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Was Harry under pressure to "spew poison" in his memoir? All the harshest criticism of 'Spare'
‘Washing dirty linen’
There are some shocking revelations within Harry’s memoir that the public and press haven’t taken too kindly to. In fact, Gaby Hinsliff, writer for The Guardian, scathingly said that the book moved beyond issues of "awkward public interest" into the "washing of dirty linen” in public. But was the Prince under pressure to 'spew out poison' as one critique suggests?
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Reveal-all tv shows and books
Harry and Meghan have opened up to the world via books, series and interviews to explain their side of the story. Here are the most scathing criticisms (and supporting praise) of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Photo: Netflix
The memoir
Harry’s memoir was released on 10th January 2023. There was a leak of the book in Spain when it was put on the shelves too soon. As such, the damage was done and people had a good insight into the memoir before it came out globally. But did the British public read it?
What did the public say?
The Mirror created a poll, asking its readers to vote. The question was ‘Will you be reading Prince Harry’s memoir?’ The results were, without doubt, clear - No.
Harry and Meghan's family life in Montecito, California
Going to a concert
Life in California includes couples' nights out - for example, to see the singer Jack Johnson (photo) in Santa Barbara, as TMZ reported in the fall of 2022. The pair seemed relaxed, dancing and putting their arms around each other, other concertgoers told TMZ.
Life in Montecito, California
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their two children, Archie and Lilibet, along with their dogs, Guy and Pula, have been basking in Californian sunshine since 2020. And they are not thinking of going back to the UK.
Dual Citizenships
Sources confirmed to Us Weekly that the Late Queen's great-grandson, Archie, and his younger sister, Lili, will be dual citizens of both the United Kingdom and the United States. But they have their roots firmly planted in Californian soil.
Image: The Montecito Village School
A quiet seaside community
In July 2020, Harry and Meghan Markle moved from their temporary California home (lent to them by Tyler Perry) to a more permanent place in Montecito, Santa Barbara.
Montecito: small, private, rich
Montecito is a "small and affluent seaside city 100 miles (160 kilometers) up the coast" from Los Angeles, according to AFP. A family spokesperson told agency that the couple and their children have "settled into the quiet privacy of their community."
The Riven Rock estate
The estate Harry and Meghan bought in Montecito is called Riven Rock. The mansion has nine bedrooms, sixteen bathrooms, and costs an estimated $14.65 million dollars, according to the Mail Online.
A house that surprises even the media
'The Cut' visited the Windsor/Mountbatten/Markle home and interviewed Meghan Markle. The publication wrote that it is hard to remember that 'unimaginable wealth is actually someone’s daily reality'.
Like the super rich 'dressing down' in denim
'It evokes a classic Tuscan villa, a Napa vineyard, and a manicured Beverly Hills country club decorated with careful, considered coastal tones for a casual air — the home equivalent of billionaires dressing down in denim,' The Cut's description of the family home continued.
Designed to never leave home
"Surrounded by lush green gardens and overlooking the sea, the home has been described as a 'hidden paradise,'" the Daily Mail reports. "One estate agent who spent an hour inside said it was 'designed for someone who never wants to leave home.'"
Image: Italian Villa,
Lots of things to do for the children
For Archie and his sister, the 7-acre estate has its own little children's cottage, a swimming pool, a playground, and a chicken coop.
A peak into their backyard
The couple's Christmas message in December 2020 gave a glimpse of the family's garden. Its drawing was based on a photo taken by Meghan Markle's mother. It depicts Archie's playhouse in an ample yard, the three Sussexes (Lili not yet born), and their two dogs: Guy the beagle and Pula the black labrador retriever.
A small guest house in the garden
Meghan Markle's beagle, Guy, was already hers before she met Harry. She rescued him from a shelter. "Guy's been through everything with me," Markle told Oprah. "I had him in Canada." Now he is in Montecito with her and Pula, pictured here while Markle talks to Gloria Steinem for 'Makers Women' on Instagram. Filmed in August 2020, they are seated in front of a picturesque wooden bower in the couple's garden.
The chicken coop
There's also the chicken coop. Oprah went in with Harry and Meghan to feed the 'girls,' as Meghan called them. The couple rescued the animals from a factory farm. "I just love rescuing," Meghan said; and Harry added: "She's always wanted chickens." The coop is called 'Archie's Chick Inn,' but it is as much a haven for Meghan as for her son.
Archie's Chick Inn
Asked by Oprah what she's most excited about in her new life, Meghan said: "I think just being able to live authentically. Right? Like this kind of stuff. It’s so, it’s so basic, but it’s really fulfilling. Just getting back down to basics."
