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Bill Gates Wants Billions Dead Through The Use Of COVID-19 Vaccines
Around 4,000 people died because of the new COVID-19 Vaccine JABs, but we recall lettuce for a few peope getting sick. Let that sink in ....
Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause To Live Blood Analysis Findings In Unvaccinated? Darkfield Blood Analysis On Grocery Meat Products

A colleague of mine, Dr. David Jernigan treats vaccine injured patients successfully in Tennessee. He called me after I posted the results on Infrared Spectroscopy and electrical conductivity of live blood and confirmed all of my findings. He shared with me, that a short time ago some family members were eating meat and got very ill from it. Dr. Jernigan had developed a method to capture the frequency from a vaccinated rubbery clot of a deceased person and has developed a scientific way for detecting that frequency. He checked his ill family member, who tested positive. Then he checked the meat they ate and it had the same frequency of the cadaver blood clot. Subsequently he went to his local grocery store and checked meat products, and both organic and inorganic beef meats had the same frequency emission. He wanted me to go buy meat at my grocery store and do live blood analysis on different products to confirm his findings.
I have been wondering why I have been seeing every unvaccinated person in my office with contaminated blood. I have also seen an increasing amount of people with persistent severe diarrhea, that is lasting for months, but turns out to be negative when tested for ova and parasites or stool cultures for bacteria. I was suspecting vaccine shedding, chemtrail spraying, nasal swabs, masks, and contamination through synthetic biology named “ Covid and Long Covid”. Many are saying that what we are seeing in the blood are parasites, but they are not. They are self assembly hydrogel based synthetic life forms, more akin to microplastics but biologically engineered.
This morning I went to a local grocery store and bought different meats that had some visible blood in the package that I could analyze. I was also curious about milk products. Here are my results:

This is a milk product:

It appears to me that our food supply - in particular animal products - is contaminated with similar structures we find in human blood. Dr. Jernigan did frequency testing on fruits and vegetables and did not get a positive signal. I encourage others to do the same research and replicate my findings. This would explain to me why I see these live blood structures in everyone. It does not matter if the products are organic or not.
The next step is to find a local source and maybe do live blood analysis on cows or pigs. If they are contaminated even if unvaccinated, then this may be environmental, possibly via geoengineering spraying. The implications for humanity are profound. I asked my colleague Dr. David Nixon in Australia to replicate my findings, and we will ask Matt Taylor in Ecuador and Shimon Yanowitz in Israel. We need to verify these findings around the world. I will continue working with Dr. Jernigan.
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W.H.O.-Dr. Tedros Slips Up And Admits Some Countries
Are Using Booster Shots To Kill Children
The New World Digital ID Plan For Every Human On Earth
Professor Dolores Cahill And Dr. Sam Dube
Dr. Kary Mullis the Inventor Of The PCR Test - Part One
Dr. Kerry Mullis Inventor of PCR Test Trashes Fauci -
A Incompetent Fraud
Dr. Kary Mullis
Nobel Prize Winner In Chemistry
Nobel Prize Motivation: For his invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Method
Born: 28th December, 1944, Lenor, NC, USA
Died: 7th August, 2009, Port Beach, CA, USA
Kary Mullis explained "the PCR Test was not designed to be used for testing for the existence of a live virus in the body..... if you use th PCR Test you can find anything you are looking for depending on how high magnification level use turn the PCR Test up to..."
Dr. Kary Mullis the Inventor Of The PCR Test - Part Two
Dr. Kerry Mullis Inventor of PCR Test Trashes Fauci -
A Incompetent Fraud
Dr. Kary Mullis Nobel Prize Winner In Chemistry
Dr. Kary Mullis the Inventor Of The PCR Test - Part Three
Dr. Kerry Mullis Inventor of PCR Test Trashes Fauci -
A Incompetent Fraud
Dr. Kary Mullis Nobel Prize Winner In Chemistry
Dr. Kary Mullis the Inventor Of The PCR Test - Part Four
Dr. Kerry Mullis Inventor of PCR Test Trashes Fauci -
A Incompetent Fraud
Dr. Kary Mullis Nobel Prize Winner In Chemistry
The Claimed Whole HIV-Aids Connect Was A Hoax
Kary Mullis discovered that the CDC (Centre For Disease Control) were losing money and that the HIV-AIDS connection was a massive scam, which was used to bring the CDC's from a loss to a profit and the men on the highest levels were in on it. Kary Mullis knew that these men were extremely dangerous and that they didn't want people like Karry Mullis walking in and asking these sports of questions .. that they were willing to go to any lengths to stop his making waves and asking embarrassing questions .... that these dangerous powerful men were willing to go to great lengths to prevent that...
German Court Rules That COVID-19 Lockdowns Are Unconstitutional
A German court in a landmark ruling has declared that COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by the government are unconstitutional. Thuringia’s spring lockdown was a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives,” the court said, justifying its decision.
A German district court has declared that strict lockdown imposed by the government of the central state of Thuringia last spring are unconstitutional, as it acquitted a person accused of violating it.
he case was regarding a man violating strict German lockdown rules by celebrating a birthday with his friends.
The district court in the city of Weimar did not just acquit the defendant but also stated that the authorities themselves breached Germany’s basic law.
Thuringia’s spring lockdown was a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives,” the court said, justifying its decision.
It was this regulation that a local man violated by hosting a party attended by his seven friends.
However, the judge said that the regional government itself violated the “inviolably guaranteed human dignity” secured by Article 1 of the German basic law in the first place by imposing such restrictions.
According to the court, the government lacked sufficient legal grounds to impose the restrictions since there was no “epidemic situation of national importance” at that time and the health system was at no risk of collapsing as the Robert Koch Institute reported that the Covid-19 reproduction number had fallen below 1.
The judge also ruled that the regional government had no right to introduce such far-reaching measures at all since it was up to lawmakers to do so.
The lockdown imposed in Thuringia represented “the most comprehensive and far-reaching restrictions on fundamental rights in the history of the Federal Republic,” the court said while calling the measures an attack on the “foundations of our society” that was “disproportionate.”
Earlier, an American federal judge ruled coronavirus restrictions in Pennsylvania as unconstitutional.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s pandemic restrictions that required people to stay at home, placed size limits on gatherings and ordered “non-life-sustaining” businesses to shut down are unconstitutional, U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV ruled.
Last year as GreatGameIndia reported, a Portuguese appeals court had ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.
And only recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) changed its PCR test ctiteria to cover-up false positives and cautioned experts not to rely solely on the results of a PCR test to detect the coronavirus.
For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.
BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public
The VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein particles in acts of terrorism to perpetuate the plandemic
Decoding the Twisted New World Order Mindset
It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset
What is the mindset or psychology behind the dark force that really runs the world?
If we could understand the NWO mindset better, we could perceive its weaknesses, which are many. It's good to recognize these, but above all, to see it in yourself. - Thursday, May 20, 2021
by: Mike Adams
Tags: Big Pharma, biological warfare, bioterrorism, biowar, bioweapons, conspiracy, deep state, evil, outbreak, pandemi c, Plandemic, spike protein, Twisted, vaccine industry, vaccine wars, vaccines
BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
Bill Gates Wants Billions Dead Through The Use Of COVID-19 Vaccines
Our Freedom Is Hanging On By A Thin Thread
Truth is a prerequisite of obtaining Truth
Henna Maria: Our Bodies Cannot Be Violated by Governments and Politicians and police: o-istini -Zašto-ljudi-ne mogu-prepoznati-što-se-zbilja-događa
A Word on the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine a
How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020? The vaccine announced by Pfizer is based on an experimental gene editing mRNA technology which has a bearing on the human genome.
Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted?
Or did Pfizer “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.”
This caricature by Large + JIPÉM explains our predicament:
Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”,
Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”
Barely reported by the media: “Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.”
“Rest assured”, the vaccine is “safe”. According to the FDA:
the deaths are said to raise no new safety issues or questions about the vaccine’s effectiveness”.
French drug assessment center demands removal of all four widely used COVID vaccines
April 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A regional independent drug assessment center, the CTIAP (Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques), which is linked to the Cholet public hospital in the west of France, recently published a report showing that the vaccines used against COVID were not only submitted to insufficient clinical testing, but that the quality of the active substances, their “excipients, some of which are new,” and the manufacturing processes are problematic. “These new excipients should be considered as new active substances,” the Cholet hospital team stated, in a study that according to them raises issues that have not been commented to date.
The team led by Dr. Catherine Frade, a pharmacist, worked on public data released by the EMA with relation to the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) shots, and its first caveat was that all these products only have temporary marketing authorizations. They are all subject to further studies that reach as far as 2024 and even beyond, and these will be almost impossible to be completed because of the way the vaccines are now being distributed, said the CTIAP report.
These studies even include the stability and comparability of the vaccine batches put on the market and the quality and safety of excipients — substances formulated alongside the active ingredient of a medication to facilitate or enhance their absorption.
According to the CTIAP, all of the vaccines were put on the market and actively used on human beings before “proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product” was produced: all the manufacturing labs obtained future deadlines to submit their studies in this regard.
The authors of the report consider that the “variabilities, which impact the very core of the product, could even invalidate any clinical trials conducted” in the coming months and years.
They go so far as to state: “Prudence would even dictate that, in all countries where these vaccines against COVID-19 have been marketed, all the batches thus ‘released’ should be withdrawn immediately; and that these MAs that have been granted should be suspended, or even canceled, as a matter of urgency until further notice.”
