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Who/What rules the world?
'...There is no defense against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists..' ..... Christopher, a retired English High Court Judge and 31st Degree Scottish Rite Freemason
As Gore Vidal once said:
"It doesn’t actually make any difference whether the President is Republican or Democrat. The genius of the American ruling class is that it has been able to make the people think that they have had something to do with the electing of presidents for 200 years when they’ve had absolutely nothing to say about the candidates or the policies or the way the country is run. A very small group controls just about everything".
Deep Underground Miliary Areas - DUMA's
You Must See This
Money 97 Per Cent Owned By Bankers - How Is Money Created?
Conspirators Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman
Who Really Runs America And The World Part One
Growing evidence Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter's overseas 'business grift'
The investigation into Hunter Biden's dubious overseas business practices has widened, with congress now putting it on its official record during a hearing on Tuesday. Sky News Australia
Our Strategy: Adaptability—The Rockefeller Foundation
The physicist Steven Hawking defined intelligence as “the ability to adapt to change.” This holds for intelligent philanthropy as well. Despite this, philanthropy has a reputation for being slow-moving and resistant to changing course. Today, challenges are dynamic and ever-changing—by the time a workable solution is in hand, conditions have often changed. That is why the ability to adapt and respond to change is a key component of The Rockefeller Foundation’s strategic approach.
Glen Kealy
Glen Kealy On The Farm In Conversation
Murder Of Glen Kealey - 2019 Glen Kealy Conference
How To Commit Murder by Jennifer Ann Kealy
First, Glen Kealy's border, Tom Bybridge was murdered at Kemptville District Hospital vy the use of poison they keep on their premises, I was illegally removed from Canada without a judge's order and no warrant issued by the OPP. The OPP passed onto our property and assaulted, battered and kidnapped me, and turned me over to the CSBA, who follow directions from outside Canada, and state they are the Government of Canada (see Syria, Lebanon and Iran).
Followed by hydro one, fraudulently generating phone bills for thousands of dollars and using it to shut off the electricity to the house. Then transferring this bill to Hydro, from the pole in the back field and shutting the electricity off.
Then in June, 2019, $900 was stolen out of Glen Kealy's Pension on a monthly basis so:
1. Removal of source of income
2. Removal of wife caregiver
3. Removal of hear, light, ability to cook and store food, stopping any running water and stop toilet working or being able to pump water away from the house which was being damaged by the bad weather
4. Removal of money for food.
The Cover Up is that Glen Kealy was falsely alleged to having liver cancer, when the truth is that Glen Kealy was being poisoned ...
The Hallett Report No5 on Illegitimacy Royal Family
Historical Crime Solving Non Fiction
How Bankers Made Billions From The End Of The British Empire
The Pandora Papers
How The Super Rich Hide Their Billions Around The World
Watch Now Horrifying Future Stop The
They Are Tracking You With Your Money
Christine Martin Discusses the Builderberg Group
and Who Really Runs The World
Part One of Four
Christine Martin Discusses the Builderberg Group
and Who Really Runs The World
Part Two of Four
Christine Martin Discusses the Builderberg Group
and Who Really Runs The World
Part Three of Four
Christine Martin Discusses the Builderberg Group
and Who Really Runs The World
Part Four of Four
David Wynn Miller- Quantum Language Grammar Syntax Seminar 2012 AGUILA
CIA's Nugan Hand Bank Part 1
CIA's Nugan Hand Bank Partying Falcon's Trip -
The Rio Grande And The Mediteranian Connection Part 2
CIA's Nugan Hand Bank Partying Falcon's Trip -
The Rio Grande And The Mediteranian Connection Part 3
CIA's Secret War In Laos Documentary -
Laotian Civil War And U.S. Government Involvement
CIA's Secret War 8mm HOME MOVIES From The Secret War In Laos
CIA's Most Secret Place On Earth-
http://iraqwar.mirror-world. ru/article/126995
Christopher at 31st Degree Scottish Rite Freemason and former High Court Jude while being interviewed bt writer Matin Short added...' Masonic doctors can also be used..'
Christopher continue for about half an hour to list examples of the ways in which corrupt members of the Brotherhood could defeat opposition..' ... those in power in Freemasons Hall knew something of what went on, but they felt defeated by it and preferred to look the other way rather than take steps to eradicate it...' ... Christopher said... if Christopher and his group failed for force the issue into the open, the organization would become so morally polluted that it would simply cease to exist...' Christopher also said ..we are not solely concerned with the Brotherhood .. it was the victims of those who used masonry as a source of personal power who has to be helped as well...
Christopher also said ..'..only the fighters have a hope of beating the system once it's at work against them' ..'Most people, fighters or not, are beaten in the end, though ,,It' see... you finish up not knowing who you can can get no help because your story sounds so paranoid that you are thought a crank, one of those nuts who think the whole world is a 'conspiracy' against 'them'. It is a strange phenomenon...Bt setting up a situation that most people will think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a person's life... if they give in they go under... if they don't give in... it is only putting off the day they go under...because if they fight, so much unhappiness will be brought to the people around them that there will likely come a time when even their own families and close friends turn against them out of desperation.... when that happens ..... and they are without friends where ever they look...they become easy meat... the newspaper will not touch them or their story...
'...There is not defense against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists..'
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger WHO Insider Whistleblower
On Bill Gates And GAVI Part 1
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger WHO Insider Whistleblower
On Bill Gates And GAVI Part 2
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger WHO Insider Whistleblower
On Bill Gates And GAVI Part 3
China's USA Takeover
Evidence that Chinese Military discussed coronaviruses as a bio-weapon
China Whuhan Lab Caused Covid-19 Crossroads Investigation
Don’t underestimate the number of people and organizations
with a vested interest-in COVID 19's longevity
Rothschilds Wealth History
Bill Gates and GAVI have completely immune from
police prosecution and investigation in Switzerland
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger WHO Whistleblower
Exposes Suspicious Activities Of Bill Gates and GAVI
What woman could resist or refuse sexual advances from the Most Powerful Man In The World ...Bill Gates who has complete immunity from police or criminal prosecution in Switzerland, who is working on becoming his own country called BillGatesitan
Rothschilds Wealth - Tavistock Society 33rd Degree Freemason List
What On Earth Will It Take by THRIVE
Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names:
Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn.are responsible for over 3 billion mass murders in the last 250 years through their manipulation, finance and control of wars and conflicts, starvation, malnutrition, slavery, famine, holocausts, genocide, ethnic cleansing, disease and other methods are set to be indited in the International Court of Justice as the biggest war criminal the world has ever known after 30 years on investigations have been complete by a special investigation team funded by the real Jewish business people whose families were murdered in Death Camps by poisons originally designed to kill insects made and produced in factories belonging to these evil criminally insane Mass Murderers
1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state, "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."
By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, "Age of the Rothschilds," it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.
Rothschild Banking Family Friends and business associate’s murderess control of over three billion deaths on the planet earth for over 250 years. These people control the central banks in most major countries around the world which includes The USA Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia, the Federal Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Canadian Federal Reserve Bank and many more. In fact, there is only about six large countries they do not control the central banks of which includes Iran. That is of the many reasons why they are determined to make war against Iran which will be the third world war, which will be used to create chaos and fear by everyone in the world so that everyone willing agrees to their One World Order plan with One Government, One Army and One Bank to control the world with everyone on the world will willingly have Micro Chips implanted in them which will track their every move on the planet and have all their personal information and money on these RDIF Radio Tracking Chips. In anyone wants to complain about the way the world is run by these powerful elite, then they will simply just term off their chip, and they will not be able to buy food, obtain transport, get into their house, or do anything else as the whole of society will be based around the use of these microchips. They have already named this "The Brave New World" which one of their paid authors Arthur Huxley stated in in book.
Rupert Murdoch is well paid job in the master plan was to fool the world by hiding all the important information from everyone as he controls most of the world’s mainstream media outlets owning millions of newspapers, internet websites like MySpace , magazines, book publishing, and film companies through his multi-billion dollar company News Corp financed on Rothschilds Money… and keep the masses entertained with page three girls and other fun stuff like the Simpsons which his partners complete their plans to enslave the world with a one world government, were everyone is micro chipped and all the food has had most its important nutrients and minerals removed from it as well as implanted with the pesticides and bovine growth hormones to a level large and dangerous level ,so that billions of people will die from starvation and/or disease because they are not getting the correct nutrients and minerals in their food and are being poisoned with high levels of poisons pesticides and bovine growth hormones and genetically modified food Rupert Murdoch's last main job was to help David Cameron's Tory Party gain power in Britain through his control on the media in the UK, who has promised to sell him the BBC, as the BBC was the last truly well financed independent media out let it the world that would stand in their way in obtaining their one world government agenda.
Annie Jacobsen - Operation Paperclip
The Paperclip Conspiracy
"The Battle for the Spoils and Secrets of Nazi Germany"
by Tom Bowler
This thrilling book reveals for the first time, the calculating ruthlessness of those who, after five years of bitter war, openly began fighting amongst themselves about the profits and plunder of victory.
The pawns in the middle were the men, machines and secrets of the Third Reich, but the ultimate victors were the Germans themselves....
"..The Paperclip Conspiracy was the climax of an astonishing battle between the Allies in the aftermath of war to seize the spoils of Nazi Germany: a successful plot by senior officers in the Pentagon to rewrite the wartime record of brilliant German scientists, Men who were classified as 'ardent Nazis' were chosen - just weeks after Hitler's defeat - to become 'respectable' American citizens....Some in Britain, too, conspired to employ Nazis, seeing that as their last hope for economic recover, but were opposed by outraged politicians and officials. While they argued, their erstwhile Allies advantageously hired the most incriminated Germans - the French and the Russians took on anyone regardless of their crimes, and the Americans, through a taut web of deceit, sanitised the murderous record of Nazi scientists. Forty years on, using a wealth of interviews with those involved, as well as newly released government documents, Tom Bower's extraordinary book reveals for the first time the despair, lies and calculating ruthlessness of allied politicians, officers, civil servants and businessmen who, after five years of bitter war, openly began fighting amongst themselves about the profits and plunder of victory. The pawns in the middle were the men, machines and secrets of the Third Reich, but the ultimate victors were the Germans themselves....Neil Armstrong's epic landing on the moon in 1969 was courtesy of two groups of Germans: Werner von Braun's rocket team, which had approved slave labour to build the V2 rocket, and the German aviation doctors whose pioneering experiments had included fatal tests on the inmates of Dachau. The Paperclip Conspiracy, by widely acclaimed author of Blind Eye ot Murder and Klaus Barbie, is not only a skilful investigation into on of the most sinister aspects of the war, but a powerful thriller in its own right...."
This is an account of the Allied treatment of Nazi war criminals and the failure to de-Nazify Germany. Despite the growing avalanche of evidence after 1939 about Nazi Germany's deliberate extermination policies, the British Foreign Office refused to implement Churchill's orders to organize an effective post-war programme to hunt down and prosecute the perpetrators. That disinterest was matched by the State Department in Washington. Both governments even seemed disinterested when their own POWs were victims. In the early 1960s, the truth was discovered - that, of approximately 150,000 known mass murderers, only about 30,000 had been prosecuted, the vast majority in Eastern Europe. The three Western Allies were to blame. They had deliberately turned a blind eye to murder.
The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight –published 1984
The Dissidents – Chapter 16 _ages 140 to 149
One of my major sources of information was a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who has withdrawn form masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.. her agreed to be interviewed by me through a third party concerning his conviction that no active Christian could in all conscience remain a Freemason…
When I met him I learned he was a judge, and a particularly quick-tempered one .. I asked him about the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third degree, he answered quickly: ‘Nom I dare not go into that’, her said ….’we’d better stick to religion… I thought immediately afterwards how strange it was he had used the words ‘dare not’, Most people said, ‘I’d better not’, or ‘I’d rather not’… I remarked on his used of the world. He said, ‘Anyone in public life has to be cautious.’ ..’Cautious’.. I repeated. “That’s a Masonic word of recognition.”..
He then said, ‘You’ve obviously delved into the ritual, so you know…..’
… ‘Mr Knight, I don’t like this line of questioning. I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with Masonic religion …. I do not wish to be drawn into discussion of matters covered by whatever undertakings I have … taken…
I went on to tell the judge ..’I have heard form quite a lot of contacts about organized action groups of Freemasons that have resulted in the financial or social ruin of certain people, ‘ I said..
The judge replied.. ‘So have I’…’ ..still looking me st5raight in the eye as if telling me this was an important issue and point of fact…’ So have I Mr Knight… No of such happenings which had the backing of official Freemasonry, but of actions which were unofficial, in other words, Masons abusing the Craft for their own ends..’…’You know the answer to that form what I have said.. ‘I have also heard about people who have .crossed’ certain masons and finished up in prison…’ He then stopped me in mid-sentence by placing a finger on his lips ... ’if I told you everything about Freemasonry, being betrayed by its members, it would surprise you… it would make your hair stand on end … I can’t tell you any more..’ he said…then he said.. Give me your phone number, you might hear from someone in a few days…’… His finger went back to his lips and he went to fetch my coat .. as he left he said, ‘God Bless’…
A few days later received as phone call from a man calling himself Christopher whom I ended up having along meeting at his private club and he showed me his papers to show him bona fide ID and Freemason membership… I asked him what a person might have to fear from a group of influential Freemason if circumstances made him, for instance, a threat to them in the business world; or if he discovered they were using masonry for corrupt purposes; or had fallen victim of their misuse of Freemasonry and would not heed warnings not to oppose them…
He replied..’.. It is not difficult to ruin a man,’ he said, ‘And I will tell you how it is done time and time again.. there are more than half a million Freemasonry Craft Brethren (In 1883) just in England and Wales and over 400,000 in Scotland (in 1983) under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge.. Standards have been falling for twenty or thirty years, it is now too easy to enter the Craft, so many men of dubious moral have now joined the Craft… about 12-13% abuse the Craft for selfish and/or corrupt ends.. (that is about 60,000 in England and Wales and about 40,000 in Scotland)..
Note: Christopher was one of a small and unpopular group within Masonry who sometime in the early 1970’s had decided that either they had to get out of the Brotherhood or they had to do something ‘to stop the rot’, which the ‘blinkered officers of Great Queen Street refuse to admit was there..’
This group wanted pressure brought to bear on those in positions of responsibility within the Brotherhood to put Freemasonry’s house in order.. to instate proper policing, to close down Lodges used for shady dealings and to root out corrupt brethren and expel them, they also wanted the whole business of Masonic secrecy looked into by Grand Lodge, most of them believing that secrecy was more harmful than helpful to Masonry..
Christopher explained that Masonry’s nationwide organization of men from all walks of life provided one of the most efficient private intelligence networks imaginable, private information on anybody in the country could be accessed very rapidly through endless permutations of Masonic contacts in the police, magistrates, solicitors, bank managers, Post Office staff (‘very useful is supplying copies of a man’s mail’), doctors, government employees, bosses of firms and nationalized industries etc. etc. …. A dossier of personal data could be built up on anybody very quickly.. when the major facts of an individual’s life were known, areas of vulnerability would become apparent…
I asked what action might be taken?..
“ Solicitors are very good at it…Get your name involved in something legal it need not be serious and you have him,, Solicitors are past masters a causing endless delays, generating useless paperwork, ignoring instructions, running up immense bills, misleading client into taking decisions damaging to themselves etc..
‘Masonic police can harass, arrest on false charges, and plant evidence.. ‘ A business man in a small community or a person in public office arrested for dealing in child pornography, for indent exposure, or for trafficking drugs is at the end of the line..’
‘Masons can bring about the situation where credit companies and band withdraw credit facilities form individual clients and tradesmen, said my informant..Banks can foreclose ...
People who rely on their telephone for work can have it cut off for long periods ... Masonic employees of councils can arrange for a person's drains to be inspected and extensive damage reported etc ..this burdening the person with huge repair bills; workmen carrying out the job can 'find' - very conveniently- further damage ..a fair legal hearing is lard to get when a man in ordinary circumstances is in financial difficulties .. legal aid applications can be delayed endlessly...Employers can be given private information about a man who had made himself an enemy of Masonry ... at worst he will be dismissed and/or consistently passed over for promotion....
Christopher added...' Masonic doctors can also be used..'
Christopher continue for about half an hour to list examples of the ways in which corrupt members of the Brotherhood could defeat opposition..' ... those in power in Freemasons Hall knew something of what went on, but they felt defeated by it and preferred to look the other way rather than take steps to eradicate it...' ... Christopher said... if Christopher and his group failed for force the issue into the open, the organization would become so morally polluted that it would simply cease to exist...' Christopher also said ..we are not solely concerned with the Brotherhood .. it was the victims of those who used masonry as a source of personal power who has to be helped as well...
Christopher also said ..'..only the fighters have a hope of beating the system once it's at work against them' ..'Most people, fighters or not, are beaten in the end, though ,,It' see... you finish up not knowing who you can can get no help because your story sounds so paranoid that you are thought a crank, one of those nuts who think the whole world is a 'conspiracy' against 'them'. It is a strange phenomenon...Bt setting up a situation that most people will think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a person's life... if they give in they go under... if they don't give in... it is only putting off the day they go under...because if they fight, so much unhappiness will be brought to the people around them that there will likely come a time when even their own families and close friends turn against them out of desperation.... when that happens ..... and they are without friends where ever they look...they become easy meat... the newspaper will not touch them or their story...
'...There is not defense against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists..'
Report: Microsoft investigated Gates before he left board
NEW YORK (AP) — Board members at Microsoft Corp. made a decision in 2020 that it wasn't appropriate for its co-founder Bill Gates to continue sitting on its board as they investigated the billionaire’s prior romantic relationship with a female Microsoft employee that was deemed inappropriate, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
A Word on the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020? The vaccine announced by Pfizer is based on an experimental gene editing mRNA technology which has a bearing on the human genome.
Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted?
Or did Pfizer “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.”
This caricature by Large + JIPÉM explains our predicament:
Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”,
Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”
Barely reported by the media: “Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.”
“Rest assured”, the vaccine is “safe”. According to the FDA:
the deaths are said to raise no new safety issues or questions about the vaccine’s effectiveness”.
Mainstream Politics Offer Pretend Revolutions To A Discontented Publicby Caitlin Johnstone |
Listen to a reading of this article:
In 2008 the American public was fed up with the disastrous status quo politics of George W Bush, so they came together and elected a progressive candidate who campaigned on hope and change to replace him.
But no progress happened; the hope and change never came. Barack Obama continued and expanded all of his predecessor's most depraved policies at home and abroad, and it wasn't long before the initial elation wore off and the illusion that things were looking up evaporated. It was as if Bush had never left office.
Worn out and disgusted by crushing neoliberal policies at home and murderous neoconservative policies abroad, Americans elected a political neophyte who ran on a populist platform which criticized both Bush and Obama. Trump promised to "drain the swamp", end the wars, and fight the establishment in the interests of ordinary people. This time for sure there would be change.
But the wars kept going, and the swamp got even fuller, and the US empire kept chugging along on the same trajectory it had been on throughout the Bush administration and the Obama administration. Despite all this, the Democratic Party and its allied media institutions acted as though some drastic deviation from the norm had taken place, insisting that the United States had been plunged from a free democracy respected around the world into an isolationist fascist dystopia.
In order to stop fascism, the American people had yet another people's uprising against the corrupt status quo and... elected Obama's vice president. Lifelong corporate crony and empire lackey Joe Biden now sits in the White House, advancing all the same murderous, oppressive, exploitative, authoritarian policies as his predecessors, as a result of the latest fake, decoy revolution against tyranny.
And that's all mainstream electoral politics ever is in the US empire: a fake, decoy revolution staged for the public every few years so that they don't have a real one. A symbolic ceremony where the public pretends to cast the abusive status quo into the sea so they feel like the battle against their oppressors has been won. And then their oppressors just keep right on oppressing them.
Every few years the public gets to choose between two reliable lackeys of the oligarchic empire, and then all of the evils of that empire get pinned upon the winner. The public then directs their rage at the lackey rather than the actual power structure which has been oppressing them, after which they have another election to rid themselves of the scoundrel once and for all. They hug, they cry, they celebrate, and the oppression machine continues completely uninterrupted.
As Gore Vidal once said:
"It doesn’t actually make any difference whether the President is Republican or Democrat. The genius of the American ruling class is that it has been able to make the people think that they have had something to do with the electing of presidents for 200 years when they’ve had absolutely nothing to say about the candidates or the policies or the way the country is run. A very small group controls just about everything."
That small group is the plutocratic class whose legalized bribery and propaganda machine has immense influence over US politics, as well as the imperial war machine and special interest groups with whom the plutocratic class is allied. It is necessary to form coalitions of support within that power cluster if one wants to become president in the managed democracy that is the United States, and no part of that power cluster is going to support a president who won't reliably advance the interests of the oligarchic empire.
From this point of view, the oligarchic power cluster is essentially running its own employees against each other and having them promise to end the injustices which are inextricably baked in to the oligarchic empire. Americans live in a totalitarian state whose most important elections are rigged from top to bottom, and they're fed news stories about Evil Dictators in other countries rigging their elections to remain in power.
