the World junked an exclusive scoop on exposing sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke as a pedophile because of fear of reprisals or disapproval from Murdoch. see Phil Hall, Graham Johnson and more on Andrew Knight ... was visitor of Camp Mandalay, Governor of the Ditchley Foundations (website) since 1981. Editor of The Economist and expanded its offices to Brussels. Director of Rothschild Investment Trust since 1997. Important functions at News Corp. and BskyB. Director of Reuters. Governor of the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs. Governing council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Member of the Steering Committee of Bilderberg.
- 1979 Watch.Pair In 1979, USCWF board member, Howard Phillips, co-founded the Moral Majority with Paul Weyrich, Jerry Falwell, Richard Viguerie, and Terry Dolan, a homosexual who died of AIDS. Nelson Bunker Hunt contributed $1 million to the Moral Majority in 1981, the same year he provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy. The funding of the Moral Majority and the CNP (Wikipedia) may have been through a $1 billion loan arranged by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, and/or the liquidation of the Hunt Brothers’ silver hoard in Switzerland. Howard Phillips was also a founder of the John Birch Society’s intelligence agency, the Western Goals Foundation. Western Goals’ principals formed the nucleus of the CNP, on whose Board of Governors Howard Phillips served. In 1992, Phillips founded the US Taxpayer Party which was renamed the Constitution Party in 1999. Phillips was the USTP presidential candidate in the 1992 and 1996 and the Constitution Party candidate in the 2000 elections for U.S. President. Phillips’ running mate in 1996 was CNP member Herb Titus, the founding Dean of Regent University Law School. Titus was fired by Pat Robertson in 1993 because his Dominionist views were too radical. Robertson served on the CNP Board of Governors and Executive Committee. SeekGod
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1979 - GripesOnline Barry Goldwater, retiring Republican Senator from Arizona, publishes his autobiography “With No Apologies.” He writes: “In my view the Trilateral Commission represents a skilful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centres of power - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community.”
- 1979 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Israel withdraws from Sinia, Ayatollah Khomeini leads Iran into a Theocratic Republic. Saddam installed as President of Iraq coming back from Egypt where he had been exiled (for attempting a coup). The CIA brings him back to Iraq. ...the US lost power over Iran. Khomeini nationalizes Iran's Oil. ...Iran takes 63 US hostages December 25th 1979 Russia invades Afghanistan CIA financed Osama Bin Laden to fight the Soviets. 1979-1988 May 15th
- 1979 MasterMason Pope John Paul II visits Chicago while the Grand Lodge is in session. The Grand Master and Grand Wardens, by special invitation, attend a Mass conducted by the Pope in Grant Park. Freemasonry is banned in Iran. Several Arab nations assume an anti-Masonic stance under the erroneous belief that the Craft is controlled by the Jews.
- 1979 Zionism_Israel Peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel.
- 1979 DeanHenderson The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was a watershed event. With the Shah deposed and the Iranian Consortium nationalized, the Four Horsemen- Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell- and their Rockefeller/Rothschild owners sought to create a more comprehensive security system for the safeguarding of Persian Gulf crude oil.
- 1979: IAmTheWitness The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty in 1979 was underwritten by United States aid which pledged $3 billion annually to Israel from the United States taxpayer (not even a drop in the ocean when you consider the amount they make off the Federal Reserve). Shin Bet (the Israeli internal security agency) tries to penetrate the US Consulate General in Jerusalem through a “Honey Trap”, using a clerical employee who was having an affair with a Jerusalem girl. ... Baron and Baroness Phillipi de Rothschild in a joint venture with Robert Mondavi, begin the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, California, where the leader/founder of the Church Of Satan, Ashkenazi Jew, Anton LaVey, was based. This is known as Opus 1 (which means, the first work), and the front for this temple is that it is a winery.
- 1979 to 1989: CliffordShack Soviet War in Afghanistan The Illuminati attempted to have their Russians neutralize Afghanistan for the future natural gas pipeline across Afghanistan. Khalilzad worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. During that time, he worked closely with Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Carter Administration's architect of the policy supporting the mujahideen resistance to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.
- 1980
- 1980s WMR /NFU The top secret Israeli-US program to establish "Al Qaeda" Press clips gathered by the CIA and discovered in the National Archives' stored CIA files point to an agency keenly interested in any leaks about the highly-classified CIA-Mossad program to establish Osama Bin Laden and the most radical elements of the Afghan Mujaheddin as the primary leaders of the anti-Soviet rebels in the 1980s. WMR has pored through the CIA files and a complicated picture emerges of America's and Israel's top intelligence agencies, in cahoots with Saudi Arabia, establishing financial links and carve out intelligence programs to provide manpower and financial support to Bin Laden and his allies in Afghanistan. It was these very elements that later created the so-called "Al Qaeda," which the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook described as nothing more than a "database" of CIA front organizations, financial supporters, and field operatives. However, one component omitted by Cook in the Al Qaeda construct is the Israeli participation. Thanks largely to the CIA station chief in Riyadh in 1986-87, millions of dollars from the Saudi government, particularly then-deputy Prime Minister Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah, and wealthy Saudi businessmen were funneled to the most radical leader of the Afghan rebels, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, for whom militant southern Philippines Muslim rebels named their organization, the Abu Sayyaf group.
- 1980 Care2 Jacob Rothschild resigned from the family's bank NM Rothschilds in 1980, started RIT Capital Partners. He is chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation, chairs the Jewish Policy Research, dedicated to promoting issues affecting Jews worldwide. Wikipedia Yad Hanadiv was established in memory of Baron Edmond James de Rothschild (“The well-known benefactor”) Yad Hanadiv was instrumental in the construction of the Knesset building and The Supreme Court of Israel, and in the establishment of Educational Television, 4] The Open University, The Centre for Educational Technology, Centre for Science Education (HEMDA), MANOF Youth Village, The Jerusalem Music Centre at Mishkenot Sha’ananim, The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Water Research Institute in the Technion, The Environment and Health Fund, The Israel Institute for School Leadership (Avney Rosha), the GuideStar.
- Skolnick The Archbishop of Chicago is also the Treasurer for the Church for the whole Western hemisphere. And he deposits those funds in the Continental Bank of Chicago, owned jointly by the Vatican, the Queen of England, and the Rothschilds, all of whose representatives always sat on the board of directors of Continental.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1980 Wikipedia Georgia Guidestones inscription: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. search: Alex Jones,
- 1980s EIR ... the Tony Blair and Colin Powell propaganda drivel were themselves linked to Rubin and his fellow Israeli pranksters, through Ahmed Chalabi's discredited and corrupt Iraqi National Congress (INC). Chalabi, University of Chicago protégé of the late utopian Albert Wohlstetter (Wikipedia), then fugitive swindler, was adopted as the Iraqi oppositionist-of-choice by Israeli "X Committee" agent and chairman of the Defense Policy Board Richard Perle and his British Arab Bureau handler, Dr. Bernard Lewis, in the 1980s. search terms: Iraq dossier, Coalition Information Center, Likudnik, Rabil, Dr. Barry Rubin, "X Comiittee" , Defense Policy Board, Richard Perle,
- 1980 Wikipedia al Qaeda, al Qaida Alleged CIA involvement Main article: Wikipedia Allegations of CIA assistance to Osama bin Laden Experts debate whether or not the al-Qaeda attacks were blowback from the American CIA's "Operation Cyclone" program to help the Afghan mujahideen. Robin Cook, British Foreign Secretary from 1997 to 2001, has written that al-Qaeda and Bin Laden were "a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies", and that "Al-Qaida, literally 'the database', was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians." Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations from 2002 to 2008, wrote in a letter published in the New York Times on January 19, 2008: The strategy to support the Afghans against Soviet military intervention was evolved by several intelligence agencies, including the C.I.A. and Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI. After the Soviet withdrawal, the Western powers walked away from the region, leaving behind 40,000 militants imported from several countries to wage the anti-Soviet jihad. Pakistan was left to face the blowback of extremism, drugs and guns. and Wikipedia In mid-1979, about the same time as the Soviet Union deployed troops into Afghanistan, the United States began giving several hundred million dollars a year in aid to the Afghan Mujahideen insurgents fighting the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Army in Operation Cyclone. Operation Cyclone was the code name for yet a another the United States Central Intelligence Agency program to arm terrorists and sow death and destruction for the benefit of American money and power politics. Operation Cyclone is one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken; funding began with $20-30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per year in 1987. Funding continued after 1989 as the Mujahideen battled the forces of Mohammad Najibullah's PDPA during the Civil war in Afghanistan (1989–1992). ... and ... Brzezinski has stated that the US provided communications equipment and limited financial aid to the mujahideen prior to the "formal" intervention, but only in response to the Soviet deployment of forces to Afghanistan and the 1978 coup, and with the intention of preventing further Soviet encroachment in the region. and ... The U.S. government has been criticized for allowing Pakistan to channel a disproportionate amount of its funding to controversial Afghan resistance leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who Pakistani officials believed was "their man". Hekmatyar has been criticized for killing other mujahideen and attacking civilian populations, including shelling Kabul with American-supplied weapons, causing 2,000 casualties. Hekmatyar was said to be friendly with Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda, who was running an operation for assisting "Afghan Arab" volunteers fighting in Afghanistan, called Maktab al-Khadamat and According to author David N. Gibbs "a considerable body of circumstantial evidence suggests ... direct Agency support for Bin Laden’s activities." Both Bin Laden and the CIA "held accounts in the Bank for Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)." "Bin Laden worked especially closely with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar" who Gibbs calls "the CIA’s favored Mujahiddin commander". Gibbs quotes Le Monde as saying bin Laden was "recruited by the CIA" in 1979, Associated Press as saying a former bin Laden aide told them that in 1989 the U.S. shipped high-powered sniper rifles to a Mujahiddin faction that included bin Laden, and Jane’s Intelligence Review as stating Bin Laden "worked in close association with U.S. agents" in raising money for the Mujahiddin from "vast family connections" near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border
- 1980's comment Tim Geithner was a teenage playmate of Obama (1980s) when Geithner's father, Peter Geithner, was a rep. for the Ford Foundation, stationed in Indonesia, working with Ann Dunham Soetoro, Obama's mother. There is only about two weeks difference in the ages of Obama and Tim Geithner.
- 1980-1988 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Iraq and Iran have a war where the US sells weapons to both sides. Iraq gets chemical weapons (from Rumsfeld) from the US and uses them on Iran and on the Kurds. ... rewind 1986 the heart of Iran contra affair (Iran needs these arms because of the war with Iraq whose leader is Saddam installed by the CIA and who has gotten chemical weapons from the US. The US through Israel also arms Iran. Kissinger quoted as saying nothing is better than to get them to kill each other. more
- 1980 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Start of Iraq Iran War. (Just a year after the US lost control over Iran and installed Saddam in Iraq "to fight communists" the typical rationalization.)
Thomson Reuters Propaganda
- Kohlberg Canada's Rich Troubled Thomson Family On March 10, 2006, Benjamin James Ludwick Thomson, the future Lord Thomson of Fleet and heir to the country's greatest fortune, was born in Toronto ... It also comes on the heels of a more public revelation involving Taylor Thomson, David's younger sister. That surfaced with the unsealing in February of a U.S. federal indictment charging Anthony Pellicano, the notorious Los Angeles private detective, and seven others, with 112 counts of racketeering, conspiracy and other charges. The case has been dubbed Hollywood's Watergate, given the industry insiders and celebrities dragged into its web - Steven Spielberg, Nicole Kidman and Sylvester Stallone among them. search Rothschild
- Thomson Board of Directors: David Thomson Wikipedia, Chairman, Thomson Reuters; W. Geoffrey Beattie, Deputy Chairman, ; James C. Smith President and Chief Executive Officer, Manvinder S. Banga, Operating Partner; Clayton Dubilier & Rice, LLC; Mary Cirillo Corporate Director; Steven A. Denning, Chairman, General Atlantic LLC; Lawton Fitt, Corporate Director; Roger L. Martin Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School Of Management, University Of Toronto; Sir Deryck Maughan, Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co; Ken Olisa Corporate Director, Vance K. Opperman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Key Investment, Inc.; John M. Thompson, Corporate Director; Peter J. Thomson Chairman, The Woodbridge Company Limited; Wulf von Schimmelmann Corporate Director Liborgate
1980's Heathrow Airport was privatized in the 1980s under the reign of Margaret Thatcher. It is now owned by BAA a private company (until very recent purchase by Ferrovial) that is often confused with the term British Airport Authority which no longer exists. BAA is led by Marcus Agius. BAA was recently purchased by Spanish conglomerate Ferrovial. Not all were happy with the decision. Marcus Agius - will stay on as a BAA leader even with the new "Spanish" owners. Marcus Agius (Wikipedia) is an in-law to the Rothschild Dynasty. Very little is ever said of this in most media outlets or stories. Married to Katherine Rothschild, a scioness of the "Rothschild banking dynasty of England. Ferrovial major spanish conglomerate with links to fascism under General Franco of Spain. Ferrovial is led by Rafael Del Pino. He was trained at the Illuminati Hive known as MIT and did " a stint" at Boston Consulting Group. Rafael Del Pino gives speeches at Francisco De Vitoria University , Madrid Spain. Francisco De Vitoria University is run by Regnum Christi (Wikipedia) and The Legionairres of Christ - in english, Legionarios De Cristo in Spanish. It is described as ultra-conservative and seems similar to Opus Dei. Rothschild family members founded Israel. The war on terror in large part helps Israel to survive by having Western Civilization on its side in the battle against Islam. Wikipedia Marcus Agius Marcus Ambrose Paul Agius (born 22 July 1946) is a British-Maltese financier and businessman, currently the Group Chairman of Barclays. He has also been appointed the senior non-executive director on the BBC's new executive board. Agius has been a non-executive Director of Barclays since 1 September 2006, and succeeded Matthew Barrett as Chairman from 1 January 2007. His current salary is £750,000. He was previously chairman of the London branch of investment bank Lazard and non-executive chairman of BAA Limited. He is married to Katherine (born 1949), daughter of Edmund de Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family of England, with two children, and has a close involvement with the Rothschild family estate, Exbury Gardens in Hampshire
- FreeMasonryWatch Conrad Black / Thomson / Telegraph, Andrew Knight, Lord Beaverbrook
- Lord Turner Adair, Chairman, the FSA Adair Turner was appointed FSA Chairman in September 2008. He is a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and at Cass Business School, City University. He became a cross-bench member of the House of Lords in 2005. Until September 2008 Lord Turner was a non-executive Director at Standard Chartered Bank; from 2000-2006 he was a Senior Adviser, Vice-Chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe, and from 1995-99, Director General of the Confederation of British Industry. Prior to that, he was with McKinsey and Company from 1982-95, and between 1992-1995, built McKinsey's practice in Eastern Europe and Russia. He was previously Chair of the Overseas Development Institute.
- NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Legendary dealmaker Bruce Wasserstein is looking to add a dozen investment bankers to the ranks of Lazard LLC in the United States. ... Currently working partners own 60 percent of Lazard, with the rest owned by external capitalists, ... Lazard Thursday also unveiled plans to better unite its three offices and named four executives the post of deputy chairman. Georges Ralli will run Lazard Paris, Kenneth Jacobs will head Lazard in the U.S., Georges Braggiotti from Italy will spearhead expansion in Europe, and Marcus Agius will oversee Lazard London.
- 1980 Wikipedia In 1980, Silverstein won a bid from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to construct 7 World Trade Center, to the north of the World Trade Center. Silverstein was interested in acquiring the entire World Trade Center complex, and put in a bid when the Port Authority put it up for lease in 2000. Silverstein won the bid when a deal between the initial winner and the Port Authority fell through, and he signed the lease on July 24, 2001.
- 1980: The global phenomenon of privatization starts. The Rothschilds are behind this from the very beginning in order to seize control of all publicly owned assets worldwide.
- 1980 Connect Rothschild to Drexel Burnham Lambert via the Concorde Group and Jeremy M. Josse Advisor ... Mr. Josse is CoHead in the Workout Group at Rothschild, Inc. in New York City since 2008. Prior to this he was Director in the European Investment Banking Group of NM Rothschild & Sons in London, a position he held since 2001.
- 1980 LaRouchePac IPE (Oil trading market London), which was created in 1980. Today (2004), the IPE is run by a Knight of the British Empire and former Royal Dutch/Shell official, Sir Robert Reid, and has a board which includes Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, representatives of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, BNP Paribas, Credit Lyonnais, and French oil giant Total. In 2001, the Atlanta, Georgia-based Intercontinental Exchange purchased the IPE. The Intercontinental Exchange's board includes the retired CEO of Royal Dutch/Shell's trading arm Coral Energy, the Chicago Board of Trade's Richard Sandor (himself a former banker with Banque Indosuez and Drexel Burnham Lambert), and one Jean-Marc Forneri, a banker who from 1994-96, was a partner at Demachy Worms & Cie., where he ran the investment-banking activities of Group Worms. World War II U.S. Intelligence services identified Banque Worms as the central powerhouse of the Synarchist fascist movement in Vichy, France.
- 1980 American Thinker Percy Sutton ... Legendary lawyer and politician Percy Sutton has died at the age of 89, and the major media are omitting mention of one of his most notable acts. The former Borough President of Manhattan, Sutton had a long and distinguished career as a lawyer (he was Malcolm X's attorney) and media mogul, who purchased radio stations in New York and other cities, making them into high rated black-oriented outlets. He also purchased and renovated (thereby saving from the wrecking ball) New York's legendary Apollo Theatre in Harlem. To top it off, Sutton was a member of the Tuskegee Airmen, one of the most celebrated groups in military aviation circles. A man of great accomplishment, whatever else one might think about his politics, and a man worthy of great respect. However, one of Sutton's most notable moments is absent from the media hagiographies I have seen: he stated on television that he knew that an Islamic supremacist, Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, and advisor to a wealthy Saudi, had paid for Barack Obama's education at Harvard Law School. go to Creation of First Jewish President / Percy Sutton
- 1980 NewsMax Khalid al-Mansour a.k.a. Don Warden ... the lengthy interview, al-Mansour confirmed that he frequently spoke on university campuses, including Columbia, where Percy Sutton suggested he met Obama in the late 1980s, and confirmed his close relationship with Prince Alwaleed....
...Although many Americans have never heard of Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (his full name), he is well known within the black community as a lawyer, an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an author, an international deal-maker, an educator, and an outspoken enemy of Israel.... In the 1960s, ...he was known as Donald Warden, when he founded the African American Association in the San Francisco Bay area,... search: Huey Newton, Bobby Seale.... Percy Sutton, a former lawyer for Malcolm X and a former business partner of al-Mansour, Mansour says he was raising money for Obama’s graduate school education, al-Mansour was representing top members of the Saudi Royal family seeking to do business and exert influence in the United States. In 1989, for example — just one year after Obama entered Harvard Law School — The Los Angeles Times revealed that al-Mansour had been advising Saudi billionaires Abdul Aziz and Khalid al-Ibrahim in their secret effort to acquire a major stake in prime ocean front property in Marina del Rey, Calif., through “an elaborate network of corporate shells in California, the Caribbean and Europe.” ... The billionaire in question is Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal....Politico Obama denies Percy Sutton story go to Creation of First Jewish President / Percy Sutton Connect Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal to Rupert Murdoch to Rothschild - Guardian ... it was News Corporation's second largest shareholder after Rupert Murdoch, Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who appeared to deliver the coup de grace to Rebekah Brooks's newspaper career.
- 1980 MasterMason Rose Croix - A History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales by A.C.F. Jackson is published.
- 1981: CliffordShack Obama visits mother in Indonesia, and travels to Pakistan and India. Transfers to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialty in international relations. There he is mentored by Mossad agent Khalizad and Brzezinski.
- 1981 Hkej Armand Hammer traveled to Beijing. 0n July 3, 1981, a meeting between Hammer and Deng Xiaoping was held in the Great Hall of the People. The deal was on the Shanxi mine Present there was Sen. Albert Gore." that would be Vice President Al Gore's late father.
- 1981 History of the Money Changers When President Ronald Reagan took office, his conservative friends suggested to him that he return to a gold standard, as a means to curbing government spending. President Reagan was on board with this idea and so he appointed a group of men called the, "Gold Commission," to undertake a feasibility study and report their findings back to Congress. 1982 President Reagan's, "Gold Commission," reports back to Congress and makes the following shocking statement concerning gold, "The U. S. Treasury owned no gold at all. All the gold that was left in Fort Knox was now owned by the Federal Reserve, a group of private bankers, as collateral against the National Debt."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1981 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Israel Bombs Iraq's Osirak Nuclear Research Facility. "Begin claimed the reactor was about to go into operation and was a threat to Israel because it could produce nuclear weapons. Begin's claims were contradicted by a number of experts..." Sound familiar?
- 1981 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline American Hostages in Iran are released (October surprise) October. Anwar Sadat President of Egypt is assassinated. The Fatwa order to kill him was pinned on Omar Abdel-Rahman later convicted for the WTC bombing in 93. (He was a double agent for Israel) Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak is sworn as president. He is a dictator and will be bought off by the US who will annually send tens of billions of dollars to Egyp making them the second highest aid recipient after Israel, with the exception of 1997 when the US hevily aided Turkey in order to ethnically cleanse the Kurds who in turn fled to Northern Iraq. 1981 With Anwar out of the way, Israel steps up its Settlements in Palestine Banque Rothschild is nationalised by the French government. The new bank is called, Compagnie Européenne de Banque. The Rothschilds subsequently set up a successor to this French bank, Rothschild & Cie Banque (RCB), which goes on to become a leading French investment house.
- 1981 Zionism_Israel Israel destroys Iraqi nuclear reactor in daring raid. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated while on the reviewing stand of a victory parade.
- 1981 Wikispooks Carter believed that institutions such as the Israel lobby would suffocate open diplomacy. An initiative was funded by a small number of wealthy British Jews led by Lord Marcus Sieff (the Chairman of Marks & Spencer) with the approval of Lord Victor Rothschild. Hart was proposed as the linkman to undertake an unofficial, covert diplomatic mission to get an exploratory dialogue going between Arafat and Shimon Peres. Enough progress was made to get Peres and Arafat into public dialogue in the event of Peres winning the 1981 election and denying Begin a second term. However, against all expectations, he did not.
- 1981 IAmTheWitness Islamist militants in the Egyptian army assassinate President Sadat during a military parade commemorating the October 1973 War. Video footage is available here. His vice-president, Hosni Mubarak, becomes president of Egypt. The assassination is seen as a consequence of Sadat’s peace treaty with Israel, as well as his "open door" liberal economic policies, which in the minds of Islamists render Egypt vulnerable to negative Western influences. The group responsible for Sadat's assassination is called al-Jihad al-Islami (Islamic Jihad) ; it infiltrated the army and recruited officers to carry out the plot. Prior to his death, Sadat had angered many segments of the Egyptian population by imprisoning thousands of intellectuals, writers, and Muslim and Christian clerics. The potential threat of a regime overthrow by religious militants, as in Iran, prompts President Mubarak to adopt martial law and to use military tribunals to try Sadat's assassins and their sympathizers. All of those linked to Sadat's assassination are executed.