"Living authentically"
Not everyone would call a 14-million-dollar mansion "basic," but in the lusciously green hillside of the quiet town, hidden from British tabloid photographers, it may feel that way.
Romantic images
The mansion looks rustic in some ways - at least if you forget about the luxurious amenities and the five-car garage on the inside. A recent photo of the family, with Meghan and Harry hugging their nearly-2-year old son, shows a lush garden and an age-old tree in the background while the couple stands barefoot on the loosely trimmed lawn.
Image: Misan Harriman, Instagram
Ivy-covered walls and stone-pillared gates
Based on photos by its previous owners on rental site, the Daily Mail describes the house as an Italian-style villa with "ivy growing up the façade and blue shutters." It's surrounded by "5.4 acres of land and immaculately clipped hedges" which border the estate's "stone-pillared entry gates."
Out on Butterfly Beach
But there is more to the area than just their home. The Sussexes love to go out and explore the landscapes and beaches of Montecito. "This year has been crazy for everybody," Harry told Oprah. "[We now] have outdoor space where I can go for walks with Archie. We can go for walks as a family and with the dogs, and we can go on hikes. We’ll go down to the beach, which is so close.
Archie loves the beach
Archie often joins his parents for a walk with the dogs on the beach. In fact, a source told People magazine, Archie "is best friends with his dogs. They make him laugh and are gentle with him."
Image: 'Oprah with Meghan and Harry,' CBS
The city of Santa Barbara boasts that Montecito is the kind of town that treats famous people like anyone else. "Celebrity isn’t celebrated as much as it’s merely sensed," they say, "and famous residents and regular townsfolk shop, dine, and hobnob together." The city recommends visitors "do what the locals do: hang out on a sunny restaurant patio, read the paper, and don’t make a fuss if you see a famous face."
'Locals will play it cool around Meghan and Harry'
"While the recent arrival of Harry and Meghan considerably ups the ante in our laid-back town, locals will play it cool, keep their distance, and let them live the next chapter of their regal, yet relaxed, coastal lifestyle in relative peace," the city says.
Stars feel like 'regular' people
"One of the biggest reasons celebrities love Santa Barbara is because they’re able to feel like 'regular' people and don’t get hassled by locals or by paparazzi," the city adds. "You won’t find any celebrity home sightseeing tours here."
American Riviera
One of the reasons for this normality is that the Sussex family will be no richer than the average Montecito resident. The town and surroundings of Santa Barbara are the more upscale ones of California. The city describes them as "the American Riviera" and says that "no other town does luxury or exudes an effortlessly chic vibe like Montecito."
The city of Santa Barbara says that Montecito has drawn "movers and shakers from around the world" since the 1880s for a luxurious and romantic vacation. Among the town's illustrious places is the San Ysidro Ranch resort, "where American royalty John and Jackie Kennedy honeymooned."
Spanish and
Italian-style houses
Houses in Montecito are generally designed according to the classic Spanish and Italian style of its first inhabitants. The Colonial Revival style dates from the 1920s when the town's elite idealized the atmosphere of old Spanish California.
Security risks?
British and U.S. media, such as The Guardian and Fox, have reported that the police were called to the Sussex's mansion several times in the past nine months. But the entire neighborhood is now under watch with organized theft becoming a local issue. Well, the area is like a tree of ripe apples for a thief...
A neighbourhood of stars
The community of Montecito near Santa Barbara is a rich neighborhood. While not necessarily a showbiz enclave, it does have a handful of celebrities in its midsts like Oprah Winfrey, Rob Lowe, and Ellen DeGeneres.
More celebrities are moving in
Other stars in Montecito include Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Brad Pitt, and Ariana Grande. What's more, recently Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were reported to have bought a house of their own in Montecito.
Are they selling the house?
It might not be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's neighborhood for much longer though! Their mansion in Montecito is allegedly for sale. According to The Mirror and The Daily Mail, Harry and Meghan are thinking about moving to another place.
An upgrade?
The couple has been looking at properties in Hope Ranch, about 10 miles away from Montecito. If possible, it is even more affluent than their current address: Hope Ranch is home to billionaires and one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Santa Barbara.?
More popular in California than in Britain
Generally, the Sussexes are more popular in California than they've ever been in Britain. Americans have a history of rebelling against the English monarchs, and they've known Meghan Markle as an actress in 'Suits'. When choosing between Buckingham Palace or this young celebrity couple, they will favor the latter.