Here below is LifeSite’s full working translation of the CTIAP’s April 2 report:
Can we imagine launching a car manufacturing line and putting vehicles on the road, despite the uncertainties noted in the official documents published? These uncertainties are related to the quality of the parts making up the engine and the various other parts, including those related to safety, the manufacturing process, the reproducibility of the batches that are being marketed, etc.
In the field of medicines (including vaccines), the pharmaceutical act of “release” of the finished product (an authorized product intended for sale) constitutes the final stage of control that precedes the release of these products to the population. This key step of “release” is under the pharmaceutical responsibility of the manufacturers.
Following its previous analyses, the CTIAP of the Cholet Hospital Center has once again revealed to the public, and probably in an unprecedented and exclusive way, new vital information concerning the following four vaccines against COVID-19: the one from the BioNTech/Pfizer laboratory; the one from the Moderna laboratory; the one from the Astra Zeneca laboratory; the one from the Janssen laboratory.
This work was made possible thanks to the valuable contribution of Dr. Catherine Frade, pharmacist and former director of international regulatory affairs in the pharmaceutical industry. She graciously provided us with a documented, written alert. In this document, she sheds light on data extracted, on March 22, 2021, from the MA (marketing authorization) itself; an MA qualified as “conditional.” She has extracted “source data that is difficult to identify by someone who does not work in the field.” This data is therefore public and verifiable. First of all, it should be noted that the author of this document no longer works in the pharmaceutical industry; she states: “First of all, I would like to make it clear that I have no conflict of interest with the pharmaceutical industry.” It is therefore with her agreement that CTIAP intends to make available to the public, health professionals, decision-makers … an analysis of some of these data that all should read carefully.
This reflection first presents what a “conditional” MA is (I). Then, it recalls that the studies for these vaccines are not complete, as they run from “2021 to at least 2024” (II). Then, it reveals, in an unprecedented and exclusive way, that the official documents, published by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), underline the insufficiency of the evidence concerning also the “quality” of the “active substance” and of the “excipients,” of the “manufacturing process,” of the “reproducibility of the batches” that are being commercialized, etc. (III). Finally, this analysis proposes a conclusion.
I — First of all, it is important to understand what a “conditional” MA is
An MA is to a drug what a car registration document is to a car. MA is granted when a drug has proven its quality, efficacy, and safety; with a positive benefit/risk ratio: that is, it presents more benefits than risks. Obtaining this MA is the essential condition for a pharmaceutical laboratory to sell any drug, including vaccines.
Here, in the case of these vaccines against COVID-19, the four MAs issued are so-called “conditional” MAs. They are temporary. They are valid for no more than one year, because they were obtained on the basis of “incomplete data.” To obtain a standard 5-year MA, the laboratories concerned must provide dossiers completed with “studies in progress and studies planned for the coming years.” Throughout “this development,” close and coordinated monitoring between the manufacturing laboratories and the health authorities is organized through regular discussions. The “conditional” MA is “re-evaluated each year” according to the contribution and critical analysis of additional data provided and collected during a full year.
This “conditional” MA is a European MA. It was obtained through the centralized accelerated procedure. It allows simultaneous marketing in the following 30 countries (European Union and European Free Trade Association): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
The studies concerning these four vaccines are therefore still in progress.
II — Secondly, the planned studies are still in progress and are spread over a period ranging from “2021 to at least 2024”
All of the studies submitted during the MA application are summarized in the EPAR (European Public Assessment Report). This report is published on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) website. The planned studies, not yet completed, are also included.
This schedule, which “extends from 2021 to at least 2024,” depending on which COVID-19 vaccine is involved, is defined in the “annexes” of the conditional marketing authorization and in the published EPARs.
As an example, the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine received this European conditional MA on December 21, 2020. And the deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of this vaccine is “December 2023.”
The Moderna vaccine was granted marketing authorization on January 6, 2021. The deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine is “December 2022” at the earliest.
AstraZeneca’s vaccine was granted marketing authorization on January 29, 2021. The deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine is “March 2024.”
The Janssen vaccine was granted conditional European marketing authorization on March 11, 2021. The deadline for submitting “confirmation” of the vaccine’s efficacy, safety and tolerance is “December 2023.”

However, to date — and this is undoubtedly where the unprecedented and exclusive revelation of this study lies — another deadline has been set for these four vaccines. This deadline no longer concerns only the ongoing clinical trials, but also the “proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product” itself: that is, the intrinsic quality (the heart) of the product sold and administered to millions of people.
III — Thirdly, and this seems to be unprecedented, the published official documents also underline the incompleteness of the evidence concerning the “quality” of the “active substance” and “excipients,” the “manufacturing process,” the ”reproducibility of the batches” marketed, etc.
The deadline for submitting additional evidence on the “quality” of the “active substance” and the “finished product” (i.e., the vaccine that is authorized and sold) is set for:
- “July 2021” for BioNTech/Pfizer;
- “June 2021” for Moderna;
- “June 2022” for Astra Zeneca;
- “August 2021” for Janssen.
Indeed, for these 4 vaccines, paragraph E, “Specific obligation regarding post-authorization measures for the conditional marketing authorization,” taken from Annex II of the MA, clearly states the following:
For the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine (pages 18-19)
By “March 2021,” the laboratory must provide “additional validation data” to “confirm the reproducibility of the finished product manufacturing process.”
By “July 2021,” the laboratory must provide missing information to:
- “complete the characterization of the active substance and the finished product;”
- “strengthen the control strategy, including the specifications of the active substance and the finished product” in order to “ensure the constant quality of the product;”
- “provide additional information regarding its synthesis process and control strategy” in order to “confirm the purity profile of the excipient ALC-0315” and “to ensure quality control and batch-to-batch reproducibility throughout the life cycle of the finished product;”
- and by “December 2023,” and “in order to confirm the efficacy and safety” of this vaccine, the company “shall submit the final clinical study report for the randomized, placebo-controlled, blind observer study (Study C4591001).
For the Moderna vaccine (page 15)
The laboratory should provide the missing information to:
- “complete the characterization of the manufacturing processes of the active substance and the finished product” (deadline “January 2021”);
- confirm the reproducibility of the manufacturing process of the active substance and the finished product (initial and final batch sizes) (deadline “April 2021”);
- “provide additional information on the stability of the active substance and the finished product and review the specifications of the active substance and the finished product after longer industrial practice” with the aim of “ensuring consistent product quality” (deadline “June 2021”);
- “submit the final study report for the randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded clinical trial for the mRNA-1273-P301 observer” to “confirm the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccine Moderna” (by December 2022).
For the Astra Zeneca vaccine (pages 14-15)
The laboratory must submit the missing information in order to:
- “provide additional validation and comparability data, and initiate further testing” with the aim of “confirming the reproducibility of the manufacturing processes of the active substance and the finished product” (by “December 2021”);
- “Provide the main analysis (based on the December 7 data cut-off (post database lock) and the final analysis of the combined pivotal studies” to “confirm the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca” (deadline “March 5, 2021” (for the main analysis) and “May 31, 2022” (for the combined analysis);
- “submit final reports of the randomized controlled clinical studies COV001, COV002, COV003 and COV005” to “confirm the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca” (due "May 31, 2022");
- “provide additional data regarding the stability of the active substance and the finished product and revise the specifications of the finished product after extensive industrial practice” in order to “ensure consistent product quality” (deadline “June 2022”);
- “submit the synthesis and summaries of the primary analysis and the final clinical study report for study D8110C00001” to “confirm the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca in the elderly and in subjects with underlying disease” — due “April 30, 2021” (for the primary analysis) and “March 31, 2024” (for the final study report).
For the Janssen vaccine (page 18)
The laboratory should submit the missing information to:
- “provide additional comparability and validation data” to “confirm the reproducibility of the manufacturing process of the finished product” (deadline “August 15, 2021”);
- submit the final report of the VAC31518COV3001 randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blind clinical study to “confirm the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 Ad26.COV2.S vaccine” by December 31, 2023.
These facts allow us to offer a conclusion.
For these reasons, which are not exhaustive, it has proved useful to look for and read the content of the paragraph E: “Specific obligation relating to post-authorization measures concerning the conditional marketing authorization,” extracted from Annex II of the MA, corresponding to each of these 4 vaccines against COVID-19.
The inadequacy of the evaluation does not only concern the clinical trials (studies conducted in humans (women and men)), but also the quality of the active substance, the excipients, some of which are new, the manufacturing process, and the batches released and administered to humans in several countries around the world.
Moreover, these new excipients must be considered as new active ingredients, and thus be the subject of a complete evaluation file similar to that required for a new active ingredient.
Changing the commercial name of one of these vaccines, as was recently announced for the AstraZeneca vaccine in particular, can only be considered as a cosmetic arrangement of the product’s image for marketing purposes (winning new public confidence, boosting sales). It would not answer the questions raised concerning the quality, efficacy and safety of the product. This is one of the usual techniques used to put make-up on (dissimulate) certain undesirable characteristics of the product concerned. It is a technique that has been used to present other drugs in the best possible light.
As already mentioned, in the field of medicines (including vaccines), the “release” of the finished product (intended for sale) is the final stage of control (of quality and therefore of safety) before making these products available to the population.