- 1981: IAmTheWitness Italian Neofascist Organization P-2 Banned; Had Ties to American Neoconservative Ledeen
- 1981 Wikipedia De Benedetti became deputy chairman of the Italian bank Banco Ambrosiano in 1981, by acquiring 2% of the capital, but left after only 61 days. In April 1992, Carlo De Benedetti and 32 other people were convicted of fraud by a Milan court in connection with the collapse of the bank. Benedetti was sentenced to six years and four months in prison, but the sentence was overturned in April 1998, by the Court of Cassation.
- 1981 History Commons Licio Gelli. Source: Reformation (.org)] “Propaganda Due,” or P-2, an informal, parallel Secret Service in Italy led by neofascist and Freemason Licio Gelli, is banned by the Italian Parliament, though the organization continues to function. (Gelli is expelled from the Masons the same year as P-2 is banned.) It had a penchant for secret rituals and exotic covert ops against what it considered Communist-based threats. P-2 members swear to have their throats slit and tongues cut out rather than break their oaths of secrecy and loyalty. Author Craig Unger characterizes the organization as “subversive, authoritarian, and right-wing.” It was sometimes called the “P-2 Masonic Lodge” because of its ties to the Freemasons. It served as a covert intelligence agency for militant anticommunists. It was also linked to Operation Gladio, a secret paramilitary wing of NATO that supported far-right military coups in Greece and Turkey during the Cold War. P-2 is banned by the Italian Parliament after an investigation found that it had infiltrated the highest levels of Italy’s judiciary, parliament, military, and press, and was linked to assassinations, kidnappings, and illicit arms deals around the world. The critical event was the murder of Freemason and bank president Roberto Calvi, who was found hanging from a bridge in London; the investigation found that P-2 may have been involved in Calvi’s murder. American neoconservative Michael Ledeen, who has long if murky connections with both US and Italian intelligence agencies, was a part of two major international disinformation operations in conjunction with P-2 and SISMI, the Italian military intelligence agency (see October 1980 and Mid-1981
- 1982 Zionism_Israel Massive Israeli invasion of Lebanon to fight PLO.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1982 NicosiaMoneyNews The (2012 Paris Orléans) reorganisation of assets, once completed, would double the market value of Paris Orléans from €550m to more than €1bn. It reflects David de Rothschild’s determination never again to give up family control. This had become his raison d’être ever since his “traumatic” experience of seeing the family’s French bank nationalised by François Mitterrand in 1982, an act that prompted this bitter response from his father, Guy de Rothschild: “A Jew under Pétain, a pariah under Mitterrand.”
- 1982 AIPAC executive board includes Bernice Manocherian. Amy Friedkin, Tim Wuliger, Lonny Kaplan, Steven Grossman,
- 1982: IAmTheWitness From September 16 to 18, future Prime Minister of Israel and then Defence Minister, Ashkenazi Jew, Ariel Sharon, orchestrates Israel's invasion of Lebanon, which provided ariel lighting in order to facilitate the killing of between 1000 and 2000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila massacres.
Soros / Rothschild connections
- 1993 TheVertigo EIR In addition to being a Bush appointee, R. Mark Palmer, it turns out appears to have been a collaborator with George Soros in his efforts to unhinge Eastern European currencies. “(Soros) has been controlled for some time by a fellow called Hartmann. Hartmann was operating out of Zug, Switzerland, which is one of the banking centers, through the N.M. Rothschild Continuation Trust. Hartmann was the man who controlled the BNL and BCCI simultaneously, or coordinated it, which were not Pakistani or Gulf banks; they were British Commonwealth banks, controlled through this Rothschild intermediation. He worked for them, and still does. Now on the American side, his controller or coordinator has been Gerald Corrigan, who's going to work for him on the Russian side, and a State Department official, R. Mark Palmer, who went to work for Soros even before he fully quit his job at the State Department.” There Is a Worldwide Crash in Progress; We Are In A Depression Already'', Lyndon Larouche, interviewed by Mel Klenetsky, August 4, 1993, Shofar “So Soros, the big derivatives speculator operating in central Europe, the man who ran the run against the pound, the run against the franc, and so forth, is a creature of this. This involved Gerald Corrigan of the New York Fed, now retiring to join Soros's Russian operation; and this involved R. Mark Palmer, a State Department official. So this is an Anglo-American operation by those interests which ran BCCI, BNL, to try to bankrupt European currencies.” How Europe's Economic Crisis Could Become the Worst Crisis in Six Centuries, Lyndon Larouche, interviewed by Mel Klenetsky, August 18, 1993]
(Breakup of Soviet Union)
- 1996 BibliotecaPleyades Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one Richard Katz. He is at the same time head of the Rothschilds Italia S.p.A. in Milan and is also on the board of the commercial bank N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London. Another member of the board is Nils O. Taube. See HedgeFundJournal Katz is currently a Director of Leveraged Capital Holdings Investments and Asian Capital Holdings Fund. He sits on the Executive Committee of Quantum Endowment Fund where he has been a Director since 1986. Furthermore, he sits on the boards of directors of Quantum Industrial, Quantum Realty and Asian Infrastructure Development Holdings Ltd. Privee Edmond de Rothschild Katz has been active in banking and international finance for more than forty years, holding roles such as Director of N. M. Rothschild & Sons in London from 1977 to 1993 and Managing Director of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. in Milan from its founding in 1989 until 1992. See RealJewNews An independent Muslim Kosovo is also in the interest of the Rothschilds because it is the “Serbian Kuwait” with its enormous reserves of lead, zinc, gold, and coal. Soros has invested millions of dollars through his International Crisis Group in an effort to possess Trepca for the Rothschilds a rich mining area in Kosovo. Oil interests also figure into an independent Kosovo for Soros and the Rothschilds. Kosovo’s independence from Serbia is crucial to the interests of the Rothschilds’ mining companies since it would give them clear passage for snatching mineral wealth away from Christian Serbia and its sponsor state, Putin’s Christian Russia.
- 1996 Dejan Lucic George Soros and his connection to the Rothschilds Soros is a Hungarian Jew (a Khazar), born in Budapest in 1930 as György Schwartz (in 1936 his parents changed their surname to Sorosz).He was educated in London and in 1950s he went to the USA. An important role in his development was played by the famous Khazar Karl Popper Wikipedia, who approved Soros’s projects and was his guru. George (Schwartz) Soros, the main agent of the Rothschilds ... Throughout the world, this grey eminence is represented as the “Robin Hood of the computer age”, because he seemingly takes the money from the rich countries and via his foundations generously gives it to East Europe and Russia. In this way he installs “democracy” and “civil society” in countries which suffered and were exhausted during communism, the very communism that was forced onto these countries by those very Rothschilds. He built his career upon financial speculations all over the world, mostly thanks to his family of investment funds “Quantum Fund”, whose managers, and at the same time his agents, are Italian and Swiss financiers. ... The connection between Soros and the Rothschilds is achieved through a network of confidential people who sit in administrative committees of funds, trusts, companies, banks... One of those people was a certain Richard Katz (Wikipedia)(also a Khazar), a member of the “Quantum Fund” committee. At the same time he was head of “Rothschild Italia S.p.A.” and a member of the committee of the commercial bank “N.M. Rothschild & Sons” in London. Another important player is Nils O. Taube, also a member of Quantum and a partner of the investment group “St .James Place Capital”(Wikipedia), which now belongs to Nathaniel Rothschild. The connection is also realized via Societe Generale Bank and its manager Michael Cicurel, who is chairman of Edmund Rothschild’s management and a member of the Rothschild & Cie Banque board. Another frequent partner of Soros’s was James Goldsmith (a Khazar), related to Rothschild dynasty.
- 1996 TheVertigo On the board of directors of Soros's Quantum Fund N.V. is Richard Katz, a Rothschild man who is also on the board of the London N.M. Rothschild and Sons merchant bank, and the head of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. of Milan. Another Rothschild family link to Soros's Quantum Fund is Quantum board member Nils O. Taube, the partner of the London investment group St. James Place Capital, whose major partner is Lord Rothschild. London Times columnist Lord William Rees-Mogg is also on the board of Rothschild's St. James Place Capital.” “ The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros , William Engdahl, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), November 1, 1996]
- 2012 RT Other Americas Society members include powerful regional and global business and political leaders, like World Jewish Congress chairman Eduardo Elsztain (George Soros’ Argentine business partner) and Gustavo and Patricia Cisneros owners of a powerful Venezuelan opposition multi-media conglomerate. Co-chairing the America’s Society with David Rockefeller is John Negroponte, who served as George W. Bush’s ambassador to the UN and Iraq, and was also his National Security Advisor. Often, it is little-known facts like these that help “join the dots” to get the real picture of where power lies, but which the Western mainstream media all but ignore. Just as they ignored the fact that the Global Power Masters imposed Mario Monti as president of troubled Italy who also “happens” to be European Chairman for the Rockefeller-Rothschild Trilateral Commission with its large mega-banker membership. member list
- 1982 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline June 6 Israel invaded Lebanon with US support. This was based on terrorist attacks from Lebanon (yeh well now I say maybe) Israel targets civilians and and is so brutal that they receive world wide criticism aside from the US of course. Hezbollah is established as a response to the invasion. Israel occupies Southern Lebanon.
- 1982 Wikispooks Viscount Etienne Davignon (Bilderberg leader
)... He was also a key figure behind the report on the future of the Atlantic Alliance (Harmel report) and he presided over the committee which prepared the first proposals regarding political cooperation between EEC members (Davignon Report, 1974-1975). Following the oil crisis in 1973, Davignon chaired the international conference that established an oil-sharing treaty. First president of the International Energy Agency 1974-1977. Worked as vice-president for the European Commission from 1977 to 1985, where he was in charge of industry, research and energy... In 1982, as Industry Commissioner, Davignon challenged Pehr Gyllenhammar (Wikipedia Volvo, Chase Manhattan, Kissinger Associates, Aspen Institute; later on managing director of Lazard, vice chairman of Rothschild Europe, and chairman of Rothschild Pension Funds) to organize a group of top European businessmen to lobby the European Commission. The Gyllenhammar group was to become the highly influential European Round Table of Industrialists or ERT, drawing up policy for Europe.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1982 CuttingEdge Billy Graham received the Illuminist Templeton Award Read about Templeton Award above under Bill Bright]. Even though Templeton is a pantheist and Illuminist through and through -- a man who does not believe in either the Bible or Jesus Christ as God -- Graham praised him greatly.
- 1982 Biblioteca Pleyades Lammont Du Pont, Lammot (Copeland) was also a director of Wilmington Trust Company, a director of Christiana Securities, father in law to James Biddle, who married his daughter Louisa. James Biddle is a direct descendant of Nicholas Biddle, head of the British affiliated (Rothschild-Windsor) second Bank of the United States. The du Pont family was the largest funder of The American Liberty League, the main institute behind the 1934 fascist plot against FDR. Lammot, for example, donated at least 15.000 dollar to The American Liberty League see also Viscount Reginald Esher (Rothschild connections) Pilgrim Henry Morgenthau.
- 1982 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Oded Yinon plan to divide up Iraq along the lines of religious factions. Quote: Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi'ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.
- 1983 Georgia Congressman Lawrence PattonMcDonald was a mentor to Ron Paul and called for Congressional investigation of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission (Pilgrims Society fronts) and was on board Korean Air Lines flight 007 when a Soviet fighter jet shot it down with 269 passengers aboard near Sakhalin Island on September 1, 1983
- 1983 History of the Money Changers In order that Ecuador's government be allowed a loan of 1.5 billion dollars from the IMF, they were forced to take over the unpaid private debts Ecuador's elite owed to private banks. Furthermore in order to ensure Ecuador could pay back this loan, the IMF dictated price hikes in electricity and other utilities. When that didn't give the IMF enough cash they ordered Ecuador to sack 120,000 workers. Ecuador were required to do a variety of things under a timetable imposed by the IMF. These included: raising the price of cooking gas by 80% by November 1 2000; transferring the ownership of its biggest water system to foreign operators; granting British Petroleum the rights to build and own an oil pipeline over the Andes; and eliminating the jobs of more workers and reducing the wages of those remaining by 50%. ...
- 1983 According to the Financial Times, Kovner launched Caxton in 1983 "with backing from the Rothschild family." From 1986 through to 1999, Kovner managed an offshore investment fund for Global Asset Management (GAM). GAM, set up by Gilbert de Botton in 1983, had two owners: de Botton, who had worked for Rothschild banks in the US and Switzerland, had a 60% share; and Jacob Rothschild, who had the remaining 40%. GAM consisted of ninety-six hedge funds of which Kovner's, with 12 per-cent of assets, was both the largest and "one of the top performers."When Kovner scaled back his hedge-fund in 1995 the Wall Street Journal noted that he would "continue to manage money for the wealthy Rothschild family of France."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1985 History of the Money Changers In order to illustrate that the great majority of money is not even printed these days, please see the following speech by the late Lord Beswick which appeared in HANSARD, 27th November 1985, vol. 468, columns 935-939, under the title, "Money Supply and the Private Banking System," which states, "Lord Beswick rose to call attention to the statement made by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster on 23rd July 1985 that the 96.9 per cent increase in money supply over a five-year period has been created by the private banking system and without Government authority…. ... The noble Lord said, 'My Lords, on 10th June this year I asked Her Majesty’s Government by what amount the money supply had increased in the five-year period to mid-April 1985. Interestingly, they gave me the answer in percentages and not in pounds. Having given him prior notice, perhaps the Minister would be good enough later to give me the answer in money terms.
- 1984 Wikipedia The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism (Arabic: al-Wajh al-Akhar: al-'Alaqat as-Sirriya bayna an-Naziya wa's-Sihyuniya is a book by Mahmoud Abbas, published in 1984 in Arabic. It is based on his CandSc thesis, completed in 1982 at Patrice Lumumba University (now the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) under the title The Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement, and defended at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. In the book, Abbas argues that the Nazi-perpetrated Holocaust had been exaggerated and that Zionists created "the myth" of six million murdered Jews, which he called a "fantastic lie".He further claimed that those Jews which were killed by the Nazis were actually the victims of a Zionist-Nazi plot aimed to fuel vengeance against Jews and to expand their mass extermination. The book also discussed topics such as the Haavara Agreement, in which the Third Reich agreed with the Jewish Agency to facilitate Jewish emigration from Germany to Mandate Palestine.
- 1983 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Rumsfeld travels to Iraq and provides them with "pesticides" chemicals weapons.
Bain Capital, Huntsman, Romney and the Rothchilds
- 1882 PolitcalVelcraft The Edmunds Anti-Poligamy of 1882 Act (Wikipedia) stripped polygamists of the basic rights of U.S. citizenship, denying them the right to vote, serve on juries or hold office. Not dissimilar to current immigration raids, U.S. federal agents hunted and arrested polygamists. Polygamists were forced to leave the country or risk jail. All four of George’s (Mitt’s father) grandparents would live out their days in Mexico, with Anna’s mother Dorsey being the last to die — in Chihuahua in 1929.
- 1984 comment: Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Bain & Company partners Willard Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss. In addition to the three founding partners, the early team included Fraser Bullock, Robert F. White, Joshua Bekenstein, Adam Kirsch, Stephen Pagliuca and Geoffrey S. Rehnert. Bain Capital's original $37 million fund was raised entirely from private individuals in mid-1984, led by Ricardo Poma, a Salvadoran businessman.
- Huntsman Corporation, China, packaging, petrochemicals. Jon Huntsman Jr. Ambassador to China under Obama.
- 1984 Village Voice (2012) His specialty was flipping companies—or what he often calls "creative destruction. Bain would slash costs, jettison workers, reposition product lines, and merge its new companies with other firms. With luck, they'd be able to dump the firm in a few years for millions more than they'd paid for it. In the midst of that 1994 campaign, one of Romney's companies, American Pad & Paper, bought a plant in Marion, Indiana. At the time, it was prosperous enough to be running three shifts. Bain's first move was to fire all 258 workers, then invite them to reapply for their jobs at lower wages and a 50 percent cut in health care benefits.
- 1984 Wikipedia .Bain Capital...does not mention connections to Zionists, Israel, the Mossad or the Rothschilds. It does mention the Blackstone Group and the Carlyle Group Bain Capital’s Brookside Capital Partners and recently launched Woodbine Capital Advisors
- 2001 Wikipedia In early 2001, Bain purchased a 30% stake in Huntsman Corporation and David Michael Rothschild Wharton School of Business PhD Candidate in Applied Economics ...Eric Saint-Guillain
- 2003 RumorMillNews: Todd Staheli, who was a Vice President of Shell Oil (Rothschilds) was brutally murdered while searching for oil in the same part of Utah where Wolverine Oil and Gas now have operating wells. Todd was raised in Spanish Fork Utah. The oil field lies directly South and under the County he grew up in. Perhaps it was in Spanish Fork where Todd first heard the obscure prophecy made by Brigham Young pertaining to a massive oil field being discovered in Utah. He and his wife's mysterious murder in December of 2003 directly preceded Wolverine Oil and Gas's announcement that they had found oil in the very same area Todd was exploring, outside of the auspices of his employers at Shell Oil. Mitt Romney, in a manner of speaking, owns the State of Utah. He also has various connections to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other Satanic Psychopaths that run the Oil Industry. These groups have been very generous to his campaign. * Goldman Sachs (Rothschilds): $234,000 in donations to Mitt Romney. * Citigroup (Rothschilds): $178,000 in donations to Mitt Romney * Merill Lynch (Rothschilds): $173,350 to Mitt Romney * Morgan Stanley (Rothschilds): $170,350 * Lehman Brothers (Rothschilds): $144,000 see DeseretNews Wolverine,
- 2006 Atrueoff Research Ms. Gadiesh further and one learns that prior to joining Bain & Company, and before working closely with Mitt Romney, Ms. Gadiesh served in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army. Currently, her impressive resume lists that she sits on the board of directors of the Peres Center for Peace, an organization headed by yet another former chief of staff of the Israeli military, Lt. General Amnon Lipkin-Shahak. Avner Azulay, a top-level MOSSAD operative, the managing director of the Marc Rich Foundation, is also on the executive board of the Peres Center. Ms. Gadiesh headed up your “transition team” when you occupied the Governor’s mansion of Massachusetts in 2002. Is Ms. Gadiesh your MOSSAD/CIA “Handler” Mr. Romney? Is it just a strange coincidence that she has shadowed your every step – from Harvard, to Bain & Company, to the Governor’s Office?.
- 2009 Billingham, UK – The Pigments division of Huntsman Corporation (NYSE:HUN) today announced that it will increase prices of all titanium dioxide pigments sold in North America, Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.
- 2009 The MoneyTeachers and LDSFreedomForum Citibanks toxic derivatives, which forced the bank's subsequent collapse, were fraudulently transferred to a Salt Lake City "Key Bank" in order to make Citibank look better during the recent audit. Reportedly, Romney is working with the White House and Fed, to move these toxic assets into the LDS Church's investment portfolio. These toxic derivatives would place trillions of dollars of liabilities on the Church's books. Derivatives are responsible for the largest transfer of wealth in the World's entire history. Estimated at $1,000 trillion dollars outstanding in the global market. In this one case, Romney would become a major player in helping to loot the LDS Church! (Source) and Mail-Archive Sankaty Advisors LLC
- 2011 JudeoFascism Romney’s financial backers are a who’s who of the Republican Jewish establishment, and his foreign policy advisers are culled from some of the pro-Israel community’s best and brightest. Romney published a list of his foreign policy advisers, including many who have been active in or are close to the pro-Israel community, such as Norm Coleman, the former U.S. senator from Minnesota who is now active with the Republican Jewish Coalition; Dan Senor, the co-author of a book on Israeli technological innovation who often works with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee; and Dov Zakheim, a former top Pentagon official in various Republican administrations who also is active with the American Jewish Committee...
- 2011 Aangirfan Mad Mormons work for Mossad, CIA ... "Orit Gadiesh, born in Israel in 1951, has worked closely with Mitt Romney since at least 1991, and probably much longer since she joined Bain & Company in 1977, when she was 26. "Romney appointed Gadiesh to his transition team when he became governor of Massachusetts in November 2002. "Gadiesh is the daughter of Falk Gadiesh, an Israeli brigadier general and former member of the general staff who reorganized the Israeli army in the 1950s after a stint at MIT. "During the early 1970s, she worked in the war room, a bunker where Gen. Moshe Dayan was in charge." source: Bollyn. & much more
- 2011 Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) is Romney advisor: see Mitt Romney’s Special Adviser on Foreign Policy and former Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Dov Zakheim made the following statement after tonight’s debate in Washington, DC....Mitt Romney won tonight’s debate... and other advisors: USNews John Lehman, Michael Chertoff, Eric Edelman, Michael Hayden.
- 2011 Seeker401 In recent days, the fact that Mitt Romney has millions of dollars parked down in the Cayman Islands has made headlines all over the world. But when it comes to offshore banking, what Mitt Romney is doing is small potatoes. The truth is that the global elite are hiding an almost unbelievable amount of money in offshore banks. According to shocking research done by the IMF, the global elite are holding a total of 18 trillion dollars in offshore banks. And that figure does not even count any money being held in Switzerland. IMF offshore tax avoidance
- MoneyTeachers could answer the questions of how Illuminati Globalists, like Joseph Cannon, Chris Cannon, Mitt Romney, Orrin Hatch, Harry Reid, the Marriotts, and a slew of others have risen to prominence within the Mormon Church. Swiss Billionaire Robert Vincent de Oliverri, the second richest Rothschild in the world at the time, joined the LDS faith after two missionaries knocked on his door. In what appears to be a "hand-off" from the Rockefellers to the Rothschilds, Oliverri flew into Salt Lake City and wrote a $500 million dollar check to pay off the Rockefeller lien. (Florida swampland deal). Rense, MoneyTeachers Huntsman, MormonsTruth ... Gareth Williams spy
- 2011 The Mitt Romney campaign thought they had the perfect place staked out for their fundraiser in London...The home now belongs to wealthy financier Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a well-connected American lawyer and entrepreneur. But one major problem got in the way: the Lady joined up with one of Romney’s rivals, Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. (3rd cousin to Mitt) She hosted a dinner for him last week at another one of her homes, in New York, and says they raised $1.2 million. Search terms: Jon Huntsman Sr., John Romney, Kevin Madden (senior advisor to Mitt Romney), Olympics, Hunstman U. S. Ambassador to China under Obama. MoneyTeachers: Political power and corporate greed vs. Mormon Doctrine and scriptural tradition. Some critics of the LDS Church feel that the Church leadership is in the process of exchanging one for the other. Still others blame the "Mormon Illuminati", Mormon multi-millionaire families like the Eccles, Romneys, and Marriots, for the pressure on the Church to become an acceptable institution to the Satanic/Luciferian conspiracy that runs this evil world of ours.