“Queen Máxima has to save the Dutch monarchy”
Queen Maxima
The popularity of the Dutch royal family has reached an all-time low. Especially during the pandemic, the royals have made several missteps. The royal family now counts on Máxima to boost their popularity. But Máxima remains calm: “I continue to work and if that helps to improve the image, that’s fantastic. But first, I just have to do my work well”, Queen Máxima says.
Prince Harry gives a very personal and detailed version of events
The memoir proves to be a no holds barred record of his 'Megxit,' or 2020 departure from Royal life with his American actress and wife, Meghan Markle. But there is much, much more. Let's take a look at the fifteen most shocking revelations from his very personal and detailed version of events.
1. Harry got frostbitten in a delicate place
In an incredibly intimate anecdote, Harry recounts in his memoir how during a trip to Antarctica before William's marriage, he was frostbitten by his male member, which he further explains was circumcised. Details we can only imagine his family is thrilled to have in the public domain.
2. Harry reveals his kill number while serving in Afghanistan
It is widely known that Harry served as an Apache helicopter pilot in the British Army, but the lives taken by the Duke of Sussex were not publicly known during his time in Afghanistan. Harry has clarified this in his memoir: "so my number is 25," he writes.
3. Harry claims the Prince and Princess of Wales laughed at his 2005 Nazi costume
In 2005, Harry dressed as a Nazi for a Halloween party, sparking worldwide outrage. Harry claims William and Kate, the Prince and Princess of Wales, "howled with laughter" when they saw his costume and encouraged him to wear the Nazi costume instead of a pilot's uniform.
4. Then Prince Charles pleaded for his sons to reconcile at his father's funeral
At his father's funeral, Philip the Duke of Edinburgh, Charles begged his sons to reconcile, saying: "Please, boys. Don't make my final years a misery," according to Harry's memoir.
Harry claims that he and William feared Camillia would become their "wicked stepmother," and both begged their father not to marry her after the death of their mother.
6. Harry explains who really made who cry before the wedding
Harry claims Meghan upset Kate with a comment stating she must have "baby brain" from the then-recent birth of Prince Louis. Harry furthers that Meghan's heavy reprimand from William and Kate for her inappropriate comment caused the infamous sister-in-law fallout before the wedding, leaving the American bride in tears.
7. The Princes Harry and William had a physical altercation
Harry writes in his memoir that a physical altercation ensued between the brother princes. Harry explains that his older brother William, the Prince of Wales: "grabbed me by the collar, ripped my necklace, and knocked me to the floor."
8. Harry claims to have received a message from the late Princess Diana
The Duke of Sussex writes: "a woman who claimed to have powers" received a message from his late mother, Princess Diana, saying he was "living the life she couldn't, the life she wanted for you."
9. Harry replicated the late Princess Diana's last journey through Paris tunnel
While visiting Paris for the 2007 Rugby World Cup semi-final, Harry had his driver take him through the Pont de Alma tunnel in Paris, replicating the tragic last journey of his mother, Princess Diana, from 20 years earlier in 1997.
10. Harry lost his virginity to an older woman behind a pub
In a detailed story, the Duke of Sussex recounts how he lost his virginity at 17 years old to an older woman while attending Eton College, in Windsor, behind a "very busy pub." He says the woman treated him like "a young stallion."
11. Prince William pointed his finger in Meghan Markle's face
Harry recounts in his memoir that during an argument between William and Meghan, William pointed a finger at her, saying: "Well, it's rude, Meghan. These things are not done here." To which Meghan responded: "If you don't mind, keep your finger out of my face."
12. Prince William allegedly had issues with Meghan Markle from the start
Harry recounts that in an argument between the two brothers, Prince William allegedly called American Meghan Markle "rude," "difficult" and "abrasive."
13. Harry reveals the nicknames of the two brothers
In his memoir, Harry reveals the nicknames of the two brothers: Willy for Prince William and Harold for Prince Harry. (Although Harry's real name is Henry.)
14. Harry admits to illegal drug use
The Duke of Sussex admits to taking illegal drugs: cocaine, magic mushrooms, and cannabis. He wrote that the cocaine use was "not fun and it did not make me feel as happy as it seemed to make others, but it did make me feel different, and that was my main gain. To feel. To be different."
15. King Charles III allegedly called his son, Harry, his 'Spare'
Harry's explanation of his memoir's title leaves no one off limits, even his father, the King. The Duke of Sussex claimed his father, the then Prince of Wales, told his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, upon his birth: "Wonderful! Now you've given me an heir and a spare, my work is done!"
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15 shocking revelations from Prince Harry's memoir, 'Spare' (
Psychologist: Media coverage of Prince Harry's book is the perfect example of 'bad news sells' Story by Dr Jolanta Burkev
BRITAIN’S PRINCE HARRY has a been in his bonnet about the media.
His consistent message through the Netflix series, ITV interview and the book are that the British media and the royal family’s manipulation of the media led to his wife’s mental health decline and Harry’s subsequent departure from his royal role.
While we can only debate the accuracy of news coverage about Meghan and Harry, a more critical question is whether the issue of media bias that Prince Harry tries to highlight impacts not only him but also your well-being as a reader, listener and viewer of the news.
It is no secret that negative news sells. Our brains are attracted to the bad news as our main objective is survival. Anything that threatens our survival is red-flagged, so we pay attention to it first. However, is it possible that while the papers sell, we are the ones who pay the price of the negative news we watch, listen to and read?
Grind of daily news
Let’s take as an example the Covid-19 pandemic. Depending on the media outlet, the news about it was presented as negative (resulting in feelings of despair), neutral (facts) or positive (offering hope).
In an experiment conducted at the height of the pandemic, people watching negative news reported a significant decline in positive emotions and resilience. Yet, at the same time, those watching the same news presented positively increased their experiences of positivity.
Even though positive emotions are fleeting, they are essential. They create an accumulative effect which helps us spiral up or down. It impacts our long-term outcomes, resulting in better problem-solving, motivation to connect with others, and less worry 24 hours later.
This is why decreasing positive emotions offers a temporary benefit and has a potentially significant long-term impact on our mental health.
Last week, from the leaked Spanish version of Prince Harry’s book “Spare”, the media selected a handful of controversial stories to report. One of them was the number of people Harry killed during his deployment in Afghanistan.
It drew criticisms from his former friends, military authorities and even the Taliban leaders. By the end of the next day, the media reported a national threat to the UK citizens’ security incited by Prince Harry’s comments. Regardless of the real threat, the headlines sold millions of newspapers, resulting in even more clickbait.
But how did the people reading the news feel that day? Even though I live in Ireland, I felt worried. The memories of past terror attacks flooded back, and the fear I experienced when visiting London during one such attack. Suddenly, I found myself speaking ill of Harry for ‘acting so irresponsibly’.
It was only then I stopped myself and realised that my emotions were spiralling down. I was increasingly upset about the situation, yet the threat was not real. Perhaps there is a threat and it may happen in the future, but it is not happening now. This was just speculation fuelled by the media in response to what Harry wrote in his book and I was being sucked in. So I turned the TV off.
My experience is similar to the research findings showing that women, in particular, may experience higher stress levels when exposed to negative news. The actual news piece did not increase their stress hormone, cortisol. However, when they were exposed to stress later that day, their cortisol levels shot up higher compared to those not exposed to the negative news, leading them to experience more physiological stress overall that day.
Mindful of impact
While we need more research with larger groups of participants showing us similar results, the preliminary findings suggest that watching the negative news dampens our psychological and emotional strength making us more vulnerable to adverse outcomes. At the same time, we know that positive news does not have the same effect on us.
Is there another way for news outlets to sell the news and protect us from the adverse effects of what they present? The answer is yes.
Increasingly more outlets focus on presenting news positively in a way that inspires and enthuses people rather than focusing on the harmful outcomes that threaten them. As such, researchers found that presenting news in a positive way increases their positive emotions.
At the same time, some news is hard to present positively, given they are about very adverse events or issues. So, to soften the approach and help readers, listeners and viewers experience more positive emotions, negative stories with silver linings are shown to do the job.
Thus, it is not enough for the media to report Prince Harry’s unnecessary mention of the number of soldiers he killed and develop the story into a serious threat to public safety. Instead, considering how what he said can help us inform future communication from veterans might offer that silver lining needed to soften the message.
Harry’s book has caused a stir in the media. To balance the negative news, it would be good to see how his family discord that has played so publically may have helped other families connect.
It would be good to consider the importance of forgiveness amid this bitter conflict. It would also be good to hear how sibling rivalry gets resolved in other families rather than writing about how bad the relationship between Harry and William is. It is time to see the other side of the news.
Dr Jolanta Burke is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Positive Psychology, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Caroline Flack's agent calls Harry 'gross' for writing about their romance 'to sell his book' ( lifestyle/family- relationships/harry-my-family- helped-drive-me-and-meghan- out/ar-AA167rV1?ocid=msedgntp& cvid= 11e6f10aa7e34ade8e68eaeb451a5f 5e
Prince Harry last night accused fellow royals of being ‘complicit’ in the ‘pain and suffering’ inflicted on his wife. In a bombshell interview to plug his memoir, he suggested they helped to ‘trash’ his and Meghan’s reputations, forcing them to move to California.
The prince’s astonishing claims came in a 90-minute discussion with ITV presenter and old friend Tom Bradby. However, he sensationally conceded that he believes his family were not racist, although he believes them guilty of ‘unconscious bias’.
He also backed Queen Elizabeth’s former lady in waiting, Lady Susan Hussey, who was embroiled in a toxic race row last month, saying she ‘never meant any harm’.
Harry’s memoir, Spare, will be published tomorrow, although extensive leaks and three high-profile interviews in 24 hours mean much of its content has been disseminated already.
1. Accuses his family of a ‘really horrible’ reaction to him after Queen Elizabeth’s death and of showing ‘absolutely no willingness to reconcile’;
2. Says he chose not to fight back against his estranged brother William in an infamous altercation because he has sought therapy;
3. Concedes that, while he loves his father, Charles wasn’t great at single parenthood;
4. Admits Meghan and Kate didn’t get on from the ‘get-go’ but claims there was a lot of media stereotyping;
5. Says that during one row Kate was ‘gripping edges of a chair so hard her fingers turned white’;
6. Admits William didn’t outright try to dissuade him from marrying Meghan but warned him ‘this is going to be very hard for you’;
7. Justifies his book and last month’s Netflix documentary as important for ‘historical fact and significance’;
8. Claims a lot of things are ‘unexplained’ about his mother’s death and believes the paparazzi chasing her should have been held to account;
9. Pledges a life-long war against the media, accusing the Press of trying to drive competition between members of the royal family;
10. Described as ‘horrific’ an article by Jeremy Clarkson in which he said he dreamt of Meghan being paraded through the streets naked with excrement being hurled at her;
11. Says he is happy now but still believes there can be a reconciliation with his family – as long as they take accountability.
Harry uses the interview to again parade his widely-dismissed theories that the UK press had an agenda against him and Meghan and Buckingham Palace colluded in this by leaking and placing negative stories about them.
He says this was typified by events surrounding his grandmother’s death in September, when he travelled up to Balmoral separately from the rest of the family amid confusion about whether Meghan should join him.
Harry said: ‘The day that she died was – was – was just a really, really horrible reaction from my family members and then by all accounts, well certainly from what I saw and what other people probably experienced, was they were on the back foot and then the briefings and the leaking and the planting.
‘I was like “We’re here to celebrate the life of granny and to mourn her loss, can we come together as a family?”’ He also claims that ever since he started dating Meghan, he received little help or support in trying to combat the negative stories about her. c
Extraordinarily, he says their decision to quit as working royals was wrongly attributed to them wanting to make money, even though the couple themselves said they wanted to pursue financial opportunities outside the royal family and have secured multimillion media deals.
He adds: ‘The level of planting and leaking from other members of the family means that in my mind they have written countless books.
‘Certainly millions of words have been dedicated to trying to trash my wife and myself to the point of where I had to leave my country.
‘The distorted narrative is that we wanted to leave to go and, you know, make money. We were dedicated to a life of service, as is proven by everything that we’re doing now with the work that we do.
‘And the proposal was very much on the table, publicly, which is we can’t cope in this situation and we’re gonna put our mental health first, we’ve asked for help and support.
At that time I didn’t fully understand how much – or how complicit the family were in that pain and suffering that was happening to my wife, and the one group of people that could’ve helped or stopped this from happening were the very people that were – that were encouraging it to happen.’
Harry insists he had no choice but to ‘separate’ from his family but says he has tried to have a ‘constructive’ conversations with them.
However, he says it seems to suit them if he and Meghan are painted out to be ‘the villains’. He grandly says he hopes a family reconciliation will have a ‘ripple effect’ across the world: ‘Maybe that’s lofty, maybe that’s naïve, whatever. But I genuinely feel that.’
He is also defensive about including a raft of prurient details in the book such as losing his virginity to an older woman in a field behind a pub, saying it was just ‘four lines’.
Caroline Flack's former manager has called Prince Harry 'gross' for writing about his romance with the late presenter in his memoir.
Alex Mullen, creative director at APM Media, which represented Ms Flack prior to her death in 2020, criticised the prince for recounting details of the 'tainted' affair in his forthcoming book Spare.
He wrote on Instagram: 'Gross for Prince Harry to reveal such private details about Caroline Flack. The way the press spoke about her at that time and the reason they split are both very sad and it's gross he's using her name to help sell his book.'
Mr Mullen added: 'The royal family need to strip him of all titles now.'
Harry, who briefly dated Ms Flack in 2009, wrote that they broke up after media interest in her and her family.
The prince said he didn't know who the presenter was when they were first introduced but described her as 'funny, sweet and cool'. He wrote: 'Very soon after they papped me and Flack, those photos set off a frenzy. Within hours a mob was camped outside Flack's parents' house, and all her friends' houses.
'She was described in one paper as my "bit of rough", because she once worked in a factory or something. Jesus, I thought, are we really such a country of insufferable snobs?'
The late Love Island presenter, who took her own life at the age of 40, wrote in her 2014 memoir, Storm In A C Cup, that the romance between the two had been sparked after she and Harry spent an evening 'chatting and laughing' with one another.
Mr Mullen also hit out at the prince for bringing up 'old long forgotten slurs she had to suffer in full view of the public around the world'.
He wrote: 'Harry's decision to remind all of the terrible things said about her to help sell his appalling book is grotesque.'
Prince Harry and Meghan' crossed the waters for a quiet life...
Or so it seemed. Harry and Meghan have put their quiet life in Montecito behind and have opened up to the world in a range of media to explain their side of the story. From interviews to Netflix docuseries and now memoirs, the pair have sought all kinds of ways to expose their truth.
Reveal-all tv shows and books
Now, with the release of Harry’s controversial memoir, the public, papers, and the palace have reacted to their media offensive. Here are the most scathing criticisms (and supporting praise) of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Reveal-all tv shows and books
Now, with the release of Harry’s controversial memoir, the public, papers, and the palace have reacted to their media offensive. Here are the most scathing criticisms (and supporting praise) of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
What do the public say?
The Mirror created a poll, asking its readers to vote. The question was ‘Will you be reading Prince Harry’s memoir?’ The results are, without doubt, clear - No.
91% will not read the book
The poll at the time showed that only 9% of the public would be reading Prince Harry’s memoir, ‘Spare’; whilst 91% are outright refusing. Perhaps it’s not a true representation of the British public in general but the statistics here leave a clear message.
50% off
The book was already on half-price sale pre-release. Not a good sign for the future of the sales for this memoir.
‘Washing dirty linen’
There are some shocking revelations within Harry’s memoir that the public and press haven’t taken too kindly to. In fact, Gaby Hinsliff, writer for The Guardian, scathingly said that the book moved beyond issues of "awkward public interest" into the "washing of dirty linen” in public.
A ‘sour cherry on the rancid cake’
An exceptionally blistering critique came from Jan Moir, writer for the Daily Mail. Adding together the many interview, books, and TV shows, finally called the book the "sour cherry on the rancid cake."
More scathing comments by the world’s press
The Daily Mail also published a column written by A.N. Wilson who called the book "calculated and despicable" and a work of "malice."
'Spewing out poison'
Wilson wrote in the Daily Mail, "Having made the idiotic decision to 'go public' about his rift with the royal family, Harry was no doubt under enormous pressure... to spew out as much poison as possible… But it has cast him in an appalling light. And whatever he intended, it makes us sympathise not with him, but the Royal Family."
Harry told to shut up by Twitter users
The public themselves were not too happy, either. The hashtag #ShutUpHarry began trending on Twitter after the memoir’s revelations were leaked.
Harry kept the details to himself before release
Even Harry’s friends are struggling to come to terms with the outspoken, reveal-all strategy of the Sussexes. Royal expert Nick Bullen spoke to US Weekly and explained that Harry hadn’t told his friends much about the content of the book before its release. But they had an opinion all the same.
Harry’s friends ‘concerned’ about ‘how far’ he is going?
Bullen continued to say that Harry may have lost the support of his old pals. He said, "those who were very close to him in the U.K. in the past are slightly concerned about how far he’s going." The comment was made about the extent of the exposure of a family as well as the number of books, tv shows, and interviews to make his point.
Stop 'for your own good,' Harry
The Sun newspaper also reports that Harry’s friends have urged him to "stop for his own good."
Bad reactions to his recollections of the Afghan war
Harry’s comments in the memoir about killing 25 people in Afghanistan got a lot of criticism as well. He likened his targets to removing ‘chess pieces’ from a board. Readers from both the military and the general public aren’t happy about it. These casualties were people with families, they say; not chess pieces.
William may not ever forgive Harry
Sympathy for the young prince, but no excuse
That is precisely the same reaction The Sun had over the whole book release. The paper writes that, although many can sympathise with Harry (due to his drama at the loss of his mother), he cannot "justify the destructive, vengeful path he has chosen, throwing his own family under a bus for millions of dollars.
‘No one trusts Harry anymore’
Tensions must surely be high in the palace. A source told ET that "no one in the family trusts Harry anymore." In fact, the interview hints Harry himself knows "these types of personal revelations have crossed a line."
Could this have been solved another way?
The source also made an interesting point about how they believe the royal family would react if Harry had approached them directly: "If Harry genuinely wanted to work things out, of course people would listen."
Why did it take five years before Kate Middleton spoke to Elizabeth?

Kate Middleton
Did you know that it took 5 years before Kate Middleton officially met Queen Elizabeth? Kate and William were already dating for 5 years when she was officially introduced to the Queen in 2003, when William celebrated his 21st birthday. Before, Kate Middleton and Queen Elizabeth did not have any contact, even though they were both seen at the same event. The Queen, however, wanted to be absolutely sure that Kate was the one for her grandson.?
Kate Middleton
The most beautiful photos of Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton
The most beautiful photos of Kate Middleton
Prince Harry admits he needed a digital detox after obsessing over posts about his wife
In what could easily be viewed as one of his most tame confessions in the last few weeks, Harry told the host that he sought out articles about Meghan so he could 'educate' himself on the public's opinion of her.
While he may have thought this was the best thing to do to look out for his wife, Harry ultimately realised this was a poor choice and has since gone on a 'digital diet.'
'I was obsessed. I was specifically looking for stories about my wife so that I could educate myself on the opinions that were happening and things that were being said so that I could try to fix it,' he said in front of a live studio audience.
'But I think you know, now for me, I've weened myself off that because I was slightly addicted to it and now I have a digital diet and as much as I worry about what I put in my mouth, I worry about what I put through my eyes as well and my life is so much better for it.'
It seems the Duke of Sussex may have earned himself a few new fans as when he concluded his confession he was met by rapturous applause from the audience.
Harry's appearance on the American talk show is the latest stop in his media tour after his memoir Spare was released with folks rushing to pick up a copy as soon as it hit shelves.
The tell-all (and we mean ALL) book has sold over a million English language copies so far. For a man concerned with privacy, his latest project has spilt everything, from brotherly battles to that frostbite story.
Speaking to Stephen about the process of writing Spare as a 'cathartic' experience and that while he was the 'most vulnerable' he had ever been before, the project left him feeling stronger than before.
While we have all seen the headlines certain extracts of the novel have made, the prince has condemned the British press for intentionally choosing to 'strip the context' away.
Pointing to one particular story they have written extensively about, Harry spoke about the number of people he killed in Afghanistan and how he claims the media have turned it into a 'dangerous lie.'
'Without a doubt, the most dangerous lie that they have told is that I somehow boasted about the number of people I killed in Afghanistan,' he said.
'If I heard anyone boasting about that kind of thing, I would be angry but it's a lie. It's really troubling and very disturbing that they can get away with it...My words are not dangerous - but the spin of my words are very dangerous to my family. That is a choice they've made.'
UFO sighting reports skyrocketed to over 360 since 2021A new declassified US government report on UFO sightings by US troops has revealed hundreds of new cases
UFO sighting reports skyrocketed to over 360 since 2021
510 reported sightings in total
The US National Intelligence office is now aware of 510 reported sightings in total, with 366 being reported after the 2021 spy agency’s assessment, when they had compiled 144 cases.
Hundreds of sightings remain unexplained
Nearly half of the new sightings were deemed "unremarkable" and attributed to human origins, according to the report. However, more than 100 of the encounters remain unexplained.
Images that have no logical explanation
The Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence of the US, Scott W. Bray, was the one who presented UFO sighting images, during which, he pointed out to one of the images saying: "I don't have an explanation about what this object is."
Extraterrestrial origin?
Bray stressed that US intelligence teams have yet to discover anything of "non-terrestrial origin" in any of these incidents, as no organic or inorganic material, or unexplained debris has ever been recovered. And no attempts have been made to communicate with the objects nor have they received any communication attempts from them.
A threat to national security?
US congressmen were concerned about these incidents being threats from other countries through the use of unknown technologies. However, the possible extraterrestrial origin of the events was in the mouths of the entire audience.
The mystery continues
The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Ronald Moultrie (in the image), admitted, in statements collected by BBC News, that they have not been able to give a reasonable explanation for some of the incidents registered in their database.
Non-existent means of propulsion
The United States military assures that the objects that have starred in these UAPs (unexplained aerial phenomena), all of them registered in this database, seem to have no means of propulsion, something that is technically impossible to decipher.
UFO-related incidents
According to information published by BBC News, out of 400 UFO-related incidents reported in the United States, 11 almost ended in accidents with American planes. Similar events have also occurred in Canada.
Area 51: the myth
The belief that Area 51 is a military base cover for alien research has been mythologized by pop culture over the years. It is said that, somewhere amid the Nevada desert, there's a guarded underground lab where the US government keeps and studies captured UFOs, and possibly aliens themselves.
The Roswell Incident
In 1947, Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release stating that they had recovered a "flying disc", but they quickly retracted the statement saying that the crashed object was a conventional weather balloon. Ufologists then began promoting conspiracy theories, claiming that one or more alien spacecraft had crashed and that aliens had been recovered by the military, who engaged in a cover-up, contributing to the Area 51 myth.
Bob Lazar's statements
In 1989, a man named Bob Lazar claimed to have worked at Area 51 and, according to his testimony, saw pictures of aliens there. He assured that the United States Government used the facilities to examine UFOs. However, he never presented conclusive evidence about these claims.
Breaking the myth
Seth Shostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), maintains, according to the BBC, SAID that the evidence for the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial presence at Area 51 is "poor and anecdotical". "Eyewitnesses are the worst kind of evidence" he said in a SETI video.
The Shag Harbor Incident
In 1967 there was a reported impact of an unknown large object that crashed on Canada's Atlantic coast before the eyes of some fishermen. It was the so-called 'Shag Harbor incident', which even motivated the Royal Canadian Mint to issue a commemorative stamp. Image: Shag Harbor UFO Incident Society
A warm welcome for aliens
The fever for ufology in Canada has even led to the construction of a UFO landing strip in St. Paul, a small town in Alberta. It is an elevated platform of 30 tons built in 1967, which was the idea of the former mayor of the city, Jules Van Brabant, and which was inaugurated by Paul Hellyer, former Minister of National Defense.
Image: Official website of the City of St. Paul
Declassified cases of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
Conspiracy theories and anecdotical constructions intended to welcome extraterrestrial civilizations aside, the latest news about "unexplained aerial phenomena" makes extraterrestrial contact a feasible possibility.
Avi Loeb, the man who has chaired the Department of Astronomy at Harvard for the longest time, assured in an interview with The Independent that he is convinced that humanity will find aliens and that he will be able to witness it
Oumuamua: alien technology or a simple asteroid?
In his 2021 book 'Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth', Avi Loeb ventures that Oumuamua, a space rock the size of a football field, that was only visible from Earth for 11 days, could be some kind of technology built by aliens and not a comet or an asteroid.
There has already been one confirmed sighting, according to Avi Loeb
Avi Loeb said to The Independent: "Oumuamua's extreme dimensions, disconcerting brightness, ship-like motions and spectacular acceleration of 87 kilometers per second as it left the solar system", convinced him that it was the first sighting humanity had of intelligent extraterrestrial life by locating an object that is, presumably, alien technology.
The last time the UFO issue reached the United States Congress
Before the 2022 public hearing, the last time these issues were discussed in the United States Congress was in 1966, in two sessions convened by Gerald Ford (who years later would become president). At the time, he talked about a UFO sighting that took place in Michigan and had numerous witnesses.
The investigation of that incident was called 'Project BLUE BOOK' by the US Air Force. At first, what happened was explained by attributing it to swamp gas and, finally, the investigation was closed by concluding that it was not possible to confirm what object had been seen and that, in any case, it did not pose a threat to the security of the country.
The Pentagon's investigation
In 2017, several US media such as The New York Times, CNN and The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon was trying to investigate UFO sightings by army pilots who claimed to see them almost on a daily basis and that they had even interfered with nuclear weapons facilities.
The Trump administration report
Following a request from the United States Congress in 2020, the Donald Trump administration promised to publish a report on the information it had on UFO sightings after several unexplained cases in the last two decades
Declassified incidents
Just a year later, in 2021, the US Director of National Intelligence released a report saying he had no explanation for dozens of UFO incidents, a figure well below the 400 that have been declassified this year
Is there life on other planets?
Are UFOs displays of extraterrestrial technology? Foreign powers doing infiltration work? Or something else that we cannot conceive? Maybe some day we’ll have the answer.