Donald Trump Expected To Be The Next US President
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- Well Funded Private Group Supported by Donald Trump and other Millionaires and Billionaires Are Preparing A Private Prosecution Against USA President Joe Biden, USA Secretary Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin for Various War Crimes Which Includes Conspiracy to Murder and injure over 70,000 innocent Palestinian Women and Children in Gaza and Westbank In Palestine
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Donald Trump Exposes "US President Crooked Joe Biden's Criminal Behaviour Of His Involvement In The Deliberate Murder Of Over 20,000 innocent defenceless Palestinian Women and Children In Gaza, including providing Israel with Billions of Dollars to fund and establish Hamas and ISIS, which is run my Mossad Operatives, who approved allowed, planned and carried out the 7th October attack on Israel, as a false flag excuse to wipe out Gaza and murder and injure as many of the Palestinian Population in Gaza as possible and/or create the forced migration of the Palestinian People that do not die from the bombing, disease, dehydration and/or starvation from Gaza..."
"..Israel and Mossad have been planning a second Nakba in Gaza for decades..."
INLTVNews Secret Investigation Report shows how and why the real powerbase behind the Israel Gaza War and Israel's Genocide Aims on the Palestinian People in Gaza and the West Bank is connected to Lord Jacob Rothschild, and the former British Zionist Jewish Leader Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild and the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which lead to " the formation of Israel in 1948, an episode that resulted in the ethnic cleansing of some 750,000 Palestinians from their land..."
"MI6, Mossad, CIA and other members of the Five Eyes Security Agencies in various ways have effective control of the established mainstream media outlets..."... William Colby former CIA Director
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"..Joe Biden US President and Antony Blinkin US Secretary are both deliberately denying $500 million to UNRWA for Humanitarian for Palestinians in Gaza while giving Israel another $15 billion for military aid to murder 20,000 plus women and children in Gaza and pushing for another $50 billion for military aid to purchase killing machines sold by Joe Biden's Zionist partners and friends who own arms companies who make hundreds of billions of dollars each year from supplying Arms to both sides of all the Wars around the world... for Ukraine to continue to fight the two year old never ending Russian Ukraine War to kill more people that would not even have started, if I was US President instead of Crooked Joe Biden ...:... " ..Donald Trump tells and INLTVNews in an exclusive INLTVNews interview to be included a new INLTVNews movie called "The Gate Is Open ... The Dark Truth Behind The Israel Hamas Gaza War..."
YouTube INLTV News Videos Part1
Well Funded Private Group Supported by Donald Trump and other Millionaires and Billionaires Are Preparing A Private Prosecution Against USA President Joe Biden, USA Secretary Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin for Various War Crimes Which Includes Conspiracy to Murder and injure over 70,000 innocent Palestinian Women and Children in Gaza and Westbank In Palestine
YouTube INLTV News Videos Part1 The're Killing Women And Children In Gaza The Song
In Gaza, Israel has been planning a second Nakba for decades
Israel's Zionist State Real Power
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- An insider in the Five Eyes Spy Security Alliance Network has spoken out exposing Lord Jacob Rothschild and his private security agency Mossad are behind controlling and financing Hamas and the 7th October 2023 attack in Israel and influencing 13 Western Powers to stop humanitarian funding to Palestinians in Gaza

The Rothschild Archive. "Rothschild Timeline."

The fourth Baron de Rothschild, Lord Jacob Rothschild of Great Britain, has been called the 21st Century's "King of Israel." He and other Rothschilds preside over the planet's greatest banking cartel, and Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, and others bow to Rothschild dictates. Politicians in world capitals, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, and Tokyo grovel before their awesome power.
Rothschild's Choice documents the astonishing rise of a young, half blood "Prince" of Jerusalem, a Communist adept named Barack Obama who won Rothschilds' favor and was rewarded for his slavish devotion to their sinister Agenda.
Here are the revelations that dissolve the mystery of Obama's meteoric, virtually unheralded rise to global prominence and his elevation to the highest seat of superpower government the White House.
Donald Trump Expected To Be The Next US President
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- INLTV News December 2023
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Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
According to a recent article in The Atlantic, Trump's loyal base of supporters, even if it is shrinking, is the primary reason he could win the Republican nomination again.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
As Yair Rosenberg points out in The Atlantic, polls conducted by FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics indicate that around half of Republicans would vote for Trump again, despite being the first president to ever face criminal charges.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
However, the Republican support of other candidates is still very divided between the still undeclared Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, entrepreneur and author Vivek Ramaswamy, and former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
In 2016 something similar happened among the Republican candidates, as reported by Politico at the time. Donald Trump was outpolled by the other Republican candidates time and again.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
However, the division of GOP primary voters played in his favour, as did in-fighting among the other Republican candidates.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Even though Trump only had a third of the votes, he still came out victorious. What happened in 2016 has a good chance of occurring again.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
As Brian Seitchik, a Republican strategist and former Trump campaign official, told Newsweek, "The fact is, the Republican Party really doesn't exist right now."
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Seitchik continued adding, "It's not a party of ideas anymore. It's a party of fealty to Donald Trump."
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Voters who still support Donald Trump today are a passionate bunch, mainly composed of hardcore conservatives and the disgruntled working class.
Rosenberg sums up the power of Trump supporters nicely in The Atlantic, writing, "Trump's loyal base of supporters is a formidable force in any election..."
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Rosenberg continued, "...and it's hard to imagine any other candidate being able to generate the same level of enthusiasm and energy among Republican voters."
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
In addition to his base of supporters, Trump has another advantage that could help him win the primaries despite all the setbacks he is currently facing: his willingness to play dirty.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
As the article in The Atlantic notes, Trump's not afraid to attack his opponents, both in public and on social media
Trump's also very good at getting his message out to his supporters. These factors will make it challenging for any Republicans hoping to challenge Donald Trump in the primaries.
Candidates will need to be able to withstand attacks from Trump and his supporters, and they'll need to find a way to get their own message out to voters.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Despite all of his legal issues and that polls show at least 50% of Republicans are ready for someone new to fill his shoes, Trump will be a formidable opponent in the Republican primary elections
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
However, anything could still happen; for example, Trump could potentially underperform, or DeSantis, who has never run for President, could fall short of expectations during the race
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Another option is that a yet undeclared Republican candidate could surprise the United States and win the primaries.
Regardless, Donald Trump's base of supporters is loyal and enthusiastic, and he's shown that he's willing to do whatever it takes to win.
Donald Trump is going to win in 2024 (
Any candidate hoping to challenge him will need to have a strong message and be prepared to weather attacks from Trump and his supporters
Trump can’t pull the US from NATO if he wins in 2024
Trump can’t pull the US from NATO if he wins in 2024
The most (and least) intelligent US presidents based on their IQ scores
While we understand that intelligence is more than just a number, IQ tests can still offer insights into how someone's mind works, especially when chatting face-to-face isn't an option. Ever wondered how historical figures would fare on IQ tests? Back in 2006, Professor Dean Simonton from the University of California, Davis, couldn't resist the curiosity. He conducted a study to estimate the IQ scores of all U.S. presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush. Additionally, Ranker and Sociosite (University of Amsterdam) published IQ scores of the latest presidents.
Gerald Ford, the 38th U.S. President, rocked an IQ of 127.08. Not only did he roll through Yale Law School, but he pulled it off while coaching the varsity football team.
The 30th president, often called Silent Cal, was known for being smart with an IQ of 127.1. People liked him because he believed in equal rights. Some blame him for the Great Depression, though. He went to Amherst College in Massachusetts and did really well.
Even though Harry Truman, the 33rd president of the United States, was smart with an IQ of 127.55, he didn't finish college. Truman had a tough time because he was blind in one eye, which made it hard for him to keep up. As a result, he left college after only a year.
Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th president who took over after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, was really smart with an IQ of 127.83. He loved learning and was a dedicated student throughout his life. When he was in 11th grade, he became the president of his class. Later, he went to what is now Texas State University, where he studied and earned a teaching certificate along with a bachelor's degree in history.