- 2012 WMR / T-Room Bo Xilai had close relations with former U.S. ambassador to China and former GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. In fact, Huntsman’s daughter dated Bo’s playboy son, Bo Guagua, who was known for driving his trademark red Ferrari around Beijing. Moreover, the U.S. Consul General in Chengdu is Peter Haymond, a friend of Huntsman and a fellow Mormon.
- 2012 Geoplotical The plan by Bo and his wife to take over power in Beijing and circumvent the plans by Xi Jinping to become China's next president, succeeding Hu Jintao was supported by the Rothschilds; Soros; the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a close friend of Bo; and the U.S. "Mormon diplomatic contingent" in China that included former U.S. ambassador to China Jon Huntsman and the U.S. Consul General in Chengdu, Peter Haymond, who ordered Wang handed over to the Beijing authorities.
- 2011 Titanium Oxide, stealth technology, Dupont, Huntsman, Walter and Christina Liew, Tim Spitler (titanium oxide specialist) suspicious suicide
- 1990 PPPHS Bruce Rappaport Baruch (Bruce) Rappaport was born in Haifa where he met his wife and life partner, Ruth. He served in the British Army and was among the founders of the Military Police, graduated from Law school and served in the Military High Court of Appeal. In his search for "his way" in the world, Bruce arrived in Geneva in the late 1950’s, and began his successful business career by providing support services to shipping companies. ... Bruce Rappaport became the largest private investor in the Bank of New York .... Several years later, the Bank of New York became a partner in the bank founded by Bruce in Geneva – Bank of New York – Inter Maritime Bank. Scribd Collateral Damage Rappaport, Iran Contra cmkmgrapevine Sheikh Ahmad Turki Yamani, then the Saudi minister of petroleum; and Sheikh Abdel Hadir Taher, the governor of the Saudi state oil company Petromin SpitfireList Suadi intelligence, Mahfouz, Prince Turki bin Faisal al-Saud, Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh,
- 1988 Zoominfo Alfred Harmann ... BCCI Director and President of the Geneva Branch Chubb Group Chief Financial Officer BCC Holding Managing Director of the Swiss Branch Bank of Credit and Commerce International Administrator Bank of Credit and Commerce International Head Bank of Credit and Commerce International President Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. President Swiss Chemical Manufacturer's Society Head BCCI
- 1990 SomeUnknownHistory Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush sr. administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of Italian BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush sr. when he was vice president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the Condor II missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of New York-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980 and he used BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds. Kycbs McCain / Keating Criminal State McCain / Keating
- 1990 PPPHS Bruce Rappaport Baruch (Bruce) Rappaport was born in Haifa where he met his wife and life partner, Ruth. He served in the British Army and was among the founders of the Military Police, graduated from Law school and served in the Military High Court of Appeal. In his search for "his way" in the world, Bruce arrived in Geneva in the late 1950’s, and began his successful business career by providing support services to shipping companies. ... Bruce Rappaport became the largest private investor in the Bank of New York (established in 1784, considered among the most important banks in the world). Several years later, the Bank of New York became a partner in the bank founded by Bruce in Geneva – Bank of NY – Inter Maritime Bank.
- 1990 LondonSpeakerBureau David de Rothschild National Geographic Emerging Explorer, Clean up the World Ambassador and UNEP Climate Hero Print this profile Send to a friend David de Rothschild is an adventurer, environmentalist and the founder of MYOO, a meaningful marketing agency, online zine and adventure group, specializing in sustainability consultancy, material science and product design. It is MYOO's goal to inspire dreams, fuel conversation, share innovations and activate change in order to give nature a voice. David's passion and commitment to action has seen him ski, dogsled and kite to both the North and South poles as well as visiting some of the world's most… (left gatekeeper)
- 1990's The Libertarian Theocrats When American society collapses under the combined weight of massive foreign debt, military overstretch, and internal decadence, Gary North hopes to have a network of churches ready to step into the breech. In preparation, he has written book after book aimed at educating Christians on how to live debt free, avoid electronic surveillance, and develop the skills necessary for surviving economic collapse. “In short, North’s version of Reconstructionism blazed a path for the militia and Christian survivalist groups of the 1990s to follow.” (“”)
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1990-91 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline US war on Iraq The US used false testimony. Posing as Nayirah, a little girl gave heart-wrenching story of the Iraqis ripping babies out of incubators, a story that was repeated from three months by the US media. "Nayirah" was Kuwait royalty. She was the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait's Ambassador to the US and she fabricated the entire thing. The US also used false reports of a build up of troops on the Saudi Arabian border. But Russian satellite photos of the area, on the same day Bush Sr. was making his claims, as reported in the St. Petersburg Times showed no build up.
- 1990 - GripesOnline In his book “The Keys of This Blood,” Catholic priest Malachi Martin quotes Pope John Paul II as saying: “By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations...a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of survival. One world government is inevitable.”
- 1990 Richard Parsons
Legal Schnauzer Parsons Richard Hohlt was recently hired by Citi chairman Richard Parsons as a ”consultant”. Hohlt is a former aide to Richard Lugar. His roster of clients has included, among others, JPMorgan, Washington Mutual, TimeWarner, Philip Morris, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chevron, and the Nuclear Energy Institute. He’s a close associate of Karl Rove and collaborated with Robert Novak in outing Valerie Plame. He was a George Bush “Super Ranger” bagman. see RawStory on Hohlt Among these 83 lobbyists are McCain's chief political adviser, Charlie Black (JP Morgan, Washington Mutual Bank, Freddie Mac, Mortgage Bankers Association of America); McCain's national finance co-chairman, Wayne Berman (AIG, Blackstone, Credit Suisse, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac); the campaign's congressional liaison, John Green (Carlyle Group, Citigroup, Icahn Associates, Fannie Mae); McCain's veep vetter, Arthur Culvahouse (Fannie Mae); and McCain's transition planning chief, William Timmons Sr. (Citigroup, Freddie Mac, Vanguard Group)." and SmugMug Vernon Jordan and Richard Parsons pic kai milla, vernon jordan, valerie jarrett, ann parsons, richard parsons and BeauProductions Dime Savings & Loan.
Henry Kissinger is involved in all of the above organizations that have close ties to Obama and the Rothschilds
Links to Obama and Rothschild
- 2008 Washington Post Barack Obama's Team of National Security Heavyweights, By Henry A. Kissinger Friday, December 5, 2008 includes Henry Kissinger, General James Jones... go to Kissinger, Obama advisor Obama Zionist Advisors list 2008 More Zionist Advisors: Rahm Emanuel , White House Chief of Staff; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury; Ben Bernanke, Chairman Federal Reserve; Peter Orzag, Director of the Office of Budget Management; David Axelrod, Chief political advisor; Larry Summers, Chief Financial Advisor; Ezekiel Emanuel, White House Medical Czar; Thomas Frieden, Director, Centers for Disease Control; Douglas Shulman, IRS Commissioner; Richard Haass, President of CFR and Obama’s ambassador-at-large; Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State; Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman-Sachs; Ken Feinberg, Corp. Executive Compensation Czar; Cass Sunstein, Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs; Daniel Fried, Overseer of USA’s gulag camps; Steven Rattner, Director, Obama’s Task Force of Auto Industry; Alan Bersin, Special Representative for Border Affairs; Todd Stern, Climate Change Czar; Carol Browner, environmental advisor and Energy Coordinator; Gary Gensler, Chairman of Commodities Futures Trading Commission; Elena Kagan, U.S. Solicitor General; Ron Klain, Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden; Eric Lander, Chairman, Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; Jacob Lew and James Steinberg, Deputy Secretaries of State; Ellen Moran, White House Director of Communications; Mary Schapiro, Chairperson, Securities and Exchange Commission; Sheila Bair, Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); Mona Sutphen, Deputy White House Chief of Staff; Donald Kohn, Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve Board; Richard Holbrooke Wikipedia, Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan; , Karen Mills, head, Small Business Administration; Jon Leibowitz, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission; Julius Genachowski, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; , Dr. Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration; Susan Sher, Chief of Staff for First Lady, Michelle Obama, Henry Kissinger, Susan Rice - ambassador to the UN; Michael McFaul - head of the Russian desk at the National Security Council; Elena Kagan - solicitor general of the United States; Anne-Marie Slaughter - State Department policy planning staff; Neal S.Wolin - deputy counsel to the president for economic policy; Ezekial Emanuel - senior counselor at the White House Office of Management and Budget on health care policy; Lawrence Summers - head of the National Economic Council; Peter Orszag - director of the Office of Management and Budget; Peter Rouse - senior advisor to the president; Mona Sutphen - deputy chief of the White House staff.
- Timeline continued below
- Creation of First Jewish President
Rothschild Zionists control Obama
- Connect Lester Crown to Rothschild and
B'nai Brith
- Chicago Tribune Nathan Cummings, chairman of Consolidated Foods Corp, a bid to purchase a controlling interest in A&P, ... gathered a group of backers that included Henry Ford II, Chicago industrialist Col. Henry Crown, the Rockefellers, the British branch of the Rothschild family, the United States Steel Corp. pension trust and Harvard and Yale Universities... annual sales $7 billion.
- HiddenMysteries In 1968, Israeli Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir (Wikipedia), the creator of Israel's "offshore" banking system, sponsored a "millionaires conference" in Jerusalem. All in attendance were in one way or another connected to the Israeli intelligence apparatus responsible for the weapons and money that helped create Israel in 1948. Among them were : Louis Boyar and Sam Rothberg - Henry Crown - Max Fisher - Ray Wolfe -Shaul Eisenberg (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) - Raphael Recanati - Philip Klutznik. Out of this conference, the Israel Corporation (Wikipedia) was formed.
- Paul Goldstein .. B'nai Brith Britains Weapon Against America
- See these Shaul Eisenber links Eisenberg, Shaul Mossad, Eisenberg, Shaul, Russia, Eisenberg, Lewis
- Possible path between Rothschilds and Obama via Valerie Jarrett, to her husband at the Chicago Tribune to Hollinger to Rothschild ... go to Capcom...and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers
- NYTimes Valerie Jarrett has never worked in Washington, her great-uncle is Vernon Jordan
, the well-known Democratic power broker. go to
- 1978 Wikipedia White House Jewish Liason, has existed since the Carter administration ... At times, the post has operated within the White House Office of Public Liaison. see also
- 1985 Jewish Policy Center Wikipedia .. founded in 1985, is a Washington, D.C.-based think tank tied closely to the Republican Jewish Coalition.
- 2008 Bibliotecaplaydes Zionist Jew Timothy Geithner was confirmed as Secretary of Treasury by Obama on November 22 2008… another banner day for the global Zionist Rothschild elite. Geithner, who was born to a Jewish family in Brooklyn NY, has been serving the Rothschilds as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 2003. and Wikipedia His father was the director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation in New York in the 1990s. During the early 1980s, Geithner's father Peter oversaw the Ford Foundation's microfinance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham Soetoro, President Barack Obama's mother, and they met in person at least once. and InvestorsHub Proof Tim Geithner works for Rothschild globalists and wants America to fail. ... And third, Geithner completely overlooks what has brought significant parts of Europe to its economic knees. He should spend more time with the authorities in Iceland or Ireland or Switzerland, countries where “financial globalization” allowed banks to become big relative to the economy.
- 2001 LittleTboca David Axelrod is Obama’s Senior Advisor and Campaign manager and has been hanging out with Obama since 2001. Axelrod is one of the highest level Rothschild Zionist agents/controllers of the Obama administration. Axelrod was commissioned in 1992 by Klutznick to make Barack Obama “our first black president,” Philip M. Klutznick of Chicago, the former president of B’nai B’rith International the global voice of the Jewish community, is an international Jewish organization … and the World Jewish Congress. George Soros is a Rothschild Zionist agent, not only donates to Obama but is one of Obama’s puppeteers. Obama’s advisors and czars who are connected to Rothschild Zionism include Cass Sunstein. Cass appointed two Rothschild Zionists (Carol Browner & Todd Stem) to take charge of the climate change and global warming. Ken Feinberg was appointed by Obama to be the special pay master for the companies bailed out by our stimulus money and yes, Ken is connected to the Rothschild Zionists. Economic Czar – Larry Summers, Pay Czar – Kenneth Feinberg, Guatanomo/Military Jails Czar -Daniel Fried, Car Czar – Steven Rattner, Border Czar and there’s so much more. So when you wake up tomorrow and wonder why Obama acts and sounds like a crazy man – you know who the real puppeteers are and you’d better believe that David Axelrod is destroying our Nation under the watchful eye of the Rothschild Zionists.
- Webster Tarpley Obama is a creature and puppet of finance capital and of the Wall Street bankers and investment bankers, as represented by the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger Group
, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones Society, Ford Foundation, and Chicago School of Friedmanite economics. The family business which Obama inherited from his mother (a Ford Foundation anthropologist and counterinsurgency operative who also worked for the World Bank and the US Agency for International Development) was to work for foundations. And this is what Obama has done in his life, working at various times for or with the Gamaliel Foundation, the Woods Fund, the Joyce Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation,
- "The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky" by F. William Engdahl
- "Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish President." — Abner Mikva (Jew) Former White House Counsel, Clinton Administration
- Some research by NAUinfo Obama Jewish backers: Tide Foundation, Drummond Pike, Gerald Kellman / Saul Alinsky (Wikipedia),
Peter Lewis, Stephen Bing, Herbert and Marion Sandler, Marilyn Katz SDS, Robert Borosage IAF, Barney Frank, Apollo Alliance, SEIU.
- Watch.Pair André Malraux was a Communist who became a Fascist, but was secretly a Synarchist and a member of the Prieuré de Sion, which conspires to establish a Jewish theocracy ruled by the Learned Elders of the 33º and their priest-king, the Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion. While Andre Malraux was meeting with Pres. John Kennedy from 1961 through 1963, the future Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion (1963-81), Gaylord Freeman, was also meeting with JFK. As Chairman of the Board of the First National Bank of Chicago, a Federal Reserve Bank and BIS member bank, and its parent, the First Chicago Corporation, Gaylord Freeman held official positions in several U.S. administrations – Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford and Carter. Also on the Board of First Chicago was Thomas G. Ayers, the father of Bill Ayers. Under the patronage of Thomas G. Ayers, young Barack Obama made the right connections in Chicago’s Jewish community thus insuring the success of his career. Thomas Ayers also financed Obama’s rise to power as the President of the United States.
Romney Zionist Advisors
- 1984 comment: Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Bain & Company partners Willard Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss. In addition to the three founding partners, the early team included Fraser Bullock, Robert F. White, Joshua Bekenstein, Adam Kirsch, Stephen Pagliuca and Geoffrey S. Rehnert. Bain Capital's original $37 million fund was raised entirely from private individuals in mid-1984, led by Ricardo Poma, a Salvadoran businessman
- 2008 Connect the dots: Wikipedia Dubai Ports World controversy, Norm Coleman ... also search Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd, unreported by Romney. see Bermuda Online search Provence Management II Stitchting c/o Rothschild Trust, Victoria Street, Hamilton
- 2008 SourceWatch Freedom's Watch
- 2009 Wikipedia Carl Forti MotherJones carl-forti-romney-super-PAC SourceWatch Freedom's Watch,
- 2011 JudeoFascism Romney deep into bed with wealthy Jewish Zionist Israel-firsters ... Romney published a list of his foreign policy advisers, including many who have been active in or are close to the pro-Israel community, such as Norm Coleman Wikipedia , the former U.S. senator from Minnesota who is now active with the Republican Jewish Coalition Wikipedia; Dan Senor, the co-author of a book on Israeli technological innovation who often works with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee; and Dov Zakheim Wikipedia, a former top Pentagon official in various Republican administrations who also is active with the American Jewish Committee...
- 2012 Council for the National Interest, on Romney Israeli-firsters) ... Romney’s financial backers are a who’s who of the Republican Jewish establishment, and his foreign policy advisers are culled from some of the pro-Israel community’s best and brightest. Romney has cultivated Jewish Republicans since he launched his unsuccessful bid in 2007... “Every major Jewish Republican fundraiser has been with Mitt” since then. Search: Dan Senor, Mel Sembler Wikipedia, Fred Zeidman Wikipedia, Dov Zakheim. Romney Zionists. TheHill Coleman
- General Dynamics, Crown Family Chicago, General Electric, Imelt. Colin Powell (Zionist), John McCain,
- 2012 Jewish Policy Center board: Chairman: Richard Fox, Honorary Chairman: Sheldon B. Kamins, Vice Chairmen: Marshall J. Breger Michael David Epstein, General Counsel: Jeffrey P. Altman, Executive Director: Matthew Brooks, Director of Policy: Matthew RJ Brodsky, Senior Director: Shoshana Bryen, Senior Research Associate: Samara Greenberg, Board of Trustees: Diana Epstein Cheryl Halpern Joel Hoppenstein Eliot Lauer Mark L. Lezell Herman Obermayer J. Philip Rosen Walter Stern, Board of Fellows: Richard Baehr William J. Bennett Mona Charen Midge Decter David Frum Rabbi Joshua Haberman David Horowitz Irving Kristol z"l Rabbi Daniel Lapin Michael A. Ledeen Michael Medved Larry Miller David Novak Daniel Pipes John Podhoretz Norman Podhoretz Dennis Prager Tevi Troy Ruth Wisse
- 2012 NakedCongress Carl Forti, a founder of Restore Our Future and its spokesman, predicted that as many as 20 Republican-leaning super PACs would seek to oust Obama IWatchNews Forti / Romney, UncleScam, HumanEvents Scytl, no Soros connectio
- 1990 - GripesOnline Peter Kawaja, in charge of security for a company called Product Ingredient Technology in Boca Raton, Florida, learns to his dismay that the factory he was led to believe was manufacturing a cherry flavoring is actually producing chemical/biological agents to be shipped to Iraq. He also discovers that this is being done with the full knowledge and consent of the FBI, the CIA and the Bush Administration. When he attempts to alert authorities, government agents seize the documents he has collected and his wife is killed.
- 1990 Leo Wanta Wikipedia, NewsMax, Rense see Christopher Story Wikipedia
and WorldReports, ArcticBeacon, Brtaniaradio Global Security Fund set up by Jacob Rothschild, Dastych‘Global Security Fund’, consisting of off-balance sheet USG (U.S. Government) funds originally worth $27.5 trillion raised from 200+ international banks, is a fund which was set up to finance the ‘management’ of the ‘post-Cold War’ environment. The accumulated value of these funds, held offshore in bank accounts linked to Title 18, Section 6 US Government intelligence corporations established under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 (, is now believed to exceed $70 trillion. The original $27.5 trillion was raised from the 200+ banks at a deep discount for 20 years at 7.5% per annum. To avoid these funds being liberated, Leo Wanta, who afterwards became Somalian ambassador, was imprisoned in Switzerland and the United States, and was repeatedly poisoned when in prison. None of this deterred Leo Wanta when he was released from prison, from continuing to claim his legal right as administer of this immense fund, through the AmeriTrust Group Inc (Corporationwiki). The reference which shows this is title 18 USC Section 6 offshore bank accounts, authorized under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333. (
- 1990 Bruegel Nicolas Véron .. His prior experience includes working for Saint-Gobain in Berlin and Rothschilds in Paris in the early 1990s Véron is a member of the Business and Economic Advisory Group of the Atlantic Council, CFA Institute, International Corporate Governance Network. A French citizen, a graduate from Ecole Polytechnique (1992) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (1995)
- 1990's Billionaires CNN Baron Edmond de Rothshild, 64 and family Geneva SWITZERLAND $2.0B Compagnie Financiere Benjamin & Edmond de Rothschild, Geneva; 7% of Hachette and holdings in other French corporations; real estate. Baron Edmond is heir to two of the five main branches of the famous Rothschild banking family. The modest-size Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild channels money into Rothschild's other banks scattered about the Continent. also mentioned: SHEIKH RASHID BIN SAID AL MAKTOUM (Sidley Austin, BCCI civil action)
Barn toWire Breeder's Cup entrants: Edouardo de Rothschild (England's Legend), Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed al Maktoum (Spring Oak) Wikipedia History of Dubai
- 1990 - GripesOnline Sept. 11, In an address to Congress entitled “Toward a New World Order,” George Bush says: “The crisis in the Persian Gulf offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times a new world order can emerge. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.” But who were the founders of the U.N. and what exactly were their intentions? At least 43 members of the U.S. delegation to the founding conference in San Francisco were also members of the CFR. The Secretary General at the U.N. founding conference in 1945 was a U.S. State Department official named Alger Hiss. It was later determined that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy. He was convicted of perjury for lying about his pro-Soviet activities. And Hiss was not just an aberration. The U.N. has always chosen socialist one-worlders for leaders.]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1990 Wikipedia Adnan Khashoggi He was implicated in the Iran–Contra affair as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar and, in a complex series of events, was found to have borrowed money for these arms purchases from the now-bankrupt financial institution the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) with Saudi and US backing. In 1988, Khashoggi was arrested in Switzerland, accused of concealing funds, held for three months and then extradited to the United States where he was released on bail and subsequently acquitted. In 1990, a United States federal jury in Manhattan acquitted Khashoggi and Imelda Marcos, widow of the exiled Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, of racketeering and fraud. 6] see also: Khashoggi, along with Ramy El-Batrawi, was the principal financier behind GenesisIntermedia, Inc. ...Valerie Red Horse... Khashoggi's unwillingness to pay his margin loan to Native Nations Securities, and Native Nations (and Red Horse's) inability to pay its debts to MJK Clearing, began a series of bankruptcies that ended in the largest payout in Securities Investor Protection Corporation history. Native Nations Securities and MJK Clearing both eventually filed for bankruptcy.
- 1990's 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry The recruitment of hijackers previously settled in the US. Adnan Khashoggi (owner of Genesis Aviation) is a business partner with retired General William Lyon (on the Board of Kellstrom Industries, Inc., an Israeli owned company) in a venture called Wings of Democracy, an attempt to penetrate the commercial Iraq air business. Lyon is the founder of several university diploma-mill operations in California (American Commonwealth University, also known as William Lyon University) which are speculated to be CIA front operations used for providing US visas to foreign operatives. These operations are directly associated with the entry to the US by two of the 9/11 hijackers in the early 1990s. Lyon is a major Republican fund raiser in Orange County, associate of Karl Rove, financial backer of the swift Boat Veterans, and keynote speaker at the Republican national convention.