Politicians cannot change the status quo to one which benefits ordinary people instead of their oligarchic owners, because the oligarchic empire is built upon the need for endless war, poverty, and oppression. You cannot have a unipolar global empire without using violent force (and the threat of it) to uphold that world order, and you cannot have a plutocracy without ensuring that a few rulers have far more wealth control than the rank-and-file citizenry.
For this reason, even politicians who run on relatively progressive-sounding platforms are themselves a part of the fake decoy revolution unless they demand a complete dismantling of oligarchy and empire. The politicians who present themselves as progressives in America today offer only light opposition to some aspects of empire and oligarchy, in effect merely supporting an oligarchic empire that gives Americans healthcare. Since keeping Americans poor, busy and propagandized is an essential dynamic in the hub of a globe-spanning oligarchic empire, this is a nonsensical position; the oligarchs don't want ordinary Americans to have money to burn on campaign donations and free time to research what's really going on in their world, because then they might meddle in the gears of empire. A power structure built upon economic injustice will never permit economic justice.
The door to meaningful change in America via electoral politics has been closed, locked, bolted, welded shut, and barricaded with a metric ton of solid steel. The only thing that can cause an end to the oppression and exploitation is an end to the oligarchic empire, and the only thing that can cause the end of the oligarchic empire is direct action by the American people: mass-scale activism, general strikes, and civil disobedience the likes of which the nation has never before seen, in sufficient numbers to bring down the plutocratic institutions which maintain the status quo.
The problem is that this will never happen as long as Americans are being successfully propagandized into being content with their fake decoy revolutions. There is a zero percent chance of electoral politics leading to an end of the empire, but a concerted effort to spread awareness by those who understand what's going on just might.
All positive changes in human behavior are always preceded by an expansion of awareness, whether you're talking about awareness of the consequences of one's addiction leading to their getting sober or an expansion of awareness of the injustices of racism leading to racial justice laws. Making people aware that the mass media are lying to us about what's real, aware of the horrors of war, aware of the underlying dynamics of the economic injustice which is grinding Americans into the dirt, that can lead to a chain reaction which sees the collective using the power of its numbers to shrug off the chains of oppression as easily as you remove a heavy coat on a warm day.
What's needed is for the people to awaken to the truth. An entire empire is built upon a pair of closed eyelids.
WHO Whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a health scientist who does research, training and teaching in public health. Early on in her career, she began working with the World Health Organization, doing research which she says was “science for politics.”
Dr. Richard Day RockefellerInsider in 1969 made Predictions for the Worlds Future - Tape2
Dr. Dunegan reveals not just “WHAT” is intended for America and all people in the world, but “HOW” the controllers intend to carry out their plan.
(Video source:
WHO Whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger Exposes
Suspicious Activities Of Bill Gates And GAVI
Dr.AstridStuckelberger_WHOInsider WhistleOnBillGatesAndGAVIP2
During the 41st session of the committee Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, a Swiss health scientist and researcher, blew the whistle on the inner workings of the WHO, where she worked for 20 years.
In a stunning confession, she says Switzerland is the center of corruption, and that GAVI and Bill Gates have total immunity from everything they do.
She talks about the “suspicious” activities of Bill Gates and the reservations she has about the actions of the WHO, GAVI and Gates.
Worse, when the pandemic began, she found that many breaches to international health regulations were occurring, and more.
The rules under which countries work with WHO virtually put WHO in charge of all rules and formal edicts and announcements — with Gates being right there as part of the executive board like an unofficial member state, making decisions that affect the entire world.
According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself.
The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.
Bill Gates funded and British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has created a system called “Performance based funding” whereby they financially punish nations based on their compliance or non-compliance to vaccination programs.
However, the figure of GAVI’s vaccine related deaths is much higher and according to Madhav Nalpat, the Director of the Department of Geopolitics & International Relations at Manipal University, critical drugs produced by Big Pharma have resulted in as many as 38 million premature deaths.
The BMGF funds international NGOs such as GAVI and PATH, which follow its policy of favouring the brands produced by US-EU companies such as Ely Lilly, Pfizer, GSK, Merck, Novartis and other such companies known for the high price of several of the medicines marketed by them.
Although exact figures are difficult to come by, a health expert claimed that the “intolerably high prices of critical drugs produced by Big Pharma have resulted in as many as 38 million premature deaths in underdeveloped countries during the past decade”, and that this figure would have been “much more in case civil society groups in Europe had not agitated successfully for entry to cheaper substitutes from India for several extortionately priced drugs for killer diseases produced by pharma conglomerates in the developed world”.
GAVI is also associated with the British Eugenics Movement as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust and other manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine like AstraZeneca and Oxford University.
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Illuminati Vowed In 1969: ‘Travel Will Be More Difficult’ | The Irish Sentinel
Posted by admin | Mar 21, 2021 | Latest, Technetronic Era | 0 |

Humans Are Free
Like sheep, humanity had better adjust to constant harassment as long as it tolerates Illuminati control of all important government and social institutions.
On March 20, 1969, Rockefeller insider Dr. Richard Day (1905-1989) gave a speech to the Pittsburgh division of the American Medical Association in which he predicted:
“Travel… would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn’t have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID… later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual.” (Tape two)
Dr. Richard Day Rockefeller Insider in 1969
made Predictions for the Worlds Future - Tape2
Dr. Dunegan reveals not just “WHAT” is intended for America and all people in the world, but “HOW” the controllers intend to carry out their plan.
Although prohibited, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan made notes and related the contents of the speech to Randy Engel who made them available on tape.
Dr. Dunegan reveals not just “WHAT” is intended for America and all people in the world, but “HOW” the controllers intend to carry out their plan.
Dr. Day, left, said: “Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now …”
“Some of you will think I’m talking about Communism. Well, what I’m talking about is much bigger than Communism!” “Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it.”
“Next heading to talk about is HEALTH & DISEASE. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable — at least for a long time.”
No elaboration wa
s made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering,
“Is this … was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?”. Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.”
Day also covered topics such as:
• People will have to get used to change — everything will change, constantly
• The REAL and the “STATED” goals
• Population Control
• Permission to have babies
• Redirecting the purpose of sex — sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex
• Sex education as a tool of World Government
• Encouraging homosexuality… Sex, anything goes
• Euthanasia and the “Demise Pill”
• Limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating the elderly easier
• Planning the control over medicine
• Elimination of private doctors
• Suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control
• Inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination
• Education as a tool for accelerating the onset of puberty and pushing evolution and MUCH, MUCH MORE
The complete transcript of these tapes are available here.
As long as the masses refuse to acknowledge the Illuminati conspiracy, they will continue to be complicit in their own destruction.
For months on end in 2010, we have been bombarded with propaganda about the Swine Flu. Millions have been vaccinated. Billions of profits have been made. These vaccines might have been harmless. Who knows about the next? What we do know is that, generally speaking, Swine Flu proved to be less dangerous than seasonal flu.
Then, recently for over a week, we were bombarded with hysteria about weather change (aka “climate change.”) The Club of Rome concocted this bogeyman back in the 1980s.
We must regard official society as a brainwashing chamber where we are being subjected to trauma-based mind control. Other traumatic events from the last decade include 9-11, the Tsunami, Hurricane Katerina, the great Northeastern power black-outs, the financial meltdown, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s been a good decade for the Illuminati. Society is far more fearful and pessimistic, far more willing to accept totalitarian control.
In the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the author writes that their goal is: “To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosities, feuds, famine, inoculation of diseases, want, until the Gentiles sees no other way of escape except by appeal to our money and our power.” (Protocol 10)
“We will so wear out and exhaust the Gentiles by all this that they will be compelled to offer us an international authority, which by its position will enable us to absorb without disturbance all the governmental forces of the world and thus form a super-government.” (Protocol 5)
Harold Rosenthal who was a member of this cabal boasted that they even implanted a “guilt complex” over the holocaust and anti-Semitism that prevents society from addressing the threat.
Through control of banking, they acquired a total monopoly of “the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media…we took over the publication of all school materials… Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers…we will have complete control of your thinking.”
We “have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We, Jews, toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.”
It would be great if the problem could be confined to “Jews” but literally everyone who advances the New World Order agenda wittingly or unwittingly is implicated, and that is, millions of people, i.e. the “Establishment.”
The Illuminati central banking cartel controls government credit, media, banking, corporations, education, professional associations, justice, military… you name it. They use Freemasonry as their instrument. Recently, I posted an article about how they control the US Black community using the Masonic “Boule.” The same principle applies everywhere.
Society operates on two rails. The formal — the image of a democracy ruled by law that dupes the masses and ensures their cooperation. The informal — the Illuminati club, which actually makes the decisions regardless of what’s happening on the formal level. The informal infiltrates the formal until the latter is merely a mask for the former.
Want to succeed? Join the club of secret Satan worshipers. That’s what Barack Obama did.
In a post May 29, 2009, Emily Gyde, an Illuminati defector who claims to be the real author of the Harry Potter series, says Obama told her this:
“I remember PRESIDENT OBAMA talking to me about how he had joined the ILL CULT – he didn’t want to – but he described himself as just an ordinary guy who wanted to take a wage packet home… that is how it was… he didn’t want to end up on the streets… at the end of the day, it was all about money… you had to have it to live… if he hadn’t joined the ILL CULT… he would have been disbarred… he wouldn’t have got a job… wouldn’t have been able to live… that’s how a lot of people get conned into joining the ILL. You are young, you want to prove yourself in life — you are told that you will ‘never get a job’ if you don’t… the ILL prove how powerful they are.”
When I was a sixties radical, we used to think people who worked for the Establishment had sold their souls to the devil. I didn’t imagine it was literally true, as the Illuminati are Satan worshippers, so you’re unwittingly working for his disciples.
The world has been colonized by this Satanic cult. What we are experiencing, while trying to maintain some civilized traditions over Christmas, is their relentless attempt to induct us into their cult as mind-controlled servants.
Bill Cooper: The most dangerous 911 video
Rare William Cooper Interview (Full Length) + Cooper Predicting 9/11
Milton William Cooper, a.k.a. Bill Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001), was an American writer, shortwave broadcaster. Cooper came to public awareness in the late 1980s.
The son of a U.S. Air Force officer, Cooper graduated in 1961 from Yamato High School in Japan, and enlisted in the U.S. Air force. He was honorably discharged in 1965, and enlisted in the U.S. Navy in December of that year. He served in Vietnam, rising to the rank of petty officer. Cooper was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal with combat V and the Navy Achievement Medal with combat V. He was honorably discharged in 1974.
He hosted a short-wave radio programme called The Hour of the Time (WBCQ worldwide short-wave 7.415 MHz (0300 to 0400 UTC) Monday through Thursday nights).
A Clinton White House memo labelled him “the most dangerous radio host in America”.
Report: Microsoft investigated Gates before he left board

The fear campaign has served as an instrument of disinformation.
Global Research
In the course of the last eleven months starting in early January, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic.
Media lies sustained the image of a killer viruswhich initially contributed to destabilizing US-China trade and disrupting air travel. And then in February “V- the Virus” (which incidentally is similar to seasonal influenza) was held responsible for triggering the most serious financial crisis in World history.
And then on March 11, a lockdown was imposed on 193 member states on the United Nations, leading to the “closure” of national economies Worldwide.
Starting in October, a “second wave” was announced. “The pandemic is not over”.
The fear campaign prevails. And people are now led to believe that the corona vaccine sponsored by their governments is the “solution”. And that “normality” will be restored once the entire population of the planet has been vaccinated.
A Word on the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020? The vaccine announced by Pfizer is based on an experimental gene editing mRNA technology which has a bearing on the human genome.
Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted?
Or did Pfizer “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.”
This caricature by Large + JIPÉM explains our predicament:

Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”,
Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”
Barely reported by the media: “Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.”
“Rest assured”, the vaccine is “safe”. According to the FDA:
the deaths are said to raise no new safety issues or questions about the vaccine’s effectiveness”.
And why do we need a vaccine for Covid-19 when both the WHO and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed unequivocally that Covid-19 is “similar to seasonal influenza”.
The plan to develop a vaccine is profit driven. It is supported by corrupt governments serving the interests of Big Pharma. The US government had already ordered 100 million doses back in July and the EU is to purchase 300 million doses. It’s Big Money for Big Pharma, generous payoffs to corrupt politicians, at the expense of tax payers.
In the following chapters, we define the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the controversial RT-PCR test which is being used to “identify the virus” as well establish the “estimates” of the so-called “positive cases”.(Chapter II)
In Chapter III, we examine in detail the timeline of events since October 2019 leading up to the historic March 11, 2020 lockdown.
We assess the broad economic and social consequences of this crisis including the process of Worldwide impoverishment and redistribution of wealth in favour of the Super Rich billionaires.(Chapter IV and V)
Big Pharma’s vaccination programme which is slated to be imposed on millions of people Worldwide is reviewed in Chapter VII.
Chapter IX concludes with an analysis of the World Economic Forum’s proposed “Great Reset” which if adopted would consist in scrapping the Welfare State and imposing massive austerity measures on an impoverished population.
This E-Book is preliminary. There is a sense of urgency. People Worldwide are being lied to by their governments.
A word on the methodology: our objective is to refute the “Big Lie” through careful analysis consisting of:
- A historical overview of the Covid crisis,
- Scientific analysis and detailed review of “official” data, estimates and definitions,
- Analysis of the impacts of WHO “guidelines” and government policies on economic, social and public health variables.
Our objective is to inform people Worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a pretext and justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries.
This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: 7.8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings Worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.
WHO Whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a health scientist who does research, training and teaching in public health. Early on in her career, she began working with the World Health Organization, doing research which she says was “science for politics.”
As a writer, she published 10 books, and more than 170 scientific articles, policy papers, governmental, European Commission or UN reports.
As her career advanced, she started getting asked by politicians to organize events in public health. And then, in her capacity working with research ethics for WHO, she was asked by Geneva University to work on international health regulations in 1999.
She also worked with Georgetown University and others to be ready for a pandemic and to act quickly in the event one happened.
The Corona Investigative Committee
The Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Investigative Committee) in Germany is an independent platform for medical issues and ethics led by Dr Reiner Füllmich.
Dr. Füllmich is a leading lawyer in Germany and California, specialising in the prosecution of fraudulent corporations, including what may become the world’s largest global court case against all the protagonists in the so-called ‘Covid scandal’.
It was because of his efforts that a German court in a landmark ruling has declared that COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by the government are unconstitutional. Thuringia’s spring lockdown was a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives,” the court said, justifying its decision.
During the 41st session of the committee Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, a Swiss health scientist and researcher, blew the whistle on the inner workings of the WHO, where she worked for 20 years.
In a stunning confession, she says Switzerland is the center of corruption, and that GAVI and Bill Gates have total immunity from everything they do.

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She talks about the “suspicious” activities of Bill Gates and the reservations she has about the actions of the WHO, GAVI and Gates.
Worse, when the pandemic began, she found that many breaches to international health regulations were occurring, and more.
The rules under which countries work with WHO virtually put WHO in charge of all rules and formal edicts and announcements — with Gates being right there as part of the executive board like an unofficial member state, making decisions that affect the entire world.
Watch these video of the 41st session of the Corona Investigative Committee below:
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Christine Martin Discusses Builderberg and Who Runs The World - Part Three
Christine Martin Discusses Builderberg and Who Runs The World - Part Four
Earlier, GreatGameIndia reported how GAVI controls the coronavirus reponse of nations operating like a Vaccine Cartel.
How British Vaccine Cartel GAVI Dictates India’s Coronavirus Response
British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has managed to infiltrate India’s healthcare policy-making thereby gaining a strategic position to dictate India’s response to coronavirus. GAVI is largely led by the British government and Bill Gates. While the UK is GAVI’s largest funder, its implementation follows what is known as the” Gates approach”. Known as the Vaccine Cartel or Pharma Cartel by critics, its vaccines have been accused of causing atleast 38 million premature deaths worldwide.
Dr. Harsh Vardhan joins GAVI
Recently, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, India’s Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare was nominated by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) as a member on the GAVI Board.
Dr. Harsh Vardhan will be representing the South East Area Regional Office (SEARO)/ Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) constituency on the GAVI Board. The seat is currently held by Mr. MyintHtwe of Myanmar. Dr. Harsh Vardhan will be representing India from 1stJanuary 2021 until 31st December 2023.
The GAVI Board is responsible for strategic direction and policy-making, oversees the operations of the Vaccine Alliance and monitors programme implementation. With membership drawn from a range of partner organisations, as well as experts from the private sector, the Board provides a forum for strategic decision making, innovation and partner collaboration.
WHO’s Polio Initiative in India
Dr Harsh Vardhan introduced several of the key polio elimination initiatives as health minister of Delhi in 1994. Many of his initiatives were scaled up across the country and also adopted by other countries. Dr Harsh Vardhan was awarded Director-General’s Polio Eradication Champion Award Commendation Medal by the World Health Organization in 1998.
However, the WHO’s Polio eradication program may not have gone so smoothly as is being projected, as GreatGameIndia reported in our earlier piece Bill Gates Agenda in India.
The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.
Bill Gates funded and British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has created a system called “Performance based funding” whereby they financially punish nations based on their compliance or non-compliance to vaccination programs.
However, the figure of GAVI’s vaccine related deaths is much higher and according to Madhav Nalpat, the Director of the Department of Geopolitics & International Relations at Manipal University, critical drugs produced by Big Pharma have resulted in as many as 38 million premature deaths.
The BMGF funds international NGOs such as GAVI and PATH, which follow its policy of favouring the brands produced by US-EU companies such as Ely Lilly, Pfizer, GSK, Merck, Novartis and other such companies known for the high price of several of the medicines marketed by them.
Although exact figures are difficult to come by, a health expert claimed that the “intolerably high prices of critical drugs produced by Big Pharma have resulted in as many as 38 million premature deaths in underdeveloped countries during the past decade”, and that this figure would have been “much more in case civil society groups in Europe had not agitated successfully for entry to cheaper substitutes from India for several extortionately priced drugs for killer diseases produced by pharma conglomerates in the developed world”.
GAVI is also associated with the British Eugenics Movement as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust and other manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine like AstraZeneca and Oxford University.
For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.
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5+ NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Epidemic
While the debate continues as to the true count of infected people due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, several sinister agendas are being pushed out.
Is the coronavirus an opportunity or excuse for the authorities to roll out long-desired schemes of control and manipulation?
While the coronavirus epidemic continues,
with people debating on both sides whether it is being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to consider what agendas – and I mean which NWO agendas – are being rolled out using the epidemic as a cover or pretext. As I covered in my last article The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup, with these kind of outbreaks, there is always a dual motivation for authorities: the motivation to hype and the motivation to downplay because both approaches serve the ruling class in different ways. Deception is a hallmark of government (including Chinese government foreknowledge), and clearly all the more so in an emergency, so it is always going to be hard to trust whatever news or stats are coming from official sources. Regardless of the virus’ true origins and virulence, we can say for sure that there are several agendas being pushed as you read these words. It’s the same old Hegelian dialectic strategy of problem-reaction-solution, and whatever the reality is on a microbial level, the world’s population has the perception of a problem, so the ruling class has another opportunity to make their order out of chaos. Below are 5+ NWO agendas being carried out due to the coronavirus epidemic.
1. Centralized Control of Information, i.e. Censorship and Narrative Control
Quite a few of the speakers at the Event 201 simulation (hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center in partnership with World Economic Forum [WEF] and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) spoke of the need for the centralized control of information during a pandemic, including one speaker Lavan Thiru (described as a Monetary Authority of Singapore) who mentioned “a step up from the part of the government on enforcement actions against fake news.” There were some who said Big Tech is a no longer a platform but a broadcaster and must be made to combat fake news. Another speaker in typical fashion demonized conspiracy theories. Here is a quote directly from the simulation/make-believe event (which came true 6 weeks later):
“Disinformation and misinformation are wreaking havoc … pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the … virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines, and have seen public faith in their products plummet. Unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging is rising, and is exacerbating spread of the disease as levels of trust fall, and people stop cooperating with response efforts. This is a massive problem, one that threatens governments and trusted institutions.
National governments are considering or have already implemented a range of interventions to combat misinformation. Some governments have taken control of national access to the internet; others are censoring websites and social media content, and a small number have shut down internet access completely to prevent the flow of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests.”
The plan is to continue the censorship which Big Tech has been spearheading for years now, using the excuse of harmful “fake news” by claiming that the dissemination of false information during an emergency is a bigger problem than usual and must be stopped. Here are some other quotes from the event:
“I do think that there needs to be sort-of an honest broker, a centralized command-and-control organization that really brings together the public-private sector, both on a global approach and also on a local approach …”
“Yes, I agree, and I wanted to speak to the point about having the honest broker, and I think in this regard the United Nations fits the bill … “
“It’s important that the UN and WHO remain very clear, but when they challenge governments directly, they often get into this issue of sovereignty, and so I think it’s really important not to have that as the only response … it’s really critical to remember soft power influence …”
That last statement reveals yet again a dominant NWO agenda in so many arenas of life: narrative control.