Herbert Hoover, the 31st president during the tough times of the Great Depression, wasn't very well-liked, but he was hardworking and accomplished from a young age. Hoover, with an IQ of 129.78, was into geology at Stanford. Even while studying, he managed to start his own business taking care of other students' laundry on the side
Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, had a smart mind with an IQ score of 130. However, he wasn't very keen on school and finished college with an average grade of C. Instead of following a traditional path, Reagan ventured into radio and film careers before eventually getting into politics.
The 25th and 41st presidents both had an IQ score of 130.13, but their education stories were quite different. McKinley chose to join the Union in the Civil War after only a year in college. In contrast, Bush graduated from Yale University in just two and a half years, doing exceptionally well academically as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Besides, he took on the role of fraternity president and led the university's baseball team.
The first president of the United States, George Washington, is believed to have had an IQ score of 132.5, but he never received more than an elementary school education. Nevertheless, Washington became a skilled surveyor by the age of 17 and a military commander by the age of 23.
Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States, is unique in presidential history for being the only one to have learned English as a second language. He was also the first president not to come from an English background. Despite not being frequently remembered in modern times, Van Buren, with an IQ of 133.35, hailed from a humble Dutch family in New York.
William Henry Harrison, the ninth president, and Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president, shared an estimated IQ score of 133.93. Unfortunately, Harrison's presidency was short-lived, lasting only 30 days, as he fell seriously ill after his inauguration. On the other hand, Hayes, a former lawyer, was passionate about defending the rights of formerly enslaved people who had escaped from the Southern states before serving as president.
Franklin Pierce, despite having an IQ score of 134.78, is often considered one of the worst and most destructive presidents in history. He was an average and unremarkable student before becoming president. Unfortunately, Pierce's presidency is marked by aggressive expansionist and anti-abolitionist policies that are seen as contributing directly to the onset of the Civil War.
Millard Fillmore, the 13th president of the United States, had an estimated IQ of 135.98, which surely came in handy as he tried to make his way as a formally uneducated young man. From these humble beginnings, Fillmore became a lawyer and then president in 1850, without any education.
John Tyler, the 10th president of the United States, possessed an IQ score of 136.2. His intelligence likely played a role in his successful academic endeavors at the College of William and Mary, the second-oldest higher-education institution in the United States. Remarkably, Tyler graduated from college at the young age of 17.
It's fitting that one of the most influential presidents in modern memory, Theodore Roosevelt, had a high IQ of 139.6. Before his presidency, Roosevelt attended Columbia Law School but left before graduating, having already passed the New York Bar Exam
Abraham Lincoln, one of the most renowned presidents in American history, is estimated to have had an IQ score of 140, placing him at the threshold of genius. Before his iconic presidency, Lincoln taught himself law and went on to become a successful attorney without attending university.
James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, demonstrated exceptional intelligence with an estimated IQ of 141.25. As a young and outstanding student at Princeton University, he completed his three-year degree in just two years. Madison went on to become one of the primary drafters of the Constitution, earning him the honorary title of the "Father of the Constitution."
James Garfield and Chester Arthur, the 20th and 21st presidents of the United States, shared an estimated IQ of 141.5. In their school days, both Garfield and Arthur faced challenges, with Garfield being bullied for being fatherless and Arthur for his obesity. However, both men were exemplary students, with Garfield graduating second in his class and Arthur serving as president of his debate team.
Theodore Roosevelt, often called Teddy, was the 26th president of the United States. He holds the distinction of being the youngest person to ever hold the office, taking over at the age of 42 after the assassination of President William McKinley, under whom Roosevelt served as vice president. With one of the highest recorded IQs of any president at 142.28, Roosevelt applied his intelligence to revitalize the national parks program, initiate antitrust legislation, and negotiate the treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese War.
John Adams, the second president of the United States and the recognized founder of the US Navy, had an impressive IQ score of 142.5. His high intelligence likely played a role in his enrollment at Harvard University at the age of 16, where he studied classical literature in the original Greek and Latin.
Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, and Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president, share an impressive IQ score of 145.1. Despite being an average student, Carter excelled at the US Naval Academy. In contrast, Wilson had a distinguished career in academia before entering politics, where he specialized in history and political science as a scholar.
Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States and the sole president to be a Rhodes Scholar, possesses an impressive IQ score of 148.8. His natural intellect helped him secure a scholarship to Georgetown University in Virginia, and later, the Rhodes Scholarship facilitated his studies at Oxford. Subsequently, Clinton attended Yale Law School, showcasing his commitment to academic and intellectual pursuits.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy, with an IQ of 150.65, served as the 35th president of the United States for three years. He is firmly cemented in history as one of the most iconic presidents, playing a significant role in the tumultuous events of the Cold War. Kennedy tragically became the victim of one of the most publicized assassinations in the history of the United States
Thomas Jefferson, with an estimated IQ score of 153.75, was undeniably one of the most industrious Americans in history. Beyond serving as the third president of the United States, he held roles such as the president of the American Philosophical Society. Additionally, Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and played a pivotal role in establishing the University of Virginia. His multifaceted contributions have left a lasting impact on American history and education
John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, is estimated to have had an exceptionally high IQ score of 168.75, making him one of the most intellectually gifted presidents in history. From a young age, Adams displayed signs of brilliance, influenced in part by his father John Adams. He was an enthusiastic reader and translator of classic Greek and Latin texts. Adams is also renowned for maintaining a diary from his early years until his death, providing valuable insights into his thoughts and experiences over a lifetime.
With an IQ score of 124.88, as reported by Ranker, Bush continued a family tradition by attending a boarding school. Despite facing initial challenges, he later proudly emphasized that his journey illustrates how a straight-C student can achieve success.
He encountered severe criticism for the Iraq War, his administration's response to Hurricane Katrina's devastation, and other notable controversies.
Joe Biden
According to Sociosite, Joe Biden's estimated IQ is 115, placing him in the "High Average" IQ category. While not in the "genius" range, Biden's success extends to his roles as senator, vice president, and author. Known for his outgoing personality, quick wit, and keen debating skills, Biden attended the University of Delaware and worked as a public defender after law school. His strong memory served him well during his tenure as a senator.
In 2015, Donald Trump entered the political arena as a Republican candidate, and despite lacking prior experience, he won the 2016 presidential election. His presidency was marked by controversy, polarization, and significant policy shifts in immigration, tax reform, and foreign policy. Regardless of opinions, Trump's undeniable impact on American society and politics is reflected in his alleged IQ of 145, as reported by Ranker.
After obtaining degrees from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, Barack Obama became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He worked as a community organizer in Chicago, and later served three terms representing the 13th District on the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.
President from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2017, Obama enacted significant legislation, including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Bill, and the Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Act. His alleged IQ of 155 underscores his intellectual prowess in his multifaceted career, as reported by Ranker.
Intriguing facts about Popes
Intriguing facts about Popes (
The Pope, or the supreme pontiff, is the highest-ranking member of the Catholic Church. For centuries the head of the Church has exercised his power and influence in shaping the world as we know it today. But there is more to the pope than just being the leader of the biggest Christian church in the world.
The Truth about Donald Trump’s Youngest Child
Things you didn't know about Barron Trump
Most of the Trump children have become well-known to the public over the years, but Barron Trump remains a family outlier. The youngest son of the President first captivated the eyes of the world late on Election Night when he stood behind his father on the stage while victory was accepted. Barron, of course, looked more sleepy than jubilant on stage, which inadvertently won over the cold hearts of an America that was mostly happy the election cycle was finally over.
Since his father took office, Barron has remained largely out of sight, however, we've managed to learn quite a bit about about America's new boy-prince. For starters, his pre-White House living situation at Trump Tower was unimaginably sweet. Oh, and his mother used to moisturize his face with caviar — but you probably could have guessed that.
He's the only child of Donald and Melania
One thing about the 45th First Family to take note of is that it has a little bit more sprawl than the previous one, owing to Donald Trump's multiple children by three wives. Barron Trump, the youngest of the clan, is but one branch of a family tree that includes Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., born to Donald's first wife, Ivana Trump; as well as daughter Tiffany, born to Donald's second wife, Marla Maples.