- BCCI Congressional bribery list (partial list) Cong. DAN ROSTENKOWSKI (D-Illinois) see Garfield Ridge Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago, Mena, Ark. and Cong. MARTY RUSSO (D-Illinois), Cong. THOMAS FOLEY, Cong. GLENN ENGLISH, Cong. CARDISS COLLINS, Cong. E (Kika) de la GARZA, Cong. RICHARD GEPHARDT, Cong. JAMES WRIGHT, Cong. ROBERT MICHEL, Cong. RICHARD DURBIN, Sen. THOMAS DASCHLE, Sen. JAMES JEFFORDS, Sen. LLOYD BENTSEN, see Enron, Sen. ALFONSE D'AMATO, Sen. JESSE HELMS, Sen. RICHARD LUGAR, Sen. DONALD RIEGLE, Sen. PATRICK LEAHY, Cong. DAN GLICKMAN, Sen. ALAN DIXON, Cong. DAN GLICKMAN (D-Kansas) In the Clinton administration he became head of the Department of Agriculture. BCCI/Banca Nazionale del Lavoro were implicated in a huge Atlanta scandal where billions of U.S. dollars disguised as "Agriculture" loans, were used by Daddy Bush to supply weapons to Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. Glickman was reportedly part of the coverup.Sen. ROBERT BYRD (D-West Virginia) There is strong reason to believe that he and some of his staff members know a lot about the murder in 1991 of Journalist/Author Danny Casalaro in West Virginia, also about the apparent frame-up of computer wizard Michael Riconosciuto.
- 1991 Chicago Tribune WASHINGTON — Was the recent mysterious death of a journalist investigating a link between BCCI and high government officials really a suicide? Did Washington lawyers Clark Clifford and Robert Altman know what BCCI was really up to? Who else knew? When did they know it? And how high does the trail lead? The rumor mill has been fueled by the death of free-lance journalist Joseph Daniel Casolaro, who was found with his wrists slashed in the bathroom of a West Virginia motel room Aug. 10 after meeting a source for a book he was researching-on, among other things, the BCCI scandal. Casolaro was out to prove a theory that linked the Iran-contra affair; the so-called October Surprise deal, which the Reagan presidential campaign is alleged to have struck with Iran in 1980 for the delayed release of U.S. hostages; and the Inslaw case, in which the Justice Department is accused of illegally selling software to the Middle East. BCCI, he believed, was the financial conduit for all these deals. Casolaro was not the only one investigating the scandals, although no one has yet managed to prove the speculative link. Last month a British journalist working for the Financial Times of London was found murdered in a Guatemala hotel room shortly after telling his editors in London he had stumbled on a story linking BCCI with illegal arms transfers between Guatemala and the U.S. Congress will hold hearings on the October Surprise allegations in the fall.
- Wikipedia Bert Lance Lance was implicated in the BCCI scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s. He was involved in deals with notable BCCI luminaries Agha Hasan Abedi, Mochtar Riady and Ghaith Pharaon and with BCCI's largest borrower, P. S. Prasad, and joined with Arkansas-based power investor Jackson Stephens in facilitating BCCI's takeover of Financial General Bankshares.(See OpenJurist) Lance and Stephens made millions in the wake of BCCI's collapse. In January 1978, Lance sold his stock in National Bank of Georgia to Ghaith Pharaon, while on the same day, BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi paid off Lance's $3.5 million loan at the First National Bank of Chicago. The following month, Lance helped BCCI with their hostile bid for Financial General Bankshares of Washington. The attempt failed, but three years later, BCCI secretly acquired the bank (renamed First American Bankshares) using 15 Arab investors as nominees. The next year, Lance introduced Jimmy Carter to Abedi. In 1987, First American Bankshares acquired National Bank of Georgia from Pharaon. BCCI was terminated in 1991 and it was subsequently revealed that the bank had done many illegal activities, including secretly controlling several U.S. banks, in violation of federal banking statutes.
- 1991 Bilderberg US attendees: Paul Allaire (CEO Xerox, CFR), George Ball (Lehman Brothrs, CFR), Robert Bartley (Editor-Wall St. Journal, CFR), Robert Blackwill (Professor-Harvard, CFR), Michael J. Boskin (Presidents Economic Advisor), Nicholas Brady (Secretary of Treasury), John Chafee (Senator-Rhode Island, CFR, TC), Bill Clinton (Governor-Arkansas, CFR, TC), Charles Dalara (Assistant Sec. of International Affairs), Kenneth Dam (IBM, CFR), Diane Feinstein (Ex-Mayor-San. Francisco, TC), Catharine Graham (CEO-Washington Post, IA, CFR, TC), Maurice R. Greenberg (CEO-AIG Insurance, CFR, TC), J. Bennett Johnston (Senator-Lousianna), Vernon Jordan (Attorney, CFR, TC), Henry Kissinger (CEO-Kissinger Associates, CFR, TC, KGB), Charles Mathais (Attorney, Ex-Senator, CFR), Jack Matlock (Ambassador-USSR, CFR), Charles Muller (Murden & Co., Friends of Bilderberg Inc.), William Quand (Brookings Institute, NBC News, CFR) John S. Reed (CEO-Citicorp Bank, CFR), Rozanne Ridgeway (Pres.-Atlantic Council, CFR, TC), David Rockefeller (CEO-Chase Manhattan Bank, CFR, TC), John Shad (Philanthropist) Thomas Sions Jr. (Ambassador-Poland), Alice Victor (Rockefeller's Secretary), John Whitehead (Ex-Depty Sec. of State, CFR), Brayton Wilbur Jr. (CEO-Wilbur-Ellis Co., CFR), Douglas Wilder (Governor-Virginia), Lynn Williams (Pres-United Steelworkers Union), Grant Winthrop (Attorney), James Wolfensohn (Pres., James Wolfensohn Inc., CFR), Robert Zoellick (State Dept. Economic Advisor) and from Britain: Gordon Brown (Opposition MP - Parliament), Lawrence Freedman (Professor), Christopher Kegg, Andrew Knight (Editor - News International), Lord Roll of Ipsden (Conservative Politician, Warburg Banker), Patrick Wright (Head of Diplomatic Service)
- 1991 Global Research it was public knowledge that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, as was critical funding for bin Laden's al Qaeda network and for his earlier Arabic anti-Soviet fighters in Afganistan. Al Qaeda's predecesor was, in fact, bin Laden's 50,000 highly disciplined "Arab-Afghan" mujahideen, who were the most elite among Ronald Reagan's famous "freedom fighters", that were covertly given massive U.S. CIA support.
- 1991: IAmTheWitness Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, on January 16 of this year the United States and Britain began an aerial bombing campaign of targets within Iraq. On 24 February the ground campaign commenced which was to last 100 hours until on February 28 when a horrendous war crime occurred. ... This crime was the slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis were fleeing on a crowded highway from Kuwait to Basra. President George Herbert Walker Bush ordered United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, they were then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some still alive. ... President Bush then ordered a cessation of hostilities. What was the significance of this slaughter and President Bush declaring the war over on this day? Well it was the day the, "Day of Purim," fell on this year. This the day the Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq and a day when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies. ... At the Bilderberg Conference on June 6 to 9 of this year, in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller (a Rothschild) made the following statement, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practised in past centuries."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1991 History of the Money Changers At the Bilderberg
Conference on June 6 to 9, in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller made the following statement, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." Note: Click here for a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with a list of people at the Bilderberg Conferences.
- 1992 – GripesOnline “The Twilight of Sovereignty” by former Citicorp Chairman Walter Wriston (CFR) is published, in which he claims: “A truly global economy will require compromises of national sovereignty. There is no escaping the system.”
- 1992 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Neocons launch DPG papers
- 1992 YellowBrickRoad Soros’s Quantum Fund became famous for “breaking” the Bank of England, forcing it to devalue the pound. Soros had bet his entire fund in a short sale on the ultimately fulfilled prediction that the British currency would drop in value, a coup that netted him a profit of $1 billion and some organizations he started: Advancement Project, Air America Radio, All of Us or None, Alliance for Justice, America Coming Together, America Votes, America's Voice.
- 1992 FDIC Senior Interagency Group members include: Dick Thornburgh, L. William Seidman, Timothy Ryan, Roger Jepson, William Sessions, Fred Goldberg, Nicholas Brady, John Laware, Robert Clark, Joseph Little, John Simpson, Charles Clauson.
- 1992: IAmTheWitness In March, former Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Paul A. Volcker became Chairman of the European banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn and Co. Stephen Bryen, caught offering confidential documents to Israel in 1978, is serving on board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs while continuing as a paid consultant, with security clearance, on exports of sensitive US technology. “The Samson Option,” by Seymour M. Hersh reports, “Illicitly obtained intelligence was flying so voluminously from LAKAM (a secret Israeli intelligence unit, a Hebrew acronym for Scientific Liaison Bureau) into Israeli intelligence that a special code name, JUMBO, was added to the security markings already on the documents. There were strict orders, Ari Ben-Menashe recalled, “Anything marked JUMBO was not supposed to be discussed with your American counterparts.” The Wall Street Journal reports that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system. On September 16th Britain’s pound collapses when currency speculators led by Rothschild agent, Ashkenazi Jew, George Soros, borrow pounds and sell them for Deutsche Marks, in the expectation of being able to repay the loan in devalued currency and to pocket the difference. .... This results in the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Lamont, announcing a rise in interest rates of 5% in one day and as a result drives Britain into a recession which lasts many years as large numbers of businesses fail and the housing market crashes. ... This is right on cue for the Rothschilds, after they had privatised Britain’s state owned assets during the 1980’s, driven the share price up, and then collapsed the markets so they could buy them up for pennies on the pound, a carbon copy of what Nathan Mayer Rothschild did to the British economy 180 years before, in 1812. ... It cannot be overstated that the Chancellor of the Exchequer at that time, Norman Lamont, prior to becoming a MP, was a Merchant Banker with N. M. Rothschild and Sons, who he joined after reading Economics at Cambridge.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1992 History of the Money Changers The third world debtor nations who had borrowed from the World Bank, pay 198 million dollars more to the central banks of the developed nations for World Bank funded purposes than they receive from the World Bank. This only goes to increase their permanent debt in exchange for temporary relief from poverty which is caused by the payments on prior loans, the repayments of which already exceed the amount of the new loans. This year Africa's external debt had reached 290 billion dollars, which is two and a half times greater than its level in 1980, which has resulted in deterioration of schools, deterioration of housing, sky-rocketing infant mortality rates, a drastic downturn in the general health of the people, and mass unemployment. The Washington Times reports that Russian President, Boris Yeltsin, was upset that most of the incoming foreign aid was being siphoned off, and he stated, "Straight back into the coffers of Western Banks in debt service." This year American taxpayers pay the Federal Reserve 286 billion dollars in interest on debt the Federal Reserve purchased by printing money virtually cost free.
- 1992 Dutch authorities and El Al admit Flight LY1862 carried sarin components and DU depleted uranium, YouTube
- 1992 Wikipedia In 1992, Marcos claimed that her fortune came from Yamashita's Gold. In February 2006, Marcos insisted that her husband had acquired his wealth legitimately as a gold trader. By the late 1950s, she claimed, he had amassed a personal fortune 7,500 tons of gold, and after gold prices climbed in the 1970s, the Marcos family was worth about $35 billion. However, the Bureau of Internal Revenue has no record of the Marcos family declaring or paying taxes on these assets citation needed], and the source of their wealth remains open to investigation.
Marcos' gold bar laundering, Rothschild, Krongard, Banksters ... to finance 9/11
- 1992 Doeda In 1992, George H.W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. The Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’. A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron. Enron ( Rothschild/ Wakeham) would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed. Barrick, which has no mining operations in Europe, used two refineries in Switzerland: MKS Finance S.A. and Argor-Heraeus S.A. (search Rothschild in this GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf )– both on the Italian border near Milan, a few hours away from the gold depository in Zurich. The question that Barrick and other banks needed to avoid answering is: what gold was Barrick refining in Switzerland?, (Ferdinand Marcos' looted gold) as they have no mines in that region? GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf Argor-Heraeus SA, founded in 1951 as Argor SA, has been a leading gold refiner and bar manufacturer for the international market for more than 50 years. Its major shareholders include Heraeus Holding GmbH, Commerzbank International SA and the Austrian Mint. The company’s large refinery and manufacturing plant is located in Mendrisio near Chiasso in south eastern Switzerland. In 2004, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) (Rothschild controlled) appointed Argor-Heraeus SA as one of five Referees to the LBMA Good Delivery system. Accreditation 1961 London Bullion Market Association Wikipedia (Rothschild) 1974 New York Mercantile Exchange, COMEX Division 1982 Tokyo Commodity Exchange 2005 Dubai Multi Commodities Centre see LBMA Wikipedia and in 1999 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry Germany's Commerzbank has acquired a 35% interest in Argor-Heraeus SA, a Swiss gold refinery with an annual refining capacity of 400 tonnes and a production capacity for cast ingots of 2.5 million per year. "The acquisition has made Commerzbank into one of the few banks worldwide which are directly involved not only in precious metals trading but also in purchasing unmarketable physical gold, thus covering the whole spectrum of precious metals transactions," a press release issued today said.” 3. Barrick Gold is linked closely to the Banking Cartel through, one of the most longest members of the Advisory Board - Karl Otto Pohl (Wikipedia) and see Rothschild connections, former President of the German cent07:01:13
1992 Doeda In 1992, George H.W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. The Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’. A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron. Enron ( Rothschild/ Wakeham) would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed. Barrick, which has no mining operations in Europe, used two refineries in Switzerland: MKS Finance S.A. and Argor-Heraeus S.A. (search Rothschild in this GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf )– both on the Italian border near Milan, a few hours away from the gold depository in Zurich. The question that Barrick and other banks needed to avoid answering is: what gold was Barrick refining in Switzerland?, (Ferdinand Marcos' looted gold) as they have no mines in that region? GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf Argor-Heraeus SA, founded in 1951 as Argor SA, has been a leading gold refiner and bar manufacturer for the international market for more than 50 years. Its major shareholders include Heraeus Holding GmbH, Commerzbank International SA and the Austrian Mint. The company’s large refinery and manufacturing plant is located in Mendrisio near Chiasso in south eastern Switzerland. In 2004, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) (Rothschild controlled) appointed Argor-Heraeus SA as one of five Referees to the LBMA Good Delivery system. Accreditation 1961 London Bullion Market Association Wikipedia (Rothschild) 1974 New York Mercantile Exchange, COMEX Division 1982 Tokyo Commodity Exchange 2005 Dubai Multi Commodities Centre see LBMA Wikipedia and in 1999 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry Germany's Commerzbank has acquired a 35% interest in Argor-Heraeus SA, a Swiss gold refinery with an annual refining capacity of 400 tonnes and a production capacity for cast ingots of 2.5 million per year. "The acquisition has made Commerzbank into one of the few banks worldwide which are directly involved not only in precious metals trading but also in purchasing unmarketable physical gold, thus covering the whole spectrum of precious metals transactions," a press release issued today said.” 3. Barrick Gold is linked closely to the Banking Cartel through, one of the most longest members of the Advisory Board - Karl Otto Pohl (Wikipedia) and see Rothschild connections, former President of the German central bank (Bundesbank) and chief officer of the International Bank of Settlements and IMF. Also on the Barrick Board was former
(BACK TO VULCANS, MARCOS' GOLD) Canadian Deutschebank executive Tye W. Burt - the former Chairman of Deutsche Bank Canada and Deutsche Bank Alex Brown Securities CanadaWikipedia, and Managing
- Marcos / Khashoggi indictment
LA Times Marcos, Wife Indicted on U.S. Racketeering Charges : Khashoggi, Calif. Bank Also Cited ... and ... While there definitely appears to be a cover-up, it has always puzzled me that people blame the Royal Family, without looking at some of Dodi Al Fayed’s unsavory connections through his uncle Adnan Khashoggi. As I wrote in my recent review of Chain of Command (see last blog) Khashoggi is a Saudi arms dealer and businessman with longstanding ties to the CIA and Bush family. His sister Samira married Mohammed Al Fayed and was the mother of Dodi Al Fayed, Diana’s companion at the time of the accident. At one point, Mohammed was also business partners with Khashoggi.
search terms:
- Director and Head of Deutsche Bank’s Global Metals and Mining Group. Burt was involved when the Canadian Deutschebank backed Khashoggi in the MJK Securities fraud. Burt left the bank shortly after the fraud was discovered. Note also, two of the initial big investors in Barrick – Khashoggi and Bronfman – used the same personal financial advisor: Mayo Shattuck of the Deutschebank Alex BrownWikipedia. Mayo Shattuck was the chief assistant to Buzzy Krongard Wikipedia when he worked at Deutschebank Alex Brown (Wikipedia). Both, through their executive roles at Deutschebank Alex Brown Wikipedia were in a position to be familiar with the Khashoggi/Marcos gold deposits at that Bank. Remember that Krongard managed the merger between Bankers Trust (Tariganter) and Deutschebank Alex Brown Wikipedia, and that Banker’s Trust is the bank that received significant amounts of the Marcos gold with the assistance of Khashoggi. 4. The Deutsche Bank was identified as a major gold trading partner with Barrick in both the Blanchard and Howe law suits. 5. Enron - an energy trading company - had created a gold bullion and gold derivatives trading operation. When Enron went bankrupt, Enron On-Line was bought by UBS. A competitive market for trading energy and gold bullion was set-up by former Deutschebank executive Mayo Shattuck as new CEO at Constellation Energy, using former Enron employees. These five points suggest that if it doesn’t exist already, there exists the potential for a cozy relationship between the US oil cartel, the German Banking cartel and Barrick.
- Wikipedia Karl Otto Pohl is currently a partner in Sal. Oppenheim Jr. & Cie., a German private investment bank and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Carlyle Group (Bush). He has also been a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty since 1992. He also sits on the advisory boards of Royal Dutch Shell, (Rothschild controlled) Gulfstream, GAMCO, VW, Barrick Gold,(Bush) Unilever and Rolls-Royce.
- Adnan Khashoggi - is first and foremost one of the world’s elite arms merchants. Referred to as a “notable member of this elite group” he was described in the Small Arms Survey of 2004 with the following words: "Some brokers with powerful political clout, like Khashoggi, are virtually ‘untouchable’ insofar as their relationships and dealings involving government officials at the highest echelons go. Any persecution of these brokers, or denunciation of their activities as illicit, could result in the incrimination of states, or the exposure of embarrassing covert activities by the governments themselves." Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, 2004] Khashoggi has his fingerprints on so many aspects of 9/11 that he may well be “the” key conspirator. Gaining notoriety by being at the heart of the Iran-Contra ‘guns for drugs scandal’ during the Reagan administration, Khashoggi has since leveraged his notoriety to the point where he is a familiar face with film and rock stars, presidents, sultans, sheiks, kings and queens, investment bankers and of course, war lords. While most famous for his connections with the Arab banking community, he is also well established with the Deutsche Bank, most recently continuing his notoriety in the U.S. press by being sued, with Deutsche Bank Securities of Canada , for fraudulent manipulation of security prices. In the case of MJK Clearing vs Deutsche Bank Securities, Adnan Khashoggi et al., filed in December 2002, the facts presented suggest that in addition to misrepresentation by the defendants, an ‘unanticipated drop in stock prices’ on September 11, 2001 enhanced their ability to increase the payout of the purported fraud. (Business Week, May 2003.) As part of the ever increasingly tangled web of relationships, Khashoggi also had ties not only to the Deutsche Bank, but the Bronfman family as well (additional key investors in Barrick) by way of another Deutsche Bank executive: Mayo Shattuck. "Khashoggi, a trusted adviser to the Saudi royal family, is one of the "high net worth individuals" whose past investments have been handled by Mayo Shattuck, formerly head of Alex. Brown (mentioned earlier). ". In 1997, Mayo Shattuck was made Trustee of the Bronfman (mentioned earlier) family fortune. He resigned as CEO of Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown on 12 September 2001, the day following the tragic events in New York City and Washington, DC--the day that has come to be known as "9-11" David G. Guyatt, Nexus Magazine, Volume 10, Number 6, October- November 2003] His ties to the Bronfmans went well beyond Shattuck, as Khashoggi and Bronfman would become investment partners in Barrick, through Trizec Hahn (landlord to the headquarters of Halliburton and Enron, in the same building). Khashoggi was also identified as an early participant in the October Surprise meetings and subsequent Iran-Contra deals. He would later create Oryx, which funded Hoffman Aviation –the training school where many of the hijackers validated their “education” visas. After the invasion of Iraq, Adnan Khashoggi (Genesis Aviation) became a business partner with retired General William Lyon (on the Board of Kellstrom Industries, Inc., an Israeli owned company) in a venture called Wings of Democracy, an attempt to penetrate the commercial Iraq air business. Lyon is the founder of several university diploma-mill operations in California (American Commonwealth University, aka William Lyon University). These operations are directly associated THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 296 with the entry to the U.S. by two of the 9/11 hijackers in the early 1990s. Lyon is a major Republican fund raiser in Orange County, associate of Karl Rove, major financial backer of the Swift Boat Veterans, and keynote speaker at the Republican national convention. Khashoggi is also of interest due to his relationship with Yaslem Bin Laden, a known business partner of his on a limited number of investments. In this case, Yaslem admits to have recruited young Arabs from across the world for Huffman Aviation, a school owned by his former and ongoing business partner, Adnan Khashoggi. Similary, Khashoggi has banks in Azerbaijan, where he easily could have coordinated the recruitment of hijackers with the assistance of his other business associates Richard Secord and David Kimche (Mossad). · Sheik Kamal Adham see Capcom The last and least mentioned investor in Oryx was Sheik Kamal Adham, see Capcom director of Saudi intelligence (1963-79), brother-in-law of King Faisal and the CIA's key liaison in the Arab world, a relationship established with George HW Bush when he was Director of the CIA
- 1993 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Oslo accords are signed by Israel and the PLO (the was and still is the best solution IF Israel would actually obey it) ... The ADL is caught spying on the US for Israel (this is a huge and highly unreported story all by itself) ...
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1993 Bibliotecaplaydes September 1993 he succeeded over the Bank of England. He was certain that the bank would have to take the pound that came under pressure out of the European exchange mechanism and devalue it. He gambled ten billion US$ - with success. He made one billion US$
- 1993 MFA FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOLY SEE AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL and Wikipedia is a treaty between the Holy See (the Pope' see) and the state of Israel signed by them on 30 December 1993. It deals with the property rights and tax exemptions of the Roman Catholic Church within Israeli territory. Meetings between the parties are continuing to resolve several outstanding issues. As a result of the Agreement, the Vatican has established in 1994 full diplomatic relations with Israel, and has appointed an Apostolic Nuncio to Israel. On 10 November 1997, the Vatican and Israel entered into a further agreement, called Agreement Between the State of Israel and the Holy See, also referred to as the Legal Personality Agreement or the Agreement on the Legal Personality of the Church, but neither of these agreements have been passed by the Knesset.