This key stage of “release” of batches is the pharmaceutical responsibility of the manufacturers. However, the responsibility of the users (institutions and health professionals in particular) may also be involved.
In our opinion, these clinical studies should never have begun before the intrinsic quality of the finished product and its manufacturing process had been fully mastered; before the formulas of these vaccines had been stabilized.
How can the results of these clinical trials, conducted on a global scale, be compared if the vaccine administered can vary from one manufacture to another, from one batch to another, from one region to another?
These variabilities, which impact the very core of the product, could even invalidate any clinical trials conducted.
Even in the case of a health emergency, it is therefore difficult for us to understand the basis for the MA (marketing authorization) that has been granted to these COVID-19 vaccines.
In addition to the uncertainties related to COVID-19, there are also the approximations related to the use, and the intrinsic quality, of these vaccines. Now two problems will have to be managed instead of one.
The maneuver seems subtle. The useful information is available in the official documents published in the framework of the MA; but this data is not made visible by the official discourse. It seems the latter has only tried to present these products as being effective and safe, without reservations; even though the formulas and manufacturing processes of these vaccines do not even seem to have been fully stabilized yet.
These new revelations, which are undoubtedly unprecedented and exclusive, further cast doubt on the validity of consent (a fundamental freedom) that is supposed to be free and informed, and which is said to have been given by the people who are now already vaccinated.
Every person has the right to clear, fair and appropriate information. This information is also perennial: if new data is revealed, those already vaccinated must be informed a posteriori (after the administration of this or that vaccine).
The “obligation” to vaccinate cannot therefore be sustained, even in a disguised form, notably through a “vaccine passport.”
This new analysis further confirms our previous reflections such as the one entitled “Could the Covid-19 vaccine (Tozinameran; COMIRNATY°) be qualified as ‘defective’ by a judge?” or those expressed in the two open letters that have already been sent to the Minister of Solidarity and Health and to the seven Orders of health professionals.
Vulnerability does not only arise from the age and state of health of individuals. Not being able to access independent information on medicines (including vaccines) is the first form of poverty and inequality.
Moreover, concerning the uncertainties on the effectiveness of these vaccines, the Council of State noted, on March 3, 2021, in particular the admission of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health itself, and the contradictions of the French “administration.” In this decision, and against the opinion of this Ministry, the Council of State had produced a decision that seemed to tend towards the recognition of this effectiveness. But, a few days later, in a new decision (n° 450413) issued on March 11, 2021, the Council of State changed its position and admitted “the uncertainty that remains regarding the real effectiveness of the vaccine in terms of the spread of the virus.” It should also be recalled that, on February 18, 2021, the Minister of Solidarity and Health also recognized, and that publicly, that no European country has been able to provide proof that these vaccines can prevent “severe” forms of COVID-19 (see press conference, starting at 34min 44s).
In its latest “Update on the surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines — Period from 12/03/2021 to 18/03/2021” published on March 26, 2021, and updated on March 29, 2021, the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) reports, in particular, the number of deaths that have occurred in France after the administration of these vaccines. Deaths that are notified (reported) in pharmacovigilance (regardless of the certainty of the “causal link” between these vaccines and these deaths): “311 deaths” after administration of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine; “4 deaths” after administration of the Moderna vaccine; “20 deaths” after administration of the Astra Zeneca vaccine; (no data is available at this time regarding the latest vaccine (Janssen) to be licensed). In general, for all drugs, there is a high level of under-reporting in pharmacovigilance despite the mandatory nature of these reports.
Consequently, prudence would even dictate that, in all countries where these vaccines against COVID-19 have been marketed, all the batches thus “released” should be withdrawn immediately; and that these MAs that have been granted should be suspended, or even cancelled, as a matter of urgency until further notice. In any case, this is the sense of the recommendations that we could suggest to the ad hoc authorities, and in particular to the French authorities. And, at the very least, this information must be made known to everyone in a clear, fair, and appropriate manner.
All the more so since, in the case of serious adverse effects, including deaths, and in order to establish the said “causal link” with certainty, the victims and their families are often powerless when faced with the requirement of “probatio diabolica” [a legal requirement to achieve an impossible proof].
Astrazeneca, Coronavirus Vaccine, Ctiap, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer, Vacc
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The VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein particles in acts of terrorism to perpetuate the plandemic - Thursday, May 20, 2021
by: Mike Adams
Tags: Big Pharma, biological warfare, bioterrorism, biowar, bioweapons, conspiracy, deep state, evil, outbreak, pandemi c, Plandemic, spike protein, Twisted, vaccine industry, vaccine wars, vaccines
(Natural News) In retrospect, it now seems obvious: The virus is nearly harmless, but the spike protein it carries is the “payload,” and the spike protein is extremely dangerous.
To initiate the plandemic, the vaccine deep state likely released spike protein particles in New York City. And to perpetuate the plandemic, they’ve put spike protein particles into the vaccines — all admitted — and are now injecting people with deadly, weaponized protein particles that cause blood clots and deaths.
The vaccine industry is now resorting to bioterrorism as its primary business model.
The upcoming “booster shots” are designed to keep the spike protein in circulation, making sure people continue to get sick so that vaccine corporations can reap more profits from the sickness and the fear. Their entire business model now requires repeated injection of human beings with weaponized protein particles that spread sickness and death. All who die will be said to have died “from covid,” while all those who live will be described as having been “saved by the vaccine.”
Yet the vaccine is the pandemic. The vaccine contains the spike protein, and this fact is openly admitted by even the government of Connecticut, all the vaccine manufacturers, and the corporate-run media. They all confirm the vaccines contain the spike protein:
I hosted an hour of the War Room broadcast yesterday, taking over for Owen Shroyer at InfoWars, and I explained even more:
Spike protein particles can be loaded onto drones and released over any city in America
We already know that Big Pharma manufacturers spike protein particles. They have to make them in order to insert them into the vaccines, obviously, so they have a process to mass synthesize the spike protein particles.
These same toxic particles could easily be loaded onto drones and released over any city in an aerosolized form. They could also be dumped into the water supply, sprayed onto food crops or released in crowded indoor environments such as subways, train stations or theaters.
Every person that’s hit with the spike protein would be diagnosed as “positive” for covid, via PCR tests, and the media can use that to hysterically scream for more vaccines, lockdowns and masks. This means that any time the controllers want to lock down society and exterminate more people with a vaccine, they merely have to release more spike protein particles into the city.
When oblivious people rush to the pharmacies to get vaccinated, they are being injected with even more spike proteins, which then spread to others via transmission.
And when people get mRNA vaccines, their bodies are turned into spike protein factories. This is all by design, and it is openly admitted by the mRNA vaccine manufacturers. They brag about how their technology directs your body to manufacture spike proteins in your own blood. This is how mRNA vaccine “work,” they claim.
Thus, the vaccine industry has now turned human victims into walking biological weapons factories.
If you or I released a bucket of spike protein particles in a football stadium, we would be arrested and charged with bioterrorism. But when the vaccine industry hijacks your body’s cells and transforms your entire body into a spike protein bioweapons factory, that’s called “science,” not bioterrorism.
We are not living in an era when “science” and “medicine” are literally functioning as bioterrorist organizations, building and releasing deadly bioweapons while even injecting them into people under the guise of “public health.” This is beyond insane; it’s criminally malicious. The people behind this (Gates, Fauci, etc.) all need to be arrested, charged with crimes against humanity and subjected to Nuremberg-style criminal trials.
Listen to my Situation Update podcast for more shocking details:
Soros Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted and Imprisoned to Prevent Civil War
Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook
With Steve Bannon gone, President Trump has never been more isolated.
By his very own Executive Branch appointments, it’s almost as though he’s backed himself into a corner … apparently with no way out.
Given that he is surrounded by numerous agents of Deep State, he really has only one alternative at this point.
The Putin playbook — 2003
Trump desperately needs to borrow a page from President Vladimir Putin’s playbook.
What Putin did was arrest, prosecute and imprison the Russian oligarch who was the primary tool of the Rothschild banking syndicate. Mikhail Khodorkovsky was essentially used to steal much of Russia’s oil wealth via Yukos Oil Company. Through this criminal enterprise he became the richest man in Russia and 16th richest man in the world. By decisively incarcerating Khodorkovsky for 10 years, Putin effectively thwarted a planned revolution that would have completely torn Russia apart.
Khodorkovsky passed Yukos shares to Rothschild Bank
After all of his trials and convictions were completed, Mikhail Khodorkovsky spent 10 years in prison.
Can you imagine Bill Gates or Warren Buffet spending 10 years in a federal penitentiary?
Decoding the Twisted New World Order Mindset
What is the mindset or psychology behind the dark force that really runs the world?
If we could understand the NWO mindset better, we could perceive its weaknesses, which are many. It's good to recognize these, but above all, to see it in yourself.
It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset
- as we experience the intensification of its longstanding agenda. While each passing week seems to bring us more and more bizarre news in the unfolding of Operation Coronavirus, it is worthwhile taking a step back to look at the mentality which is orchestrating this scamdemic – this New World Order mindset. If we want to live free, we have to understand the nature of the force that is seeking to enslave us. This article is an attempt to sketch out some of the hallmarks of the depraved and twisted psychology of the New World Order (NWO) ruling class. By getting your head around how these people think, how they view those outside their cult (the public masses), how they view the world and what motivates them, hopefully you can begin to grasp what is needed to ensure we defeat them and maintain a world of peace, freedom and abundance. Thanks as always to David Icke who, after 30 years of full-time research, has distilled and communicated the essence of this mindset to the world, in the hopes that we can understand and recognize this force.