As for Barron, who was born on March 20, 2006, he's the only child of Donald and Melania Knauss Trump. He lived with his mom in their Trump Tower penthouse on Fifth Avenue in New York City, while dad moved into the White House after assuming his new role as POTUS, according to NBC News. Donald and Melania were married about a year prior to Barron's birth, in January 2005
Parents at Barron's school had a post-Election freakout
Anyone who so much tried to walk near Trump Tower in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential victory can tell you the major headaches it caused for the city of New York. Apparently, though, few people were more worried than the parents at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. "Some parents are freaking out and worked up about security and what the school is going to do," a board member told Vanity Fair shortly after Trump's 2016 election win. Some were worried about safety concerns; others were reportedly annoyed about various inconveniences — like, you know, the time the school's sole elevator was allegedly blocked off for Melania Trump for an open house event in 2016.
The school even had a real life scare scenario in March of 2017 when a lockdown procedure was put into place after a suspicious vehicle was spotted outside the building. According to the Daily News, "a military-style bag in a beat-up blue and silver pick-up truck with an Indiana license plate" was reported to police as a "suspicious package," triggering a bomb squad response and the school's reactionary security procedure. It's a frightening scenario for any school, but one that carried additional weight when the President's son happened to be enrolled there.
He's the first boy to live in the White House in decades
After making his move to Washington, Barron Trump officially become the first boy to grace the halls of the White House in almost 60 years. Yep, the last time America had a "First Boy" was all the way back in 1961, when John F. Kennedy's son, JFK Jr., moved into the White House when he was just a baby, according to CNN.
And Barron made his entrance to the presidential residence in true Trump fashion, exiting Marine One and strolling across the White House lawn to his new digs while wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words 'The Expert.' And here we thought Uncle Jared was the boy wonder of the family.
He's not into wearing sweatpants
As one might expect from someone born into a billion-dollar business family, Barron Trump has been dressing for success pretty much his entire life. He even wore a suit to the launch of his half-sister Ivanka's book when he was only three-and-a-half-years-old, according to People magazine.
"He's not a sweatpants child," Melania said while discussing her son with ABC News in 2013. "He doesn't mind putting on [a suit]-but not every day- and he likes to dress up in a tie sometimes like Daddy." But that's not to say that Barron doesn't like a little comfort. In fact, he sometimes pairs his prep school uniform with customized New Balance sneakers that reportedly cost $149, according to Footwear News. Yep, you read that right. The Trumps pay $149 for Barron's sneakers and something called Footwear News actually exists in reality.
He used to moisturize his skin with caviar
If you needed further proof that Barron isn't your typical 10 year old, try this one on for size: in 2013, his mother admitted to ABC News that, at the time, she applied her own line of caviar-infused moisturizer to his skin after he took his his nightly bath. "It smells very, very fresh," Melania said of her Caviar Complex C6 skin care line. "I put it on him from head to toe. He likes it."
Unfortunately for the two of them, this tradition may have been short-lived; according to Racked, Melania's skin care line fell apart shortly after its high-profile launch
The Truth about Donald Trump’s Youngest Child
Things you didn't know about Barron Trump
Most of the Trump children have become well-known to the public over the years, but Barron Trump remains a family outlier. The youngest son of the President first captivated the eyes of the world late on Election Night when he stood behind his father on the stage while victory was accepted. Barron, of course, looked more sleepy than jubilant on stage, which inadvertently won over the cold hearts of an America that was mostly happy the election cycle was finally over.
Since his father took office, Barron has remained largely out of sight, however, we've managed to learn quite a bit about about America's new boy-prince. For starters, his pre-White House living situation at Trump Tower was unimaginably sweet. Oh, and his mother used to moisturize his face with caviar — but you probably could have guessed that.
He's the only child of Donald and Melania
One thing about the 45th First Family to take note of is that it has a little bit more sprawl than the previous one, owing to Donald Trump's multiple children by three wives. Barron Trump, the youngest of the clan, is but one branch of a family tree that includes Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., born to Donald's first wife, Ivana Trump; as well as daughter Tiffany, born to Donald's second wife, Marla Maples.
As for Barron, who was born on March 20, 2006, he's the only child of Donald and Melania Knauss Trump. He lived with his mom in their Trump Tower penthouse on Fifth Avenue in New York City, while dad moved into the White House after assuming his new role as POTUS, according to NBC News. Donald and Melania were married about a year prior to Barron's birth, in January 2005
Parents at Barron's school had a post-Election freakout
Anyone who so much tried to walk near Trump Tower in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential victory can tell you the major headaches it caused for the city of New York. Apparently, though, few people were more worried than the parents at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. "Some parents are freaking out and worked up about security and what the school is going to do," a board member told Vanity Fair shortly after Trump's 2016 election win. Some were worried about safety concerns; others were reportedly annoyed about various inconveniences — like, you know, the time the school's sole elevator was allegedly blocked off for Melania Trump for an open house event in 2016.
The school even had a real life scare scenario in March of 2017 when a lockdown procedure was put into place after a suspicious vehicle was spotted outside the building. According to the Daily News, "a military-style bag in a beat-up blue and silver pick-up truck with an Indiana license plate" was reported to police as a "suspicious package," triggering a bomb squad response and the school's reactionary security procedure. It's a frightening scenario for any school, but one that carried additional weight when the President's son happened to be enrolled there.
He's the first boy to live in the White House in decades
After making his move to Washington, Barron Trump officially become the first boy to grace the halls of the White House in almost 60 years. Yep, the last time America had a "First Boy" was all the way back in 1961, when John F. Kennedy's son, JFK Jr., moved into the White House when he was just a baby, according to CNN.
And Barron made his entrance to the presidential residence in true Trump fashion, exiting Marine One and strolling across the White House lawn to his new digs while wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words 'The Expert.' And here we thought Uncle Jared was the boy wonder of the family.
He's not into wearing sweatpants
As one might expect from someone born into a billion-dollar business family, Barron Trump has been dressing for success pretty much his entire life. He even wore a suit to the launch of his half-sister Ivanka's book when he was only three-and-a-half-years-old, according to People magazine.
"He's not a sweatpants child," Melania said while discussing her son with ABC News in 2013. "He doesn't mind putting on [a suit]-but not every day- and he likes to dress up in a tie sometimes like Daddy." But that's not to say that Barron doesn't like a little comfort. In fact, he sometimes pairs his prep school uniform with customized New Balance sneakers that reportedly cost $149, according to Footwear News. Yep, you read that right. The Trumps pay $149 for Barron's sneakers and something called Footwear News actually exists in reality.
He used to moisturize his skin with caviar
If you needed further proof that Barron isn't your typical 10 year old, try this one on for size: in 2013, his mother admitted to ABC News that, at the time, she applied her own line of caviar-infused moisturizer to his skin after he took his his nightly bath. "It smells very, very fresh," Melania said of her Caviar Complex C6 skin care line. "I put it on him from head to toe. He likes it."
Unfortunately for the two of them, this tradition may have been short-lived; according to Racked, Melania's skin care line fell apart shortly after its high-profile launch.
He takes after his father
Given that he loves to wear suits and moisturize his skin with caviar, it should surprise exactly no one that Melania often refers to her only son as "little Donald" and "mini-Donald." "He is a very strong-minded, very special, smart boy," Melania told Parenting. "He is independent and opinionated and knows exactly what he wants. Sometimes I call him little Donald. He is a mixture of us in looks, but his personality is why I call him little Donald."
"When he was 5 years old, he wanted to be like daddy: a businessman and golfer," she added later in the interview. "He loves to build something and tear it down and build something else. He is very detailed at drawing. We travel often and he remembers everything he sees. Sometimes later the same day or the next he would build something like he saw or imagine something himself."
In a 2013 interview with ABC News, Melania again referred to Barron as "mini-Donald," which if we're being honest, has to sting a little for Barron's older half-brother, the actual Donald Jr.