2. The Cashless Agenda
The cashless agenda is a long-term NWO scheme that goes hand in hand with transhumanism, i.e. the digitization of everything in society, including things like money, information and life itself. Power-hungry control freaks – the types of people that gravitate towards government – love the idea of a cashless society because then every single economic transaction can be traced, which allows authorities to build an even more complete picture of who you are so as stop any possible disobedience or revolution before it happens. It also increases governmental revenue via taxation. As this Activist Post article highlights, China has jumped on the opportunity to forward the cashless agenda by claiming that paper money must now be taken out of circulation due to the possibility that it could contain traces of COVID-19 and therefore contribute to the spreading of the coronavirus.
3. Martial Law Quarantines
Governments love martial law scenarios, because normal human rights are suspended. Authoritarian China has been lauded by many globalists such as the late David Rockefeller as a model for the New World Order. Some of the photos and videos coming out of China showing the police state there have been horrific. Another crisis, another opportunity for the government to see how much they can get away with under the banner of fighting the virus.
4. Mandatory Vaccination
The coronavirus epidemic has provided a good excuse for governments round the world to introduce one of their favorite NWO agendas – mandatory vaccination. The reason why this agenda is particularly so well liked is that it allows authorities access to the human body – and not just the citizen’s body, but his or her bloodstream too. truthfully, we have no idea what is in that needle when it gets injected, so all sorts of things could be implanted in our bodies without our knowledge or consent.
Coincidentally (or not), China passed a law on June 29th 2019 that rolled out a national mandatory vaccination program. Coincidentally (or not), the law went into effect on December 1st 2019, just weeks before the coronavirus epidemic became a worldwide news story. Here is the article:
“On June 29, 2019, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China) adopted the PRC Law on Vaccine Administration (Vaccine Law). The official Xinhua news agency states that the Law provides for the “strictest” vaccine management with tough penalties in order to ensure the country’s vaccine safety … The Law mandates the launching of a national vaccine electronic tracking platform that integrates tracking information throughout the whole process of vaccine production, distribution, and use to ensure all vaccine products can be tracked and verified (art. 10). According to the Law, China is to implement a state immunization program, and residents living within the territory of China are legally obligated to be vaccinated with immunization program vaccines, which are provided by the government free of charge. Local governments and parents or other guardians of children must ensure that children be vaccinated with the immunization program vaccines … The Law will take effect on December 1, 2019.”
I also have to wonder about the implications when we have so-called experts like Ralph Baric who are pointing out that this coronavirus epidemic may include asymptomatic carriers (as in this story of the 10-year-old Chinese boy who had no symptoms but allegedly tested positive for COVID-19). This may be helpful information, but it also adds fuel to the mandatory vaccine fire so to speak, because then the authorities claim that they have to vaccinate everyone to protect society due to all these possible hidden asymptomatic carriers that could pop up and infect everyone. By extension, mandatory vaccination may also include DNA vaccines and microchipping (see next).
5. Bill Gates’ ID2020: Digital Identification via Microchipping
As David Icke says, if Bill Gates is involved in it, it’s bad for humanity. NWO point-man Gates has been heavily pushing GMOs and vaccines for years (including slipping up and admitting that vaccines contribute to population control); he was part of Event 201 that simulated the coronavirus epidemic before it happened; he “didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with” Jeffrey Epstein; so now we have to ask how else this sold-out NWO frontman is benefiting from the virus. Turns out the answer may be found in yet another globalist project Gates has been promoting: ID 2020. This is the human microchipping agenda, repackaged. It sells itself as “a trusted and reliable way” to fulfill a “fundamental and universal human right” – safeguarding your identity both online and in the physical world. This article reports:
“The ID2020 Alliance, as it’s being called, is a digital identity program that aims to “leverage immunization” as a means of inserting tiny microchips into people’s bodies. In collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also known as GAVI, the government of Bangladesh and various other “partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief,” the ID2020 Alliance … wants all humans to be “vaccinated” with digital tracking chips that will create a seamless monitoring system for the New World Order to manage the populations of the world with ease.“
“While the ID2020 program’s testing grounds are primarily in the Third World, the group says it’s also now working with governments here in the United States to start microchipping people through vaccination. In Austin, Texas, for example, the homeless population is now being exploited as a collective guinea pig for ID2020’s microchip vaccination program, which the group claims will help to “empower” homeless people by supposedly giving them “control” over their personal identity data. “The City of Austin, ID2020, and several other partners are working together with homeless people and the service providers who engage with them to develop a blockchain-enabled digital identity platform called MyPass to empower homeless people with their own identity data,” writes Chris Burt for ID2020 is also jabbing refugees with its microchip vaccinations through two inaugural pilot programs known as iRespond and Everest.”
Since Gates was obviously intimately involved in planning this outbreak and ensuring his companies have the patents and vaccines for the newly released virus, is he also planning on using the coronavirus epidemic to further promote ID2020?
6. Agenda 2030: Wuhan Slated to be one of China’s Smart Cities
A massive agenda involved in the coronavirus epidemic is the agenda of all agendas – UN Agenda 2030, which involves Smart Cities. Guess what? Before the outbreak China had already planned which of its cities were going to be the ones slated to become the pilot Smart Cities. Wuhan was one of them (which makes sense why it was also the site of China’s 5G rollout as covered in my previous article). See here:
“Wuhan Future City, located in eastern East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, is one of the four concentrated talent bases for major State-owned enterprises and the only “future science and technology town” approved by the State Council for central and western regions.”
7. Is the Coronavirus Epidemic a Race-Based Bioweapon?
I don’t know if I would exactly classify this as a NWO agenda, but a race-based bioweapon is certainly a likely possibility here. Consider that virtually all known deaths from the coronavirus epidemic thus far have been in China. Only around 4 deaths outside of China have been reported – 1 in the Philippines on February 1st, 1 in Japan on February 13th and 2 in Iran on February 20th. Lance Walton ( has written several articles asking why no one is talking about it. He points out how WHO (World Health Organization) Director-General Tedros Ahanom Ghebreyesus declared that he opposed travel bans. quoted him as saying that “We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.” If the virus doesn’t discriminate based on race, and just weakens or kills anyone, then the public health benefits of banning people would be great. However, if the virus does indeed discriminate on race, and only targets East Asians, then the WHO head’s comments make sense. This raises yet more questions: if the COVID-19 is a race-based bioweapon, who created it? The US? Israel? How did they sneak it into China and release it?
Update: More NWO Agendas being Rolled Out
With the ruling class continuing to exploit coronavirus epidemic, many more agendas have come into view:
8. DNA Harvesting (via alleged COVID-19 tests)
9. Economic Destruction (destroying small businesses and the lives of low wage earners and those in poverty, making people dependent on government)
10. Universal Basic Income (tied to “requirements” you have to do get it)
11. Economic Crash/Reset
12. Accelerating the Robot Takeover (allowing AI to take over jobs)
13. Cashless Agenda (see Digital Dollar)
14. 5G Installation (people at home unable to see/resist 5G in schools and public places)
15. Mass Gatherings (part of 1st amendment) canceled (people less able to revolt)
16. Separating Families (WHO says it must stop “transmission” within families)
17. Food Shutdown (banning seeds, making farmers throw away food, attacking food sovereignty and making people more dependent on government)
18. Conditioning people to accept more authority and tyranny as “the new normal”
19. Setting a legal precedent to justify overriding the Constitution and natural rights due to an “emergency”
20. One World Government
21. Depopulation (targeting the elderly who are considered useless eaters to the NWO psychopaths)
Conclusion: Coronavirus Epidemic Being Used to Push NWO Agendas
Interestingly, the opening ceremony of the Wuhan Military Games declared a “New World” (see image of a screenshot from the opening ceremony) which suggests the phrase New World Order and also suggests societal transformation – yet another clue that this entire event was pre-planned. Whatever the truth turns out to be about the origin of the virus itself, who created it, how it was released and whether it is really as dangerous as is hyped, there can be no doubt that the entire coronavirus epidemic phenomenon is being used to accelerate several NWO agendas in typical problem-reaction-solution style.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and FB.
10 Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus
NO RECORD FOUND: the SARS-CoV-2 virus that allegedly causes COVID has still, to this date, never been isolated. Countless governments and organizations worldwide have failed to produce evidence of its existence when challenged.
The world has been shut down and people's lives have been decimated over a lie and a superstition that could well be the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on humanity as a whole.
Lots of A, T, C and G: SARS-CoV-2 fueled the COVID scamdemic, yet to this day has never been isolated, remaining a digital, in silico, imaginary and theoretical virus.
The Imaginary and Theoretical Virus
known as SARS-CoV-2, a concept which has been used by the NWO (New World Order) controllers to shut down the world, is becoming more and more exposed as the months go by. Although those who believe in the COVID cult – both those orchestrating the scamdemic and those blindly following along – will insist the virus is real, the truth is that there has still been no compelling or conclusive evidence that a real SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. Admissions by governmental scientists and organizations worldwide, as well as omissions and obfuscations by those same people and agencies, reveal the shocking truth. As hard as it may be for the COVID cultists to admit, the emperor truly has no clothes. There is no virus, other than a digital, theoretical abstraction made on a computer from a genomic database. The virus has never been isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized and proven 100% to exist. Don’t believe it? That’s okay; it’s good to be skeptical. See the evidence below for yourself and make up your own mind.
#1 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: The Virus Has Never Been Isolated According to Koch’s Postulates or River’s Postulates
We’ll start with this, because this is the cornerstone of the whole scam. All the following information and evidence below stems from the fact the so-called experts have never isolated and purified the virus according to the gold standard of Koch’s postulates, or even the modified River’s Postulates. Koch’s postulates are:
- The microorganism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not in healthy individuals.
- The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
- When introduced into a healthy individual, the cultured microorganism must cause disease.
- The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host, and found to be identical to the original microorganism.
River’s postulates were proposed by Thomas M. River in 1973 to establish the role of a specific virus as the cause of a specific disease. They are modifications of Koch’s postulates. They are as follows:
- The viral agent must be found either in the host’s (animal or plant) body fluids at the time of disease or in cells showing lesions specific to that disease.
- The host material with the viral agent used to inoculate the healthy host (test organism) must be free of any other microorganism.
- The viral agent obtained from the infected host must produce the specific disease in a suitable healthy host, and/or provide evidence of infection by inducing the formation of antibodies specific to that agent.
- Similar material (viral particle) from the newly infected host (test organism) must be isolated and capable of transmitting the specific disease to other healthy hosts.
Whichever set of postulates is used, SARS-CoV-2 fails the test. Dr. Andrew Kaufman does a great job explaining why in this video. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (allegedly causing the disease COVID-19) has not been shown to be present only in sick people and not in healthy ones. The virus has never been isolated, which must be done with proper equipment such as electron microscopes and which cannot be achieved through CT scans (as the Chinese were using) and the flawed PCR test. The January 24th 2020 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019 describes how the scientists arrived at the idea of COVID-19: they took lung fluid samples and extracted RNA from them using the PCR test. It admits that the coronavirus failed Koch’s postulates:
“Further development of accurate and rapid methods to identify unknown respiratory pathogens is still needed … our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates.”
#2 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: Top Chinese Scientist Admitted They Never Isolated the Virus
All claims that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated have turned out to be unsubstantiated. Meanwhile, there have been actual admissions by officials that they haven’t isolated it. The chief epidemiologist of the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control) Dr. Wu Zunyou admitted “they didn’t isolate the virus” in this video clip.
#3 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: CDC Stated No Quantified Isolate Was Available
The US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in its July 2020 report CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel admits that it had been running PCR tests based not on an actual viral isolate (an actual sample or specimen taken from an infected human), but rather “stocks” of “transcribed RNA” taken from a gene bank to “mimic clinical specimen”:
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.” (pg.43)
#4 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: CDC Admitted They Made a Digital Virus of 30,000 Base Pairs Using 37 Actual Sample Base Pairs
As covered in my previous article SARS-CoV-2: The Stitched Together, Frankenstein Virus, the CDC has already admitted that SARS-CoV-2 is a computer-generated digital virus, not a real living virus. As I wrote:
“In other words, it is a Frankenstein virus which has been concocted and stitched together using genomic database sequences (some viral, some not). It has never been properly purified and isolated so that it could be sequenced from end-to-end once derived from living tissue; instead, it’s just digitally assembled from a computer database. In this paper, the CDC scientists state they took just 37 base pairs from a genome of 30,000 base pairs which means that about 0.001% of the viral sequence is derived from actual living samples or real bodily tissue. In other words, they took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs. This computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud.”
In this article In June Study CDC Scientists Make 2 COVID Admissions that Destroy Official Narrative I reveal how the CDC admitted in their paper that they extrapolated their make-believe virus. Here is the quote:
“Whole-Genome Sequencing
We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512). We extracted nucleic acid from isolates and amplified by using the 37 individual nested PCRs.”
Another way to say this is that the “virus” has been constructed using a technique called de novo assembly which is a method for constructing genomes from a large number of (short or long) DNA fragments, with no a priori knowledge of the correct sequence or order of those fragments. You can read more about it here.
#5 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: European Corman-Drosten Paper Used an “In Silico” Genome of an “In Silico” Virus
The original Corman-Drosten paper admits they used a theoretical virus sequence for all their work and calculations. They, like the CDC and every government and agency, claim this is only because no isolate was ever available. I wonder if any of these scientists every asked WHY the isolate has never been available?
“In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community.”
A subsequent study highlighting fatal flaws in the Corman-Drosten paper was published entitled External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results. It highlights how the authors used in silico or theoretical sequences from computer banks, not real isolated samples from infected people. “In silico” is pseudo-Latin for “theoretical”; in plain English, synonyms for theoretical are “imaginary” and “make-believe.”
Loading...“The first and major issue is that the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (in the publication named 2019-nCoV and in February 2020 named SARS-CoV-2 by an international consortium of virus experts) is based on in silico (theoretical) sequences, supplied by a laboratory in China, because at the time neither control material of infectious (“live”) or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 nor isolated genomic RNA of the virus was available to the authors. To date no validation has been performed by the authorship based on isolated SARS-CoV-2 viruses or full length RNA thereof.
Nevertheless these in silico sequences were used to develop a RT-PCR test methodology to identify the aforesaid virus. This model was based on the assumption that the novel virus is very similar to SARS-CoV from 2003 (Hereafter named SARS-CoV-1) as both are beta-coronaviruses … in short, a design relying merely on close genetic relatives does not fulfill the aim for a “robust diagnostic test” as cross reactivity and therefore false-positive results will inevitably occur. Validation was only done in regards to in silico (theoretical) sequences and within the laboratory-setting, and not as required for in-vitro diagnostics with isolated genomic viral RNA. This very fact hasn’t changed even after 10 months of introduction of the test into routine diagnostics.”
#6 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: UK Government Couldn’t Produce Evidence
The governments of many nations around the world couldn’t seem to come up with a real virus either when challenged to do so. More evidence proving the “virus” is constructed on a computer database from a digital gene bank comes from Frances Leader, who questioned the UK MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) whether a real isolated virus was used to make the COVID vax (read more about the COVID vaccine which is not a vaccine here). Leader found that the WHO protocols that Pfizer used to produce the mRNA do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Leader asked if the “virus” was actually a computer generated genomic sequence, and ultimately the MHRA confirmed they had no real specimen:
“The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person.”
In July 2020, a group of concerned academics wrote a letter to the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in which they asked him to produce independently peer reviewed scientific evidence proving that the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” has been isolated. To date they have not received a reply. Similarly, UK researcher Andrew Johnson made a Freedom of Information Request to Public Health England (PHE). He asked them to provide him with their records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus to which they responded:
“PHE can confirm it does not hold information in the way suggested by your request.”
#7 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: Australian Government Couldn’t Produce Evidence
In other Commonwealth nations it’s the exact same story. In Australia scientists from the Doherty Institute falsely announced that they had isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When asked to clarify the scientists said:
“We have short (RNA) sequences from the diagnostic test that can be used in the diagnostic tests.”
Perhaps this is the reason for this disclaimer by the Australian Government:
“The reliability of COVID-19 tests is uncertain due to the limited evidence base…There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.”
#8 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: Canadian Government Couldn’t Produce Evidence
Researcher Christine Massey made a similar Freedom of Information request in Canada, to which the Canadian Government replied:
“Having completed a thorough search, we regret to inform you that we were unable to locate any records responsive to your request.”
#9 SARS-Cov-2 the Theoretical Virus: Over 40 Institutions Worldwide Can’t Answer the Basic Question
In fact, Massey and her colleague in New Zealand “have been submitting Freedom of Information requests to various institutions in Canada, NZ, Australia, Germany, the U.K., the U.S. etc., seeking any records that describe the isolation of a “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased human … As of December 16, 2020, >40 institutions in Canada, U.S., New Zealand, Australia, U.K., England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Denmark, and the European CDC have provided their responses, and none could locate any record describing the isolation of any “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” directly from a diseased patient.”
Massey posts their replies here and here.
#10 SARS-Cov-2 the Theoretical Virus: Previous Coronaviruses Have Not Been Isolated
The Spanish health journal Salud published a great article in November 2020 entitled “Frauds and falsehoods in the medical field” where it exposes the lack of evidence not only for the isolation of SARS-CoV-2, but also for the isolation of other past coronaviruses (unofficial translation here). The scam runs deep. Jon Rappoport has done great work exposing how the exact same scam blueprint was played out in the 1980s (with Fauci in charge, leading the fraud) when scientists asserted there was a new virus called HIV, and it was causing AIDS. The COVID scamdemic greatly mimics other historical fake pandemics such as the 1976 swine flu pandemic. The article in Salud states:
“The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes. And that includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed “genome” and even the so-called “target genes” allegedly specific to the “new coronavirus”. The test is worthless and all “positive” results obtained so far should be scientifically invalidated and communicated to those affected; and if they are deceased, to their relatives. Stephen Bustin, one of the world’s leading experts on PCR, in fact says that under certain conditions anyone can test positive!
We have been warning you since March [2020 – Ed.]: you cannot have specific tests for a virus without knowing the components of the virus you are trying to detect. And the components cannot be known without having previously isolated/purified that virus. Since then we continue to accumulate evidence that no one has isolated SARS-CoV-2 and, more importantly, that it can never be isolated … In this report we are going to add the results of a particular research we have done from the data published on the alleged SARS-CoV-2 and on the protocols endorsed by the WHO for the use of RT-PCR as well as the data corresponding to the rest of the “human coronaviruses”. And the conclusions are extremely serious: none of the seven “human coronaviruses” have actually been isolated and all the sequences of the primers of their respective PCRs as well as those of a large number of fragments of their supposed genomes are found in different areas of the human genome and in genomes of bacteria and archaea …”
Their report analyzed human coronaviruses 229E (said to have been isolated in 1965), OC43 (in 1967), SARS-CoV (in 2003), NL63 (in 2004), HKU1 (in 2005) and MERS-CoV (in 2012). And just to repeat in case you missed it: they discovered the alleged sequences of SARS-CoV-2 are found in both humans and bacteria! This means all the various in silico models of SARS-CoV-2 contain existing human genetic sequences, so it is little wonder that people test positive when the primer or standard being tested against contains human sequences.
Conclusion: The COVID Cult is a Colossal Fraud and Superstition
How did this all start? Chinese scientists took lung fluid samples and claimed they had discovered a novel or new virus. The Gates-Rockefeller WHO backed them up. In the WHO’s Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCov Situation Report 1, they state:
“The Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus, which was isolated on 7 January 2020……On 12 January 2020, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus for countries to use in developing specific diagnostic kits.”
With the evidence presented above, the WHO’s assertions and claims are utterly baseless. They constitute outright fraud. The world has been shut down over a lie – a coldly calculated, carefully curated lie – that was simulated and war-gamed for decades in advance. The COVID cult is an irrational superstition based on nothing but in silico, theoretical, make-believe viral sequences. Yet, the real-world consequences for millions who have been thrown into stress, despair, poverty, joblessness, alcoholism and suicide is anything but theoretical.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Parler.
Report: Microsoft investigated Gates before he left board
NEW YORK (AP) — Board members at Microsoft Corp. made a decision in 2020 that it wasn't appropriate for its co-founder Bill Gates to continue sitting on its board as they investigated the billionaire’s prior romantic relationship with a female Microsoft employee that was deemed inappropriate, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
Citing unnamed sources, The Journal reported online Sunday that board members looking into the matter hired a law firm in late 2019 to conduct an investigation after a Microsoft engineer alleged in a letter that she had a sexual relationship with Gates over several years.
The Journal reported that Gates resigned before the board's investigation was finished, citing another person familiar with the matter.
An unnamed spokeswoman for Gates acknowledged to The Journal that there was an affair almost 20 years ago, and that it ended “amicably." The spokesperson told The Journal that “his decision to transition off the board was in no way related to this matter.""
When he left Microsoft's board last year, Gates said he was stepping down to focus on philanthropy.