- 1993 James A Baker III (Atlantic Council of U.S., Director - Baker Botts, Senior Partner - Sec. of State under Bush-41, & Sec. of Treasury under Reagan, White House chief of staff to Reagan and George H.W. Bush - Former U.N. Personal envoy to the Sec.General - Former Council on Economic Policy, Chairman - Former Dept. of Commerce, Under Secretary}... CFR is the U. S. counterpart to British RIIA (See RIIA - Rothschild)
- 1993: IAmTheWitness Norman Lamont leaves the British government to return to N. M. Rothschild and Sons as a director, after his mission to collapse the British economy to profit the Rothschilds is accomplished. Former Congressman, Paul Findley publishes his seminal book, Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S. Israeli Relationship. In this book he lists the 65 United Nations Member Resolutions against Israel from the period 1955 to 1992, and the 30 United States vetoes on Israel’s behalf which if not made would have seen Israel have 95 resolutions against them at this point. No matter, even with Israel’s puppet the United States helping them terrorize others, the 65 Resolutions passed against Israel are more than all the Resolutions passed against all other countries combined. ... Not that Israel care too much about the views of the United Nations when you consider that less than two weeks after Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty (an attack designed to sink the Liberty and blame it on Egypt prompting the USA into a war with Egypt on behalf of Israeli Lies, remember the Mossad motto, “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War”), the Israeli Foreign Minister, Aba Eban, stated of the United Nations, "If the General Assembly were to vote by 121 votes to 1 in favor of, "Israel," returning to the armistice lines (pre June 1967 borders), "Israel," would refuse to comply with the decision," New York Times –
- 1993 Wikipedia London_International_Financial_Futures_and_Options_Exchange, The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE, pronounced 'life') is a futures exchange based in London. LIFFE is now part of NYSE Euronext following its takeover by Euronext in January 2002 and Euronext's merger with New York Stock Exchange in April 2007. edit]The London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE), established by Sir Brian Williamson started life on 30 September, 1982, to take advantage of the removal of currency controls in the UK in 1979. The exchange modelled itself after the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. It initially offered futures contracts and options linked to short term interest rates. In 1993 LIFFE merged with the London Traded Options Market (LTOM), adding equity options to its product range. This is when it changed its name to the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. In 1996 it merged with the London Commodity Exchange (LCE)
- 1993 Webster Tarpley “Operation Board Games” is the code name for the prosecution of Rezko, joined potentially by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, and other Democratic and Republican pols, ward-heelers, and fixers. One of the central points of this probe is the Davis, Miner, and Barnhill law firm, where Obama was employed. Pringle outlines the case as follows: The investigation dubbed “Operation Board Games,” into the influence peddling within the cesspool of corruption that encompasses Illinois politicians from both major parties, has developed into multiple subplots, many of which feature Barack Obama. They also give the details of Obama’s involvement in a slumlord business largely operating out of the Chicago based Davis, Miner & Barnhill law firm, which hired Obama in 1993, with his boss, Allison Davis, reaping in the profits with Rezko’s development company, Rezmar. Pringle’s] “Board Games for Slumlord” article gives in-depth details of the federal investigation along with the names of people who are listed as “Co-Schemers” and “Individuals” in the indictments issued thus far. Therefore for the most part, this article will refer to all the scams collectively as what prosecutors refer to as “pay-to-play” schemes. The Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland law firm, where Obama worked for nearly a decade, served as a hub for a slew of slumlord deals, many that benefited the firm’s founder, Allison Davis, and Obama’s claims that he knew nothing about the inner workings of this small firm, represent an insult to the intelligence of the American public…. Allison Davis, Obama’s boss at the law firm, is also listed in legal documents as playing a part in setting up a major extortion attempt in the Board Games case.
- 1993 -Skolnick Report The Joseph Andreuccetti Affair involved 58.4 million dollars of federal funds parked with Household Bank and Household International. $50,000,000 of those funds vanished and turned up in Little Rock, Arkansas, as part of the Clinton family's attempts to cover up the embezzlement of $47,000,000. Congressman Dan Burton commented on this vanishing money, which Clinton hid using dope $$$ laundries. This story was covered up by the media.
- 1993 - GripesOnline A second Parliament of World Religions is held in Chicago on the 100th anniversary of the first. Like the first convention, this one seeks to join all the religions of the world into “one harmonious whole,” but it wants to make them “merge back into their original element.” Traditional beliefs of monotheistic religions such as Christianity are considered incompatible with individual “enlightenment” and must be drastically altered.
- 1993 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline The First WTC bombing occurs. (This was a botched false flag that used the cover up of claiming to be a botched sting operation) El Sayyid Nosair was fingered in the bombing plot and also for the killing of the founder of the JDL Meir Kahane the man who coined the phrase "never again" and "Greater Israel". It was one of Meir Kahane's Zionist followers who shot up 29 people in a Mosque thus starting the Intifada. Nosair was not convicted of shooting Kahane because nobody saw him pull the trigger and he did not buy the gun. Emad A. Salem. of the FBI supplied the useful idiots with explosives which he thought were fakes and to protect himself he recorded 100s of conversations with the FBI. The media spent the whole year on the OJ trial. ... Quote: Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. 4] He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers; reported by Ralph Blumenthal in the New York Times, Oct. 28, 1993, section A,Page 1. -wiki and As an apparent CIA asset, however, KSM could well have been responsible for Yousef’s involvement, although it is clear from the timing of Yousef’s entry to the US that the operation was already under way when he arrived. see also Michael Mukasey
- New York Times The New York Times is controlled by the Sulzberger family, founding members of B'nai B'rith (secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) Lodge No. 1 of New York, for more than one hundred years. The chairman of the NYT is Arthur Sulzberger Jr., a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the son of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger and grandson of Arthur Hays Sulzberger who served as a Trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation. (Rothschild connected at the hip).
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1993 Physics911 Nuclear False Flag ... Was the 1993 World Trade Center bombing related to 9/11? The 1993 explosion under the World Trade Center complex in New York City was the first major terrorist event on American soil. And, as many claim, this could well have paved the way for the events of September 11, 2001. The explosion along with the trials, which started soon after the September 1993 Oslo Agreement between Israel and the PLO, brilliantly solved many troublesome problems at one stroke for the US and its allies, Israel and Egypt. The convictions that flowed from the trials proved that the U.S. government was able to obtain terrorism convictions with virtually no evidence against defendants with no motives and no ability to have carried out the explosion. Despite the evidence that the act was facilitated by agents connected to and protected by the US government, with funds from supposedly unidentifiable sources and leadership, there has been no doubt expressed in the mainstream media about the legitimacy of the convictions. In short, the WTC 1993 bombing trials demonstrated the cynical use that the United States — with the cooperation of its courts and the media — would make of its Muslim community to carry out its new, post-Cold War geopolitical agenda.
- 1993 Wikipedia Norman Lamont, Baron Lamont of Lerwick, Before entering Parliament he worked for N M Rothschild & Sons, the investment bank, and became director of Rothschild Asset Management
- 1993 HiddenMysteries Soros (Rothschild) was very close to the financial and secret service circles around George Bush. His most important deposit bank and main lender during his attack on the European monetary system in Sept. 1993 was Citicorp, America's largest bank. Soros called upon the international investors to unhinge the Deutsche Mark. When in late 1989 as reunification became probable, a high ranking Citicorp manager who before had been advisor in the Dukakis campaign said: "German unity will be catastrophic for our interests. ... Soros is personally responsible for the chaos and "shock therapy" caused in Eastern Europe after 1989. He foisted ludicrous draconian measures upon the weak governments there, which enabled him to buy up resources in wide parts of Eastern Europe at rock-bottom prices. Soros used a young friend, the Polish-Jewish economic advisor Jeffrey Sachs.
- 1993 History Commons complete 9/11 Timeline alleged Al-qaeda WTC bombing
- 1993 WMR / NFU Neil Heywood (murder case, China) knew Bo (Xilai) as mayor of Dalian from 1993 to 2001 and continued to have a relationship with the up-and-coming Chinese leader when he took over as party boss in Chongqing. With Chongqing as his base, Bo, who, along with Chongqing vice mayor and police chief Wang Lijun, became known for stamping out criminal activity. However, the criminal activity suppressed by Bo and Wang pales in comparison to the high-level corruption Bo and his cronies engaged in with the Rotshschilds, Soros, and the Canadian tycoon Paul Desmarais, Sr. and his son, Andre Desmarais, the founder of the Rothschild Bank of Canada. The elder Desmarais, the head of Power Corporation of Canada and founder of the Canada China Business Council, saw his business association with Bo as opening up China’s vast energy sector to Desmarais, Rothschild, and Soros private investment.
- 1993 - GripesOnline CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the “Los Angeles Times” concerning NAFTA: “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order.”
- 1993 – GripesOnline “Washington Post” ombudsman Richard Harwood does an op-ed piece about the role of the CFR's media members: “Their membership is an acknowledgment of their ascension into the American ruling class where they do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it.”
- 1994 AlanPetersonNewsBriefs ...Research into all the aliases of the Stanley Ann Dunham name and fraudulent money laundering schemes. ... this globalist micro-finance scheme (including the Clintons) using the old Muslim money system of hawala with modern credit card laundering, including ATM transfers with the direct quid pro quo involving non profits and the indirect infiltration of funds via some very connected Muslim billionaires, topped off with the public airwaves as a public paid for propaganda ministry, has deep ties between the Indonesian and certain US banking systems over the course of several decades. search terms include: Standard Oil, Kelly A. Dunham, Madelyn L. Dunham, Shippleck, Sandra Dunham, Stephen, Scott, real-estate scams, Dunham Enterprises, Sutoro, Soetoro, Go to Thomas Ayers section Dunham Obama Timeline
- 1994 VeteransToday Anglo-American is the world’s third largest mining company. It is controlled by the Rothschilds and South Africa’s Oppenheimer family. It owns both Engelhardt – which enjoys a near monopoly in global gold refining – and the DeBeers diamond monopoly. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers was indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department. To this day company officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities.
- 1994 History of the Money Changers The Regal Act is introduced in the United States to authorize the replacement of President Lincoln's Greenbacks with debt based notes. They had lasted for 132 years. 1996 Ever wondered why all the world's production seems to be moving to China? In a report entitled, "China's Economy Toward the 21st Century," released this year, it predicts that the per capita income in China in 2010, will be approximately 735 dollars. This is less than 30 dollars higher than the World Bank definition of a low income country. 1997 Less than two months before Tony Blair came to power in England, another interesting entry can be found in HANSARD, 5th March 1997, volume 578, No. 68, columns 1869-1871, in which the Earl of Caithness is recorded as having stated, "The next government must grasp the nettle, accept their responsibility for controlling the money supply and change from our debt-based monetary system. My Lords, will they? If they do not, our monetary system will break us and the sorry legacy we are already leaving our children will be a disaster." On 6 May, only four days after Tony Blair's election as Prime Minister, his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, announces he is going to give full independence from political control to the Bank of England. In his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski reveals that Germany is the largest shareholder in the World Bank. When you bear in mind that bankers of the Rothschild bloodline were said to own Germany, "lock, stock and barrel," at the end of World War I, it is not difficult to see who controls the World Bank now.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- Al Gore and Carol Browner both attended college for free via the Rockefeller Foundation scholarship fund, the Rockefellers (Rothschild America) currently are the largest personal donator to AGW .. Al Gore's daughter married into the Schiff family and see examples of advisors: Standard Chartered Bank (Africa, Asia and Middle East), Rand Merchant Bank, Macquarie (Australia), Société Générale, BNP Paribas and Calyon, Metzler , Mediobanca, Nomura, Daewoo Securities (South Korea), ABN Amro, Moelis & Company, HDL Capital (Toronto), Portico Capital, and William Blair (United States), Corporate Professional (India), NKS & Company, Company Secretaries.
- 1994 911Disclosure Our research indicates that the alleged virtual news network was launched by Maurice Strong in 1994 under the name of Newsworld International in a joint venture with CAI-Carlyle private-equity associates in CIDA, Power Corporation of Canada and CBC/Radio Canada. Wikipedia In the video at the url below, we expose the pattern of the crime for 911, including your partners' alleged use of a virtual news network to insert live-broadcast snuff films into otherwise unwitting media channels. Google Video
- 1994 - GripesOnline The globalists realize that as more and more people begin to wake up to what's going on, they have only a limited amount of time in which to implement their policies. Speaking at the United Nations Ambassadors' dinner, David Rockefeller remarks: “This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long.” Notice that he did not question if world order would come - only whether it would arrive peacefully.] He believes: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
- 1994 Wikipedia Zbigniew Brzezinski, created Obama
- 1994 Wikipedia Tony Blair was elected Leader of the Labour Party in the leadership election of July 1994, following the sudden death of his predecessor, John Smith. Under his leadership, the party used the phrases "New Labour" and "New Socialism" to define its policy, and moved away from its support of state socialism since the 1960s and created a new version of the ethical socialism that was last pursued by Clement Attlee. 2] Critics of Blair claim that "New Labour" did not adhere to socialism as claimed, and that it effectively advocated capitalism. ... Blair was reported to have been supported by Rupert Murdoch (see Rothschild apparatus), the founder of the News Corporation organisation. 123] In 1995, while leader of the Opposition, Blair disclosed in the Commons register of interests that he was a guest of Murdoch when he flew to meet him in Hayman Island. 124] In 2011 Blair became Godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch's children.
- 1995
- 1995: AwakenedRepublic Former atomic energy scientist, Dr Kitty Little claims the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium supplies giving them a monopoly over nuclear power.
- 1995 EIR In December 1995, the "Jerusalem" freemasonic lodge was established, adjacent to the Temple Mount, in the Grotto of King Solomon, to work for the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. The lodge worked side by side with the on-the-ground networks of Jewish and Christian fundamentalist fanatics, to foment a bloody religious war over the control of the Temple Mount. That such a lodge would be founded shortly after the Israel-Palestine peace breakthroughs at Oslo--and just weeks after the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an architect of that peace--is surely no coincidence. The Jerusalem Lodge was founded by the Grand Master of Italian Regular Freemasonry, Giuliano di Bernardo, the right-hand man of Lord Northampton on the Temple Mount project. Di Bernardo also let slip that Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith director Abe Foxman is a collaborator in the Temple Mount project. Another key figure, whose work has dovetailed with the Quatuor Coronati activities on Temple Mount, is the Dutch-born architect Leen Ritmeyer, who received his doctorate from Manchester University in England on the design of Solomon's Temple. Ritmeyer's work in Israel, in which he claims to have discovered the resting place of the lost Ark of the Covenant inside the Dome of the Rock, has been almost wholly financed by Lord Jacob Rothschild, the son of the late Lord Victor Rothschild, and the head of Rothschild Investment Trust. search terms: Club of Isles, Royal Consort, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, British Israelism, lost tribes, Satanic rituals of Aleister Crowley, Golden Dawn cult, Ars Quatuor Coronarum, The Temple of Solomon the King, Temple Mount, Yitzhak Rabin, Giuliano di Bernardo, Lord Northampton, Jewish Cabbalism, Leen Ritmeyer (financed by Jacob Rothschild), Dallas Theological Seminary, Darbyite movement, Stanley Goldfoot, Stern Gang, Chuck Missler, Koinonia House, (destruction of Islamic sites),
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- Connect the dots: Mormons, Apollo Management, Huntsman (Romney), Hexion, Obama, China stealth technology
- 1990 Apollo Global Management, Wikipedia is an alternative investment management firm, founded in 1990 by former Drexel Burnham Lambert banker Leon Black. 2] The firm specializes in leveraged buyout transactions and purchases of distressed securities involving corporate restructuring, special situations and industry consolidations. ... founder = Leon Black, John Hannan, Marc Rowan, Craig Cogut, Arthur Bilger New York City, Henry Silverman, Marc Rowan, Josh Harris, Marc Spilker CriminalState Leon Black DeepCapture Leon Black Michael Milken, junk bonds, Carl Lindner, United Fruit,
- Whale / Eustace Mullins Drexel Burnham Lambert (pronounced Lambeer), is the New York branch of Banque Bruxelles Lambert, of Brussels, Belgium or that the enormously wealthy and powerful Lamberts are the Belgian branch of the Rothschild family. Baron Lambert is regularly listed as an attendee at Bilderberger
meetings. Michael Leon Feinberg 9/11 and BP oil crisis
- 2007 Jul (founded by Jon Huntsman Sr.) acquired by Hexion Wikipedia. is now Momentive Board ..Apollo New York Times Hexion / Huntsman Corp ... SpecialChem4coatings -Chengdu J20
- Reu-ters Hexion and its parent Apollo Management agreed to buy Huntsman for $6.5 billion a year ago, but the deal has been in jeopardy since June, when Apollo and Hexion filed suit against Huntsman seeking to limit their liability in the event that their proposed buyout falls apart.
- Drexel Burnham Lambert Daroth Peter Rothschild
- NFU / WMR Desmarais, the Rothschilds, and Soros has also feathered the nest of Bo's son, Bo Guagua, who attended elite preparatory schools in the United Kingdom, as well as Oxford, a pre-requisite for what Desmarais and the Rothschilds hoped would be the beginning of a Bilderberg Group/Council on Foreign Relations stranglehold on China.
- Wall Street Journal Bo Guagua and WantChinaTimes Bo Guagua sexually harassed Huntsman's daughter: Yazhou Zhoukan AsiaJapanWatch Bo Xilai
- 2004 Wikipedia Paul Desmarais is a member of the Board of Directors of Total SA and Suez. They frequently combine their European operations with the Belgian financier Albert Frere. Paul Desmarais (son) is also a member of the board and the Lafarge Group. The Desmarais family also maintains relations with the French Dassault industrial dynasties, Peugeot and Rothschild, among others. see NFU China
- 2012 WMR / T-Room Bo Xilai had close relations with former U.S. ambassador to China and former GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. In fact, Huntsman’s daughter dated Bo’s playboy son, Bo Guagua, who was known for driving his trademark red Ferrari around Beijing. Moreover, the U.S. Consul General in Chengdu is Peter Haymond, a friend of Huntsman and a fellow Mormon.
- Wall Street Journal A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted a San Francisco Bay area couple on charges of conspiring to steal trade secrets from DuPont Co. DD -0.69% and sell them to Chinese state-owned companies. The indictment said Walter Liew, 54 years old, and his wife, Christina Liew, 49, conspired to take confidential DuPont documents and used them to obtain more than $20 million in contracts from companies in China. Huntsman Chemical TiO2 pigments.
- Research: Adnan Khashoggi, Triad Center, Salt Lake City, Zions Bank, Bank of Utah, Beneficial Life, Thomas S. Monson, LDS Church, Key Bank
- Defence Aviation China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group is preparing to test its first stealth aircraft known to world as the J-XX and now official Chengdu J-20. Chinhdangvu Spitler, Liew Dupont Titanium dioxide
- SourceWatch Bumi, BHP Minerals, Rothschild, Examiner Five Charged with Corporate Espionage, The five defendants charged in the indictment were Walter Liew, Christina Liew, Robert Maegerle, Hou Shengdong and Tze Chao, all allegedly obtained and illegally possessed TiO2 trade secrets belonging to DuPont. It’s also alleged that they sold the high-tech trade secrets to the Pangang Group so they could develop a streamlined TiO2 production capability in China.
- BHPBilliton (appointed to the Board as non-executive Directors) Mr Paul Rizzo is Dean, Director and Professorial Fellow of the Melbourne Business School, and a Director of Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games Pty Ltd and NM Rothschild and Sons (Australia) Limited.
- DeanHenderson The Rothschilds also control BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the two biggest global miners, as well as Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Bank of America. see also PoliticalFail BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Group, the third-biggest mining company, will gain control of Richards Bay Minerals, or RBM, on South Africa’s east coast in a deal that sees BHP Billiton Ltd. exiting the titanium minerals industry. and ChinaSignPost Baoti, one of China’s largest titanium producers, says that it supplies 95% of the titanium used by China’s aerospace complex, suggesting that the company can produce high-grade materials. This is a key point because the other main global suppliers of aerospace grade titanium are all potential competitors—the U.S., Russia, and Japan.
- Seeker401 Rothschild deep connections to Rio Tinto. Rothschild’s RIT Capital Partners held £12.5 million (PDF) of Rio Tinto in September. But more interestingly, Rothschild’s St. James Place Capital owned 3 percent of Rio Tinto at the beginning of this year. search terms: John Paulson’s company, RUSAL IPO, Libya’s Qaddafi, Li Ka-shing, George Soros .. Li Ka-Shing (Wikipedia) Hutchison Whampoa .. Rense China / Illuminati TheForbiddenKnowledge Li bloodline MafiaToday Bo Xilai / Triads (Wikipedia)
- Benjamin Fulford ?
- NFU/China.html WMR / T-Room and WMR Spitler was a specialist in nanomaterials for Dupont and BHP Minerals. There are indications that in addition to supplying the FBI with information on the Liews and Pangang, he made have also stumbled across the CIA activities by Dupont China in acquiring secrets on Chinese stealth coating technology.
- MafiaToday (Bo Xilai) Wang Lijun, claimed that he had been made to cover up Mr Heywood's murder by Mr Bo and was now in fear of his own life. It was he who named Mr Bo's wife as the likely killer, alleging that she had him poisoned
- 2012 WMR To thicken the plot even further, Timothy Spitler, a former consultant to Liew and one-time Dupont chemical engineer, reportedly committed suicide in Reno, Nevada on January 30, 2012, just prior to the indictments being issued against Pangang and the two former Dupont employees. Spitler was scheduled to testify on behalf of the U.S. government against the Liews and the Chinese company. Few details have been published on the circumstances of Spitler's alleged suicide.Reu-ters ... Timothy Spitler
- was a specialist in nanomaterials for Dupont and BHP Minerals (BHPBilliton) . There are indications that in addition to supplying the FBI with information on the Liews and Pangang, he made have also stumbled across the CIA activities by Dupont China in acquiring secrets on Chinese stealth coating technology. Spitler's knowledge of such CIA activities under Dupont China cover, may have earned him a death sentence by the CIA's very active "wet affairs" element. ... Dupont's own industrial espionage activities involving Chinese research and development into TiO2 is supplemented by Dupont's operations in Taiwan. Dupont maintains a large titanium dioxide plant in Kuan Yin, Taiwan. The CIA and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) predecessor have long used Dupont for its weapons development programs in China. During World War II, Dupont produced for the OSS in China a high-explosive powder disguised as flour. The granular flour-like explosive, which matched the grayish Chinese wheat flour, was nicknamed "Aunt Jemima," and the flour could be baked into explosive biscuits and pancakes, which only became deadly when a detonator was attached to the baked goods. Today, the Dupont white pigment and mineral plant in Kuan Yin is the home to one of the world's largest TiO2 plants and with a production rate of 60,00 tons a year, makes Dupont the world's largest producer of TiO2. Taiwanese chemical engineers for Dupont are well-placed to ferret out titanium oxide secrets from Chinese research centers across the Taiwan Straits for their own company and the CIA.
- HiddenMysteries Icke The founders of both "faiths", the Mormons and JehovahWitness, were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, who founded the Watchtower Society (JWs), was of the Illuminati Russell bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a Satanist, a paedophile according to his wife, and a friend of the Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers, through "contributions" by organisations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith.