He may or may not have a nanny
In a September 2015 interview with People, Donald and Melania Trump insisted they did not use a nanny to help raise Barron. "I like to be hands-on," Melania told the magazine. "I think it's very important. Barron is 9 years old. He needs somebody as a parent there, so I am with him all the time. As you know my husband is traveling all the time."
Days after the interview was published, Donald, in true form, told the New York Post that there was, in fact, a "young woman" who "works with Barron." Still, to this day, reports describe Melania as being "really devoted" to her son; a source told the Post in November 2016 that Melania is often seen picking up Barron from school. That same source also claimed that Melania had not relied on nannies to help raise her kid. So, who knows what the heck is going on?
Donald didn't change his diapers
In that same interview with Parenting, Melania said of her husband, "He didn't change diapers and I am completely fine with that. It is not important to me. It's all about what works for you. It's very important to know the person you're with. And we know our roles. I didn't want him to change the diapers or put Barron to bed. I love every minute of it."
But that's not to say that Donald wasn't a doting dad in his own way. Melania also said that he and Barron love to play golf, eat dinner together and "enjoy family time" at Mar-a-Lago, the family's Florida getaway. Golf actually comes up a lot when Melania is asked about Donald's relationship with Barron, like in this 2015 People interview when she again said that the two men in her life "go alone for dinner, one-on-one" and "play golf together." Golf and dinner, huh? Sounds a bit more like the closing of a business deal than a loving father-son day.
Although he reportedly takes after his father, Barron has also inherited his mother's roots as well. According to a 2016 interview with GQ magazine, Melania revealed that Barron "speaks Slovenian fluently." In fact, he speaks the language with his grandparents, who lived near Trump Tower, at the time of the interview.
Melania also once bragged to People in 2009 that at just three-years-old, Barron was also speaking French in addition to Slovenian and English. But two years later, during an appearance on The Joy Behar Show, Melania said, "Barron speaks two languages completely perfect. He goes from one thing to another, Slovenian/English." What happened to French? Was he just not fluent enough to mention it yet? Does Barron Trump own a beret? These are questions of national importance that need an answer.
In her interview with Parenting, Melania also dropped the bombshell news that Barron's digs at Trump Tower are so sweet, he actually has an entire floor to himself, complete with his own personal flourishes that include the incorporation of "planes and helicopters" into the decor of the rest of the house. Not only that, but it was no big deal if he wanted to draw all over the walls, because "we can paint it over," she said. With that kind of set-up, it's no wonder that they weren't in a rush to move him into the White House.
And though he didn't his own wing of the executive residence, his lifestyle wasn't exactly getting downgraded. According to Inquisitr, the White House has a staff of 100 people who "will know what every member of the Trump family likes, as far as food, snacks, and personal items. This will be stocked and waiting for the family so they can obtain it at a moment's notice." Rumors even swirled that Barron was getting a Goldendoodle puppy named Patton to go along with his new home. However, as of this writing, Patton has yet to arrive, meaning the lawns of The White House remain pristine, ready at a moment's notice should President Trump want to fire up the sprinkler or have a nice barefoot frisbee toss with the boy.
With his official appearances limited to traditional first family events like Inauguration Day festivities and the White House Easter Egg Roll, it seems that Barron is on track to mirror the playbook of young children of past presidents by mostly steering clear of the public eye.
And it seems like Melania intends to uphold that tradition as well. In an October 2016 interview with ABC News, Melania said she is hoping to shield him from the public as best she can. "I teach him, I explain to him so he knows what's going on," she said. "He's taking very well. I keep him balanced and — just have him a childhood as normal as possible. And he's enjoying his school and his sports. He's a great athlete. And I just want to have him — out of the spotlight for now."
Over two years later, that plan seemed to be firmly in place, at least, according to the Washington Examiner which reported in December 2018 that Barron "rarely appears in public with his parents." Speaking with Fox News' Sean Hannity around the same time, Melania said that even though Barron isn't living "a normal life" since the family's move to Washington D.C., he is "enjoying" it there. She also said her efforts to "protect" him from public scrutiny are required to "give him the childhood he deserves."
A History of the Rothschild Family
Fast Fact: The Rothschild family history dates to the 1450s in Frankfurt
- The Rothschild family grew in prominence in Europe beginning in the 18th century when Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded the family empire in Frankfurt.
- Mayer Rothschild sent sons to establish banking operations in London, Paris, Vienna, and Naples, in addition to keeping a son in Frankfurt.1
- The family profited greatly during the Napoleonic Wars by helping the British government with its finances.3
- In his will, Mayer Rothschild left strict instructions that titles and property could only be passed down through male heirs, which encouraged marriage among family members.4
- Merchant banking
- Private banking
- Asset management
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Insurance
- Venture capital
- Pensions and investments
- Sovereign debt
- Commodities2
Rothschild in 2008
Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild
Member of the House of Lords Lord Temporal,_4th_Baron_Rothschild
Hereditary peerage 30 April 1991 – 11 November 1999
Preceded by The 3rd Baron Rothschild
Honours and awards given to Lord Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild
In United Kingdom
- Member of the Order of Merit (OM) – 2002.[37]
- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE) – 1998 New Year Honours, "for services to the Arts and to Heritage."[38]
- Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO) – 2020 New Year Honours, "for services to The Prince's Council, Duchy of Cornwall"[39]
- The Prince of Wales Medal for Arts Philanthropy 2013
- Awarded honorary degrees from the universities of Oxford, London, Exeter, Keele, Newcastle and Warwick
- Honorary Fellow of the British Academy (Hon FBA) – 1998[40]
- Senior Fellow of the Royal College of Art (FRCA) – 1992[41]
- Honorary Fellow of King's College London (Hon FKC) – 2002[42]
- "Apollo Personality of the Year" – 2002
- Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy – 2002
- Mont Blanc Award – 2004
- Tercentenary Medal for St Petersburg – 2005
- Honorary Student of Christ Church, Oxford – March 2006
In the United States
- The Hadrian Award from the World Monuments Fund - 1995
- The Classical America – Arthur Ross Award 1998
- The Iris Foundation Award – the BARD Institute 1999
- The Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement 2000[43]
- The Centennial Medal of the American Academy in Rome - 2002
- The Kennedy Center's International Committee Lifetime Achievement Gold Medal in the Arts Award 2006
- Royal Oak Foundation "Timeless Design Award" - 2009
- The J. Paul Getty Medal - 2014
In Continental Europe
- Commander of the Order of Henry the Navigator (1985) – Portugal[44]
- Europa Nostra Medal of Honour in Brussels – 2003
- Freedom of the City of Saranda – Albania 2003
- Honoree of the Gennadius Library Trustees' Annual Award 2010
- National Flag Order – Albania 2014[45]
In Israel
- The Sir Winston Churchill Award (2004)
- The Weizmann Award (50th Anniversary of the State of Israel)
- Honorary degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Honorary fellowships from City of Jerusalem and the Israel Museum, the Commonwealth Jewish Council Award.
Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO (born 29 April 1936), is a British peer, investment banker and a member of the Rothschild banking family.
Now mostly retired, he has held many important roles in business, finance and British public life, and has been active in several charitable and philanthropic areas.
Early Life
Born in Berkshire, England,[1] he is the eldest son of Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, by his first wife Barbara Judith Rothschild (née Hutchinson). His father was born into a Jewish family, while his mother converted to Orthodox Judaism when they married.[2] Rothschild was educated at Eton College and then at Christ Church, Oxford, where he gained a First in history, tutored by Hugh Trevor-Roper.[3] At Oxford he was a member of the Bullingdon Club.[4] Emma Georgina Rothschild and Amschel Rothschild are his half-siblings.