In an email sent to The Associated Press late Sunday, Microsoft said that it “received a concern in the latter half of 2019 that Bill Gates sought to initiate an intimate relationship with a company employee in the year 2000. A committee of the Board reviewed the concern, aided by an outside law firm, to conduct a thorough investigation. Throughout the investigation, Microsoft provided extensive support to the employee who raised the concern.”
Earlier this month, Bill and Melinda Gates announced that they were divorcing after 27 years of marriage but would keep working together at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest charitable foundations in the world. Gates was formerly the world’s richest person and his fortune is estimated at well over $100 billion.
Earlier Sunday, The New York Times reported that Gates had developed “a reputation for questionable conduct in work-related settings."
The Times reported that on at least a few occasions, Gates made overtures to women who worked for him at Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Times cited people with direct knowledge of his behavior.
What woman could resist or refuse sexual adances from the Most Powerful Man In The World ...Bill Gates who has compelete immunity from police or criminal prosecution in Switzerland, who is working on becoming his own country called BillGatesitan
Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence
This is a must to view this video in full to understand how and
why Princess Diana Was Murdered and who are the likely
suspects that orgainsed Princess Diana's MurderThe world stood still as news of Diana's car crash reverberated around the world's media ...but what the official history will not tell you is that on the very day if the fateful car crash in Paris... rumours were circulating that Princess Diana had been assassinated by British Military Intelligence and/or America's CIA ... and/or Israel's Mossad this film we show you for the very first time the true history of the British Royal Family....whose ancestors have stabbed and slashed their way to power throughout the ages... you will see how Diana was breed from birth for her role to serve the British Royal Family and how Prince Charles callisly continued his love affair with Camilla Parker Bowles...throughout his marriage to Diana .. and how Diana had to search her apartment in Kensington Palace for listening devices placed my MI5, who distributed secretly taped and edited private phone conversations to the mainstream media in order the discredit Diana's public image...for the first time we reveal details of the bungled attempt by MI5 to murder Camila Parker Bowles...just weeks before Diana's car crash..."...The DAILY Express Newspaper dated the 30th August 1997 had front page headlines...Diana Is Dead... Princess Diana and Dodi Killed In a Car Crash......"Lady Die filmLady Diane Spencer was plucked from the obscure ranks of the British Aristocracy and became a fairly tale princess... then suddenly in August 1997... Diana's life came to an end...
is presented by Chris Everard and Raphella Houston featuring David Icke, Chris Everard, Jon King and John Beveridge.. with testimonies from former UK Intelligence Agents... narrated by Chris Everard..original music by Sci-Fi Buddhas...the Beautiful song performed by Erica Martin.. Executive Producer ... Charley Dupont.. produced by Syalvelin.. Directed by Chris Everard and Raphella Houston ...
The producers invoke fair usage guidelines in the making of this videogramme....we also exclusively reveal that the black mercedes car carrying Princess Diana had previously been stolen ... and that the engine management microchip had been replaced.. so that the car could be controlled remotely.. we also interview the authors of "...Princess Diana- The Hidden Evidence.." MI5 and MI6 agents who had advanced warning of Car Crash of Princess Diana and her companion Dodi Al-Fayed and their driver... join us now for the quest for the truth and find out how Diana.. The Princess of Wales was murdered by the British Royal Monarchy...Part One :Diana and the Masonic Monarchy...Throughout the centuries the British Royal Family have had a passion for murder and a fascination with the occult..whilst innocent country folk were persecuted for devil worship in medi-evil Britain.. the British Royal Family played host to astrologers, alchemists and magicians..such as Francis Bacon. John Dee and Isac this day the British Royal Family patronize various secret societies such as Freemasonry and the Order Of The Garter .. Freemasonry is a global cult which forces members to re-enact murder ... undergo a mock funeral .. and requires all that take part to swear blood curdling oaths ...of allegiance to the Masonic God ... Ya-Bul-On ...Reverend John Lawrence wrote a book called .."Freemasonry Is A Religion ..." ..his conclusions were that Freemasonry is a cult which worships a "Tripanthion God" ...which is definitely not the God of the Holy Bible ....the Masonic God is inspired by the Mythical Spirit of ...BAAL ...the ancient Devil a member of the Royal Family... Princess Diana was surrounded by Freemasons ...Queen Elizabeth the Second is Grand Patroness of English Freemasonry...and the Duke of Edinburgh has been a master mason since under the same roof as Diana at Kensington Palace in Britain's most senior Royal Freemason .. The Duke of Kent ....seen in this film leading a grand Masonic Ceremony ... the Duke of Kent was installed as Grand Master of British Freemasonry by the Earl of Scarborough in 1964 ...every Freemason swears blood oaths of allegiance to his fellow brothers ..a Freemason must support his fellow brothers even if he is in full knowledge of wrongdoing by his brethren ... in every strata of British Government there are Masons who will carry out illegal actions such as murder on behalf of the Royal Family...there are over 600,000 Freemasons in England and Wales today ( out of about 60 million people which is about 1% of the total population) .. and a further around 500,000 in Scotland (which only has a total population of around 5 million people so that 10% of the whole population are Freemasons)...many of the them directly serving the British Royal Family in the government, armed forces and in the secret services ... one of the most powerful factions in Freemasonry are the Knights of Malta .. they wear the Maltese Cross around their necks Princess Diana was led up the isle.. she was entering a world dominated by Masonic tradition...Diana and the Masonic Monarchy...
feature=player_embedded&v= uNic9mQAlIA#t=105s Published on 19 Nov 2012
"We all knew Diana had been murdered, it is as simple as that"
A Message From British Film Director, CHRIS EVERARD:Published on 19 Nov 2012
"We all knew Diana had been murdered, it is as simple as that"
A Message From British Film Director, CHRIS EVERARD:
Since 1997, I have been investigating the crash which killed Princess Diana, her companion, Dodi AlFayed, the driver, Henri Paul, and massively wounded ex-paratrooper Trevor Rees-Jones. LADY DIE represents nearly ten years of research by myself, DAVID ICKE and the co-authors of the book "Diana: The Hidden Evidence", JON KING and JOHN BEVERIDGE.
A Mercedes S280 of the exact model and year was purchased in order that tests could be made for this documentary. The film has a running time of nearly 4 hours and leaves no stone unturned.
The horrific history of the royal family is exposed, including the faked suicide/murder of Stephen Ward, Prince Philip's links with the Profumo scandal, Occult Cocktail Parties at the Cliveden Estate in the 1960s, the exorcism of Stephen Wards cottage, the double murder of two young princes in the Tower of London, the forced euthenasia of King George in 1936 - his killing was timed to coincide with the morning edition of The Times newspaper - and, of course, the film features a full investigation into the crash which killed Princess Diana.
I assembled a Scotland Yard-style incident board for the making of this documentary, which reveals hitherto unknown information about many of the characters involved in the plot to kill Diana.
The film explores the hand-written note which Diana gave to her butler - and another given for safe keeping to her lawyer - which explicitly said that a fake car crash, one which would result in death, was being planned by people working for Prince Charles.
DAVID ICKE bravely puts forward his research, based on confidantes of Princess Diana, which suggests that the crash in Paris was the beginning of a gruesome occult ritual with the time and place of the crash being chosen carefully to coincide with ancient Satanic Rites. Davids excellent book THE BIGGEST SECRET is also discussed in this film.
What exactly did the Queen mean when she warned Diana's butler PAUL BURREL, that there were "dark and mysterious forces" at work in Britain?
What was Henri Paul doing the hours immediately before he turned up for work on that fateful night?
Why was the SIPA press agency in Paris broken into following the death of a Paparazzi photographer?
Who were the senior MI6 and MI5 agents in the tunnel on the night of the crash?
Why was Klaus Werner deported after standing vigil outside Dianas apartment?
All these questions and much more are answered in this film, which was edited in a constantly moving vehicle and deposited at the DVD factories on the day that the British inquiry heard the father of Dodi AlFayed pronounce that his sons death was a case of Black & White MURDER.
The historical part of this film proves, using extensive photos, newspaper cuttings, film clips and testimonies, that the royal family have stabbed and slashed their way to power throughout the ages.
The producers have invoked FAIR USE guidelines in the making of this film. All proceeds will be used to offer subsidised courses in film making, which will be announced later this year.
Visit me on: for more True Stories James Hewitt is the father of
Prince Harry.Prince Charles is not the father of
Prince Williams.King Juan Carlos from Spain
is the father of Prince William.King Juan Carlos and
Prince William married
similar looking women.Prince Charles is the father
of Simon Charles Day.There is no legitimate bloodline
for the House of Windsor.The Unalikes -Diana, the mother, is also illegitimate.The parents of Princess Diana are
Hon. Frances and Sir James Goldsmith.Diana’s younger brother,
Charles Spencer, below Diana,
looks like his father 8th Earl of Spencer,
who’s over on the left.160 years of Illegitimate Monarchy:
How Lionel Nathan Rothschild
usurped the British Throne.
He exiled Queen Victoria’s
firstborn legitimate son
to Portugal.Queen Victoria, who was already
married to
Prince George of Cumberland,
had to marry Prince Albert, who
had to wear a ‘Prince Albert’ -
a male chastity belt - so he could not
sire any of her children.Then Lionel Nathan Rothschild
raped Queen Victoria and
produced nine (9) ‘official’
children.Prince Albert was killed so it would
not be noted that ‘his children’
did not look like him.The Throne has been
usurped by Illegitimates
since Marcos Manoel,
the Legitimate and Firstborn
Son of Queen Victoria,
was exiled to Portugal.Through the Laws of Succession
they’ve actually done themselves
out of a legitimate claim to the Throne.The Commonwealth
Heads of Government
need to fully understand
this story before they can
vote legitimately:
Queen Victoria’s
legitimate firstborn son
was taken from her and
She gave Royal Marks
to her only legitimate
son Marcos Manoel
so that he and his
descendants can
prove their Rightful
and Superior Claim
to the Throne of the
United Kingdom.
The Illegitimates
have developed a new
synthetic drug, which will be
shipped by Owen G. Glenn.
The drug is stored in the
'Owen G. Glenn Building' -
an Architecture School.PDFs: You will receive a personally password protected and watermarked PDF. We ship as soon as possible, please allow for up to 48 hours delivery time.
Would you like to buy Greg Hallett Books? Please contact us via email, and we will handle the order for you. Please state the name of the books, and how many you would like, and we will arrange the book delivery for you. You can pay via Paypal or Money Transfer.
For direct book orders please send an email toWould you like to listen to more interviews with Greg Hallett and Jim Fetzer?
Then listen to THE REAL DEAL . . .
Prince Philip is not the father
of Prince Harry and Prince William.Transcript from THE HALLETT REPORT NO. 5
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In the year 2013 it is easier to kill a million people than control a million people
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Easier to kill a million people than to control them. v=lkOOBo45TZU&feature=player_ embedded#
Zbigniew Brzezinski Obama's Top Foreign Policy Advisers, Professor of American Foreign Policy Strategic Analysis and Foreign Policy National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, worked for Ronald Regan as Intelligence advisor, founder and trustee of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the Council For Foreign Relations (CFR) and Council for Strategic and International Studies, analysis, mastermind behind the creation of Ben Ladin and the terrorist Al Queda organisation, international advisor for a number of major corporations, an associate of Henry Kissinger, co-chairman of the Bush Advisory Security Task Force in 1988 ...what a guy...
states the following belief, conviction and effective advice to Barrack Obama and to Barrack Obama and
Zbigniew Brzezinski's employers and bosses...Jacob and Evilyn Rothchold and the rest Rothschild International Banking Family and their other evil and criminally insane International Baking Partners and Business associates and elite families
In a Speech Made on November 17th 2008
Michael Ruppert gives a lecture of Zbigniew Brzezingski's 1997 book : The Grand Chessboard
For the first time in human history ,.,.for the first time in all of human history.....almost all of mankind is politiclaly awake... andthese new and old major powers...face and yet another .... a novel some respect unprecidented ... and it is that while the lethality ..the lethality of their power is greater that ever.... their capacity to propose control ove rthe politicsally awakened masses of the world is at an all time low an unprecidented alll time low... I once put it rather pungently ... and I was flatered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated follows ... namely in ealier times ...'.It was easier to control a million people was easiet to control a million people that physicly to kill a million people ... today it is infinitely easy to kill a million people than control a million people is easier to kill that ot control...
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The secret of 33 degree Freemasonry
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Zbigniew Brzezinski BLAMED FOR 9/11
Behind Closed Doors-
The power and Influence of Secret Societies
By Michael Streete
The Church of Scientology -
Fair Game
Ron Hubbard’s (the founder of the Church of Scientology) approach to anyone who disagreed or criticized Scientology – and there have been many- could be summed up by his ‘fair game’ policy…This policy was aimed at those who were called ‘Supressive Persons (SP’s). Hubbard believed that about 2,5 percent of the world’s population was an “SP”, this is, someone who wanted to destroy whatever was good or useful in the world.. However, in practice, this meant anyone who was opposed to of Scientology
An example of alleged ‘fair game’ used against those regarded as hostile to Scientology was seen in 2007, during a now notorious BBC investigation into Scientology by reporter John Sweeney.. That investigation is best known for the way in which Sweeney – an experienced journalist who has reported form trouble spots throughout the world – lost his temper during an exchange with a Scientologist spokesman…Sweeney said on the BBC website: “While making our BBC Panorama film “Scientology and me”, I have been shouted at, spied on, had my hotel invaded at midnight, been denounced as s “bigot” by star Scientologists and been chased around the streets of Los Angeles by sinister strangers. Back in Britain strangers have called on my neighbours and my mother-in-law, and someone spied on my wedding and fled the moment he was challenged…
As well as allegedly using such harassment tactics, Scientology has also been accused of trying to curtail freedom of speech on the Internet. This is a key issue when discussing the impact of the movement on modern society….However, the website run by Andreas Heldal-Lund, in Norway, has continued to publish Scientology material on his website.. He states on his website: ‘After careful consideration I have concluded that these material are being kept secret in order to withhold information form the public, with the sole purpose of deceiving the public as to the true nature of Scientology. I feel it is my moral duty to society to reveal this information to the public in order to alert them as to its nature…Chuck Beatty, who became a Scientologist in 1975 as a young student in Phoenix, Arisona, and stayed for 27 years because he was especially impressed when he learned that, after becom9ing a ‘clear’ and moving on to the higher levels known as ‘Opertating Thetan’ or the ‘OT’ levels, he would learn to ‘zoom around the universe like Falsh Gordon’. He adds: ‘What a perfect idea! Instead of being bound by earth and archaic religions, this was like a space-age religion,’ says Chuck Beatty…’of course, after 27 years you find out that nobody is doing this stuff. It’s a complete fucking scam – it’s outrageous.”
Organisation and structure of The Church of Scientology
The Scientology organization operates through a variety of different bodies throughout the world.. For Ron Hubbard, the group’s structure and discipline was no incidental occurrence, but an integral part of Scientology.. Chuck Beatty was a member of what is called the Sea organization (“Sea Org”). this organisation provides the staff members for the upper echelons of Scientology, and is known as its religious order, or ‘Vatican’. As Beatty refers to it. According to Scientology’s own description: #Sea org members work long hours and live communally with housing, meals, uniforms, medical and dental care provided by the Church. They participate in Scientology training and auditing during a portion of each day, but otherwise dedicate themselves to furthering the objectives of Scientology through particular functions.’
Long-standing critics of the movement are less kind. ‘Scientology actually has a lot in common with the worst excesses of the Nazis, with the Sea Org playing the role of the Gastapo,’ says Professor Touretzky. ‘It is the only “church” with its own intelligence branch, called the Office of Special Affairs,” According to Beatty, ‘as well as keeping dossiers on ‘enemies’ of Scientology, this office (where Beatty’s second wife had worked) also circulated the bad press that Hubbard and Scientology attracted in what are called ‘pass arounds’, with the aim of helping them counter negative publicity. Members of the Sea org ( Beatty included) sign ‘billion-year contracts’ as part of their commitment Scientology and the Sea Org…
The Sea Org started life in 1967, when for a period of seven years Scientology was run by Ron Hubbard form on board a boat…in reality the relocation was probably due to the fact that Scientology had been running into problems with various governments around the world, and the sea was one place where the organization could operate without hindrance, ( Operation from the sea could also have been a way of testing potential safe havens). Scientology’s clashed with various governments, parliaments and legal systems go right to the heart of the concerns about the influence of the Scientology
Movement. Following an official report in Australia, for example, the Church of Scientology was banned form operating under that name and as a religion in some states form the mid 1960’s..This ban was overturned in 12983, when a court ruled that the organization was entitles to operate as a religion..
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Stephen Knight the author of the Brotherhood who died aged 33 ......18 months after publishing his book
Stephen Knight the author ofthe Brotherhood who died aged 33 ......18 months after publishing his book
Illuminated above the Mason's head, the equilateral triangle - all sides and angles the same -
symbolizes the strength and unity of the parts that make the whole completeA dramatic moment during Freemason third degree ceremony, After the ritual, the candidate is a fully fledged Freemason
A dramatic moment during Freemason third degree ceremonyChristopher added...' Masonic doctors can also be used..'
Christopher continue for about half an hour to list examples of the ways in which corrupt members of the Brotherhood could defeat opposition..' ... those in power in Freemasons Hall knew something of what went on, but they felt defeated by it and preferred to look the other way rather than take steps to eradicate it...' ... Christopher said... if Christopher and his group failed for force the issue into the open, the organization would become so morally polluted that it would simply cease to exist...' Christopher also said ..we are not solely concerned with the Brotherhood .. it was the victims of those who used masonry as a source of personal power who has to be helped as well...
Christopher also said ..'..only the fighters have a hope of beating the system once it's at work against them' ..'Most people, fighters or not, are beaten in the end, though ,,It' see... you finish up not knowing who you can can get no help because your story sounds so paranoid that you are thought a crank, one of those nuts who think the whole world is a 'conspiracy' against 'them'. It is a strange phenomenon...Bt setting up a situation that most people will think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a person's life... if they give in they go under... if they don't give in... it is only putting off the day they go under...because if they fight, so much unhappiness will be brought to the people around them that there will likely come a time when even their own families and close friends turn against them out of desperation.... when that happens ..... and they are without friends where ever they look...they become easy meat... the newspaper will not touch them or their story...
'...There is not defense against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists..'
I am free to name only a small number of the many hundreds of people who have helped me with advice and information for this book.. Most of those who helped did only on the understanding that I would say nothing that could lead to their identification. among there were Freemasons who feared recrimination from other members of the Brotherhood. . Others included government official, politicians, judges, policemen of all ranks, lawyers, churchmen, past and present officers of MI6 and MI6, and people from every sector of society touched on in this book...Without such people a book of this kind could not be contemplated.
Two men must be singled out: Simon Scott, managing editor of New English Library whose idea this books was an who supported me with unflagging enthusiasm all through the research and writing only to have the project snatched from him at the last moment; and my friend and agent Andrew Hewson who has never, even at the busiest moments, been unavailable.
Thank you Simon and I thank everyone else...all names fully listed in the book..
Freemasonry. although its leaders strenuously deny it, is a secret society. And few of its members- judges, police, politicians and royalty among them - realize that every time they attend a meeting they break the law, and (at least technically) lay themselves open to minimum of two year's imprisonment. Under the Unlawful Societies Ac of 1799 - unlikely, of course, ever to be enforced - Freemasons are permitted to hold meetings if yearly returns providing names, addresses and descriptions of brethren are submitted to local Clerks of the Peace .his is rarely done, so most gatherings in `Masonic Lodges are held in breach of the law.
In England and Wales alone Freemasonry has more than 600,000 initiates, with a further 100,000 in Scotland and between 50,000 and 70,000 in Ireland..(1984 estimated Figures... Paul Jeffries in his book Freemasons-Inside the World's Oldest Secret Society published in 2005 he states the following Freemason membership: Over 5.9 million Freemasons worldwide; consisting of: England and Wales- over 550,000. Scotland-over 400,000; Ireland over 47,000; Canada and USA- over 4.1 million; Europe-over 80,000; Australasia-over 375,000; `Latin America-over 50,000; Philippines-over 10,000 and other areas (India, Japan, Formosa, Africa, Israel etc)-over 288,000
All the members of this extraordinary Brotherhood are male. All except those who are second-, third-, or fourth-generation Freemasons, who may join at eighteen, are over the age of twenty-one. All have sworn on pain of death and ghastly mutilation No 5 to reveal Masonic secrets to outsiders, who are known
US founding father and president George Washington was a dedicated Freemason, and is shown here is his regalia as the Worshipful Master of his lodge
Beehives are an important Masonic symbol referring to industry, dedication, productivity, good works and the power of all pulling together....
The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight –published 1984
The Dissidents – Chapter 16 _ages 140 to 149
One of my major sources of information was a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who has withdrawn form masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.. her agreed to be interviewed by me through a third party concerning his conviction that no active Christian could in all conscience remain a Freemason…
When I met him I learned he was a judge, and a particularly quick-tempered one .. I asked him about the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third degree, he answered quickly: ‘Nom I dare not go into that’, her said ….’we’d better stick to religion… I thought immediately afterwards how strange it was he had used the words ‘dare not’, Most people said, ‘I’d better not’, or ‘I’d rather not’… I remarked on his used of the world. He said, ‘Anyone in public life has to be cautious.’ ..’Cautious’.. I repeated. “That’s a Masonic word of recognition.”..
He then said, ‘You’ve obviously delved into the ritual, so you know…..’
… ‘Mr Knight, I don’t like this line of questioning. I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with Masonic religion …. I do not wish to be drawn into discussion of matters covered by whatever undertakings I have … taken…
I went on to tell the judge ..’I have heard form quite a lot of contacts about organized action groups of Freemasons that have resulted in the financial or social ruin of certain people, ‘ I said..
The judge replied.. ‘So have I’…’ ..still looking me st5raight in the eye as if telling me this was an important issue and point of fact…’ So have I Mr Knight… No of such happenings which had the backing of official Freemasonry, but of actions which were unofficial, in other words, Masons abusing the Craft for their own ends..’…’You know the answer to that form what I have said.. ‘I have also heard about people who have .crossed’ certain masons and finished up in prison…’ He then stopped me in mid-sentence by placing a finger on his lips ... ’if I told you everything about Freemasonry, being betrayed by its members, it would surprise you… it would make your hair stand on end … I can’t tell you any more..’ he said…then he said.. Give me your phone number, you might hear from someone in a few days…’… His finger went back to his lips and he went to fetch my coat .. as he left he said, ‘God Bless’…
A few days later received as phone call from a man calling himself Christopher whom I ended up having along meeting at his private club and he showed me his papers to show him bona fide ID and Freemason membership… I asked him what a person might have to fear from a group of influential Freemason if circumstances made him, for instance, a threat to them in the business world; or if he discovered they were using masonry for corrupt purposes; or had fallen victim of their misuse of Freemasonry and would not heed warnings not to oppose them…
He replied..’.. It is not difficult to ruin a man,’ he said, ‘And I will tell you how it is done time and time again.. there are more than half a million Freemasonry Craft Brethren (In 1883) just in England and Wales and over 400,000 in Scotland (in 1983) under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge.. Standards have been falling for twenty or thirty years, it is now too easy to enter the Craft, so many men of dubious moral have now joined the Craft… about 12-13% abuse the Craft for selfish and/or corrupt ends.. (that is about 60,000 in England and Wales and about 40,000 in Scotland)..
Note: Christopher was one of a small and unpopular group within Masonry who sometime in the early 1970’s had decided that either they had to get out of the Brotherhood or they had to do something ‘to stop the rot’, which the ‘blinkered officers of Great Queen Street refuse to admit was there..’
This group wanted pressure brought to bear on those in positions of responsibility within the Brotherhood to put Freemasonry’s house in order.. to instate proper policing, to close down Lodges used for shady dealings and to root out corrupt brethren and expel them, they also wanted the whole business of Masonic secrecy looked into by Grand Lodge, most of them believing that secrecy was more harmful than helpful to Masonry..
Christopher explained that Masonry’s nationwide organization of men from all walks of life provided one of the most efficient private intelligence networks imaginable, private information on anybody in the country could be accessed very rapidly through endless permutations of Masonic contacts in the police, magistrates, solicitors, bank managers, Post Office staff (‘very useful is supplying copies of a man’s mail’), doctors, government employees, bosses of firms and nationalized industries etc. etc. …. A dossier of personal data could be built up on anybody very quickly.. when the major facts of an individual’s life were known, areas of vulnerability would become apparent…
I asked what action might be taken?..
“ Solicitors are very good at it…Get your name involved in something legal it need not be serious and you have him,, Solicitors are past masters a causing endless delays, generating useless paperwork, ignoring instructions, running up immense bills, misleading client into taking decisions damaging to themselves etc..
‘Masonic police can harass, arrest on false charges, and plant evidence.. ‘ A business man in a small community or a person in public office arrested for dealing in child pornography, for indent exposure, or for trafficking drugs is at the end of the line..’
‘Masons can bring about the situation where credit companies and band withdraw credit facilities form individual clients and tradesmen, said my informant..Banks can foreclose ...
People who rely on their telephone for work can have it cut off for long periods ... Masonic employees of councils can arrange for a person's drains to be inspected and extensive damage reported etc ..this burdening the person with huge repair bills; workmen carrying out the job can 'find' - very conveniently- further damage ..a fair legal hearing is lard to get when a man in ordinary circumstances is in financial difficulties .. legal aid applications can be delayed endlessly...Employers can be given private information about a man who had made himself an enemy of Masonry ... at worst he will be dismissed and/or consistently passed over for promotion....
Christopher added...' Masonic doctors can also be used..'
Christopher continue for about half an hour to list examples of the ways in which corrupt members of the Brotherhood could defeat opposition..' ... those in power in Freemasons Hall knew something of what went on, but they felt defeated by it and preferred to look the other way rather than take steps to eradicate it...' ... Christopher said... if Christopher and his group failed for force the issue into the open, the organization would become so morally polluted that it would simply cease to exist...' Christopher also said ..we are not solely concerned with the Brotherhood .. it was the victims of those who used masonry as a source of personal power who has to be helped as well...
Christopher also said ..'..only the fighters have a hope of beating the system once it's at work against them' ..'Most people, fighters or not, are beaten in the end, though ,,It' see... you finish up not knowing who you can can get no help because your story sounds so paranoid that you are thought a crank, one of those nuts who think the whole world is a 'conspiracy' against 'them'. It is a strange phenomenon...Bt setting up a situation that most people will think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a person's life... if they give in they go under... if they don't give in... it is only putting off the day they go under...because if they fight, so much unhappiness will be brought to the people around them that there will likely come a time when even their own families and close friends turn against them out of desperation.... when that happens ..... and they are without friends where ever they look...they become easy meat... the newspaper will not touch them or their story...
'...There is not defense against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists..'
Chapter 28
The Threat To Britain P 297 to 303
The "Chinaman Report" goes further than drawing attention t the KBG's almost certain use of Freemasonry for placing operatives in positions of authority, most damagingly achieved, so far as we know, such as in the case of Sir Roger Hollis, who was the director-general of the M!% service in the critical years 1956 to 1965 (as convincingly demonstrated by Chapman Pincher in his controversial study of Russia's infiltration of the West's secret services and defenses in his book 'Their Trade is Treachery)'. few people in MI5 now doubt that Hollis was a Russian spy for nearly 30 years and a respected Freemason having joined when he was in Shanghai, China in the 1930's working an international tobacco company along with then spending time in Russia..
(From Chap 27)..Of the many mysteries surrounding Sire Roger Hollis, one of the most baffling is how Hollis was ever accepted into M!% in the first place, Hollis was quite the opposite of what was required. In MI5, as opposed to MI6, which operates abroad, there is a great reluctance to accept candidates who have travelled widely out of the U,K. In the 1930’s when Hollis was recruited this stipulation was more easily met than it is today. For this reason and other reasons. Hollis was most unlikely candidate to be allowed to join the MI5 organization...Hollis did badly at university, having thrown in the towel in 1926 after only two years, then worked in London for a while and set off for China, Hollis then became stranded with only $10 in his pocket in Malaya, where he got a job with an international tobacco company in Penang and was later transferred to the company's offices in Shanghai. Hollis moved around China for the next nine years, working at Peking, Hangchow and Dairen. After this, Hollis contracted tuberculosis, and travelled to a Swiss sanatorium by way of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Vladivostok. spending some time in Russia All this, especially his time in Russia, should have been an insuperable obstacle to any hopes he had of joining MI5... So it proved.. at first ....Even after Hollis's treatment that his health was not strong enough for Hollis to continue working the tobacco company, so early in 1936 Hollis went back to England....''Even Hollis's friend agreed that Hollis was not particularly talented', wrote Chapman Pincher, who describes Hollis at the time of his return to England as 'basically a broken man': 'Though surprisingly athletic, Hollis was to retain the look of someone who had had contracted tuberculosis and Hollis became progressively round-shouldered that he looked almost hunched...he had no degree, his health was suspect and his experience in China was not likely to be helpful in securing a post in England...the only work Hollis could find at the time was as a clerk-typist. .... However, through an army major Hollis met, Hollis secured an interview with MI5.. Hollis was turned down and told that his experience abroad might be useful to MI6, so Hollis then applied to join MI6, but Hollis was turned down for health reasons from the MI6 service. Then when Hollis applied to join MI5 for the second time later that year nothing had changed as far as Hollis' ability, background and health ,,except the mind of MI5... miraculously....completely against any sort of normality given Hollis had already been turned down by MI5 and MI6 on previous occasions.. Hollis was hired by MI%... it is noted that the director-general of MI5 at the time was Major General Sir Vernon Kell, who happened to be a Freemason ..almost everything against him, Hollis had got into MI5... What is even more remarkable? was the rate in which Hollis was promoted within the MI5 service once Hollis got in... this astonished his colleagues them and still cannot be explained by any of the MI5 officers, current and retired, with whom I (Stephen Knight) have had contact either directly or through intermediaries. this is one of the great mysteries of Sir Roger Hollis.. Even though it was against regulations for any MI5 or MI6 officer to be a Freemason - and this, incidentally, must presumably indicate that membership of Freemasonry was regarded as a threat to security- several MI5 officers were in the Freemasonry Brotherhood - Among them was man called Potter, who was in charge of the huge MI5 card index, which is now computerized... such a man would be good to have as a friend... But is was Freemasonry that got Hollis against all odds into the MI5 service and took Hollis, the unlikeliest of all its officers, to the very top of MI5 .. the likeliest key to the mystery of Hollis is Shanghai and the time Hollis spent there for the British American Tobacco Company in the 1930's... the European community in Shanghai was small.. the English-speaking community was of course smaller and very tight-knit; virtually every Englishman arriving in Shanghai gravitated to the Masonic Hall at 1623, Avenue Road, Shanghai .. Freemasonry had flourished among the British expatriates here and at the previous Masonic Hall at 30 The Bund, Shanghai, since the mid-1800's .. In the 1930's, when Hollis was in Shanghai, the tradition of Freemasonry there was at its zenith.. A man who was not a Mason was at a grave disadvantage in achieving whatever social or professional ambitions he had...Almost everyone I have contacted who knew Hollis, including MI5 officers past and present, has reacted similarly to the suggestion that the former director-general Sir Roger Hollis was a member of the Freemason Brotherhood. - that was just the kind of man, extremely secretive by nature, with few friendships and with small prospect of advancement - who would join Masonry in order to exploit its covert advantages ...Freemasonry, said the contacts, offered the first explanation to the Hollis mystery, his otherwise inexplicable acceptance and his phenomenal rate of is understood that Hollis's immediate predecessor as director-general of the MI5 security service, Sir Dick Goldsmith White, was also a Freemason, who was the only man to have ever been both the head of MI5 and MI6, having moved from MI^ to MI5 in 1956 to take over the MI5 secret service from Sir John 'Sinbad' Sinclair... Despite his impressive record and qualifications, the unprecedented transfer was viewed by many within MI6 as dangerous and as something which, once again breaking all the traditional rules governing the secure operation of the two services, should never have been allowed. It was Sir Dick Goldsmith White. who on his appointment as MI5 Secret Service Chief, recommended Hollis as his successor to premier Anthony Eden....Hollis' treachery should have come to light in the late 1940's when Sir Percy Sillitoe was director-general of MI5..As A.W. Cockerill, Sillitoe's biographer, points out, 'practically the entire effort of the MI5 Service form 1946 on, and until long after Sillitoe's retirement, was directed at identifying and weeding out Communists from positions in which they posed a threat to national security'. Cockerill states that one of Sillitoe's first actions after getting settled into the job as MI5 chief was to carry out a purge, for which he had something of a reputation in his former career in the police..
'" In the case of MI5m he was primarily interested in the political reliability of his staff, and a number of employees were forced to leave for one reason or another.... Beginning with those whose credentials were 'impeccable', he carried out a systematic security check of the entire establishment, This was a programme in which the internal security officers combed through each personal file as though the person concerned was a newcomer; the individual's history was checked and rechecked, membership in clubs, societies and social organizations was investigated anew to ensure that the service itself was 'clean'..."
But Sillitoe, without knowing it, was fighting an impossible battle,,, with the man in charge of all the personal records being a member of the Freemasonry Brotherhood, Sillitoe would never be allowed to learn that Hollis's mans of entry to the MI5 Service had been by way of a Masonic Lodge in China and a Masonic Director-General of MI5.. In is an interesting fact that the Freemason Lodge membership lists of the Shanghair Lodges between the wards are among the lost closely guarded secrets of the United Grand Lodge.. Several attempts by concerned Freemason members of the Brotherhood to get try and hold of these files through the ordinary channels have been always blocked ... it is evident that those lists of names contain something so explosive, so potentially damaging to the Brotherhood, that it will not permit them to be examined even by senior Masons,,
Whose name is being concealed???
If not...Sir Roger Hollis????
Chapter 28: The Threat To Britain continued
The Chinaman Report also expresses concern that British Freemasonry as a whole is, quite unknown to its members, a major target for so-called 'Special Political action' for the KGB, The Chinaman Report states among other things"
" ...sheer prudence demands that the lessons of the P2 affair receive the attention of all who have the interests of the UK and the West at heart, masons and no-masons alike... The affair has so far been to the considerable advantage of the Soviet Union and the Communists, which alone of the political parties ( conveniently) has no known members among the listed names published by order of the Prime Minister,, Has P2 continued its secret growth and unacceptable activities, the inevitable scandal could have brought down with it non-Communist government in Italy ... Yet Italian Freemasonry has been estimated as of the order of under 100,000 - a mere tenth of the supposed UK total for roughly similar population,..."
In the UK he Brotherhood enjoys the inestimable advantage of royal patronage... The Chinaman Report suggested that 'the Italian affair is a serious warning form which important lessons can be drawn ..The UK could well prove very much more vulnerable to exposure of improper activities by a group of Freemasons than is Italy...'
According to the Chinaman Report There are two reasons for this:
",,,First, Masonry so permeates so many revered British institutions form the Crown downwards, that a grave Masonic scandal could in modern circumstances involved popular revulsion against the whole established order ...Government and Business ...
Second, the proportion of Masons to non-Masons in some professions and other walks of life, including areas of Government, appears to have reached a critical point: the point at which people believe themselves obliged to join Freemasonry, no longer voluntarily, but from a feeling of compulsion...."
..This statement is certainly accurate, as my own enquiries have revealed..
.."Masons and non-Masons alike seem increasingly to fear the potential of the fraternity (Freemason) to ruin them (if they in any way upset the Freemason Fraternity or try to take them on in any way)...At such a point it becomes hard to find in certain areas vital to the state an adequate numbers of competent persons who are non-masons to prevent such a vacuum as now threaten Italy were al the officers of the armed forces of General rank named in the P2 documents to be required to retire (because of being exposed and named as members of the P2..
Third, there is much circumstantial evidence that more ruthless elements have joined Freemasonry and are using up the find of respectability that Royal patronage confers to indulge in activities which reputable members would find quite unacceptable were they aware of the extent of the abuse (of Freemasonry)..This of course, is a danger inherent in all secretive societies for their cellular from devised by the founders for the security of the movement, can as readily be used to 'hoodwink" the leadership, who thus become unwitting 'front men' for activities they would never countenance,..."
..The Chinaman Report alludes to the argument that there has not been a Masonic scandal of major proportions in modern times and the contention that should one occur, it could readily be contained by the Brotherhood by mean of both public expulsions and cover-ups. the Chinaman Report continues:
"...This may possibly be so... But British society as a whole is changing rapidly..The established order of things developed over the past thousand years in no longer so widely and so automatically accepted as in even recent past ....Many, of all political hues, consider some of our institutions archaic and in need of reform.. this view is fueled by the loss of national self-confidence and national pride following from the loss of Empire and our very poor showing in the list of advanced industrial societies,, Disrespect for those in authority is already considerable and is increasing at an accelerating rate: such rife dissatisfaction soon comes to seek a scapegoat, such as 'the Establishment' provides... But out institutions - both public and private - seem incapable of reforming themselves and performing the 'aggiornamento' the thoughtful of all moderate persuasions are increasingly coming to expect...
...Against this worsening background it would be rash to suppose that the methods of the pas to contain scandals and irregularities in Masonry ( or indeed in anything else) will still be adequate by, say, the end of the decade. And this is to count without the intentions of the KBG...
The possibility that the KGB has along-term interest in British Freemasonry must be taken seriously..For to any trained intelligence officer, Freemasonry offers an ideal vehicle for the destabilization of the United Kingdom. to make two points:
(1) there has for some time been practically no mention of Freemasonry in the media: for widespread and important a movement this almost amounts to a taboo- any serious, well documented exposure of substantial malpractices could be expected to have a disproportionate shock effect. We are not yet so cynical and so inured to scandal as the Italians.
(2) Second, the KBG - itself growing out of a clandestine movement's seizure of state power, well understands the organization, motivation and other problems of secret societies (particularly of Communication records, and the use of a reputable ''front'') and is thus ideally qualified to exploit Freemasonry for its own ends,," the Chinaman Report constructs, form its thirty-year knowledge of the KGB's political methods and of the inner workings of British Freemasonry -with the P2 conspiracy forming a bridge between the two - a scenario which to my certain knowledge senior official of both MI5 and MI6 regard with utmost gravity. ..the man code-names Chinaman suggest that the most likely method of attack would follow the pattern of P2 - in other words, the KGB, doubtless through Czech intelligence, would attempt to hive off a promising area of Freemasonry and encourage its growth...
"....The more prominent those unwittingly involved, the greater the ultimate effect - provided the top echelon (of Freemasonry) were carefully preserved untainted.. Another phase would be deliberately to encourage and exacerbate existing abuses for personal advancement at the expense of non-Masons.. Arrogance would be inflated to a point where the Masons concerned would become over-confident and incautious ..... the KGB would then obtain and collate documentary and circumstantial evidence in as many spheres of activity as possible ...
...Once sufficient material has been gathered, the KGB would be prepared to wait years if required until directed to mount an exposure at a politically appropriate juncture.. Then the 'fuse' would be lit for example by arranging for a blackmail operation to fail, or a 'Soviet 'defector' to arrive perhaps in the US, and point conclusively to KBG involvement in Masonry ..Media and Government enquiries could then be fed with supplementary evidence garnered for the purpose over the years... Names would be called....Confusion would be sown by including the righteous (chosen for their effectiveness in opposition to Soviet designs) with the guilty (chosen for their publicity value) : in such circumstances lies mixed with incontrovertible truths would be hard to winnow.
If the right moment for 'ignition' were chosen the disaster could be very great. ...One only need only to remember the effect on each occasion of the news of Fuchs's espionage (Klaus Emil Julian Fuchs, was convicted in 1950 of passing British American atomic research secrets tot eh Soviet Union), the Maclean and Burgess defections, the Philby case, the Blunt exposure and the recent public allegations regarding the late Sir Roger Hollis, to appreciate the effect of well documented exposures at one time of even fifty prominent persons - let alone nearly a thousand as in the Italian P2 case.."
Chinaman makes it plain that short of information from some formerly well-placed genuine defector, there is no certain means of knowing whether the Soviet Union is operating such a plan..
"..I simply suggest that it is self-evident that the possibility should be taken seriously and appropriate defensive action taken if this has not already been done adequately.."
..I can reveal that no such defensive action has yet been taken because prior to the submission of the Chinaman Report, no one had considered the possible exploitation of Freemasonry. No one knew enough about the Brotherhood for it to present itself as a possibility. Chinaman suggests measures to minimize the effects of any KGB-promoted exposure in two main ways:
"..(1) First, by ensuring that we are not 'caught' with persons holding certain key delicate positions being Masons ... From my own experience (as well as reports of the P2 case) I would hope for example that the heads of both the MI5 Secret Intelligence Service and the MI6 Security Service are not (again) permitted to be Freemasons, and that the regulations of these two services now provide for any Masons to declare their adherence to the head of the service concerned personally (as already stated, MI5 officers are banned from joining the Brotherhood, but this has not prevented several MI5 officer from being members of the Freemasonry Brotherhood).. I believe that the same should apply o MI6 Special Branch. Masons who are already members of MI5 and/or MI6 branches of Government could provide a valuable link to Freemasonry in the MI5 and MI6 services, in the service of the State, if they are not so acting already.. In other Government Departments, arrangements could ensure that heads of personnel sections be non-Masons, and that they have a right of access to the Director-General of the Security Service, ..The legal professions- presently the object of increasing public disquiet because of its alleged tendency to protect its own - is a particular problem given the large number of Freemasons (in the legal profession in the United Kingdom)
(2) The Second direction I would concentrate upon would be legislation. It seems to me, for instance, far less likely that any deliberate organized exposure would cause serious and lasting damage to the benefit of the pro-Communist left and the Soviet Union, if all citizens had the legal right, if the elected, to a written assurance that any professional person they consulted is not a member of any secret society, including Freemason and similar or related groupings: an untrue denial rendering the professional person liable to criminal proceedings.. I appreciate the very great difficulties, but possibly in the not too far distant future in the wake if the P2 affair, some measure along these lines might be passed ... In the Government service Masons in delicate areas would come to know that for security reasons a few positions were closed to the: this too would help shift the balance of advantage..
...Such measures could, I believe, also incidentally lead to a significant improvement in Britain's performance in many places, lessening the possibility that the more dynamic, more forward-looking and better qualified may be passed over to the detriment of government and industrial efficiency ... I repeat, though, that I am well aware that I have not the qualifications for suggesting counter-measures, that I have for setting out the dangers,,,'
..I have discussed the Chinaman Report in general terms and off the record with several high; placed officials and with three former Cabinet Ministers, all of whom told me that if such a report came into their hands when they were in office hey would have initiated an enquiry, IN March 1982, having contacted Foreign ~Secretary Lord Carrington and been assured by him that he was not a Freemason Brotherhood, I was on the point of raising it with him.. The Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands and Britain lost on of its most able ministers.
And here another link is forged between Licio Gelli (P2 founder and controller), his Overt Masters, and the important task P2 had been created to perform in the continuing programme to destabilize the West, After Licio Gelli's flight from Italy. Licio Gelli did not go hiding beyond the Iron Curtain as suggested by the perspicacious Peter Hebblethwaithe...Most informed sources believed Licio Gelli was in Argentina, where he had exercised so much influence in the past and where, I suggest. Geberal Galtieri was Licio Gelli's new Peron, It cannot be a coincidence that Admiral Emilo Massera, the commander of the Argentine Navy and one of the three-man junta that launched the Falkland invasion, and the commander of the Argentine Fits Army, General Calos Suarez Mason, we`re both secret members of Lodge P2.
Chapter One: Origins
Some Freemasons claim great antiquity for Freemasonry. This is reflected in the Masonic calendar which is based on Archbishop Ussher's seventh-century calculation that the Creation must have taken place in the year 4004 BC/ For convenience, the off four years are ignored and Anno Lucis (in the Year of Light, when Freemasonry is deemed to have begun) is four thousand years ahead of Anno Domini - so a Masonic certificate of initiation bearing the date A.L. 5983 was issued in A.D. 1983. The implication is that Freemasonry is as old as Adam. \ Throughout the eighteen and nineteenth centuries, Masonic writers produced vast numbers of books seeking to show that their movement has a continuous history of many hundreds, even thousands of years. Some claimed that the ancestors of the Brotherhood were the Druid or Culdees; some claimed they were the pre-Christian Jewish Monks, the Essenes, Others insisted that Freemasonry had its origins in the religion of ancient Egypt - an amalgam of the briefly held momotheism of Ikhnaton (c.1375 B.C.) and the Isis-Osiris cult.
Modern Masonic historians are fare more cautious. It is now accepted that Freemasonry as practiced today goes back no more than three centuries. What is true, though, is that the philosophic, religious and ritualistic concoction that makes up the speculative element of Freemasonry is drawn from many sources - some of them, like the Isis-Osiris myth, dating back to the dawn of history. Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, the Kabbala, Hinduism, Theosophy and traditional notions of the occult all play a part; but despite the exhaustive literature - one scholar estimates that some 50,000 items of Masonry had been published by the 1950's - it is impossible to determine what comes from where and when, if only because Freemasonry on its lower and more accessible levels is opposed to dogma. There is therefore no alternative statement of what Masons believe or what the Brotherhood stands for in the first, second and third degrees, to which the vast majority of members restrict themselves. Even a 33 degree Mason who has persevered to attain all the enlightenment that Freemasonry claims to offer could not - even if he were freed from his oath of secrecy - provide more than a purely personal view of the Masonic message and the meaning to be attached to Masonic symbolism, since thus remains essentially subjective.
The comparatively short documented history of Freemasonry as an institution is nevertheless quite extraordinary. It is the story of how a Roman Catholic trade guild for a few thousand building workers in Britain came to be taken over by the aristocracy, the gentry and members of mainly non-productive professions, and how it was turned into a non-Christian secret society enjoying association with offshoot fraternal societies with millions of adherents throughout most of the non-Communist world.
In many cultures and at many times humankind has been drawn to the esoteric - the conception that the great truths about life and how to control social and natural phenomena are secrets and can only be known to initiates, who pass on their privileged knowledge to the elect from generation to generation. Ad one highly placed Mason told me: ' Truth, to the initiate, is not for everyone, pearls must not be thrown before swine.'
Equally. throughout history men have joined together in secret groups to further purely worldly ambitions. All such groups also involve initiation - the initiation ceremony involving fearful oaths of secrecy. For secrets to remain secrets there must be certain and effective sanctions. Secret societies formed for essentially practical ends have commonly had religious and moral elements. The religious element creates awe and so adds to the effectiveness of the oath of secrecy. The moral element determines the fraternal way that the organization's members threat each other, which might bear small resemblance to the way they treat outsiders.
Freemasonry is both speculative, philosophic - even religious and mystical -system, and a fraternity of those organized to help each other in material matters. For some Masons it is entirely the former, for other the latter. but for most it is a mixture of the two.
Masonic historians seem as uncertain as non-Masons about who first saw in the obsolescent mediaeval Christian Masonic guild as organization that could be taken over and converted into a quasi-religious, quasi-secular secret society. What evidence there is indicates that this evolution began very slowly and almost by chance, and that it was only later that the potential of the Masonic guild as a clandestine power base was perceived. In other words, it appears that the original interest of the gentry in the Masonic lodges stemmed from curiosity, antiquarian interest, and a kind of fashionable search for an unconventional, exclusive social milieu - rather like a jet-set fad for frequenting working men's pubs.
..There are a number of reasons why the Masonic guild should have attracted this general interest....
...First, the working (or 'operative') mason's craft guild was ripe for takeover: structured in the heyday of Gothic architecture in the thirteenth century, the craft was dying.. King's College Chapel at Cambridge, perhaps the last truly great English Gothic building, had been completed about 1512...
... Secondly, the highly skilled stonemasons of the Gothic age were peculiar in that many were itinerant workers, moving from church site to cathedral site as work was to be found. They had no regular headquarters like other trades, gathering in temporary lodges on site to discuss affairs ...and, as they often did not know each other as did permanent residents of mediaeval towns, they needed some method of recognition, some way of maintaining a closed shop to protect their demanding and highly esteemed profession against interlopers who had not undergone the rigorous apprenticeship necessary to acquire the mason's skills. These, as Professor Jacob Bronowski termed them, were the 'industrial aristocrats'.....
.... There was thus cosmopolitan romance, exclusivity and an organized secretiveness about the mason's guild, which became increasingly moribound as baroque replaced Gothic architecture ... all of this had potential fascination for men of education.......
Modern Freemasonry probably originated in Scotland... The earliest known instance of a non-stonemason, a gentleman, joining a mason's lodge is John Boswell. Laid of Auchinlech, who was a member of the Lodge in Edinburgh in 1600. Apparently the first English gentleman to join an English Lodge was Elian Ashmore, founder of Oxford' Ashmlean Museum. An antiquarian deeply interested in Rosicrucinism, he joined in 1646, Masonry became so fashionable that as the seventeenth century progressed the 'acceptance' (the collective term for non-stonemasons) became the majority in the Masonic Lodges.
For example, in 1670 the Aberdeen Lodge had thirty-none 'accepted' members while only ten remained 'operative' masons. But it was not long before the novelty in participating in the Quaint and venerable doings of artisans wore thin. Men of fashion saw no reason to prolong association with working men, and they began to form their own gentlemen' Lodges.... Freemasonry was launched...
... The 'speculative' Masons inherited seven main fundamental points from their 'operative' predecessors:
(1) an organization with the three grades of membership: (a) Apprentice, (b) Fellow or Journeyman, and (c) Master Mason;
(2) A unit termed a Lodge;
(3) Legendary histories of the origins of the Masonic craft set out in the 100-odd manuscripts containing the so-called 'Old Charges', the oldest being the Regius manuscripts of 1390, which was in verse;
(4) A tradition o fraternal and benevolent relations between members;
(5) A rule of secrecy about Lodge doings, although the Old Charges themselves were simply lists of quite ordinary rules for the guild, which members were enjoined to keep 'so help you God'. as befitted a Christian grouping there were no blood-curdling oaths;
(6) A method of recognition, notably the Scottish 'mason word' traced back to 1550: unwritten but variously remembered as Mahabyn, Mahabone, or even Matchpin;
(7) A thoroughly Christian foundation - the Old Charges are permeated with mediaeval Roman Catholicism;
With the demise of the original 'trade union' purpose of organization and the eclipse not only of Roman Catholicism due to the Reformation, but also the waning of Christianity with the rise of science, what was left towards the end of the seventeenth century was the framework of a secretive association, likened by authority to a peasant's cottage ripe for extensive development as a luxury weekend home for the well-to-do.
... Serious Masonic historians themselves deplore the lack of documentation about the three or four critical decades before the foundation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 ,,but is was during these years that the course of Freemasonry was to follow set.. it was evidently then that feww men among the small number (possibly only a few hundred in all) of 'accepted' masons must have come to see the potential of a secret society cutting across class divisions to embrace aristocrats, gentry, professional men and elements of the expanding middle class... It was to be a 'brotherhood' which would put a string to pull into the hand of every members, and strings enough in the hands of its shadowy controllers to manipulate events - like puppet masters behind the scenes ..But who these people were and just how consciously they planned or, as some have said, even plotted, is shrouded in mystery ,,, One thing united a majority of politically conscious people at this time: the need to preserve the gain of the Civil War of 1642-1651 - the limitation of the power of the King.. The 'accepted' Masons of the last quarter of the seventeenth century would appear to have been largely drawn from the type of people most anxious to preserve and to increase the steadily growing influence in society and government if men of quite moderate wealth and standing...
.... William of Orange and his consort Mary in 1688 were invited to become joint sovereigns..
.... When Grand Lodge was founded, George I had been on the throne only three years ..the prominent in Masonry were poised to have a hand in the manipulation of the new Hanoverian dynasty...
...Before the foundation of Grand Lodge in 1717, moves to transform the old guild into a true secret society were well on the way. As the normal trade union business of operative Masonic Lodges dwindled and eventually ceased, so the element of ritual based on the readings of the Old Charges - their legendary stories about the origins of the 'Mason's Craft; and their injunctions to members to obey the traditional rules - was transformed. Lodge ritual, initiations and speculative dissertations became the mail business of actual lodge meetings ... at the same time fraternal conviviality - which in the old days of operative masonry had probably been confined to a tankard or two after meetings in a local ale house - soon became a major feature of Masonic society... much was eaten, much was drunk, and much was discussed in the privacy of Masonic meeting places (usually taverns) after the rather dry formal doings in Lodge were over... the 'better' the `lodge - in the sense of social class - the 'better' the conversation and the more lavish and expensive the entertainment ,,,Masonry was already on its way to mirroring and reinforcing the class system and the emerging social order based on strictly constitutional monarchy... whatever it was to become overseas, where no Civil War, no Glorious Revolution had yet taken place, Masonry in England was already headed towards a conservative future...The sights of its prime movers were already set on a movement underpinning a type of society admirably suited to its purposes: a stable society with limited social mobility in which a secret inner 'Old Boy' association could provide an environment where considerable benefit could be gained by members who knew how to 'play the Masonic organ'.
,, Formal oaths of secrecy to be sworn by individual initiates appear in a number of Old charges containing 'new orders', but as these were published five years after the establishment of Grand Lodge they are possibly spurious. ,,,either way, no horrific sanctions are mentioned.. even so, the inclusion of an oath in the initiation rituals can be regarded as a crucial step in the creation of a secret society from the old guild...
The headquarters of the Brotherhood ( as Freemasonry is generally called) in England and Wales is in London, where the massive bulk of Freemasons Hall squats at the corner of Great Queen Street and Wild Street, like a gigantic elephant's footstool... This is the seat of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of the 8,000 plus lodges in England and Wales, These Lodges, of which there are another 1,200 odd under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and about 750 under the Grand Lodge of Ireland, carry out their secret business and ritual in a deliberately cultivated atmosphere of mystery in Masonic Temples. Masonic Temples might be purpose built, or might be rooms in hotels or private buildings temporarily converted for Masonic use. Many town halls up and down Britain have private function room, used for Masonic rituals, as does New Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police...
.... The Grand Lodges control what is known as ''Craft" Freemasonry, and brethren often refer to the Brotherhood as "the Craft". Craft Freemasonry covers the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason..The vast majority of Masons rise no higher than Master Mason, and most are under the impression that there are no higher degrees... Even many masons who go on to become Royal Arch Masons, governed by Grand Chapter, have no idea that the Masonic ladder extends a further thirty rungs above those on the third who believe they had already reached the top of Freemasonry....( it is note that other researchers such as Glen Kealy believe that the ladder goes even higher to a 90 degree mason..however a 33 degree mason can not request to become and/or would not know about the 90 degree mason levels unless selected and told about them......
.... There is an important distinction to be made between 'Freemasonry', which is the Freemason movement as a whole, and 'Freemasons', which describes any number of individual masons .... it has been claimed that Captain William Morgan in American in 1826,Mozart and the Jack the Ripper murders were committed by Freemasons and/or the Brotherhood.. some people today look upon Freemasonry as an underground movement devoted to murder, terrorism and revolution ... and is a worldwide conspiracy and watch.... however... Freemasonry is not a worldwide secret society ..however is a secret society that, originating in Britain, now has independent offshoots in most of the non-Communist world ...while the British Grand Lodge recognize more than a hundred Grand Lodges ( forty-nine in the USA), they have no control over them, and most reflect the political complexion of the country in which they operate. Far from being revolutionary, there is no organization more reactionary, more Establishment-based, that British Freemasonry. Its members derive benefit from the Brotherhood only so long as the status quo is maintained ... nevertheless, Freemasonry has a potent influence on life in Britain - for both good and ill... the Brotherhood's publicly stated aims are: morality, fraternity and charity ... the average member of the Brotherhood will be eloquent on the generous donations made by United Grand Lodge to charity ...which are quite substantial ... on the other hand, there can be no doubt that many others have suffered because of Freemasonry entering into areas of life where, according to all its publicly proclaimed principles, it should never intrude .... the abuse of Freemasonry caused alarming miscarriages of justice.. it is one of the aims of this book to look at some of the effects of this abuse .... I am free to name only a small number of the many hundreds of people who have helped me with advice and information ... (for the writing of this book) .... most of those who helped did so only on the understanding that I would say nothing that could lead to their identification... among these were Freemasons, who feared recrimination from members of the Brotherhood ... other included government officials, politicians, judges, policemen of all ranks, lawyers, churchmen, past and present officers of MI5 and MI6, and people from every sector of society touched by this book.....
Edited from: The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies Intro: Elias Ashmore:
Elias Ashmore was an English historian, astrologer, alchemist, in 1644, where he became a member of Brasenose
College and studied astrology and mathematics, His studies were interrupted by the final phase of the English Civil War , and he served with distinction in the Royalist cause, helping defend Oxford and Worcester against Parliamentary armies. After the final collapse of the Royalty cause in 1646, Ashmore went to live with relatives in Cheshire, While there in October 16th, 1646, he was initiated into Freemasonry, becoming one of the first two "accepted (speculative) Masons (Masons not employed in the building trades) in England, the other, initiated on the same evening, was his brother-in-law Henry Mainwaring. He remained active in Masonry for the rest of his life and appears to have placed a significant role in its spread in seventeenth-century England...
The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight –published 1984
The Dissidents – Chapter 16 _ages 140 to 149
One of my major sources of information was a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who has withdrawn form masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.. her agreed to be interviewed by me through a third party concerning his conviction that no active Christian could in all conscience remain a Freemason…
When I met him I learned he was a judge, and a particularly quick-tempered one .. I asked him about the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third degree, he answered quickly: ‘Nom I dare not go into that’, her said ….’we’d better stick to religion… I thought immediately afterwards how strange it was he had used the words ‘dare not’, Most people said, ‘I’d better not’, or ‘I’d rather not’… I remarked on his used of the world. He said, ‘Anyone in public life has to be cautious.’ ..’Cautious’.. I repeated. “That’s a Masonic word of recognition.”..
He then said, ‘You’ve obviously delved into the ritual, so you know…..’
… ‘Mr Knight, I don’t like this line of questioning. I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with Masonic religion …. I do not wish to be drawn into discussion of matters covered by whatever undertakings I have … taken…
I went on to tell the judge ..’I have heard form quite a lot of contacts about organized action groups of Freemasons that have resulted in the financial or social ruin of certain people, ‘ I said..
The judge replied.. ‘So have I’…’ ..still looking me st5raight in the eye as if telling me this was an important issue and point of fact…’ So have I Mr Knight… No of such happenings which had the backing of official Freemasonry, but of actions which were unofficial, in other words, Masons abusing the Craft for their own ends..’…’You know the answer to that form what I have said.. ‘I have also heard about people who have .crossed’ certain masons and finished up in prison…’ He then stopped me in mid-sentence by placing a finger on his lips ... ’if I told you everything about Freemasonry, being betrayed by its members, it would surprise you… it would make your hair stand on end … I can’t tell you any more..’ he said…then he said.. Give me your phone number,, you might hear from someone in a few days…’… His finger went back to his lips and he went to fetch my coat .. as he left he said, ‘God Bless’…
A few days later received as phone call from a man calling himself Christopher whom I ended up having along meeting at his private club and he showed me his papers to show him bona fide ID and Freemason membership… I asked him what a person might have to fear from a group of influential Freemason if circumstances made him, for instance, a threat to them in the business world; or if he discovered they were using masonry for corrupt purposes; or had fallen victim of their misuse of Freemasonry and would not heed warnings not to oppose them…
He replied..’.. It is not difficult to s=ruin a man,’ he said, ‘And I will tell you how it is done time and time again.. there are more than half a million Freemasonry Craft Brethren (In 1883) just in England and Wales and over 400,000 in Scotland ( in 1983) under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge.. Standards have been falling for twenty or thirty years , it is now too easy to enter the Craft, so many men of dubious moral have now joined the Craft… about 12-13% abuse the Craft for selfish and/or corrupt ends.. (that is about 60,000 in England and Wales and about 40,000 in Scotland)..
Note: Christopher was one of a small and unpopular group within Masonry who sometime in the early 1970’s had decided that either they had to get out of the Brotherhood or they had to do something ‘to stop the rot’, which the ‘blinkered officers of Great Queen Street refuse to admit was there..’
This group wanted pressure brought to bear on those in positions of responsibility within the Brotherhood to put Freemasonry’s house in order.. to instate proper policing, to close down Lodges used for shady dealings and to root out corrupt brethren and expel them, they also wanted the whole business of Masonic secrecy looked into by Grand Lodge, most of them believing that secrecy was more harmful than helpful to Masonry..
Christopher explained that Masonry’s nationwide organization of men from all walks of life provided one of the most efficient private intelligence networks imaginable, private information on anybody in the country could be accessed very rapidly through endless permutations of Masonic contacts in the police, magistrates, solicitors, bank managers, Post Office staff (‘very useful is supplying copies of a man’s mail’), doctors, government employees, bosses of firms and nationalized industries etc. etc. …. A dossier of personal data could be built up on anybody very quickly.. when the major facts of an individual’s life were known, areas of vulnerability would become apparent…
I asked what action might be taken?..
“ Solicitors are very good at it…Get your name involved in something legal it need not be serious and you have him,, Solicitors are past masters a causing endless delays, generating useless paperwork, ignoring instructions, running up immense bills, misleading client into taking decisions damaging to themselves etc etc..
‘ Masonic police can harass, arrest on false charges, and plant evidence.. ‘ A business man in a small community or a person in public office arrested for dealing in child pornography, for indent exposure, or for trafficking drugs is at the end of the line..’
‘ Masons can bring about the situation where credit companies and band withdraw credit facilities form individual clients and tradesmen, said my informant..
People who rely on their telephone for work can have it cut off for long periods, Masonic employees of councils can arrange for a persons drains to be inspected and extensive damage reported etc etc..
Chapter 3- Schism and Reunion
.... In 1717 Freemasonry enters properly into history,, Four London Lodges alone formed Grand Lodge and owed allegiance to it. What is interesting is that a none too well-off gentleman, Anthony Sayer, was installed as Grand Master, In the beginning the upper classed kept a low profile.. they backed the creation of a central organization welding individual lodges together, but eventually wanted this done before they assumed official public control... Of the four original London Lodges, the first three contained not one 'Esquire' between them, where as Lodge Original No.4 was made up of seventy-one members of whom, in 1724, ten were nobles, three were honourable, four were baronets or knights, and two were generals. .. in 1718, Sayer was replaced after barely a year by George Payne, a 'man of more substance', being a member of Original No 4. But he too had only one year in office another interim while the upper-class moved in on the small gentry just as the small gentry moved in on the 'operative' artisans a century earlier...
... The third Grand Master was the Reverend John Theophilus Desaguliers, a Doctor of Law, a Fellow of the Royal society and chaplain to Frederick, Prince of Wales, whom he admitted to the Brotherhood in 1737. He was of French extraction. ,, A head hunter for Freemasonry.... he not only visited Edinburgh to encourage the Scots along the organizational path the London Masons were following , but visited The Hague in 1731, where he admitted the Duke of Lorraine to the Brotherhood. The Duke married Mara Theresa in 1736 and become co-Regent when she acceded to the Austrian throne in 1738... under Joseph II Mozart, Haydn and a host of other notables became Freemasons ...Dr Desaguliers, certainly appears to have sparked the missionary zeal of British Freemasonry which eventually carried the Freemasonry movement to almost every country in the world....Desaguliers too only held office a short time, In 1721 he gave way to the long awaited first noble Grand master, the Duke of Montague, But, unlike his predecessors, Desaguliers was not usurped: the evidence suggests that he was the prototype of the long line of powerful Masonic figures who preferred the shade to the limelight, the reality of power to mere appearances.
Chapter: 4 Across The Seas and Down the Centuries
The Irish Grand Lodge was formed in 1725 and the Scottish Grand Lodge was formed the following year in 1726. the Scots proved at least as fervent missionaries as the English, As already mentioned. the movement had spread to the Continent at least by the third decade of the eighteenth century, often in very high society. Frederick the Great of Prussia is claimed to have been initiated in 1738, although one must be careful of accepting Masonic claims of membership by the illustrious. There is no proof, for example Christopher Wren, often hailed as one of the brethren, was ever a member. Masonry, its undefined Deism so close to that of Voltairean rationalism, was soon the rage among the pre-revolutionary freethinkers in France: ironically, it may have been planted there by Jacobite exiles around 1725.
Freemasonry remains a power t be reckoned with in many European countries, France and Germany in particular. The French Grand Master today is Air Force general Jacques Mitterand, the President's brother, and Freemasonry's influence in politics is profound. Francois Mitterand owes much of his success in the 1981 election to influential Freemasons. Masonry has been closely identified with the Socialists for most of the last seventy years. According to Fred Zeller, Grand master of the Grand Orient of France in 1971 and 1973, the 1974 presidential election would have been won by the Socialists had Valery Giscard d'Estang not become a Freemason and colluded with sympathetic forces in the Brotherhood, which eventually persuaded French Freemasons that it was in their best interests to vote for Giscard. He was initiated into the Franklin Rossevelt Lodge in paris the year of the election.
Italian Freemasonry, later to pay significant role in the unification of the country ( Garibaldi was a Freemason). was established in Rome by Jacobite exiles in 1735 and was already a force by 1750. Masonry among Roman Catholics relates was one reason for the repeated papal condemnations.
No country was too small for attention: Holland, Switzerland and Sweden all had keen and influential memberships in the eighteen century. Continental Masonry reached as far as Russia: Tolstoy in War and Peace describes the different motivations of upper-class masons during the Napolionic Wars.
Freemasonry crossed the Atlantic to the colonies of the old empire very early on: George Washington's initiation was in 1752, Today, the dollar bill bears not only Washington's likeness, but also the all-seeing-eye symbol of Freemasonry. washington refused to become head of masonry for the whole of the newly formed United States, and US Freemasonry came to be organized on a state-by-state basis. Today, each US state has its own Grand Lodge, Royal Arch Chapters come under state Grand Chapters, the first mention of Royal Arch appearing in Virginia records of 1753. A few states followed the British lead and spread the Brotherhood abroad, For example, before the Second World War there were Lodges in China under Massachusetts jurisdiction, and it was Massachusetts that warranted the first Canadian Lodge in 1749, The oldest Masonic Lodge room in the USA dates from 1760 and is at Prentiss House, Marblehead, Massachusetts. No fewer than none Canadian Grand Lodges were eventually formed. The United States proved a home form home for the Brotherhood. Eight signatories to the Declaration of Independence- Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Joseph Hewes, William Hooper, Robert Treat Payne, Richard Stockton, George Walton and william Whipple - were proven Masons, while twenty-four others, on less that certain evidence, have been claimed by the Brotherhood. Seventeen presidents have been Masons: Washington, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Garfield. McKinley, both Roosevelts, Taft, Harding, Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford and Ronald Regan, Seventeen Vice-Presidents including Hubert Humphrey and Adlai Stevenson have also been brethren,
But the British - the founders of masonry - remained throughout the nineteenth and twentieth-centuries the chief propagandists for the movement. Undaunted by the loss of the first empire and with it direct control over American Masonry, the British took masonry with the flag as they created their second empire- the one on which the sun never set.
For some years membership of the Lodges set up in the empire (grouped in 'Provinces' under English, Scottish or Irish jurisdiction) as confined to Europeans, apart from a handful of Indian princely exceptions. But after 1860. a first Parsees, then other Indians were brought into the Brotherhood. In British West Africa and the West Indies there were 'black' lodges (likely to be where Barrack Obama's relations came from as a long term plan to raise a Mason family dark president of the USA) as well as 'white' Lodges (as in the US), and eventually mixed Lodges were formed.
Associating the native upper and middle classes on a peculiar, profitable and clandestine basis with their while rulers, some historians believe, did much to defuse resentment of imperial domination. Despite his colour, any man rather better off than the mass of people - who were not sought as members - could, by being a Freemason, feel that he belonged in however humble a way to the Establishment. Just how far masonry reached is shown by the fact that on the small island of Jamaca there were no fewer than twelve Lodges, some in townships of little more than a couple of streets.
Freemasonry of itself is simply a secret environment tended by its various Grand Lodges, as exclusive society within society, there to be used by its members largely as they wish. Hence its influence, political and social, can be quite different at times and places, In the eighteen masons were thin on the ground, but enough aristocrats, men of fashion and influence, were Masons to give the top masons influence disproportionate to their numbers. And of course royal involvement ensured, as it does today, the impression of total reputability. because of this, Freemasonry has been able to ignore all legislation dating form 1797 concerning secret societies and illegal oaths. Although regarded as subversive in some countries where the environment was less amenable, in eighteenth-century Britain the Brotherhood had the effect already alluded to - of reinforcing the development of constitutional monarchy under which its own establishment could thrive....
The advantages of `masonry, in terms of cult, diversified friendships and straight worldly interest, had become evident to many. with the Union of 1813 the movement began to snowball for the more Masons there are in any area or profession the more important it is to be a Mason f one is not to risk losing out, as a non-member of the 'club', in one's business, one's profession and one's preferment.
another factor was important: with the Industrial Revolution, social mobility began to increase. And masonry, providing a ladder extending from the lower middle class to the Royal Family itself, offered great advantages to those who could learn how to climb it. There was also the loneliness of the new urban way of life: Freemasonry provided an enormous circle of instant acquaintances in most walks of life. Then too, the English public schoolboy could continue to be public schoolboy in the intimacy of the Craft.
At the end of the eighteen century only about 320 English Lodges had been warranted. About twice as many more were formed in the next half of the century, No 1000 in 1864. This number was doubled in the next twenty year, No 2000 being warranted in 1883. The next twenty years maintained tis rate of growth with Lodge no 3000 opening in 1903, in which year Winton Leonard Spencer Churchill, the MP for Oldham, was initiated to a Masonic career that was to last more than sixty years. All this nineteenth explosions resulted essentially from recruitment form the middle and professional classes.
With the First World War, which led to so many of quite humble background seeking better status, the rate of growth speeded dramatically. Lodge No 4000 was formed in 1919, and No 5000 only seven years later in 1926. The Second World War, for similar reasons, led to another such period of extraordinary rapid growth - Lodge No 6000 being formed in 1944 and Lodge No 7000 in 1950.
In 1981, Lodge No 9003 was warranted. Even allowing for Lodges that have been discontinued, taking average Lodge membership at around sixty men, a membership of at least half a million can reasonably reliably be estimated for England alone. Official Masonic estimates, as already stated put the total for England and Wales at around 600,000. ( plus according to H. Paul Jeffers around 400,000 in Scotland as well taking the total to over one million Freemasons in England, Wales and Scotland).
As the recruiting ground for ~Freemasons is primarily the not directly productive middle and professional classes, it is clear that a very high proportion of these people, occupying managers and so on - are Freemasons. In many fields nowadays the disadvantages of being left out of the 'club' are perceived as being too serious for a great many people to contemplate, whatever hey may feel personally about the morality of joining a secret society, or about the misty tenets of speculative Freemasonry.
Chapter 5
The Thirty-Third Degree
There is an elite group of Freemasons in England over whom the United Grand Lodge has no jurisdiction. These are the brethren of the so-called Higher Degrees, and even the majority of Freemasons have no idea of their existence.
Most Freemasons who have been raised to the 3rd Degree to become Master Masons believe they are the top of the Masonic Ladder. As novices they were Entered Apprentices. They were the '[assed' as Fellow Craft Masons and finally 'raised' as Masters. The very name Master has connotations of supremity. It Master Masons have ambition it will usually be to achieve office within their Lodge - eventually, with good fortune and the passing of yeas, to become Worshipful master of their mother Lodge ( the Lodge to which they were first initiated into Masonry). Those who have their eyes fixed on higher office will aim for rank in their Provincial Grand Lodge or in the United Grand Lodge itself. But even the Grand Master of all England is only a Freemasons of the 3rd Degree. The three Craft:
3rd Degree -Master Mason
2nd Degree - Fellow Craft
1st Degree - Entered Apprentice
degrees form the entire picture of masonry for most of the 600,000 ' uninitiated initiates' of the Brotherhood in England and Wales.
The 'Masters', who form the largest proportion of Freemasons, are inmost cases quite unaware of the thirty superior degrees to which they will never be admitted, nor even be mentioned. This is the real picture, with the three lowly degrees governed by a Supreme Council.
These thirty degrees, beginning with the 4th (that of Secret Master) and culminating in the 33rd (Grand Inspector General), are controlled by a Supreme Council whose headquarters are at 10 Duke Street, St James's London SW1. Nobody walking down Duke Street form Piccadilly is likely to suspect the true nature of what goes on inside the building, even if he or she happens to notice the small plate to the right of the entrance which says,
' The Supreme Council..... Ring once'
Built in 1910-11, this imposing Edwardian mansion with fine neo-classical features might easily be taken for a consulate of the headquarters of some private institute.
Nor do people thumbing through the S-Z section of the London `telephone Directory get any clue form the entry sandwiched between Supreme Cleaners and Supreme Die Cutters: 'Supreme Council 33rd Degree ...01 930 1606'
Nobody looking at that fine but anonymous house from outside could suspect that behind its pleasing facade, beyond the two sets of study double doors and up the stairs, there is a Black Room, a Red Room and a Chamber of Death. To high masons, the house is Duke Street is known as the Grand East.
members of Craft Freemasonry - that is, all but a few thousand of England's Masons - often argue that Freemasonry is not a secret society but ' a society with secrets'. Although argument is is the end unconvincing, it has its merits. But no such case can be made out for the wealthy society-within-a society based at 10 Duke Street, London.
The Thirty-Three Degrees of Freemaosonry
1st Degree - Entered Apprentice
2nd Degree - Fellow Craft
3rd Degree - Master Mason
4th Degree - Secret Master
5th Degree - Perfect Master
6th Degree - Intimate Secretary
7th Degree - Provost and Judge
8th Degree - Intendant of the Building
9th Degree - Elect of Nine
10th Degree- Elect of Fifteen
11th Degree- Sublime Elect
12th Degree- Grand Master Architect
13th Degree- Royal Arch of (Enoch)
14th Degree- Scottish Knight of Perfection
15th Degree- Knight of the Sword, or of the East
16th Degree- Prince of Jerusalem
17th Degree- Knight of the East and West
18th Degree-
Knight of the Pelican and Eagle & Sovereign Prince Roe Croix of Heredom
19th Degree- Grand Pontiff
20th Degree- Venerable Grand Master
21st Degree- Patriarch Noachite
22nd Degree- Prince of Libanus
23rd Degree- Chief of the Tabernacle
24th Degree- Prince of the Tabernacle
25th Degree- Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26th Degree- Prince of Mercy
27th Degree- Commander of the Temple
28th Degree- Knight of the Sun
29th Degree- Knight of St Andrew
30th Degree- Grand Elected Knight Kadosh, Knight of the Black and White Eagle
31st Degree- Grand Inspector inquisitor Commander
32nd Degree Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
33rd Degree Grand Inspector General
One of the regulations of ordinary Craft masonry is that no Mason may invite an outsider to join. Anyone wishing to become a Freemason must take the initiative and seek two sponsors from within the Brotherhood
(This at least is the theory - and United Grand Lodge staunchly maintains that it is the practice. In reality entered apprentices are recruited by existing Masons they know personally- we know this to be a fact). The position is reversed to the Higher Degrees. Initiation into Scottish Rite Freemasonry is open only to those Master Masons who are 'selected' by the Supreme Council. If a representative of the Supreme Council establishes contact with a Master Mason and concluded that he is suitable, the Candidate will be offered the chance of being 'perfected' and setting the first foot on the ladder to the 33rd Degree. But only a very small proportion, even of the limited number of Freemasons who take the first step. progress beyond the 18th Degree, that of Knight of the Pelican and Eagle and Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom. With each Degree the number of initiates diminishes. the 31st Degree (Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander) is restricted to 400 members; the 32nd Degree ( Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret) to 180; and the 33rd Degree - the re-eminent Grand Inspectors General - to only 75 members.
While Armed Forces are strongly represented in ordinary Freemasonry, the 'Antient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third Degree' is particularly attractive to military men, Grand Inspectors General (I.e. members of the Supreme Council) have included Commander-in-Chief in the Middle east and allied supreme Commander in the Mediterranean in the Second World War; Major-General Sir Leonard Henry Atkinson; Brigadier E,W,C. Flavell; Lieutenant-General Sir Harold Williams; Brigadier General Edward Charles Walthall Delves Walthall; scores more in the last two decades. Before his retirement in 1982 the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander (the most senior Freemason of the 33rd Degree in England and Wales and head of the Supreme Council) was Major-General sir (Herbert) Ralph Hone, KCMG, KBE, MC, TD, and so on. There is no mention of Freemasonry in his entry in Who's -Who, which lists every other decoration, award and distinction he has earned in his eighty-seven years, although becoming Britain's highest Freemason can have been of no little consequence to him. In Masonic matter he would dispense with all the other abbreviations and simply sign himself, Ralph Hone, 33 Degree. Born in 1896, he is also a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St John of Jerusalem.
Major-General sir (Herbert) Ralph Hone, was wounded during the First World War while serving with the British Expeditionary Force, went on to practice as a barrister-at-law in Uganda and Zanzibar in the 1920's becoming Resident Magistrate in Zanzibar in 1928 and Crown Counsel of Tanganyika Territory two years later. In the thirties he was Attorney-General and Acting Chief Justice of Gibraltar, and Attorney-General of Uganda between 1937 and 1943. after serving as Chief Legal adviser, Political Branch, and then Chief Political officer, GHQ Middle East, he was appointed to the General staff of the War Office in 1943. After the war he was Chief Civil Affairs Officer in Malaya for a year before becoming Secretary-General to the Governor-General of Malaya and then Deputy Commissioner-General in South-East Asia. In 1949 he was appointed Governor and Commander-in-chief of North Borneo. At the end of five years there he spent seven years as Head of the Legal Division of the Commonwealth Relations Office. This took him into 1961 when he returned to the Bar. Among other posts at home and abroad in the next fourteen years he was a constitutional advisor to R.A, Butler's Advisers on Central Africa,to the South Arabian Government and the Bermuda Government. He was standing Counsel
to the Grand Bahama Port Authority until hi retirement on 1975 at the age of seventy-five, He succeeded Most Puissant Brother Sir Eric Studd, Bt, OBE, 33 Degree, as sovereign Grand Commander.
This, then was the man who - at the time 'The Brotherhood' was completed for New English Library - was truly Britain's highest Freemason. whatever might be said of the Duke of Kent, the current Grand Master of Craft Masonry. Page 39 shows the hierarchy over which the Most Puissant Sovereign Grant Commander presides, with the Duke of Kent's sub-hierachy way down low.
Although in 1936, 1947 and 1967 Major-General Sir Ralph Hone held grand rank in the United Grand Lodge, and has achieved distinction in many fields, he is one of that brand of men who attain power without the notoriety or fame. Few of the many hundreds of Freemasons I have interviewed had ever heard of Sir Ralph Hone, and of those few only five knew of him in his secret role as the Highest Mason of the Highest Degree. These five were all initiates of the Ancient and Accepted Rite: Two Sovereign Princes Rose Croix of Heredom (18th Degree); one of the 180 Sublime Princess of the Royal secret (32nd degree); a 33rd Degree Grand Inspector General; and a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor of the 31st Degree who had renounced Freemasonry in order, he said, to become 'a true and living Christian', But beyond the fact that Major-General Sir Ralph Hone was the preminent member of the Supreme Council, none of them would say any more either about the man himself or about the rituals, the degrees or the administration of the Rite.
Sir Ralph's successor is Harold Devereux Still, former Grand Treasurer and Junior Grand warden of the United Grand Lodge of England, and Grand Treasurer and Grand Scribe Nehemiah of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal arch Masons of England. He also attained the rank of Grand Master of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.
The Brotherhood attracts men of distinction in the judiciary and legal profession, as will be seen later. One such man is His Honour Judge Alan Stewart Trapnell, who was appointed to the Circuit Bench in 1972. he is a Craft Freemason of grand rank, having been Assistant Grand Registrar in 1963. n 1969 he became Assistant Grand Sojourner of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons. All these details are listed in the 'Masons Year Book', which is now very difficult for non-Masons to come by, What is not mentioned is that he is a Freemason of the 33rd degree and Grand Inspector General for Middlesex.
Although Craft Freemasonry is worldwide in the sense that it exists in most parts of the non-Communist world, and even underground in parts of the eastern bloc, it has no international organization. The Ancient and Accepted Rite of the `thirty-Third Degree is the only cohesive Masonic group run on truly international lines. The Supreme Council in London is one of many Supreme Councils in various parts of the globe, of which the senior is the Supreme Council of Charleston, USA, which effectively operated a worldwide network of Freemasonry in the most powerful positions in the executive, legislature, judiciary and armed forces as well as the industry, commerce and professions of many nations.
The English working of the Rite - sometimes known by the code name Rose Croix from the title of the initiate to the 18th Degree - differs from the American in one basic respect. In England and Wales only a few of the 33 Degrees are conferred by special ritual, while in the USA each Degree has its own initiation ceremony, In this country, the 4th to §7th Degrees are conferred at once and in name only during initiation of the selected Freemason to the 18th Degree. To the few who rise higher than the 18th Degree, the 19th to 29th Degrees are conferred nominally during the ritual of initiation to the 30th Degree - that of Grand Elected Knight Kadosh or Knight of the Black and White Eagle. Degrees above the 30th Degree are conferred singly, No initiate can rise higher than the 18th Degree without the unanimous agreement of the entire Supreme Council.
Chapter 6
The Great Debate
'The insidious effect of Freemansonry among the police has to be experienced to be believed'
With these words, David Thomas, a former head of Monmouthshire CID, created a storm of protest in 1969 and re-opend a debate that had started nearly a century before, when a conspiracy involving 'Masonic Police' and 'Masonic Criminals' brought the destruction of the original Detective Department of Scotland Yard,,, Since then allegations of 'Masonic Corruption' (within the UK Police Force) have been rife, the Jack the Ripper murders in the East End of London in 1988 were perpetrated according on 'Masonic Ritual' and a subsequent police cover-up was led by the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, both Freemasons... There have been allegations of charges being dropped against criminal Masons by police Masons; of unfair promotions; of on-masons being hounded out of the police service; of livelihoods ruined; of blackmail and violence; of discipline eroded by a system in which a Chief Superintendent, Commanded or even on occasion as Assistant Chief Constable or Chief Constable can be made to Kneel in submissions before one of his own constables; and, in recent times, of robery and murder planned between police and criminals at Lodge Meetings'
Chapter 7
Men at the Top
There are fifty-two police forced in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Island....The consensus among my most reliable, highly-ranking informants is that of the fifty Chief Constables and London fewer that thirty-three are of the Freemasonry Brotherhood ..
Chapter 8
Worshipful masters of Conspiracy
Corruption among Scotland Yard detectives, always a problem, grew enormously during the 1960's. One cause of the trouble was the conventional methods of detection were being less and less effective in the face of the burgeoning crime rate......between 1969 and the setting-up of the famous Operation Countryman in 1978 there were three big investigations into corruption in the Metropolitan Police These were:
(1) An enquiry into allegations of corruption and extortion by police, first published by the Times newspaper. This resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of two London detectives in 1972
(2) An enquiry by Lancashire Police into members of the Metropolitan Police Drug Squad. this led to the trial of six detectives, and the imprisonment in 1973 of three of them.
(3) An enquiry into allegations of corruption among CID officers responsible for coping with vice and pornography in London's West End. Over twenty detectives were sacked from the police force during the three-year investigation in the early 1970's, which led eventually to the notorious Porn Squad trials ...
There were corrupt Masonic Police involved in all these cases....
Chapter 9
Operation Countryman
Operation Countryman, the biggest investigation ever conducted into police corruption in Britain, would never have come about if the Commissioner of the City of London Police between 1971 and 1877 had not been corrupted and unduly influenced by Freemasonry...Indeed there seems little doubt that if James Page had refused to join the Brotherhood, he would not have been appointed Commissioner in the first place...
Chapter 11
Birmingham City Police
What I really needed at the outset of my investigation into Masonry in the police was a 'Masonic mole' who was a policeman of rank and integrity..Eventually, as has been shown, I built up a large network of such men, None was so earnest or more scathing than those contacts, masons and otherwise, who spoke to me about Birmingham City Police... One informant spoke of his experiences in Birmingham dating back many years, he was on the point of entering the first of the three chairs of his Holy Royal Arch Chaptwer. he had, he told me, been considering a Knights Templar, the branch of Freemaosnry which admits only Christians, but was becoming increasingly disillusioned to realize that he had to resign from one or the other...he said...'Chief |Constable. Sir Derrick Capper, was an officer of the Warickshire Provincial Grand Lodge, and he saw to it as far as possible that non-Masons were kept to the lower and middle was impossible to be a civilian employee at higher level unless you were Mason..'
Chapter 12
Conclusion (Regarding the Debate about Masons and the effect of Masons in the Police Force.
An independent enquiry into Freemasonry in the police should be initiated at the earliest possible moment,, Even thought the majority of police, including Masonic officers, are not corrupt, it is clear that corrupt police can and do use Freemasonry to effect and further corruption.....In September 1981 and again in April 1982 there were claims in court of criminal conduct on the part of Freemason police...At Knightsbridge Crown Court on Tuesday, 22nd September 1981 an ex-Metropolitan Police Detective accused of trying to bribe a senior Drugs Squad officer said they were both members of the same Masonic Lodge.. the detective told the court that he had - seconded the application of the Drugs Squad man - a Superintendant - to join the Lodge when they were both stationed at King's Cross Road -The Superintendant admitted that he was a member of the Brotherhood and that he had visited the Lodge when the detective was there....In the later case, a police informer named Michael Gervaise claimed as the Old Bailey that policemen in the same Masonic Lodge as criminals involved in a multi-million-pound silver bullion robbery had warned them that they were about to be arrested ....As a result of this 'Masonic Act', one of the men involved in the £3.5 million robbery fled and has never been traced. Gervaise, who had been involved in the robbery himself, told the court, 'certain officer were Freemasons, and certain criminals belonged to the same Lodge .. there were eight or none officers in the same Lodge as the people involved in the silver bullion robbery.'
Unrest about the undoubted misuse of Freemasonry by policemen is spreading and demands for an enquiry will continue to grow...Many people want to see masonry banned in the police... a compulsory register on which police officer have to list their affiliation to secret societies, and their status within such societies, is the minimum requirement if a grave situation is to be improved.....
Part Three: Inside Information
Chapter 13: The Rabbi's Tale
Despite the ban on speaking to outsiders, many Freemasons allowed me to interview them...Some were extraordinary frank, some going so far ... as confiding the most secret workings of the Brotherhood...among these honourable men was an eminent Freemason of long standing and grad rank: The Rev Saul Amias, MBE, a London rabbi who was Assistant Grand Chaplain to the United Grand Lodge in 1973 . I interviewed him at his home in Edgware in 1981..
Chapter 14
Five Masters and a Lewis
Chapter 15: Jobs For the Brethren?
Although a new initiate to Freemasonry declares on his honour that he offers himself as a candidate 'uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motives'... there can be no doubt that the majority of businessmen who become Masons do so because they believe it will assist them in business... - as it frequently does...
On the local level, there is much cross-fertilization between masonry and other groups of business people such as Round Table, Lions Clubs, and Rotary Clubs as well as Chambers of Commerce - Men in business on their own account - for example, accountant, architects, builders, estate agents, restaurateurs, taxi firm proprietors, travel agents, commercial travelers, Insurance agents and shop keepers of all kinds - are strongly represented in Lodges up and down the country (UK)
... if you are applying for a job it can make a big difference whether you get the job or not id you give the employer a Freemason sign and the employer is also a Freemason...
One sign by which a masons may secretly make himself known to other in the room involves a particular arrangement of the feet .. the arrangement is outlined in the ceremony of initiation to the First Degree....' are expected to stand perfectly erect your feet formed in a square, your body being thus considered an emblem of your mind, and your feet of the rectitude of your actions..' if he is in a position to shake hands with the person to whom he wished to identify himself, recognition becomes much easier...the Entered Apprentice applies distinct pressure with his right thumb on the knuckle of the other man's forefinger.. the Fellow Craft does the same thing with the second knuckle ... The Master Mason applied distinct pressure with his right thumb between the knuckles of the other man's middle and third finger...
Ron, an Agent price explained... '.. I have got business from two people as a result of being a Mason ...'
A Past Master of Eden Park Lodge No 5379 in Croydon told me... ' I was a consultant for Taylor Woodrow. ...quite a few times I know I got contracts because I gave the Masonic Grip...the whole of the board of directors of Taylor Woodrow were Freemasons at the time...
'..You'll find none out of ten architects are Masons ... went I put in a tender I'd shake the architect by the hand...oh, he'd say, .."You're a Mason.. The contract is yours..."...that is how masonry works ... if there is a contract going from an architect,, the chances are he is a the chances are a Mason will get it...'
John Poulson, the notoriously corrupt architect whose activities in bribing local government officer, councilors, Civil Servants, officials of nationalized industries and other created a scandal which was described by more than one commentator as the 'British Watergate', was an avid Freemason... read 'The Web of Corruption.. the definitive story of Poulson and his infamous PT man T. Dan Smith ...
I have been told by several informants how details of their bank accounts have been obtained by parties with no right to the information by 'Masonic Contacts'.. the high proportion of bank managers and bank staff who are Freemasons can make the acquisition of this kind of confidential information relatively easy for a Mason,, having as he does the right access to every Lodge in the country ...
In industry, Masonry is far stronger among while collar workers and management up to the higher echelons... the medical profession has a high proportion of Freemasons...most main hospitals, including all the London teaching hospitals have their own Lodges. ... According to Sir Edward Tuckwell, former Serjeant-Surgeon to the Queen, and Lord Porritt, Chairman of the African Medical and Research Foundation, both Freemasons and bother consultants to the Royal Masonic Hospital, the Lodges of the teaching hospitals draw their members from hospital staff and GP's connected with the hospital in question.. Most senior members of the profession are Freemasons, especially those involved with the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons....Masonry dopes seem to have an influence over certain appointments..
Freemasonry plays a significant role in the field of education...
The ambulance and fire serviced are strongly represented in Masonry..
Epiloque of The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight –published 1984 Pages 304 to 308:
On the 18th June 1982 the dead body of a middle-aged man was found hanging by the neck from a rope suspended from Scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge, London. The pockets of his black suit contained nearly £23,000 in various currencies and were weighted with 12 pounds of builder's blocks. He was Rpberto Clvi, president of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano. who in 1981 had been named a member of Licio Gelli's illegal Freemasonic Lodge Propaganda Due (P2). Calvi was later found guilty by an Italian court of illegally exporting $26.4 million to Switzerland and received a four year suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay a fine of equivalent to £7.3 million, A week later he was confirmed as chairman of Banco Ambrosiano. In April 1982 Calvi's deputy at the bank was wounded by a would-be assassin. Known as 'God's banker', Calvi had been closely linked with Instituto per le Opere di Religione (IOP), the Vatican Bank, for years. A number of highly questionable transactions involving the Vatican Bank, Calvi and Banco Ambrosiano subsidiaries in Latin America and elsewhere led the Bank of Italy to launch an investigation. On the last day of May 1982 the Bank of Italy demanded an explanation for loans of $1,400 million ( $1.4 billion) made by Banco Ambrosiano subsidiaries to several companies registered in Panama owned directly or indirectly by the Vatican Bank. This precipitated a run on Ambrosiano's shares, and eleven days later Calvis disappeared in Rome. Using a false passport. Calvi fled to Austria and then to England. arriving at Gatwick on the 15th June. 1982 and travelled straight to London where he remained for several days in an apartment in Chelsea Cloisters. On the 17th June, 1982 the Bank of Italy seized control of Banco Ambrosiano and trading in its shares was suspended after they had dropped twenty percent in value in one day. Ambrosiano's directors resigned and Calvi's secretary- Graziela Corrocher - who kept the books of Lodge P2 - jumped, or was pushed, to her death from, a fourth-floor window at the bank, Graziela Corrocher left behind her what was obviously intended to be taken as a suicide note, although there is more tan a small doubt that this was genuine.. The note said: 'May Calvi be double cursed for the damage he has caused to the bank and its employees,'
The following night Calvi's body was found hanging from the scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge, four miles from the apartment in Chelsea Cloisters. Even as the Daily Express postal clerk who found the body was hastening to call the police, Italian police were busy chartering a plane ..and a party of high officials arrived at Gatwick a few hours later..
There were many rumours: The Mafia, with whom Calvi had connections, had murdered him; frightened and despairing, he had committed suicide; he had been ritually done the death by Freemasons. a Masonic 'cable-tow' around his neck and his pockets filled symbolically with chunks of masonry, the location of the murder being chosen for its name - i Italy, the logo of the Brotherhood is the figure of a Blackfriar.
....But a City of London inquest later decided that Calvi had committed suicide, a verdict the banker's family immediately announced its intention to challenge... Italian police, and a number of City of London police associated with the case, are convinced it was murder...a further inquest in 1983, the jury returned an open for the reason for the death of Calvi
The mystery of Calvi's death deepens rather than clarifies with time. It is inextricably bound up with the riddle of P2, the KGB penetration of Freemasonry, and Freemasonry's penetration not only of the Roman Catholic Church, but also of the Vatican itself... At the time this book goes to press, investigations are continuing into Banco Ambrosianos link with the enigmatic president of the Vatican bank, Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, and into the continuing international reverberations of the P2 lodge conspiracy.
Meanwhile, Licio Gelli has since been arrested in Switzerland where he was attempting to withdraw nearly $100 million from several numbered accounts at Genva's Union Bank - money belonging to Banco Ambrosiano.. Gelli awaits the outcome of extradition proceedings,,,
Meanwhile, too, Andropov, had of the KGB when the P2 plot was hatched, now sits at the pinnacle of Soviet power and diverts ever more funds towards the KGB's activities in the West, the exploitation of Freemasonry included
Plague Helped Bring Down Roman Empire, Graveyard Suggests
By Charles Choi, LiveScience Contributor | LiveScience.comPlague may have helped finish off the Roman Empire, researchers now reveal.Plague is a fatal disease so infamous that it has become synonymous with any dangerous, widespread contagion. It was linked to one of the first known examples of biological warfare, when Mongols catapulted plague victims into cities.The bacterium that causes plague, Yersinia pestis, has been linked with at least two of the most devastating pandemics in recorded history. One, the Great Plague, which lasted from the 14th to 17th centuries, included the infamous epidemic known as the Black Death, which may have killed nearly two-thirds of Europe in the mid-1300s. Another, the Modern Plague, struck around the world in the 19th and 20th centuries, beginning in China in the mid-1800s and spreading to Africa, the Americas, Australia, Europe and other parts of Asia. [In Photos: 14th-Century 'Black Death' Graveyard]Although past studies confirmed this germ was linked with both of these catastrophes, much controversy existed as to whether it also caused the Justinianic Plague of the sixth to eighth centuries. This pandemic, named after the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, killed more than 100 million people. Some historians have suggested it contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire.To help solve this mystery, scientists investigated ancient DNA from the teeth of 19 different sixth-century skeletons from a medieval graveyard in Bavaria, Germany, of people who apparently succumbed to the Justinianic Plague.They unambiguously found the plague bacterium Y. pestis there."It is always very exciting when we can find out the actual cause of the pestilences of the past," said researcher Barbara Bramanti, an archaeogeneticist at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany."After such a long time — nearly 1,500 years, one is still able to detect the agent of plague by modern molecular methods," researcher Holger Scholz, a molecular microbiologist at the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich, Germany, told LiveScience.The researchers said these findings confirm that the Justinianic Plague crossed the Alps, killing people in what is now Bavaria. Analysis of the DNA suggests that much like the later two pandemics of plague, this first pandemic originated in Asia, "even if historical records say that it arrived first in Africa before spreading to the Mediterranean basin and to Europe," Bramanti told LiveScience.After the Modern Plague spread worldwide, it became entrenched in many rural areas, and the World Health Organization still reports thousands of cases of plague each year. However, doctors can now treat it with modern antibiotics.The researchers now hope to reconstruct the whole genome sequence of the plague strain in these ancient teeth to learn more about the disease, Scholz said.The scientists detailed their findings online May 2 in the journal PLOS Pathogens.Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.SPONSORED LINKS
- 8 Grisly Archaeological Discoveries
- Pictures of a Killer: A Plague Gallery
- History's Most Overlooked Mysteries
SPYING ON CITIZENS NSA SPYINGMilitary SpyingIntelligence Agencies Spy on Peace Groups, Religous Organizations
The beast with seven horns from Revelations in the bible are the seven factories that Bill Gates built. However, he isn’t aware of the woman with the twelve stars around her head (the EU) and the moon under her feet (Turkey). Archangel Michael visits her every 7 years, since 1967, mostly in summer. The next visit will be in 2023.
After investigating, I came to a new question: why the UK government (including GAVI and other Gates-tainted criminal organizations suh as Gates Foundation itself, World Economic Forum (WEF), IMF (International Monetary Fund) / WB (World Bank), factions of WHO (World Health Organization)) is waging this global scandal of fake virus only to further contribute to its own status and power in the world which will be compromised and more antipathy is being creared by its own criminal acts. Why are they waging all this scandal? Gates’s childish trick of triggering the “virus” scandal in China to make China look bad was not BMGF own crime, but culprits are deeply involved. Anway, damage is done to the minds of many people who are completely cheated by the “established fact” of “pandemic”. Damage compensation class action will be next stage.
Dec.09, 2020 Pope Francis announced a “global alliance” with the worlds big BANKS, international corporations and globalists foundations to create an ECONOMIC COUNCIL amid REDISTRIBUTING WEALTH around the world.
Sounds good doesn”t? Except the root of the elite group stems from Lynn Rothschild ” all inclusive capitalists. Called ” council for inclusive capitalism”. Which also sounds god until you decarmpentalize it and realize this is the ” council for the nwo ( really the reworked old one of feudalistic/ socialism).
Here are some of the 286 commitments from a whooping 51 organizations.
Johnson and Johnson
Proactively identify and address barriers to enrollment and participation in clinical trials by patients in under-represented communities, including facilitating dialogue among under-represented communities to help address systemic inequities.
Johnson & Johnson is committing to donate one billion doses of intestinal worms treatment to at-risk children in developing countries by 2025.
Accelerate diverse talent development to create upward potential across employee populations by providing leadership development programs; some programs have seen 33% participants promoted or move laterally in either the year of attendance or after.
Johnson & Johnson commits to donate medicines and funding to organizations in the United States that help patients without insurance receive prescription products.
Starting in 2020, Johnson & Johnson will commit $10 million over three years to fight racism and injustice in America through partnerships that advance social justice.
Johnson & Johnson commits to invest in and promote health equity solutions for Black people and other communities of color in the United States with a $100 million commitment through 2025.
Proactively identify and address barriers to enrollment and participation in clinical trials by patients in under-represented communities, including facilitating dialogue among under-represented communities to help address systemic inequities.
We will continue to ensure that we have the appropriate structures, systems and processes in place to enable access to the medicines and technologies most relevant for underserved populations in low- and middle-income countries.
Johnson & Johnson is committing to broaden access to HIV treatment and deliver HIV/AIDS therapy access to a cumulative 130,000 adults and 5,000 children by the end of 2020.
Advance the development of an affordable COVID-19 vaccine candidate for emergency pandemic use, including scaling up capacity to meet a goal of supplying at a rate of more than one billion doses of the vaccine globally by the end of 2021.
Johnson & Johnson is committing to accelerate global efforts to eliminate tuberculosis by 2030 through a $500 million commitment to R&D and delivery programs.
Johnson & Johnson is committing to donate one billion doses of intestinal worms treatment to at-risk children in developing countries by 2025.
Johnson & Johnson is collaborating with more than 20 leading pharmaceutical companies and contributing $100 million to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with the goal of bringing two to four new antibiotics to patients by the end of the decade.
Johnson & Johnson commits to empower and engage our employees to achieve their “personal best” in health and well-being.
Accelerate diverse talent development to create upward potential across employee populations by providing leadership development programs; some programs have seen 33% participants promoted or move laterally in either the year of attendance or after.
Johnson & Johnson commits to advance employee digital acumen and understanding of technology in key areas such as data science, automation and digital experience through continued skills training.
Support the advancement of women in STEM, Manufacturing and Design (STEM2D) by providing mentorship and scholar awards of $150,000 over three years to assistant or associate academic professors around the world in STEM2D fields.
Johnson & Johnson is committed to create jobs and economic empowerment in the communities in which we live and work by hiring employees with experience in STEM, manufacturing and design and re-hiring those with a two-year or longer career gap.
We commit to support and empower entrepreneurs and the life science ecosystem by identifying and investing in new and diverse collaborators through our four Innovation Centers and 13 Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS facilities around the world.
Johnson & Johnson is committed to provide innovators free assistance, access to JLABS equipment and resources and mentorship to stimulate and accelerate innovation to improve global health security.
Johnson & Johnson commits to provide $250+ million to educate and empower one million nurses, midwives and community health workers by 2030.
Johnson & Johnson commits to donate medicines and funding to organizations in the United States that help patients without insurance receive prescription products.
Starting in 2020, Johnson & Johnson will commit $10 million over three years to fight racism and injustice in America through partnerships that advance social justice.
We commit to alleviate the burden of diseases on the most underserved populations by accelerating development of treatments and preventative tools for neglected tropical diseases, TB, malaria, and other diseases common in the developing world.
Alongside partners, commit to accelerate R&D, registration, introduction and uptake of HIV & TB diagnostics and medicines for children living with HIV, with the ultimate objective of reducing morbidity & mortality among this highly vulnerable group
***** Bill Gates is just the mechanism to push the agenda through and is well compensated for it. He has essentially replaced David Rockerfeller for the group of eugenicists who want only to kill minorities children the future of their world. Then these ALL INCLUSIVE liars can take over the land and resources in it to live like ” Gods” they think they are.
Forgot to add…long winded enough…
Lynn Rothschild and her Evil-Lynn husband run the Vatican bank and by hooking up with the Vatican they don’t have to pay taxes …churches are exempt.
Also it gives a moral layer to their “all inclusive projects”…but if you listen to Pope Francis he is not a follower of Gods teachings and has sold the churches soul to lucifer.
All those illegals paid 10, 000 to get to usa…where do you think they got that money as incentive?….someone needs to look at Vaticans bank statements but with rothschild book keeping its well hidden im sure.
This got me suspended from posting on FB twice. Not my words but I’ll take any arguments against it. “Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated:
●”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?”
Goverment: “NO”
●”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal?
Government: “NO”
●”If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?”
Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”
●”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?”
Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”
●”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?”
Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”
● “If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?”
Government: “NO”
● “If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?”
Government: “NO”
● “So what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?”
Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”
●”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?”
Government: “NO”
●”If statistically the virus won’t kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?”
Government: “To protect others.”
●”So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?”
Government: “NO”
● “If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?”
Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufacturer’s have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”
So to summarize, the Covid19 “vaccine”…
Does not provide immunity
Does not eliminate the virus
Does not prevent death
Does not guarantee you won’t get it
Does not stop you from passing it on to others
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans
Does not eliminate the need for business closures
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns
Does not eliminate the need for masking
If after reading this and you still deside to get the “vaccine”…You do you!
But it does funnel millions, wait probably billions into big Pharma!
Gates funded Gain-of-Function research on coronaviruses at the Pirbright Institute in England, along with Glaxo/Smith/Kline.
I’m sure everyone is aware of fauci’s involvement with funding GoF research in Wuhan.
This “research” will continue as long as people refuse to stop deifying these creatures. They have the same mindset as hitler; the only difference is that their gas chambers are microscopic.
BREAKING NEWS-The International Criminal Court at the Hague has accepted the complaint for the violation of the Nuremberg code by the Israeli Government. NOTE- copies of it have been sent to media worldwide- will they publish?
It all goes back to old Egypt. Akhnaton, his hand holding a blue olive branch, same as the UN and WHO logo. We now move from Atonism to Amonism. It’ll be the end of the 3 Abrahamic religions. The daughter of Akhnaton, Scota, moved to Scotland = Scota’s land. The Queen of England is coronated in the old Egyptian as well as the kabbalistic way. You know what the word “salvation” literally means. The word Messiah derives from “messeh” = crocodile fat. Egypt!