1. It Can’t Stand Surprises
A hallmark of the New World Order mindset is a distinct intolerance for, or even a hatred of, surprises. For many people, it is a joy and a relief to live spontaneously, at least for some of the time, without having to spell everything out. Not so for the NWO. This mindset has to have absolutely every detail planned out. Not only that, it needs to ensure nothing can happen to disrupt its plans. Everything must be precisely calculated and tightly controlled. Icke explains it by way of analogy with a sports match. If you want to influence the outcome, you control one team or side; if you want to totally control the outcome, you control both sides. This leaves nothing to chance. It doesn’t take too much of a stretch of the imagination to see how this plays out in US politics, with rigged elections going all the way back to at least the days of JFK (whose well-connected father Joseph Kennedy bought votes for him) if not much further. The recent fiasco where Biden got in was shockingly undeniable and blatant riggery, yet Biden still sits in (or rather hides in the basement of) the White House. The NWO doesn’t ‘hope’ a particular candidate gets elected. They make it happen, every time.
In short, the New World Order mindset is that of a control freak. And what is under the psychology of a control freak? A lack of comfortability with the unknown and with not being in control. In other words, fear (see #11).
2. The PC Woke Movement and Virtue Signalling
The NWO mindset, being very far from a heart-based consciousness, clearly lacks kindness, compassion and empathy. In a world where such a distinct lack of empathy could render it ostracized, the NWO mindset has to make up for that by pretending to care. However since it is all a ruse, it has to go to great lengths to impress others and visibly demonstrate its (fake) kindness. This is the reason for the Hollywood-style obsession with superficialities and appearances. It’s all about image, baby. This is also the foundation for the recent explosion in the PC (politically correct) woke movement, which never misses an opportunity to demonstrate just how kind it is through its constant virtue signalling. People who are truly kind don’t need to boast how kind they are; people who are truly secure don’t need to show off to hide their insecurity; people who truly see others as humans, all equal, looking at their character not their skin color, don’t need to go around proclaiming how wonderfully anti-racist they are.
3. Military-Style Perception Management: More Spin Than a Washing Machine
To go further with this point, the NWO mindset doesn’t just obsess over image to virtue signal its woke credentials (to cover up for its lack of heart); it also obsesses over image to control mass belief, opinion and perception. It’s military-style perception management. This is reflected in what some of its adherents have said. Take arch-NWO insider and war criminal Henry Kissinger, for example, who once stated that “it is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”
In this case, what is driving the obsession over image is also a raw lust for control, and a lack of tolerance for widespread distribution of power and decentralized decision-making. It’s about entrainment, the bringing of other mindsets down to its level and frequency so that it can control them. This leads the NWO mindset to spin the truth on every topic under the sun to make itself look better and to mold people’s perceptions to further its own objectives.
4. Always Right, Never Wrong
Ever met a person who always has to be right no matter what? What about a person who will argue, defend and find loopholes in every situation because they’re deadly afraid of being wrong? Either way, such people are characterized by a lack of responsibility and a lack of being willing to take the blame when they deserve it. Former CIA director and Secretary of State under Trump, Zionist Mike Pompeo, proudly proclaimed that in his days at the CIA, “We lied, we cheated, we stole!” The NWO mindset will do whatever it takes to advance its agenda, even if it has to lie, cheat, steal, injure and kill.
5. It Can’t Do Empathy
Continuing on from point #2, the NWO mindset is devoid of compassion, so it doesn’t quite know how to do it. It doesn’t pull off empathy very well. An instructional example are the recent absurd CIA woke ads, where the CIA is desperately trying to convince you that they are something they are not. Think about it – this is an agency that has consistently instigated, over the course of 7+ decades, some of the most evil and monstrous acts done by humans on the planet, including overthrowing foreign governments, assassinating foreign and domestic leaders (e.g. JFK), selling weapons illegally, bolstering the production of dangerous drugs (heroin and cocaine) so as import them into the US on the blackmarket, controlling the media by paying off journalists via Operation Mockingbird (see #3 on perception management) and running mind control experiments on its own citizens (MK Ultra). Now, we are suddenly supposed to believe the CIA has grown a conscience and deeply, truly cares about minorities, racial issues and gender equality? It is beyond ridiculous, however the good thing about it all is that the NWO mindset doesn’t see how transparent its woke attempts are.
6. It Projects a False Sense of Omnipotence
The New World Order mindset is very much like the Borg from Star Trek. One of their key mantras was: “Resistance is futile.” This is the message the mindset keeps projecting. It desperately wants us to believe its nefarious agenda of control is a fait accompli, a forgone conclusion, when it is not. Think about it: a truly omnipotent force does not need to convince you that it is omnipotent and that you cannot resist. Its strength would become apparent and their would be no need for attempts at persuasion. Only a force that is secretly weak, but is trying to project an image of strength, would resort to this kind of psychological messaging. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, many times: the New World Order is not set in stone. Your very act of reading these words, and taking this message to heart in an empowered way, is stopping the NWO nightmare from becoming a reality. The world is waking up and this process cannot be stopped.
7. Censorship and Cancel Culture: It Can’t Stand Shades of Grey or Opposing Views
Another clue that the NWO mindset is rigid, as well as inherently insecure and weak, is that it can’t stand shades of grey or opposing views. It gets very caught up in dogmatic black-and-white thinking. Remember what the mentally challenged US President George W. Bush said after the 9/11 false flag op: “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.” The explosion of censorship and cancel culture over the last few years is indicative of a vast insecurity. Censorship is a tacit admission by the censors that their arguments, theories or beliefs are very weak, because they can’t hold their own in the battlefield of open debate, where ideas are exchanged freely and analyzed critically.
8. It Can’t Tolerate Humor
Stop laughing! No jokes allowed! The NWO mindset takes itself very seriously, so seriously in fact that it can’t tolerate humor. John Lennon instinctively realized this truth when he advised people to just laugh at the system:
Loading...“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.”
The PC movement has been killing comedy, but those true comedians out there will realize that it’s their job to communicate the hard truths (that people would prefer not to hear or confront) under the guise of humor. Thanks George Carlin – you are a legend. Laughing at the absurdity of the official narrative, whether it’s Operation Coronavirus or any other false flag kind of operation, is a great way both to communciate truth and defuse the sweat and tension that comes with being a truthseeker and freedom fighter.
9. It Looks at the Rest of Humanity as Cattle
An empathetic mindset consider the feelings and needs of those around it. The psychopathic NWO mindset looks at people around it as things to be exploited or used for its own gain. Former CIA director Allen Dulles, mastermind of the JFK assassination, constantly guaged whether people around him were “useful” or not, even those who were fond of him. The phrase “useless eaters” to describe the masses of humanity is attributed to Kissinger. Time after time, NWO insiders have expressed their contempt and disgust for the rest of humanity. This is the mindset talking.
10. It’s Not Just About the Money
Some people studying the worldwide conspiracy believe it’s all about the money. It’s not. Yes, on many levels, it is about the money, because the New World Order mindset uses the manipulation of money to siphon off wealth from society via its bloodline banking families. However, it’s not just about the money. Money is a tool of control, and the NWO agenda is about long-term power and control. Money is a means to an end. This agenda is millenia old, intergenerational and involves interdimensional beings, all of which is obviously well beyond the scope of this article. Money is just a tool to this mindset.

The New World Order mindset is psychopathic, paranoid, anxious and afraid. This article decodes the twisted psychology so you can see its weaknesses and rise above it.
11. It is Always Anxious and Afraid
Now we come to the penultimate point and the crux of the matter. The NWO mindset is paranoid, anxious and afraid. This explains the constant psychological projections it spews out, such as calling geuine truth seekers “paranoid conspiracy theorists” merely for questioning things and thinking critically. It is paranoid that it will be exposed and uncovered at any moment. It is anxious, always on edge, always pushing its agenda, worried things may not work. The New World Order mindset promotes so much fear because it feels so much fear. It is fear! (For those wanting a deeper understanding of this, please check out my articles on wetiko and the Archons.)
Beneath all the analysis, it is fear. The NWO mindset is deathly afraid of a united, awakened humanity rising up in a non-violent, non-compliant way to step into its true divine power. Unfortunately for the NWO mindset, that is our birthright and nothing can stop it.
It is also worth highlighting the genuine psychopathy behind this mindset. This quote is from an article Behind a Manufactured Crisis: The COVID-19 and Psychopathy Connection:
“Based on the recurring behavior of these powerful families and individuals throughout history and today, we can observe what psychologists and psychiatrists call observable traits associated with a condition called clinical (primary) psychopathy. This is a genetic (congenital) condition characterized by the inability to feel the otherwise normal human emotions of empathy, guilt, and remorse. Innately devoid of these restraints, needless war, terrorist events, famine, genocide, assassinations, and mind control and manipulation become everyday business practices.”
12. It’s Cut Off From Spirit / Source / God / Infinite Consciousness
Call it what you like – Spirit, Source, God, Infinite Consciousness, etc. – whatever your notion is of what we come from, what we return into and what we are. The New World Order mindset is cut off from its connection with the infinite. It is so focused on the 5-sense world of particles and gross materialism that it has no appreciation for an expanded awareness. To put it another way, the ruling class who is possessed by this mindset are so cut off from god they have to play god – and thus we get transhumanism, the desire to be immortal even though we already are. This transhumanistic desire is based on a denial and rejection of our souls, and a fear of death. Thus, so much of this mindset comes back to fear.
Operation Coronavirus is a Rush to the Finish Line
Consider this point. The usual modus operandi of the New World Order is to use the frog-in-a-boiling-pot approach, to slowly introduce and force its agenda upon people step-by-step so that they don’t notice. However since the launch of Operation Coronavirus, the NWO has changed its tactics. What is unfolding now appears to be more a mad rush to the finish line – before it gets overtaken and loses the race. As I have outlined above, the New World Order mindset is always afraid of getting caught in a lie and getting found out. There seems to be a scramble underway to get as many people as possible vaccinated with the highly magnetic COVID non-vaccine while the official narrative still holds some sway over people’s minds. However, with a growing awareness that this entire COVID op is a giant scamdemic, replete with fake case counts, fake PCR tests, fake death counts and a fake virus, the truth has spread far and wide. It’s turning into a race against time. Will the NWO infuse their nanobots into humanity and fibers before humanity sufficiently awakens?
Solutions to Disrupt the New World Order Mindset
So what are the solutions? Well, give the NWO what it can’t stand and doesn’t like! It hates surprises, so give it surprises! It hates humor, so laugh at it! It thinks it’s omnipotent, so prod its weaknesses. It loves to censor, so refuse to self-censor! It thrives on violence, so non-violently resist. It needs your energy, obedience and complaince, so refuse to comply!
Finally, do the inner work to weed out any aspect of the New World Order mindset within yourself. This is the hardest part of all of this, but each and every one of us must do this work. No one else can do it for you. Consider honestly how much of this mindset is within you, then work to identify it, integrate it and transform it. As Jung said, “One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens.” Being aware of every detail of the NWO is good, and being aware of solutions is good, but we must transform ourselves within to change the world outside.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
Decoding the Twisted New World Order Mindset
What is the mindset or psychology behind the dark force that really runs the world?
If we could understand the NWO mindset better, we could perceive its weaknesses, which are many. It's good to recognize these, but above all, to see it in yourself.

The New World Order mindset is psychopathic, paranoid, anxious and afraid. This article decodes the twisted psychology so you can see its weaknesses and rise above it.
It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset
as we experience the intensification of its longstanding agenda. While each passing week seems to bring us more and more bizarre news in the unfolding of Operation Coronavirus, it is worthwhile taking a step back to look at the mentality which is orchestrating this scamdemic – this New World Order mindset. If we want to live free, we have to understand the nature of the force that is seeking to enslave us. This article is an attempt to sketch out some of the hallmarks of the depraved and twisted psychology of the New World Order (NWO) ruling class. By getting your head around how these people think, how they view those outside their cult (the public masses), how they view the world and what motivates them, hopefully you can begin to grasp what is needed to ensure we defeat them and maintain a world of peace, freedom and abundance. Thanks as always to David Icke who, after 30 years of full-time research, has distilled and communicated the essence of this mindset to the world, in the hopes that we can understand and recognize this force.

Pfizer just released a new statement for investors citing they’ve inked a deal with Microsoft to integrate their Pluton processor chip to reduce symptoms associated with the vaccine. In the release it is stated that receivers of the new vaccine expect reduced fatigue, reduced soreness, heightened awareness etc.
COVID-19 Vaccine Upgrade
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said “This is a great revolution in medicine, with the addition of Microsoft’s powerful Pluton chip, it will make tracking the data of vaccine recipients easier than ever. We can use this chip to regulate body temperature, reduce chances of COVID-19 contraction, and make one more likely to choose our products over Apple.”
It is rumored Apple plans to ink a similar deal with Moderna, but nothing is confirmed yet. Microsoft ($MSFT) shares are down 2% and Pfizer ($PFE) shares are up 1.3% in After Hours trading.
BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badhealth, badmedicine,
oday we bring you a shocking true story about covid-19 vaccines, the government of Connecticut, and an open admission that vaccines contain dangerous, even deadly substances (spike proteins) that are documented and known to cause vascular damage to human beings.
It’s all admitted right in the open, in these Connecticut government documents shown below, which admit these vaccines can be fatal. The original documents used in this research may be found at the following links: (all PDF docs)
Pre-vaccination screening form – V20 – Connecticut government website
Covid-19 vaccine ingredients list and spike protein propaganda – Connecticut government website
Since Connecticut may remove these documents in order to hide the truth, we are also mirroring these documents at servers:
Pre-vaccination screening form – V20 – Natural News mirror
Covid-19 vaccine ingredients list and spike protein propaganda – Natural News mirror
Connecticut admits covid vaccines contain spike proteins, then claims they are harmless even while the Salk Institute confirms they can be deadly
In these documents, you will find astonishing admissions from the Connecticut government. For starters, review the graphic below which shows the Connecticut government falsely claiming the vaccine spike protein is “a harmless protein,” even while the Salk Institute’s own published research reveals, “the protein damages cells.”
The research, published in the journal Circulation Research, concludes, “…we show that spike protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.”
As the Salk Institute further explains, “…this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.”
Thus, the government of Connecticut is lying to its own citizens and encouraging them to be injected with something that will cause widespread damage and even death:
Covid-19 vaccine ingredients include SM-102, a toxic substance known to be harmful to humans and animals
This next piece of propaganda from the Connecticut government reveals that the Moderna mRNA vaccine contains an ingredient known as “SM-102,” which is well documented to be toxic to humans and animals.
You can search any search engine to find details about the toxicity of SM-102. Look for the MSDS documents on it. We will publish more details in an upcoming article:
“Vaccine checklist” document secretly warns healthcare professionals the covid vaccine may KILL them, yet withholds this information from the public
In this third shocking example of what’s coming out of the government of Connecticut in terms of covid-19 vaccine propaganda, the government makes healthcare professionals sign a detailed warning / disclaimer that admits the vaccine may kill them. See the full document below:
I believe the benefits outweigh the risks and I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any reactions that may result from either my receipt of the immunization(s)… Neither the provisioning mass vaccination center nor any of the Released Parties shall, at any time or to any extent whatsoever, be liable, responsible or any way accountable for any loss, injury, death or damage suffered or sustained by any person at any time in connection with or as a result of this vaccine program or the administration of the vaccines described above.
This same document warns healthcare professionals that the risk of anaphylactic reactions is so high, that “medical treatment for severe allergic reactions” must be made available in all mass vaccination centers.
In addition, this document reveals the known adverse reactions from covid-19 vaccines, explaining they include:
- Feelings of impending doom
- Loss of consciousness
- Disorientation, confusion, weakness
- Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
- Flickering lights, tunnel vision.
- Changes in hearing / loss of hearing
The same chart reveals that for most of these listed adverse reactions, the State of Connecticut recommends continuing with a second dose of the vaccine, even if the first dose caused these bizarre reactions.
Here’s the graphic:
I’ve covered all this in today’s mind-blowing Situation Update podcast, which reveals these shocking truths that are openly admitted by the government of Connecticut:
Learn the truth each weekday in my Situation Update podcasts and interviews, found at:
BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
Brought to you by
everyone’s Big Brother
Billionaire Bill Gates went from creating
back doors for computer viruses … … …
to creating back doors for corona viruses
Computer Viruses
Founder and former Microsoft chairman, chief executive officer, president and chief software architect Bill Gates was responsible for overseeing the creation of Windows (and MS-DOS), the original security hole-filled operating system which purposefully permitted the entry of so many computer viruses to gain entry into every PC on the planet.
Here’s why Bill Gates changed from
creating operating systems with backdoors
for computer viruses to vaccines that make
the human body vulnerable to coronaviruses!
This complex conspiracy to allow the infiltration of every PC running Windows (it was named “Windows” because the Five Eyes were given several windows through which to peer into your computer) is obviously much larger than Bill Gates. Gates was merely chosen as the frontman for this covert DARPA project which ultimately necessitated that every PC be ‘protected’ with anti-virus software. That was the ultimate goal which duly captured the vast majority of PC users. Who knows what those cyber-security packages are really capable of doing once installed?
Microsoft’s security hole-filled Windows also required a constant stream of updates, each one designed to do things to the computer software (and hardware) that are virtually unknown to the user and/or owner.
For all anyone knows, those frequent and time-consuming updates are setting the operating system up with more vulnerabilities, as well as creating opportunities for Microsoft to retrieve any information whatsoever from everyone’s privately owned personal computer.
KEY POINT: That Bill Gates was at the helm of Microsoft and knew quite well about this intentional invasion of all PCs via built-in backdoors speaks to his true character and willingness to betray millions of personal computer buyers. This pattern of highly unprofessional behavior has manifested again in his capacity of worldwide vaccine salesman.
So, here was Microsoft’s DARPA-dictated formula that made computer viruses a never-ending threat just like human viruses are today:
• Install an operating system full of security holes and other serious glitches
• Conduct non-stop updates with patches to patch the holes and fixes to fix the glitches
• Recommend that every PC user acquire virus and security software for protection of software and hardware alike
• Provide essential software data to hackers and back-channel OS vulnerabilities to malware makers using the dark web
In each of these steps of executing the preceding Problem~Reaction~Solution strategy was Bill Gates well prepared to smoothly segue over to the realm of human viruses and vaccines. Read on to understand why.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Let’s fast forward to the year 2000 and the founding of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
First, it’s critical to understand that Bill Gates is a totally made man who was given his unearned stake in Microsoft in order to quickly transform him into the world’s richest man and multi-billionaire ON PURPOSE.
Gates was controlled since birth by his various handlers, especially his father Bill Gates Sr. who, at 94 years old, still sits on the board of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The foundation is controlled by its three trustees: Bill and Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett. Other principal officers include Co-Chair William H. Gates, Sr. and Chief Executive Officer Mark Suzman.[5] [1]
It’s of paramount importance to know that once billionaires like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg et al. were given their massive fortunes, they were bound by their hidden masters to use that money in specific, and often nefarious, ways. In other words, that extraordinary wealth is absolutely not theirs to use; rather, it belongs to the International Banking Cartel and Crime Syndicate. The banksters at the IBCCS ultimately control the fortunes of every billionaire on Earth—bar none.
Therefore, like virtually all billionaires on planet Earth in 2020, Gates and Buffett are merely bagmen who allocate their ill-gotten gains toward various black operations and black projects such as the Super-Vaccination Agenda.
However, Bill Gates is not only a glorified bagman, he’s also the world’s premier frontman for the exceedingly dangerous and deadly Super-Vaccination Agenda. His entire life was painstakingly set up so that he would eventually transition from his computer virus scam to his human virus scandal.
Human Viruses
One the primary goals of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is to impose highly toxic childhood vaccination schedules on schoolchildren throughout the Third World.
Another goal is to vaccinate all adults and children with annual flu vaccines that not only do not work, they actually cause major outbreaks of the flu strains being inoculated for.
However, the main goal of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF) in 2020 is to see a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine administered to every living person. Not only that, such a draconian global vaccine regimen will be enforced with immunity certificates if Gates has anything to say about it.
There’s something very wrong when the predictive programming is accurate down to the exact year of the predicted event. That has happened more than once in the case of Bill Gates.
Bill Gates 1997 Prediction: 2020 Extinction By Lung-Attacking Virus
Before there was even a coronavirus called COVID-19, Gates & Company worked very hard to fabricate a full-blown pandemic around any virus that reared its ugly head naturally or was expertly bioengineered in a military bio-lab.
Just like Gates did with computer viruses as he first created the back doors for them to be penetrated, then Microsoft handed the keys to the kingdom to the hackers so they could attack with the right viruses that would then require a whole new regime of cyber-security.
Similarly, vaccines stealthily create a back boor though which microchips, heavy metals, pathogenic micro-organisms, toxic chemicals, nanobots and other harmful ingredients can be introduced into the human body without the knowledge of the vaccinated individual. In this way, poisonous vaccines are, and have always been, a major part of the recurring pandemic problem. They degrade the microbiome and compromise the bioterrain of the regularly vaccinated person making them much more susceptible to a COVID-19 infection.
In light of the various enterprises that Bill Gates is directly and indirectly connected to, it’s clear he and his silent business partners have set up a horizontal and vertical monopoly that exploits the “Pandemic Problem~Panic Reaction~Vaccine Solution” like a charm. However, sometimes those foreign business ventures crash and burn like this one did in India. (Why is it that poor Indian and African children are often experimented on and with such great consequences?)
How is Bill Gates NOT IN PRISON after causing a polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children in India?!
Clearly, Big Pharma and the B&MGF have been joined at the hips from day one, just as there is a swiftly revolving door between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the CDC, NIH, FDA and HHS.
Big Pharma-Medical-Government Complex
It’s crucial to correctly comprehend the true depth and breadth of this genocidal enterprise, ongoing depopulation exercise and disease-causing operation.
As the frontman, Bill Gates was selected as the face of the Big Pharma-Medical-Government Complex where it concerns COVID-19. According to this duplicitous scheme, the wrath of truth seekers everywhere is being directed at him alone just like it was often during his tenure at Microsoft.
Yes, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Robert Redfield, Dr.Deborah Birx are also on the front line of this immense conspiracy to permanently lock down Earth and imprison humanity but they occupy their positions temporarily and will all be fired or resign sooner than later only to be replaced by other stooges from the Big Pharma-Medical-Government Complex. See: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci, Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates & W.H.O. (Video)
Each of those three co-conspirators of Bill Gates have been selected because they have vested interests in both the creation of COVID-19 as well as in the pre-planned vaccine solution. Fauci, Redfield and Birx were each chosen to play their prominent roles because of their personal contributions to the bioengineering of COVID-19. How can they possibly leave the BPMGC reservation when they have so much skin in the game?
Moreover, a close auditing of their investment portfolios will reveal either a HUGE stake in companies associated with the coronavirus crisis, substantial payments made to them individually or corporately for vague consulting services, and/or various forms of consideration secretly given to family members or business associates.
In the absence of any of these typical acts of bribery and extortion, there is also the great likelihood of blackmail and coercion via Pedogate transgressions which always take place at this high level of government and corporate leadership.
OPERATION COVID-19 = AI Simulation
There is another very good reason why Gates was identified early on to lead this particular part of the New World Order agenda to lock down planet Earth, chip every human being and incarcerate them within an AI-directed Global Control Matrix. See: Bill Gates wasn’t chosen to lead the AI-simulated OPERATION COVID-19 pandemic and global live exercise just because his father was a eugenicist. (Video)
In fact, everything points directly to the high probability that Bill Gates has been totally taken over by either AI or AS. As an AI-controlled entity whose body and mind have been merged with an advanced form of Autonomous Superintelligence (AS) certainly explains a lot of his sociopathic behavior that goes way beyond his father’s deep involvement with eugenics.[2]
The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19
Perhaps this is why Mary Maxwell Gates, Bill Gates’ mother, was strategically positioned as a fellow United Way committee member of John Opel, the chairman of International Business Machines Corporation. As the president of IBM, Opel gave Microsoft its first big break and in the process put her son Bill in touch with the most cutting-edge AI research and development in the world.
What’s the essential point?
The entire planetary civilization may now be witnessing or experiencing a global live exercise coordinated as an AI simulation via OPERATION COVID-19. If that is in fact the case, it behooves everyone to correctly understand how this AI simulation is being conducted. As follows:
Welcome to the COVID-19 AI Simulation! Brought to you by your AI ‘friends’ at DARPA.
That’s not to say that OPERATION COVID-19 is not very real, but more likely a live exercise that cunningly blends grim reality with elaborate hoax. The use of crisis actors on the streets, as well as fictional ICU sets in hospitals and makeshift coronavirus wards with hundreds of empty beds has already been proven. Furthermore, there has never been such an extraordinary, transparent and coordinated effort by the mainstream media to exaggerate the number of confirmed cases and deaths related to COVID-19.
In this particular regard, unappointed ringleaders like Bill Gates, who basically bought his influence and power over the World Health Organization with a string of massive donations, must be watched like a hawk. Just since February of 2020, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $250 million to coronavirus relief efforts run under the rubric of WHO.[3]
Never in American history has a private citizen wielded so much influence over a global response to a global pandemic. Gates has utilized his many MSM and Internet-based platforms to fearmonger nations everywhere into a pen of COVID-19 vaccine compliance.
Now that’s quite an accomplishment even for Gates in view of the fact that there is no vaccine available, nor will there ever be one that really works. All the experts have confirmed that this strain of coronavirus mutates so fast that vaccines will be ineffective … … … except that any vaccine that is produced will be formulated to trigger the Coronavirus syndrome in those folks with weakened immune systems and/or serious medical ailments and underlying health conditions.
KEY POINTS: Bill Gates built a 66,000 square foot home named Xanadu 2.0, an earth-sheltered mansion on the side of a hill overlooking Lake Washington in Medina, Washington. According to news reports, the main house is particularly “noted for its design and the technology it incorporates”. Some detailed press accounts have offered various descriptions which reflect a fully operational Internet of Things where the advanced WiFi and IT configuration; high-tech wireless devices, appliances and equipment; and 6G-level power grid are all state-of-the-art. Other technological refinements include “a high-tech sensor system that helps guests monitor a room’s climate and lighting”. The extent to which Bill interfaces with the many AI-driven components via voice and/or mind is not known, but surely 2020’s Big Brother is pushing the edge of the envelope in regard to total command and control of the entire Xanadu 2.0 space. Which is exactly where he wants every home in America to be as he monitors them from Medina (named after the former capital of the Muhammad’s Muslim Empire).
Let’s face it, in Bill Gates did the New World Order globalist cabal find the perfect purveyor of the MARK OF THE BEAST (MOTB). His whole life and career path were ushered along by satanic forces to give him the range of experience, knowledge base, skill set and public profile so that he could get the real dirty work done.
Gates was especially able to apply his knowledge of computer chips to the design of vaccine chips among many other parts and processes that were necessary to fabricate a fully functional MARK OF THE BEAST.
Gates and his vast team of software developers, computer programmers, IT device chipmakers and AI research scientists have colluded over decades to pack as much power as possible into the smallest microchips ever developed. As head of Microsoft, he had access to the best and the brightest in the various fields of endeavor needed to perfect the MARK OF THE BEAST.
What very few people yet realize is that the MARK OF THE BEAST is actually a binary weapon system. But not only does it have two components — vaccine-delivered microchips and handheld smartphones — it also has two targets: the human body and mind.
This is exactly why the now ubiquitous smartphone has replaced all wired IT technology practically overnight. Landline telephones, as well as wired desktops and laptops, have been replaced with wireless devices and WiFi networks by a majority of people the world over.
This stealthy initiative was carried out by all of Corporate America with a vengeance. There has never been such a concerted corporate effort conducted worldwide like the creation of the smartphone society. This wireless culture was quite deliberately shoehorned into place just before the same perps pushed the button on OPERATION COVID-19. See: COVID-19 Outbreak Is The Trojan Horse To Increase Smartphone Surveillance
The next revolution within information technology taking place is, of course, the military deployment of 5G as a necessary precursor to the build-out of the Internet of Things (IoT). The 5G roll-out in conjunction with the IoT will surely super-charge the MARK OF THE BEAST. Not only will it greatly expand the potential for 24/7 monitoring of those who are “marked” (i.e. vaccinated and smartphoned), it will also provide an instantaneous feedback mechanism administered by advanced AI platforms (or AS entities) at the MOTB control center.
Obviously, the opportunities for Bill Gates and his countless partners-in-crimes like Fauci, Birx, Redfield, as well as the founders and CEOs of the notorious FAANGTM companies that dominate the emerging tyrannical technocracy, to manipulate this BEAST SYSTEM are endless.
FAANGTM = Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Twitter and Microsoft.
KEY POINT: You know Bill Gates has some serious problems when a fellow Democrat heavyweight is exposing his highly malevolent criminal vaccine conspiracy in real-time. See: Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – Cites Gates’ Twisted ‘Messiah Complex’
There are specific reasons why Bill Gates doesn’t seem to care about his rapidly spreading reputation as an incorrigible and criminally insane psychopath hellbent on the extermination of the human race.
Perhaps the biggest reason is that William Henry Gates III is no longer one of US; he is now one of them. Who but a hardcore globalist would ever fund the creation of a pandemic-causing bioweapon, release it in his own country after launching it on 2 other continents, and then promote a bioengineered microchipped vaccine that ultimately allows him to exercise total control over the human race?! See: CORONAVIRUS: A Globalist Bioweapon Created by DARPA, Big Pharma, Bill Gates and his British Overlords
Whether Bill Gates has completely merged his consciousness with a state-of-the-art
AI platform or a highly evolved AS entity is only known by his NWO masters. Nevertheless, his sustained level of extremely anti-human behavior is indicative that he has been completely taken over by some very dark forces indeed.
Therefore, it’s incumbent upon every American to expose this extremely dangerous MARK OF THE BEAST pusher and vaccine pitchman. The more who wake up to the quickly manifesting BEAST SYSTEM, the better the chances of shutting it down—for good!
CAVEAT: It will take only one more generation to pass away before Bill Gates’ dream becomes an all-American nightmare. That’s because the Baby Boomers are the only remaining generation who were not born with a smartphone in their hand. In point of fact, the peer pressure to conform to the smartphone society is now so overwhelming that even many computer-illiterate Baby Boomers have surrendered to the wishes of their children and friends and co-workers, etc. This does not bode well for the wireless and 5Ged American society; nor for the hyper-vaccinated U.S. citizenry.
It cannot be overstated that Bill Gates’ entire life was deliberately shaped for him to make the seamless transition from overseeing an unparalleled computer virus deceit to a cataclysmic corona virus deception. The fateful progression of his notorious career path profoundly hinged on that baneful reality. It also provides grist for another great meme.
From computer viruses and invasive updates
to corona viruses and weaponized vaccines
State of the Nation
April 23, 2020
Editor’s Note
What follows are various media reports which have been published since this SOTN exposé on Bill Gates was first published.
- Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates’ Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
- Italian MP: Bill Gates Must Be Charged By International Criminal Court With ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
- Furious Politician Delivers Speech to Italian Parliament Demanding Immediate Arrest of Bill Gates (Video)
- Here’s what happened right after it was revealed in an intercepted an intelligence report that Bill Gates offered a $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria.
- Italian Government Calls for Arrest of Bill Gates (Video)
- Bill Gates Offered $10 Million Bribe For Forced Vaccination In Nigeria
[1] Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
[2] Major Advancements in Autonomous Superintelligence Technology Being Made by Google
Global COVID-19-Cov2 Report
Signatures of thousands of scientists, medical doctors and experts around the world. Including but not limited to Germany, Spain, US, Belgium (below) and more ..... agree that there is no "deadly" pandemic and it is long overdue to get back to normal.
"After the initial panic surrounding COVID-19 the objective facts now show a completely different picture- there is no medical justification for an medical emergency policy anymore. The current crisis management has become totally has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does good."
We therefore call for an immediate end to all measures. The public should ignore all guidelines that are obsolete.
We are questioning the legitimacy of all the current advisory experts, how meet behind closed doors."
WHO Europe Director Dr. David Nabarro stated "Governments Should Stop Enforcing Lockdowns" 13th October, 2020
WHO Europe Director Dr. David Nabarro stated yesterday, telling them to stop "using lockdown method as the primary of control. of the virus"
WHO Europe Director Dr. David Nabarro told Spectator's Andrew Neil , "The only time we believe that a lockdown is justified is to but time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources , protect your health workers who are exhausted, by and large we'd rather not do it."
Covid-19 Background Summary Page One
Covid-19 Background Summary Page Two
Covid Deaths by Age and Sex
US Low Covid Death Rates
CDC: 6% pf coronavirus deaths were solely from COVID-19
Why wasn't this widely known before now?
"For all the other deaths reported by the CDC linked to COVID-19, the individuals who passed away had 2-3 other serious illnesses or comorbidities. This comes from the actual data from the CDC"
"Based on a cursory review of the CDC's COVID-19 death counts, it is clear there are deaths designated as CPVID-19 deaths that likely are not caused or even related to COVID-19."
Italy COVID-19 Case Perspective
COVID-19 Is Weak: CDC Confirms Low Covid-19 Death Rate
COVID-19 Is Weak Statistics Part4
Sweden_COVID-19 Case Perspective
Sweden COVID-19 Case Perspective Part2
Three is No Such Thing As COVID-19 Second COVID-19 Wave
COVID-19 Is A Once In A Life Time Fiasco
Hospitals Pressing Doctors To Falsely Record Oher Death Causes as a COVID-19 Death
Why Are Gates and the Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in the Florida Keys?
Despite strong resident protests, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically-modified or “gene edited” killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keyes. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in development of the CRISPR technology being used to genetically modify everything from the mosquitoes to the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus mRNA “vaccines” to gene-edited salmon. How Bill Gates, the Pentagon and the eugenics lobby come together now is alarming to put it mildly .
On April 30 the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and the Oxitec biotechnology company announced they will begin release of what will ultimately be some 750 million genetically manipulated or gene-edited Aedes Aegypti mosquitos using CRSPR gene editing technology. The Aedes Aegypti makes up only about 4% of the mosquito population in the Keys. The release is bitterly opposed by residents and environmental groups who demanded a referendum in last year’s election ballot, but which the Mosquito Control Board refused, curiously. Oxitec and the Board claim the release is to kill off the presence of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is believed to carry dengue fever, Zika and other diseases.
The project, which sounds positive in the press statements, is alarming in many respects. First, the refusal to allow a citizen vote on the controversial GMO release. Second, there exists no cost-benefit analysis of the risks versus benefits of releasing millions of mosquitoes whose genetic traits are mutating in often unpredictable ways. Is it worth the risk that an ever more robust variety of mosquito will mutate from the project? No one can say. Traditional mosquito control techniques have worked well until now.
The CEO of Oxitec, Grey Frandsen, has a dark history with the US State Department in the Balkans, as an advisor to the US Navy, and as a Fellow of the George Soros’ International Crisis Group that played a key role in the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. With no previous experience in biotechnology, Frandsen appears as CEO of Oxitec in 2017. Oxitec, a UK company, is now owned by Third Security, a US venture capital firm in Radford, Virginia headed by Randal J. Kirk who also owns the gene-edited salmon producer, AquaBounty.
Brazil failure
At another trial by Oxitec for the same Aedes Aegypti gene-edited mosquito in Bahia, Brazil, in a test to see if the gene-edited mosquitoes would mate with local mosquitoes carrying Zika, malaria or other mosquito-borne diseases, following an initial reduction of the target population of mosquitoes, after some months the “population which had been greatly suppressed rebounded to nearly pre-release levels,” according to a study published in Nature Reports journal. A team of scientists from Yale University and several scientific institutes in Brazil monitored the progress of the experiment. What they found was that after an initial period in which the target mosquito population markedly declined, after about 18 months the mosquito population recovered to pre-release levels. Not only that, the paper noted that some of the mosquitos likely have “hybrid vigor,” in which a hybrid of the natural with the gene-edited created “a more robust population than the pre-release population” which may be more resistant to insecticides, in short, resistant “super mosquitoes.” That Brazil Oxitec study concluded, “It is unclear how this may affect disease transmission or affect other efforts to control these dangerous vectors.”
In short, the genetic mutations were unpredictable. Another 2020 scientific study revealed that the “sterile” insects revert back to being fertile, resulting in resistant GMO populations persisting in the environment. The study, published by scientists in China, Germany and the USDA in the United States, shows that spontaneous mutations in laboratory flies can arise, leading to genetic resistance to the intended trait. In other words, “super flies,” or mosquitoes.
Moreover, it is not as if the incidence of dengue fever or Zika in the Florida Keys is a grave problem. According to the official CDC report, there was not one incidence in all the US in 2020 of Zika from the indigenous population and only 4 from foreign travelers. As to the far milder and rarely fatal dengue fever, with symptoms similar to flu, in 2020 there were some 26 cases in the Florida Keyes. That was the first outbreak in almost ten years. Suspiciously, it was a small outbreak of dengue fever in 2010 that Oxitec used to argue for release of its gene edited mosquito in Florida. The new outbreak in 2020 was also suspiciously convenient for Oxitec’s effort to release the gene edited mosquitoes in Florida, which was approved in 2020.
Oxitec, Gates and DARPA
What further draws suspicions about the entire gene edited mosquito release in Florida is the fact that the Oxitec project is being supported by two highly controversial agencies—The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA. Gates— not only a major financial backer of the gene-edited COVID-19 “vaccines” of Pfizer and Moderna, and the largest private donor to the WHO–has funded gene-editing research for more than a decade. Gates is well aware of the malevolent potential of gene-editing technology. It can be used as a bioweapon maker. In 2016 Gates declared, “the next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus.” In July 2017, John Sotos, of Intel Health & Life Sciences, stated that gene editing research could “open up the potential for bioweapons of unimaginable destructive potential.”
In 2016 Gates’ foundation gave $1.6 million to the PR firm, Emerging Ag, to block a broad effort to get a UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) moratorium on gene drive technology until its safety could be established. According to emails obtained by ETC Group, Emerging Ag recruited more than 65 experts, including a Gates Foundation senior official, a DARPA official, and scientists who had received DARPA funding. They were successful.
Entomological Warfare?
DARPA has been working for several years on genetic editing of mosquitoes. Through its “Insect Allies” program, DARPA has been working, using CRISPR gene-editing and gene drive technologies, on manipulating the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The US Department of Defense has spent at least $100 million in the controversial technology known as “gene drives” making the US military a top funder and developer of the gene-modifying technology. “Gene drives are a powerful and dangerous new technology and potential biological weapons could have disastrous impacts on peace, food security and the environment, especially if misused,” said Jim Thomas, co-director of ETC Group, an environment safety group. “The fact that gene drive development is now being primarily funded and structured by the US military raises alarming questions about this entire field.”
Entomological warfare is a type of biological warfare that uses insects to transmit diseases. The Pentagon, using DARPA research, has allegedly performed such entomological tests secretly in the Republic of Georgia and Russia. Is the DARPA development, together with Gates’ foundation and Oxitec, of the gene edited mosquitoes a covert program in entomological warfare?
The Pentagon presently has top security bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP). They are in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. Among their projects, Phlebotomine sand fly species were collected under the heading, “Surveillance Work on Acute Febrile Illness,” in which all (female) sand flies were tested to determine their infectivity rate. A third project, also including sand flies collection, studied the characteristics of their salivary glands. This is weaponization research.
The controversial person picked by the Biden Administration to become the first Cabinet-level science advisor, Eric Lander, came from the MIT-Harvard Broad Institute. Lander is a specialist in gene drive and gene editing technologies and played a major role in the flawed US Human Genome Project. This is not the kind of science we need to be supporting. It is rather part of what is obviously a larger eugenics agenda and Bill Gates is again playing a key role.
Soros Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted and Imprisoned to Prevent Civil War
Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook
With Steve Bannon gone, President Trump has never been more isolated.
By his very own Executive Branch appointments, it’s almost as though he’s backed himself into a corner … apparently with no way out.
Given that he is surrounded by numerous agents of Deep State, he really has only one alternative at this point.
The Putin playbook — 2003
Trump desperately needs to borrow a page from President Vladimir Putin’s playbook.
What Putin did was arrest, prosecute and imprison the Russian oligarch who was the primary tool of the Rothschild banking syndicate. Mikhail Khodorkovsky was essentially used to steal much of Russia’s oil wealth via Yukos Oil Company. Through this criminal enterprise he became the richest man in Russia and 16th richest man in the world. By decisively incarcerating Khodorkovsky for 10 years, Putin effectively thwarted a planned revolution that would have completely torn Russia apart.
Khodorkovsky passed Yukos shares to Rothschild Bank
After all of his trials and convictions were completed, Mikhail Khodorkovsky spent 10 years in prison.
Can you imagine Bill Gates or Warren Buffet spending 10 years in a federal penitentiary?
Russian authorities began the process of removing Khordorkovsky from Yukos Oil in 2003, three and a half years after Putin was first elected president.
This sole act by the Kremlin was the defining moment of the Putin era. Nothing even comes close.
What this brilliant move did was put all the other oligarchs on notice.
“Don’t mess with Putin!”
From that point forward, either President or Prime Minister Putin was able to carry out the necessary reforms to stabilize the Russian Federation. Which he has done with astonishing success.
The Trump presidency — 2017
Fast forward 14 years to Washington, D.C. and we see a POTUS who is also harried by the oligarchs. Only there are far more of them and they are much more powerful than those in the post USSR.
However, one of those oligarchs has been throwing his weight around America just like Khodorkovsky was doing in Russia.
George Soros is not only an international criminal of the highest orde; he’s a proven traitor to the American Republic. Not surprisingly, Soros’s organizations are all banned in Russia. He’s also a wanted criminal there whose arrest for various crimes against the state and the people would be welcomed by many.
Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in Russia
That Soros is the main force behind an ongoing coup d’état against the Trump administration provides the lawful pretext for his immediate arrest and incarceration.
This is exactly what Trump needs to execute post-haste.
Were the rest of America’s ruling oligarchy to witness such a fall from power and influence, they would surely back off their rapidly intensifying Purple Revolution.
The whole NWO cabal is merely using old George as the frontman for the coup. Apparently some psychopaths have no qualms about being branded an incorrigible warmonger and war criminal, mass murderer and genocidal maniac.
Soros is the villainous oligarch to take down
Not Barack Obama, but George Soros is currently the most hated man in America. It was only Soros’s money that permitted Obama to complete 2 disastrous terms in the first place.
Soros is also the most hated man in Europe. He was, and still is, Angela Merkel’s main supporter as well. The tyrannical German chancellor has been given credit for almost single-handedly transforming Europe into a dystopian, post-apocalyptic wasteland. She’s also a stone-cold NWO globalist who has achieved through economic might and financial power what Adolph Hitler failed to accomplish using military force.
VIDEO: Just like Nero, Merkel dances while Europe burns
The bottom line here is that Trump needs to take down Soros, once and for all.
If he does this, he won’t have to do much else to [SUCCESSFULLY] finish his first term.
If he doesn’t, his presidency may not last beyond 2017—for real.
So let’s be clear here: Soros is Trump’s Khodorkovsky. Putin especially jailed him because Khodorkovsky was funding all of Putin’s opponents, as well as many globalist causes designed to strip Russia of its assets.
Likewise, Soros is funding every liberal and leftwing cause that he can. He was also Hillary Clinton’s major financial backer, although much of that money was back-channeled surreptitiously.Trump Under Attack By 187 Organizations Directly Funded By George Soros
The Twin Towers are the “The Two Towers”
In the wake of 9/11, it was only a matter of time before the true human forces behind those fateful false flag attacks were exposed.
This is where Trump can borrow yet another page from the Putin playbook.
It didn’t take very long for then President Putin to figure out that Western intelligence agencies were behind all of the most deadly and destructive terror attacks on Russian soil.
Once he possessed the proof, Putin ever-so-slowly began leaking this radioactive info into the public domain. While those various attacks and mass shootings did not rise to the level of the 9/11, the CIA-coordinated First & Second Chechen Wars certainly did. Russia has experienced a good number of terrorist attacks over the years all of which were actually CIA black operations.
Now, in Russia, everyone knows that the C.I.A., MI6 and MOSSAD, among other Western secret services, conducted those covert attacks. This once highly classified information alone has allowed Putin to concentrate extraordinary executive power in the Russian presidency. Putin can do many things that Trump cannot do, particularly because they have tied his hands.
The second bottom line here is that Trump’s presidency would be well served by revealing 9/11 truth. Certainly Trump knows what went down. Even if he doesn’t know all the details, he knows that the official narrative constitutes a criminal cover-up. And, that the government’s 9/11 Commission Report provides plenty of hard evidence to prove a cover-up (as well as the government criminal conspiracy) to the American people.
Arrest George Soros!
Arrest him now!
Arrest him before the country is plunged into Bolshevik bedlam that similarly saw Russia descend into the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Exactly 100 Years After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917→
Comes the Percolating Purple Revolution of 2017
Not only is Soros guilty of treason, he has funded numerous seditious enterprises around the country. Case closed!
In point of fact, Soros and his assorted NGOs have supported every major riot and violent protest in America since the start of Obama’s first term. Those uprisings occurring since November 8, 2016 amount to nothing less than premeditated insurrection. Soros’s fingerprints are all over each and every leftwing insurgency.
The FBI must have a file on Soros a mile high. Break it out and have the DOJ indict this traitor. Soros: Evil Economic Warlord, God Wannabe, Or Both?
Then go after all the 9/11 perps and bring the whole House down.
If the POTUS does not do something radical very soon, Deep State will frogmarch him out of the White House.
It’s either Trump (and US) … … … or Soros (and Deep State)!
State of the Nation
August 19, 2017
Special Note to President Donald Trump