Business career
From 1963 Rothschild worked at the family bank N M Rothschild & Sons in London, before resigning in 1980 due to a family dispute. The chairmanship of the bank had passed from his father, who had chosen to follow a scientific career and had lost control of the majority voting shares, to his distant cousin Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild. He sold his minority stake in the bank, but took independent control of Rothschild Investment Trust (now RIT Capital Partners plc), an investment trust listed on the London Stock Exchange.[3]
After resigning from the bank in 1980, Jacob Rothschild went on to found J. Rothschild Assurance Group (now St. James's Place plc) with Sir Mark Weinberg in 1991.[5] In 1989, he joined forces with Sir James Goldsmith and Kerry Packer in an unsuccessful bid for British American Tobacco.
Rothschild is Chairman of RIT Capital Partners plc, one of the largest investment trusts quoted on the London Stock Exchange with a net asset value of about £2 billion.[6] He is Chairman of J Rothschild Capital Management, a subsidiary of RIT Capital Partners plc.[7] He also retains many other venture capital and property interests.
From November 2003 until his retirement in 2008, he was Deputy Chairman of BSkyB Television[8] and until 2008 he was a Director of RHJ International. He has also been a Member of the council for the Duchy of Cornwall for the Prince of Wales[9] and a member of the International Advisory Board of The Blackstone Group.[10]
He was appointed Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO) in the 2020 New Year Honours for services to the Duchy of Cornwall.[11]
Oil interests
In 2003, it was reported that Russian oil industrialist Mikhail Khodorkovsky's shares in YUKOS passed to him under a deal which they had concluded prior to Khodorkovsky's arrest.[12][13]
In November 2010, an entity affiliated with Rothschild purchased a 5% equity interest in Genie Energy, a subsidiary of IDT Corporation, for $10 million.[14][non-primary source needed] In 2013, Israel granted Genie Energy exclusive oil and gas exploration rights to a 153-square mile area in the southern part of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.[15]
Personal life
In 1961, Rothschild married Serena Mary Dunn, a granddaughter of the Canadian financier Sir James Dunn, and they had four children. Lady Rothschild died in 2019. Their four children are:
- The Hon. Hannah Mary Rothschild Brookfield (22 May 1962). She married William Brookfield in 1994 and they were divorced. They have three daughters.
- The Hon. Beth Matilda Rothschild Tomassini (27 February 1964). She married Antonio Tomassini in 1991 and they were divorced. They have three children.
- The Hon. Emily Magda Rothschild Freeman-Attwood (19 December 1967). She married Julian Freeman-Attwood on 25 June 1998. They have two daughters.
- The Hon. Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild (12 July 1971).[16] He married Annabelle Neilson on 13 November 1995, and they were divorced in 1997. He married Loretta Basey in 2016.
Jacob Rothschild has played a prominent part in Arts philanthropy in Britain. He was Chairman of Trustees of the National Gallery from 1985 to 1991, and from 1992 to 1998, chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund. From 1994 to 1998, and at the invitation of the Prime Minister, he was chairman of the Heritage Lottery Fund, responsible for distributing the proceeds of the National Lottery to the heritage sector, an influential post which oversaw the distribution of £1.2 billion in grants.[citation needed]
In the past, he has also been a Trustee of the State Hermitage Museum of St Petersburg (retired 2008);[17] a Trustee of the Qatar Museums Authority (retired 2010);[18] Chairman of the Pritzker Prize for Architecture (2002–2004);[19] Chairman of both the Gilbert Collection Trust and the Hermitage Development Trust, Somerset House;[17] a Trustee and Honorary Fellow of the Courtauld Institute, Somerset House;[20] and a Fellow, Benefactor, and member of the Visitors' Committees of the Ashmolean Museum Oxford (retired 2008).[21] In 2014, he received the J. Paul Getty Medal "for extraordinary achievement in the fields of museology, art historical research, philanthropy, conservation and conservation science".[22]
He was especially active in the project to restore Somerset House in London, for which he helped secure the Gilbert Collection and ensured the long-term future of the Courtauld Institute of Art. As a private project, he carried out the restoration of Spencer House, one of the finest surviving 18th century London townhouses, adjacent to his own offices.[23]
In 1993 he joined with John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover to set up the Butrint Foundation[24] to record and conserve the archaeological site of Butrint in Albania, close to his holiday home on Corfu. Today, Jacob remains Chairman of the Butrint Foundation.[25]
Jacob Rothschild has also followed the Rothschild family's charitable interests in Israel and was the chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the family foundation which gave the Knesset and the Supreme Court buildings to Israel between 1989 and 2018. He is also president of The Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe,[26] and Patron and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Rothschild Foundation.[27] In addition, he is Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.[28]
He has served as a Member of the Arts & Humanities Research Board, set up by the British government, is an honorary fellow of the British Academy, and a Trustee of The Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund.[29][non-primary source needed] He is also honorary president of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.[28]
In the past, he has been a Member of the UK Main Honours Board (retired 2008); Chairman of the Honours Committee for Arts and Media (retired 2008); Trustee of the Edmond J Safra Foundation (retired 2010); and a Member of committee of the Henry J Kravis Prize for Creative Philanthropy (retired 2010).[citation needed]
Waddesdon Manor
In 1988 he inherited from his aunt Dorothy de Rothschild, the Waddesdon and Eythrope estates in Buckinghamshire, and began a close association with Waddesdon Manor, the house and grounds which were built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild in the 1880s and bequeathed to the National Trust in 1957 by his cousin, James A. de Rothschild. He has been a major benefactor of the restoration of Waddesdon Manor through a private family charitable trust and, in an unusual arrangement, has been given authority by the National Trust to run Waddesdon Manor as a semi-independent operation.[30] The cellars at Waddesdon Manor house his personal collection of 15,000 bottles of Rothschild wines dating as far back as 1870.[citation needed]
Open to the public, Waddesdon attracted over 466,000 visitors in 2018,[31] with 157,000 visiting the house in 2015.[32] Waddesdon has won many awards over the last 20 years, including Visit England's "Large Visitor Attraction of the Year" category in 2017,[33] Museum of the Year Award and Best National Trust Property.[34]
He commissioned the 2015 RIBA Award winner Flint House[35] on the Waddesdon Manor estate in Buckinghamshire, UK. Rothschild donated the property to the Rothschild Foundation which manages the rest of the estate for the National Trust.
The estate has been a venue for visiting heads of state including Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.[citation needed] Margaret Thatcher received French President François Mitterrand there at a summit in 1990.[citation needed] It hosted the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002, organised by Warren Buffett and attended by James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.[36]
Honours and awards
See also
- Nathaniel Philip Rothschild – his youngest child and only son
- Rothschild family
- ^ "Jacob Rothschild Story - Bio, Facts, Networth, Home, Family, Auto | Famous Bankers". SuccessStory. Retrieved 29 April 2019.
- ^ Perry, Roland (1994). The fifth man. Sidgwick & Jackson. p. 48. ISBN 978-0283062162.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Rose, Kenneth (2003). Elusive Rothschild: the Life of Victor, Third Baron. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 978-0-297-81229-6.
- ^ Mutch, Nick; Myers, Jack; Lusher, Adam; Owen, Jonathan (6 May 2015). "General Election 2015: Photographic history of Bullingdon Club tracked down - including new picture of David Cameron in his finery". Retrieved 13 May 2023.
- ^ Peippo, Kathleen (2000). "St. James's Place Capital, plc". International Directory of Company Histories. Archived from the original on 8 July 2012. Retrieved 15 July 2007.
- ^ RIT Capital Partners Archived 25 August 2004 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ "J Rothschild Capital Management Limited: Private Company Information". Bloomberg Businessweek. New York, NY: Bloomberg L.P. Archived from the original on 21 February 2010. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ "Rothschild to act as BSkyB buffer". The Guardian. 3 November 2003. Retrieved 6 October 2011.
- ^ "Duchy of Cornwall - Management and Finances". The Official Website for the Duchy of Cornwall. Cornwall, UK: Duchy of Cornwall. 15 November 2011. Archived from the original on 22 August 2007. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ "International Advisory Board". New York, NY, USA: Blackstone Group. Archived from the original on 19 December 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ "No. 62866". The London Gazette (Supplement). 28 December 2019. p. N4.
- ^ Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker, The Washington Times, 2 November 2003. Accessed 27 July 2010.
- ^ "Russian tycoon 'names successor'". BBC News. 14 July 2003. Retrieved 5 May 2010.
- ^ PRELIMINARY INFORMATION STATEMENT OF GENIE ENERGY LTD., Jerusalem Post. 22 November 2010. Accessed 12 February 2011
- ^ Kelley, Michael (22 February 2013). "Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company". Business Insider. Retrieved 31 August 2013.
- ^ The Rothschild Foster Trust: "The descendants of Charles Rothschild" Archived 7 September 2012 at the Wayback Machine retrieved 27 September 2012
- ^ Jump up to:a b "Interview in the magazine Russian Journal". Interview with the Director. St. Petersburg, Russia: Hermitage Museum. 4 July 2011 [2004]. Archived from the original on 27 June 2012. Retrieved 10 December 2011. Originally published on 13 January 2004 Russian Journal
- ^ "Lord Rothschild named trustee in Qatar". Artshub. England, UK: ArtsHub Holdings P/L. Archived from the original on 6 April 2012. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ "The Pritzker Architecture Prize - Jury". Madrid, Spain & Los Angeles, CA, USA: The Pritzker Architecture Prize. 14 September 2011. Archived from the original on 28 June 2009. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ Swallow, Dr. Deborah. "The Courtauld Institute of Art : Newsletter Spring 2008 - From the Director". The Courtauld Institute of Art. London, UK: The Courtauld Institute of Art. Archived from the original on 21 November 2010. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ Annual Report of the Visitors of The Ashmolean Museum - August 2006—July 2007 (PDF) (Report). Oxford, England, UK: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology. 14 January 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 November 2013. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ Victoria Talbot, 'Second Annual J. Paul Getty Medal Goes to Lord Rothschild', The Beverly Hills Courier, July 25, 2014, Volume XXXXVIIII Number 30, p. 21 "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 10 August 2014. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
- ^ "Home - Spencer House". Spencer House. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
- ^ "The Butrint Foundation". Retrieved 31 March 2016.
- ^ "Contact and trustees: 1135705 - THE BUTRINT FOUNDATION". London, UK: Charity Commission for England and Wales. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ "Contact and trustees: 1083262 - ROTHSCHILD FOUNDATION (HANADIV) EUROPE". London, UK: Charity Commission for England and Wales. Archived from the original on 19 January 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2011. for President, confirmed for Trustee. Alternate Link
- ^ "Contact and trustees: 1138145 - THE ROTHSCHILD FOUNDATION". London, UK: Charity Commission for England and Wales. Archived from the original on 25 September 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2011. for Chairman, confirmed for Trustee. Alternate Link
- ^ Jump up to:a b "Institute for Jewish Policy Research: About us". Retrieved 31 March 2016.
- ^ "Contact and trustees: 1127255 - THE PRINCE OF WALES'S CHARITABLE FOUNDATION". London, UK: Charity Commission for England and Wales. Archived from the original on 25 September 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2011. Alternate Link
- ^ Spence, Rachel (12 May 2012). "Art, chez Rothschild".
- ^ "ALVA - Association of Leading Visitor Attractions". Retrieved 10 May 2019.
- ^ 2014-15 Annual Review, p. 33. A maximum of 209,200 visitors can enter the house annually.
- ^ Visit England 2017 winners Retrieved 26 April 2017.
- ^ Hurmalainen, Risto (6 October 2009). "British Castles, Stately Homes and Houses". Castles of the World. Archived from the original on 25 December 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ^ "Flint House". Archived from the original on 1 April 2016. Retrieved 20 March 2016.
- ^ McGinty, Stephen (25 September 2002). "Is Arnold the running man?". The Scotsman. Retrieved 30 June 2007.
- ^ "No. 56746". The London Gazette. 8 November 2002. p. 13557.
- ^ "No. 54993". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 December 1997. p. 8.
- ^ "No. 62866". The London Gazette (1st supplement). 27 December 2019. p. N4.
- ^ Fellow: Rt Hon Lord Jacob Rothschild - website of the British Academy
- ^ Senior Fellows Archived 27 October 2020 at the Wayback Machine- website of the Royal College of Art
- ^ Two new Honorary Fellows for King's - website of King's College London
- ^ "Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement". American Academy of Achievement.
- ^ Kidd, edited by Charles; Collins, David Williamson; assistant editor: Lydia (2000). Debrett's peerage and baronetage : comprises information concerningthe Royal Family, the peerage and baronetage. London: Debrett's Peerage Limited. p. 1435. ISBN 9780333545775.
{{cite book}}
has generic name (help) - ^ "President Nishani awards British Lords Rothschild and Sainsbury the "National Flag Medal"". Institution of the President of the Republic of Albania. Archived from the original on 6 January 2018. Retrieved 3 October 2016.
External links[edit]
Media related to Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild at Wikimedia Commons
Quotations related to Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild at Wikiquote

Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild
Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild GBE, GM, FRS (31 October 1910 – 20 March 1990)[1] was a British scientist, intelligence officer during World War II, and later a senior executive with Royal Dutch Shell and N M Rothschild & Sons, and an advisor to the Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher governments of the UK. He was a member of the prominent Rothschild family.
Early life
Rothschild was the only son of Charles Rothschild and Rózsika Rothschild (née Baroness Edle von Wertheimstein). Both parents were Jewish, his father a member of the Rothschild banking family and his mother the daughter of the first titled Jew in Austria. He grew up in Waddesdon Manor and Tring Park Mansion, among other family homes. He had three sisters, including Pannonica de Koenigswarter (who would become known as the "Jazz Baroness") and Dame Miriam Louisa Rothschild. His father committed suicide when Rothschild was 13 years old. He was educated at Stanmore Park preparatory school (which he later dubbed a "hell hole") and Harrow School, where the combination of archaic privileges and pointless rituals served only to annoy and bore him.[2]
Cambridge and London
At Trinity College, Cambridge, Rothschild read physiology, French, and English, and was considered impressive enough an undergraduate to be spared the rigours of sitting the Natural Sciences Tripos, thus allowing him to embark immediately on a career in scientific research.[a] Working in the Zoology Department, he was awarded a fellowship by Trinity in 1935 and a PhD two years later.[3] He played first-class cricket for the University and Northamptonshire, where his experience of batting against the Nottinghamshire pair of Harold Larwood and Bill Voce he was later to describe as the most alarming of his life.[4] At Cambridge he was known for his playboy lifestyle, driving a Bugatti and collecting art and rare books.[5]
Rothschild joined the Cambridge Apostles, a secret society, which at that time was predominantly Marxist, though he stated himself that he "was mildly left-wing but never a Marxist".[3] He became friends with Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and Kim Philby; members of the Cambridge Spy Ring.[6] His flat in London was shared with Burgess and Blunt. This later aroused suspicion that he was the so-called Fifth Man in the Cambridge Spy Ring. In 1933, Rothschild gave Blunt £100 to purchase "Eliezer and Rebecca" by Nicolas Poussin.[7] The painting was sold by Blunt's executors in 1985 for £100,000[8] and is now in the Fitzwilliam Museum.[9]
Rothschild inherited his title at the age of 26 following the death of his uncle Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild on 27 August 1937. He sat as a peer in the House of Lords, but spoke only twice there during his life (both speeches were in 1946, one about the pasteurization of milk, and another about the situation in Palestine).[10] In November 1945 he joined the Labour Party.[3][11]
World War II
Rothschild was recruited to work for MI5 during World War II in roles including bomb disposal, disinformation and espionage, winning the George Medal for "dangerous work in hazardous circumstances".[12] He was the head of B1C, the "explosives and sabotage section", and worked on identifying where Britain's war effort was vulnerable to sabotage and counter German sabotage attempts. This included personally dismantling examples of German booby traps and disguised explosives.[13]
With his assistant Theresa Clay, he ran the "Fifth Column" operation, that saw MI5 officer Eric Roberts masquerade as the Gestapo's man in London in order to identify hundreds of Nazi sympathizers.[14]
Cold War, Shell and Think Tank
In Who Paid the Piper? (1999), an account of CIA propaganda during the Cold War, author Frances Stonor Saunders alleges that Rothschild channelled funds to Encounter, an intellectual magazine founded in 1953 to support the "non-Stalinist left" to advance US foreign policy goals.