- MoneyTeachers Marriner Eccles (Mormon, Deseret National Bank) credited for saving the Federal Reserve system from collapse during the Great Depression ... involved in Emergency Banking Act of 1933, FDIC, World Bank and IMF ... The gold reserve act was passed in January 1934. Roosevelt worked with Eccles and the banksters to help them steal the only real wealth left in America ... confiscating gold and replacing it with Federal Reserve Notes.
- Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., HSBC Holdings Plc is one of Asia’s main banks.
- 1995 - GripesOnline U.N. delegates meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss various methods for imposing global taxes on the people of the world.
- 1995 LaRouchePub Ten to twelve pivotal companies, assisted by another three dozen, run the world’s food supply. They are the key components of the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel, which is grouped around Britain’s House of Windsor. Led by the six leading grain companies—Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Born, André, and Archer Daniels Midland/Töpfer—the Windsor-led food and raw materials cartel has complete domination over world cereals and grains supplies, from wheat to corn and oats, from barley to sorghum and rye. But it also controls meat, dairy, edible oils and fats, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices.
- 1995 Christopher Story Wikipedia was a British writer, publisher and government adviser specialising in intelligence and economic affairs, who is best known for his collaboration with KGBdefector Anatoliy Golitsyn on the 1995 book The Perestroika Deception. Christopher Story, the son of Colonel Henry Harle Story MC of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 2] was educated at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford, and then worked as an industrial writer in Canada. In 1963, he formed his own publishing company specialising in intelligence and founded World Reports Limited in 1963. 3] Since 1970, he has edited and published International Currency Review, 4] which includes the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England amongst its subscribers. 5]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1995 – GripesOnline “Popular Science” magazine describes a top secret U.S. Navy installation called HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in the state of Alaska. This project beams powerful radio energy into the earth's upper atmosphere. One of the goals of the program is to develop the capability of "manipulating local weather" using the techniques developed by Bernard Eastlund. The program has been underway since 1990.] Haarp-BAE AMEC BP Acergy HAARP (2003) BAE purchased HAARP from Raytheon. Gillibrand was Chairman of BAE (2005) Raytheon was awarded $300 Million Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System contract from NOAA’s National Weather Service through 2014. BAE Systems Software was selected for 3D Mapping Project for airports. FT Rothschilds have taken 70% stake in the WeatherChannel. The deal comes almost three years after Bain Capital, Blackstone and NBC Universal bought Weather Channel for $3.2bn. see Peter Mason (Rothshild) and Truth Fukishima photos and video HAARP effects
- 1995 PolitcalVelcraft An Abrahamic Jew Is A Zionist. A Jew Financed By Teutonic Zionists, Is Himself A Teutonic Zionist. Teutonic Zionists are the father of NWO and seated as The City Of London’s Banking Cartel with The British Monarchy as its head piece for attempting centralization of all world finances. They were the ones who purchased Israel for the Abrahamic Jews only to be exploited by taxation by the Monarchy. The Abrahamic Jews revolted and kicked the British out ( Much Like America had to do with the British in 1776). The Queen of England (and or any other so called royalty) are still forbidden to walk on Jewish soil. Think of (Teutonic Zionists as Liberals/democrats/rinos) and think of (Abrahamic Zionist as Conservatives). 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
- 1995 FPP Phony 'Anti-Semitic' Incidents East Berlin Officials Staged 'Neo-Nazism' in West Germany ... Details about how these Jewish Communist officials engineered "right wing" anti-Jewish incidents in western Germany are revealed by German-Jewish historian and university lecturer Dr. Michael Wolffsohn in his book Die Deutschland-Akte ("The Germany File"). He writes: "The strategic head of the staged anti-Semitic actions was Albert Norden, a rabbi's son. This is documented in the records of the [East Berlin] Politburo."FPP Phony 'Anti-Semitic' Incidents East Berlin Officials Staged 'Neo-Nazism' in West Germany ... Details about how these Jewish Communist officials engineered "right wing" anti-Jewish incidents in western Germany are revealed by German-Jewish historian and university lecturer Dr. Michael Wolffsohn in his book Die Deutschland-Akte ("The Germany File"). He writes: "The strategic head of the staged anti-Semitic actions was Albert Norden, a rabbi's son. This is documented in the records of the [East Berlin] Politburo." and see VHO
- 1995: IAmTheWitness Former atomic energy scientist, Dr Kitty Little claims the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium supplies giving them a monopoly over nuclear power. The Defense Investigative Service circulates a memo warning US military contractors that, "Israel aggressively collects (US) military and industrial technology." The report stated that Israel obtains information using, "ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties," of US citizens.
- 1995 Wikipedia Dutroux Affair Marc Dutroux, Belgian serial killer case (very similar to Franklin Scandal Omaha cover-up) kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls during 1995 and 1996, search terms: dungeons, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, victims: Lijeune, Russo. Protests 'White March', accomplice Michel Nihoul,
- 1995 TriGranit Nathaniel Rothschild is the Co-chairman of Atticus Capital LLC, an international investment management firm established in 1995 Mr. Rothschild is Chairman of JNR Limited, ... Sándor Demján is one of the founders and the Chairman of TriGránit Development Corporation. In 1976, he started and directed Skála, the first Hungarian cooperative department store and in 1986 Mr. Demján founded and became the inaugural President of the first commercial bank in Hungary, the Hungarian Credit Bank. In 1990 he established the Central European Development Corporation (CEDC) in cooperation with Andrew Sarlós, Ronald Lauder, Mark Palmer and Peter Munk. and Breakup of Soviet Union, Adnan Khashoggi, links to 9/11 and see SuperYacht Marinas Located in the heart of Europe’s “southernmost fjord” is Porto Montenegro, a development spearheaded by Canadian gold-mining entrepreneur Peter Munk in partnership with a consortium of international entrepreneurs (and yacht owners) that includes Lord Jacob Rothschild, Nathaniel Rothschild, Bernard Arnault, Oleg Deripaska and Sandor Demjan. Now entering its second year of operation, the project is transforming a defunct naval dockyard in Tivat into a state-of-the-art marina and residential community. Scribd Nathaniel Rothschild owns 15% of Trigranit
- 1996: IAmTheWitness A General Accounting Office report, "Defense Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense Contractors," found that according to intelligence sources, "Country A," (identified by intelligence sources as Israel, Washington Times, 22 February 1996), "conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any US ally." A pdf file of the report is here: GAO An unformated text version is here: FAS The Jerusalem Post (30 August 1996) quoted the report, "“Classified military information and sensitive military technologies are high-priority targets for the intelligence agencies of this country." The report described, "An espionage operation run by the intelligence organization responsible for collecting scientific and technologic information for (Israel) paid a US government employee to obtain US classified military intelligence documents." The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Shawn L. Twing, April 1996) noted that this was, "a reference to the 1985 arrest of Jonathan Pollard, a civilian US naval intelligence analyst who provided Israel's LAKAM espionage agency an estimated 800,000 pages of classified US intelligence information." WashingtonReport The GAO report also noted that, "Several citizens of (Israel) were caught in the United States stealing sensitive technology used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes." An Office of Naval Intelligence document, "Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare" reported that, "US technology has been acquired (by China) through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM (surface-to-air) missile technology." Jane's Defense Weekly (28 February 1996) noted that, "until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology (via Israel) to China." The report noted that this, "represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation." (Flight International, 13 March 1996). Amschel Rothschild, 41, is strangled with the heavy cord of his own towel robe in his hotel room in Paris. French Prime Minister orders the French Police to close their investigation, and, Rupert Murdoch, born of a Jewish mother and so a Jew by Ashkenazi standards, instructs his editors and news managers around the world to report it as a heart attack, if they need to report it at all.
- 1996 DailyMail ... one of Nat Rothschild's cousins, Amschel, hanged himself at the age of 41. Four years later, another cousin, Raphael de Rothschild, died in Manhattan from a heroin overdose. He was just 23.
- 1996-7 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline ISBC papers given to Israeli PM
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1997 WideShut The tentacles that the private banking cartels have spread around the globe are so interconnected with the entire economy and power structure that the Governments that are now in power are only puppets to the banks. There aren’t any true leaders left and probably very few that understand the system. After all they are more than happy to skim off the top in their expense accounts as hit the headlines in 2009. Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of England as of writing, granted the Bank of England operational independence to set interest rates in 1997 and sold all of the country’s gold overseas at knockdown prices before the economic crisis. You can see that they don’t much care about the situation.
Connect London, Chicago and Obama to 9/11
Summary via Rothschild, Defense Policy Board, and Jones Lang &
Wikipedia Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee ... is a federal advisory committee to the United States Department of Defense. ... Richard Perle was the chairman of the committee during the initial years of the George W. Bush administration. ... was an influence in the decision to go to war in Iraq, and Jack Keane was instrumental in the implementation of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007. The War Profit Machine ... these people all lied about the WMD in Iraq and are perpetuating the lies about 9/11 and the WTC, Pentagon, Pennsylvania...and they are still at it with Barack Obama...
Ashton Carter Wikipedia, and Paul Kaminiski Wikipedia of GTP were members of the Defense Policy Board., GTP, LLC
Henry Kissinger was a member of the Defense Policy Board in 1997
GTP is an exclusive agent of
Rothschild North America ...PRNewswire Global Financial Advisory team is led by Nigel Higgins, Olivier Pécoux and Jim Lawrence. Chairman David de Rothschild Deputy Chairman Gerald Rosenfeld
, Deputy Chairman, Global Investment Banking Christopher Lawrence see IWatchtheNews from Center for Public Integrity
1997 GTP-LLC Global Technology Partners founded in 1997 by William J. Perry, the 19th Secretary of Defense, specializes in providing advice in the areas of Defense, ... members include Ashton Carter, Paul Kaminsky William Perry, founded Global Technology Partners to help equity firms invest in defense, aerospace and technology companies, after he left office. The group advises Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette's Merchant Banking Partners...which was bought by Credit Suisse Wikipedia They gained this dominance in both underwriting and trading by astutely picking up most of the expertise from Drexel Burnham Lambert (see Rothschild connection) after its demise in the late 1980s. ... Notable alumni include Daniel Scotto — Former Director of Research at Bear Stearns, DLJ, Rothschild, and S&P.
2011 members: Defense Policy Board: Madeleine Albright, former secretary of state; Jamie Gorelick, former deputy attorney general; Jane Harman, former U.S. congresswoman; Retired Gen. James Cartwright, former vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Retired Adm. Gary Roughead, former chief of naval operations. ... These members join the following returning members: John Hamre, chairman; Harold Brown; J.D. Crouch; Richard Danzig; Rudy deLeon, Chuck Hagel; Retired Gen. Jack Keane; Henry Kissinger; Frank Miller; John Nagl; Sam Nunn; Joseph Nye; William Perry; James Schlesinger; Brent Scowcroft; Sarah Sewall; and Retired Gen. Larry Welc
go to more Obama advisor
see CNAS Center of a New American Security (sure sounds like PNAC) The New Republic, Rachel Maddow (Rhodes Scholar) interview with John Nagl Defense Policy Board ... 14 former CNAS hands have landed jobs inside Obama’s Pentagon and State Department.
Wikipedia list of British Think Tanks Atlantic Partnership member list
2009 Ashton Carter served as Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics from April 2009 until October 2011 see also PRNewswire Rothschild announced today the formation of a strategic alliance with Global Technology Partners, LLC, a specialized group of professionals, including former U.S. Secretary of Defense William Perry... Gerald Rosenfeld
, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, Dr. William J. Perry is a Senior Partner and the Chairman of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Perry served as the U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1997, Dr. John M. Deutch is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners served as Director of Central Intelligence for the U.S. and was in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency. He had previously served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1995 and Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions and Technology from 1993 to 1994. Wikipedia Dr Ashton Carter served as a member of the Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from 1997–2001, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s International Security Advisory Board from 2006-2008. In 1997, Dr. Carter co-chaired the Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group with former CIA Director John M. Deutch, which urged greater attention to terrorism. Dr. Deutch serves as a director of Ariad Pharmaceutical, Citigroup. CMS Energy, Cummins Engine, Raytheon Corporation and Schlumberger Ltd. and GTP-LLC and SourceWatch GTP In-Q-Tel
2012 RedactedNews Ashton Carter,Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag Carter worked directly with Philip Zelikow who oversaw the 9/11 Whitewash Commission that covered up the truth about the events of 9/11. Here are some of Carter’s connections and affiliations: Senior Partner at Global Technology Partners ( GTP’s partners have collectively served as Secretary of Defense, Director of Central Intelligence, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Secretary of Defense (three times), Deputy Secretary of Energy, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (three times), Assistant Secretary of Defense (three times), Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense, and Director of the National Reconnaissance Office.) see also WhoDidIt 9/11,
- 2010 Dealbook The Rothschild Group said on Thursday that it has named Jim Lawrence as its chief executive for Rothschild North America, as the global firm seeks to bolster its practice here. Mr. Lawrence, a founder of L.E.K. Consulting, will also become a co-head of global investment banking for Rothschild, alongside Nigel Higgins and Olivier Pecoux in Europe. Two of Rothschild North America’s top bankers, Christopher Lawrence and David Resnick, will add new titles as well.
- 2011 TheHill President Obama will soon nominate Pentagon acquisition executive Ashton Carter to become deputy Defense secretary, the White House announced Tuesday. (grandson of Yonah Fischer Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium) and see
- 1999 CIA In-Q-Tel has intimate relationship with William Perry, Global Technology Partners, exclusive agent of Rothschild North America. In-Q-Tel Board of Directors of In-Q-Tel: In-Q-Tel Board of Trustees include Lee Ault, Chairman, former Chairman and CEO of Telecredit, Inc; Norman Augustine (Wikipedia), former Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation; John Seely Brown, Chief Scientist, Xerox Corporation and President, Xerox PARC Research Center; Michael Crow, Executive Vice Provost of Columbia University; Stephen Friedman, Senior Principal of Marsh & McLennan Capital, Inc., and former Chairman of Goldman Sachs and Co; Paul Kaminski, President and CEO of Technovations, Inc., Senior Partner in Global Technology Partners, and former Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology; Jeong Kim, President of Carrier Network, part of the Lucent Technologies Group, and former founder of Yurie Systems; John McMahon, consultant to Lockheed-Martin Corporation, former President and CEO of Lockheed Missile and Space Company, and former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence; Alex Mandl, Chairman and CEO of Teligent and former President and CEO of AT&T; William Perry (Wikipedia), Former Secretary of Defense and currently Berberian Professor at Stanford University. and Wikipedia "In-Q-Tel" principles include Christopher A. R. Darby, President/CEO, Bruce Adams, Secretary, Michael M. Crow, Chairman, Paul G. Kaminiski (Wikipedia), Director, Jeong H. Kim, Director and see Endrtimes
- The Carnigie Endowment Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative EASI. Principles include Sam Nunn, Robert Legvold, Desmond Browne.UK, John Kerr.UK,
- Wikipedia John Hamre, CSIS Dr. Hamre (a Republican) worked on the Obama transition team. He is chairman of the Defense Policy Board Link Hamre to Obama to Rothschild via Field Marshal The Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank GCB LVO OBE ... is a Director of N M ... Rothschild & Sons Limited; see
- 2010 European Institute principles include: Yves-André Istel Senior Advisor, Rothschild, Inc. Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, The European Institute,Jacqueline Grapin Founder and Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, The European Institute, The Honorable John Bruton Chairman, Ambassador Günter Burghardt, Dr. Bertrand Collomb, The Honorable Jacques Delors, Dr. R. Michael Gadbaw, Ambassador C. Boyden Gray, Ambassador Robert Hunter, Francine Lamoriello, Diony Lebot, The Honorable T. Allan McArtor, Oliver Moss, Mark Orr, Neil Planzer, Francis Blanchard, Albert D. Bourland, Sir Jeffery H. Bowman, Philippe Giscard d'Estaing, The Honorable Abraham Katz David Maxwell, Ambassador Herbert S. Okun, Ursula Seiler-Albring, The Honorable Simone Veil, The Honorable Peter D. Sutherland, The Honorable Robert B. Zoellick, The Honorable William A. Nitze, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Danielle Aguto, Frédéric Badey, Cynthia Braddon, Nova Daly, James F. Dobbins, Dr. Zdenek Drabek, Robert H. Dugger, The Honorable J. Edward Fox, Dr. Michael Haltzel, Kathryn Karol, Francis J. Kelly, Rolland Langley, Clay Lowery, Dr. Eric D. K. Melby, Sean P. Murphy, Christian Nadal, Dr. Michael R. Nelson, Peter A. Peyser, Robert Siegel Host, Jose Toscano, Franklin Vargo, Enzo Viscusi, Richard Weiner
- 2010 July Global Research David Ray Griffin Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles? Left gatekeepers: Noam Chomsky, Mathew Rothschild, Chris Hays, Terry Allen, Alexander Cockburn, David Corn, George Monbiot, Matt Taibbi
- 2010 InsideFacebook Facebook executives Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO Matt Cohler, VP of Strategy and Business Operations profile) Adam D’Angelo, VP and CTO Dustin Moskovitz, Co-founder and VP of Engineering Chamath Palihapitiya, VP of Product Marketing and Operations Owen Van Natta, VP and Chief Revenue Officer Gideon Yu, VP and CFO Chris Kelly, VP of Corporate Development, Chief Privacy Officer, General Counsel profile) Dan Rose, VP of Business Development Rudy Gadre, VP and General Counsel Mike Murphy, VP of Media Sales Jeff Rothschild, VP of Technology Current Facebook Board of Directors Peter Thiel, Managing Partner at The Founders Fund Jim Breyer, Partner at Accel Partners David Sze, Partner at Greylock Partners profile) Paul Madera, Managing Director at Meritech Capital Partners Additional Facebook Co-founders Andrew McCollum Eduardo Saverin Chris Hughes Former Facebook Executives Sean Parker Mike Sheridan and see WhoOwnsFacebook and Freedom-won Facebook funding can be traced back to the CIA throught Accel Partners, In-Q-Tel, James Breyer, formerly of Northern Venture Capital, on board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, see also Anita Jones of DARPA, (ran Information Awareness Office) Visible Technologies monitors the internet.
- Wikipedia Joseph Nye, Dr. Nye is North American chairman of the Trilateral Commission, serves on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a member of the Board of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Dr. Nye is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Academy of Diplomacy; a Senior Fellow of the Aspen Institute and Director of the Aspen Strategy Group; and a Fellow of the British Academy. In addition, he is a director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a member of the advisory committee of the Institute of International Economics, and the American representative on the United Nations Advisory Committee on Disarmament Affairs..... and Chairman North America Trilateral Commission Deputy Chairman: Allan E. Gotlieb Senior Adviser, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto; Chairman, Sotheby's, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States Deputy Chairman: Jaime Serra Chairman, SAI Law and Economics; Founder, Aklara, the Arbitration Center of Mexico, and the NAFTA Fund of Mexico, Mexico City North American Director: Michael J. O'Neil Former North American Chairmen: Thomas S. Foley (2001-2008) Paul A. Volcker (1991-2001) Honorary North American Chairman bhisymposia
- Sheila A. Penrose, Chairman of the Board Jones Lang LaSalle, The Boston Consulting Group, Northern Trust Corporation, University of Birmingham in England, London School of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business; Colin Dyer President and Chief Executive Officer Jones Lang LaSalle, WorldWide Retail Exchange, CEO of Courtaulds Textiles, Managing Director of the Dutch retail chain, GDL, McKinsey & Company in Amsterdam, INSEAD, Imperial College in London; Hugo Bagué Group Executive Rio Tinto (United Kingdom), Hewlett Packard Corporation, University of Ghent in Belgium; Darryl Hartley-Leonard Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hyatt Hotels Corporation,LaSalle Hotel Properties, holds a B.A. from Blackpool Lancashire College of Lancaster University and an honorary doctorate of business administration from Johnson and Wales University; DeAnne Julius Chairman Royal Institute of International Affairs, She is the Chairman of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House, was previously a founding member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England and was the Chief Economist at each of British Airways and Royal Dutch Shell, World Bank, and a consultant to the International Monetary Fund, Roche Holding AG, Deloitte UK, member of the board of directors of BP PLC; Ming Lu Partner KKR & Co., L.P. Wuhan University of Hydro Electrical Engineering in China and an M.B.A. from the University of Leuven in Belgium; Lauralee E. Martin senior management positions with General Electric Credit Corporation. Thomas C. Theobald Partner and Senior Advisor Chicago Growth Capital Partners LLC Mr. Theobald has been a Director of Jones Lang LaSalle since July 1997. He has served as a Partner and Senior Advisor at Chicago Growth Capital Partners LLC, he served as a Managing Director at William Blair Capital Partners. From July 1987 to August 1994, Mr. Theobald was Chairman of Continental Bank Corporation. He currently serves on the boards of directors of Ambac Financial Group, on the board of directors of Anixter International, a supplier of electrical equipment. Mr. Theobald holds an A.B. from the College of the Holy Cross and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
- Ashton Carter Dr. Carter is currently a Senior Partner at Global Technology Partners and a member of the Board of Trustees of the MITRE Corporation, and the Advisory Boards of MIT's Lincoln Laboratories and the Draper Laboratory. He is a consultant to Goldman, Sachs and Mitretek Systems on international affairs and technology matters, and speaks frequently to business and policy audiences. Dr. Carter is also a member of the Aspen Strategy Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Physical Society, the International Institute of Strategic Studies, and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
- Dr. John Nagl is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and the Minerva Research Fellow at the U.S. Naval Academy as part of the Department of Defense Minerva Initiative program. He was previously the President of CNAS. He is also a member of the Defense Policy Board, a Visiting Professor in the War Studies Department at Kings College of London, a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and a member of the International Institute of Strategic Studies. Dr. Nagl has testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Commission on Wartime Contracting and served on the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel (the Hadley/Perry Commission). He sits on the advisory boards of Mission Essential Personnel, the Spirit of America and the Journal of the Royal United Services Institute. Dr. Nagl is also a member of the Joint Force Quarterly Advisory Committee, a Young Leader of the French-American Foundation and the American Council on Germany and a member of the Diplomatic Finnish Sauna Society of Washington.
- The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), is the NSA counterpart in Britain
- Trilateral Commission member list
- 1997: IAmTheWitness An Army mechanical engineer, Ashkenazi Jew, David A. Tenenbaum, "inadvertently," gives classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 20 February 1997). The Washington Post reports US intelligence has intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. One of the Israelis, identified only as, “Dov,” had commented that they may get the letter from, “Mega,” the code name for Israel’s top agent inside the United States. US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, complains privately to the Israeli government about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli intelligence agents. Israeli agents place a tap on Ashkenazi Jew and daughter of a Rabbi, Monica Lewinsky’s, phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and President Bill Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms that Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were being taped and ended the affair. Interestingly, at the same time, the FBI’s hunt for, "Mega," is called off. On 29 October Edmond de Rothschild dies in Geneva. Interestingly on the exact same day Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan also dies, who in his book, "Satan Speaks," he states in relation to The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, "The first time I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, my instinctive reaction was, So what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way any master plan should work? Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?" Kofi Annan becomes Secretary General to the United Nations. He is married to Nane Lagergren, a Rothschild, who he wed in 1984. 1998: The European Central Bank is set up in Frankfurt, the city from which the Rothschilds originate.