After the war, he joined the zoology department at Cambridge University from 1950 to 1970. He served as chairman of the Agricultural Research Council from 1948 to 1958 and as worldwide head of research at Royal Dutch/Shell from 1963 to 1970.
Flora Solomon claims in her autobiography that in August 1962, during a reception at the Weizmann Institute, she told Rothschild that she thought that Tomás Harris and Kim Philby were Soviet spies.[15]
When Anthony Blunt was unmasked as a member of the Cambridge Spy ring in 1964, Rothschild was questioned by Special Branch (though Blunt was not publicly identified as a Soviet agent until 1979 in the House of Commons by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher). Rothschild was cleared, and continued working on projects for the British government.[16]
Rothschild was head of the Central Policy Review Staff from 1971 to 1974 (known popularly as "The Think Tank")[17] a staff which researched policy specifically for the Government until Margaret Thatcher abolished it.
In 1971 Rothschild was awarded an honorary degree from Tel Aviv University for ''the advancement of science, education and the economy of Israel''. It was followed in 1975 by an honorary degree from Jerusalem's Hebrew University.[18] The annual "Victor Rothschild Memorial Symposia" is named after Rothschild.
Thatcher years and Spycatcher
In the 1980s, Rothschild joined the family bank as chairman in an effort to quell the feuding between factions led by Evelyn Rothschild and Victor's son, Jacob Rothschild. In this he was unsuccessful as Jacob resigned from the bank to found J. Rothschild Assurance Group (a separate entity, now St. James's Place plc).
In 1982 he published An Enquiry into the Social Science Research Council at the behest of Sir Keith Joseph, a Conservative minister and mentor of Margaret Thatcher.
He continued to work in security as an adviser to Margaret Thatcher.[citation needed]
He appears several times in the book Spycatcher, which he hoped would clear the air over suspicions about his wartime role and the possibility he was involved in the Cambridge spy ring.[citation needed] In early 1987 Tam Dalyell MP used parliamentary privilege to suggest Rothschild should be prosecuted for a chain of events he had "set in train, with Peter Wright and Harry Chapman Pincher" which had led to a "breach of confidence in relation to information on matters of state security given to authors".[19]
He was still able to enter the premises of MI5 as a former employee and was aware of suspicions there was a "mole" in MI5, but felt himself above suspicion. While Edward Heath was Prime Minister, Rothschild was a frequent visitor to Chequers, the Prime Minister's country residence. Throughout Rothschild's life, he was a valued adviser on intelligence and science to both Conservative and Labour Governments.
In his 1994 book The Fifth Man, Australian author Roland Perry asserted that in 1993, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB colonels, including Yuri Modin, the spy ring's handler, alleged Rothschild was the so-called "Fifth Man": "Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British intelligence. "He had the contacts", Modin noted. "He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office ... who controlled MI6."[20] However this suggestion is rebutted by other researchers; commentator Sheila Kerr pointed out that as soon as the book came out, Modin denied Perry's version of their discussions (having already stated that the fifth man was Cairncross), and concluded that "Perry's case against Rothschild is unconvincing because of dubious sources and slack methods".[21] Noel Annan, who was criticised by the author Perry for a negative view of the latter's book and claims, writes: "Amid clouds of misstatements he [Perry] relies almost wholly on insinuation and bluster. ... when Andrew Boyle published his book and exposed Blunt, why did Margaret Thatcher acknowledge in the House of Commons the truth about Blunt, but later, in the case of Rothschild, clear him? Mr. Perry is saying she lied to the House. He tries to make much of her curt statement, "I am advised that we have no evidence that he was ever a Soviet spy." It is the only official reply she could have made. In MI5 jargon there was "No Trace" against his name".[22] Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, in The Mitrokhin Archives, make no mention of Rothschild as a Soviet agent and instead identify John Cairncross as the Fifth Man.
Former KGB controller Yuri Modin denied ever having named Rothschild as "any kind of Soviet agent". "Because he was in MI5 they learned things from him. This doesn't make him the fifth man, and he wasn't," Modin wrote. His own book's title clarifies the name of all five of the Cambridge spy group: My Five Cambridge Friends: Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, and Cairncross by Their KGB Controller. Since Rothschild had died prior to publication of the Perry book, the family was unable to start a libel action.[23]
Rothschild published two volumes of memoirs, Meditations of a Broomstick (1977) and Random Variables (1984).
Despite being an opposition Labour party peer, in 1987, during the Thatcher Government, Rothschild played a role in the sacking of Director-General of the BBC Alasdair Milne, who had backed the programmes Secret Society, Real Lives,[24] and Panorama: 'Maggie's Militant Tendency' which had angered the Thatcher government. Marmaduke Hussey, who was Chairman of the BBC Board of Governors at the time, implied Rothschild initiated the Milne sacking in his autobiography Chance Governs All.[25]
Rothschild took the step of publishing a letter in British newspapers on 3 December 1986 to state "I am not, and never have been, a Soviet agent".
He was an advisor to William Waldegrave during the design of the Community Charge,[26] which led to the Poll Tax Riots.
In 1933, he married Barbara Judith Hutchinson (1911-1989). [27] They had three children.[28]
- Sarah Rothschild (born 1934)[28]
- Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild (born 1936) (later Jacob Rothschild) 4th Baron Rothschild[28]
- Miranda Rothschild (born 1940)[28]
In 1946, he married Teresa Georgina Mayor (1915–1996), who had worked as his assistant at MI5.[14] Mayor's maternal grandfather was Robert John Grote Mayor, the brother of English novelist F. M. Mayor and a great-nephew of philosopher and clergyman John Grote. Her maternal grandmother, Katherine Beatrice Meinertzhagen, was the sister of soldier Richard Meinertzhagen and the niece of author Beatrice Webb.[29] They had four children:[28]
- Emma Georgina Rothschild (born 1948), married the Bengali Hindu economist Amartya Kumar Sen (b. 1933) in 1991.[28]
- Benjamin Mayer Rothschild (born and died 1952).[28]
- Victoria Katherine Rothschild (born 1953) is an academic lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London and the second wife and widow of English writer Simon Gray (1936–2008).[28]
- Amschel Mayor James Rothschild (1955–1996), married to Anita Patience Guinness of the Anglo-Irish Protestant Guinness family. Amschel committed suicide in 1996.[30] They had three children; Kate Emma Rothschild Goldsmith (b. 1982), Alice Miranda Rothschild (b. 1983) and James Amschel Victor Rothschild (b. 1985)[28]
Born into a nominally Jewish family, in adult life Rothschild declared himself to be an atheist.[31] However, his body was interred in the historic Jewish Brady Street Cemetery, which remarkably saved that cemetery from proposed redevelopment for 100 years.[32] His sister Miriam Louisa Rothschild was a distinguished entomologist, and his sister Nica de Koenigswarter was a bebop jazz enthusiast and patron of Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker.
Honours and awards
- 3rd Baron Rothschild, of Tring, co. Hertford [U.K., 1885], 27 August 1937.
- 4th Baronet Rothschild [U.K., 1847], 27 August 1937.
- Knight Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire (G.B.E.), 1975.
- Knight, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (K.St.J.).
- Fellow, Royal Society (F.R.S.), 1953.[33]
- Major, Intelligence Corps.
- George Medal (G.M.) (United Kingdom), 1944.
- Legion of Merit (United States), 1946.
- Bronze Star Medal (United States), 1948.
- ^ He was, however, required as a formality to sit for an ordinary or 'pass' degree.
- ^ "Rothschild, 3rd Baron cr 1885, (Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild) (31 Oct. 1910–20 March 1990)", Who Was Who, Oxford University Press, 1 December 2007, doi:10.1093/ww/9780199540884.013.u168709, retrieved 3 August 2021
- ^ Lord Rothschild, Meditations of a Broomstick (London: Collins, 1977), pp. 12-4. ISBN 0002165120
- ^ Jump up to:a b c Rose, Kenneth (2004). "Rothschild, (Nathaniel Mayer) Victor, third Baron Rothschild (1910–1990)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (revised ed.). Oxford University Press. Retrieved 4 March 2023.
- ^ "Obituaries: Lord Rothschild, A man of many parts - scientist, government adviser and MI5 agent", The Times, 22 March 1990, p. 14.
- ^ "Nathaniel Mayer (Victor) Rothschild (1910–1990)". The Rothschild Archive. Retrieved 6 July 2020.
- ^ Sansom, Ian (16 September 2011). "Great dynasties of the world: The Rothschilds". The Guardian. Retrieved 3 August 2021.
- ^ Rose (2003), pp. 47–48.
- ^ "Eliezer and Rebecca by Nicolas Poussin". Art Fund. Retrieved 28 October 2015.
- ^ "Eliezer and Rebecca". Fitzwilliam Museum Collections. 2015. Retrieved 28 October 2015.
- ^ "Mr Nathaniel Rothschild (Hansard)". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Retrieved 28 March 2016.
- ^ "News in Brief", The Times, 12 November 1945, p.2.
- ^ "No. 36452". The London Gazette (Supplement). 4 April 1944. p. 1548.
- ^ Macintyre, Ben (2007). Agent Zigzag : the true wartime story of Eddie Chapman. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 172–173. ISBN 9780747587941.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Hutton, Robert (2018). Agent Jack : the true story of MI5's secret Nazi hunter. London: W&N. ISBN 978-1474605113. OCLC 958098293.
- ^ Solomon, Flora (1984). Baku to Baker Street. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. p. 226.
- ^ The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography concludes: "The carefree friendships of Rothschild's early Cambridge years that had continued throughout the war cast a shadow over the last decade of his life. The defection of Burgess to Russia and the uncovering of Blunt as a Soviet agent exposed Rothschild to innuendo and vilification in press and parliament. Rather than let his name record of public service speak for themselves, he sought unwisely to clear himself through the testimony of Peter Wright, an investigator employed by MI5 had every reason to know of his innocence. Clandestine association with so volatile a character aroused further suspicions that Rothschild had broken the Official Secrets Act. Only after voluntarily submitting himself to a long interrogation by Scotland Yard did he emerge with honour and patriotism intact."
- ^ Wright, Peter (1987). Spycatcher. Toronto: Stoddart. p. 347. ISBN 978-0-7737-2168-5.
- ^ "Lord Rothschild, 79, a Scientist And Member of Banking Family". The New York Times. Reuters. 22 March 1990. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
- ^ "Official Secrets Act (Prosecution Policy) (Hansard, 6 February 1987)". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). 6 February 1987. Retrieved 4 January 2016.
- ^ Perry, Roland (1994). The Fifth Man. London: Sedgwick & Jackson. p. 89. ISBN 9780283062162.
- ^ Sheila Kerr: review of Roland Perry, The Fifth Man, in Loch K. Johnson, Richard C. Thurlow, Gary D. Rawnsley, M. R. D. Foot, J. A. Crang, Pauline Elkes, Andrew Rathmell, Simon Tormey, Sheila Kerr, Len Scott, Mark Ellis, James G. Stewart & Keith Jeffery (1997): Book reviews. Intelligence and National Security, 12(2): 203–228. doi:10.1080/02684529708432424.
- ^ The Fifth Man - Roland Perry, reply by Noel Annan. New York Review of Books, March, 1995 Issue.
- ^ "Rothschild 'spied as the Fifth Man'". The Independent. 22 October 1994. Archived from the original on 17 August 2022. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
- ^ "History of the BBC: Real Lives 1985". BBC.
- ^ Hussey, Marmaduke (2001). Chance Governs All. Macmillan Publishing Company. ISBN 9780333902561.
- ^ "All the gifts but contentment". Retrieved 4 January 2016.
- ^ "Family tree of Barbara Judith HUTCHINSON". Geneanet. Retrieved 23 April 2021.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i "The descendants of Charles Rothschild" (PDF). The Rothschild Foster Trust. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 September 2012. Retrieved 27 September 2012.
- ^ Annan, Noel; Ferguson, James (18 September 2011). "Obituary: Teresa, Lady Rothschild". The Independent. London: INM. Archived from the original on 17 August 2022. Retrieved 28 October 2015.
- ^ Ibrahim, Youssef M. (12 July 1996). "Rothschild Bank Confirms Death of Heir, 41, as Suicide". The New York Times. New York, NY. Retrieved 28 October 2015.
- ^ Wilson (1994), p. 466.
- ^ Walker, Philip. Views of Brady Street cemetery, London E1. Retrieved 10 August 2020
- ^ Reeve, Suzanne (1994). "Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, the crazy oneG.B.E., G.M., Third Baron Rothschild. 31 October 1910-20 March 1990". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 39: 364–380. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1994.0021.
- Rose, Kenneth (2003). Elusive Rothschild: The Life of Victor, Third Baron. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 978-0-297-81229-6.
- Wilson, Derek (1994). Rothschild: A Story of Wealth and Power. London: Andre Deutsch. ISBN 0-233-98870-X.
- See also the list of references at Rothschild banking family of England
External links[edit]
Media related to Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild at Wikimedia Commons

- 1910 births
- 1990 deaths
- Barons Rothschild
- Labour Party (UK) hereditary peers
- MI5 personnel
- Cambridge University cricketers
- English cricketers
- English Jews
- English atheists
- Jewish American atheists
- Jewish scientists
- Jewish British politicians
- Northamptonshire cricketers
- People educated at Harrow School
- Fellows of the Royal Society
- Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire
- Recipients of the George Medal
- Alumni of Trinity College, Cambridge
- 20th-century British zoologists
- Burials at Brady Street Cemetery
Early life
Rothschild was the daughter of Sir Philip Gordon Dunn, Bt., and Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine (daughter of James St Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn). Her sister is the writer Nell Dunn. Her paternal grandfather was Sir James Dunn, Bt., a prominent Canadian financier.
Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine
Thoroughbred racing
Rothschild oversaw the management of Waddesdon Stud at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire.[1] In November 2006, she paid 3 million guineas for the mare Spinning Queen, then a world record price (for a filly or broodmare) of 4.6 million guineas when she purchased Magical Romance at the Tattersalls sale.[2]
In 2009, her colt Pounced, trained by John Gosden and ridden by Frankie Dettori, won the Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California. In 2011, her colt Nathaniel won the King Edward VII Stakes (G2) at Ascot and the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes (G1), also at Ascot. In 2012, she won the Eclipse Stakes (G1) with Nathaniel, The Lancashire Oaks (G2), and then the Irish Oaks (Classic G1) with Great Heavens.
Personal life
On 20 October 1961, she married financier Jacob Rothschild, with whom she had four children, Hannah (b. 1962), Beth (b. 1964), Emily (b. 1967), and Nathaniel (b. 1971).[3]
The couple made their home at Pewsey, Wiltshire, and maintained a villa on the Greek island of Corfu.[4] She and her husband were involved in a number of charitable and humanitarian organisations, and she was a Vice President of the Wiltshire Blind Association.[5]
Lady Rothschild died in a London hospital on 13 January 2019 following a short illness.[6] She was 83.
- "The Rothschilds' racing heritage".
- ^ Rushmer., Tony. "Magical Romance sold for 4.6m gns".
- ^ The Rothschild Foster Trust: "The descendants of Charles Rothschild" Archived 2012-09-07 at the Wayback Machine retrieved September 27, 2012
- ^ "Javier Barba | BC Arquitectos | Green Architecture".
- ^ "Wiltshire Blind Association, President, Officers, Patrons and Members". 9 October 2011. Archived from the original on 9 October 2011.
- ^ "Nathaniel owner Lady Rothschild dies aged 83". Sporting Life. 13 January 2019. Retrieved 13 January 2019.