- 1997 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline PNAC papers released (same authors and rhetoric as all the other papers)
- 1997 Wikipedia Vernon Jordan ... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, (Michel David-Weill owns Lazard Wikipedia regretted hiring Bruce Wasserstein) an investment banking firm. He is also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive Group and the Dow Jones & Company. He is formerly a member of the board of directors of Revlon, Sara Lee, Corning and RJR Nabisco during 1989 leveraged buy-out fight between RJR Nabisco CEO F. Ross Johnson and Henry R. Kravis and his company KKR. A close friend of Jordan was the late Xerox tycoon Charles Peter McColough, who convinced Jordan to join the Board of Trustees at Xerox. McColough served as a mentor and friend of Jordan's until McColough's death. In the 2004 presidential campaign, Jordan led debate preparation and negotiation efforts on behalf of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President. That year he was elected president of the Economic Club of Washington. In 2006, Jordan served as a member of the Iraq Study Group, which was formed to make recommendations on the U.S. policy in Iraq. He helped Monica Lewinsky after the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Time Jordan's chief role in the Lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment was that he at one point was tasked with finding Monica Lewinsky a job in New York City. go to Jordan / FirstMark / Lauder Valerie Jarrett is link between Obama and Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Wikipedia Vernon Jordan is on the board of her FirstMark Communications company. Jordan joined Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, in 1982) and Observer Jordan ... see Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas.
- Go to Connect Vernon Jordan / Wasserstein / Lazard / Rothschild and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers
- 1997 The London Financial Times in its Thursday, January 30, 1997 edition, revealed the extent of the gold trading taking place daily through the London Bullion Marketing Association (LBMA). The LBMA is run predominantly by the house of N. M. Rothschild. "Deals involving about 30 million troy ounces, or 930 tonnes, of gold valued at more than $10 billion are cleared every working day in London, Mr. Jeffrey Rhodes, of Standard Bank, London, said the 30m ounces should be 'multiplied by three, and possibly five, to give the full scope of the global market.
- 1998 History of the Money Changers The IMF eliminate food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia. At the same time the IMF soaked up tens of billions of dollars to save Indonesia's financiers or rather the international banks from whom they had borrowed. A document leaks out of the World Bank, called, "Master Plan for Brazil." In it it spells out five requirements to ensure a flexible public sector workforce. These are as follows: Reduce Salary/Benefits Reduce Pensions Increase Work Hours Reduce Job Stability Reduce Employment 1999 In Brazil, Rio's privatized electric company named, "Rio Light," is responsible for repeated blackouts in neighborhoods. The company blames the weather in the Pacific Ocean for the blackouts, when Rio is on the Atlantic. The blackouts wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that after privatization Rio Light axed 40% of the company's workforce would it? No problem for Rio Light, as a result of that their share price went up 33%.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1998-2003 NFU / Leagate Scoop - 1998 - McCain was a co-sponsor of the Iraq Liberation Act that led to the creation of a false intelligence factory that replaced CIA Iraq reporting. He led charges in the Senate about Iraqi WMD programs that U.S. intelligence was reporting didn’t exist. .... John McCain enthusiastically espoused the delusion about cheap and easy Middle East wars, and sponsored Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress (I.N.C.) organization, even though the CIA had cut it off for producing faulty intelligence.
- 1998 Wikipedia Kim Jong-un attended the public school “Liebefeld Steinhölzli” in Köniz near Bern under the name “Pak-un” or “Un-pak” from 1998 until 2000 as the son of an employee of the Embassy of North Korea. ... The ambassador of North Korea in Switzerland, Ri Tcheul, had a close relationship with him and acted as a mentor
- Rothschild Octopus 6 Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Looting of Russia, 1990's to fund 9/11 Rothschild Banks McCain / Keating Five Hartmann / Rappaport background Iran Contra / Rappaport Funding the Afghan Mujahideen BCCI - 1998, TheVertigo Russian investigators traced a $300,000 ransom payment from the Bank of New York, which opened up the Bank of New York/Russian Mafiya bank scandal. This scandal would later be shown to be connected to the Swiss banks and the Deutsche Bank. “The plundering exemplified in the BNY case is of an immense magnitude, a report prepared by Fitch IBCA, an international credit rating agency, that estimated a total of $136 billion was taken out of all of Russia between 1993 and 1998. this ... lined the pockets of the new Russian kleptocracy, but also flowed into the coffers of US and European financial institutions. (The BNY case may well involve a number of major European banks. On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the investigation, said that Credit Suisse, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Dresdner Bank, Westdeutsche Landesbank and Banque Internacionale of Luxembourg are being scrutinized for their role in the matter.)” Bank of New York probe exposes ties between Western financiers and Russian Mafia, World Socialist Website, James Brookfield, 8/27/ 1999] It is of significant note that two primary owner-investors in two of the key banks involved in the Russian money laundering scandal were Bruce Rappaport, a Swiss- Israeli banker who was involved with Khashoggi and George Bush Sr. in the Iran- Contra, October Surprise and BCCI scandals, and Dr. Alfred Hartmann. “…what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation was that the Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the CondorII missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds.” The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros, William Engdahl, EIR Investigation Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), November 1, 1996]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1998 Wikipedia Wang Jun, (CITIC, Clinton, Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky) is Chairman of the Board of Poly Technologies in the People's Republic of China. The company deals in arms-trading and is associated with the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Wang is also the Chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC). He is the son of China's revolutionary elder Wang Zhen. 6] BusinessWeek Rothschild / CITIC winery
- 1998 Wikipedia First Chicago Bank was a Chicago-based retail and commercial bank tracing its roots back to 1863. Over the years, the bank operated under several names including The First National Bank of Chicago and First Chicago NBD (following its 1995 merger with the National Bank of Detroit). In 1998, First Chicago NBD merged with Banc One Corporation to form Bank One Corporation, today a part of CHASE.
- 1998 The Third Way is a synthesis of the right and the left that originated from Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forrester (later de Rothschild), Michael Steinheart and Al From. Bill Clinton was the first candidate chosen by the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) to run for US president. Tony Blair, Clinton's buddy from Oxford, was the Third Way candidate in Great Britain. When Clinton and Blair won, the New Democratic Movement transcended the right v left conflict and reinvented the world. ... "New Democrat policies transcend the stale left-right debate and define a Third Way for governing based on progressive ideas, mainstream values, and innovative solutions that reflect changing times. New Democrat ideas that have become law include national service, work-based welfare reform, charter schools, community policing, an expanded earned-income tax credit, and market incentives for environmental protection." see Wikipedia Third Way, Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, based his philosophy of government on what he entitled in a book, The Middle Way (1938). Centrism, Blue Dog Democrats, DLC..... search CESJ for Rothschild
- 1998 Bibliotecalaplayedes According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros is part of a circle which includes Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, the indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive; Shaul Eisenberg, (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) the secretive Israeli arms and commodities dealer; and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan - both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad, and to the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild. search also Bill / Hillary Clinton, pardon.
- 1999 WakeUpFromYourSlumber Jacob Ezra Merkin clearly enabled Madoff's scheme to continue operating by investing hundreds of millions of dollars with Madoff. Merkin's late father, Hermann Merkin, was a high-level Rothschild-linked director of the PEC Israel Economic Corporation for thirty-three years (1966-1999) until his death. Archive.FrontpageMag Former L.F. Rothschild (Wikipeidia) banker and the onetime mayor of Fort Lee, N.J., Burt Ross, also reportedly lost $5 million, virtually all of his personal financial assets.
- 1999 Wikipedia As director of the NEC, Gene Sperling, who had played a key role in the 1993 Deficit Reduction Act, was a key negotiator of the 1997 bipartisan Balanced Budget Act. Sperling was also a principal negotiator with then-Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers of the Financial Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed large portions of the depression-era Glass-Stegall Act allowing banks, securities firms and insurance companies to merge. President Barack Obama believes that the repeal of Glass–Steagall helped cause the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis. Sperling earned $887,727 from Goldman Sachs in 2008
- 1999 TariGanter Deutsche Bank, historically owned by the Nazi-funding Warburg family, bought Bankers Trust in 1999 to become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets.
- 1999, Anglo American merged with Luxembourg-based Minorco to form Anglo American plc. Minorco, which had hitherto been responsible for our international assets, combined with Anglo American Corporation the company responsible for the South African interests of the Group to become Anglo American plc, with our primary listing in London and secondary listings in Johannesburg, Switzerland, Botswana and Namibia. search terms: Oppenheimer, Rothschild
- 1999 Terrorism-Illuminati In 1999, the French Parliament commissioned an extensive and thorough investigation of global money-laundering. After publishing reports on Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland, it also produced a report titled, The City of London, Gibraltar and the Crown Dependencies: Offshore Centers and Havens for Dirty Money, part of which was an addendum titled, The Economic Environment of Osama bin Laden. The report concluded that up to forty British banks, companies and individuals were associated with bin Laden’s network, including organizations in London, Oxford, Cheltenham, Cambridge and Leeds. 1] In introducing the report, Arnaud Montebourg, a French Member of Parliament concluded, “Tony Blair, and his government, preaches around the world against terrorism. He would be well advised to preach to his own bankers and oblige them to go after dirty money... Even the Swiss co-operate more than the English.” 2]
- 1999 Martin Frost McCain has numerous connections to the Rothschilds. One of his key corporate supporters was Wilbur Ross Jr, the so-called "Bankruptcy King", who worked for Rothschild USA Inc. for nearly 25 years before he quit in 2000 to set up his own firm, W.L. Ross & Co. (which managed the Rothschild Recovery Fund).144 Ross was at the launch of McCain's memoir, Faith of My Fathers, in 1999. Rothschild support was more overt during the 2008 presidential elections. In March 2008 Jacob and Nat Rothschild hosted a McCain fundraiser in London. And in September 2008, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Democrat, announced she would be supporting McCain over Obama. and Peter Mandelson In 1999, Mandelson spent three days at the Rothschild villa in Corfu, and later went to Albania all paid for by Jacob. He also became close to Evelyn and his wife, counting them as his "new best friends"; he attended their wedding in 2000 and reportedly convinced Evelyn to fund Policy Review, which Mandelson chaired. Mandelson remains close to Jacob and Nat, holidaying with them in recent years in Corfu, Switzerland and the Caribbean.
- 1999 Stanley Foundation pdf
- 2000
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2000
- 2000 Bolyn Lone Gunmen (made by Rupert Murdoch’s FOX TV) in which remotely hijacked planes were flown into the WTC was made in Vancouver in 2000. The Lone Gunmen "Pilot" episode in which a passenger airliner is hijacked by an external computer program and flown into the World Trade Center was another Murdoch production. The "Pilot" episode, which bore an uncanny resemblance to the 9/11 attacks, aired on Murdoch-owned FOX TV on March 4, 2001. Arnon Milchan, Murdoch's Israeli business partner and senior Mossad agent in Hollywood, was most likely the real author of the plot for "Pilot".
Murdoch originally financed by Rothschild ... Murdoch's 20th Century Fox (News Corp.) distributed blatantly anti-Muslim propaganda films like The Siege (1998) which were clearly designed to prepare the public mindset for the false-flag terrorism of 9/11. and Murdoch's initial $200 million investment in Arnon Milchan's company in 1998 is something of a mystery. Why did Murdoch buy into a dodgy company run by an Israeli nuclear criminal? It is, of course, most likely the result of Murdoch simply doing as he is told by the Zionist financiers, e.g. the Rothschilds, ... - 2000 Wikipedia City of London Although there is no agreed definition of a tax haven, many authors have accused the City of London of being one. The Tax Justice Network, goes further and accuses the City of London as being “the biggest tax haven in the world” as well as ‘a state within a state’. Ian Doyle and Jem Bendell, summarise these claims with the following statement: the City “is the most powerful lobby in Britain and possibly the world, and as a result . . . exerts enormous political influence to resist regulation and extract tax exemption. It has fostered criminality by ensuring that the City ranks amongst the least accountable of financial centres on the face of the Earth”. see The novel Golden Handcuffs by Polly Courtney
- 2000 Bibliotec Pleyades Member of J.P. Morgan's International Advisory Council. Former member of the Advisory Council of Forstmann Little & Co. and American Express. Advisor to China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC). Member of the Europe Strategy Board of Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst. Director of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and Revlon. Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the American International Group (AIG), a partner of Kissinger Associates. Also chairman of the Advisory Boards of AIG Asian Infrastructure Funds I & II and a director of AIG Global. In 2000 Henry Kissinger was quoted by Business Wire: "Hank Greenberg, Pete Peterson and I have been close friends and business associates for decades." Maurice Greenburg is head of AIG and Peter G. Peterson is head of The Blackstone Group, which is the other major partner of Kissinger Associates. Peterson is also a former chairman of Lehman Brothers. Kissinger is a friend of Lynn Forester and introduced her to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at the 1998 Bilderberg conference. They would soon become married. When Henry Kissinger is invited to speak at the United Nations Association on April 11, 2001 Lord Jacob Rothschild is flanking his side. Henry Kissinger is a trustee of the Open Russia Foundation since 2001,
- together with Lord Jacob Rothschild. The Foundation was set up by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a controversial oligarch, later locked up by Putin. Honorary trustee of the Aspen Institute
- o to more Peter G. Peterson, a director of First National Bank of Chicago/First Chicago Corp., was a Trilateral Commissioner, Chairman of the CFR and was Chairman of the Federal Reserve of New York from 2000 to 2004. Peterson would later recruit Timothy F. Geithner as President of the NY Fed.
- 2000 Wikipedia Zayed_bin_Sultan_Al_Nahyan (1918 – 2 November 2004), the principal driving force behind the formation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was the ruler of Abu Dhabi and first president of the UAE, a post which he held for over 30 years (1971–2004). ... In 1972, Agha Hasan Abedi, a Pakistani banker who had set up a new bank called Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), approached Zayed for investment. Abedi had previously set up the United Bank of Pakistan in 1959, which became a leading nationalized bank in 1971. Zayed fronted the majority of the investment for the BCCI. Bank of America (25%) and the CIA allegedly invested, too. It is claimed that the CIA was seeking a funding route for the mujahideen in Afghanistan, similar to the Investors Overseas Service and the Nugen Hand Bank in the 1960s. FAS see Bank of America, EditorsEye the-sheikhs-of-abu-dhabi BCCI helped Saddam Hussein funnel money to Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) which worked with Henry Kissinger. Gruppo PNB Paribas, DeanHenderson
- 2000 UnitedNationsofFilm The Governor of California, Schwarzenegger is an Austrian Zionist who’s father was a member of the Austrian Nazi Party , is financed by Lord Jacob Rothschild and is a self confessed lover of Hitler and dictator rule. Wikipedia Gustav Schwarzenegger
- 2000 Amdocs executives: Bruce K. Anderson, CEO; Avinoam Naor Director; see SEC ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT, Elect Director Lynn F. De Rothschild
Rothschilds, BCCI, Capcom, Oil for Food Scandal .. and Obama?
- In the early 1990's the Rothschild puppet Obama was being created by the Chicago / B'nai Brith / Ford Foundation / CIA machine as BCCI / Capcom is being investigated and prosecuted reference and First American v. al Nahyan Sandstorm2.pdf MINUTES OF THE MEETING WITH PRICE WATERHOUSE 1988 page and Hartmann pic1, Hartmann pic2 These files are Absolute Proof that Alfred Hartmann (BCCI) worked for Rothschilds The internet has been 'cleansed' of almost all traces of Hartmann's involvement with Rothschild and BCCI, except these files. MORE BELOW cadc FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Official BCCI Congressional Report BCCI's criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI's bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers.
- Official BCCI Congressional Report / Rothschild connections hidden in plain site. Paul Helliwell
- First American v. al Nahyan see Sidley Austin defended SHEIKH RASHID BIN SAEED AL MAKTOUM in this law suit ( 1990's CNN billionaires) and also gave Barack Obama a job ), see Li ka Shing, Edward Bronfman, Pritzker, Wikipedia History of Dubai, horse racing. Leadership in Islamic Finance search Maktoum
- SurrenderingIslam The primary conduit for CIA funds to the Mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan would be the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI. BCCI, the first Third World multinational bank, which was created in 1972 by Pakistani banker Agha Hasan Abedi, was initially funded by Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi, in anticipation of the petrodollar bonanza of the oil crisis. and the Wall Street Journal"BCCI's role in assisting the U.S. to fund the Mujaheddin guerrillas fighting the Soviet occupation is drawing increasing attention. The bank's role began to surface in the mid-1980's when stories appeared in the New York Times showing how American security operatives used Oman as a staging post for Arab funds. This was confirmed in the Wall Street Journal of 23 October 1991 and FAS, UK Parliament Publications Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi WTPOTUSResearch FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Tarpley Mr Auchi has attracted attention at Westminster because of his closeness to politicians and the Establishment. He says that his brother was executed by Saddam Hussein’s regime. His business partners in Britain have included Lord Steel of Aikwood, the former Liberal leader, and Keith Vaz, the Labour MP and Home Affairs Committee chairman. On the 20th anniversary of his business in 1999, Mr Auchi received a greeting card signed by 130 politicians, including Tony Blair, William Hague and Charles Kennedy, who were then leaders of their respective parties.
2008 IllinoisPaytoPlay By Andrew Walden (Hawai'i Free Press) “Nadhmi Auchi, seen here with the Governor of Illinois, Rob Blagojevich (middle) at a 2004 Chicago dinner in Auchi's honor arranged by Antonin Rezko All three men have been convicted of corruption related charges (Auchi 2003, Rezko 2008, Blagojevich 2009) ... “A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser (dual US-Syrian citizen Tony Rezko) just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses. The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi, one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr. Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago.” -- The Times of London February 26, 2008 The Auchi-Rezko-Obama connection came to public attention with federal marshals pounding on the door of Tony Rezko’s Wilmette Chicago mansion in the early morning of January 28, 2008. They hauled Rezko to jail after his bail was revoked for concealing a $3.5 million Auchi loan from the court. The Times outlines the story in two sentences. It should be of tremendous interest to the American public and the world. But there is more to this story than run-of-the mill political corruption. Nadhmi Auchi is alleged to have a long affiliation with Iraqi Baathism and Saddam Hussein—which his attorneys deny. How close were they? According to a 1960 US Embassy report, Auchi was convicted along with Saddam by an Iraqi court for his part in a failed 1959 assassination attempt against then-Iraqi Prime Minister Qassim. For his crime, Auchi earned a sentence of “three years rigorous imprisonment.” Times.UK .. articles have been deleted for the TimesOnline but copies
Connect Rothschild to Aitken via Lord Beaverbrook Wikipedia
Evelyn de Rothschild served as a Director of the newspaper group owned by Lord Beaverbrook
9/11 links Scribd Swiss German Banking Connection
Connect Rothschild to Khashoggi
- 2006 New York Times Petrina Khashoggi, 26 Ancestry British. Net worth Mum netted a reported $874 million in her divorce. This beautiful Londonite grew up believing the billionaire arms broker Adnan Khashoggi was her father. But when, as a teenager, she befriended the twins Alexandra and Victoria Aitken, they noticed that all three looked eerily alike. Petrina’s mother confessed: Me bad. Her real dad was Jonathan Aitken, the former Tory minister and convicted perjurer. In 2004 Petrina made her own confession, telling the press that she was a love addict. Suitors lined up, including her latest, Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill. and at right: Telegraph Nat Rothschild, pictured with Petrina Khashoggi, is thought to be buying a stake in Rusal through NR Investments, a private vehicle. Wikipedia Nat Rothschild, Wikipedia Jonathan Aitken, Wikipedia Adnan Khashoggi ... was implicated in the Iran–Contra affair as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar and, in a complex series of events, was found to have borrowed money for these arms purchases from the now-bankrupt financial institution the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) with Saudi and US backing. In 1988, Khashoggi was arrested in Switzerland, accused of concealing funds, held for three months and then extradited to the United States where he was released on bail and subsequently acquitted. In 1990, a United States federal jury in Manhattan acquitted Khashoggi and Imelda Marcos, widow of the exiled Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, of racketeering and fraud. and see New Yorker Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?
: a congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed much of the money for the weapons from the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.), whose collapse, in 1991, defrauded thousands of depositors and led to years of inquiry and litigation ...New Yorker search Richard Perle, Trireme
- Dutroux Affair Tibor Rosenbaum ... A Hungarian Jew who became a a Mossad agent in 195 1 . He was a friend of Prince Bernhard. In 1958, with Edmond de Rothschild, he was a founder of the Swiss BCI through which he funded Mossad and Permindex operations. The bank was kind of a forerunner of the BCCI and equally involved in money laundering.
- The Oil For Food Scandal links Obama to Nadhmi Auchi who is linked to Rothschilds and see Maurice Strong / Al Gore CO2 / Climate change globalization Cap & Trade scheme
- Nadhmi Auchi (Le Cercle) was closely involved with this and projects in Saudi-Arabia, including clandestine sales of submarines, howitsers, medium-range laser guided bombs, Black Hawks
- DeepPoliticsForum .. At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal it turned out that Nadhmi Auchi's General Mediterranean Holdings had a majority share in BNP Paribas, the bank that handled all of the Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of Le Cercle
and is up to his ears involved in illegal arms trafficking, British Intelligence, and the British throne itself. Look for his bio in the membership list of Le Cercle. The link to Rosthschild is made by Norman Lamont's employment with Rothschild
In March 1992 Paul Volcker became chairman of the newly created J. Rothschild Wolfensohn & Company, Wolfensohn & Co.'s London-based joint venture. The venture lasted until 1995 when James Wolfensohn was about to become head of the World Bank. Who was his advisor there? The earlier mentioned Maurice Strong, the United Nations bigwig that built up the conservation movement side-by-side with Edmund de Rothschild and David Rockefeller. Volcker went on to visit Bilderberg and Ditchley, became an advisor to the Japan Society, chaired the Group of 30 and the Oil-for-Food scandal investigation, and became a trustee of the American Assembly. He became a director of Hollinger (of Privy Councilor Conrad Black on which Kissinger, Carrington, and Evelyn de Rothschild also sat. Pilgrims Society member Raymond G.H. Seitz, a newer generation top-globalist, also sat on that board) and the Bankers Trust and became a member Circle of Presidents of the RAND Corporation. He already was a trustee of the Aspen Institute and a visitor of the Bohemian Grove Mandalay camp. At some moment, he became a member of the Chief Executive's Council of International Advisors of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
- Octopus 7 Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- 1976 SomeUnknownHistory Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. OpenOffshoreBankAccountForNonresidentsOnline FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Banque de Commerce et de Placement is listed. See Alfred Hartman ZoomInfo
- enlarge“ LaRouchePub The Real Story of the BCCI Two rather critical facts, however, were invariably left out of the story—even during the lengthy soap opera trial of former BCCI attorney Robert Altman. The first fact was the extraordinarily close alliance between BCCI and some of Britain's most powerful financial houses and aristocratic families. The second fact was that BCCI was created, and then built up as a "world class" bank, primarily to manage the covert funds that poured into the secret war in Afghanistan. Hardly any mention was made of the fact that BCCI was in the middle of the Afghan effort—serving as the de facto central bank for a multibillion-dollar Golden Crescent illegal arms-for-drugs trade that mushroomed during 1979-90. ... In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London.
- American Spectator 1996 what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation, was that the Rothschild-group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann From the , the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice-president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the Condor II missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds. Rich's, Reichmann's, and Soros's Israeli links According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence familiar with the Soros-case, Soros's Quantum Fund amassed a war chest of well over $10 billion, with the help of a powerful group of "silent" investors who let Soros deploy the capital to demolish European monetary stability in September 1992. Among Soros's silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive metals and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and Shaul Eisenberg (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild), a decades-long member of Israeli Mossad intelligence, who functions as a major arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently banned from doing business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner is Israel's "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, who served in London previously as Mossad liaison to British intelligence. Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum, and other commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between 1989 and 1993. This, not coincidentally, is just the period when Grigori Luchansky's Nordex Group became a multibillion-dollar company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and other commodities. Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of Olympia and York notoriety, born in Hungary, Jew like Soros, is a business partner in Soros's Quantum Realty, a $525-million real estate investment fund. The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and former Tory Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a member of Kissinger Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits with both Kissinger and Carrington on the board of the influential British-Canadian publishing group, Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a large number of newspapers in Canada and the United States, the London Daily Telegraph, and the largest English-language daily in Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been attacking President Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since Clinton's election in November 1992. EIR BCCI Lampuri, AmpedStatus
- Capcom is the Chicago arm of BCCI BCCI Congressional Report “BCCI’s criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI’s bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers. ... “In the entire BCCI affair, perhaps no entity is more mysterious and yet more central to BCCI’s collapse and criminality than Capcom, a London and Chicago based commodities futures firm which operated between 1984 and 1988. Capcom is vital to understanding BCCI because BCCI’s top management and most important Saudi shareholders were involved with the firm. Moreover, Capcom moved huge amounts of money — billions of dollars — which passed through the future’s markets in a largely anonymous fashion.
- Capcom AmpedStatus Once again, George Bush Sr.’s role in BCCI and the S&L crisis cannot be understated. To recap, over the course of BCCI’s entire reign, Bush Sr. led the CIA, then served as Vice President before becoming President. He had extraordinarily close relations with Saudi Arabia, the most oil-rich nation in the world. Kamal Adham see 9/11 funding was a top BCCI executive and head of Saudi Arabian intelligence, he was known as “the godfather of Middle East Intelligence” and was the CIA’s main liaison to the region. BCCI’s Chief Operations Officer was Khalid bin Mahfouz Wikipedia, who also led Saudi Arabia’s largest national bank and was a major player in the oil industry. Mahfouz was known as “the most powerful banker in the Middle East.” As already mentioned, Saudi Arabian intelligence was mixed in tightly with Wall Street banking interests in BCCI’s Capcom money laundering operations in the futures market. George Bush Sr. also did everything within his power to conceal these operations,
- Wikipedia Khalid bin Mahfouz ... Bin Mahfouz was a non-executive director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a financial conglomerate later convicted of money laundering, bribery, support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and many other crimes. Mahfouz personally owned a 20% stake in BCCI. He was indicted by a New York state grand jury for fraud but denied any culpability. The fraud charges were settled for $225 million in lieu of fines
- Capcom's majority shareholders, Kamal Adham see 9/11 funding and A.R. Khalil, were both former senior Saudi government officials and successively acted as Saudi Arabia's principal liaisons to the Central Intelligence Agency during the 1970's and 1980's. ... Its U.S. front men included Robert Magness, the CEO of the largest U.S. cable telecommunications company, TCI; a vice-President of TCI, Larry Romrell; and two other Americans, Kerry Fox and Robert Powell, with long-standing business interests in the Middle East. ...
- By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain.
- The financial dealings of BCCI directors with Charles Keating and several Keating affiliates and front-companies, including the possibility that BCCI related entities may have laundered funds for Keating to move them outside the United States. The Subcommittee found numerous connections among Keating and BCCI-related persons and entities, such as BCCI director Alfred Hartman; CenTrust chief David Paul and CenTrust itself; Capcom front-man Lawrence Romrell; BCCI shipping affiliate, the Gokal group and the Gokal family; and possibly Ghaith Pharaon. The ties between BCCI and Keating's financial empire require further investigation. FAS
- Skolnick -A former BCCI official gave a document to the Bank of England that shows that the BCCI was actively spreading out beyond it's five American branches as part of their efforts to gain influence. More importantly, it shows that 28 senators and 108 congress members were bribed. This was completely ignored by the mainstream press. -Six Chicago commodities brokers acted as the vehicles for the bribes. Among them were CapCom and GNP Commodities. CapCom was, at the time, part of TeleCommunications, Inc. (TCI), a giant in cable. Turner Broadcasting was jointly owned 16% by TCI and BCCI. TCI/BCCI also owns a good chunk of ABC's parent company, and has engaged itself in a number of corrupt deals with CBS. ... -The Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and the Chicago Stock Exchange (Which used to be called the Midwest Stock Exchange (Wikipedia), but changed it's name after a scandal) were used as money laundries for the BCCI bribery. Politicians would fly to Chicago under the guise of a speaking engagement, then they would pick up their "reward". Secret trading accounts were given to them. -Pinnacle Banc Group is the successor of BCCI. It's flagship is the Mafia/Vatican-tied First National Bank of Cicero. They changed their name to Old Kent Bank (Based in Michigan). Pinnacle Banc Group had it's strings pulled by mysterious people in Atlanta -- Georgia, interestingly, is where many top BCCI operatives hung out. -Many say that the Dutch/British are behind all of this. The British have plotted, at least since the War of 1812, to overthrow the US Government and do away with the US constitution, while exploiting America's workforce. Bill Clinton swore an oath to Cecil Rhodes Trust, an organization that wants to put the US under the control of the British. (7th Circuit Federal Appeals Chief Judge Richard Posner is a FEMA operative and a representative for University of Chicago (Rockefeller-controlled, Tied to oil industry). Judge Paul Plunkett is another).
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- Connect the First National Bank of Chicago and BCCI
- Wikipedia Bert Lance was implicated in the BCCI scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s. He was involved in deals with notable BCCI luminaries Agha Hasan Abedi, Mochtar Riady and Ghaith Pharaon and with BCCI's largest borrower, P. S. Prasad, 6] and joined with Arkansas-based power investor Jackson Stephens in facilitating BCCI's takeover of Financial General Bankshares. Lance and Stephens made millions in the wake of BCCI's collapse. In January 1978, Lance sold his stock in National Bank of Georgia to Ghaith Pharaon, while on the same day, BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi paid off Lance's $3.5 million loan at the First National Bank of Chicago. The following month, Lance helped BCCI with their hostile bid for Financial General Bankshares of Washington. The attempt failed, but three years later, BCCI secretly acquired the bank (renamed First American Bankshares) using 15 Arab investors as nominees. The next year, Lance introduced Jimmy Carter to Abedi. In 1987, First American Bankshares acquired National Bank of Georgia from Pharaon. BCCI was terminated in 1991 and it was subsequently revealed that the bank had done many illegal activities, including secretly controlling several U.S. banks, in violation of federal banking statutes.
- CapCom FAS
- HawaiiFreePress Here is what The Times of London February 26, 2008 reported: A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses. The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi
, one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago. A company related to Mr Auchi, who has a conviction for corruption in France, registered the loan to Mr Obama's bagman Antoin "Tony" Rezko on May 23 2005. Mr Auchi says the loan, through the Panamanian company Fintrade Services SA, was for $3.5 million. Three weeks later, Mr Obama bought a house on the city's South Side while Mr Rezko's wife bought the garden plot next door from the same seller on the same day, June 15.… Mrs Rezko’s purchase and sale of the land to Mr Obama raises many unanswered questions. and HawaiiFreePress “(In 2004) Mr. Auchi traveled by private aircraft to Midway Airport in Chicago and then to a fete at the Four Season Hotel, where he met with his business partner in Chicago real estate, Mr. Rezko, as well as with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Also present that night, according to a fresh report by James Bone and Dominic Kennedy of the London Times, was State Senator Barack Obama, who had recently won the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate seat….”
- Dean Henderson BCCI ....Since its inception, the IMF has violently abused the people of the developing world in its role as debt collector for the Eight Families Rothschild-led banking monopoly. ... The banksters sink poor countries into debt via loans that benefit either their wholly-owned multinational corporations or well-placed domestic strawmen. The IMF then swoops in and orders the now-indebted country to privatize its economy – with the banker-owned multinationals picking up state assets for pennies on the dollar as part of “debt reorganization”. One of the Eight Families’ tentacles facilitates this kabuki dance for a healthy fee. More often than not it is Goldman Sachs. No case illustrates this type of IMF official mugging better than that of the mysterious Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI). see terms: Rockefeller, CDB, Caribbean Development Bank... BCCI – launched by Bank of America – was a CIA drug money laundry which moonlighted as mugger for the IMF bankers. The IMF helped BCCI set up shop in numerous countries, including virtually every Latin American nation. ... The racket worked something like this: BCCI, in addition to providing loans for deposits, would offer to broker a country’s debt with the IMF if the central bank was willing to deposit funds at BCCI’s local branch. Those countries that cooperated with the IMF would be rewarded with more loans. Those that refused never saw their money again. Most of the $20 billion that disappeared when BCCI was shut down belonged to Third World central banks whose governments had not bent over far enough for the IMF. This outright theft left the poorest, most debt-ridden countries in the world even more impoverished. African nations were hardest hit. BCCI sponged over $2 billion from the African continent. Even in England, where $400 million was lost by depositors when BCCI closed shop, most of the money belonged to African immigrants of marginal means who believed BCCI’s claim of being “a bank for the world’s poor”. BCCI specialized in facilitating capital flight from poor countries by helping rich Third World nationals start offshore accounts with the bank. BCCI would hire siblings of wealthy clients to man its local branches. ... The global elite had once again shaken down the world’s poor.
- Skolnick Illinois Governor Jim Thompson, chairman of the Winston and Strawn law factory and he has been a director of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper, owned by the British. Bill and Hillary Clinton are secretly stockholders of Lippo. ** Still operating is the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), haven for espionage and narcotics loot and political assassination funding. With its hundreds of branches worldwide including in America, BCCI supposedly went under in 1991. Its successor and alter ego, however, lives as Pinnacle Banc Group, whose flagship is in the Mafia enclave of Cicero, a Chicago suburb. Called First National Bank of Cicero, long-dominated by Bishop Paul Marcinkus, once head of the Vatican Bank. (Italian law-enforcement authorities have claimed Vatican Bank has been a money laundry for the American CIA as well as the traditional Sicilian and Italian Mafia.) Pinnacle Bank, BlackPlanet, MoneyTeachers Wikipedia Ghaith Pharaon, LovetheTruth Pharaon, Rothschild Skolnick Enron Black Magic Skolnick Pope's banks and... ... Skolnick, and Bollyn Continental Bank, (Continental Illinois National Bank)
Chicago .... search terms: Vatican, Queen interests, Judge Walter J. Cummings, Jr., 7th Federal Circuit (see links to Vatican), Bank of America, Bank of Italy, Amadeo Peter Giannini (Rothschild), dominated by Yakuza (Japanese mafia), merge with Continental Bank, same building as Chicago Mercantile Exchange, (O.J. Simpson?). See also First National Bank of Cicero. The Wallace Lieberman shakedown and murder 1991. Connections to Judy Baar Topinka, State Treasurer, and Roger D'Onofrio Iraq, nuclear bomb detonators and the CIA, and Opus Dei, John Tarullo, London Gold Pool, Archbishop of Milan, Ramada Hotels, and Robert Cesca, Joseph Andreuccetti, Household International, P-2, and see the IntelHub the-international-oil-drugs-guns-kissinger-associates
- AmFirstBooks Also, according to Don Frederick’s well-researched timeline, while in Pakistan, Obama’s host, Muhammadian Soomro, was linked to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which was involved in “money laundering, bribery, terrorist support, tax evasion, smuggling and illegal immigration.” They also worked very closely with the CIA. ThdComisarScoop Auchi After Roger Watson in 1987 became Saddam’s financial consultant, he also became an adviser to Nadhmi Auchi’s (Wikipedia) International Company of Banking and Financial Participations (CIPAF), PolitcalVelcraft Auchi According to the website of Cipaf, an investment vehicle of Nadhmi Auchi’s
General Mediterranean Holdings (GMH), Cipaf is “amongst the topmost investors in the enlarged BNP Paribas. Board of Directors Jean-Hervé Lorenzi Professor at Paris-Dauphine University, Advisor to the Supervisory Board of Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild. FreeRepublic BNP Paribas Oil for Food Scandal, AmericanThinker Obama's Oil for Food Connection ... Out on bail awaiting trial, dual US-Syrian citizen, Antoin ‘Tony' Rezko, was rousted out of bed by police pounding on the doors of his Chicago mansion the morning of Monday, January 28. According to the Associated Press: "U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve jailed Rezko...saying he had disobeyed her order to keep her posted on his financial status. Among other things, he failed to tell her about a $3.5 million loan from London-based Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi -- a loan that was later forgiven in exchange for shares in a prime slice of Chicago real estate. Rezko gave $700,000 of the money to his wife and used the rest to pay legal bills and funnel cash to various supporters." Funds from Auchi's loan may have helped finance a complex series of transactions between Rezko and Democratic Presidential candidate Illinois Senator Barack Obama involving the 2005 purchase of Obama's Chicago mansion and Rezko's purchase of an adjoining landlocked parcel. SoldierForLiberty Maurice Strong Rothschild Connection
- Rense BCCI, Emanuel, Marc Rich, Wasserstein (Wikipedia)
- AmpedStatus BCCI
- 1976 LaRouchePub BCCI became a "crown jewel" in the British offshore hot money system because of its ties to the City of London (Rothschild). In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (EuropeBanks) (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London. BCCI Congressional Report
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1993 HiddenMysteries Soros had amassed along with a group of "silent partners", a fortune in excess of 10 Billion dollars to use as a lever to unhinge the European currencies. Among the partners apparently were the little known metal and oil dealer Marc Rich and the Israeli arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg.(ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) For decades Eisenberg has been working for the Israeli secret service and has important arms deals in all of Asia and in the Near East. A third partner of Soros is Rafi Eytan who before was the Mossad connection to the British secret service in London.
- 1995 American Bhuda search terms: Carlson, Teheran, Luxembourg, Abedi, North West Investment Company, Iran shipments, Dr. Marco Jagmetti of Rothschild Continuation Holdings, a holding company run by BCCI director Alfred Hartmann, Richar Helms, Safeer, Rahim Irvani, Ghaith Pharoan, National Bank of Georgia, Agha Hasan Abedi, First American, Iran Arab Bank, Clifford, Glass, McIlwain & Finney, Financial General Bankshares, Clark Clifford Robert Altman, James Baker, Frank Wisner, Raymond Close (CIA station chief Saudi Arabia), National Bank of Georgia, Nicaraguan Contras,
- 1995 LaRouchePub Two rather critical facts, however, were invariably left out of the story—even during the lengthy soap opera trial of former BCCI attorney Robert Altman. The first fact was the extraordinarily close alliance between BCCI and some of Britain's most powerful financial houses Rothschild and aristocratic families. The second fact was that BCCI was created, and then built up as a "world class" bank, primarily to manage the covert funds that poured into the secret war in Afghanistan. Hardly any mention was made of the fact that BCCI was in the middle of the Afghan effort—serving as the de facto central bank for a multibillion-dollar Golden Crescent illegal arms-for-drugs trade that mushroomed during 1979-90. When the last of the Red Army troops pulled out of Kabul in February 1989, the massive British-devised and American-led covert action program in support of the Afghan mujahideen began to wind down. BCCI lost its raison d'être, and went the way of the 1960s-era Investors Overseas Service (IOS), and the Vietnam War-era Nugen Hand Bank of Australia: The money was siphoned out, a diversionary scandal was manufactured, and its doors were shut.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1972 Cricistan The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a major international bank founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi ... BCCI had been "set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions. ... The liquidators, Deloitte & Touche, filed a lawsuit against Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young ... Abu Dhabi to drop its claims against the Bank of England ... its activities were still not completely understood (was it taken out by Rothschilds because it was a competitor to (IMF / World Bank)
- THREE former directors of Bank of Credit and Commerce International are suing the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi and other members of the Gulf state's royal family for dollars $100m, alleging that the family were the prime movers behind the bank's dollars $20bn frauds.: Sheikh ... The suit names as defendants the sheikh's son, Sheikh Khalifa; one of the royal family's chief financial advisers, Ghanim Faris Al-Mazrui, and Swaleh Naqvi, a former head of BCCI.Khalifa; one of the royal family's chief financial advisers, Ghanim Faris Al-Mazrui, One of the three behind the legal action, Alfred Hartmann, a senior Swiss banker, sat on various BCCI boards from 1982 to 1991. The others are Yves Lamarche, an American living in France, who served from 1976 to 1991, and Johan Van Oenen, a Dutchman living in Surrey, from 1978 until 1992....
- Halliburton connected to Oil-for-Food. WMR
- Permalink Perle Conrad Black, Wikipedia David Radler, Black partner. Score-board The Carlyle ambush of Conrad Black, Frank McKenna In December 2001, Carlyle began extorting CanWest/Hollinger editors and blocking media investigations into the role of McKenna and Carlyle affiliates, AMEC, Bombardier and Canada Steamship Lines, during the Global Guardian 'al-Qaeda' war game on 9/11.
- Are there Capcom links to Obama in Chicago? Salon Capcom, FAS BCCI Congressional Report Capcom excerpt, History Commons Kamal Adham, Swaleh Naqvi
- BCCI Congressional Report
- OWG.LiveJournal Nadhmi Auchi
was born in Iraq. Graduated in Economics and Political Science from the Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad in 1967. Worked with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, becoming Director of Planning and Development. In 1979 he founded General Mediterranean Holding SA of Luxembourg. Auchi's business empire, which has assets worth more than £1bn, is held offshore in structures whose ownership is difficult to penetrate. His holding firm, General Mediterranean Holdings SA, is registered in Luxembourg, and the Luxembourg and EU politician Jacques Santer sits on its board (in 1999, the Santer (EU) Commission resigned from their posts after charges of corruption. Santer is a Bilderberger
and a supporter of Opus Dei). Lord Lamont, (see Lamont) the Rothschild associate who headed Le Cercle, used to be another employee of General Mediterranean Holdings. Has links to British intelligence, through the former senior MI6 officer Anthony Cavendish (Le Cercle), who acts as a consultant to Auchi's business empire. Served on an advisory committee to the Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government 1996-2000. President of the Anglo-Arab Organisation (AAO) since its founding in 2002.
- AbelDanger Also, recent discovery has shown that Banque de Pays de L'Europe of Paris, () (Paribas, Highbeam) was recently bought by Merrill Lynch. Paribas bought 50% of Dillon Read Ltd. in a consortium with Bruxelles Lambert (the Belgian Rothschilds), the Power Group and the Laurentian group of Canada, the Tata Group of India, Elders IXL holding company of Australia, Swiss Bank Cantrade, and two British groups, Investors in Industry, a Bank of England group with nine English and Scottish banks, and the British postal pension fund. .... Power Corporation of Canada directors included G. Eskenazi, of Belgian Rothschild firms, and William Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. The "Canadian connection", the Belzbergs and Bronfmans, demonstrates the growing power of the Rothschilds in billion dollar mergers and takeovers of U.S. industry, including DuPont. These mergers recall the same kind of activity taking place in 1929, just before the stock market debacle, and very well could represent the battening down of the hatches before the storm.
- Rosenbaum and his BCI directors laundered illegal drug and gambling money from mafia boss Meyer Lansky by investing it in real estate. Through the BCI Mossad and Permindex operations were financed and reportedly Rosenbaum was a significant stakeholder in Permindex. In the early 1960s, the BCI bought a significant stake in Henry Luce's Time Life. Permindex has been the main suspect of having coordinated the 1963 JFK murder. Edmond de Rothschild introduced Rosenbaum to Bernhard in the mid-1960s. In 1970 Bernhard invited Rosenbaum into the 1001 Club, but after Rosenbaum got in trouble for having embezzled money of the BCI, Bernhard had to expel him again. This happened in 1973-1974. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner, a person later linked to laundering funds for Marcos, Mobutu, Escobar, and Helmut Kohl.
- A recent comprehensive CNN Report on American television concerned corrupt practices in American banking and alleged that virtually every major bank in the world had channelled money through the BNL Bank, Atlanta USA, to Saddam Hussein's weapons development program.
- BCCI Stuff Allan Gotlieb, Carlucci, Rosenbaum, Permindex, Hollinger, Black, Rothschild, Trireme Partner LLP, Brian Crozier, Richard Perle, Le Cercle, 1001 Club, Club of Thirty, Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi), Clearstream Banking S.A. (CB) is the clearing division of Deutsche Börse, based in Luxembourg. It was created in January 2000 through the merger of Cedel International and Deutsche Börse Clearing, part of the Deutsche Börse Group, which owns the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Cedel, ... Menaep, Ambrosiano, P2, Richard Brenneke, Ernest Backes, Bahrain International Bank. ThereAreNoSunGlasses extensive. SurrenderingIslam Rothschild
- Oil for Food Auchi
.... Links between Valerie Jarrett and Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, Glenn S. Gerstell is the Managing Partner and Snopes Obama's money, trips to Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia, .... a job at Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, $1.65 million mansion (2005), Larry Sinclair. How does Tony Rezko and Auchi, Alsammarae, Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn, fit into all this? BNP Paribas Wikipedia Oil for Food Scandal, Maurice Strong, 661 Sanction file confirms Banque Nationale de Paris, Maurice Strong, HiddenMysteries, Maurice Strong Wikipedia, Bronfman, AbelDanger, Strong, Auchi, Desmarais, Power Corporation, Canada, ... UnityPublishing Maurice Strong BNP board pdf 1999 and HawaiiFreePress Debunking-CarterRucks-defense-of Iraqi-billionaire-tied-to-Rezko-and-Obama, Scientology-London Rothschild - (Carter-Ruck effective suppression of Auchi articles on the internet), Jacksonian OFF IntelHub Kashoggi, Saudi Arabia, Rothschild, Kissinger. and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers