9/11 Inside Job With Rothschild Connected Companies
9/11 Inside Job With Rothschild Connected Companies
House of Rothschild Bankster History Time Line Part 2
We helped create Istarel
‘Chemical Weapons’ media propaganda in US, UK is designed to hide the truth in Syria.
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9/11 Inside Job, Rothschild connected companies
- 9/11 Video latest evidence, 9/11 Whistleblower interview Alex Jones Col. Donn de Grand-Pre ... They were out of Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. A bunch, this 119 Fighter Group and they are called the Happy Hooligans. They are probably the best interceptors that we have in the country. They were moved to Langley Air Force Base from Hector Field down to Southern Virginia. and Brigadier-General Rick Baccus... wouldn't torture innocent detainees at Guantanamo, was reassigned.
- WTC steel went to Rothschild Zionist connected scrap yards. (evidence removal)
- InformationUnderground Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation, and they made a handsome profit.
- On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection – Reserves and Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11.
- Pilots for 911 Truth Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild).
- 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2
- Pilots for 911 Truth Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see Edward S. Gordon
- Systems Planning Corp, Dov Zakheim, WTC remote controlled aircraft, Rothschild connection
- Pilots for 911 Truth US Airways also had a 28 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior intelligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland Security Intelligence Council.
- AMEC, a Rothschild connected company did WTC / Pentagon rubble cleanup (evidence removal)
- London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) and London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) relationship.
- Pilots for 911 Truth During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the restructuring. Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.
- Peter Peterson -- CEO of the Blackstone Group (controlled by Rothschild), parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7
- 911Docs Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it ... 9/11Truth Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.
- Rothschild Connected to Mossad / ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security)
- Hearst estate is being advised by NM Rothschild, the investment bank. Popular Mechanics Magazine is a Hearst publication and at the forefront of 9/11 disinformation.
- Within 30 minutes of WTC2 being hit NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch, Rothschild Zionist) was giving out Bin laden's name as a suspect and the complete run-down on Al Qaeda and the Taliban along with the reasons for the collapse itself !
- 2001 9/11 SEC From a regulatory perspective, last week the Commission reached out to major market participants, both directly and through industry groups such as the Securities Industry Association and the Bond Market Association, to determine whether it could provide appropriate temporary regulatory relief to facilitate the reopening of fair and orderly markets. The New York Stock Exchange, the NASD, Treasury and other regulators undertook similar outreach efforts. As a result, the Commission for the first time invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and issued several orders and an interpretive release to ease certain regulatory restrictions temporarily. see WTC gold / securities heist, Black Eagle Trust above
2001 9/11 WMR / NFU April 26-28, 2010 -- The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America ... Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful. ... The "above top secret" network bears the acronym "PDAS." WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the President and Vice President. ... On September 11, 2001, PDAS was used to convey the information from the Air Force Chief of Staff to the White House, CIA, and other select agencies that the Air Force had successfully intercepted and downed a target over Pennsylvania. It is believed that the "target" in question was United flight 93, although there is no confirmation that the aircraft was in fact the one downed by Air Force interceptors. ... The Air Force Chief of Staff on 9/11 was General John Jumper, who had become the top Air Force commander on September 6, 2001, just five days before the 9/11 attacks. ... There is also reason to believe that the PDAS terminal at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) at the White House was used to coordinate the activities related to the aerial attack on the Pentagon. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta claimed Vice President Dick Cheney was present at the PEOC at 9:25 am on the morning of 9/11, before the alleged impact of American Airlines flight 77 on the building. ...Mineta ... (PDAS) is used to support the operational capabilities to the Joint Staff at the Pentagon and and Combatant Commanders (COCOMs), Special Technical Operations (STO), COCOMs, Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations IJSTO, US Central Command, CIA, National Security Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency, search terms: General Wesley Clark, Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRnet) and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), as well as the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRnet), 704th Military Intelligence Brigade at Fort Meade, Maryland, NSA's Joint Special Studies Group (JSSG), IVY BELLS. more
- 2001 9/11Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline September False flag attack on America blamed on Afghanistan and Iraq
- 2001 9/11 Israel and WTC, Flight 77 Pentagon video
- 2001 9/11 Peter Peterson -- CEO of the Blackstone Group (controlled by Rothschild), parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000 Thomas Pickard -- took over the job of FBI director from Louis Freeh in August 2001; held this position only for a few weeks before Robert Mueller became director; former Terror Task Force chief John O'Neill complained about sabotage by Pickard
- click to see video, Dov Zakheim, 9/11 Mastermind, Systems Planning Corporation, Rothschild Zionist, remote controlled aircraft. Wakeupfromyourslumber: Ehud Olmert, then mayor of Jerusalem, is a partner in crime with the Zionist lease-holders of the World Trade Center, the Israeli Frank Lowy and his New York-based partner Larry Silverstein. Olmert, as deputy prime minister to Ariel Sharon, even made an unannounced and secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001
- 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt Before 9-11 John Deutch, former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" with Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium
- 2001 9/11 Wikispooks Dov Zakheim Systems Planning Corporation, remote controlled aircraft, 9/11, WTC.
- 2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the U.S. The second crucial aspect of control was that of security for the WTC complex. This was was required to provide unquestioned access to strategic areas of the buildings for the purposes of rigging explosives in the period prior to the attacks. The contract to run security at the WTC was awarded to Kroll Associates after the 1993 WTC bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as "Wallstreet's CIA". The contract was awarded by The Port Authority of New York and $2.5 million was paid to them to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll were two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll. The managing director of Kroll at the time was Jerome M. Hauer. Jerome Hauer Hauer was also the person chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's WTC Building 7 (ie the third tall building to collapse on 9/11). Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and support of the State of Israel. Mitre Corp, Entwistle also
- 2001 9/11 WTC Gold Rediff, German company Convar, data recovered from hard drives shows unusual financial activity (put options?), not investigated by FBI, Pirmasens, Henschel ... Kroll purchased Ontrack Data Recovery, a US-based rival of Convar with offices in Germany. See Sibel Edmonds Baltimore Chronical and YouTube WTC Gold heist. 100's of billions. Value of a gold bar on September 10, 2001: $214k, 2011: $1,498k, Source: Kitco.com
- 2001 9/11 WayneMadsenReport "has recently learned from knowledgeable U.S. Intelligence Community sources that Neil Entwistle's contract for P-Tech involved "wiring backdoors" into the computer systems of the FAA, more below, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House to bring about the operational collapse of the computer systems during the morning of 9/11. Entwistle's firm, Embedded New Technologies (ENT), reportedly had connections to the Braintree, Massachusetts-based firm P-Tech, which was investigated subsequent to 911 by the FBI for ties to Muslim Brotherhood financiers linked to Al Qaeda. P-Tech also had software contracts for the FAA, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House during the 9-11 terrorist attacks. ... A senior consultant to JPMorganChase and Risk, Indira Singh was tasked in April 2002 with developing a next-generation, operational, risk blueprint that "would proactively identify exposures, including money laundering, rogue trading, and illicit financing patterns."8 Indira reached out to the top people in her profession for recommendations on software companies that could assist her on the project. 2002 Indira Singh was fired from JPMorganChase because she refused to stop investigating P-Tech and warning other businesses and clients of P-Tech's terrorist linked financing. On December 5, 2002 U.S. Customs, FBI, IRS, Secret Service, INS and the Massachusetts State Police raided the Ouincy, Massachusetts offices of P-Tech.12 The raid, however, was a fraud. The only reason P-Tech was raided was due to the incessant and embarrassing questions Indira was asking about the company and its terrorist linked financing. After the raid P-Tech changed its name to Go Agile, and the FBI investigation fizzled out. ... has recently learned from knowledgeable U.S. Intelligence Community sources that Entwistle's contract for P-Tech involved "wiring backdoors" into the computer systems of the FAA, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House to bring about the operational collapse of the computer systems during the morning of 9/11 full article and OpedNews Entwistle
- Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11, Singh said. "Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA -- that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything -- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE." Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arabia , for example with Pacifica Radio in 2005: OpEdNews Neil Entwistle Connect the Dots AMEC BP Acerty HAARP
- Oussama Ziade, (IntelFiles) a Lebanese Muslim immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1985, founded Ptech in 1994. But the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith for decades. Oussama Ziade indictment doc from indictment doc: ZIADE co-founded Ptech in 1994 with the capital financing provided by Kadi through one of his nominee companies, Sarmany Limited. Initially, in 1994, Kadi invested approximately $5 million in ptech through Sarmany, an Isle of Man company he owned and controlled. In exchange, and pursuant to an authorization granted by Kadi and Sarmany's other director, PtechPtech's main focus was research and development. Ptech spent approximately $20 million developing its products. These funds came primarily from Saudi Arabian investors, including Kadi. ... Kadi attended Ptech's Board of Director meeting held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (where Kadi's residence and some of his businesses are located) on March 22, 1998 ,... 2002, Sarmany12, with the assistance of Kadi's chief financial accountant, at the advice of ZIADE, transferred Sarmany Limited's entire property interest in Ptech (55,800 shares of ptech common stock) to three entities: Bective Limited; Arkday Limited; and Grayson Group Limited., .. Bective Limited, willfully conceal the interest in ptech held by Sarmany, one of Kadi's nominee companies, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1014; ABC6 Buford-George-Peterson, Peter Parker OpEdNews
- 2001 9/11 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline September police arrest Israeli Mossad agents filming and cheering the 911 attack. The Israelis worked for a fake moving company with a false address. Their van has a hit with bomb sniffing dogs and one man is carrying $4,700 stuffed in a sock. The owner of the front flees to Israel. The FBI releases the Israelis and the evidence linking them to the attacks is Classified.
- 2001 9/11 TakeOurWorldBack Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's father Benzion was secretary to Ze'ev "Vladimir" Jabotinsky, Wall Street Journal who founded the Zionist terrorist movement that played an important part in the creation of Israel (e.g. King David hotel bombing, conspiracy to assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin), or that Bibi was a unit team leader in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit of the Israeli Defense Force, and just happened to be in New York City in the morning of 9/11 and in London on the morning of the 7/7 attacks (having received advance warning), and is a close friend of Larry Silverstein who, along with Zionist billionaire and "Holocaust survivor" Frank Lowy, just happened to have taken over the World Trade Center lease and ensured the Towers were insured for billions of dollars against terrorist attacks within six weeks of 9/11. More d.hatena.jp the Likud party is the successor to Herut, which was the successor to Jabotinsky’s revisionist faction—Netanyahu’s personal history traces directly back to Jabotinsky. Benzion Netanyahu, the prime minister’s father, was Jabotinsky’s disciple and private secretary
- 2001 9/11 Investigate9/11 "They" are the owners of the International Banking and Finance Cartel, as well as the Federal Reserve Banking Monopoly. "They" control the highest levels of our government. "They" sanctioned 9/11, as a catalyst for their larger criminal agenda, which they call the "New World Order". These owners include families of the "Black Nobility", such as the House of Hanover, Germany; the House of Hapsburg, Austria; the House of Orange, Netherlands; the House of Lichtenstein in Lichtenstein, and most importantly the house of Guelph (Welf: dynasty of German dukes of Bavaria) in Britain.
- 2001:9/11 IAmTheWitness On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Israel with the complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as happened with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security. ... They also will use the attacks to gain control of the few nations in the world who don’t allow Rothschild central banks and so less than one month after these attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 7 nations in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats. ... No investigation is undertook as to what they were doing there. It is discovered that US drug agents’ communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to whom. ... Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspicion forms that Comverse Infosys, which gets half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government, has built a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers. The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens. On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash. Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact, suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come. The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel. The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel. The United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11. All of this is reported to the public via a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups, primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the story from their website. Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with offices just a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning via the internet. The manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP address of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow this up. The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence. ... It is revealed that prior to the attack millions of dollars of put options on both American Airlines and United Airlines, were traded. The FBI have promised to followed the purchasers up, but have never revealed their findings. That is because this would lead directly to Israel, the state behind the 911 attacks. Following the World Trade Center attack, anonymous letters containing anthrax are sent to various politicians and media executives. Like the 9-11 attack this is immediately blamed on Al-Qaeda , until it is discovered that the anthrax contained within those letters is a specific type of weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory. ... The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprimanded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs. Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. At this point, both the FBI and the mainstream media stopped making any public comments on the case. ... Jewish Defence League Chairman since 1985, Ashkenazi Jew, Irv Rubin is jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices of a Arab-American congressman. He dies shortly after slitting his throat in a suicide attempt, before he can be brought to trial. ... One week prior to the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company moves out of its offices in the WTC, breaking its lease and costing the company $50,000. No reason has ever been given, but Zim Shipping Company is half owned by the State of Israel (The Rothschilds). On October 3, Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, makes the following statement to Ashkenazi Jew, Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
- 2001 Telegraph AMEC, the British engineering and construction group, has been asked to rebuild the parts of the Pentagon destroyed in the terrorist attack, in which 190 people died last week. ... Rudolf Giuliani, the mayor of New York, also called Amec within minutes of Tuesday's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre to help with the rescue effort in lower Manhattan. and Bovis and AmericanFreePress A foreign company - headed by a Knight of the British Empire - managed the controversial cleanup of the rubble at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. ... AMEC is in line for further construction work at both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center according to the Daily Mail. ... Sir Peter Mason is a Knight of the British Empire. The former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave the management of the WTC site to the two British firms, AMEC and Bovis Lend Lease, received an honorary knighthood in the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb. 13, 2002. GlobalGuru Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg. Other than the supervisory firm LZA/Thornton-Tomasetti, the City also hired five construction companies to handle the majority of the debris removal, and the site was divided up among them. and 911Review These five companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Construction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the site was then broken up "into basically five segments. Building 7 debris was given to Tishman. The northwest corner of the site was given to AMEC. The northeast section of the site was given to Tully. Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden).
- 2001 9/11 video Dov Zakheim, Dov Zakheim -- Pentagon comptroller when trillion dollars reported missing on 9-10-01; "dual citizen" of US and Israel; Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR member; former CEO of fly-by-remote manufacturer; reputed 9-11 mastermind Philip Zelikow -- led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission; personally wrote the 9-11 Omission Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction; appointed Counselor of US Department of State; "dual citizen" of US and Israel
- https://syriathetruth.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/deleted-daily-mail-online-article-us-backed-plan-for-chemical-weapon-attack-in-syria-to-be-blamed-on-assad/
Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: “US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad”
- https://syriathetruth.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/syria-email-daily-mail-january-29-20132.png?w=490&h=3214
By Patrick Henningsen Global Research, August 26, 2013, 21st Century Wire
‘Chemical Weapons’ media propaganda in US, UK is designed to hide the truth in Syria.
Revised and Updated
The Mail quickly pulled the story down within 24 hours, offering no formal retraction, but simply wiped it clean from their website, but we have a screen shot (below).
The Mail was later sued by Britam Defense, and forced to publish a retraction. The Guardian reported on June 26th:
“The Daily Mail has apologised and paid £110,000 in libel damages to a London defence firm it wrongly linked with an alleged chemical weapons plot in Syria.
Britam Defence Limited complained that an article on the Daily Mail’s website Mail Online falsely accused two of its executives of conspiring in a “nefarious and illegal plot” in the Middle Eastern state “for enormous financial reward”.
The article quoted one email supposedly sent between two executives at the company which claimed to show that Britam had agreed to supply chemical weapons to Homs for use in an attack. However, the emails turned out to be forged.”
One of the original leaks which led to this brief, but buried story, was contained in the Britam Leaks, which detailed the alleged plan to be carried out which was said to have received a green light from Washington and was to be financed by Qatar.
Although a libel settlement was reached regarding naming the two Britam executives mentioned in the Mail article, it’s hard to prove that the plot itself did not happen – and herein lies the problem with the secretive shadow state and its array of private contractors in both the US and UK.
In January 29, 2013, Britain’s most popular Daily Newspaper, in its online version Dailymail.co.uk published an article titled:
U.S. ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime’
A few days later they pulled the article.
What the reason was for the deletion remains unclear. The article was published at this URL:
There exists a cached version of the article which can be found here:
See scan of complete deleted article below:
One day later, on January 30, a moderated news board thread was created, which is still online, at Mail Online about that article. “Thread: Syrian WMD False Flag – Are False Flags a way of life now?“
In their initial article Mail Online refers to an Infowars.com article (dated January 28, 2013), that’s where they probably found the information on the leaked e-mail and other documents.
CapitalBay (who published the wrong areal pictures of the school in Sandy Hook), Mail Online,Infowars, Yahoo News India, News Track India, Whale.to, Philippine Times, Uganda News,LiveLeak, Truth Media TV and others all claim in their mirrored articles that the alleged e-mail from Britam’s David Goulding to Philip Doughty was dated December 25, 2012.
However, at Neftegaz.ru (translated with Google) there also exists another version of the alleged e-mail. There the e-mail is dated December 24, 2012.
Whether the content of the alleged e-mail is correct, that’s open for debate. Fact is that PressTV has an article online which supports the claims in the alleged e-mail. And RT‘s article from last year (June 10, 2012) still claims that “Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons,” to then blame Assad for it. Those weapons came from Libya, according to RT. This begs the question: Did Christopher Stevens know about those weapons when he died in the CIA villa in Benghazi last year?
But why was the article pulled by Mail Online?
Why do there exist at least 2 versions of the same alleged e-mail?
And what about Britam admitting that they were hacked, according to Ruvr.co.uk (The Voice of Russia)?
But there’s also this, according to Mail Online it was a Malaysian hacker who got to the alleged e-mail(s), while Infowars claims that the e-mail was “obtained by a hacker in Germany.”
Either way, whoever initiated the Britam e-mail escapade did a good job at fooling both mainstream and alternative news outlets because it’s a real mess and few know what really happened and why.
Yet it’s ironic that Mail Online did not delete their other article where they wrote about the UN’s Carla Del Ponte who claims that Syrian rebels are responsible for “sarin gas attacks, which had been blamed on Assad’s troops.” The same rebels who now receive resources from the EU and the U.S., since the EU is buying oil from those “rebels” and the US is arming them for a proxy war as the Washington Post describes it.
Earlier it was reported that Israel had granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy who’s shareholders include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Screen shot of the deleted Article, click on it and zoom to read:
- 2001 At the WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the security operation in terms of what he called a “completion contract,” to provide services “up to the day the buildings fell down.” iii] McDaniel came to Stratesec directly from BDM International, where he had been Vice President for nine years. BDM was a major subsidiary of The Carlyle Group for most of that time. When Barry McDaniel started at BDM, the company began getting a large amount of government business “in an area the Navy called Black Projects,” or budgets that were kept secret. The Carlyle Group was founded by one David Rubenstein ... EndWhiteGuilt and Billionaire investor David Rubenstein, 60, co-founder and managing director of the Carlyle Group, purchased two (Torah Scribes).
- 2001 Christopher Bollyn If the scrap yards that handled the steel from the World Trade Center were part of a Zionist conspiracy we would expect to find that the junkyards themselves were Zionist-owned operations. This would be consistent with the thesis that 9/11 is a conspiracy in which the key players are all dedicated Zionist partisans of the state of Israel. The junkyards would need to be under Zionist control in order to facilitate the secure destruction of the steel. This is exactly what we find with Hugo Neu Schnitzer East (Hugo Neu)and Metal Management Northeast, the two junkyards that processed the steel from the World Trade Center. See also ThePopulist Hugo Neu A Hugo Neu affiliate processed most of the scrap metal from the World Trade Center after 9/11 and 911Research Two New Jersey companies were among the bidders that won the contract for removing more than 60,000 tons of Trade Center scrap. Metal Management Northeast bought 40,000 tons, and Hugo Neu Schnitzer bought 25,000 tons. Neu Schnitzer East is one of the largest scrap recyclers in the nation. President Alan Ratner of Metal Management said the company had bought 70,000 tons of scrap steel by January of 2002
- 2001 9/11 Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegations of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, Wikipedia ICTS the Likud treasurer. Olmert was also later indicted in the Likud affair, but was acquitted. Wikipedia ICTS Executive Officers of ICTS International include Menachem J. Atzmon (CSU since 2004), Alon Raich (CFO since 2008), and Managing Directors Avraham Dan(since 2008), Ran Langer (since 2004), and Ranaan Nir (since 2002). 7] Atzmon, the Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2004, holds controlling shares, owning more than 55% of ICTS International through a family trust Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport.
- BAE Director Sir Peter Mason is the retired chief executive of AMEC (Pentagon Flight 77) plc, a British engineering firm with ties to N.M. Rothschild. see 9/11 Inside Job
- 2001 Bollyn (Mariani case) Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. He has also served as the chairman of several venture capital funds established by the Rothschild Group. One of these funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing partner of private equity at Cukierman & Co. - and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11. The Rothschild/Cukierman Catalyst Fund is also invested in a company called Cyalume, which is run by several of the SCP Partners of Ehud Barak. The Israeli Mossad corporate network may seem large but it always involves the same small group of people at the top. Many of the names are easily recognized by a researcher who is familiar with the Zionist criminal network. One of the head people of the Catalyst Fund and Cyalume, for example, is Yair Shamir, the son of the well-known terrorist-cum-prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.
- Martin Frost The 'Rothschild Connection': in the invasion of Iraq
- Abel Danger believes Crown Agents' Sister Serena Rothschild hired Middle Templars to stage Matrix 5 Sky News propaganda attacks on 911 with "Men Who Never Were" identities in the same strategy as used by her husband's father Victor Rothschild and Templar Ewen Montagu in WWII with a fake Royal Marine identity called 'Major William Martin'.
- 2001 some less known players in 9/11 Thomas Pickard, Dale Watson, Dave Frasca, Marion “Spike” Bowman, Ralph Eberhardt, Larry Arnold , Eric Findley, Montague Winfield, Richard Mies ,Henry Shelton, Peter Schoomaker, Geoffrey Lambert, John Brinkerhoff, Tony Gentry, Philip Odeen ,Lewis Eisenberg, Abdussattar Shaikh, Abdullah Noman ,Daniel Lewin, Dominic Suter, Sivan Kurzberg, John Gross, Theresa McAllister, Ronald Hamburger, William Baker, Harold Nelson, Ramon Gilsanz, Shankar Nair, Gene Corley, Paul Mlakar, Mete Sozen, Charles Thornton, Richard Tomasetti, Victor Ganzi , Benjamin Chertoff Kevin Delaney, Wirt Walker, Frank Lowy, Nicholas Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Rupert Murdoch, Jules Kroll, Paul Bremer, Wallace Hilliard, Mark Loizeaux, Loring Knoblauch , Michael Cherkasky Newt Gingrich, Pauline Neville-Jones, Mahmoud Ahmad and WarIsCrime same names, more detail.
- 2001 9/11 WayneMadsenReport 2010 -- PDAS Planning and Deciscion Aid System The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America .... Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful. .... The "above top secret" network bears the acronym "PDAS." WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, its is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the President and Vice President. ... On September 11, 2001, PDAS was used to convey the information from the Air Force Chief of Staff to the White House, CIA, and other select agencies that the Air Force had successfully intercepted and downed a target over Pennsylvania. It is believed that the "target" in question was United flight 93, although there is no confirmation that the aircraft was in fact the one downed by Air Force interceptors. ... The Air Force Chief of Staff on 9/11 was General John Jumper, who had become the top Air Force commander on September 6, 2001, just five days before the 9/11 attacks. ... There is also reason to believe that the PDAS terminal at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) at the White House was used to coordinate the activities related to the aerial attack on the Pentagon. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta claimed Vice President Dick Cheney was present at the PEOC at 9:25 am on the morning of 9/11, before the alleged impact of American Airlines flight 77 on the building.
- 2001 9/11 SeptemberClues On September 11, 2001, two Mitre-guided COCOM bases materialized out of nowhere. Florida based U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) was joined by a mysterious place called U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) in Omaha, Nebraska and a pre-outfitted base (physically in Denver, Colorado but operationally -- who knows?) called U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). After the alleged ‘classroom incident,’ Bush was apparently taken to USSTRATCOM to monitor the unfolding situation. One can assume such an urgent delivery of the executive branch was to peer through the war games with Ralph Ed “pocket-rocket” Eberhart and assure a successful “sell” of the 9/11 tale as it was being piped through television, radio, press and Internet distributors – perhaps via lucrative arrangements with Eberhart and Powell’s ObjectVideo chips.
- 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. In the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, major government security brokerages and their securities certificates for bonds were destroyed. Building 6 was destroyed by explosions from within. Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE.gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S September 11) the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency and for the first time in U.S. history invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and eased regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. 39 of 40 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died when their office was struck (see NFU Flight 77 pages ) Full article Background: Bush HW
- 2001 GlobalResearch On September 10, 2001 at the Chicago Board Options Exchange there were 4,516 puts on American Airlines to only 748 calls. United Airlines was targeted for 4,744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. The numbers on the reinsurance companies were similarly lopsided. By far the biggest trader of the put options was Deutsche Bank Alex BrownWikipedia – the US trading arm of Deutsche Bank – which bought traditional Eight Families’ wealth repository and largest Four Horsemen shareholder Banker's Trust in 1999 to become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets.
- 2001 Stumblein Shaul Eisenberg owned the Mossad company called Atwell Security. Atwell tried to obtain the security contract for the World Trade Center (and Port Authority) in the late 1980s. .... Eisenberg still alive... see Globes articles.
- 2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)
- 2001 History of the Money Changers Professor Joseph Stiglitz, former Chief Economist of the World Bank, and former Chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers, goes public over the World Bank's, "Four Step Strategy," which is designed to enslave nations to the bankers. I summarize this below, Step One: Privatization. This is actually where national leaders are offered 10% commissions to their secret Swiss bank accounts in exchange for them trimming a few billion dollars off the sale price of national assets. Bribery and corruption, pure and simple. ... Step Two: Capital Market Liberalization. This is the repealing any laws that taxes money going over its borders. Stiglitz calls this the, "hot money," cycle. Initially cash comes in from abroad to speculate in real estate and currency, then when the economy in that country starts to look promising, this outside wealth is pulled straight out again, causing the economy to collapse. ... The nation then requires IMF help and the IMF provides it under the pretext that they raise interest rates anywhere from 30% to 80%. This happened in Indonesia and Brazil, also in other Asian and Latin American nations. These higher interest rates consequently impoverish a country, demolishing property values, savaging industrial production and draining national treasuries. ... Step Three: Market Based Pricing. This is where the prices of food, water and domestic gas are raised which predictably leads to social unrest in the respective nation, now more commonly referred to as, "IMF Riots." These riots cause the flight of capital and government bankruptcies. This benefits the foreign corporations as the nations remaining assets can be purchased at rock bottom prices. ... Step Four: Free Trade. This is where international corporations burst into Asia, Latin America and Africa, whilst at the same time Europe and America barricade their own markets against third world agriculture. They also impose extortionate tariffs which these countries have to pay for branded pharmaceuticals, causing soaring rates in death and disease There are a lot of losers in this system, but a few winners - bankers. In fact the IMF and World Bank have made the sale of electricity, water, telephone and gas systems a condition of loans to every developing nation. This is estimated at 4 trillion dollars of publicly owned assets. In September of this year, Professor Joseph Stiglitz is awarded the Nobel Prize in economics.
- 2001 Scoreboard-Canada. Rudolph Giuliani running for President on 9/11 record....see Scoreboard-Canada Raytheon and Opus Dei links to Rothschild and Tucson, Arizona is in fact the Headquarters of Raytheon Missile Systems ... Who is really behind Raytheon? ANALYSIS: The largest institutional shareholders are Capital Research & Management, Harris Associates, Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney, State Street, Barclays, NWQ Investment Management and Lord Abbet & Co. Further down the list are JP Morgan Chase and T. Rowe Price.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2001 SourceWatch Open Russia Foundation board of directors Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, Henry Kissinger, Arthur Hartman Dr. Mikhail Piotrovsky, Lord Jacob Rothschild, OM GBE and NewsCompass It is significant that YUKOS’s liberal pressure group, the Open Russia Foundation, is completely controlled by Rothschild now that its founder is in jail. and Martin Frost (Kissinger) was a friend of Baron Edmond de Rothschild; served with Baron Eric de Rothschild on the international board of governors of the Peres Peace Center.
- go to
- 2001 CorbettReport Richard Andrew Grove - In 2000, Richard Andrew Grove was working for Silverstream Software, a software development company specializing in enterprise architecture software. By October of that year he had landed the firm their largest client in the company's history: Marsh & McLennan. After finding evidence that Silverstream was overbilling Marsh by nearly $7 million and being told to keep quiet by both his own management and those he confided to at Marsh, he was fired. After his termination, he was invited to present his evidence at a staff meeting in Marsh's offices where Marsh employees who were suspicious of such transactions themselves were gathered. That meeting was on the 98th floor of the World Trade Center. It was the 11th of September, 2001. And everyone who was in attendance at the meeting died there that day. Grove, who had been late for the meeting, survived. His remarkable story, as well as subsequent events, led him to start piecing together how 9/11 helped financial institutions and insurance companies cover up billions of dollars in fraud by eliminating those who were asking questions about it.
- 2001 Bollyn (Mariani case) Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. He has also served as the chairman of several venture capital funds established by the Rothschild Group. One of these funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing partner of private equity at Cukierman & Co. - and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11. The Rothschild/Cukierman Catalyst Fund is also invested in a company called Cyalume, which is run by several of the SCP Partners of Ehud Barak. The Israeli Mossad corporate network may seem large but it always involves the same small group of people at the top. Many of the names are easily recognized by a researcher who is familiar with the Zionist criminal network. One of the head people of the Catalyst Fund and Cyalume, for example, is Yair Shamir, the son of the well-known terrorist-cum-prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.
- 2001 9/11
- Rothschild Media Monopoly
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2002 IntelHub On October 7, 2002 now-retired Texas Senator Phil Gramm was rewarded for the deregulation frenzy which he and his Enron board member wife Wendy helped create. Gramm was named Vice-President and partner at UBS Warburg. Lehman went under in 2008, leaving the Warburgs firmly in command.
- 2002 Wikipedia Zhou_Xiaochuan As governor of the People's Bank of China since December 2002, he has been in charge of the monetary policy of the People's Republic of China. see Gold Speculator Zhou_Xiaochuan... and the present Warburg Pincus executive management: Scott A. Arenare Alain J. P. Belda David A. Coulter Timothy J. Curt Patrick T. Hackett Peter R. Kagan Charles R. Kaye Joseph P. Landy Kewsong Lee David Hui Li Michael E. Martin Dalip Pathak Steven G. Schneider Joseph C. Schull Chang Q. Sun Christopher H. Turner Bess Weatherman.
- 2002-2004 Wikipedia Amy Rothschild Friedkin (1947-) was the first female president of AIPAC, from May 2002 until May 2004, then served as the national chair of AIPAC's board. edit] She was president of the Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay from 1988-1990. She served on the United Jewish Appeal Young Women’s Leadership Cabinet and led numerous community missions to Israel. citation needed] Friedkin was honored by the Jewish Women’s Archive 2] and the Lions of Judah. Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR) said, “Amy is a bridge between Israel and America.” Long-time friend Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said, “When Amy looks into the eyes of a legislator, they know she speaks from the heart. She has her facts straight. She has a deep commitment for Israel. It comes through. It’s contagious and very effective.” 3]
- 2002 NationalCorruptionIndex John Carter Beese Jr. .. After 9/11, it was learned that Prince Bandar’s wife had actually sent more than $70,000 to a San Diego couple, who then turned it over to two of the 9/11 hijackers. Omar al-Bayoumi, a Saudi national, opened Riggs bank accounts for the two hijackers. Many other suspicious Riggs transactions involved Prince Bandar personally, with him often transferring over $1 million at a time. In 2003, the Bush administration insisted on censoring sections of a congressional report on the 2001 terrorist attacks that dealt with the Saudis’ Riggs bank accounts. The matter of Bandar’s wife’s involvement was not pursued by the FBI.
- 2002 Effedieffe Alfonso Cortina, Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe; Senior Advisor for Spain and Latin America of Rothschild; Senior Advisor for Spain of Texas Pacific Group; Member of the Board of Directors of Mutua Madrileña; Member of the International Advisory Board of Allianz AG, Madrid
- 2002 AmericanFreePress Sir Peter Mason is a Knight of the British Empire. The former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave the management of the WTC site to the two British firms, AMEC and Bovis Lend Lease, received an honorary knighthood in the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb. 13, 2002.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2002 ForeignPolicyJournal Speaking of the Pentagon, the little discussed British company called AMEC had some interesting personnel. It was AMEC’s subsidiary AMEC Construction NA that was responsible for reconstructing Wedge 1 of the Pentagon just before (and after) Flight 77 hit that exact spot in the building. AMEC Construction NA was also immediately hired to clean-up the WTC site at Ground Zero, within hours of the destruction there. 17] The British parent company, AMEC, provides “engineering and project management services to the world’s energy, power and process industries.” 18] It is a major international player in the oil and gas industry, as well as in other natural resource industries. AMEC had a significant presence in Saudi Arabia dating back to the late 1970s, providing support to the national oil company Saudi Aramco, which is by far the richest company in the world. 19] Executives and board members at AMEC included former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg. and see Amec Recently, one of our non-executive directors, Jock Green-Armytage, was appointed our chairman. Mr. Green-Armytage, for many years a director and then non-executive director of NM Rothschild & Sons Limited
- 2002 IamthWitness9/11 In partnership with Raytheon, System Planning Corporation also supplies CTS/FTS technology to commercial airplane manufacturers for installation in airliners (Boeing: confirmed; Airbus: undetermined, but highly probable given the consortium's connection to BAE, a US military contractor.) It has been reported that DARPA's codename for the CTS/FTS system was "Home Run". Former German Secretary of Defense Andreas Von Buelow may have alluded to foreknowledge of Home Run technology in an interview he gave the German daily "Tagesspiegel" on January 13th, 2002:
- 2002: IAmTheWitness Webster's Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged), re-printed in 2002, provides a new definition of Anti Semitism which has not been updated since 1956. It reads, "Anti-Semitism: (1) hostility toward Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination (2) opposition to Zionism (3) sympathy for the opponents of Israel." It was definition (2) and (3) that were added in the 2002 edition, just before the USA decide to invade Iraq under orders from the State of Rothschild, I mean Israel. Also this year, the Prime Minister of Israel, war criminal, Ariel Sharon, orders the massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. Best get that definition updated to protect these criminals. The DEA issues a report that Israeli spies, posing as art students, have been trying to penetrate US Government offices. Police near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station in southern Washington State stop a suspicious truck and detain two Israelis, one of whom is illegally in the United States. The two men were driving at high speed in a Ryder rental truck, which they claimed had been used to, "deliver furniture." The next day, police discovered traces of TNT and RDX military-grade plastic explosives inside the passenger cabin and on the steering wheel of the vehicle. The FBI then announces that the tests that showed explosives were, "false positived," by cigarette smoke, a claim test experts say is ridiculous. Based on an alibi provided by a woman, the case is closed and the Israelis are handed over to INS to be sent back to Israel. One week later, the woman who provided the alibi vanishes.
- 2002 911Research Theories that Nuclear Weapons Destroyed the Twin Towers
- 2002 Sep AssassinatedPress (Jim Fetzer, UofW) Senator Paul Wellstone was assassinated by Bush/Cheney dark forces... Bush 41:"Who's this little chicken-shit?"...and electromagnetic pulse, radio frequency or High Energy Radio Frequency weapons designed to overwhelm electrical circuitry with an intense electromagnetic field. An abrupt cessation of communication between the plane and the tower took place at about 10:18 a.m., the same time an odd cell phone phenomenon occurred with a driver in the immediate vicinity. Mathew Rothschild gave the eulogy ... see Progressive article ToBeFree, NFU Wellstone page and Abledanger Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Mn), his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia, aides Mary McEvoy, Tom Lapic, Will McLaughlin, pilot Richard Conry and co-pilot Michael Guess were all killed. and Cheney's threat: ‘Go along with the program, if you know what’s good for you and Minnesota. Stop sticking your nose into 9/11.’ and Voxfux Wellstone was assassinated under the exact same circumstances as Mel Carnahan, two years ago. Carnahan the Democrat was beating John Ashcroft, but with just two weeks remaining before election day, Carnahan's plane conveniently crashes.
- 2002 History of the Money Changers On April 12th every major paper in the USA runs a story that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had resigned as he was, "unpopular and dictatorial." In fact he had been kidnapped under a coup, where he was imprisoned on an army base. Following sympathy from the guards, the coup falls apart and President Chavez is back in his office one day later. Interestingly he has video evidence that whilst he was imprisoned on that base a United States military attaché entered the base. President Chavez, demonized by the controlled western media, gives milk and housing to the poor, and gives land not used for production by big plantation owners for more than two years, to those without land. His big crime however, was in passing a petroleum law that doubled the royalty taxes from 16% to 30% on new oil discoveries, which affected Exxon Mobil and other international oil operators. ... He also took full control of the state oil company, PDVSA, which before was nominally owned by the government, but in actual fact was in thrall to these international oil operators. Not only that but President Chavez is also the President of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). The main reason is, however, that President Chavez fully rejects the World Bank's, "Four Step Strategy," and plan to reduce wages of the people for the benefit of the bankers. Indeed President Chavez has increased the minimum wage by 20%, which has increased the purchasing power of the lower paid workers and strengthened the economy. His minister, Miguel Bustamante Madriz, fully aware of the danger Venezuela poses to the bankers when people contrast the fact it wouldn't let them in, for example, with Argentina who did, stated, "America can't let us stay in power. We are an exception to the new globalization order. If we succeed, we are an example to all the Americas."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 2003 SECFilings Since leaving N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Lord Rothschild has established an independent private equity and venture capital investment business. He was one of the two founder shareholders of Global Asset Management, the successful asset management company which has recently been sold to the Union Bank of Switzerland. Sir Mark Weinberg and he together founded J Rothschild Assurance which is now part of St James' Place Capital. Lord Rothschild is now chairman of RIT Capital Partners plc (the successor company to RIT) and Five Arrows Limited. Bush Sr. Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady came from Dillon Read (UBS Warburg) and both Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Bush Jr. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson came from Goldman Sachs. Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner worked at Kissinger Associates and the New York Fed.
- 2003 DavidIckeForum Rupert Murdoch and the financial sector Lord Jacob Rothschild was appointed to the board of British Sky Broadcasting in 2003 as Senior Independent Non- Executive Director and Deputy Chairman of Murdoch’s organization. (Shah 2003) Having graduated from Oxford University, Rothschild joined the family bank N. M. Rothschild & Sons before leaving in 1980 to pursue his own interests in the financial sector. (Shah 2003) Rothschild co-founded Global Asset Management and J Rothschild Assurance, now part of the St James’s Palace Group.
Connect London, Chicago and Obama to 9/11
Summary via Rothschild, Defense Policy Board, and Jones Lang &
Wikipedia Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee ... is a federal advisory committee to the United States Department of Defense. ... Richard Perle was the chairman of the committee during the initial years of the George W. Bush administration. ... was an influence in the decision to go to war in Iraq, and Jack Keane was instrumental in the implementation of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007. The War Profit Machine ... these people all lied about the WMD in Iraq and are perpetuating the lies about 9/11 and the WTC, Pentagon, Pennsylvania...and they are still at it with Barack Obama...
Ashton Carter Wikipedia, and Paul Kaminiski Wikipedia of GTP were members of the Defense Policy Board. Defense.gov, GTP, LLC
Henry Kissinger was a member of the Defense Policy Board in 1997 Defense.gov
GTP is an exclusive agent of Rothschild North America ...PRNewswire Global Financial Advisory team is led by Nigel Higgins, Olivier Pécoux and Jim Lawrence. Chairman David de Rothschild Deputy Chairman Gerald Rosenfeld , Deputy Chairman, Global Investment Banking Christopher Lawrence see IWatchtheNews from Center for Public Integrity
1997 GTP-LLC Global Technology Partners founded in 1997 by William J. Perry, the 19th Secretary of Defense, specializes in providing advice in the areas of Defense, ... members include Ashton Carter, Paul Kaminsky William Perry, founded Global Technology Partners to help equity firms invest in defense, aerospace and technology companies, after he left office. The group advises Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette's Merchant Banking Partners...which was bought by Credit Suisse Wikipedia They gained this dominance in both underwriting and trading by astutely picking up most of the expertise from Drexel Burnham Lambert (see Rothschild connection) after its demise in the late 1980s. ... Notable alumni include Daniel Scotto — Former Director of Research at Bear Stearns, DLJ, Rothschild, and S&P.
2011 Defense.gov members: Defense Policy Board: Madeleine Albright, former secretary of state; Jamie Gorelick, former deputy attorney general; Jane Harman, former U.S. congresswoman; Retired Gen. James Cartwright, former vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Retired Adm. Gary Roughead, former chief of naval operations. ... These members join the following returning members: John Hamre, chairman; Harold Brown; J.D. Crouch; Richard Danzig; Rudy deLeon, Chuck Hagel; Retired Gen. Jack Keane; Henry Kissinger; Frank Miller; John Nagl; Sam Nunn; Joseph Nye; William Perry; James Schlesinger; Brent Scowcroft; Sarah Sewall; and Retired Gen. Larry Welc
go to more Obama advisor
see CNAS Center of a New American Security (sure sounds like PNAC) The New Republic, Rachel Maddow (Rhodes Scholar) interview with John Nagl Defense.gov Defense Policy Board ... 14 former CNAS hands have landed jobs inside Obama’s Pentagon and State Department.
Wikipedia list of British Think Tanks Atlantic Partnership member list
2009 Defense.gov Ashton Carter served as Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics from April 2009 until October 2011 see also PRNewswire Rothschild announced today the formation of a strategic alliance with Global Technology Partners, LLC, a specialized group of professionals, including former U.S. Secretary of Defense William Perry... Gerald Rosenfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, Dr. William J. Perry is a Senior Partner and the Chairman of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Perry served as the U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1997, Dr. John M. Deutch is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners served as Director of Central Intelligence for the U.S. and was in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency. He had previously served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1995 and Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions and Technology from 1993 to 1994. Wikipedia Dr Ashton Carter served as a member of the Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from 1997–2001, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s International Security Advisory Board from 2006-2008. In 1997, Dr. Carter co-chaired the Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group with former CIA Director John M. Deutch, which urged greater attention to terrorism. Dr. Deutch serves as a director of Ariad Pharmaceutical, Citigroup. CMS Energy, Cummins Engine, Raytheon Corporation and Schlumberger Ltd. and GTP-LLC and SourceWatch GTP In-Q-Tel
2012 RedactedNews Ashton Carter,Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag Carter worked directly with Philip Zelikow who oversaw the 9/11 Whitewash Commission that covered up the truth about the events of 9/11. Here are some of Carter’s connections and affiliations: Senior Partner at Global Technology Partners ( GTP’s partners have collectively served as Secretary of Defense, Director of Central Intelligence, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Secretary of Defense (three times), Deputy Secretary of Energy, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (three times), Assistant Secretary of Defense (three times), Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense, and Director of the National Reconnaissance Office.) see also WhoDidIt 9/11,
- 2010 Dealbook The Rothschild Group said on Thursday that it has named Jim Lawrence as its chief executive for Rothschild North America, as the global firm seeks to bolster its practice here. Mr. Lawrence, a founder of L.E.K. Consulting, will also become a co-head of global investment banking for Rothschild, alongside Nigel Higgins and Olivier Pecoux in Europe. Two of Rothschild North America’s top bankers, Christopher Lawrence and David Resnick, will add new titles as well.
- 2011 TheHill President Obama will soon nominate Pentagon acquisition executive Ashton Carter to become deputy Defense secretary, the White House announced Tuesday. (grandson of Yonah Fischer Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium) and see
- 1999 CIA In-Q-Tel has intimate relationship with William Perry, Global Technology Partners, exclusive agent of Rothschild North America. In-Q-Tel Board of Directors of In-Q-Tel: In-Q-Tel Board of Trustees include Lee Ault, Chairman, former Chairman and CEO of Telecredit, Inc; Norman Augustine (Wikipedia), former Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation; John Seely Brown, Chief Scientist, Xerox Corporation and President, Xerox PARC Research Center; Michael Crow, Executive Vice Provost of Columbia University; Stephen Friedman, Senior Principal of Marsh & McLennan Capital, Inc., and former Chairman of Goldman Sachs and Co; Paul Kaminski, President and CEO of Technovations, Inc., Senior Partner in Global Technology Partners, and former Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology; Jeong Kim, President of Carrier Network, part of the Lucent Technologies Group, and former founder of Yurie Systems; John McMahon, consultant to Lockheed-Martin Corporation, former President and CEO of Lockheed Missile and Space Company, and former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence; Alex Mandl, Chairman and CEO of Teligent and former President and CEO of AT&T; William Perry (Wikipedia), Former Secretary of Defense and currently Berberian Professor at Stanford University. and Wikipedia "In-Q-Tel" principles include Christopher A. R. Darby, President/CEO, Bruce Adams, Secretary, Michael M. Crow, Chairman, Paul G. Kaminiski (Wikipedia), Director, Jeong H. Kim, Director and see Endrtimes
- The Carnigie Endowment Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative EASI. Principles include Sam Nunn, Robert Legvold, Desmond Browne.UK, John Kerr.UK,
- Wikipedia John Hamre, CSIS Dr. Hamre (a Republican) worked on the Obama transition team. He is chairman of the Defense Policy Board Link Hamre to Obama to Rothschild via Field Marshal The Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank GCB LVO OBE ... is a Director of N M ... Rothschild & Sons Limited; see Gold-Silver.us
- 2010 European Institute principles include: Yves-André Istel Senior Advisor, Rothschild, Inc. Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, The European Institute,Jacqueline Grapin Founder and Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, The European Institute, The Honorable John Bruton Chairman, Ambassador Günter Burghardt, Dr. Bertrand Collomb, The Honorable Jacques Delors, Dr. R. Michael Gadbaw, Ambassador C. Boyden Gray, Ambassador Robert Hunter, Francine Lamoriello, Diony Lebot, The Honorable T. Allan McArtor, Oliver Moss, Mark Orr, Neil Planzer, Francis Blanchard, Albert D. Bourland, Sir Jeffery H. Bowman, Philippe Giscard d'Estaing, The Honorable Abraham Katz David Maxwell, Ambassador Herbert S. Okun, Ursula Seiler-Albring, The Honorable Simone Veil, The Honorable Peter D. Sutherland, The Honorable Robert B. Zoellick, The Honorable William A. Nitze, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Danielle Aguto, Frédéric Badey, Cynthia Braddon, Nova Daly, James F. Dobbins, Dr. Zdenek Drabek, Robert H. Dugger, The Honorable J. Edward Fox, Dr. Michael Haltzel, Kathryn Karol, Francis J. Kelly, Rolland Langley, Clay Lowery, Dr. Eric D. K. Melby, Sean P. Murphy, Christian Nadal, Dr. Michael R. Nelson, Peter A. Peyser, Robert Siegel Host, Jose Toscano, Franklin Vargo, Enzo Viscusi, Richard Weiner
- 2010 July Global Research David Ray Griffin Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles? Left gatekeepers: Noam Chomsky, Mathew Rothschild, Chris Hays, Terry Allen, Alexander Cockburn, David Corn, George Monbiot, Matt Taibbi
- 2010 InsideFacebook Facebook executives Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO Matt Cohler, VP of Strategy and Business Operations profile) Adam D’Angelo, VP and CTO Dustin Moskovitz, Co-founder and VP of Engineering Chamath Palihapitiya, VP of Product Marketing and Operations Owen Van Natta, VP and Chief Revenue Officer Gideon Yu, VP and CFO Chris Kelly, VP of Corporate Development, Chief Privacy Officer, General Counsel profile) Dan Rose, VP of Business Development Rudy Gadre, VP and General Counsel Mike Murphy, VP of Media Sales Jeff Rothschild, VP of Technology Current Facebook Board of Directors Peter Thiel, Managing Partner at The Founders Fund Jim Breyer, Partner at Accel Partners David Sze, Partner at Greylock Partners profile) Paul Madera, Managing Director at Meritech Capital Partners Additional Facebook Co-founders Andrew McCollum Eduardo Saverin Chris Hughes Former Facebook Executives Sean Parker Mike Sheridan and see WhoOwnsFacebook and Freedom-won Facebook funding can be traced back to the CIA throught Accel Partners, In-Q-Tel, James Breyer, formerly of Northern Venture Capital, on board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, see also Anita Jones of DARPA, (ran Information Awareness Office) Visible Technologies monitors the internet.
- Wikipedia Joseph Nye, Dr. Nye is North American chairman of the Trilateral Commission, serves on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a member of the Board of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Dr. Nye is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Academy of Diplomacy; a Senior Fellow of the Aspen Institute and Director of the Aspen Strategy Group; and a Fellow of the British Academy. In addition, he is a director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a member of the advisory committee of the Institute of International Economics, and the American representative on the United Nations Advisory Committee on Disarmament Affairs..... and Trilateral.org Chairman North America Trilateral Commission Deputy Chairman: Allan E. Gotlieb Senior Adviser, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto; Chairman, Sotheby's, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States Deputy Chairman: Jaime Serra Chairman, SAI Law and Economics; Founder, Aklara, the Arbitration Center of Mexico, and the NAFTA Fund of Mexico, Mexico City North American Director: Michael J. O'Neil Former North American Chairmen: Thomas S. Foley (2001-2008) Paul A. Volcker (1991-2001) Honorary North American Chairman bhisymposia
- Sheila A. Penrose, Chairman of the Board Jones Lang LaSalle, The Boston Consulting Group, Northern Trust Corporation, University of Birmingham in England, London School of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business; Colin Dyer President and Chief Executive Officer Jones Lang LaSalle, WorldWide Retail Exchange, CEO of Courtaulds Textiles, Managing Director of the Dutch retail chain, GDL, McKinsey & Company in Amsterdam, INSEAD, Imperial College in London; Hugo Bagué Group Executive Rio Tinto (United Kingdom), Hewlett Packard Corporation, University of Ghent in Belgium; Darryl Hartley-Leonard Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hyatt Hotels Corporation,LaSalle Hotel Properties, holds a B.A. from Blackpool Lancashire College of Lancaster University and an honorary doctorate of business administration from Johnson and Wales University; DeAnne Julius Chairman Royal Institute of International Affairs, She is the Chairman of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House, was previously a founding member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England and was the Chief Economist at each of British Airways and Royal Dutch Shell, World Bank, and a consultant to the International Monetary Fund, Roche Holding AG, Deloitte UK, member of the board of directors of BP PLC; Ming Lu Partner KKR & Co., L.P. Wuhan University of Hydro Electrical Engineering in China and an M.B.A. from the University of Leuven in Belgium; Lauralee E. Martin senior management positions with General Electric Credit Corporation. Thomas C. Theobald Partner and Senior Advisor Chicago Growth Capital Partners LLC Mr. Theobald has been a Director of Jones Lang LaSalle since July 1997. He has served as a Partner and Senior Advisor at Chicago Growth Capital Partners LLC, he served as a Managing Director at William Blair Capital Partners. From July 1987 to August 1994, Mr. Theobald was Chairman of Continental Bank Corporation. He currently serves on the boards of directors of Ambac Financial Group, on the board of directors of Anixter International, a supplier of electrical equipment. Mr. Theobald holds an A.B. from the College of the Holy Cross and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
- Ashton Carter Dr. Carter is currently a Senior Partner at Global Technology Partners and a member of the Board of Trustees of the MITRE Corporation, and the Advisory Boards of MIT's Lincoln Laboratories and the Draper Laboratory. He is a consultant to Goldman, Sachs and Mitretek Systems on international affairs and technology matters, and speaks frequently to business and policy audiences. Dr. Carter is also a member of the Aspen Strategy Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Physical Society, the International Institute of Strategic Studies, and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
- Dr. John Nagl is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and the Minerva Research Fellow at the U.S. Naval Academy as part of the Department of Defense Minerva Initiative program. He was previously the President of CNAS. He is also a member of the Defense Policy Board, a Visiting Professor in the War Studies Department at Kings College of London, a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and a member of the International Institute of Strategic Studies. Dr. Nagl has testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Commission on Wartime Contracting and served on the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel (the Hadley/Perry Commission). He sits on the advisory boards of Mission Essential Personnel, the Spirit of America and the Journal of the Royal United Services Institute. Dr. Nagl is also a member of the Joint Force Quarterly Advisory Committee, a Young Leader of the French-American Foundation and the American Council on Germany and a member of the Diplomatic Finnish Sauna Society of Washington.
- The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), is the NSA counterpart in Britain
- Trilateral Commission member list
- 1997: IAmTheWitness An Army mechanical engineer, Ashkenazi Jew, David A. Tenenbaum, "inadvertently," gives classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 20 February 1997). The Washington Post reports US intelligence has intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. One of the Israelis, identified only as, “Dov,” had commented that they may get the letter from, “Mega,” the code name for Israel’s top agent inside the United States. US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, complains privately to the Israeli government about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli intelligence agents. Israeli agents place a tap on Ashkenazi Jew and daughter of a Rabbi, Monica Lewinsky’s, phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and President Bill Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms that Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were being taped and ended the affair. Interestingly, at the same time, the FBI’s hunt for, "Mega," is called off. On 29 October Edmond de Rothschild dies in Geneva. Interestingly on the exact same day Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan also dies, who in his book, "Satan Speaks," he states in relation to The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, "The first time I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, my instinctive reaction was, So what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way any master plan should work? Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?" Kofi Annan becomes Secretary General to the United Nations. He is married to Nane Lagergren, a Rothschild, who he wed in 1984. 1998: The European Central Bank is set up in Frankfurt, the city from which the Rothschilds originate.
- 1997 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline PNAC papers released (same authors and rhetoric as all the other papers)
- 1997 Wikipedia Vernon Jordan ... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, (Michel David-Weill owns Lazard Wikipedia regretted hiring Bruce Wasserstein) an investment banking firm. He is also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive Group and the Dow Jones & Company. He is formerly a member of the board of directors of Revlon, Sara Lee, Corning and RJR Nabisco during 1989 leveraged buy-out fight between RJR Nabisco CEO F. Ross Johnson and Henry R. Kravis and his company KKR. A close friend of Jordan was the late Xerox tycoon Charles Peter McColough, who convinced Jordan to join the Board of Trustees at Xerox. McColough served as a mentor and friend of Jordan's until McColough's death. In the 2004 presidential campaign, Jordan led debate preparation and negotiation efforts on behalf of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President. That year he was elected president of the Economic Club of Washington. In 2006, Jordan served as a member of the Iraq Study Group, which was formed to make recommendations on the U.S. policy in Iraq. He helped Monica Lewinsky after the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Time Jordan's chief role in the Lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment was that he at one point was tasked with finding Monica Lewinsky a job in New York City. go to Jordan / FirstMark / Lauder Valerie Jarrett is link between Obama and Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Wikipedia Vernon Jordan is on the board of her FirstMark Communications company. Jordan joined Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, in 1982) and Observer Jordan ... see Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas.
- Go to Connect Vernon Jordan / Wasserstein / Lazard / Rothschild and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers
- 1997 The London Financial Times in its Thursday, January 30, 1997 edition, revealed the extent of the gold trading taking place daily through the London Bullion Marketing Association (LBMA). The LBMA is run predominantly by the house of N. M. Rothschild. "Deals involving about 30 million troy ounces, or 930 tonnes, of gold valued at more than $10 billion are cleared every working day in London, Mr. Jeffrey Rhodes, of Standard Bank, London, said the 30m ounces should be 'multiplied by three, and possibly five, to give the full scope of the global market.
- 1998 History of the Money Changers The IMF eliminate food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia. At the same time the IMF soaked up tens of billions of dollars to save Indonesia's financiers or rather the international banks from whom they had borrowed. A document leaks out of the World Bank, called, "Master Plan for Brazil." In it it spells out five requirements to ensure a flexible public sector workforce. These are as follows: Reduce Salary/Benefits Reduce Pensions Increase Work Hours Reduce Job Stability Reduce Employment 1999 In Brazil, Rio's privatized electric company named, "Rio Light," is responsible for repeated blackouts in neighborhoods. The company blames the weather in the Pacific Ocean for the blackouts, when Rio is on the Atlantic. The blackouts wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that after privatization Rio Light axed 40% of the company's workforce would it? No problem for Rio Light, as a result of that their share price went up 33%.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1998-2003 NFU / Leagate Scoop - 1998 - McCain was a co-sponsor of the Iraq Liberation Act that led to the creation of a false intelligence factory that replaced CIA Iraq reporting. He led charges in the Senate about Iraqi WMD programs that U.S. intelligence was reporting didn’t exist. .... John McCain enthusiastically espoused the delusion about cheap and easy Middle East wars, and sponsored Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress (I.N.C.) organization, even though the CIA had cut it off for producing faulty intelligence.
- 1998 Wikipedia Kim Jong-un attended the public school “Liebefeld Steinhölzli” in Köniz near Bern under the name “Pak-un” or “Un-pak” from 1998 until 2000 as the son of an employee of the Embassy of North Korea. ... The ambassador of North Korea in Switzerland, Ri Tcheul, had a close relationship with him and acted as a mentor
- Rothschild Octopus 6 Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Looting of Russia, 1990's to fund 9/11 Rothschild Banks McCain / Keating Five Hartmann / Rappaport background Iran Contra / Rappaport Funding the Afghan Mujahideen BCCI - 1998, TheVertigo Russian investigators traced a $300,000 ransom payment from the Bank of New York, which opened up the Bank of New York/Russian Mafiya bank scandal. This scandal would later be shown to be connected to the Swiss banks and the Deutsche Bank. “The plundering exemplified in the BNY case is of an immense magnitude, ...in a report prepared by Fitch IBCA, an international credit rating agency, that estimated a total of $136 billion was taken out of all of Russia between 1993 and 1998. this ... lined the pockets of the new Russian kleptocracy, but also flowed into the coffers of US and European financial institutions. (The BNY case may well involve a number of major European banks. On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the investigation, said that Credit Suisse, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Dresdner Bank, Westdeutsche Landesbank and Banque Internacionale of Luxembourg are being scrutinized for their role in the matter.)” Bank of New York probe exposes ties between Western financiers and Russian Mafia, World Socialist Website, James Brookfield, 8/27/ 1999] It is of significant note that two primary owner-investors in two of the key banks involved in the Russian money laundering scandal were Bruce Rappaport, a Swiss- Israeli banker who was involved with Khashoggi and George Bush Sr. in the Iran- Contra, October Surprise and BCCI scandals, and Dr. Alfred Hartmann. “…what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation was that the Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the CondorII missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds.” The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros, William Engdahl, EIR Investigation Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), November 1, 1996]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1998 Wikipedia Wang Jun, (CITIC, Clinton, Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky) is Chairman of the Board of Poly Technologies in the People's Republic of China. The company deals in arms-trading and is associated with the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Wang is also the Chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC). He is the son of China's revolutionary elder Wang Zhen. 6] BusinessWeek Rothschild / CITIC winery
- 1998 Wikipedia First Chicago Bank was a Chicago-based retail and commercial bank tracing its roots back to 1863. Over the years, the bank operated under several names including The First National Bank of Chicago and First Chicago NBD (following its 1995 merger with the National Bank of Detroit). In 1998, First Chicago NBD merged with Banc One Corporation to form Bank One Corporation, today a part of CHASE.
- 1998 The Third Way is a synthesis of the right and the left that originated from Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forrester (later de Rothschild), Michael Steinheart and Al From. Bill Clinton was the first candidate chosen by the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) to run for US president. Tony Blair, Clinton's buddy from Oxford, was the Third Way candidate in Great Britain. When Clinton and Blair won, the New Democratic Movement transcended the right v left conflict and reinvented the world. ... "New Democrat policies transcend the stale left-right debate and define a Third Way for governing based on progressive ideas, mainstream values, and innovative solutions that reflect changing times. New Democrat ideas that have become law include national service, work-based welfare reform, charter schools, community policing, an expanded earned-income tax credit, and market incentives for environmental protection." see Wikipedia Third Way, Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, based his philosophy of government on what he entitled in a book, The Middle Way (1938). Centrism, Blue Dog Democrats, DLC..... search CESJ for Rothschild
- 1998 Bibliotecalaplayedes According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros is part of a circle which includes Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, the indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive; Shaul Eisenberg, (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) the secretive Israeli arms and commodities dealer; and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan - both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad, and to the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild. search also Bill / Hillary Clinton, pardon.
- 1999 WakeUpFromYourSlumber Jacob Ezra Merkin clearly enabled Madoff's scheme to continue operating by investing hundreds of millions of dollars with Madoff. Merkin's late father, Hermann Merkin, was a high-level Rothschild-linked director of the PEC Israel Economic Corporation for thirty-three years (1966-1999) until his death. Archive.FrontpageMag Former L.F. Rothschild (Wikipeidia) banker and the onetime mayor of Fort Lee, N.J., Burt Ross, also reportedly lost $5 million, virtually all of his personal financial assets.
- 1999 Wikipedia As director of the NEC, Gene Sperling, who had played a key role in the 1993 Deficit Reduction Act, was a key negotiator of the 1997 bipartisan Balanced Budget Act. Sperling was also a principal negotiator with then-Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers of the Financial Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed large portions of the depression-era Glass-Stegall Act allowing banks, securities firms and insurance companies to merge. President Barack Obama believes that the repeal of Glass–Steagall helped cause the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis. Sperling earned $887,727 from Goldman Sachs in 2008
- 1999 TariGanter Deutsche Bank, historically owned by the Nazi-funding Warburg family, bought Bankers Trust in 1999 to become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets.
- 1999, Anglo American merged with Luxembourg-based Minorco to form Anglo American plc. Minorco, which had hitherto been responsible for our international assets, combined with Anglo American Corporation the company responsible for the South African interests of the Group to become Anglo American plc, with our primary listing in London and secondary listings in Johannesburg, Switzerland, Botswana and Namibia. search terms: Oppenheimer, Rothschild
- 1999 Terrorism-Illuminati In 1999, the French Parliament commissioned an extensive and thorough investigation of global money-laundering. After publishing reports on Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland, it also produced a report titled, The City of London, Gibraltar and the Crown Dependencies: Offshore Centers and Havens for Dirty Money, part of which was an addendum titled, The Economic Environment of Osama bin Laden. The report concluded that up to forty British banks, companies and individuals were associated with bin Laden’s network, including organizations in London, Oxford, Cheltenham, Cambridge and Leeds. 1] In introducing the report, Arnaud Montebourg, a French Member of Parliament concluded, “Tony Blair, and his government, preaches around the world against terrorism. He would be well advised to preach to his own bankers and oblige them to go after dirty money... Even the Swiss co-operate more than the English.” 2]
- 1999 Martin Frost McCain has numerous connections to the Rothschilds. One of his key corporate supporters was Wilbur Ross Jr, the so-called "Bankruptcy King", who worked for Rothschild USA Inc. for nearly 25 years before he quit in 2000 to set up his own firm, W.L. Ross & Co. (which managed the Rothschild Recovery Fund).144 Ross was at the launch of McCain's memoir, Faith of My Fathers, in 1999. Rothschild support was more overt during the 2008 presidential elections. In March 2008 Jacob and Nat Rothschild hosted a McCain fundraiser in London. And in September 2008, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Democrat, announced she would be supporting McCain over Obama. and Peter Mandelson In 1999, Mandelson spent three days at the Rothschild villa in Corfu, and later went to Albania all paid for by Jacob. He also became close to Evelyn and his wife, counting them as his "new best friends"; he attended their wedding in 2000 and reportedly convinced Evelyn to fund Policy Review, which Mandelson chaired. Mandelson remains close to Jacob and Nat, holidaying with them in recent years in Corfu, Switzerland and the Caribbean.
- 1999 Stanley Foundation pdf
- 2000
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2000
- 2000 Bolyn Lone Gunmen (made by Rupert Murdoch’s FOX TV) in which remotely hijacked planes were flown into the WTC was made in Vancouver in 2000. The Lone Gunmen "Pilot" episode in which a passenger airliner is hijacked by an external computer program and flown into the World Trade Center was another Murdoch production. The "Pilot" episode, which bore an uncanny resemblance to the 9/11 attacks, aired on Murdoch-owned FOX TV on March 4, 2001. Arnon Milchan, Murdoch's Israeli business partner and senior Mossad agent in Hollywood, was most likely the real author of the plot for "Pilot".
Murdoch originally financed by Rothschild ... Murdoch's 20th Century Fox (News Corp.) distributed blatantly anti-Muslim propaganda films like The Siege (1998) which were clearly designed to prepare the public mindset for the false-flag terrorism of 9/11. and Murdoch's initial $200 million investment in Arnon Milchan's company in 1998 is something of a mystery. Why did Murdoch buy into a dodgy company run by an Israeli nuclear criminal? It is, of course, most likely the result of Murdoch simply doing as he is told by the Zionist financiers, e.g. the Rothschilds, ... - 2000 Wikipedia City of London Although there is no agreed definition of a tax haven, many authors have accused the City of London of being one. The Tax Justice Network, goes further and accuses the City of London as being “the biggest tax haven in the world” as well as ‘a state within a state’. Ian Doyle and Jem Bendell, summarise these claims with the following statement: the City “is the most powerful lobby in Britain and possibly the world, and as a result . . . exerts enormous political influence to resist regulation and extract tax exemption. It has fostered criminality by ensuring that the City ranks amongst the least accountable of financial centres on the face of the Earth”. see The novel Golden Handcuffs by Polly Courtney
- 2000 Bibliotec Pleyades Member of J.P. Morgan's International Advisory Council. Former member of the Advisory Council of Forstmann Little & Co. and American Express. Advisor to China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC). Member of the Europe Strategy Board of Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst. Director of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and Revlon. Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the American International Group (AIG), a partner of Kissinger Associates. Also chairman of the Advisory Boards of AIG Asian Infrastructure Funds I & II and a director of AIG Global. In 2000 Henry Kissinger was quoted by Business Wire: "Hank Greenberg, Pete Peterson and I have been close friends and business associates for decades." Maurice Greenburg is head of AIG and Peter G. Peterson is head of The Blackstone Group, which is the other major partner of Kissinger Associates. Peterson is also a former chairman of Lehman Brothers. Kissinger is a friend of Lynn Forester and introduced her to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at the 1998 Bilderberg conference. They would soon become married. When Henry Kissinger is invited to speak at the United Nations Association on April 11, 2001 Lord Jacob Rothschild is flanking his side. Henry Kissinger is a trustee of the Open Russia Foundation since 2001,
- together with Lord Jacob Rothschild. The Foundation was set up by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a controversial oligarch, later locked up by Putin. Honorary trustee of the Aspen Institute
- o to more Peter G. Peterson, a director of First National Bank of Chicago/First Chicago Corp., was a Trilateral Commissioner, Chairman of the CFR and was Chairman of the Federal Reserve of New York from 2000 to 2004. Peterson would later recruit Timothy F. Geithner as President of the NY Fed.
- 2000 Wikipedia Zayed_bin_Sultan_Al_Nahyan (1918 – 2 November 2004), the principal driving force behind the formation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was the ruler of Abu Dhabi and first president of the UAE, a post which he held for over 30 years (1971–2004). ... In 1972, Agha Hasan Abedi, a Pakistani banker who had set up a new bank called Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), approached Zayed for investment. Abedi had previously set up the United Bank of Pakistan in 1959, which became a leading nationalized bank in 1971. Zayed fronted the majority of the investment for the BCCI. Bank of America (25%) and the CIA allegedly invested, too. It is claimed that the CIA was seeking a funding route for the mujahideen in Afghanistan, similar to the Investors Overseas Service and the Nugen Hand Bank in the 1960s. FAS see Bank of America, EditorsEye the-sheikhs-of-abu-dhabi BCCI helped Saddam Hussein funnel money to Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) which worked with Henry Kissinger. Gruppo PNB Paribas, DeanHenderson
- 2000 UnitedNationsofFilm The Governor of California, Schwarzenegger is an Austrian Zionist who’s father was a member of the Austrian Nazi Party , is financed by Lord Jacob Rothschild and is a self confessed lover of Hitler and dictator rule. Wikipedia Gustav Schwarzenegger
- 2000 Amdocs executives: Bruce K. Anderson, CEO; Avinoam Naor Director; see SEC ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT, Elect Director Lynn F. De Rothschild
Rothschilds, BCCI, Capcom, Oil for Food Scandal .. and Obama?
- In the early 1990's the Rothschild puppet Obama was being created by the Chicago / B'nai Brith / Ford Foundation / CIA machine as BCCI / Capcom is being investigated and prosecuted reference and First American v. al Nahyan Visar.csustan.edu Sandstorm2.pdf MINUTES OF THE MEETING WITH PRICE WATERHOUSE 1988 page and Hartmann pic1, Hartmann pic2 These files are Absolute Proof that Alfred Hartmann (BCCI) worked for Rothschilds The internet has been 'cleansed' of almost all traces of Hartmann's involvement with Rothschild and BCCI, except these files. MORE BELOW cadc FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Official BCCI Congressional Report BCCI's criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI's bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers.
- Official BCCI Congressional Report / Rothschild connections hidden in plain site. Paul Helliwell
- First American v. al Nahyan see Sidley Austin defended SHEIKH RASHID BIN SAEED AL MAKTOUM in this law suit ( 1990's CNN billionaires) and also gave Barack Obama a job ), see Li ka Shing, Edward Bronfman, Pritzker, Wikipedia History of Dubai, horse racing. Leadership in Islamic Finance search Maktoum
- SurrenderingIslam The primary conduit for CIA funds to the Mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan would be the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI. BCCI, the first Third World multinational bank, which was created in 1972 by Pakistani banker Agha Hasan Abedi, was initially funded by Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi, in anticipation of the petrodollar bonanza of the oil crisis. and the Wall Street Journal"BCCI's role in assisting the U.S. to fund the Mujaheddin guerrillas fighting the Soviet occupation is drawing increasing attention. The bank's role began to surface in the mid-1980's when stories appeared in the New York Times showing how American security operatives used Oman as a staging post for Arab funds. This was confirmed in the Wall Street Journal of 23 October 1991 and FAS, UK Parliament Publications Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi WTPOTUSResearch FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Tarpley Mr Auchi has attracted attention at Westminster because of his closeness to politicians and the Establishment. He says that his brother was executed by Saddam Hussein’s regime. His business partners in Britain have included Lord Steel of Aikwood, the former Liberal leader, and Keith Vaz, the Labour MP and Home Affairs Committee chairman. On the 20th anniversary of his business in 1999, Mr Auchi received a greeting card signed by 130 politicians, including Tony Blair, William Hague and Charles Kennedy, who were then leaders of their respective parties.
2008 IllinoisPaytoPlay By Andrew Walden (Hawai'i Free Press) “Nadhmi Auchi, seen here with the Governor of Illinois, Rob Blagojevich (middle) at a 2004 Chicago dinner in Auchi's honor arranged by Antonin Rezko All three men have been convicted of corruption related charges (Auchi 2003, Rezko 2008, Blagojevich 2009) ... “A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser (dual US-Syrian citizen Tony Rezko) just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses. The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi, one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr. Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago.” -- The Times of London February 26, 2008 The Auchi-Rezko-Obama connection came to public attention with federal marshals pounding on the door of Tony Rezko’s Wilmette Chicago mansion in the early morning of January 28, 2008. They hauled Rezko to jail after his bail was revoked for concealing a $3.5 million Auchi loan from the court. The Times outlines the story in two sentences. It should be of tremendous interest to the American public and the world. But there is more to this story than run-of-the mill political corruption. Nadhmi Auchi is alleged to have a long affiliation with Iraqi Baathism and Saddam Hussein—which his attorneys deny. How close were they? According to a 1960 US Embassy report, Auchi was convicted along with Saddam by an Iraqi court for his part in a failed 1959 assassination attempt against then-Iraqi Prime Minister Qassim. For his crime, Auchi earned a sentence of “three years rigorous imprisonment.” Times.UK .. articles have been deleted for the TimesOnline but copies
Connect Rothschild to Aitken via Lord Beaverbrook Wikipedia
Evelyn de Rothschild served as a Director of the newspaper group owned by Lord Beaverbrook
9/11 links Scribd Swiss German Banking Connection
Connect Rothschild to Khashoggi
- 2006 New York Times Petrina Khashoggi, 26 Ancestry British. Net worth Mum netted a reported $874 million in her divorce. This beautiful Londonite grew up believing the billionaire arms broker Adnan Khashoggi was her father. But when, as a teenager, she befriended the twins Alexandra and Victoria Aitken, they noticed that all three looked eerily alike. Petrina’s mother confessed: Me bad. Her real dad was Jonathan Aitken, the former Tory minister and convicted perjurer. In 2004 Petrina made her own confession, telling the press that she was a love addict. Suitors lined up, including her latest, Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill. and at right: Telegraph Nat Rothschild, pictured with Petrina Khashoggi, is thought to be buying a stake in Rusal through NR Investments, a private vehicle. Wikipedia Nat Rothschild, Wikipedia Jonathan Aitken, Wikipedia Adnan Khashoggi ... was implicated in the Iran–Contra affair as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar and, in a complex series of events, was found to have borrowed money for these arms purchases from the now-bankrupt financial institution the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) with Saudi and US backing. In 1988, Khashoggi was arrested in Switzerland, accused of concealing funds, held for three months and then extradited to the United States where he was released on bail and subsequently acquitted. In 1990, a United States federal jury in Manhattan acquitted Khashoggi and Imelda Marcos, widow of the exiled Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, of racketeering and fraud. and see New Yorker Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?
: a congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed much of the money for the weapons from the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.), whose collapse, in 1991, defrauded thousands of depositors and led to years of inquiry and litigation ...New Yorker search Richard Perle, Trireme
- Dutroux Affair Tibor Rosenbaum ... A Hungarian Jew who became a a Mossad agent in 195 1 . He was a friend of Prince Bernhard. In 1958, with Edmond de Rothschild, he was a founder of the Swiss BCI through which he funded Mossad and Permindex operations. The bank was kind of a forerunner of the BCCI and equally involved in money laundering.
- The Oil For Food Scandal links Obama to Nadhmi Auchi who is linked to Rothschilds and see Maurice Strong / Al Gore CO2 / Climate change globalization Cap & Trade scheme
- Nadhmi Auchi (Le Cercle) was closely involved with this and projects in Saudi-Arabia, including clandestine sales of submarines, howitsers, medium-range laser guided bombs, Black Hawks
- DeepPoliticsForum .. At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal it turned out that Nadhmi Auchi's General Mediterranean Holdings had a majority share in BNP Paribas, the bank that handled all of the Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of Le Cercle and is up to his ears involved in illegal arms trafficking, British Intelligence, and the British throne itself. Look for his bio in the membership list of Le Cercle. The link to Rosthschild is made by Norman Lamont's employment with Rothschild In March 1992 Paul Volcker became chairman of the newly created J. Rothschild Wolfensohn & Company, Wolfensohn & Co.'s London-based joint venture. The venture lasted until 1995 when James Wolfensohn was about to become head of the World Bank. Who was his advisor there? The earlier mentioned Maurice Strong, the United Nations bigwig that built up the conservation movement side-by-side with Edmund de Rothschild and David Rockefeller. Volcker went on to visit Bilderberg and Ditchley, became an advisor to the Japan Society, chaired the Group of 30 and the Oil-for-Food scandal investigation, and became a trustee of the American Assembly. He became a director of Hollinger (of Privy Councilor Conrad Black on which Kissinger, Carrington, and Evelyn de Rothschild also sat. Pilgrims Society member Raymond G.H. Seitz, a newer generation top-globalist, also sat on that board) and the Bankers Trust and became a member Circle of Presidents of the RAND Corporation. He already was a trustee of the Aspen Institute and a visitor of the Bohemian Grove Mandalay camp. At some moment, he became a member of the Chief Executive's Council of International Advisors of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
- Octopus 7 Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- 1976 SomeUnknownHistory Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. OpenOffshoreBankAccountForNonresidentsOnline FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Banque de Commerce et de Placement is listed. See Alfred Hartman ZoomInfo
- enlarge“ LaRouchePub The Real Story of the BCCI Two rather critical facts, however, were invariably left out of the story—even during the lengthy soap opera trial of former BCCI attorney Robert Altman. The first fact was the extraordinarily close alliance between BCCI and some of Britain's most powerful financial houses and aristocratic families. The second fact was that BCCI was created, and then built up as a "world class" bank, primarily to manage the covert funds that poured into the secret war in Afghanistan. Hardly any mention was made of the fact that BCCI was in the middle of the Afghan effort—serving as the de facto central bank for a multibillion-dollar Golden Crescent illegal arms-for-drugs trade that mushroomed during 1979-90. ... In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London.
- American Spectator 1996 what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation, was that the Rothschild-group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann From the , the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice-president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the Condor II missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds. Rich's, Reichmann's, and Soros's Israeli links According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence familiar with the Soros-case, Soros's Quantum Fund amassed a war chest of well over $10 billion, with the help of a powerful group of "silent" investors who let Soros deploy the capital to demolish European monetary stability in September 1992. Among Soros's silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive metals and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and Shaul Eisenberg (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild), a decades-long member of Israeli Mossad intelligence, who functions as a major arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently banned from doing business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner is Israel's "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, who served in London previously as Mossad liaison to British intelligence. Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum, and other commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between 1989 and 1993. This, not coincidentally, is just the period when Grigori Luchansky's Nordex Group became a multibillion-dollar company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and other commodities. Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of Olympia and York notoriety, born in Hungary, Jew like Soros, is a business partner in Soros's Quantum Realty, a $525-million real estate investment fund. The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and former Tory Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a member of Kissinger Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits with both Kissinger and Carrington on the board of the influential British-Canadian publishing group, Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a large number of newspapers in Canada and the United States, the London Daily Telegraph, and the largest English-language daily in Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been attacking President Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since Clinton's election in November 1992. EIR BCCI Lampuri, AmpedStatus
Marcos' gold bar laundering, Rothschild, Krongard, Banksters ... to finance 9/11
- 1992 Doeda In 1992, George H.W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. The Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’. A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron. Enron ( Rothschild/ Wakeham) would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed. Barrick, which has no mining operations in Europe, used two refineries in Switzerland: MKS Finance S.A. and Argor-Heraeus S.A. (search Rothschild in this GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf )– both on the Italian border near Milan, a few hours away from the gold depository in Zurich. The question that Barrick and other banks needed to avoid answering is: what gold was Barrick refining in Switzerland?, (Ferdinand Marcos' looted gold) as they have no mines in that region? GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf Argor-Heraeus SA, founded in 1951 as Argor SA, has been a leading gold refiner and bar manufacturer for the international market for more than 50 years. Its major shareholders include Heraeus Holding GmbH, Commerzbank International SA and the Austrian Mint. The company’s large refinery and manufacturing plant is located in Mendrisio near Chiasso in south eastern Switzerland. In 2004, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) (Rothschild controlled) appointed Argor-Heraeus SA as one of five Referees to the LBMA Good Delivery system. Accreditation 1961 London Bullion Market Association Wikipedia (Rothschild) 1974 New York Mercantile Exchange, COMEX Division 1982 Tokyo Commodity Exchange 2005 Dubai Multi Commodities Centre see LBMA Wikipedia and in 1999 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry Germany's Commerzbank has acquired a 35% interest in Argor-Heraeus SA, a Swiss gold refinery with an annual refining capacity of 400 tonnes and a production capacity for cast ingots of 2.5 million per year. "The acquisition has made Commerzbank into one of the few banks worldwide which are directly involved not only in precious metals trading but also in purchasing unmarketable physical gold, thus covering the whole spectrum of precious metals transactions," a press release issued today said.” 3. Barrick Gold is linked closely to the Banking Cartel through, one of the most longest members of the Advisory Board - Karl Otto Pohl (Wikipedia) and see Rothschild connections, former President of the German cent07:01:13
1992 Doeda In 1992, George H.W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. The Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’. A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron. Enron ( Rothschild/ Wakeham) would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed. Barrick, which has no mining operations in Europe, used two refineries in Switzerland: MKS Finance S.A. and Argor-Heraeus S.A. (search Rothschild in this GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf )– both on the Italian border near Milan, a few hours away from the gold depository in Zurich. The question that Barrick and other banks needed to avoid answering is: what gold was Barrick refining in Switzerland?, (Ferdinand Marcos' looted gold) as they have no mines in that region? GoldBarsWorldwide.pdf Argor-Heraeus SA, founded in 1951 as Argor SA, has been a leading gold refiner and bar manufacturer for the international market for more than 50 years. Its major shareholders include Heraeus Holding GmbH, Commerzbank International SA and the Austrian Mint. The company’s large refinery and manufacturing plant is located in Mendrisio near Chiasso in south eastern Switzerland. In 2004, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) (Rothschild controlled) appointed Argor-Heraeus SA as one of five Referees to the LBMA Good Delivery system. Accreditation 1961 London Bullion Market Association Wikipedia (Rothschild) 1974 New York Mercantile Exchange, COMEX Division 1982 Tokyo Commodity Exchange 2005 Dubai Multi Commodities Centre see LBMA Wikipedia and in 1999 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry Germany's Commerzbank has acquired a 35% interest in Argor-Heraeus SA, a Swiss gold refinery with an annual refining capacity of 400 tonnes and a production capacity for cast ingots of 2.5 million per year. "The acquisition has made Commerzbank into one of the few banks worldwide which are directly involved not only in precious metals trading but also in purchasing unmarketable physical gold, thus covering the whole spectrum of precious metals transactions," a press release issued today said.” 3. Barrick Gold is linked closely to the Banking Cartel through, one of the most longest members of the Advisory Board - Karl Otto Pohl (Wikipedia) and see Rothschild connections, former President of the German central bank (Bundesbank) and chief officer of the International Bank of Settlements and IMF. Also on the Barrick Board was former
(BACK TO VULCANS, MARCOS' GOLD) Canadian Deutschebank executive Tye W. Burt - the former Chairman of Deutsche Bank Canada and Deutsche Bank Alex Brown Securities CanadaWikipedia, and Managing
- Marcos / Khashoggi indictment LA Times Marcos, Wife Indicted on U.S. Racketeering Charges : Khashoggi, Calif. Bank Also Cited ... and ... While there definitely appears to be a cover-up, it has always puzzled me that people blame the Royal Family, without looking at some of Dodi Al Fayed’s unsavory connections through his uncle Adnan Khashoggi. As I wrote in my recent review of Chain of Command (see last blog) Khashoggi is a Saudi arms dealer and businessman with longstanding ties to the CIA and Bush family. His sister Samira married Mohammed Al Fayed and was the mother of Dodi Al Fayed, Diana’s companion at the time of the accident. At one point, Mohammed was also business partners with Khashoggi. search terms:
- Director and Head of Deutsche Bank’s Global Metals and Mining Group. Burt was involved when the Canadian Deutschebank backed Khashoggi in the MJK Securities fraud. Burt left the bank shortly after the fraud was discovered. Note also, two of the initial big investors in Barrick – Khashoggi and Bronfman – used the same personal financial advisor: Mayo Shattuck of the Deutschebank Alex BrownWikipedia. Mayo Shattuck was the chief assistant to Buzzy Krongard Wikipedia when he worked at Deutschebank Alex Brown (Wikipedia). Both, through their executive roles at Deutschebank Alex Brown Wikipedia were in a position to be familiar with the Khashoggi/Marcos gold deposits at that Bank. Remember that Krongard managed the merger between Bankers Trust (Tariganter) and Deutschebank Alex Brown Wikipedia, and that Banker’s Trust is the bank that received significant amounts of the Marcos gold with the assistance of Khashoggi. 4. The Deutsche Bank was identified as a major gold trading partner with Barrick in both the Blanchard and Howe law suits. 5. Enron - an energy trading company - had created a gold bullion and gold derivatives trading operation. When Enron went bankrupt, Enron On-Line was bought by UBS. A competitive market for trading energy and gold bullion was set-up by former Deutschebank executive Mayo Shattuck as new CEO at Constellation Energy, using former Enron employees. These five points suggest that if it doesn’t exist already, there exists the potential for a cozy relationship between the US oil cartel, the German Banking cartel and Barrick.
- Wikipedia Karl Otto Pohl is currently a partner in Sal. Oppenheim Jr. & Cie., a German private investment bank and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Carlyle Group (Bush). He has also been a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty since 1992. He also sits on the advisory boards of Royal Dutch Shell, (Rothschild controlled) Gulfstream, GAMCO, VW, Barrick Gold,(Bush) Unilever and Rolls-Royce.
- Adnan Khashoggi - is first and foremost one of the world’s elite arms merchants. Referred to as a “notable member of this elite group” he was described in the Small Arms Survey of 2004 with the following words: "Some brokers with powerful political clout, like Khashoggi, are virtually ‘untouchable’ insofar as their relationships and dealings involving government officials at the highest echelons go. Any persecution of these brokers, or denunciation of their activities as illicit, could result in the incrimination of states, or the exposure of embarrassing covert activities by the governments themselves." Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, 2004] Khashoggi has his fingerprints on so many aspects of 9/11 that he may well be “the” key conspirator. Gaining notoriety by being at the heart of the Iran-Contra ‘guns for drugs scandal’ during the Reagan administration, Khashoggi has since leveraged his notoriety to the point where he is a familiar face with film and rock stars, presidents, sultans, sheiks, kings and queens, investment bankers and of course, war lords. While most famous for his connections with the Arab banking community, he is also well established with the Deutsche Bank, most recently continuing his notoriety in the U.S. press by being sued, with Deutsche Bank Securities of Canada , for fraudulent manipulation of security prices. In the case of MJK Clearing vs Deutsche Bank Securities, Adnan Khashoggi et al., filed in December 2002, the facts presented suggest that in addition to misrepresentation by the defendants, an ‘unanticipated drop in stock prices’ on September 11, 2001 enhanced their ability to increase the payout of the purported fraud. (Business Week, May 2003.) As part of the ever increasingly tangled web of relationships, Khashoggi also had ties not only to the Deutsche Bank, but the Bronfman family as well (additional key investors in Barrick) by way of another Deutsche Bank executive: Mayo Shattuck. "Khashoggi, a trusted adviser to the Saudi royal family, is one of the "high net worth individuals" whose past investments have been handled by Mayo Shattuck, formerly head of Alex. Brown (mentioned earlier). ". In 1997, Mayo Shattuck was made Trustee of the Bronfman (mentioned earlier) family fortune. He resigned as CEO of Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown on 12 September 2001, the day following the tragic events in New York City and Washington, DC--the day that has come to be known as "9-11" David G. Guyatt, Nexus Magazine, Volume 10, Number 6, October- November 2003] His ties to the Bronfmans went well beyond Shattuck, as Khashoggi and Bronfman would become investment partners in Barrick, through Trizec Hahn (landlord to the headquarters of Halliburton and Enron, in the same building). Khashoggi was also identified as an early participant in the October Surprise meetings and subsequent Iran-Contra deals. He would later create Oryx, which funded Hoffman Aviation –the training school where many of the hijackers validated their “education” visas. After the invasion of Iraq, Adnan Khashoggi (Genesis Aviation) became a business partner with retired General William Lyon (on the Board of Kellstrom Industries, Inc., an Israeli owned company) in a venture called Wings of Democracy, an attempt to penetrate the commercial Iraq air business. Lyon is the founder of several university diploma-mill operations in California (American Commonwealth University, aka William Lyon University). These operations are directly associated THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 296 with the entry to the U.S. by two of the 9/11 hijackers in the early 1990s. Lyon is a major Republican fund raiser in Orange County, associate of Karl Rove, major financial backer of the Swift Boat Veterans, and keynote speaker at the Republican national convention. Khashoggi is also of interest due to his relationship with Yaslem Bin Laden, a known business partner of his on a limited number of investments. In this case, Yaslem admits to have recruited young Arabs from across the world for Huffman Aviation, a school owned by his former and ongoing business partner, Adnan Khashoggi. Similary, Khashoggi has banks in Azerbaijan, where he easily could have coordinated the recruitment of hijackers with the assistance of his other business associates Richard Secord and David Kimche (Mossad). · Sheik Kamal Adham see Capcom The last and least mentioned investor in Oryx was Sheik Kamal Adham, see Capcom director of Saudi intelligence (1963-79), brother-in-law of King Faisal and the CIA's key liaison in the Arab world, a relationship established with George HW Bush when he was Director of the CIA
- 1993 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Oslo accords are signed by Israel and the PLO (the was and still is the best solution IF Israel would actually obey it) ... The ADL is caught spying on the US for Israel (this is a huge and highly unreported story all by itself) ...
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1993 Bibliotecaplaydes September 1993 he succeeded over the Bank of England. He was certain that the bank would have to take the pound that came under pressure out of the European exchange mechanism and devalue it. He gambled ten billion US$ - with success. He made one billion US$
- 1993 MFA FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOLY SEE AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL and Wikipedia is a treaty between the Holy See (the Pope' see) and the state of Israel signed by them on 30 December 1993. It deals with the property rights and tax exemptions of the Roman Catholic Church within Israeli territory. Meetings between the parties are continuing to resolve several outstanding issues. As a result of the Agreement, the Vatican has established in 1994 full diplomatic relations with Israel, and has appointed an Apostolic Nuncio to Israel. On 10 November 1997, the Vatican and Israel entered into a further agreement, called Agreement Between the State of Israel and the Holy See, also referred to as the Legal Personality Agreement or the Agreement on the Legal Personality of the Church, but neither of these agreements have been passed by the Knesset.
- 1993 James A Baker III (Atlantic Council of U.S., Director - Baker Botts, Senior Partner - Sec. of State under Bush-41, & Sec. of Treasury under Reagan, White House chief of staff to Reagan and George H.W. Bush - Former U.N. Personal envoy to the Sec.General - Former Council on Economic Policy, Chairman - Former Dept. of Commerce, Under Secretary}... CFR is the U. S. counterpart to British RIIA (See RIIA - Rothschild)
- 1993: IAmTheWitness Norman Lamont leaves the British government to return to N. M. Rothschild and Sons as a director, after his mission to collapse the British economy to profit the Rothschilds is accomplished. Former Congressman, Paul Findley publishes his seminal book, Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S. Israeli Relationship. In this book he lists the 65 United Nations Member Resolutions against Israel from the period 1955 to 1992, and the 30 United States vetoes on Israel’s behalf which if not made would have seen Israel have 95 resolutions against them at this point. No matter, even with Israel’s puppet the United States helping them terrorize others, the 65 Resolutions passed against Israel are more than all the Resolutions passed against all other countries combined. ... Not that Israel care too much about the views of the United Nations when you consider that less than two weeks after Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty (an attack designed to sink the Liberty and blame it on Egypt prompting the USA into a war with Egypt on behalf of Israeli Lies, remember the Mossad motto, “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War”), the Israeli Foreign Minister, Aba Eban, stated of the United Nations, "If the General Assembly were to vote by 121 votes to 1 in favor of, "Israel," returning to the armistice lines (pre June 1967 borders), "Israel," would refuse to comply with the decision," New York Times –
- 1993 Wikipedia London_International_Financial_Futures_and_Options_Exchange, The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE, pronounced 'life') is a futures exchange based in London. LIFFE is now part of NYSE Euronext following its takeover by Euronext in January 2002 and Euronext's merger with New York Stock Exchange in April 2007. edit]The London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE), established by Sir Brian Williamson started life on 30 September, 1982, to take advantage of the removal of currency controls in the UK in 1979. The exchange modelled itself after the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. It initially offered futures contracts and options linked to short term interest rates. In 1993 LIFFE merged with the London Traded Options Market (LTOM), adding equity options to its product range. This is when it changed its name to the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. In 1996 it merged with the London Commodity Exchange (LCE)
- 1993 Webster Tarpley “Operation Board Games” is the code name for the prosecution of Rezko, joined potentially by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, and other Democratic and Republican pols, ward-heelers, and fixers. One of the central points of this probe is the Davis, Miner, and Barnhill law firm, where Obama was employed. Pringle outlines the case as follows: The investigation dubbed “Operation Board Games,” into the influence peddling within the cesspool of corruption that encompasses Illinois politicians from both major parties, has developed into multiple subplots, many of which feature Barack Obama. They also give the details of Obama’s involvement in a slumlord business largely operating out of the Chicago based Davis, Miner & Barnhill law firm, which hired Obama in 1993, with his boss, Allison Davis, reaping in the profits with Rezko’s development company, Rezmar. Pringle’s] “Board Games for Slumlord” article gives in-depth details of the federal investigation along with the names of people who are listed as “Co-Schemers” and “Individuals” in the indictments issued thus far. Therefore for the most part, this article will refer to all the scams collectively as what prosecutors refer to as “pay-to-play” schemes. The Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland law firm, where Obama worked for nearly a decade, served as a hub for a slew of slumlord deals, many that benefited the firm’s founder, Allison Davis, and Obama’s claims that he knew nothing about the inner workings of this small firm, represent an insult to the intelligence of the American public…. Allison Davis, Obama’s boss at the law firm, is also listed in legal documents as playing a part in setting up a major extortion attempt in the Board Games case.
- 1993 -Skolnick Report The Joseph Andreuccetti Affair involved 58.4 million dollars of federal funds parked with Household Bank and Household International. $50,000,000 of those funds vanished and turned up in Little Rock, Arkansas, as part of the Clinton family's attempts to cover up the embezzlement of $47,000,000. Congressman Dan Burton commented on this vanishing money, which Clinton hid using dope $$$ laundries. This story was covered up by the media.
- 1993 - GripesOnline A second Parliament of World Religions is held in Chicago on the 100th anniversary of the first. Like the first convention, this one seeks to join all the religions of the world into “one harmonious whole,” but it wants to make them “merge back into their original element.” Traditional beliefs of monotheistic religions such as Christianity are considered incompatible with individual “enlightenment” and must be drastically altered.
- 1993 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline The First WTC bombing occurs. (This was a botched false flag that used the cover up of claiming to be a botched sting operation) El Sayyid Nosair was fingered in the bombing plot and also for the killing of the founder of the JDL Meir Kahane the man who coined the phrase "never again" and "Greater Israel". It was one of Meir Kahane's Zionist followers who shot up 29 people in a Mosque thus starting the Intifada. Nosair was not convicted of shooting Kahane because nobody saw him pull the trigger and he did not buy the gun. Emad A. Salem. of the FBI supplied the useful idiots with explosives which he thought were fakes and to protect himself he recorded 100s of conversations with the FBI. The media spent the whole year on the OJ trial. ... Quote: Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. 4] He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers; reported by Ralph Blumenthal in the New York Times, Oct. 28, 1993, section A,Page 1. -wiki and As an apparent CIA asset, however, KSM could well have been responsible for Yousef’s involvement, although it is clear from the timing of Yousef’s entry to the US that the operation was already under way when he arrived. see also Michael Mukasey
- New York Times The New York Times is controlled by the Sulzberger family, founding members of B'nai B'rith (secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) Lodge No. 1 of New York, for more than one hundred years. The chairman of the NYT is Arthur Sulzberger Jr., a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the son of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger and grandson of Arthur Hays Sulzberger who served as a Trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation. (Rothschild connected at the hip).
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1993 Physics911 Nuclear False Flag ... Was the 1993 World Trade Center bombing related to 9/11? The 1993 explosion under the World Trade Center complex in New York City was the first major terrorist event on American soil. And, as many claim, this could well have paved the way for the events of September 11, 2001. The explosion along with the trials, which started soon after the September 1993 Oslo Agreement between Israel and the PLO, brilliantly solved many troublesome problems at one stroke for the US and its allies, Israel and Egypt. The convictions that flowed from the trials proved that the U.S. government was able to obtain terrorism convictions with virtually no evidence against defendants with no motives and no ability to have carried out the explosion. Despite the evidence that the act was facilitated by agents connected to and protected by the US government, with funds from supposedly unidentifiable sources and leadership, there has been no doubt expressed in the mainstream media about the legitimacy of the convictions. In short, the WTC 1993 bombing trials demonstrated the cynical use that the United States — with the cooperation of its courts and the media — would make of its Muslim community to carry out its new, post-Cold War geopolitical agenda.
- 1993 Wikipedia Norman Lamont, Baron Lamont of Lerwick, Before entering Parliament he worked for N M Rothschild & Sons, the investment bank, and became director of Rothschild Asset Management
- 1993 HiddenMysteries Soros (Rothschild) was very close to the financial and secret service circles around George Bush. His most important deposit bank and main lender during his attack on the European monetary system in Sept. 1993 was Citicorp, America's largest bank. Soros called upon the international investors to unhinge the Deutsche Mark. When in late 1989 as reunification became probable, a high ranking Citicorp manager who before had been advisor in the Dukakis campaign said: "German unity will be catastrophic for our interests. ... Soros is personally responsible for the chaos and "shock therapy" caused in Eastern Europe after 1989. He foisted ludicrous draconian measures upon the weak governments there, which enabled him to buy up resources in wide parts of Eastern Europe at rock-bottom prices. Soros used a young friend, the Polish-Jewish economic advisor Jeffrey Sachs.
- 1993 History Commons complete 9/11 Timeline alleged Al-qaeda WTC bombing
- 1993 WMR / NFU Neil Heywood (murder case, China) knew Bo (Xilai) as mayor of Dalian from 1993 to 2001 and continued to have a relationship with the up-and-coming Chinese leader when he took over as party boss in Chongqing. With Chongqing as his base, Bo, who, along with Chongqing vice mayor and police chief Wang Lijun, became known for stamping out criminal activity. However, the criminal activity suppressed by Bo and Wang pales in comparison to the high-level corruption Bo and his cronies engaged in with the Rotshschilds, Soros, and the Canadian tycoon Paul Desmarais, Sr. and his son, Andre Desmarais, the founder of the Rothschild Bank of Canada. The elder Desmarais, the head of Power Corporation of Canada and founder of the Canada China Business Council, saw his business association with Bo as opening up China’s vast energy sector to Desmarais, Rothschild, and Soros private investment.
- 1993 - GripesOnline CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the “Los Angeles Times” concerning NAFTA: “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order.”
- 1993 – GripesOnline “Washington Post” ombudsman Richard Harwood does an op-ed piece about the role of the CFR's media members: “Their membership is an acknowledgment of their ascension into the American ruling class where they do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it.”
- 1994 AlanPetersonNewsBriefs ...Research into all the aliases of the Stanley Ann Dunham name and fraudulent money laundering schemes. ... this globalist micro-finance scheme (including the Clintons) using the old Muslim money system of hawala with modern credit card laundering, including ATM transfers with the direct quid pro quo involving non profits and the indirect infiltration of funds via some very connected Muslim billionaires, topped off with the public airwaves as a public paid for propaganda ministry, has deep ties between the Indonesian and certain US banking systems over the course of several decades. search terms include: Standard Oil, Kelly A. Dunham, Madelyn L. Dunham, Shippleck, Sandra Dunham, Stephen, Scott, real-estate scams, Dunham Enterprises, Sutoro, Soetoro, Go to Thomas Ayers section Dunham Obama Timeline
- 1994 VeteransToday Anglo-American is the world’s third largest mining company. It is controlled by the Rothschilds and South Africa’s Oppenheimer family. It owns both Engelhardt – which enjoys a near monopoly in global gold refining – and the DeBeers diamond monopoly. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers was indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department. To this day company officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities.
- 1994 History of the Money Changers The Regal Act is introduced in the United States to authorize the replacement of President Lincoln's Greenbacks with debt based notes. They had lasted for 132 years. 1996 Ever wondered why all the world's production seems to be moving to China? In a report entitled, "China's Economy Toward the 21st Century," released this year, it predicts that the per capita income in China in 2010, will be approximately 735 dollars. This is less than 30 dollars higher than the World Bank definition of a low income country. 1997 Less than two months before Tony Blair came to power in England, another interesting entry can be found in HANSARD, 5th March 1997, volume 578, No. 68, columns 1869-1871, in which the Earl of Caithness is recorded as having stated, "The next government must grasp the nettle, accept their responsibility for controlling the money supply and change from our debt-based monetary system. My Lords, will they? If they do not, our monetary system will break us and the sorry legacy we are already leaving our children will be a disaster." On 6 May, only four days after Tony Blair's election as Prime Minister, his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, announces he is going to give full independence from political control to the Bank of England. In his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski reveals that Germany is the largest shareholder in the World Bank. When you bear in mind that bankers of the Rothschild bloodline were said to own Germany, "lock, stock and barrel," at the end of World War I, it is not difficult to see who controls the World Bank now.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- Al Gore and Carol Browner both attended college for free via the Rockefeller Foundation scholarship fund, the Rockefellers (Rothschild America) currently are the largest personal donator to AGW .. Al Gore's daughter married into the Schiff family and see examples of advisors: Standard Chartered Bank (Africa, Asia and Middle East), Rand Merchant Bank, Macquarie (Australia), Société Générale, BNP Paribas and Calyon, Metzler , Mediobanca, Nomura, Daewoo Securities (South Korea), ABN Amro, Moelis & Company, HDL Capital (Toronto), Portico Capital, and William Blair (United States), Corporate Professional (India), NKS & Company, Company Secretaries.
- 1994 911Disclosure Our research indicates that the alleged virtual news network was launched by Maurice Strong in 1994 under the name of Newsworld International in a joint venture with CAI-Carlyle private-equity associates in CIDA, Power Corporation of Canada and CBC/Radio Canada. Wikipedia In the video at the url below, we expose the pattern of the crime for 911, including your partners' alleged use of a virtual news network to insert live-broadcast snuff films into otherwise unwitting media channels. Google Video
- 1994 - GripesOnline The globalists realize that as more and more people begin to wake up to what's going on, they have only a limited amount of time in which to implement their policies. Speaking at the United Nations Ambassadors' dinner, David Rockefeller remarks: “This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long.” Notice that he did not question if world order would come - only whether it would arrive peacefully.] He believes: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
- 1994 Wikipedia Zbigniew Brzezinski, created Obama
- 1994 Wikipedia Tony Blair was elected Leader of the Labour Party in the leadership election of July 1994, following the sudden death of his predecessor, John Smith. Under his leadership, the party used the phrases "New Labour" and "New Socialism" to define its policy, and moved away from its support of state socialism since the 1960s and created a new version of the ethical socialism that was last pursued by Clement Attlee. 2] Critics of Blair claim that "New Labour" did not adhere to socialism as claimed, and that it effectively advocated capitalism. ... Blair was reported to have been supported by Rupert Murdoch (see Rothschild apparatus), the founder of the News Corporation organisation. 123] In 1995, while leader of the Opposition, Blair disclosed in the Commons register of interests that he was a guest of Murdoch when he flew to meet him in Hayman Island. 124] In 2011 Blair became Godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch's children.
- 1995
- 1995: AwakenedRepublic Former atomic energy scientist, Dr Kitty Little claims the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium supplies giving them a monopoly over nuclear power.
- 1995 EIR In December 1995, the "Jerusalem" freemasonic lodge was established, adjacent to the Temple Mount, in the Grotto of King Solomon, to work for the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. The lodge worked side by side with the on-the-ground networks of Jewish and Christian fundamentalist fanatics, to foment a bloody religious war over the control of the Temple Mount. That such a lodge would be founded shortly after the Israel-Palestine peace breakthroughs at Oslo--and just weeks after the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an architect of that peace--is surely no coincidence. The Jerusalem Lodge was founded by the Grand Master of Italian Regular Freemasonry, Giuliano di Bernardo, the right-hand man of Lord Northampton on the Temple Mount project. Di Bernardo also let slip that Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith director Abe Foxman is a collaborator in the Temple Mount project. Another key figure, whose work has dovetailed with the Quatuor Coronati activities on Temple Mount, is the Dutch-born architect Leen Ritmeyer, who received his doctorate from Manchester University in England on the design of Solomon's Temple. Ritmeyer's work in Israel, in which he claims to have discovered the resting place of the lost Ark of the Covenant inside the Dome of the Rock, has been almost wholly financed by Lord Jacob Rothschild, the son of the late Lord Victor Rothschild, and the head of Rothschild Investment Trust. search terms: Club of Isles, Royal Consort, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, British Israelism, lost tribes, Satanic rituals of Aleister Crowley, Golden Dawn cult, Ars Quatuor Coronarum, The Temple of Solomon the King, Temple Mount, Yitzhak Rabin, Giuliano di Bernardo, Lord Northampton, Jewish Cabbalism, Leen Ritmeyer (financed by Jacob Rothschild), Dallas Theological Seminary, Darbyite movement, Stanley Goldfoot, Stern Gang, Chuck Missler, Koinonia House, (destruction of Islamic sites),
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- Connect the dots: Mormons, Apollo Management, Huntsman (Romney), Hexion, Obama, China stealth technology
- 1990 Apollo Global Management, Wikipedia is an alternative investment management firm, founded in 1990 by former Drexel Burnham Lambert banker Leon Black. 2] The firm specializes in leveraged buyout transactions and purchases of distressed securities involving corporate restructuring, special situations and industry consolidations. ... founder = Leon Black, John Hannan, Marc Rowan, Craig Cogut, Arthur Bilger New York City, Henry Silverman, Marc Rowan, Josh Harris, Marc Spilker CriminalState Leon Black DeepCapture Leon Black Michael Milken, junk bonds, Carl Lindner, United Fruit,
- Whale / Eustace Mullins Drexel Burnham Lambert (pronounced Lambeer), is the New York branch of Banque Bruxelles Lambert, of Brussels, Belgium or that the enormously wealthy and powerful Lamberts are the Belgian branch of the Rothschild family. Baron Lambert is regularly listed as an attendee at Bilderberger meetings. Michael Leon Feinberg 9/11 and BP oil crisis
- 2007 Jul Huntsman.com (founded by Jon Huntsman Sr.) acquired by Hexion Wikipedia. Hexion.com is now Momentive Board ..Apollo New York Times Hexion / Huntsman Corp ... SpecialChem4coatings -Chengdu J20
- Reu-ters Hexion and its parent Apollo Management agreed to buy Huntsman for $6.5 billion a year ago, but the deal has been in jeopardy since June, when Apollo and Hexion filed suit against Huntsman seeking to limit their liability in the event that their proposed buyout falls apart.
- Drexel Burnham Lambert Daroth Peter Rothschild
- NFU / WMR Desmarais, the Rothschilds, and Soros has also feathered the nest of Bo's son, Bo Guagua, who attended elite preparatory schools in the United Kingdom, as well as Oxford, a pre-requisite for what Desmarais and the Rothschilds hoped would be the beginning of a Bilderberg Group/Council on Foreign Relations stranglehold on China.
- Wall Street Journal Bo Guagua and WantChinaTimes Bo Guagua sexually harassed Huntsman's daughter: Yazhou Zhoukan AsiaJapanWatch Bo Xilai
- 2004 Wikipedia Paul Desmarais is a member of the Board of Directors of Total SA and Suez. They frequently combine their European operations with the Belgian financier Albert Frere. Paul Desmarais (son) is also a member of the board and the Lafarge Group. The Desmarais family also maintains relations with the French Dassault industrial dynasties, Peugeot and Rothschild, among others. see NFU China
- 2012 WMR / T-Room Bo Xilai had close relations with former U.S. ambassador to China and former GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. In fact, Huntsman’s daughter dated Bo’s playboy son, Bo Guagua, who was known for driving his trademark red Ferrari around Beijing. Moreover, the U.S. Consul General in Chengdu is Peter Haymond, a friend of Huntsman and a fellow Mormon.
- Wall Street Journal A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted a San Francisco Bay area couple on charges of conspiring to steal trade secrets from DuPont Co. DD -0.69% and sell them to Chinese state-owned companies. The indictment said Walter Liew, 54 years old, and his wife, Christina Liew, 49, conspired to take confidential DuPont documents and used them to obtain more than $20 million in contracts from companies in China. Huntsman Chemical TiO2 pigments.
- Research: Adnan Khashoggi, Triad Center, Salt Lake City, Zions Bank, Bank of Utah, Beneficial Life, Thomas S. Monson, LDS Church, Key Bank
- Defence Aviation China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group is preparing to test its first stealth aircraft known to world as the J-XX and now official Chengdu J-20. Chinhdangvu Spitler, Liew Dupont Titanium dioxide
- SourceWatch Bumi, BHP Minerals, Rothschild, Examiner Five Charged with Corporate Espionage, The five defendants charged in the indictment were Walter Liew, Christina Liew, Robert Maegerle, Hou Shengdong and Tze Chao, all allegedly obtained and illegally possessed TiO2 trade secrets belonging to DuPont. It’s also alleged that they sold the high-tech trade secrets to the Pangang Group so they could develop a streamlined TiO2 production capability in China.
- BHPBilliton (appointed to the Board as non-executive Directors) Mr Paul Rizzo is Dean, Director and Professorial Fellow of the Melbourne Business School, and a Director of Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games Pty Ltd and NM Rothschild and Sons (Australia) Limited.
- DeanHenderson The Rothschilds also control BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the two biggest global miners, as well as Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Bank of America. see also PoliticalFail BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Group, the third-biggest mining company, will gain control of Richards Bay Minerals, or RBM, on South Africa’s east coast in a deal that sees BHP Billiton Ltd. exiting the titanium minerals industry. TiO2.net and ChinaSignPost Baoti, one of China’s largest titanium producers, says that it supplies 95% of the titanium used by China’s aerospace complex, suggesting that the company can produce high-grade materials. This is a key point because the other main global suppliers of aerospace grade titanium are all potential competitors—the U.S., Russia, and Japan.
- Seeker401 Rothschild deep connections to Rio Tinto. Rothschild’s RIT Capital Partners held £12.5 million (PDF) of Rio Tinto in September. But more interestingly, Rothschild’s St. James Place Capital owned 3 percent of Rio Tinto at the beginning of this year. search terms: John Paulson’s company, RUSAL IPO, Libya’s Qaddafi, Li Ka-shing, George Soros .. Li Ka-Shing (Wikipedia) Hutchison Whampoa .. Rense China / Illuminati TheForbiddenKnowledge Li bloodline MafiaToday Bo Xilai / Triads (Wikipedia)
- Benjamin Fulford ?
- NFU/China.html WMR / T-Room and WMR Spitler was a specialist in nanomaterials for Dupont and BHP Minerals. There are indications that in addition to supplying the FBI with information on the Liews and Pangang, he made have also stumbled across the CIA activities by Dupont China in acquiring secrets on Chinese stealth coating technology.
- MafiaToday (Bo Xilai) Wang Lijun, claimed that he had been made to cover up Mr Heywood's murder by Mr Bo and was now in fear of his own life. It was he who named Mr Bo's wife as the likely killer, alleging that she had him poisoned
- 2012 WMR To thicken the plot even further, Timothy Spitler, a former consultant to Liew and one-time Dupont chemical engineer, reportedly committed suicide in Reno, Nevada on January 30, 2012, just prior to the indictments being issued against Pangang and the two former Dupont employees. Spitler was scheduled to testify on behalf of the U.S. government against the Liews and the Chinese company. Few details have been published on the circumstances of Spitler's alleged suicide.Reu-ters ... Timothy Spitler
- was a specialist in nanomaterials for Dupont and BHP Minerals (BHPBilliton) . There are indications that in addition to supplying the FBI with information on the Liews and Pangang, he made have also stumbled across the CIA activities by Dupont China in acquiring secrets on Chinese stealth coating technology. Spitler's knowledge of such CIA activities under Dupont China cover, may have earned him a death sentence by the CIA's very active "wet affairs" element. ... Dupont's own industrial espionage activities involving Chinese research and development into TiO2 is supplemented by Dupont's operations in Taiwan. Dupont maintains a large titanium dioxide plant in Kuan Yin, Taiwan. The CIA and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) predecessor have long used Dupont for its weapons development programs in China. During World War II, Dupont produced for the OSS in China a high-explosive powder disguised as flour. The granular flour-like explosive, which matched the grayish Chinese wheat flour, was nicknamed "Aunt Jemima," Amazon.com and the flour could be baked into explosive biscuits and pancakes, which only became deadly when a detonator was attached to the baked goods. Today, the Dupont white pigment and mineral plant in Kuan Yin is the home to one of the world's largest TiO2 plants and with a production rate of 60,00 tons a year, makes Dupont the world's largest producer of TiO2. Taiwanese chemical engineers for Dupont are well-placed to ferret out titanium oxide secrets from Chinese research centers across the Taiwan Straits for their own company and the CIA.
- HiddenMysteries Icke The founders of both "faiths", the Mormons and JehovahWitness, were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, who founded the Watchtower Society (JWs), was of the Illuminati Russell bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a Satanist, a paedophile according to his wife, and a friend of the Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers, through "contributions" by organisations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith.
- MoneyTeachers Marriner Eccles (Mormon, Deseret National Bank) credited for saving the Federal Reserve system from collapse during the Great Depression ... involved in Emergency Banking Act of 1933, FDIC, World Bank and IMF ... The gold reserve act was passed in January 1934. Roosevelt worked with Eccles and the banksters to help them steal the only real wealth left in America ... confiscating gold and replacing it with Federal Reserve Notes.
- Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., HSBC Holdings Plc is one of Asia’s main banks.
- 1995 - GripesOnline U.N. delegates meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss various methods for imposing global taxes on the people of the world.
- 1995 LaRouchePub Ten to twelve pivotal companies, assisted by another three dozen, run the world’s food supply. They are the key components of the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel, which is grouped around Britain’s House of Windsor. Led by the six leading grain companies—Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Born, André, and Archer Daniels Midland/Töpfer—the Windsor-led food and raw materials cartel has complete domination over world cereals and grains supplies, from wheat to corn and oats, from barley to sorghum and rye. But it also controls meat, dairy, edible oils and fats, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices.
- 1995 Christopher Story Wikipedia was a British writer, publisher and government adviser specialising in intelligence and economic affairs, who is best known for his collaboration with KGBdefector Anatoliy Golitsyn on the 1995 book The Perestroika Deception. Christopher Story, the son of Colonel Henry Harle Story MC of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 2] was educated at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford, and then worked as an industrial writer in Canada. In 1963, he formed his own publishing company specialising in intelligence and founded World Reports Limited in 1963. 3] Since 1970, he has edited and published International Currency Review, 4] which includes the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England amongst its subscribers. 5]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1995 – GripesOnline “Popular Science” magazine describes a top secret U.S. Navy installation called HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in the state of Alaska. This project beams powerful radio energy into the earth's upper atmosphere. One of the goals of the program is to develop the capability of "manipulating local weather" using the techniques developed by Bernard Eastlund. The program has been underway since 1990.] Haarp-BAE AMEC BP Acergy HAARP (2003) BAE purchased HAARP from Raytheon. Gillibrand was Chairman of BAE (2005) Raytheon was awarded $300 Million Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System contract from NOAA’s National Weather Service through 2014. BAE Systems Software was selected for 3D Mapping Project for airports. FT Rothschilds have taken 70% stake in the WeatherChannel. The deal comes almost three years after Bain Capital, Blackstone and NBC Universal bought Weather Channel for $3.2bn. see Peter Mason (Rothshild) and Truth Fukishima photos and video HAARP effects
- 1995 PolitcalVelcraft An Abrahamic Jew Is A Zionist. A Jew Financed By Teutonic Zionists, Is Himself A Teutonic Zionist. Teutonic Zionists are the father of NWO and seated as The City Of London’s Banking Cartel with The British Monarchy as its head piece for attempting centralization of all world finances. They were the ones who purchased Israel for the Abrahamic Jews only to be exploited by taxation by the Monarchy. The Abrahamic Jews revolted and kicked the British out ( Much Like America had to do with the British in 1776). The Queen of England (and or any other so called royalty) are still forbidden to walk on Jewish soil. Think of (Teutonic Zionists as Liberals/democrats/rinos) and think of (Abrahamic Zionist as Conservatives). 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
- 1995 FPP Phony 'Anti-Semitic' Incidents East Berlin Officials Staged 'Neo-Nazism' in West Germany ... Details about how these Jewish Communist officials engineered "right wing" anti-Jewish incidents in western Germany are revealed by German-Jewish historian and university lecturer Dr. Michael Wolffsohn in his book Die Deutschland-Akte ("The Germany File"). He writes: "The strategic head of the staged anti-Semitic actions was Albert Norden, a rabbi's son. This is documented in the records of the [East Berlin] Politburo."FPP Phony 'Anti-Semitic' Incidents East Berlin Officials Staged 'Neo-Nazism' in West Germany ... Details about how these Jewish Communist officials engineered "right wing" anti-Jewish incidents in western Germany are revealed by German-Jewish historian and university lecturer Dr. Michael Wolffsohn in his book Die Deutschland-Akte ("The Germany File"). He writes: "The strategic head of the staged anti-Semitic actions was Albert Norden, a rabbi's son. This is documented in the records of the [East Berlin] Politburo." and see VHO
- 1995: IAmTheWitness Former atomic energy scientist, Dr Kitty Little claims the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium supplies giving them a monopoly over nuclear power. The Defense Investigative Service circulates a memo warning US military contractors that, "Israel aggressively collects (US) military and industrial technology." The report stated that Israel obtains information using, "ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties," of US citizens.
- 1995 Wikipedia Dutroux Affair Marc Dutroux, Belgian serial killer case (very similar to Franklin Scandal Omaha cover-up) kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls during 1995 and 1996, search terms: dungeons, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, victims: Lijeune, Russo. Protests 'White March', accomplice Michel Nihoul,
- 1995 TriGranit Nathaniel Rothschild is the Co-chairman of Atticus Capital LLC, an international investment management firm established in 1995 Mr. Rothschild is Chairman of JNR Limited, ... Sándor Demján is one of the founders and the Chairman of TriGránit Development Corporation. In 1976, he started and directed Skála, the first Hungarian cooperative department store and in 1986 Mr. Demján founded and became the inaugural President of the first commercial bank in Hungary, the Hungarian Credit Bank. In 1990 he established the Central European Development Corporation (CEDC) in cooperation with Andrew Sarlós, Ronald Lauder, Mark Palmer and Peter Munk. and Breakup of Soviet Union, Adnan Khashoggi, links to 9/11 and see SuperYacht Marinas Located in the heart of Europe’s “southernmost fjord” is Porto Montenegro, a development spearheaded by Canadian gold-mining entrepreneur Peter Munk in partnership with a consortium of international entrepreneurs (and yacht owners) that includes Lord Jacob Rothschild, Nathaniel Rothschild, Bernard Arnault, Oleg Deripaska and Sandor Demjan. Now entering its second year of operation, the project is transforming a defunct naval dockyard in Tivat into a state-of-the-art marina and residential community. Scribd Nathaniel Rothschild owns 15% of Trigranit
- 1996: IAmTheWitness A General Accounting Office report, "Defense Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense Contractors," found that according to intelligence sources, "Country A," (identified by intelligence sources as Israel, Washington Times, 22 February 1996), "conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any US ally." A pdf file of the report is here: GAO An unformated text version is here: FAS The Jerusalem Post (30 August 1996) quoted the report, "“Classified military information and sensitive military technologies are high-priority targets for the intelligence agencies of this country." The report described, "An espionage operation run by the intelligence organization responsible for collecting scientific and technologic information for (Israel) paid a US government employee to obtain US classified military intelligence documents." The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Shawn L. Twing, April 1996) noted that this was, "a reference to the 1985 arrest of Jonathan Pollard, a civilian US naval intelligence analyst who provided Israel's LAKAM espionage agency an estimated 800,000 pages of classified US intelligence information." WashingtonReport The GAO report also noted that, "Several citizens of (Israel) were caught in the United States stealing sensitive technology used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes." An Office of Naval Intelligence document, "Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare" reported that, "US technology has been acquired (by China) through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM (surface-to-air) missile technology." Jane's Defense Weekly (28 February 1996) noted that, "until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology (via Israel) to China." The report noted that this, "represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation." (Flight International, 13 March 1996). Amschel Rothschild, 41, is strangled with the heavy cord of his own towel robe in his hotel room in Paris. French Prime Minister orders the French Police to close their investigation, and, Rupert Murdoch, born of a Jewish mother and so a Jew by Ashkenazi standards, instructs his editors and news managers around the world to report it as a heart attack, if they need to report it at all.
- 1996 DailyMail ... one of Nat Rothschild's cousins, Amschel, hanged himself at the age of 41. Four years later, another cousin, Raphael de Rothschild, died in Manhattan from a heroin overdose. He was just 23.
- 1996-7 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline ISBC papers given to Israeli PM
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1997 WideShut The tentacles that the private banking cartels have spread around the globe are so interconnected with the entire economy and power structure that the Governments that are now in power are only puppets to the banks. There aren’t any true leaders left and probably very few that understand the system. After all they are more than happy to skim off the top in their expense accounts as hit the headlines in 2009. Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of England as of writing, granted the Bank of England operational independence to set interest rates in 1997 and sold all of the country’s gold overseas at knockdown prices before the economic crisis. You can see that they don’t much care about the situation.
- Capcom is the Chicago arm of BCCI BCCI Congressional Report “BCCI’s criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI’s bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers. ... “In the entire BCCI affair, perhaps no entity is more mysterious and yet more central to BCCI’s collapse and criminality than Capcom, a London and Chicago based commodities futures firm which operated between 1984 and 1988. Capcom is vital to understanding BCCI because BCCI’s top management and most important Saudi shareholders were involved with the firm. Moreover, Capcom moved huge amounts of money — billions of dollars — which passed through the future’s markets in a largely anonymous fashion.
- Capcom AmpedStatus Once again, George Bush Sr.’s role in BCCI and the S&L crisis cannot be understated. To recap, over the course of BCCI’s entire reign, Bush Sr. led the CIA, then served as Vice President before becoming President. He had extraordinarily close relations with Saudi Arabia, the most oil-rich nation in the world. Kamal Adham see 9/11 funding was a top BCCI executive and head of Saudi Arabian intelligence, he was known as “the godfather of Middle East Intelligence” and was the CIA’s main liaison to the region. BCCI’s Chief Operations Officer was Khalid bin Mahfouz Wikipedia, who also led Saudi Arabia’s largest national bank and was a major player in the oil industry. Mahfouz was known as “the most powerful banker in the Middle East.” As already mentioned, Saudi Arabian intelligence was mixed in tightly with Wall Street banking interests in BCCI’s Capcom money laundering operations in the futures market. George Bush Sr. also did everything within his power to conceal these operations,
- Wikipedia Khalid bin Mahfouz ... Bin Mahfouz was a non-executive director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a financial conglomerate later convicted of money laundering, bribery, support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and many other crimes. Mahfouz personally owned a 20% stake in BCCI. He was indicted by a New York state grand jury for fraud but denied any culpability. The fraud charges were settled for $225 million in lieu of fines
- Capcom's majority shareholders, Kamal Adham see 9/11 funding and A.R. Khalil, were both former senior Saudi government officials and successively acted as Saudi Arabia's principal liaisons to the Central Intelligence Agency during the 1970's and 1980's. ... Its U.S. front men included Robert Magness, the CEO of the largest U.S. cable telecommunications company, TCI; a vice-President of TCI, Larry Romrell; and two other Americans, Kerry Fox and Robert Powell, with long-standing business interests in the Middle East. ...
- By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain.
- The financial dealings of BCCI directors with Charles Keating and several Keating affiliates and front-companies, including the possibility that BCCI related entities may have laundered funds for Keating to move them outside the United States. The Subcommittee found numerous connections among Keating and BCCI-related persons and entities, such as BCCI director Alfred Hartman; CenTrust chief David Paul and CenTrust itself; Capcom front-man Lawrence Romrell; BCCI shipping affiliate, the Gokal group and the Gokal family; and possibly Ghaith Pharaon. The ties between BCCI and Keating's financial empire require further investigation. FAS
- Skolnick -A former BCCI official gave a document to the Bank of England that shows that the BCCI was actively spreading out beyond it's five American branches as part of their efforts to gain influence. More importantly, it shows that 28 senators and 108 congress members were bribed. This was completely ignored by the mainstream press. -Six Chicago commodities brokers acted as the vehicles for the bribes. Among them were CapCom and GNP Commodities. CapCom was, at the time, part of TeleCommunications, Inc. (TCI), a giant in cable. Turner Broadcasting was jointly owned 16% by TCI and BCCI. TCI/BCCI also owns a good chunk of ABC's parent company, and has engaged itself in a number of corrupt deals with CBS. ... -The Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and the Chicago Stock Exchange (Which used to be called the Midwest Stock Exchange (Wikipedia), but changed it's name after a scandal) were used as money laundries for the BCCI bribery. Politicians would fly to Chicago under the guise of a speaking engagement, then they would pick up their "reward". Secret trading accounts were given to them. -Pinnacle Banc Group is the successor of BCCI. It's flagship is the Mafia/Vatican-tied First National Bank of Cicero. They changed their name to Old Kent Bank (Based in Michigan). Pinnacle Banc Group had it's strings pulled by mysterious people in Atlanta -- Georgia, interestingly, is where many top BCCI operatives hung out. -Many say that the Dutch/British are behind all of this. The British have plotted, at least since the War of 1812, to overthrow the US Government and do away with the US constitution, while exploiting America's workforce. Bill Clinton swore an oath to Cecil Rhodes Trust, an organization that wants to put the US under the control of the British. (7th Circuit Federal Appeals Chief Judge Richard Posner is a FEMA operative and a representative for University of Chicago (Rockefeller-controlled, Tied to oil industry). Judge Paul Plunkett is another).
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- Connect the First National Bank of Chicago and BCCI
- Wikipedia Bert Lance was implicated in the BCCI scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s. He was involved in deals with notable BCCI luminaries Agha Hasan Abedi, Mochtar Riady and Ghaith Pharaon and with BCCI's largest borrower, P. S. Prasad, 6] and joined with Arkansas-based power investor Jackson Stephens in facilitating BCCI's takeover of Financial General Bankshares. Lance and Stephens made millions in the wake of BCCI's collapse. In January 1978, Lance sold his stock in National Bank of Georgia to Ghaith Pharaon, while on the same day, BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi paid off Lance's $3.5 million loan at the First National Bank of Chicago. The following month, Lance helped BCCI with their hostile bid for Financial General Bankshares of Washington. The attempt failed, but three years later, BCCI secretly acquired the bank (renamed First American Bankshares) using 15 Arab investors as nominees. The next year, Lance introduced Jimmy Carter to Abedi. In 1987, First American Bankshares acquired National Bank of Georgia from Pharaon. BCCI was terminated in 1991 and it was subsequently revealed that the bank had done many illegal activities, including secretly controlling several U.S. banks, in violation of federal banking statutes.
- CapCom FAS
- HawaiiFreePress Here is what The Times of London February 26, 2008 reported: A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses. The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi , one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago. A company related to Mr Auchi, who has a conviction for corruption in France, registered the loan to Mr Obama's bagman Antoin "Tony" Rezko on May 23 2005. Mr Auchi says the loan, through the Panamanian company Fintrade Services SA, was for $3.5 million. Three weeks later, Mr Obama bought a house on the city's South Side while Mr Rezko's wife bought the garden plot next door from the same seller on the same day, June 15.… Mrs Rezko’s purchase and sale of the land to Mr Obama raises many unanswered questions. and HawaiiFreePress “(In 2004) Mr. Auchi traveled by private aircraft to Midway Airport in Chicago and then to a fete at the Four Season Hotel, where he met with his business partner in Chicago real estate, Mr. Rezko, as well as with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Also present that night, according to a fresh report by James Bone and Dominic Kennedy of the London Times, was State Senator Barack Obama, who had recently won the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate seat….”
- Dean Henderson BCCI ....Since its inception, the IMF has violently abused the people of the developing world in its role as debt collector for the Eight Families Rothschild-led banking monopoly. ... The banksters sink poor countries into debt via loans that benefit either their wholly-owned multinational corporations or well-placed domestic strawmen. The IMF then swoops in and orders the now-indebted country to privatize its economy – with the banker-owned multinationals picking up state assets for pennies on the dollar as part of “debt reorganization”. One of the Eight Families’ tentacles facilitates this kabuki dance for a healthy fee. More often than not it is Goldman Sachs. No case illustrates this type of IMF official mugging better than that of the mysterious Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI). see terms: Rockefeller, CDB, Caribbean Development Bank... BCCI – launched by Bank of America – was a CIA drug money laundry which moonlighted as mugger for the IMF bankers. The IMF helped BCCI set up shop in numerous countries, including virtually every Latin American nation. ... The racket worked something like this: BCCI, in addition to providing loans for deposits, would offer to broker a country’s debt with the IMF if the central bank was willing to deposit funds at BCCI’s local branch. Those countries that cooperated with the IMF would be rewarded with more loans. Those that refused never saw their money again. Most of the $20 billion that disappeared when BCCI was shut down belonged to Third World central banks whose governments had not bent over far enough for the IMF. This outright theft left the poorest, most debt-ridden countries in the world even more impoverished. African nations were hardest hit. BCCI sponged over $2 billion from the African continent. Even in England, where $400 million was lost by depositors when BCCI closed shop, most of the money belonged to African immigrants of marginal means who believed BCCI’s claim of being “a bank for the world’s poor”. BCCI specialized in facilitating capital flight from poor countries by helping rich Third World nationals start offshore accounts with the bank. BCCI would hire siblings of wealthy clients to man its local branches. ... The global elite had once again shaken down the world’s poor.
- Skolnick Illinois Governor Jim Thompson, chairman of the Winston and Strawn law factory and he has been a director of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper, owned by the British. Bill and Hillary Clinton are secretly stockholders of Lippo. ** Still operating is the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), haven for espionage and narcotics loot and political assassination funding. With its hundreds of branches worldwide including in America, BCCI supposedly went under in 1991. Its successor and alter ego, however, lives as Pinnacle Banc Group, whose flagship is in the Mafia enclave of Cicero, a Chicago suburb. Called First National Bank of Cicero, long-dominated by Bishop Paul Marcinkus, once head of the Vatican Bank. (Italian law-enforcement authorities have claimed Vatican Bank has been a money laundry for the American CIA as well as the traditional Sicilian and Italian Mafia.) Pinnacle Bank, BlackPlanet, MoneyTeachers Wikipedia Ghaith Pharaon, LovetheTruth Pharaon, Rothschild Skolnick Enron Black Magic Skolnick Pope's banks and... ... Skolnick, and Bollyn Continental Bank, (Continental Illinois National Bank) Chicago .... search terms: Vatican, Queen interests, Judge Walter J. Cummings, Jr., 7th Federal Circuit (see links to Vatican), Bank of America, Bank of Italy, Amadeo Peter Giannini (Rothschild), dominated by Yakuza (Japanese mafia), merge with Continental Bank, same building as Chicago Mercantile Exchange, (O.J. Simpson?). See also First National Bank of Cicero. The Wallace Lieberman shakedown and murder 1991. Connections to Judy Baar Topinka, State Treasurer, and Roger D'Onofrio Iraq, nuclear bomb detonators and the CIA, and Opus Dei, John Tarullo, London Gold Pool, Archbishop of Milan, Ramada Hotels, and Robert Cesca, Joseph Andreuccetti, Household International, P-2, and see the IntelHub the-international-oil-drugs-guns-kissinger-associates
- AmFirstBooks Also, according to Don Frederick’s well-researched timeline, while in Pakistan, Obama’s host, Muhammadian Soomro, was linked to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which was involved in “money laundering, bribery, terrorist support, tax evasion, smuggling and illegal immigration.” They also worked very closely with the CIA. ThdComisarScoop Auchi After Roger Watson in 1987 became Saddam’s financial consultant, he also became an adviser to Nadhmi Auchi’s (Wikipedia) International Company of Banking and Financial Participations (CIPAF), PolitcalVelcraft Auchi According to the website of Cipaf, an investment vehicle of Nadhmi Auchi’s General Mediterranean Holdings (GMH), Cipaf is “amongst the topmost investors in the enlarged BNP Paribas. Board of Directors Jean-Hervé Lorenzi Professor at Paris-Dauphine University, Advisor to the Supervisory Board of Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild. FreeRepublic BNP Paribas Oil for Food Scandal, AmericanThinker Obama's Oil for Food Connection ... Out on bail awaiting trial, dual US-Syrian citizen, Antoin ‘Tony' Rezko, was rousted out of bed by police pounding on the doors of his Chicago mansion the morning of Monday, January 28. According to the Associated Press: "U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve jailed Rezko...saying he had disobeyed her order to keep her posted on his financial status. Among other things, he failed to tell her about a $3.5 million loan from London-based Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi -- a loan that was later forgiven in exchange for shares in a prime slice of Chicago real estate. Rezko gave $700,000 of the money to his wife and used the rest to pay legal bills and funnel cash to various supporters." Funds from Auchi's loan may have helped finance a complex series of transactions between Rezko and Democratic Presidential candidate Illinois Senator Barack Obama involving the 2005 purchase of Obama's Chicago mansion and Rezko's purchase of an adjoining landlocked parcel. SoldierForLiberty Maurice Strong Rothschild Connection
- Rense BCCI, Emanuel, Marc Rich, Wasserstein (Wikipedia)
- AmpedStatus BCCI
- 1976 LaRouchePub BCCI became a "crown jewel" in the British offshore hot money system because of its ties to the City of London (Rothschild). In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (EuropeBanks) (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London. BCCI Congressional Report
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1993 HiddenMysteries Soros had amassed along with a group of "silent partners", a fortune in excess of 10 Billion dollars to use as a lever to unhinge the European currencies. Among the partners apparently were the little known metal and oil dealer Marc Rich and the Israeli arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg.(ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) For decades Eisenberg has been working for the Israeli secret service and has important arms deals in all of Asia and in the Near East. A third partner of Soros is Rafi Eytan who before was the Mossad connection to the British secret service in London.
- 1995 American Bhuda search terms: Carlson, Teheran, Luxembourg, Abedi, North West Investment Company, Iran shipments, Dr. Marco Jagmetti of Rothschild Continuation Holdings, a holding company run by BCCI director Alfred Hartmann, Richar Helms, Safeer, Rahim Irvani, Ghaith Pharoan, National Bank of Georgia, Agha Hasan Abedi, First American, Iran Arab Bank, Clifford, Glass, McIlwain & Finney, Financial General Bankshares, Clark Clifford Robert Altman, James Baker, Frank Wisner, Raymond Close (CIA station chief Saudi Arabia), National Bank of Georgia, Nicaraguan Contras,
- 1995 LaRouchePub Two rather critical facts, however, were invariably left out of the story—even during the lengthy soap opera trial of former BCCI attorney Robert Altman. The first fact was the extraordinarily close alliance between BCCI and some of Britain's most powerful financial houses Rothschild and aristocratic families. The second fact was that BCCI was created, and then built up as a "world class" bank, primarily to manage the covert funds that poured into the secret war in Afghanistan. Hardly any mention was made of the fact that BCCI was in the middle of the Afghan effort—serving as the de facto central bank for a multibillion-dollar Golden Crescent illegal arms-for-drugs trade that mushroomed during 1979-90. When the last of the Red Army troops pulled out of Kabul in February 1989, the massive British-devised and American-led covert action program in support of the Afghan mujahideen began to wind down. BCCI lost its raison d'être, and went the way of the 1960s-era Investors Overseas Service (IOS), and the Vietnam War-era Nugen Hand Bank of Australia: The money was siphoned out, a diversionary scandal was manufactured, and its doors were shut.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1972 Cricistan The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a major international bank founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi ... BCCI had been "set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions. ... The liquidators, Deloitte & Touche, filed a lawsuit against Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young ... Abu Dhabi to drop its claims against the Bank of England ... its activities were still not completely understood (was it taken out by Rothschilds because it was a competitor to (IMF / World Bank)
- Independent.uk THREE former directors of Bank of Credit and Commerce International are suing the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi and other members of the Gulf state's royal family for dollars $100m, alleging that the family were the prime movers behind the bank's dollars $20bn frauds.: Sheikh ... The suit names as defendants the sheikh's son, Sheikh Khalifa; one of the royal family's chief financial advisers, Ghanim Faris Al-Mazrui, and Swaleh Naqvi, a former head of BCCI.Khalifa; one of the royal family's chief financial advisers, Ghanim Faris Al-Mazrui, One of the three behind the legal action, Alfred Hartmann, a senior Swiss banker, sat on various BCCI boards from 1982 to 1991. The others are Yves Lamarche, an American living in France, who served from 1976 to 1991, and Johan Van Oenen, a Dutchman living in Surrey, from 1978 until 1992....
- Halliburton connected to Oil-for-Food. WMR
- Permalink Perle Conrad Black, Wikipedia David Radler, Black partner. Score-board The Carlyle ambush of Conrad Black, Frank McKenna In December 2001, Carlyle began extorting CanWest/Hollinger editors and blocking media investigations into the role of McKenna and Carlyle affiliates, AMEC, Bombardier and Canada Steamship Lines, during the Global Guardian 'al-Qaeda' war game on 9/11.
- Are there Capcom links to Obama in Chicago? Salon Capcom, FAS BCCI Congressional Report Capcom excerpt, History Commons Kamal Adham, Independent.uk Swaleh Naqvi
- BCCI Congressional Report Whitewash
- OWG.LiveJournal Nadhmi Auchi was born in Iraq. Graduated in Economics and Political Science from the Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad in 1967. Worked with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, becoming Director of Planning and Development. In 1979 he founded General Mediterranean Holding SA of Luxembourg. Auchi's business empire, which has assets worth more than £1bn, is held offshore in structures whose ownership is difficult to penetrate. His holding firm, General Mediterranean Holdings SA, is registered in Luxembourg, and the Luxembourg and EU politician Jacques Santer sits on its board (in 1999, the Santer (EU) Commission resigned from their posts after charges of corruption. Santer is a Bilderberger and a supporter of Opus Dei). Lord Lamont, (see Lamont) the Rothschild associate who headed Le Cercle, used to be another employee of General Mediterranean Holdings. Has links to British intelligence, through the former senior MI6 officer Anthony Cavendish (Le Cercle), who acts as a consultant to Auchi's business empire. Served on an advisory committee to the Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government 1996-2000. President of the Anglo-Arab Organisation (AAO) since its founding in 2002.
- AbelDanger Also, recent discovery has shown that Banque de Pays de L'Europe of Paris, () (Paribas, Highbeam) was recently bought by Merrill Lynch. Paribas bought 50% of Dillon Read Ltd. in a consortium with Bruxelles Lambert (the Belgian Rothschilds), the Power Group and the Laurentian group of Canada, the Tata Group of India, Elders IXL holding company of Australia, Swiss Bank Cantrade, and two British groups, Investors in Industry, a Bank of England group with nine English and Scottish banks, and the British postal pension fund. .... Power Corporation of Canada directors included G. Eskenazi, of Belgian Rothschild firms, and William Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. The "Canadian connection", the Belzbergs and Bronfmans, demonstrates the growing power of the Rothschilds in billion dollar mergers and takeovers of U.S. industry, including DuPont. These mergers recall the same kind of activity taking place in 1929, just before the stock market debacle, and very well could represent the battening down of the hatches before the storm.
- Rosenbaum and his BCI directors laundered illegal drug and gambling money from mafia boss Meyer Lansky by investing it in real estate. Through the BCI Mossad and Permindex operations were financed and reportedly Rosenbaum was a significant stakeholder in Permindex. In the early 1960s, the BCI bought a significant stake in Henry Luce's Time Life. Permindex has been the main suspect of having coordinated the 1963 JFK murder. Edmond de Rothschild introduced Rosenbaum to Bernhard in the mid-1960s. In 1970 Bernhard invited Rosenbaum into the 1001 Club, but after Rosenbaum got in trouble for having embezzled money of the BCI, Bernhard had to expel him again. This happened in 1973-1974. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner, a person later linked to laundering funds for Marcos, Mobutu, Escobar, and Helmut Kohl.
- A recent comprehensive CNN Report on American television concerned corrupt practices in American banking and alleged that virtually every major bank in the world had channelled money through the BNL Bank, Atlanta USA, to Saddam Hussein's weapons development program.
- BCCI Stuff Allan Gotlieb, Carlucci, Rosenbaum, Permindex, Hollinger, Black, Rothschild, Trireme Partner LLP, Brian Crozier, Richard Perle, Le Cercle, 1001 Club, Club of Thirty, Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi), Clearstream Banking S.A. (CB) is the clearing division of Deutsche Börse, based in Luxembourg. It was created in January 2000 through the merger of Cedel International and Deutsche Börse Clearing, part of the Deutsche Börse Group, which owns the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Cedel, ... Menaep, Ambrosiano, P2, Richard Brenneke, Ernest Backes, Bahrain International Bank. ThereAreNoSunGlasses extensive. SurrenderingIslam Rothschild
- Oil for Food Auchi .... Links between Valerie Jarrett and Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, Glenn S. Gerstell is the Managing Partner and Snopes Obama's money, trips to Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia, .... a job at Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, $1.65 million mansion (2005), Larry Sinclair. How does Tony Rezko and Auchi, Alsammarae, Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn, fit into all this? BNP Paribas Wikipedia Oil for Food Scandal, Maurice Strong, 661 Sanction file confirms Banque Nationale de Paris, Maurice Strong, HiddenMysteries, Maurice Strong Wikipedia, Bronfman, AbelDanger, Strong, Auchi, Desmarais, Power Corporation, Canada, ... UnityPublishing Maurice Strong BNP board pdf 1999 and HawaiiFreePress Debunking-CarterRucks-defense-of Iraqi-billionaire-tied-to-Rezko-and-Obama, Scientology-London Rothschild - (Carter-Ruck effective suppression of Auchi articles on the internet), Jacksonian OFF IntelHub Kashoggi, Saudi Arabia, Rothschild, Kissinger. and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers
- 2000 RealZionistNews
Silverstein obtained this lease from his Jewish synagogue buddy, Lewis M Eisenberg, Wikipedia, Muckety (who was then the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York), even though Vornado Realty outbid Silverstein by $50m. Eisenberg aborted Vornado’s bid in favour of his Zionist buddy Silverstein. Eisenberg, who was a huge contributor to the Bush-Cheney campaign, is a member of the Republican Jewish Coalition and former partner of the Jewish bank, Goldman Sachs. Silverstein and Eisenberg both held senior leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal, a billion dollar Zionist organization. At present, Silverstein is on the UJA’s Board Of Directors. The UJA raises millions of dollars for its client, the Zionist State of Israel. Silverstein is also co-founder of the Israel Export Development Company. see also Republican Leadership Council, - Timeline, Summary, Alpha
betic index TOP NFU - 2000: IAmTheWitness George W. Bush is elected (so they tell me) President of the United States. Bush and his family claim to be descendants of the House of Plantagenet which is descended from the Royal House of Judah. Wikipedia House of Plantagenet
- 2000 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Rumsfeld sells North Korea two light water nuclear reactors.
- 2000 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Israel spy ring (the art students, penetrate the US) They peddle Ecstasy (as finance) and they spy on military bases and federal buildings.
- 2000 MoneyTeachers Joseph Cannon (Mormon, Deseret News) and His brother Chris Cannon, were close associates with Jack Abramoff and even assisted him in forwarding the gambling interests agenda. Joe worked with Abramoff on the same lobbying clients and convicted felon and Abramoff partner, David Safavian, worked as Congressman Cannon's "Chief of Staff". Chris Cannon was forced to return campaign donations from Abramoff and Safavian, as well as a few of the Indian Tribes they represented, but, he served his masters well by inserting the "poison pill" that destroyed any hopes of regulating online casino gambling.
- 2000 Nov Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Bush steals the election Jan 2001 Bush is sworn in as President
- 2000 Terror-Illuminati
September 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think-tank, with strong ties to the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, and funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and weapons and defense industries, drafted a plan for U.S. global domination. AEI is also connected to the Heritage Foundation, through the same funders.. and see ZionCrimeFactory, NoGW Sumner Rothstein (Redstone). - 2000 TruthandLife One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. 2] and Wikpedia US Trust Corp United States Trust Corporation is an American bank holding company based in New York, NY. It is the oldest trust company in the U.S., and provides personal wealth management to some of the wealthiest individuals and families. In 2000, the Charles Schwab Corporation purchased U.S. Trust for $2.73 billion. 1] In 2001, less than a year after the acquisition of U.S. Trust, the U.S. Trust subsidiary was fined $10 million in a bank secrecy law case. It was ordered to pay $5 million to the New York State Banking Department and $5 million to the Federal Reserve Board. 2] On November 20, 2006, Schwab announced an agreement to sell U.S. Trust to Bank of America for $3.3 billion cash. 3] The deal closed in the second quarter of 2007.
- Timeline continued below
- 2001 9/11 For those who would like to support Ellen Mariani’s ongoing efforts (last unsettled 9/11 victim case), please send letters of support and donations to Ellen Mariani, P.O. Box 2792, Parker, CO 80134. Search Hellerstein.
- Timeline, Summary, Alpha
betic index TOP NFU - 2001 Enron CabalTimes Qatar holds 13.39% of the world’s natural gas reserves, making it #3 on the chart. Qatar and its gas reserves have been historically dominated by the Rothschild Shell Oil Corporation. Qatar figures prominently as a forwarding base for American operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, Qatar has also became a major player in the so-called Arab Spring. ... The fall of Communism meant that Western corporations could freely operate in the region (Turkmenistan) for the first time. It comes as no surprise that Turkmenistan’s natural gas was quickly earmarked for export by groups such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers .... Gazprom in turn has intricate relationships with Rothschild heavyweights such as Shell Oil and BP.
- 2001 Biblioteca Pleyades Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank in June 2001. Joined N.M. Rothschild & Sons at the latest in 2002. Annual visitor of the Trilateral Commission since 2002. Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Member of the steering committee of the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). Member of the European Council of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. In December 2002, Blair sent Lord Guthrie and Jack Straw to Turkey as an unofficial military envoy to shore up support for an invasion of Iraq and to discuss plans to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Became a non-executive special advisor of Aon Special Risks in 2004, a leading Counter-Terrorism, Political Risks and Kidnap and Ransom insurance broker and risk consultant. Freeman of the City of London, a member of the Knights of Malta, and a Commander of the Legion of Merit USA. Member of the House of Lords.
Romney Zionist Advisors
- 1984 comment: Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Bain & Company partners Willard Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss. In addition to the three founding partners, the early team included Fraser Bullock, Robert F. White, Joshua Bekenstein, Adam Kirsch, Stephen Pagliuca and Geoffrey S. Rehnert. Bain Capital's original $37 million fund was raised entirely from private individuals in mid-1984, led by Ricardo Poma, a Salvadoran businessman
- 2008 Connect the dots: Wikipedia Dubai Ports World controversy, Norm Coleman ... also search Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd, unreported by Romney. see Bermuda Online search Provence Management II Stitchting c/o Rothschild Trust, Victoria Street, Hamilton
- 2008 SourceWatch Freedom's Watch
- 2009 Wikipedia Carl Forti MotherJones carl-forti-romney-super-PAC SourceWatch Freedom's Watch,
- 2011 JudeoFascism Romney deep into bed with wealthy Jewish Zionist Israel-firsters ... Romney published a list of his foreign policy advisers, including many who have been active in or are close to the pro-Israel community, such as Norm Coleman Wikipedia , the former U.S. senator from Minnesota who is now active with the Republican Jewish Coalition Wikipedia; Dan Senor, the co-author of a book on Israeli technological innovation who often works with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee; and Dov Zakheim Wikipedia, a former top Pentagon official in various Republican administrations who also is active with the American Jewish Committee...
- 2012 Council for the National Interest, on Romney Israeli-firsters) ... Romney’s financial backers are a who’s who of the Republican Jewish establishment, and his foreign policy advisers are culled from some of the pro-Israel community’s best and brightest. Romney has cultivated Jewish Republicans since he launched his unsuccessful bid in 2007... “Every major Jewish Republican fundraiser has been with Mitt” since then. Search: Dan Senor, Mel Sembler Wikipedia, Fred Zeidman Wikipedia, Dov Zakheim. Romney Zionists. TheHill Coleman
- General Dynamics, Crown Family Chicago, General Electric, Imelt. Colin Powell (Zionist), John McCain,
- 2012 Jewish Policy Center board: Chairman: Richard Fox, Honorary Chairman: Sheldon B. Kamins, Vice Chairmen: Marshall J. Breger Michael David Epstein, General Counsel: Jeffrey P. Altman, Executive Director: Matthew Brooks, Director of Policy: Matthew RJ Brodsky, Senior Director: Shoshana Bryen, Senior Research Associate: Samara Greenberg, Board of Trustees: Diana Epstein Cheryl Halpern Joel Hoppenstein Eliot Lauer Mark L. Lezell Herman Obermayer J. Philip Rosen Walter Stern, Board of Fellows: Richard Baehr William J. Bennett Mona Charen Midge Decter David Frum Rabbi Joshua Haberman David Horowitz Irving Kristol z"l Rabbi Daniel Lapin Michael A. Ledeen Michael Medved Larry Miller David Novak Daniel Pipes John Podhoretz Norman Podhoretz Dennis Prager Tevi Troy Ruth Wisse
- 2012 NakedCongress Carl Forti, a founder of Restore Our Future and its spokesman, predicted that as many as 20 Republican-leaning super PACs would seek to oust Obama IWatchNews Forti / Romney, UncleScam, HumanEvents Scytl, no Soros connectio
- 1990 - GripesOnline Peter Kawaja, in charge of security for a company called Product Ingredient Technology in Boca Raton, Florida, learns to his dismay that the factory he was led to believe was manufacturing a cherry flavoring is actually producing chemical/biological agents to be shipped to Iraq. He also discovers that this is being done with the full knowledge and consent of the FBI, the CIA and the Bush Administration. When he attempts to alert authorities, government agents seize the documents he has collected and his wife is killed.
- 1990 Leo Wanta Wikipedia, NewsMax, Rense see Christopher Story Wikipedia and WorldReports, ArcticBeacon, Brtaniaradio Global Security Fund set up by Jacob Rothschild, Dastych‘Global Security Fund’, consisting of off-balance sheet USG (U.S. Government) funds originally worth $27.5 trillion raised from 200+ international banks, is a fund which was set up to finance the ‘management’ of the ‘post-Cold War’ environment. The accumulated value of these funds, held offshore in bank accounts linked to Title 18, Section 6 US Government intelligence corporations established under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 (Archive.gov), is now believed to exceed $70 trillion. The original $27.5 trillion was raised from the 200+ banks at a deep discount for 20 years at 7.5% per annum. To avoid these funds being liberated, Leo Wanta, who afterwards became Somalian ambassador, was imprisoned in Switzerland and the United States, and was repeatedly poisoned when in prison. None of this deterred Leo Wanta when he was released from prison, from continuing to claim his legal right as administer of this immense fund, through the AmeriTrust Group Inc (Corporationwiki). The reference which shows this is title 18 USC Section 6 offshore bank accounts, authorized under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333. (Archive.gov)
- 1990 Bruegel Nicolas Véron .. His prior experience includes working for Saint-Gobain in Berlin and Rothschilds in Paris in the early 1990s Véron is a member of the Business and Economic Advisory Group of the Atlantic Council, CFA Institute, International Corporate Governance Network. A French citizen, a graduate from Ecole Polytechnique (1992) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (1995)
- 1990's Billionaires CNN Baron Edmond de Rothshild, 64 and family Geneva SWITZERLAND $2.0B Compagnie Financiere Benjamin & Edmond de Rothschild, Geneva; 7% of Hachette and holdings in other French corporations; real estate. Baron Edmond is heir to two of the five main branches of the famous Rothschild banking family. The modest-size Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild channels money into Rothschild's other banks scattered about the Continent. also mentioned: SHEIKH RASHID BIN SAID AL MAKTOUM (Sidley Austin, BCCI civil action) Barn toWire Breeder's Cup entrants: Edouardo de Rothschild (England's Legend), Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed al Maktoum (Spring Oak) Wikipedia History of Dubai
- 1990 - GripesOnline Sept. 11, In an address to Congress entitled “Toward a New World Order,” George Bush says: “The crisis in the Persian Gulf offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times a new world order can emerge. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.” But who were the founders of the U.N. and what exactly were their intentions? At least 43 members of the U.S. delegation to the founding conference in San Francisco were also members of the CFR. The Secretary General at the U.N. founding conference in 1945 was a U.S. State Department official named Alger Hiss. It was later determined that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy. He was convicted of perjury for lying about his pro-Soviet activities. And Hiss was not just an aberration. The U.N. has always chosen socialist one-worlders for leaders.]
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1990 Wikipedia Adnan Khashoggi He was implicated in the Iran–Contra affair as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar and, in a complex series of events, was found to have borrowed money for these arms purchases from the now-bankrupt financial institution the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) with Saudi and US backing. In 1988, Khashoggi was arrested in Switzerland, accused of concealing funds, held for three months and then extradited to the United States where he was released on bail and subsequently acquitted. In 1990, a United States federal jury in Manhattan acquitted Khashoggi and Imelda Marcos, widow of the exiled Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, of racketeering and fraud. 6] see also: Khashoggi, along with Ramy El-Batrawi, was the principal financier behind GenesisIntermedia, Inc. ...Valerie Red Horse... Khashoggi's unwillingness to pay his margin loan to Native Nations Securities, and Native Nations (and Red Horse's) inability to pay its debts to MJK Clearing, began a series of bankruptcies that ended in the largest payout in Securities Investor Protection Corporation history. Native Nations Securities and MJK Clearing both eventually filed for bankruptcy.
- 1990's 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry The recruitment of hijackers previously settled in the US. Adnan Khashoggi (owner of Genesis Aviation) is a business partner with retired General William Lyon (on the Board of Kellstrom Industries, Inc., an Israeli owned company) in a venture called Wings of Democracy, an attempt to penetrate the commercial Iraq air business. Lyon is the founder of several university diploma-mill operations in California (American Commonwealth University, also known as William Lyon University) which are speculated to be CIA front operations used for providing US visas to foreign operatives. These operations are directly associated with the entry to the US by two of the 9/11 hijackers in the early 1990s. Lyon is a major Republican fund raiser in Orange County, associate of Karl Rove, financial backer of the swift Boat Veterans, and keynote speaker at the Republican national convention.
- BCCI Congressional bribery list (partial list) Cong. DAN ROSTENKOWSKI (D-Illinois) see Garfield Ridge Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago, Mena, Ark. and Cong. MARTY RUSSO (D-Illinois), Cong. THOMAS FOLEY, Cong. GLENN ENGLISH, Cong. CARDISS COLLINS, Cong. E (Kika) de la GARZA, Cong. RICHARD GEPHARDT, Cong. JAMES WRIGHT, Cong. ROBERT MICHEL, Cong. RICHARD DURBIN, Sen. THOMAS DASCHLE, Sen. JAMES JEFFORDS, Sen. LLOYD BENTSEN, see Enron, Sen. ALFONSE D'AMATO, Sen. JESSE HELMS, Sen. RICHARD LUGAR, Sen. DONALD RIEGLE, Sen. PATRICK LEAHY, Cong. DAN GLICKMAN, Sen. ALAN DIXON, Cong. DAN GLICKMAN (D-Kansas) In the Clinton administration he became head of the Department of Agriculture. BCCI/Banca Nazionale del Lavoro were implicated in a huge Atlanta scandal where billions of U.S. dollars disguised as "Agriculture" loans, were used by Daddy Bush to supply weapons to Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. Glickman was reportedly part of the coverup.Sen. ROBERT BYRD (D-West Virginia) There is strong reason to believe that he and some of his staff members know a lot about the murder in 1991 of Journalist/Author Danny Casalaro in West Virginia, also about the apparent frame-up of computer wizard Michael Riconosciuto.
- 1991 Chicago Tribune WASHINGTON — Was the recent mysterious death of a journalist investigating a link between BCCI and high government officials really a suicide? Did Washington lawyers Clark Clifford and Robert Altman know what BCCI was really up to? Who else knew? When did they know it? And how high does the trail lead? The rumor mill has been fueled by the death of free-lance journalist Joseph Daniel Casolaro, who was found with his wrists slashed in the bathroom of a West Virginia motel room Aug. 10 after meeting a source for a book he was researching-on, among other things, the BCCI scandal. Casolaro was out to prove a theory that linked the Iran-contra affair; the so-called October Surprise deal, which the Reagan presidential campaign is alleged to have struck with Iran in 1980 for the delayed release of U.S. hostages; and the Inslaw case, in which the Justice Department is accused of illegally selling software to the Middle East. BCCI, he believed, was the financial conduit for all these deals. Casolaro was not the only one investigating the scandals, although no one has yet managed to prove the speculative link. Last month a British journalist working for the Financial Times of London was found murdered in a Guatemala hotel room shortly after telling his editors in London he had stumbled on a story linking BCCI with illegal arms transfers between Guatemala and the U.S. Congress will hold hearings on the October Surprise allegations in the fall.
- Wikipedia Bert Lance Lance was implicated in the BCCI scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s. He was involved in deals with notable BCCI luminaries Agha Hasan Abedi, Mochtar Riady and Ghaith Pharaon and with BCCI's largest borrower, P. S. Prasad, and joined with Arkansas-based power investor Jackson Stephens in facilitating BCCI's takeover of Financial General Bankshares.(See OpenJurist) Lance and Stephens made millions in the wake of BCCI's collapse. In January 1978, Lance sold his stock in National Bank of Georgia to Ghaith Pharaon, while on the same day, BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi paid off Lance's $3.5 million loan at the First National Bank of Chicago. The following month, Lance helped BCCI with their hostile bid for Financial General Bankshares of Washington. The attempt failed, but three years later, BCCI secretly acquired the bank (renamed First American Bankshares) using 15 Arab investors as nominees. The next year, Lance introduced Jimmy Carter to Abedi. In 1987, First American Bankshares acquired National Bank of Georgia from Pharaon. BCCI was terminated in 1991 and it was subsequently revealed that the bank had done many illegal activities, including secretly controlling several U.S. banks, in violation of federal banking statutes.
- 1991 Bilderberg US attendees: Paul Allaire (CEO Xerox, CFR), George Ball (Lehman Brothrs, CFR), Robert Bartley (Editor-Wall St. Journal, CFR), Robert Blackwill (Professor-Harvard, CFR), Michael J. Boskin (Presidents Economic Advisor), Nicholas Brady (Secretary of Treasury), John Chafee (Senator-Rhode Island, CFR, TC), Bill Clinton (Governor-Arkansas, CFR, TC), Charles Dalara (Assistant Sec. of International Affairs), Kenneth Dam (IBM, CFR), Diane Feinstein (Ex-Mayor-San. Francisco, TC), Catharine Graham (CEO-Washington Post, IA, CFR, TC), Maurice R. Greenberg (CEO-AIG Insurance, CFR, TC), J. Bennett Johnston (Senator-Lousianna), Vernon Jordan (Attorney, CFR, TC), Henry Kissinger (CEO-Kissinger Associates, CFR, TC, KGB), Charles Mathais (Attorney, Ex-Senator, CFR), Jack Matlock (Ambassador-USSR, CFR), Charles Muller (Murden & Co., Friends of Bilderberg Inc.), William Quand (Brookings Institute, NBC News, CFR) John S. Reed (CEO-Citicorp Bank, CFR), Rozanne Ridgeway (Pres.-Atlantic Council, CFR, TC), David Rockefeller (CEO-Chase Manhattan Bank, CFR, TC), John Shad (Philanthropist) Thomas Sions Jr. (Ambassador-Poland), Alice Victor (Rockefeller's Secretary), John Whitehead (Ex-Depty Sec. of State, CFR), Brayton Wilbur Jr. (CEO-Wilbur-Ellis Co., CFR), Douglas Wilder (Governor-Virginia), Lynn Williams (Pres-United Steelworkers Union), Grant Winthrop (Attorney), James Wolfensohn (Pres., James Wolfensohn Inc., CFR), Robert Zoellick (State Dept. Economic Advisor) and from Britain: Gordon Brown (Opposition MP - Parliament), Lawrence Freedman (Professor), Christopher Kegg, Andrew Knight (Editor - News International), Lord Roll of Ipsden (Conservative Politician, Warburg Banker), Patrick Wright (Head of Diplomatic Service)
- 1991 Global Research it was public knowledge that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, as was critical funding for bin Laden's al Qaeda network and for his earlier Arabic anti-Soviet fighters in Afganistan. Al Qaeda's predecesor was, in fact, bin Laden's 50,000 highly disciplined "Arab-Afghan" mujahideen, who were the most elite among Ronald Reagan's famous "freedom fighters", that were covertly given massive U.S. CIA support.
- 1991: IAmTheWitness Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, on January 16 of this year the United States and Britain began an aerial bombing campaign of targets within Iraq. On 24 February the ground campaign commenced which was to last 100 hours until on February 28 when a horrendous war crime occurred. ... This crime was the slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis were fleeing on a crowded highway from Kuwait to Basra. President George Herbert Walker Bush ordered United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, they were then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some still alive. ... President Bush then ordered a cessation of hostilities. What was the significance of this slaughter and President Bush declaring the war over on this day? Well it was the day the, "Day of Purim," fell on this year. This the day the Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq and a day when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies. ... At the Bilderberg Conference on June 6 to 9 of this year, in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller (a Rothschild) made the following statement, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practised in past centuries."
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 1991 History of the Money Changers At the Bilderberg Conference on June 6 to 9, in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller made the following statement, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." Note: Click here for a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with a list of people at the Bilderberg Conferences.
- 1992 – GripesOnline “The Twilight of Sovereignty” by former Citicorp Chairman Walter Wriston (CFR) is published, in which he claims: “A truly global economy will require compromises of national sovereignty. There is no escaping the system.”
- 1992 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Neocons launch DPG papers
- 1992 YellowBrickRoad Soros’s Quantum Fund became famous for “breaking” the Bank of England, forcing it to devalue the pound. Soros had bet his entire fund in a short sale on the ultimately fulfilled prediction that the British currency would drop in value, a coup that netted him a profit of $1 billion and some organizations he started: Advancement Project, Air America Radio, All of Us or None, Alliance for Justice, America Coming Together, America Votes, America's Voice.
- 1992 FDIC Senior Interagency Group members include: Dick Thornburgh, L. William Seidman, Timothy Ryan, Roger Jepson, William Sessions, Fred Goldberg, Nicholas Brady, John Laware, Robert Clark, Joseph Little, John Simpson, Charles Clauson.
- 1992: IAmTheWitness In March, former Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Paul A. Volcker became Chairman of the European banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn and Co. Stephen Bryen, caught offering confidential documents to Israel in 1978, is serving on board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs while continuing as a paid consultant, with security clearance, on exports of sensitive US technology. “The Samson Option,” by Seymour M. Hersh reports, “Illicitly obtained intelligence was flying so voluminously from LAKAM (a secret Israeli intelligence unit, a Hebrew acronym for Scientific Liaison Bureau) into Israeli intelligence that a special code name, JUMBO, was added to the security markings already on the documents. There were strict orders, Ari Ben-Menashe recalled, “Anything marked JUMBO was not supposed to be discussed with your American counterparts.” The Wall Street Journal reports that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system. On September 16th Britain’s pound collapses when currency speculators led by Rothschild agent, Ashkenazi Jew, George Soros, borrow pounds and sell them for Deutsche Marks, in the expectation of being able to repay the loan in devalued currency and to pocket the difference. .... This results in the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Lamont, announcing a rise in interest rates of 5% in one day and as a result drives Britain into a recession which lasts many years as large numbers of businesses fail and the housing market crashes. ... This is right on cue for the Rothschilds, after they had privatised Britain’s state owned assets during the 1980’s, driven the share price up, and then collapsed the markets so they could buy them up for pennies on the pound, a carbon copy of what Nathan Mayer Rothschild did to the British economy 180 years before, in 1812. ... It cannot be overstated that the Chancellor of the Exchequer at that time, Norman Lamont, prior to becoming a MP, was a Merchant Banker with N. M. Rothschild and Sons, who he joined after reading Economics at Cambridge.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 1992 History of the Money Changers The third world debtor nations who had borrowed from the World Bank, pay 198 million dollars more to the central banks of the developed nations for World Bank funded purposes than they receive from the World Bank. This only goes to increase their permanent debt in exchange for temporary relief from poverty which is caused by the payments on prior loans, the repayments of which already exceed the amount of the new loans. This year Africa's external debt had reached 290 billion dollars, which is two and a half times greater than its level in 1980, which has resulted in deterioration of schools, deterioration of housing, sky-rocketing infant mortality rates, a drastic downturn in the general health of the people, and mass unemployment. The Washington Times reports that Russian President, Boris Yeltsin, was upset that most of the incoming foreign aid was being siphoned off, and he stated, "Straight back into the coffers of Western Banks in debt service." This year American taxpayers pay the Federal Reserve 286 billion dollars in interest on debt the Federal Reserve purchased by printing money virtually cost free.
- 1992 Dutch authorities and El Al admit Flight LY1862 carried sarin components and DU depleted uranium, YouTube
- 1992 Wikipedia In 1992, Marcos claimed that her fortune came from Yamashita's Gold. In February 2006, Marcos insisted that her husband had acquired his wealth legitimately as a gold trader. By the late 1950s, she claimed, he had amassed a personal fortune 7,500 tons of gold, and after gold prices climbed in the 1970s, the Marcos family was worth about $35 billion. However, the Bureau of Internal Revenue has no record of the Marcos family declaring or paying taxes on these assets citation needed], and the source of their wealth remains open to investigation.
World War III / Aspen Institute / Chatham House
- PolitcalVelcraft Newly declassified documents show that President Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat. The documents show that in 1996 Clinton approved the export of radiation hardened chip sets to China. The specialized chips are necessary for fighting a nuclear war.
- 2004 Aspen Institute / Aspen Strategy Group Madeleine K. Albright, Graham T. Allison, Zoë Baird Budinger, Samuel R. Berger, Stephen E. Biegun, Robert D. Blackwill, James E. Cartwright, Eliot Cohen Susan Collins, Richard Cooper, Richard Danzig, John M. Deutch, Richard A. Falkenrath, Diana Farrell, Peter D. Feaver, Dianne Feinstein, Michèle Flournoy, Stephen Friedman, Michael Green, Richard N. Haass, Stephen Hadley, Chuck Hagel, John Hamre, Jane Harman, David Ignatius, Nicholas Kristof, Richard G. Lugar, Leo S. Mackay, Jr. Sylvia, Mathews Burwell, David McCormick, Sam Nunn, Meghan O'Sullivan, William J. Perry, John Podesta, Thomas Pritzker, Jack Reed, Mitchell B. Reiss, Condoleezza Rice, Carla Anne Robbins, David E. Sanger, Susan C. Schwab, Smita Singh, Anne-Marie Slaughter, James Steinberg, Strobe Talbott, Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Fareed Zakaria, Dov S. Zakheim, Philip Zelikow, Robert B. Zoellick AspenInstitute website
- Aspen Institute profiles Madeleine K. Albright is Chair of Albright Stonebridge Group, a global strategy firm, and Chair of Albright Capital Management LLC, an investment advisory firm focused on emerging markets. Helios Towers Africa Ltd. $350 Million of Equity Financing from Global Investor Group, Company will develop tower operations across Africa. 2009, A group of investors including Soros Strategic Partners LP, RIT Capital Partners plc, and Lord Rothschild's family interests, Albright Capital Management LLC, and funds furnished by Helios Investment Partners LLP ... to form Helios Towers, Africa, HTA, see also Nigeria, HTM, Soros Fund Management, pdf
- Clinton Global Initiative Wikispooks LeCercle member list, MasterJules, Gnostic Liberation Front
- Chatham House .. Based in St James's Square in London, the listed building was home to three Prime Ministers (William Pitt the Elder, Edward Stanley and William Gladstone) before being gifted to what was then the British Institute of International Affairs in 1923. Members: Lord Ashdown
- Chatham House members 2001 Lord Hurd of Westwell, Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, Baroness Williams of Crosby, Lord Marshall of Knightsbridge, Peter Cooke, Adrian Lamb, Lavinia Allison, Sir Leonard Appleyard, Sir John Birch, Tony Colman, Humphry Crum Ewing, Dr Anne Deighton, Peter Erskine, Jonathan M. Fry, Lord Goodhart, Nik Gowing
- UAE Country Report, by the Economist Intelligence Group, Rothschild search Aspen, Aspen Ideas Festival, a colloquium organized by the Aspen Institute that brought together public policy professionals and analysts from around the world.
- Aspen Institute Through the generous support of the RockefellerFoundation, the Bernard van LeerFoundation, and the Multilateral Investment Fund at the Inter-American Development Bank, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) is pleased to announce the ANDE Research Initiative, a new program that will support research on the impact of small and growing businesses (SGBs) on poverty.
- Nader Library Terrorism Illuminati Like the Salafi, the Nazis were also a principal component in the execution of Illuminati strategy, in their case, towards the creation of World War II. In accord with the plan worked out by Albert Pike, and summarized by William Guy Carr, the plan for WWII “was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine.” Therefore, the harsh terms imposed by the agents of the Illuminati at the Treaty of Versailles, that ruined Germany financially, were to set the stage for World War II.
- Aspen
- 2003 Pauline Neville-Jones — International Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) QinetiQ Group The ESII consortium comprises six partners QinetiQ, BAE Systems, BT, EADS, EDS and IBM plus 17 associates. Associate companies comprise LogicaCMG, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola, Rockwell Collins, ITT, SELEX Communications, 3 Way Networks, Invocom, Groupe Intellex and Ultra Electronics with associate universities comprising Imperial College, Glamorgan, St Andrews, Southampton, Surrey and York.
- 2003 Wikipedia Global Settlements The central issue at hand that had been judged in court previously was the conflict of interest between the investment banking and analysis departments of ten of the largest investment firms in the United States. The investment firms involved in the settlement had all engaged in actions and practices that had allowed the inappropriate influence of their research analysts by their investment bankers seeking lucrative fees 1]. A typical violation addressed by the settlement was the case of CSFB and Salomon Smith Barney, which were alleged to have engaged in inappropriate spinning of "hot" IPO's and issued fraudulent research reports in violation of various sections within the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Similarly, UBS Warburg and Piper Jaffray were alleged to have received payments for investment research without disclosing such payments in violation of the Securities Act of 1933.
- 2003 comment: James Murdoch lives in London because in 2003 his father made him CEO of British Sky Broadcasting Group. Jacob Rothschild was named deputy chairman SECFiling.NYSE
- 2003 Rumormillnews "The Opus Dei is the real Catholic Masonic lobby of today, as Licio Gelli said a couple of months ago in a interview and a lot of Italian Freemasons have now the double card of being Masons and Opus Dei members. They are working at very high levels in the Government and political parties like Alleanza Nazionale to take over the show. ... "But the Jesuits are now in firm control of the faith and of the mind because of their underground network of Masonic Illuminati linked to Black Magic circles and all these new religious movements through people like Massimo Introvigne that you should investigate a bit more ...
- 2003: IAmTheWitness The United States invade Iraq on 19 March, which this year is the holy, "Day of Purim," in the Jewish calendar. This, "Day of Purim," is a day the Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq, how interesting. What is also significant is that the previous U.S. led invasion of Iraq ended on the Day of Purim ten years earlier with the slaughter of 150,000 fleeing Iraqis under the current President's father, George Herbert Walker Bush. Purim is also the time when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies. Ancient Babylon, I mean Iraq, is now one of six nations left in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. This war is mainly about stealing Iraq’s water supply for Israel and is being fought with the blood of the American military which the State of Rothschild, I mean Israel control. Israel has always struggled for water, it had to steal the Golan Heights from Syria which provided Israel with one third of its fresh water 36 years before, yet still in Israel water extraction has surpassed replacement by 2.5 billion metres in the last 25 years. This means the water is far more precious to them than the oil reserves which are the second largest reserves of oil on the planet. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed states in a speech, "Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them." The Police Chief of Cloudcroft stops a truck speeding through a school zone. The drivers turn out to be Israelis with expired passports. Claiming to be movers, the truck contains junk furniture and several boxes. The Israelis are handed over to immigration. The contents of the boxers are not revealed to the public. Israel deploys assassination squads into other countries, including the United States. The US Government does not protest.
- 2003 Wikipedia Hisashi Owada is a former Japanese diplomat and a judge on the International Court of Justice.Until 2003 Owada was president of the Japan Institute of International Affairs and advisor to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Owada also served as senior advisor to the president of the World Bank in 1999–2000.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2003 NewsExpose Mitre Corp, Board of Trustees include: James R. Schlesinger, Charles S. Robb Vice Chairman, Nicholas M. Donofrio, George Campbell Jr., Martin C. Faga, General Ronald R. Fogleman, Jane F. Garvey, Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr., Alfred Grasso, John J. Hamre, Cleve L. Killingsworth, Elizabeth J. Keefer, Cathy E. Minehan, . Donald M. Kerr, John P. Stenbit, General Montgomery C. Meigs, Honorary Members, Robert R. Everett, General Robert T. Marsh, Jack Ruina Boran, spy meters, Belfer Center Harvard, John P. Holgren. and CounterPsyOps #1 The Ford Financed Belfer Center John P. Holdren (population reduction mad man) advocated forced sterilization of women and adding sterilants to food and water in his book Ecoscience. The Ford Foundation financed John P. Holdren’s Belfer Center located at Harvard. Investment banker Rowan Gaither headed the Ford Foundation and said their purpose was to “so alter the U.S. that it could comfortably merged with the Soviet Union“. (He also helped found the Rand Corporation) Conspirators are satisfied with assaulting the former independence thinking of the American people. A large segment has now accepted themselves as “global citizens”. The insiders have accelerated their dirty business of extermination. American’s have been anesthetized ready for their killing. The concerns for environment has been the perfect shield to hide the implementation of a “world tyranny.” Listed participants running the Belfer Center include John P. Holdren, two ex-heads of the CIA, John Deutch, and James Schlesinger (CFR/T) plus Nathan Rothschild and central banker Paul Volcker (T/B). John P Holdren (CFR) is an advisor to the president. SeptermberClues and David E. Jeremiah has served continuously as a member of the Board of Trustees at the MITRE Corporation since 1999. He is also a member of the Board of Directors at the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs. 1996 Mitre Board James Schlesinger is born to Rae and Julius Schlesinger, Jews in a predominantly democratic, liberal, Jewish immigrant community.
- 2003 BAE Systems Board of Directors: Board of Directors Dick Oliver Chairman, Ian King Chief Executive, Peter Lynas Group Finance Director, Linda Hudson President & CEO of BAE Systems, Inc., Paul Anderson Non Executive Director, Harriet Green Non Executive Director, Michael Hartnall Non Executive Director, Lee McIntire Non Executive Director, Sir Peter Mason Non Executive Director, Paula Rosput Reynolds, Non Executive Director, Nick Rose Non Executive Director, Carl Symon Non Executive Director BAE Director Sir Peter Mason is the retired chief executive of AMEC (Pentagon Flight 77) plc, a British engineering firm with ties to N.M. Rothschild. see 9/11 Inside Job
- 2003 Rand Corp, annual report Frank Wisner, James A. Thompson (President), RQPI, Agency of International Development, World Bank, Martin van der Mandele, Ratan Tata, Matthew Fong, Paul Volcker, George Tanham,
- 2003 Warburg Pincus board includes Robert M. Kimmitt, Henry A. Kissinger, Klaus Kleinfeld, Alan S. MacDonald, Joseph McLaughlin, Dale L. Ponikvar, Justin X. Ramsteck, David M. Rubenstein, Ulrike K. Schlafly, Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Garrick Utley, Marie M. Warburg, Stanford S. Warshawsky
- go to more
- 2003 Nndb Pilgrim Society
- PilgrimSociety ... leaders include: Allen W. Dulles, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, Anne L. Armstrong, Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., C. Douglas Dillon, Charles Francis Adams IV, Charles G. Dawes, Charles M. Schwab, Chauncey Depew, Clement Attlee, Cyrus Vance, David K. E. Bruce, David Rockefeller, David Sarnoff, Dean Acheson, Dean Rusk, Edmund de Rothschild, Educator, Elihu Root, Francis Biddle, Frank B. Kellogg, George C. Marshall, George F. Baker, George Nathaniel Curzon, George Shultz, Harry Brittain, Henry Catto, Henry Kissinger , Henry L. Stimson, Henry Luce III, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Henry R. Luce, Henry S. Morgan, Historian, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, J. Pierpont Morgan, Jacob Schiff, James Baker, James Buchanan Duke, James Speyer, John C. Whitehead, John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., John Foster Dulles, John Hay Whitney, John Macomber, John Tower, John W. Davis, Joseph Choate, Joseph P. Kennedy, Journalist, Leonard Bernstein, Levi P. Morton, Lewis W. Douglas, Lord Acton, Lord Inge, Lord Mountbatten, Lord Robertson, Malcolm Forbes, Margaret Thatcher, Marshall Field, Nelson Rockefeller, Nelson W. Aldrich, Neville Chamberlain, Nicholas Murray Butler, Orvil Dryfoos, Otto Kahn, Paul Mellon, Paul Volcker, Peter Carington, Peter G. Peterson, Peter Sutherland, Philanthropist, Philip Lader, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles, Prince Edward, Prince Philip, Princess Anne, Queen Elizabeth II, Raymond Seitz, Richard A. Boucher, Richard C. Holbrooke (Obama’s top consultant on Afghanistan and Pakistan, and AIG), Robert Cecil, Robert H. Tuttle, Robert Worth Bingham, Sandra Day O'Connor, Steve Forbes, Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Thomas W. Lamont, W. Averell Harriman, Walter Annenberg, Walter P. Chrysler, Warren Burger, Warren Christopher, William J. Crowe, Jr., William Rehnquist, William S. Farish, William Waldorf Astor, Winston Churchill, Winthrop W. Aldrich, and ... Gold-Silver.us John R. Drexel III (great-great-great-grandson of Francis Martin Drexel), John R. Drexel IV (married Mary Jacqueline Astor), Raymond Seitz (Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 1991-1994, after which he joined the boards of companies including British Airways, Rio Tinto, General Electric, and silver short Lehman Brothers), Sir Edwin A.G. Manton (died 2005), Rupert Hambro, Pilgrims Society of Great Britain SilverTrust.co.uk, Eric Norman Shrubsole, Sir David Alan Walker, Pilgrims Society of Great Britain (chairman of Morgan Stanley International and chaired, 1985-1988, Johnson Matthey Bankers and held a high post at the Bank of England, 1981-1993), Richard A. Debs was with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1960-1976 and pres Morgan Stanley until 1987, James D. Robinson III, Lindsay Russel, Sir Christopher Meyer, Edmund L. de Rothschild, Paul Mellon, Peter John Charles Mosse, David Rockefeller, Detlev W. Bronk, George L.Hinman, Richard Dilworthe, George Hanar, Dean Rusk, Hillary Clinton, Earl of De La Warr, and possible members: Timothy Mellon; David Rockefeller Jr.; Timothy Geithner; Benjamin Bernanke; George Soros; Warren Buffet; Bill Gates; Ted Turner; Robert Kelly of Bank of New York Mellon; Gene McQuade of Citigroup; Lloyd Blankfein, William W. George, James A. Johnson and John H. Bryan of Goldman Sachs; Jamie Dimon, James Crown and Lee Raymond of JPMorganChase; John Stumpf of Wells Fargo; Marcus Agius, Sir Richard Broadbent and Sir John Sunderland of Barclays; Donald F. Donahue, Depository Trust New York; William Dudley, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Thomas J. Healey of the Rockefeller Foundation; and others the reader can look up including Philip Anschutz; John D. Arnold; Louis M. Bacon; Robert Bass; Michael Bloomberg; David Bonderman; Eli Broad; Anne Cox Chambers; Barry Diller; Larry Ellison; James Goodnight; William H. Gross; Amos Hostetter Jr.; Carl Icahn; Edward Johnson III; Rupert Johnson Jr.; Paul Tudor Jones; George B. Kaiser; Peter R. Kellogg; Randal J. Kirk; Thomas H. Lee; Donald B. Marron; Forrest Mars Jr.; John Franklyn Mars; Craig McCaw; Gordon Moore; Donald Newhouse; Samuel Newhouse Jr.; Hank Paulson; John Paulson; Thomas Pritzker; Richard Rainwater; Julian Robertson; Sir Simon Robertson and Sir Brian Williamson of HSBC; Richard Mellon Scaife; Harold Simmons; Donald Trump; Mortimer B. Zuckerman.
- SilverBearCafe
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2003 AlfredKewl Raytheon Senior officers include: William H. Swanson, Thomas M. Culligan, Keith J. Peden, Jay B. Stephens, David C. Wajsgras and 2001 Board included: Daniel P. Burnham, Ferdinand Colloredo- Mansfeld, John M. Deutch, Thomas E. Everhart, John R. Galvin, L. Dennis Kozlowski, Henrique de Campos, Frederic M. Poses, Warren B. Rudman, William R. Spivey, Alfred M. Zeien
- 2003 Martin Frost:Conrad Black:Before his imprisonment for mail fraud in 2007 (he was reimprisoned in 2011), Canadian-born Lord Black of Cross Harbour was Chairman of Hollinger International and the owner of a number of newspapers and magazines including: the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Chicago Sun-Times, The Spectator, the Jerusalem Post and The National Interest. Most of these publications actively promoted the neo-conservative and pro-Israel line. In fact Black was close to a couple of the key neo-conservatives, among them the aforementioned Richard Perle,
- (go to Vulcans
- )whom he first met at Bilderberg and later put on Hollinger's International Advisory Board;124 and Bush's future speechwriter David Frum, who attended a number of Bilderberg meetings as Black's guest.125 Black was vociferous supporter of the invasion of Iraq and made a number of outrageous claims in favour of the war. Writing in The Spectator in 2003, Black described Iraq as "an international terrorist supporting state" and Saddam the "standard-bearer of all the Arab world's militant Muslims." Iraq, he claimed, could only be disarmed through "regime change."126 Black's links to the both branches of the English Rothschilds are extensive. He first met Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at Bilderberg, and it was through N.M. Rothschild that Black later acquired the Daily Telegraph}21 Jacob was a member of the Hollinger Advisory Board and a guest at Black's wedding to Barbara Amiel in 1992; and he had Black and Amiel as his guests when he travelled to Israel to open the Rothschild-funded Supreme Court building later that year.128 Jacob was among the guests to the exclusive annual Hollinger dinner in 1998, alongside former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger, former French President Valery Giscard and Martin Frost Richard Perle also stands out as the only one of the nine neo-conservatives identified by Icke and Makow as "Rothschild agents" to have had any documented contact with the Rothschilds. The principal venue for this contact was the Hollinger International Advisory Board, with both Perle and Lord Jacob Rothschild identified as members in 1994. and Springmeier Lord Peter Carrington Wikipedia is one of the key people running Hollinger, Inc. which is financed largely by Rothschild and Li money, and owns the Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun, and hundreds of other daily or weekend mainstream establishment newspapers. Sir Henry Kissinger also helps run Hollinger, Inc., which originally began as a British company procuring weapons from the United States during W.W. II. Lord Carrington and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Rupert Nicholas Hambro have ran The Telegraph Wikipedia, ( Conrad Black took control in 1986.) PLC, which has ties to the Bank of England and the British Royal Family. Hollinger, Inc.(Wikipedia) owns The Telegraph, PLC. Hollinger owned The Jerusalem Post and Whale.to Eustace Mullins
- 2003 WSWS Nadhmi Auchi .. Total oil in France’s biggest postwar financial scandal By Keith Lee 11 July 2003 While oil companies are scrambling to take advantage of the vast profits to be made from the plunder of the Iraqi oil industry, one of those bidding for contracts—Total formerly known as TotalFinaElf—is currently involved in a court case in France that has exposed corruption on a vast scale that goes to the highest levels of the state. It has been called France’s biggest postwar financial scandal. ... The sale of Ertoil to Elf has formed a substantial part of the court case. Recently the person who brokered the Spanish deal, Nadhmi Auchi, gave evidence to the court. The French authorities in a statement published by Channel Four News said, “He has been charged on the warrant with three charges of conspiracy to defraud involving the takeover of Ertoil by General Mediterranean Holdings (GMH) Auchi’s arms company] and its subsequent sale to Elf between December 1990 and August 1994.” Auchi is an Iraqi-born British businessman who has recently been extradited to France from Britain. It has taken the French authorities nearly two years to get the extradition as it was blocked by the Blair government. While in Britain Auchi developed some very powerful friends. Former Conservative Chancellor Lord Lamont was chosen to serve on the board of his Luxembourg banking company Cipaf and former Liberal Party leader Lord David Steel agreed to take up a directorship in Auchi’s arms company General Mediterranean Holdings. search terms: British Labour, close to Tony Blair, Keith Vaz, MP, director of GMH, seventh richest Brit, was tried with Sadam Hussein for assassination, 1950's, established banking empire in Iraq, Britain and Luxembourg, deal maker, Battaglia, Elf Aquataine, more
- 2003 Washington Times Khodorkovsky's shares in the Russian oil giant Yukos have passed to renowned banker the Rt Hon Lord] Jacob Rothschild, under a deal they concluded prior to Mr. Khodorkovsky's arrest, the Sunday Times reported. Jacob Rothschild had close links with Menatep only through the Open Russia Foundation whose trustee membership included Henry Kissinger. ....But Menatep failed to mention that the Open Russia Foundation was founded by Yukos Oil ...
- 2004 MafiaToday the Triads and the Freemasons have become lifelong partners in crime and occult works - along with the Merovingian provided resources of not only arms, but also legitimate targets - and the influence of the mass media to indoctrinate criminals and dissent into obeying the Chinese state and the future Asian Union.
- 2004 Rothschild Middle East OECD panelists: H.E. Dr. Sinan Al Shabibi, Governor, Central Bank of Iraq; Mr. Paul Reynolds, Chairman, Middle East Investor Relations Society; Senior Partner, Rothschild’s Middle East see OECD and possibly related people Khodor Mattar, Guillaume Basini Director, Investment Banking at Rothschild, Christopher Hawley Director at Rothschild, Raphael de Ricaud Head of Islamic Finance at Rothschild, Alex Carre de Malberg Global Head Investment and Merchant at CommercialBank... Nikhil SenGupta, Majed al Mesmari Director- Financing Advisory at Rothschild, Mian Zaheen Managing Director at Rothschild.
LIBOR & the British Bankers Association
Aspen Institute & the Middle East
- 2004 EIR Peter Munk and London's hit squad Barrick Gold Chairman Peter Munk has floated to a high place in the British Empire's political-financial apparatus. Munk is chairman of Trizec, a huge real estate conglomerate which was taken over in virtual bankruptcy, and which holds a large part of Barrick's stock. Trizec had been the property of Munk's close friends, the Bronfmans, as front men for British intelligence and "Dope, Inc." London bankers around the Eagle Star Insurance Company. Munk and Barrick director Andrew Sarlos are very close associates of international speculator George Soros, in a grouping of Hungarian Jewish emigres. A personal investment director for Britain's Queen Elizabeth, Soros is the world's leading promoter of the legitimization of criminal enterprises, particularly narcotics. Munk is also a director of the Hollinger Corporation, the reactionary global newspaper conglomerate organized by British intelligence and "Special Operations Executive" Crown representatives. Hollinger Chairman Conrad Black was the primary sponsor of Brian Mulroney's career. Munk has said that he created the Barrick international advisory board on the model of the Hollinger Corp.' s advisory board, which features such close Bush allies as Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger, and the Bronfmans. link Barrick / Rothschild / 9/11
Michelle Obama / Chicago CFR
2004 LouisProyect Since 2004 Lester Crown has been the chairman of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a group whose longstanding board members include Michelle Obama , the present First Lady of the United States. ... Michael Federmann and Lester Crown solidify their Zionist interests by acting as representatives of the Jerusalem Foundation, an organization which ostensibly “seeks to create a just society for all citizens of Jerusalem” and was founded by the well-known Zionist the late Teddy Kollek. ... and Action Against Hunger board members include: Roger Thurow The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Yves-André Istel, Rothschild, Inc. and Robert de Rothschild Rothschild, Inc.
- Michelle Obama is on Board of Chicago Council of Global Affairs. ... Mrs. Obama worked in the Daley administration between Sept. 16, 1991, and April 30, 1993. She was hired by Jarrett, then Daley’s deputy chief of staff. (search: "Chicago Council on Global Affairs" Rothschild) AbundantHope Zionist
- Craig Robinson is Barack Obama’s Brother-in-Law (Michelle's brother)... Robinson worked in the 1990s as a bond trader. He became a vice president at Continental Bank and worked there from 1990 to 1992. He was then a vice president, from 1992 to 1999, at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. 4] Later he was a managing director and partner at Loop Capital Markets, a minority-owned boutique investment banking firm Wikipedia (link points to a China Bank, not Continental Illinois National Bank) for several years as well as vice president at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. He was also a managing director and partner at Loop Capital Markets, a minority-owned boutique investment banking firm. Wikipedia Craig Robinson.
- Michelle Obama is on the Board of Directors in the Chicago branch of the CFR.
- 2004 Seeker401 In 2004 Tony Blair brought Gaddafi in from the cold when the pair signed the so-called ‘deal in the desert’ during a highly symbolic meeting in Tripoli. The former Prime Minister introduced a UN resolution to lift sanctions against Libya after Gaddafi agreed to compensate victims of the Lockerbie atrocity. The rapprochement paved the way for a string of highly lucrative deals to be agreed between British companies and the oil rich state. In 2009,...any trial or matters involving Saif or Megrahi would dredge up many names including Lord Mandelson (former Business Secretary), the Duke of York (The Prince Andrew, second son of Queen Elizabeth II), Nathaniel Rothschild, ... Saif's PhD. at the London School of Economics, Sir Howard Davies, International Criminal Court.
- 2004 KansasPress Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military, Bryan Mark Rigg and comment: There were a number of Mischlings--i.e., half- and quarter- Jewish Germans--who were legally "Aryanised" by special license or document and many of them were in the high command. even Heydrich, who was the "Butcher of Prague" was part-Jewish and the part-Jews or 'Meschlings' seem to have been much more zealous in exterminating Jews as they had something to prove. The faster they removed the bulk of the Jewish population, the safer they made themselves.
- 2004 Bollyn U.S. District Judge Alvin K.Hellerstein, the Orthodox Jew who oversees all 9-11 related cases, is seldom discussed in the news. While his name does appear occasionally in the press, for example when he sentenced a "terrorism financier" to prison in April, the secretive judge who handles all 9-11 tort litigation is virtually unknown to most Americans. This is intentional, of course, because any discussion of the Bronx-born judge would reveal his Zionist roots and close relationship to the state of Israel, where his son Joseph Z. Hellerstein lives on a Jewish settlement on the West Bank and practices law with one of Israel's most important law firms, Amit, Pollak & Matalon. and Bollyn (Whale.to) Ellen Mariani , Widow's Motion Exposes 9-11 Judge's Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS
- 2004 NationalCorruptionIndex Lifelong Bush family functionary John Carter Beese was a director at Riggs National Bank, Washington D.C.’s largest, when evidence of international money laundering led to the bank’s downfall in 2004. Riggs Bank was fined more than $40 million dollars for hiding transactions involving the Saudi Royals and 9/11 money transfers, former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, and a corrupt regime in Equatorial Guinea.
- 2004 TakeOurWorldBack Deborah S Simon (911Forum) is exposed as a link between 9/11 disinformation shills and billionaire Zionist families with close ties to the Israeli government. June: A hoax story is promoted about a billion-dollar gold heist at the WTC just before it collapsed. ... It is now evident that Deborah Simon - a woman who married into a wealthy family of Zionist billionaires - is a common link between many of the phony truth seekers and Zionist real estate billionaires who are in regular contact with Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli State. Deborah Simon is linked to Phil Jayhan (www.letsroll911.org), Tom Flocco, Karl Schwarz (aka Jon Carlson), John Kaminski, and is also believed to have partly financed the Loose Change video by Dylan Avery et al.
- 2004 The French Rothschilds can supply the "vin", but look to the UK Rothschilds to provide the financial coup. N M Rothschild & Sons is the merchant banking arm and UK branch of the Rothschild family's financial empire. The company's services include investment banking, commercial banking, private banking, and asset management. Family company Rothschilds Continuation Holdings of Switzerland controls the firm, along with other Rothschild entities. The French and UK branches of the family consolidated their international banking operations through a joint venture known as Concordia, which owns a controlling interest in Rothschilds Continuation Holdings. Chairman, N M Rothschild & Sons and Rothschilds Continuation Holdings: Baron David de Rothschild Concordia BV, ... which will take control of most of the assets of the British and French sides of the family.... Paris Orleans SA, will have 50% of Concordia
- 2004 GlobalResearch The plans were formulated in 2004. The previous year, Congress gave the Pentagon the green light to use thermo-nuclear weapons in conventional war theaters in the Middle East and Central Asia, allocating $6 billion in 2004 alone to create the new generation of "defensive" tactical nuclear weapons or "mini-nukes". "In 2005, Vice President Dick Cheney ordered USSTRATCOM (Strategic Command) to draft a 'contingency plan' that included "a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons," Chossudovsky writes. The plan went beyond the terms of reference outlined in the Pentagon’s 2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which called for a "preemptive" "first strike use" of nuclear weapons against Russia and China as well as Iran and North Korea. ... The 2005 plan identified more than 450 strategic targets in Iran, including numerous alleged nuclear-weapons-program development sites. The plan, incredibly, was rationalized on a second 9/11 type attack on the US that Cheney believed Iran would allegedly support!
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2004: IAmTheWitness Two years into an investigation of AIPAC’s (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee – the largest political lobbying group in the USA with over 65,000 members whose only purpose is to use the USA for the purposes of Israel) possible role as a spy front for Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Larry Franklin, a mid-level Pentagon Analyst is observed by the FBI giving classified information to two officials of AIPAC suspected of being Israeli spies. ... AIPAC hires lawyer Nathan Lewin to handle their legal defense, the same lawyer who defended suspected Israeli spy Stephen Bryen in 1978. Larry Franklin worked in the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, run by Richard Perle, at the time Perle (who was caught giving classified information to Israel back in 1970) was insisting that Iraq was crawling with weapons of mass destruction requiring the United States to invade and conquer Iraq. ... There were no WMDs, of course, and Perle has dumped the blame for the, "bad intelligence," on George Tenet. But what is known is that the Pentagon Office of Special Plans was coordinating with a similar group in Israel, in Ariel Sharon’s office. ... With two suspected Israeli spies (at least) inside the office from which the lies that launched the war in Iraq originated, it appears that the people of the United States are the victims of a deadly hoax, a hoax that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens for the purposes of Israeli oppression. ... The leaking of the investigation of AIPAC to the media on August 28th, 2004 gave advance warning to other spies working with Franklin. The damage to the FBI’s investigation was completed when United States Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered the FBI to stop all arrests in the case. Like the Stephen Bryen case and the hunt for, "Mega," this latest spy scandal seems destined by officials who have their own secret allegiances to protect, barring a massive public outcry. Police near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Tennessee stop a truck after a three mile chase, during which the driver throws a bottle containing a strange liquid from the cab. The drivers turn out to be Israelis using fake identifications. The FBI refuses to investigate and the Israelis are released. Two Israelis try to enter Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, home to eight Trident submarines. The truck tests positive for explosives. The National Director of the ADL, Abraham H. Foxman, publishes a book entitled, "Never Again? The Threat Of The New Anti-Semitism," in which he states that the New Testament's "lie," that the ancient Pharisees were responsible for the death of Christ, has been responsible for anti-semitism throughout the millennia and thus the New Testament of the bible is, "hate speech," and should be censored or banned.
- 2004 OpEdNews The Russians ... detained Senators Obama and Lugar in 2004 following a three day fact finding mission related to disarmament talks. .. they accused Obama of spying for the British (?) and demanded to search his aircraft (as he was leaving, not entering, the country).
- 2004 Wikipedia Paul Desmarais is a member of the Board of Directors of Total SA and Suez. They frequently combine their European operations with the Belgian financier Albert Frere. Paul Desmarais (son) is also a member of the board and the Lafarge Group. The Desmarais family also maintains relations with the French Dassault industrial dynasties, Peugeot and Rothschild, among others. Nicolas Sarkozy has privatized companies in which the Power Corporation of Canada has invested. Through the Carlyle Group, several LNG port projects are under development with controversial Rabaska in Quebec and the Northern Medoc in France.
- 2005
- 2005: IAmTheWitness On January 20, President Bush makes the following statement as part of his second inaugural address, "When our Founders declared a new order of the ages." This is not true. The founders did not declare a, "new order of the ages," President Roosevelt did when in 1933, he put it's latin translation, "Novus Ordo Seclorum," on the dollar bill. On 7 July the London Underground Network is bombed. Israel’s Finance Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu is in London on the morning of the attacks in order to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the underground station where one of the blasts occurred, but stayed in his hotel room instead after he had been informed by Israeli intelligence officials attacks were expected. There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya. Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones of Brigham Young University publishes a paper in which he proves the World Trade Center buildings could have only been brought down in the manner they were by explosives. He receives no coverage in the mainstream media for his scientific and provable claims.
- Lester Crown General Dyanmics
- Klutznick & Lester Crown
- Vatican Bank money laundering
- Director of Continental Bank
- Michelle Obama
- Continental Bank & BCCI
Rothschild Nuclear Fuel Rod Monopoly and Iran
- 1965: Israel illegally obtains enriched uranium from NUMEC (Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation) Corporation. Wikipedia The Apollo Affair
- 1995: IAmTheWitness Former atomic energy scientist, Dr. Kitty Little claims the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium supplies giving them a monopoly over nuclear power. and NRC and Evli A consortium of N M Rothschild & Sons (Rothschild) and Evli has been selected to advise Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant,
- 2005 June Powerbase In June 2005, the newspaper, Sunday Business, reported how "N.M. Rothschild, the London merchant bank, is leading an initiative to finance, build and manage Britain's next generation of nuclear power stations. It plans to create a jointly-owned nuclear power company, provisionally named New Nuclear, that could raise funds and manage the nuclear-build programme.
- 2005 Independent.co.uk BNFL (British Nuclear Fuels) is to pay investment bank NM Rothschild a bumper fee of more than $50m (£28m) for handling the sale of its American nuclear business, Westinghouse. ... The windfall is unusually high even by the lucrative standards of mergers and acquisitions fees. While investment banks usually earn around 1 per cent of the value of a deal, Rothschild is in line for a much higher cut. ... Final bids are due in for Westinghouse a week tomorrow, with potential partners set to offer some $2.6bn (£1.5bn) for the Pittsburgh-based company which was bought by BNFL in 1999. Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) whos #1 on the Board of Directors? None other than: Frank Carlucci (of the Carlyle Group)
- 2005 SourceWatch Rothschild nuclear ambitions
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
- 2007 Jun GlobalResearch Rio Tinto There is a very powerful international hidden nuclear alliance. NewsFollowup.com Nuclear power and uranium supplies and prices are controlled globally by the Rothschild syndicate. This power and control was not at first obvious. In a two volume series, “The Rothschilds,” Japanese journalist Takashi Hirose exposed the well-concealed mechanisms for the Rothschild syndicate’s control of nuclear power. A Rothschild serves as the business manager for the Queen of England, who privately and secretly owns massive interests in uranium holdings in Africa, Canada and Australia through Rio Tinto Mines. .. Hirose’s charts of Rothschild intermarriages in his books reveal that the Rothschild syndicate has for centuries extensively intermarried with royal families and nobility globally. He also revealed that Princess Diana’s mother was a Rothschild through intermarriages several generations back. It is easy to understand how the ruling elite and London Money Power have shared common interests and goals, since they mutually benefit by forming alliances. And they know elected officials are easy to bribe. Wikipedia In France, Rothschild developed the country's largest private uranium mining company, the Compagnie Française des Minerais d'Uranium. and Piazzadcarra United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium. and rothschild-owns-market-on-depleted-uranium.
- 2011 VeteransToday Iran’s publicly avowed goal, stated world wide, is to go into the uranium fuel rod business, not build nuclear weapons. That is reflected in the uranium enrichment equipment Iran owns and operates. President Ahamadinejad is regularly seen proclaiming this all over the world in a concerted Iranian effort to steal away nuclear reactor fuel rod customers from the US or France. ...there is no way the US, France or Israel will allow Iran to go into the uranium fuel rod business. Iran operated at least 3,000 baby uranium fuel making Centrifuges. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad openly states Iran’s goal is to run 56,000 uranium fuel rod grade centrifuges and has done so openly all over the world. ... The “P-1” or first level centrifuges Iran owns are toys compared to the bigger, stronger, bomb grade melange steel centrifuges. The little ones can spin till Dooms Day; but, 5% grade Uranium 235 fuel rods are the best they will ever do.
- 2005 DailyMail.uk Siberia....four weary travelers to be able to warm themselves in front of the furnace of an enormous smelter — all wearing hard hats bearing the corporate logo of Rusal, the world’s largest aluminium producer. One of the men is Oleg Deripaska, the controversial Russian oligarch and boss of Rusal. He owns the gigantic Sayanogorsk plant near the tundra city of Abakan. At his side is his youthful British friend and adviser, the Honourable Nat Rothschild. ... and Peter Munk, the Canadian founder and chairman of the world’s largest gold-producing corporation. Mr Munk is a business partner of Deripaska and Rothschild. And the smiling man at the centre of this high-powered group? None other than Peter (now Lord) Mandelson, architect of the New Labour project, former close adviser to Tony Blair and Business Secretary in Gordon Brown’s Cabinet. At the time these photographs were taken, in January 2005, Mandelson was the EU Trade Commissioner. ...Daily Mail wins libel case against banker.
- 2005 I4U Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus PP. XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; German: Benedikt XVI.; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger on 16 April 1927) is the 265th and current Pope, by virtue of his office of Bishop of Rome, the Sovereign of the Vatican City State and the leader of the Catholic Church, which includes the Latin Church and the twenty-two sui iuris Eastern Catholic Churches. Often regarded as the present successor to Saint Peter, Benedict XVI was elected on 19 April 2005 in a papal conclave, celebrated his Papal Inauguration Mass on 24 April 2005, and took possession of his cathedral, the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, on 7 May 2005. A native of Bavaria, Pope Benedict XVI has both German and Vatican citizenship.
- 2005 July ... the London Underground Network is bombed. Israel’s Finance Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is in London on the morning of the attacks in order to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the underground station where one of the blasts occurred, but stayed in his hotel room instead after he had been informed by Israeli intelligence officials attacks were expected.
- 2005 Clinton Global Initiative Hillary Rodham Clinton (former first lady of U.S., 67th U.S. Sec. of State under Obama - Lynn Forester De Rothschild, friend, de Rothschild and other Clinton backers created the website Together4us.com Clinton supporters - Clinton Global Initiative, member - Broadcasting Board of Governors, Governor - Voted for Financial Markets Bail out Bill 10/1/08 .... Lynn Forester de Rothschild also major contributor to Bill Clinton Foundation
- 2005 Wikipedia Douglas Neville Daft AC .. is an Australian businessman. He graduated from the University of New England in Armidale, New South Wales in 1963 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Mathematics. In 1970 he graduated from the University of New South Wales to get a Diploma of Admin. He was CEO of Coca-Cola (2000–2004). In 2005, he was made a Companion in the Order of Australia (AC) for his leadership in the global business community. He is currently a Corporate Director of Wal-Mart. Douglas Daft now is advisor for Rothschild and sits on the Board of Trustees for preeminent Thunderbird School of Global Management.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2005 Nov Haaretz Report: Israel to hand control of Jerusalem holy site to Vatican Haaretz 2005 By Amiram Barkat Israel is to give the Vatican control over one of the most sacred Christian sites in Jerusalem, several European newspapers have reported recently. According to the reports, Israel will give the Holy See possession of the Coenaculum, or the Room of the Last Supper (also known as the Upper Room or the Cenacle), on Mount Zion. and see YitchakRabin
- 2006 January 30: Lord Michael Abraham Levy (Wikipedia), "tennis partner" of puppet prime minister Tony Blair and in reality intermediary between Blair and the Zionist Mafia, is re-arrested on suspicion of conspiring to obstruct justice in the cash-for-honors scandal. Wikipedia Levy was arrested and questioned in connection with the "Cash for Honours" inquiry by the Metropolitan Police on 12 July 2006 (whereby it was suggested that monies were paid to political parties for Honours in particular peerages). 2] In July 2007 the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the charges against him. and Bollyn Michael Abraham Levy, or "Lord Levy," was known as "Lord Cashpoint" when he was the leading fundraiser for the Labour Party from 1994 to 2007.
- 2006 Human Rights Watch 2011 annual report, member list, Chicago: Margaret "Peg" Duncan, Co-Chair Carolyn Grisko, Co-Chair Judy Gaynor, Founding Co-Chair Susan Manilow, Founding Co-Chair Jobi Cates, Director and also David de Rothschild and Peter Forstmoser of IISS. Chicago partners include: Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), The Atlantic Philanthropies, Ford Foundation, Nationale Postcode Loterij, MacArthur Foundation, Oak Foundation, Arcadia, Stichting Vluchetling, Stichting Democratie en Media HRW Chicago
- 2006 Wikipedia Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Superior General emeritus of the Society of Jesus, in Goa, India, 2006. Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the largest male Catholic religious order. Wikipedia Society of Jesus The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J., SJ, or SI) is a Christian male religious order that follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The members are called Jesuits and are also known colloquially as "God's Marines" 2] and as "The Company", these being references to founder Ignatius of Loyola's military background and members' willingness to accept orders anywhere in the world and live in extreme conditions. The Society participated in the Counter-Reformation and later in the implementation of the Second Vatican Council in the Catholic Church. ... In Latin America,the Jesuits have had significant influence in the development of liberation theology, a movement which has been highly controversial in the Catholic theological community and condemned by Pope John Paul II on several fundamental aspects. Criticized by Malachi Martin. and ForbiddenKnowledge Black Pope, Jesuit Order, Jean-Baptist Janssens, Pedro Arrupe, Count Hans Kolvenhoof, Church of the Jesu, Headquarters of the Knights of Malta, part of Vatican City, worship Lucifer, don't believe in Satan, Black Mass, see author Jean Lacoutre, Jesuits, Jesuits aligned with Pope wrote the Protocols of the Learned Elders, create 'sports' as distractions, Jews work for the Mafia, Jesuits are SS of the Catholic Church.
- 2006 Scoreboard-Canada Boeing wins Secure Border Contract: 2. One of the Boeing partners is Kollsman, Inc. It is described as an Elbit systems of America company. . 3. Elbit Systems is Israel's largest privately owned high tech defense contractor. 4. The largest shareholder in Elbit (ESLT) is Michael Federmann. 5. Michael Federmann is on the Board of Governors of the Weizmann Institute. with "Lord Rothschild" and Sir Ronald Cohen who was the leader of Apax Partners. Apax owned IFCO Systems which was recently the target of the largest illegal alien worker bust in USA history. What this means at a minimum is that the owner of the largest shares of stock in the biggest illegal aliens hiring firm raided in USA history sits on the same Board at the Weizmann Institute with the largest owner of shares in a firm that is supposed to be Boeing's 'partner' in helping to secure the border from the very illegals caught in the raids.
- 2006: IAmTheWitness The Edmond De Rothschild Banque, a subsidiary of Europe's Edmond De Rothschild family bank group in France, becomes the first foreign family bank that has obtained approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and entered China's financial market.
- 2006 Telegraph.co.uk British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) has appointed NM Rothschild, the investment bank, to advise on the impending £1bn sale of British Nuclear Group, its nuclear clean-up arm.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2006 Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to joining Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm. Prior to founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the Management Committee of Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992 after holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company, Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary and McKinsey & Company. Mr. Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board of Overseers of New York University's Stern School of Business.
- 2006 ClaresWinney Peter Sutherland, the man standing with one foot in Goldman-Sachs, and the other on the burning Transocean-Halliburton-BP oil rig, as being the Consultor of the Extraordinary Section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See. In other words, Sutherland is the chief financial adviser to the Pope. Holy Spirit-filled Catholics are encouraged to petition the Vatican to denounce Mr. Sutherland immediately. In 2010, Mr. Sutherland finished a 13-year stint as Chairman of BP, Europe’s largest oil company. A former Attorney General of Ireland, he is President of the Federal Trust for Education and Research, a British think tank whose efforts might better be called corporatist indoctrination than trustworthy “education.” He is Chairman of The Ireland Fund of Great Britain, and a member of the advisory council of Business for New Europe–a pro-New-World-Order European think-tank based in Britain. From 1993-95, Sutherland was the Director-General of the World Trade Organization. In January 2006, the current Non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, was appointed by United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, as his Special Representative for Migration. Wikipedia Sutherland was a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group until he was asked to leave the board when it had to be taken over by the UK government to avoid bankruptcy. He also formerly served on the board of ABB. He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group , he is an Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (2010 -), he was Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (Europe) (2001–2010) and was vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists (2006–2009). Trilateral Commission member list
- 2006 Dec Ameinfo and DIFC.ae Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai and President of the Dubai International Financial Centre last Thursday 21st December, received David de Rothschild, the well-known investment banker and Chairman of Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG, and Gerhard Schröder, the former Chancellor of Germany and Senior Adviser to Rothschild at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), during their visit to the UAE. ... Earlier this month, Rothschild received a license from the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) to operate as an authorized firm from the DIFC. ... These meetings took place with His Excellency Mohammed Al Gergawi, UAE Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman, Governor, Dubai International Financial Centre, His Excellency Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman of Dubai Ports World/ Nakheel Group of Companies, Mr. Mohammed Omran, Chairman Etisalat, Mr. Saeed Al Hajeri, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB), Mr. Waleed Al Mokarrab, Chief Operating Officer, Mubadala Development and Khalifa Al Kindi, Deputy Managing Director, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.
- 2006 Honorary members of IBCA: Lewis Harris MBE - Hon President, Amb. Matthew Gould, Amb. Daniel Taub , Miri Eisin, Lord Janner , Dr. L. Kopelowitz JP , Lord Michael Levy, Pr Prof. Moshe Many. Dame Shirley Porter DBE, Dan Propper , Lord Rothschild, Ralph Rurka, Prof. The Viscount Samuel, Sir David Sieff, Lord Weidenfeld, Leah Zinder Dr. Alan Webber Chairman Prof. Alex Deutsch Vice Chairman Roger Lavender Hon. Treasurer Yigal Levine Hon. Secretary Adrian Blumenthal Jeanette Cannon Brian Harris Brenda Katten Sam Lewis Amb. Moshe Raviv Austen Science Yigal Yardeni
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- 2006 WMR Owner of West Virginia mine a big donor to Democratic Leadership Council-affiliated candidates. Wilbur Ross, Jr.(Wikipedia), the Chairman of the Board of International Coal Group, the operator of the safety hazard-ridden Tallmansville, West Virginia mine where 12 miners died after an explosion, has been a contributor to Democrats who are mostly associated with the anti-union, pro-business Democratic Leadership Council. Ross, described as a "vulture capitalist," is a bankruptcy expert for the Rothschild bank in New York. His Ashland, Kentucky-based International Coal Group specializes in buying up bankrupt mines like the Sago mine in Tallmansville where unions are now non-existent Wikipedia For three years he ran a private-equity fund within Rothschild
- 2007 Christopher Bollyn Lord Rothschild is president of Jewish Policy Research. When Tony Blair and his Zionist handler "Lord Cashpoint" fell from power in June 2007, Gordon Brown, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, assumed the office of prime minister, upon the approval of Queen Elizabeth II. Prior to becoming prime minister, Brown had served ten years as Chancellor of the Exchequer, the minister responsible for economic and financial matters in Britain. ... Prime Minister Brown, in turn, is bankrolled and controlled by Lord Ronald Cohen, who has replaced the beleaguered and disgraced Lord Levy. The Egyptian-born Cohen is described as "Sir Ronald Cohen, the daddy of England’s private equity industry and a bosom buddy of Prime Minister Gordon Brown." ... Ronald Cohen with Gordon Brown at a Jewish Policy Research (JPR) reception at 11 Downing Street in June 2001.
- 2007, WMR reported that Ogilvy Government Relations, which acquired the Federalist Group and its vestige firms Hall, Green and Rupli and the Berman Group, was linked to the McCain campaign. Wayne Berman, the founder of the Berman Group, was a major fundraiser for George W. Bush's "Pioneers" big money contributors and has reportedly been with the McCain campaign since the Spring of 2007. (search Rothschild) Within the last two weeks, John Green (formerly of Hall, Green and Rupli, which was merged into Ogilvy) took a leave of absence from Ogilvy and now acts as the McCain campaign's congressional liaison chief. ... Ogilvy Government Relations, which acquired the Federalist Group and its vestige firms Hall, Green and Rupli and the Berman Group, was linked to the McCain campaign OpenSecrets
- 2007 Oct 2164thblog there is considerable circumstantial evidence to argue that the nuclear armed B-52 was part of an apparent covert operation, outside the regular chain of constitutional military command. The alleged authority responsible for this was Vice President Cheney. He very likely used the Secret Service to take charge of a contrived National Special Security Event involving a nuclear armed B-52 that would be flown from Minot AFB. The B-52 was directed to Barksdale Air Force base where it would have conducted a covert mission to the Middle East involving the detonation of one or more nuclear weapons most likely in or in the vicinity of Iran. This could either have occurred during a conventional military strike against Iran, or a False Flag operation in the Persian Gulf region. see NFU
- 2007 FreshPlaza The Bharti-Rothschild combine is likely to rope in Del Monte Corp as a third partner for its Indian joint venture export company, the Business Standard reported. Rakesh Mittal, the vice-chairman of Bharti Enterprises, who is in charge of the initiative, had earlier said the business model would be changed by July this year. Wikipedia Bharti, search: Airtel, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Walmart, Comviva, octopus
- 2007 ... DebtEliminationAmerica ...following the retirement of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild as head of NM Rothschild & Sons of London, the English and French firms merged to become one umbrella entity called "Group Rothschild." Ownership was shared equally between the French and English branches of the family under the leadership of David de Rothschild. In 2007, the English branch sold their share to the French branch. The French branch now fully own NM Rothschild & Sons. 911 was a false flag terror attack masterminded by the global elite.
- 2007 GovTrack HR 2755 IH 110th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 2755 To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 15, 2007 Mr. Ron Paul introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services
- 2007 Israelmatsav In 2007, I reached the conclusion that Barack Hussein Obama was bad news for Israel based on who his friends are. Ali Abunimah (Wikipedia).. Abunimah has also written that Obama gradually shifted to a pro-Israel position during his rise to the presidency. Edward Said (Wikipedia) was a Palestinian literary theorist and advocate for Palestinian rights, Rashid Khalidi (Wikipedia) is a Palestinian American historian, Jeremiah Wright (Wikipedia) - ... and it wasn't a good direction for Israel.
- 2007 Wan Press A French philosopher and an Italian media magnate are among a crew of investors that has picked up shares in France's troubled Liberation newspaper to help turn its finances around. Edouard de Rothschild, a millionaire banker who is the daily's biggest shareholder, brought the new investors in after clinching a deal to rescue the newspaper from bankruptcy ... Rothschild, who holds 38.7 percent. AFP, January 5, 2007 and LifeWhile Borse Dubai will take over a 28% stake NASDAQ holds in the LSE. see Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, OMX Group ... and Tharawat NASDAQ Dubai, DFM
- 2007 Wikipedia Putin came into office when the worst regime was established: the economy was "totally decentralized", and "the state had lost central authority, while the oligarchs robbed the country and controlled its power institutions." In two years Putin has restored hierarchy of power, ending the omnipotence of regional elites as well as destroying political influence of "oligarchs and oligopolies in the federal center. and RealJewNews By 2006 Putin had paid off Russia’s debt to the Rothschilds. Russia’s financial dependence on the Jewish financiers was now over. Putin could then establish what became his Russian Unity Party’s 2007 campaign slogan: Putin’s Plan Means Victory For Russia! This slogan continues to make the New World Order Jews very nervous. and Wikipedia Russian Oligarchs Boris Berezovsky, Konstantin Kagalovsky Roman Abramovich Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Prokhorov, and still Vladimir Potanin and Vitaly Malkin. Roustam Tariko and here are oligarch links to Rothschild that Wikipedia failed to mention Washington Times/fpp Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker,
- 2008 Wikipedia LaSalle Bank Corporation (now Bank of America) was the holding company for LaSalle Bank N.A. and LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A. (formerly Standard Federal Bank). With US$116 billion in assets, it was headquartered at 135 South LaSalle Street in Chicago, Illinois. LaSalle Bank Corporation was formerly an indirect subsidiary of Netherlands-based ABN AMRO Bank N.V., one of the world's largest banks, with total assets of EUR 986 billion, more than 3,000 locations in over 60 countries and a staff of more than 105,000. Bank of America acquired LaSalle Bank Corp. effective October 1, 2007 and officially adopted the Bank of America name on May 5, 2008. ProjectAwareness ABN Amro fines for laundering drug money
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2008 FreeWestRadio In 2008, GM sold 8.35 million cars and trucks globally ...Despite three years of record sales, GM lost $18.8 billion during the first 6 months of 2008; by late October, its stock had dropped 76 percent, and it was considering a merger with Chrysler.At the time the GM-Chrysler merger was being considered, Chrysler was primarily owned (80.1 percent) by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., headed by Stephen A. Feinberg and Jacob Ezra Merkin. .... It should be noted that Feinberg and Merkin also controlled General Motors Acceptance Corp. (GMAC), the financial services branch of GM. GM sold 51 percent of GMAC in 2006 to Feinberg’s private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management LP, and Jacob Ezra Merkin became chairman of GMAC. Had the merger gone through, Feinberg and Merkin would have probably become majority owners of both GM and Chrysler. This appears to have been the plan. Feinberg and Merkin, the owners of GMAC, had plundered and conspired to bring down GM so that they could take it over. When Cerberus gained control of GMAC, they hurt GM’s domestic sales by raising the credit requirements for car loans. Feinberg and Merkin reportedly raised the credit requirements so high that they caused a very sizable chunk of sales to be lost due to customers’ inability to secure financing. Cerberus reportedly used this tactic to pressure GM into selling or trading their remaining stake in GMAC. 2008 'Marion Cotillard sparked a political row yesterday after accusing America of fabricating the 9/11 attacks.
- 2008 Tom Hartman forum Lord Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch have invested in an Israeli venture to produce oil from bituminous-bearing rock (shale) in the Elah Valley in the Judean Hills. Last week, they acquired 11 percent in equal shares of Genie Energy Corporation unit Genie Oil and Gas Inc. for a total of $11 million. ... Genie Energy, a subsidiary of IDT Corporation, is the parent company (89%) of Israel Energy Initiatives Ltd., which holds an exclusive shale-oil exploration and production license covering 238 square miles in the Adulam district, which is between Beit Shemesh and Beit Guvrin. The company believes its shale-oil cracking technology can free the world from dependence on Arab oil and turn Israel into an energy powerhouse able to produce 300 billion barrels of non-conventional oil at a cost of up to $40 per barrel.
- 2008 Troyspace the balance of power between the Rothschilds, British Royalty & the Papacy, not from Garter or Bath, includes Rothschild Papal and Royal Knights, Order of Henry the Navigator, Order of Merit, Order of St. John, Order of the British Empire, Papal Knights I would draw your attention to the two following articles which reveal many of the covert connections in European (& thus international) finance, politics, military & intelligence. These give a taste of the extent of influence of Catholic & Papal-loyal elites, including knighthood orders such as the SMOM (Knights of Malta) & Franco-Neapolitan branch of the Constantinian Order. The Venetian & Genoese aristocracy & their so called Black Nobility descendants are given some context here too: LaRouchePub and ISQP Le Cercle How anyone can think that the Rothschilds are the pinnacle of power is beyond me. Very powerful? Yes. The mind behind the all-seeing eye? No way. We have to look much deeper beyond these Kabbalistically-minded businessmen.
- 2008 BBC Ex-US President Jimmy Carter has said Israel has at least 150 atomic weapons in its arsenal. He also described Israeli treatment of Palestinians as "one of the greatest human rights crimes on earth".
- 2008 Texemarrs Discover also how Rothschild and Zionist Jews brought Red China’s Mao Tse Tung to power; who really killed President John F. Kennedy; the attack on Christianity by Michael Jackson’s Jewish rabbi; the hidden bloodline of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh and how it affects his performance on air; the final testament and warning of Protestant Reformer Martin Luther; the stunning two million dollar bribe paid to President Harry Truman; the Babylonian black magic practiced by kabbalistic rabbis; and the real reason why U.S. military forces are in the Middle East.
- 2008 AntiOligarch The U.S. has assiduously worked to ensure that Chinese, Russian and Iranian influence in Central Asia and Afghanistan is blocked and instead promotes the economic, transportation and security integration of the region through the Pentagon-NATO Northern Distribution Network. The U.S. and NATO intend the NDN to supplant the SCO as the engine of economic and security integration in Central Asia.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2008 Reu-ters An 85-year-old former U.S. Army employee pleaded guilty on Tuesday to acting as an unregistered agent of Israel and admitted he gave classified documents to the Jewish state in the 1980s. Court documents show the defendant, Ben-Ami Kadish, reported to the same handler (MEGA) as Jonathan Pollard, an American who spied for Israel in the 1980s and triggered a scandal that rocked U.S.-Israeli relations. Kadish's plea indicates the Israeli spy network that obtained U.S. nuclear secrets through Pollard spread further than previously acknowledged. It comes as the Bush administration considers a new request by Pollard for a commutation of his life sentence. Prosecutors say Ben-Ami Kadish provided classified documents, including some relating to U.S. missile defense systems, to an Israeli agent, Yosef Yagur, who photographed the documents at Kadish's residence. Yagur was one of Pollard's handlers, according to court documents. From 1980 to 1985, Yagur asked Kadish to obtain classified documents, which Kadish retrieved from the U.S. Army's Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, New Jersey, according to Kadish's sworn statement. (Is Rahm Emanuel Mega?)
- 2008 Whale.to / Bollyn One of Axelrod's clients was Michael R. White (Wikipedia), who was mayor of Cleveland from 1990 to 2002. (see 9/11, Flight 93). Mayor Michael White of Cleveland .. summary: Mayor White, most corrupt administration in Cleveland's history, bribery ...his 'bagman Nate Gray serving 15 years in prison, see Judge James Gwin, 2008. Central figure in corruption is Samuel H. Miller (MarketWatch), lowered Sam Miller's property tax by $56 million and played a key role in the deception of 9-11(false report of landing of Flight 93)..see Ratner family, racketeering, extortion, ...The Ratner family, which Miller married into, controls Forest City Enterprises (LA Indymedia). Ricardo Teamor, one of the co-defendants in the racketeering and extortion scheme with Nate Gray, told the FBI that Mayor White, Gray, and Miller had regular business dinners at the Ritz Carlton hotel for years. According to Teamor, Gray said that Miller controlled White and told the mayor what to do. Miller was White's biggest financial backer when, as a little-known state senator, White ran for mayor in 1989. Miller is also a national leader in Zionist and Jewish causes. He is, for example, the national chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA)(Wikipedia and United Israel Appeal, Wikipedia), a past chairman of the Cleveland Jewish Welfare Fund and Israel Bonds, and a member of the board of trustees of the Jewish National Fund. Miller is also the father of Aaron David Miller (Wikipedia), who served for two decades at the Department of State as senior adviser to six Secretaries of State, where he was involved in formulating U.S. policy on the Middle East and the Arab-Israel peace process. The Zionist Jew Sam Miller ran the city of Cleveland... When David Axelrod worked his television magic to get Michael White elected mayor, he was really working for Sam Miller. While Miller ran the city of Cleveland .while his son Aaron (center) crafted U.S. policy in the Middle East for two decades. Here Aaron Miller talks with the war criminal and genocidaire Ariel Sharon. go to Axelrod / Rothschild / Emanuel see New York Times Baron Elie de Rothschild retained a hand in the family’s banking enterprise, ..known for raising money for the United Jewish Appeal.
- 2008 Shanghai Daily Bank of China said yesterday it will buy a 20 percent stake in La Compagnie Financiere Edmond de Rothschild for 236.3 million euros (US$340 million) and the two will develop private banking and asset-management services.
- 2008 The Washington Post(March 2008) informs us that "Sen. John McCain plans ...a fundraiser in London. An invitation sent out by the campaign says the luncheon will be held at Spencer House, St. James's Place, 'by kind permission of Lord Rothschild OM GBE and the Hon Nathaniel Rothschild
- 2008 NLPC Jesse Jackson Jr. Denies Role in $6M scheme to bankroll Blagojevich ... search terms: Raghuveer Nayak ...contradicts Jackson's assertions that he hadn't tried to buy Barack Obama's pending vacant Senate seat in the weeks prior to Election Day 2008.
- 2008 comment: Barrack Obama was the head of the Joyce Foundation which basically funded the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCE) into existence and appointed Maurice Strong (Rothschild Zionist) to head the CCE. and just a Obama birther note: Breitbart Obama The-Vetting-Barack-Obama-Literary-Agent-1991-Born-in-Kenya-Raised-Indonesia-Hawaii
- 2008 Blue State Digital A full service new media agency. .. develops multiplatform digital marketing and online engagement campaigns for nonprofit and advocacy organizations, political candidates and causes, and brands and businesses. Leadership: Jascha Franklin-Hodge, Thomas Gensemer, Joe Rospars, Rich Mintz Rob Blackie (Europe) Clients include Obama, Jewish Federations, United Way, DCCC, AT&T. and see Macon Phillips Wikipedia and Jesse Lee Wikipedia
- 2008 LameCherry It is the same with the Rockefellers in they are top dogs in America, but the Rothschilds in Europe who are the old Ashkenaz Mayer family rule the pound and pound everyone, including Bill Clinton for crossing them. This is what was behind Hillary Clinton being humiliated in having to give up the presidency to Obama in Bill Clinton sold Asian uranium which the Rothschild cartel stated like all the world, was their property. This is how George Soros goes into Romania being an Ashkenaz and tells Romanians that the gold is his, and they can not mine it even in their own country.
- 2008 Dec Wikipedia The Madoff investment scandal broke in December 2008 when former NASDAQ chairman Bernard Madoff admitted that the wealth management arm of his business was an elaborate Ponzi scheme. One of the most prominent promoters was J. Ezra Merkin, whose fund Ascot Partners steered $1.8 billion towards Madoff's firm.
- 2008 WhiteHouse.gov Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Valerie B. Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. ...see Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team, and Senior Advisor to Obama's presidential campaign. ...held positions in both the public and private sector, including the Chairman of the Chicago Transit Board, the Commissioner of Planning and Development for the City of Chicago, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard M. Daley. She also practiced law with two private law firms. Jarrett also served as Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Stock Exchange, Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board of Trustees. see Wikipedia In 1983 Jarrett married Dr. William Robert Jarrett, son of famed Chicago Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett ... Jarrett got her start in Chicago politics in 1987 working for Mayor Harold Washington 8] as Deputy Corporation Counsel for Finance and Development, Jarrett continued to work in the mayor's office in the 1990s. She was Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard Daley, during which time (1991) she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Barack Obama, away from a private law firm. Jarrett served as Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development from 1992 through 1995, and was Chair of the Chicago Transit Board from 1995 to 2005 ... Until joining the Obama Administration, Jarrett was the CEO of The Habitat Company, a real estate development and management company which she joined in 1995. She has been replaced by Mark Segal, a lawyer who joined the company in 2002, as CEO. Daniel E. Levin is the Chairman of Habitat, which was formed in 1971. Jarrett was a member of the board of Chicago Stock Exchange (2000–2007, as Chairman, 2004–2007). She is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago Medical Center, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago and a Trustee of Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Jarrett serves on the board of directors of USG Corporation, a Chicago based building materials corporation. and Nndb White House Staff Director, Office of Public Liaison (2009-) and see Valerie Jarrett ties to Thomas Ayers
The Habitat Company President and CEO (2007-09), The Habitat Company EVP (1995-2007), Illinois State Official Chairman, Chicago Transit Authority (1995-2003), Illinois State Official Chicago Department of Planning and Development Commissioner, Illinois State Official Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard M. Daley, Illinois State Official Chicago Deputy Corporation Counsel, Finance and Development, Member of the Board of Chicago Stock Exchange (2000-07, as Chairman, 2004-07), Member of the Board of Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2006-07), Member of the Board of Navigant Consulting, Inc., Member of the Board of USG (1998-), Chicago Museum of Science and Industry Trustee, Carol Moseley Braun for President, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Gephardt for President, German Marshall Fund Board of Directors, John Kerry for President, Joyce Foundation Board of Directors, New Leadership for America PAC, Obama for America, Obama for Illinois - 2008 Oct The Washington Post, “Islamic Banking: Steady In Shaky Times”, reported: “As big Western financial institutions have teetered one after the other in the crisis of recent weeks, another financial sector is gaining new confidence: Islamic banking. Proponents of the ancient practice, which looks to sharia law for guidance and bans interest and trading in debt, have been promoting Islamic finance as a cure for the global financial meltdown. Ben Ali's son-in-law El Materi at the opening of his Zitouna Bank, North Africa's first Islamic bank,
- 2009 Reu-ters Rio says to raise $21 billion through a rights issue and announces joint venture with BHP. Japanese, Chinese and European steelmakers join forces to fight the Rio-BHP plan, while China calls for "a fully open international market." The German Federal Cartel Office issues a statement saying it would prohibit the merger
World Wide Housing Crisis created by Central Banks, Rothschild
- Sachs to Soros to Rothschild
- Rahm Emanuel was named to the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) by President Clinton in 2000.During Rahm's time on the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandals involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities. The Obama Administration rejected a request under the Freedom of Information Act to review Freddie Mac board minutes and correspondence during Emanuel's time as a director, The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) later accused the board of having "failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention." Emanuel resigned from the board in 2001 when he ran for Congress. ... January 2003, Emanuel was named to the House Financial Services Committee, and sat on the subcommittee that oversaw Freddie Mac, Emanuel won re-election to the House, defeating Republican candidate Tom Hanson. Open Secrets reported that Emanuel "was the top House recipient in the 2008 election cycle of contributions from hedge funds, private equity firms and the larger securities/investment industry". Securities and investments business interests were the main sector contributing to Emanuel's campaigns in both 2006 and 2008, During his original 2002 campaign, go to Emanuel / Bnai Brith
- See Rahm Emanuel's connections to Rothschild via Wasserstein & Perella, Vernon Jordan, Lazard, Dresdner...and .
- 2009 Patrick Mcmullin Richard and Laura Parsons Wikipedia (Obama economic advisory team) with Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forester de Rothschild pic and 4 Trader Richard Parsons, the former chairman of Citigroup Inc is back on the board of a financial services company Investment bank Lazard Ltd He stepped down at Citigroup's annual meeting in April, after serving as a director for 16 years and chairman since February 2009. During his tenure at Citi, the third-largest U.S. bank required multiple government bailouts during the financial crisis but showed signs of revival under Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit.
- 2012 Commondreams Shadow Banking System .... Here is a working hypothesis, suggested by Martin Andelman: securitized mortgages are the “pawns” used in the pawn shop known as the “repo market.” “Repos” are overnight sales and repurchases of collateral. Yale economist Gary Gorton explains that repos are the “deposit insurance” for the shadow banking system, which is now larger than the conventional banking system and is necessary for the conventional system to operate. The problem is that repos require “sales,” which means the mortgage notes have to remain free to be bought and sold. The mortgages are left unendorsed so they can be used in this repo market. Gorton observes that there is a massive and growing demand for banking by large institutional investors – pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds – which have millions of dollars to park somewhere between investments. But FDIC insurance is designed to protect individual investors and covers only up to $250,000. The large institutional investors want an investment that is secure, that provides them with a little interest, and that is liquid like a traditional deposit account, allowing quick withdrawal. The shadow banking system evolved in response to this need, operating largely through the repo market. “Repos” are sales and repurchases of highly liquid collateral, typically Treasury debt or mortgage-backed securities—the securitized units into which American real estate has been ground up and packaged, sausage-fashion. The collateral is bought by a “special purpose vehicle” (SPV), which acts as the shadow bank. The investors put their money in the SPV and keep the securities, which substitute for FDIC insurance in a traditional bank. (If the SPV fails to pay up, the investors can foreclose on the securities.) To satisfy the demand for liquidity, the repos are one-day or short-term deals, continually rolled over until the money is withdrawn. This money is used by the banks for other lending, investing or speculating. All Behind the Curtain of MERS The housing shell game was made possible because it was all concealed behind an electronic smokescreen called MERS (an acronym for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.). MERS allowed houses to be shuffled around among multiple, rapidly changing owners while circumventing local recording laws. Title would be recorded in the name of MERS as a place holder for the investors, and MERS would foreclose on behalf of the investors. Payments would be received by the mortgage servicer, which was typically the bank that signed the mortgage with the homeowner. The homeowner usually thinks the servicer is the lender, but in fact it is an amorphous group of investors. This all worked until courts started questioning whether MERS, which admitted that it was a mere conduit without title, had standing to foreclose. Courts have increasingly held that it does not. Ellen Brown president of the Public Banking Institute,PublicBankingInstitute, and has websites at WebOfDebt and Ellen Brown.
- EuroBusiness TrueDemocracyParty, DeadlyClear tax shelter, and Oppenheim Law black magic of securtized mortgages ... Assignment of Mortgage has failed to make it timely to the trust. judgement
- 2007 CashflowDragon BillTotten Housing Crisis Timeline Lawrence Summers, major de-regulators of the financial sector;
- 2008 Wikipedia Sir John Kingman, Rothschild, British housing bubble, bailing out the banks. NM Rothschild job.
- 2008 MarketWatch ... charged by the SEC Daniel Mudd, former CEO at Fannie Mae, and Richard Syron, former chairman and CEO at Freddie Mac. are: Enrico Dallavecchia (PNC Financial Services Group), 50, Thomas Lund, 53, Patricia Cook, 58, former chief business officer at Freddie Mac; and Donald Bisenius, see Rahm Emanuel
- Wikipedia Penny Pritzker ... in 2008, CNN reported that Penny Pritzker was Barack Obama's top choice for Commerce Secretary, .. because of her involvement in the failure of subprime lender Superior Bank (predatory lending practices), Pritzker took herself out of the running Penny Sue Pritzker (born 1959) is an American business executive, and a member of the Pritzker family of Chicago, one of America's wealthiest business families. She is the founder and current Chair of Classic Residence by Hyatt, or Vi, a chain of luxury senior living communities spread throughout the United States, and the national finance chair of Barack Obama's presidential campaign. see Wikipedia Chicago Annenberg Challenge / Obama. see Alvin Dworman and Jay Pritzker Wikipedia and WesDancin Rothschild see CitizenWells After federal regulators closed the $2.3 billion Superior Bank in July 2001, investigations revealed that the suburban Chicago thrift was tainted with the hallmarks of a mini-Enron scandal. search terms:
2012 EU Bond holders
- Wakeup2010 Dubai World and Rothschild ArabianBusiness Rothschild advises on Dubai ... Mortgage rates chart 1963 to present.
- 2009 TrutheandLife J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome. and Wikipedia Stephen Friedman resigned as Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on May 7, 2009, effective immediately. 13] Friedman, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and then-chairman of Stone Point Capital, LLC, Greenwich, Conn., was criticized for seemingly benefiting from his role as Chair of the New York Fed branch due to the US Government's aid to Goldman Sachs in recent months. He had "remain ed] on the board of Goldman even as he was supposedly regulating Goldman]; in order to rectify the problem, he applied for, and got, a conflict of interest waiver from the government. Friedman was also supposed to divest himself of his Goldman stock after Goldman became a bankholding company, but thanks to the waiver, he was allowed to go out and buy 52,000 additional shares in his old bank, leaving him $3 million richer," as one report put it. 1] Friedman's resignation announcement came within an hour of the government's release of the stress tests for 19 US banks. Denis Hughes, formerly Deputy Chair, was designated as Interim Chair following Friedman's resignation.
- 2009 Wikipedia Rothschild has been linked to the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
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- Gizmodo organization permitted to fly drones
- Timeline continued below
- 2009 The ADL ruthlessly leans on governments throughout the world to pass hate crimes legislation, as they are scared that the criminal cabal that is Israel and the Rothschilds is being exposed more and more on a daily basis, predominantly on the internet. Their job is to protect this criminal network and what better way to do it than by passing laws in which anyone who exposes a Jewish criminal becomes a criminal. ... David Irving is sentenced to three years in jail in Austria, for denying the holocaust. It is important to note that the only historical event you can be arrested for questioning is the holocaust. This is because this has been the Rothschilds greatest weapon in brainwashing YOU, THE STUPID GOY! is that the Jews are so poor and persecuted when in actual fact they control the vast majority of international finance and international corporations throughout the world. ... Joseph Smith founder of the Mormon religion was a Mason, as were the three first presidents of the Mormom Church. temple ordinances of the Mormon temple ceremony are also suspiciously close to the ceremony used in Freemasonry. Signs, grips, oaths and tokens used in Mormonism are so close it's almost certain that Joseph Smith borrowed these Masonic practices Mitt Romney is a Mormon
- 2009 H.R. 45 (111th): Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009, bill died (referred to committee) also was referenced in Alex Jones' the Obama deception. see Bobby Rush, as well as H.R. 227: Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 2011, dead. as well as H.R. 1022 (110th): Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007. dead, also in Alex Jones dvd.
- 2009 JewishWealth A group of investors buys Lehman Brothers in financials crisis meltdown: Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, Sheldon Adelson, Lawrence Ellison, Roman Abramovich, Sergey Brin, Michael Dell, Steve Ballmer, Carl Icahn, Michael Bloomberg, Ronald Perelman, George Soros, James Goodnight, Samuel Newhouse, Harold Simmons, Steven Cohen, Sumner Redstone, Stephen Schwarzman, Samuel Zell, Nicky Oppenheimer, Paul Milstein, Steven Spielberg, Barry Rosenstein, Joseph Safra , Sir Phillip Green, Yitzhak Tshuva
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- 2009 Terrorism-Illuminati A critical element in the laundering of drug money is the use of gold and diamonds. Hong Kong, the international hub of drug-money laundering, was under the financial control of Israel’s largest finance house, Bank Leumi, which in turn is under control of Barclay’s Bank, on whose board sat Henry Oppenheimer, and the Oppenheimer family. Harry Oppenheimer, the manager of the largest South African gold producer, Anglo-American, is also the presiding manager of the De Beers corporation, originally created by Cecil Rhodes, which runs the worldwide diamond cartel. The diamond cartel sells raw diamonds to 300 secret, select customers, following which the diamonds are sent to either Antwerp or Ashqelon, in Israel, for cutting. The Israeli processing is financed by Bank Leumi, and the Antwerp processing by the Banque Bruxelles-Lambert. The latter bank is controlled by the Lambert family, the Belgian cousins of the Rothschilds.
- 2009 WakeUpFromYourSlumber Ezra Merkin is the vice chairman of the Ramaz School (an orthodox yeshiva), where his children attend school. This is the same school that Alvin K. Hellerstein attended and sponsors. Hellerstein, who has been a trustee of the Ramaz School, is the federal judge in Manhattan who has effectively hijacked all the 9-11 victims lawsuits preventing any legal discovery or trial from occurring. Michael Mukasey, the current United States Attorney General, is also a devoted Zionist orthodox Jew who graduated from the Ramaz School.
- 2009 Wikipedia The Economist Group is an associate and not a subsidiary of Pearson PLC. The Financial Times Limited, which is a Pearson subsidiary, owns 50% of the share capital of The Economist Group but does not have a controlling interest. The bulk of the remaining shares are held by individual shareholders including the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders. The Economist Group operates as a separate and independent business. The Economist Group runs the Economist Corporate Network, the premier network of C-level executives from over 500 of the largest companies around the world.
- 2009 Farm Land Grab Rothschild has recently formed a co-operation agreement with Rabobank, a leading global food and agricultural bank.
- Anadarko exposed that BP willfully blew up the Deepwater Horizon well. They gave evidence exposing this false flag, so what does Rothschild's AP and Reuters do?
- 2009 PolitcalVelcraft Beware of the relationship between Rothschild-owned British Petroleum, Rothschild-controlled Goldman-Sachs, and Rothschild-agent Inter-Alpha Group. Take the case of Sir Peter Sutherland, a Knight Commander of the British Monarchy’s Order of St. Michael and St. George. Sir Peter was, at the same time (2001-09), chairman of British Petroleum; chairman of Goldman-Sachs International, the bank’s London branch; and a director of the Inter-Alpha Group’s Royal Bank of Scotland. Sutherland was previously chairman of AIB, the Irish member of Inter-Alpha, and is a former director-general of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its successor, the World Trade Organization, which plays an important role in promoting globalization. Sutherland, still at Goldman-Sachs, is the chairman of the Wikipedia Fabian Society’s London School of Economics, which trained many of the Jew economists who blew up the world. Perhaps not coincidentally, the two largest recipients of the first derivatives bail-out funds passed through AIG, were Goldman-Sachs and Inter-Alpha.
- 2009 New York Times Mikhail Khodorkovsky once his country’s richest man, has resided in “gulag lite,” as he calls the Russian penal system under Vladimir Putin, for six years ... In the months before his arrest, he courted the administration of George W. Bush and power brokers like James Baker. His foundation recruited Henry Kissinger and Lord Rothschild for its board. He financed policy groups in D.C. and human rights activists at home, and to the joy of Laura Bush, he gave a million dollars to the Library of Congress. He joined the Carlyle Group’s Energy Advisory board, serving alongside Baker, and met — on separate occasions — with the elder Bush, Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney.
- Civilian Inmate Labor Programs pdf
- Wideshut.UK For many of the general public Peter Madelson is just, you know, one of those politicians. They don’t really know what he does, but he pops up on TV so he must be important. ... The fact is, Peter Mandelson, who goes on private cruises with the allusive banking monopolists the Rothschilds, is actually unelected. He is not part of the democratic Government at all! In fact he was forced to resign twice from legitimate positions, and is only now considered part of “the team” because another unelected puppet, Gordon Brown made him a “life peer”, whatever that is. ... Despite being an unelected agent of the Rothschild clan, this turncoat is the man (I prefer spawn) responsible for the controversial Digital Economy Bill that strangely coincides with America’s Cyber Security Bill and a similar bill in Australia. ... The piece of legislation gives the government power to demand the blocking of any website Under clause 11, which can be to (a) limit the speed or other capacity of the service provided to a subscriber; (b) prevent a subscriber from using the service to gain access to particular material, or limit such use; (c) suspend the service provided to a subscriber; or (d) limits the service provided to a subscriber in another way.
- Fritz Springmeier who wrote 12 books about the Illuminati.
- ProjectWorldAwareness (AB note: The World Global Settlement Funds, referenced on this page, should not be confused with the SG World Trust. The World Global Settlement Funds have in excess of $47 trillion to disburse to 140 nations across the globe. This due and lawful disbursement has been blocked by the Washington DC private corporation for more than three decades. The SG World Trust is much bigger, and older, than The World Global Settlement Funds.)
- FireDogLake, foreclosures
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- EducateYourself John Todd, Illuminati defector? Wikipedia
- 2010
- 2010 PolitcalVelcraft The Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that exploded is the property of Transocean, not British Petroleum (BP); and both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in the Rothschild League of banks. The news and network “programming” is mind-controlling propaganda issued by the “partners” in the Rothschild League of Banks including Goldman-Sachs, -Chase and that direct BP, Transocean, Halliburton, the clean-up capitalists, Corexit suppliers, even the trailers used by clean-up crews, through co-investors heavily represented in the (PFNYC), founded by and chartered by the Royal Family of England. All together, these partners wield the most formidable economic power in world history. and The wizards of oil, pulling the strings behind the media’s propaganda, are best exemplified by Goldman Sachs’s CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. Lloyd merged, and still largely controls, ABC/Disney and Miramax. Blankfein’s partner, co-chairing the PFNYC, is Rupert Murdoch, controlling FOX News, Time-Warner, Associated Press, News Corp and much more. Another partner in this David Rockefeller-founded PFNYC cabal is Thompson Reuters chairman, Thomas Glocer. The PFNYC was responsible for financial reconciliations from 9-11, and “veering” World Trade Center reconstruction money from New York to Las Vegas through Apollo Management’s MGM private equity investments. (Apollo co-owns Nalco/Corexit with Goldman Sachs.) The PFNYC was chartered by Britain’s Royal family, bringing NBC/Comcast into their stead, as well as the General Electric company. Last but not least, CBS owner, Sumner Murray Rothstein (Redstone), joined the clique through his CBS-Viacom stable of companies.
- 2008 comment: Emanuel's brother, Ariel Emanuel, is film-maker Michael Moore's agent. The day after the election, Moore joked about Emanuel's appointment on the Larry King Show. Moore made a film about 9-11, produced by the Weinstein brothers, which completely avoided mentioning 9/11.
- 2010 ListedMag Tye Burt, Rothschild connections to 9/11, search terms: Kinross, Red Back Mining Inc. Barrick Gold, BMO Capital Markets, Egizio Bianchini, Western African country of Mauritania, Rio Narcea Gold Mines Ltd, Lundin Mining, Toronto, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt. Tye Burt is former Chairman of Deutsche Bank Canada and Deutsche Bank Alex Brown Securities Canada Wikipedia ;
- 2010 MoneyTeachers Nothing screams Satanic Psychopath or Illuminati like the Rothschild name. Interestingly enough, Nathan Rothschild is a member of the Board of Director's of Barrick Gold. The company website has this to say: The Honourable Nathaniel P. Rothschild Klosters, Switzerland Corporate Director Founder and Co-Chairman, Vallar PLC, Co-Chairman, EN+ Group Limited Mr. Rothschild has been a Director of Barrick since 2010. (Barrick) Consider the Following: 1. Barrick Gold was founded by Adnan Kashoggi. The same Adnan Kashoggi that funded the drugs for money for weapons fiasco known as Iran Contra. Kashoggi, with the assistance of many prominent Utah Mormon Illuminati, was able to bilk investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars through his Utah Triad Development Corporation. Adnan Kashoggi also partnered with Mormon Bishop, Wally Hilliard to purchase the the Flight School in Florida that trained the 911 hijackers. Wikipedia Adnan Kashoggi ... is a Saudi Arabian arms-dealer and businessman. He is also noted for his engagements with high society in both the Western and Arabic-speaking worlds, and for his involvement in the Iran–Contra and Lockheed bribery scandals. At a peak net worth of about $4 billion USD in the early 1980s ... His services as a facilitator have been a recurring feature throughout US administrations since Nixon; most recently, he met with Richard Perle shortly before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. HistoryCommons Wally Hilliard: Huffman Aviation, the Venice, Florida flight school later attended by Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi (see July 1-3, 2000) is sold to Naples-based flight school Ambassador Airways, which is owned by Wally Hilliard and Rudi Dekkers. Although Hilliard finances the purchase, Dekkers becomes the sole stockholder. Dekkers is a Dutch national with a highly questionable past.
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- 2010 IntelHub A shocking discovery reveals that the dispersant COREXIT is a product of Nalco Holding Company which in turn is owned by The Blackstone Group, who has as a member of its International Advisory Board, Lord Jacob Rothschild
- 2010 Euro-Med The Rothschild think tank, the Chatham House, has presented its proposal for a world currency based on the International Monetary Union´s (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - not based on real values, but only set at a notional value arbitrarily conferred on them, probably to be based on allocated CO2 allowances. The IMF would accordingly become the world's Central Bank and Treasury. Already the IMF can be regarded as a Rothschild subsidiary. The Chatham House suggests that the IMF's head and the participating countries' central bank governors, who are Rothschild-controlled, be given the task of controlling the world currency! The UNEP, the UNCTAD and the G20 have made the same proposal.
- 2010 FT The former ABN Amro, now part of Royal Bank of Scotland, on Monday agreed to pay $500m (£337m) in fines as part of a settlement with the Department of Justice and admitted that it willfully and systematically violated US sanctions against Iran, Libya, the Sudan and Cuba.
- 2010 Apr Baruch Plan Obama's plan to eliminate all nuclear power from countries not under total Rothschild control and then to phase it away from governments completely so that only weapons secretly in the hands of the Money Power's own secret private (mercenary power above the armed forces of national powers) will exist to rule the earth brooking no interference from any organization of resistance. GlobalSmartSourcing (deleted page) NukesofHazard Head over to the Center’s website to see the new factsheet Kingston and I co-authored on the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT). The proposed FMCT is one of the many nonproliferation initiatives that languished during the Bush years. It was first discussed in the 1946 Acheson-Lilienthal Report on the international control of atomic energy and the Baruch Plan. President Obama breathed new life into the idea in his Prague speech on April 5. In short, the FMCT would ban the production of all fissile material suitable for use in nuclear weapons. It could also address existing stockpiles earmarked for blend-down or for use in nuclear powered subs. All five Nuclear Weapons States stopped production of weapons-grade fissile material by 1996, and all five support a verifiable FMCT. Discussions on the FMCT are carried out through the UN Conference on Disarmament (CD). The initiative has been stalled several times since the official resumption of talks in 1995. Israel has said that it opposes any FMCT that doesn’t address the Iranian nuclear threat. Pakistan opposes an FMCT without limits on stockpiles because it is concerned that India’s current stockpile is larger than its own. With so many seemingly immovable roadblocks, agreement on the FMCT is a ways off. But it has been a fixture in nonproliferation circles since the inception of nuclear weapons technology and efforts to bring it to fruition will continue, particularly now that Obama is in charge. and Wikipedia Baruch Plan, Gold/Silver Rense copy .
- 2010 Wikipedia Ricardo Poma. Ricardo Poma (b.1947) is the Chief Executive Officer of the family owned conglomerate Grupo Poma, based in San Salvador, El Salvador. Ricardo Poma is a close friend of Mitt Romney and was an early investor in Bain Capital (Wikipedia). and LATimes Bain-related checks come in bundles large and small. Salvadoran billionaire Ricardo Poma, was an original investor in Bain Capital. Ernesto Poma, a relative, and others in Ernesto's Florida firm, Transal Corp.
- Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild SA Banksters; Chairman: Baron Benjamin de Rothschild Vice-Chairman: E. Trevor Salathé, Secretary: Manuel Dami, Members: Baroness Benjamin de Rothschild, John Alexander, Luc Argand, Walter Blum Gentilomo, Michel Cicurel, François Hottinger, Klaus Jenny, Jean Laurent-Bellue, Veit de Maddalena, Jacques-André Reymond, Guy Wais; INDEPENDENT AUDITORS PricewaterhouseCoopers SA INTERNAL AUDITORS Senior Vice-Presidents François Maendly, Maurice Moser EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: Claude Messulam, Christophe de Backer, Vice-Chairman and Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Sylvain Roditi Members and Deputy Chief Executive Officers: Jean-Pierre Pieren, Manuel Leuthold 4) Members and Senior Vice-Presidents: Luc Baatard, Frédéric Binggeli, Alexandre Col, Philippe Currat, Martin Leuthold, Michel Lusa, Bernard Schaub
- 2010 WND The_Persecution_of_Lord_Christopher_Monckton search: Rothschild... Globalists, Climategate, nwo, ... Monckton says Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2010 DavidIcke Scottish-Paedophile ring exposed, the victim is Hollie Greig (Down's Syndrome), Reporter arrested is Robert Green for trying to expose the affair. search terms: Thomas Hamilton, Dunblane killer, Lord Advocate of Scotland Elish Angiolini, libel writ, Levy & McRae, Telegraph, and most of all Colin McKerracher (UKColumn) and Alex Salmond, 'Leader' of the Scottish Parliament. See MoneyTeachers Rothschild connection. ... Sheriff Davies and Elish Angelioni both seem to have assisted Shell Oil and the Rothschilds in limiting the damage from safety issues regarding the North Sea Oil Platforms.
- 2010, ThirdWorldTraveler ABC, NBC, CBS and the Rothschilds ... Chase Manhattan Bank controls 6.7% of ABC's stock - enough to give it a controlling interest. Chase, through its trust department, controls 14% of CBS and 4.5% of RCA. Instead of three competing television networks called NBC, CBS, and ABC, what we really have is the Rockefeller Broadcasting Company, the Rockefeller Broadcasting System, and the Rockefeller Broadcasting Consortium.
- 2010 CallCenterInfo Amdocs, Ltd. has acquired MX Telecom, Ltd., a UK-based provider of wireless multimedia messaging, SMS, interactive voice response, location-based, video short codes and interactive television services. N M Rothschild & Sons Limited acted as financial advisor to MX Telecom.
- 2010 IDT Genie Energy Corporation (Genie Energy), a division of IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT, IDT.C), today announced that Lord (Jacob) Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch have each purchased equity stakes in Genie Oil and Gas Inc. Jacob Rothschild will join Rupert Murdoch on Genie Energy's Strategic Advisory Board
- 2010 NascoCorridor During the last two years, Québec has been working with the Province of Ontario and the Federal Government, in partnership with the private sector, to establish the Ontario-Québec Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor as a strategic, sustainable, secure and efficient multimodal transportation system to support international trade. Directly connected to North America’s Super Corridor, the Continental Gateway has direct access to the American Industrial Heartland and to the rest of the continent. The objective is to develop a Strategy and an Action plan which will contain competitiveness and sustainable development measures and infrastructure projects to develop the multimodal transportation system. ContinentalGateway, ParternshipBorderStudy and pdf North American Union Continental Gateway
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2010 LameCherry Jews have been so herded by the Ashkenaz elite who hide in Jewry that Jews stop listening and start branding the reality as a threat when the reality it was the Ashkenaz elite who sold Jews to work to death camps, inflated the dead Jew numbers in the holocaust so they could steal the coming Jewish state of Israel and have made the holocaust a literal for profit industry.
- 2010 Sept 11, On (9-11) 2010 China Sent A Missile Into The Air Off The Coast Of California!
- 2010 Dec Bollyn Abdul Mutallab, Christmas bomber, Underware bomber, Israeli false flag operation.
- 2011 Scribd THE MEANS: SPONSOR PRO-DEMOCRACY ACTIVISTS These Rothschild revolutions are done under the pretense of bringing democracy and deposing despots, but the real aim is to initially create chaos and a leadership vacuum, then quickly offer a solution: install a puppet that will do the economic bidding of the Rothschilds. The citizens gain freedom of speech and association, but become economic serfs. These revolutions are most likely coordinated at the highest levels by the Rothschild’s International Crisis Group. Mohamed ElBaradei is already being touted as a new leader for Egypt. ElBaradei is a trustee of the International Crisis Group. Another board member of this group is Zbigniew Brzezinski. George Soros sits on the executive committee. The later two are ubiquitous front men for the Rothschilds. The revolutions are from the same playbook as the fairly nonviolent “color revolutions”. These revolutions have been successful in Serbia (especially the Bulldozer Revolution (2000), in Georgia’s Rose Revolution (2003), in Ukraine’s Orange Revolution (2004), in Lebanon’s Cedar Revolution and (though more violent than the previous ones) in Kyrgyzstan’s Tulip Revolution (2005), and Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution. Iran’s Green Revolution (2009) was unsuccessful.
- 2011 Jan Puppet99 Wikileaks' leader Julian Assange accepts a CD from Rudolph Elmer which reveals tax evation by wealthy clients of Swiss Bank Julius Baer, a rival of the Rothschild Bank in Switzerland.
- 2011 Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank Dr see also Dresdner Bank, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan in Frankfurt and London, Co-Head of Rothschild Germany located in Frankfurt and London, before serving Bank of America as Vice Chairman for Europe, Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank . He sits on the Board of Trustees of the Center for Financial Studies in Frankfurt, the Österreichische Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Vienna, In addition, he is a member of the Board of the International Centre for Monetary and Banking Studies in Geneva and the Exchange Experts Commission
- 2011 Afripol A private equity firm backed by George Soros, Lord Rothschild and former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is struggling to get paid for its flagship $250m (£154m) telecoms contract in Nigeria. The London-based firm, Helios Investment Partners, run by two former Texas Pacific Group executives, started off building and maintaining telecom towers across Africa seven years ago. search terms: Helios Towers, CDC, World Bank's International Finance Corporation Wikipedia The firm was founded in 1992 by David Bonderman, James Coulter and William S. Price III. Since inception, the firm has raised more than $50 billion of investor commitments across more than 18 private equity funds TPG together with The Blackstone Group, The Carlyle Group and Permira completed the $17.6 billion takeover of the semiconductor company Freescale Semiconductor, 2006, TPG and Apollo Management announced an agreement to acquire the gaming company Harrah's for $27.4 billion, TPG and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners announced the acquisition of Alltel Wireless in a $27 billion buyout in May 2007
- 2011 Ask Timeline of Israeli social justice protests, Rothschild Blvd. On Saturday, September 3, an estimated 450,000 people participated in several demonstrations which were held over various locations across Israel and which were referred to by protest organizers as "The March of the Million" (early elections called as Netanyahu is in crisis mode)
Rothschilds & Privitization = Colonial Imperialism
- AlfredKewl IMF Planned Riots The IMF/World Bank have been systematically tearing nations apart, whether it’s Ecuador or Argentina or America and Israel. Privatization equals Pillaging and Rape. Steal from the people and hand over everything to the IMF/World Bank. They know that when they squeeze a country and destroy its economy, you’ll get riots in the streets. And they admit that because you have riot, all the capital runs away from whatever country and that presents the opportunity for the IMF to move in for the serious takeover. It really is an imperial economy war meant to implode countries and now they have started in America. They are damn greedy. Chief investigators of the State of California said that that it’s not just the stockholders that get ripped off. They suck millions, billions even trillions of dollars out of the public pockets. Where are the assets? See, everybody says there are no assets left. They transfer all assets to other corporations and banks. Rothschild – The Plague Of The Red Shield Burrow into NM Rothschild & Sons, you’ll find it all there. The IMF/World Bank implosion, four points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resources of the people. First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks gold to foreign buyers. Then you go to what’s called market-based pricing or even silver. That’s the stuff like in California where everything is free market and you end up with water bills no one can pay. Then open up your borders to trade. It’s like the opium wars. This isn’t free trade; this is coercion trade. This is war. They are taking apart economies through this system. China has a 50% to 60% tariff on the U.S. but the U.S. has a 2% on them. That’s not free and fair trade. It’s to force all industry into a state of one world order that the globalists control 100%.
- AlfredKewl Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Ireland Who are these bond holders? Well many of the bond holders are privately held banks, which list their activities as asset management for off-shore, non-resident and high value individuals. To give you an example, one of the private banks is EFG Bank of Luxembourg. EFG stands for European Financial Group which is the third largest private bank group in Switzerland. It manages over €7.5 trillion in assets. It is 'mostly', 40%, owned by Mr Spiro Latsis, son of a Greek shipping magnate. He also owns 30% of Hellenic Petroleum. His personal fortune is estimated to be about $9 Billion.
- 1985 Great Dreams N. M. Rothschild & Sons advise the British government on the privatisation of British Gas. They subsequently advise the British government on virtually all of their other privatizations of state owned assets including: British Steel; British Coal; all the British regional electricity boards; and all the British regional water boards.
- 1980 Derkeiler N.M. Rothschild is considered by City of London sources to be one of the most influential parts of the British intelligence establishment, tied to the Thatcher "free market" wing of the Tory Party. Rothschild and Sons made huge sums managing for Thatcher the privatization of billions of dollars of British state industry holdings during the 1980s Bahai
- 2011 Z-ben Edmond De Rothschild Banque has received approval from CSRC to acquire an additional 9.4% stake in Zhonghai from the majority shareholder, China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC). After the completion of the deal, the bank will hold a minority 25% stake in the fund manager, an increase form the 15.4% stake acquired in 2008.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2011 Eclinik ben-fulford/is-the-rothschild-banking-monopoly-finally-about-to-be-dismantled
- 2011 WMR The NSA has conducted a targeted but massive surveillance operation against certain journalists who have routinely exposed NSA's illegal domestic communication surveillance program, code named STELLAR WIND.
- 2011 AboveTopSecret forum: Evelyn de Rothschild and Lynn Forester de Rothschild said they are buying a majority stake in weather-data service Weather Central L.P., marking a significant expansion of the Rothschilds’ investments into media and information. The couple’s private-investment company, E.L. Rothschild LLC, is slated to acquire 70% of Weather Central, which provides weather forecasting services and graphics to local television stations and TV programs such as ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
- 2011 Merahaza LSE One of the primary institutions that received patronage from some of the largest financial interests was – and is – the London School of Economics (LSE). It should be recalled that the LSE was founded by Fabian Socialists Wikipedia, with Sidney Webb playing a particularly significant role. Among the original patrons of the LSE was Sir Ernest Cassel, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and in the armaments firm of Basil Zaharof, Vickers. Cassel, whose humanitarianism might be open to suspicion, nonetheless backed the LSE as a means of training a “socialist bureaucracy.” ... Other funding came from the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the quintessential international capitalists. The relationship can be readily determined by Sir Ernest Cassel’s having established the chair of “economic geography”; and of Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild having been a Governor of the LSE. In 1923 the first contribution from the Rockefeller Foundation (via the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund) of $1,000,000 was made to the LSE. From 1929-1952 the Rockefeller Foundation donated $4,105,592 to the LSE. and Wikipedia In the early 1900s Fabian Society members advocated the ideal of a scientifically planned society and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. This is credited to the passage of the Half-Caste Act, and see Young Fabians Wikipedia Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw were members .... and one of the most important groups within the Labour Party
- Dealbook Two of the world’s best-known banking families are combining forces after RIT Capital Partners, the investment trust led by Jacob Rothschild, said on Wednesday that it was buying a minority stake in the investment and wealth management firm Rockefeller Financial Services.
- 2011 VidRebel China Declared War On Wall Street And The City Of London Posted on August 30, 2011 China declared war on the City of London and Wall Street when they opened the Pan Asian Metals Exchange and PAGE the Pan Asian Gold Exchange. Their opening salvo will be fired in October when the Pan Asian Metals Exchange allows international investors to buy into a 90 day rolling spot gold contract which is for allocated gold. They already have a ten ounce mini-gold contract and a similar silver contract. The investor will have the choice of either take delivery of their gold or be paid in Chinese Renminbi. Major European and North American brokerages will allow investors worldwide to invest in the Pan Asian Metals Exchange. ... The Chinese will put an end to paper gold. They will set the price of bullion. They will allocate a bar of gold to every bar on sale in their futures market. This is called allocated gold. The LBMA and COMEX are alleged to have 90% unallocated versus 10% allocated. ...
- 2011 WMR has learned from an eastern European intelligence source that the CIA. Britain's MI-6, and George Soros, who actually fronts for the Rothschild family, has been funneling money to Russian protest movements through the Republic of Georgia. The Soros-style "themed" revolution for Russia is being called the "White Revolution" or "Snowy Revolution,| with the color white being chosen as the thematic color for the attempted Russian uprising. Perhaps not coincidentally, the White Army was also the name for the counter-Bolshevik revolutionary forces composed of czarist loyalists supported by British, French, American, Japanese, and Czech troops who, from 1917 to 1922, attempted to invade Russia and restore czarist rule. The White Army invaded Russia from Poland, Lithuania, the Caucasus, and Siberia. search terms: USAID, HIV / AIDS, John Bass, Soros, Sandra Roloefs, Saakashvili, SOCO Foundation, ABN AMRO Bank, Terneuzen, CIA, Soros, and British intelligence allies are funneling cash and other support for secessionism by ethnic minorities in Russia, including Circassians, Chechens, Ingushetians, Balkars, Kabardins, Abaza, Tatars, Talysh, and Kumyks. The money flows through the EU's Commission for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, the chief of which is Stefan Fule, a Czech diplomat who served as Czech ambassador to London and NATO and who attended Moscow State University of International Relations during the Soviet era and established a number of contacts who are now active in the present-day anti-Putin movement.
- 2011 March Dayan “Nakba Law,” passed in the Knesset, which stipulates that the Minister of Finance may withhold or reduce government funding to organizations that operate against the state’s fundamental principles and reject Israel’s existence as a Jewish and democratic state,
- 2011 PuppetWorldPost Socialite, heiress Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith) posted 20 000 pounds ($32 000) for the bail of Wikileaks’ leader Julian Assange. She’s genetically related to the Rothschilds and she is a sister-in-law (Daily Mail Online, 10 May 2010). Her father, the late James Goldsmith—British banker, publisher–is a cousin to the Rothschilds. James’ grandfather Adolphe Goldschmidt came to London as a multi-millionaire in 1895 and changed the family name from the German Goldschmidt to the English Goldsmith. The Goldschmidts, like their neighbors and relatives the Rothschilds, had been prosperous merchant bankers in Frankfurt Germany since the 16th century (Wikipedia). Economist Assange article. AntiOligarch Lord Rothschild’s niece Kate is married to Ben Goldsmith, brother of Conservative MP Zachary Goldsmith and Jemima Khan and son of the late billionaire business tycoon Sir James Goldsmith.
- 2011 PrisonPlanet The Rothschild banking family is pushing for the privatization of the UK’s motorway network that would force Brits, who already pay road tax, to enrich the coffers of private corporations intimately tied in with the Rothschilds by means of road tolls and pay-by-mile schemes enforced with spy cameras. and Raw Story
- 2011 CrooksandLiars Mitt Romney Entwined with Players In Stanford Ponzi Scheme Washington Post The Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday charged R. Allen Stanford, a prominent Texas businessman, and three companies under his control with carrying out a "massive, ongoing fraud" involving the sale of $8 billion in certificates of deposit. In addition to Allen Stanford, the SEC charged Stanford International Bank; two affiliates in Houston, Stanford Group and Stanford Capital Management; and two top executives, James M. Davis and Laura Pendergest-Holt.
- 2011 Global Research The Federal Reserve Cartel The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. ... J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
- 2011 WakeUpFromYourSlumber
- 2011 EcoSystemMarketPlace connect London / Chicago / CCX / Rothschild ... via Richard Sandor, Michelle Obama is on the board of the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, CFR
- 2011 The Economist Group ... Current members of the board of directors of The Economist Group are: Rupert Pennant-Rea (chairman), Andrew Rashbass, Sir David Bell, John Elkann, Rona Fairhead, Philip Mengel, John Micklethwait, Sir Simon Robertson, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Chris Stibbs and Luke Swanson. Current trustees of the company are: Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone, Clayton Brendish, Tim Clark and Bryan Sanderson..Wikipedia links to Wikileaks, Assange
- 2011 World Bank Jim Yong Kim Pres., Caroline Anstey, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Mahmoud Mohieldin
- AboveTopSecret AIG Rothschild
- 2011 According to “Die Weltwoche“, a Swiss weekly political magazine, Philipp Hildebrand got in touch with George Soros, main delegate of the Rothschild and Rockefeller elitist secret world government, when he worked for the World Economic Forum in Davos. From him he got in contact with the top world financial manipulators like Louis Moore Bacon (MCM), Ben Bernanke (FED), Timothy Geithner, Jean-Claude Trichet (EZB), Mario Draghi (Italian Central Bank), Mark Carney (Governor of Bank of Canada), Larry Summers, and many more… (see Bilanz.ch and ASR blog). Hildebrand is also member of the Group of Thirty, the quasi world financial government, founded by Rockefeller.
- 2011 RT Russian authorities promised “complex, multi-dimensional and extremely stern retaliation” if the US approves the so-called bill. Magnitsky RT May 2012 Sergey Magnitsky was a lawyer working for the UK-based investment company Hermitage Capital Management. He was arrested on charges of alleged tax evasion, and died of a heart attack while in a Moscow pre-trial detention facility in November 2009. William Browder (Neocon Zionist, see Rense) co-founded Hermitage Capital Management in 1996 together with the eminent banker Edmond Safra, Wikipedia (spin, Jewish banker BioPortfolio and Courtauld links to Rothschild ) has been extremely successful, gaining 2,697% through December 2007. (YouTube 2 (Bowder defends Magnitsky's alledged whistleblowing, In 2008 HCM offices raided by Russian police. Then HCM , William Bowder accused of fraud, refused entry to Russia. Russian neocons Zionists then won $230 million tax refund in corrupt courts via the HCM incident, Magnitsky died in prison 2009) Edmond de Rothschild Institutional and Investment Services article: William Browder is the Founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital. See Guardian (spin) see Russian UnTouchables visa ban list
- 2011 Maravi, tax evasion ... trail again seems to lead to Marc Rich to one of the Rothschild clan, Nathaniel Rothschild, son Baron Jacob Rothschild. According to Investigate.co.uk, Xstrata financial adviser is none other than financier Nathaniel Rothschild, son of Lord Jacob Rothschild, and Marc Rich compatriot in Switzerland. (See also this Reu-ters article.) Here Nathaniel Rothschild waxes lyrically on the prosects and the business culture of Marc Rich's Glencore. NM Rothschild (previously headed by Evelyn de Rothschild, now David de Rothchild) also financed the BSAC of Cecil John Rhodes in the 1880s, and the privatisation of the Zambian mining industry through the privatisation of state monopoly ZCCM, in the 1990s. So much for 'free markets' and privatisation. All privatisation represents, is a return to colonialism under another name. The money still disappears from the country.
- 2011 International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli apartheid in Palestine by using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded by a small group of primarily Palestinian and Israeli activists in August, 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by providing the Palestinian people with two resources, international solidarity and an international voice with which to nonviolently resist an overwhelming military occupation force.
- 2011 Christopher Bollyn Investigative journalist, Christopher Bollyn, has revealed how Newt Gingrich (Wikipedia The Third Wave (Toffler) has been funded to the tune of at least $5 million by Rothschild Zionist casino billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, a close friend of Israeli leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, while Mitt Romney has the Rothschild Zionist Crown family from Chicago behind his campaign which, according to Bollyn, has close connections to Mossad.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2011 UFO Blogger Rothschild made a huge bet on the oil fields of Iraqi Kurdistan, one of the last great frontiers in oil exploration. His investment vehicle Vallares PLC said it will merge with Genel Energy International Ltd., a Turkish firm that pumps oil in Kurdistan, to create a $4 billion company. see GenelEnergy The merger of Vallares and Genel Energy International, now Genel Energy plc, creates the leading independent exploration and production company operating in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with significant financial strength to acquire oil and gas assets in the broader Middle East and Africa region. It is the largest producer of oil and is the largest holder of reserves in the Kurdistan Region with interests in the Taq Taq and Tawke fields Chia Surkh fields. and Wikipedia Genel Energy was created in 2011 as a result of the reverse acquisition of Turkish Genel Enerji by Tony Hayward led investment company Vallares. Vallares was set up by Tony Hayward, financier Nat Rothschild and banker Julian Metherell. 1] Genel Enerji was controlled by Mehmet Emin Karamehmet through Çukurova Group (56%) and Mehmet Sepil's family (44%). In 2009, Genel Enerji planned merger with Heritage Oil; however, the deal subsequently collapsed. Tony Hayward is CEO of Genel Energy while former CEO of Genel Enerji Mehmet Sepil became President of the company. The Board includes former deputy chief executive of BP and chairman of Petrofac, Rodney Chase. The company is listed at the London Stock Exchange. 50% of Genel Energy is owned by investors of former Vallares, which has merged with Genel Energy. and Wikipedia Nathaniel_Philip_Rothschild In June 2011, Rothschild and Tony Hayward, the former chief executive of BP plc, listed a successor vehicle to Vallar called Vallares (LSE:VLRS) in London Stock Exchange, raising $2,2 billion.
- 2011 Martin Frost The Rothschilds became the largest shareholders in Shell and Royal Dutch, facilitating their eventual merger. Current Rothschild oil interests are less substantial. Until recently Jacob Rothschild was the biggest family investor in oil, financing oil development in Central Asia, including purchasing stock in Kazakhstan's largest oil company, through his investment company Tau Capital PLC, established in 2007. Jacob, through RIT, also owns Agora Oil & Gas, which in turn owns 15 per cent of the Catcher oil field in the North Sea. Jacob has also recently invested in shale oil exploration in Israel.
- 2011 Global Research Today the Rothschild’s control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority stakes in most world central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild clan owns the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. They are founding members of the exclusive $10 trillion Club of the Isles - which controls corporate giants Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Barclays, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, BHP Billiton and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials.
- 2011 EconomicPolicyJournal Romney fundraiser in London .. The home now belongs to wealthy financier Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a well-connected American lawyer and entrepreneur.
- 2011 GulfKeystone Lord Guthrie Non-Executive Director General the Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, GCB LVO OBE DL, was appointed as a Non-Executive Director of Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd. in October 2011. Lord Charles Ronald Llewelyn Guthrie served in the British Army from 1957 to 2001. From 1997 to 2001 he was Chief of the Defence Staff and the Principal Military Adviser to two Prime Ministers and three Secretaries of State for Defence. He was, for ten years, Colonel Commandant of the Intelligence Corps and is currently Colonel of The Life Guards, Gold Stick to The Queen and was Colonel Commandant of the SAS from 2001 to 2010. He was Director of NM Rothschild & Sons Limited from 2001 to 2011 and is currently a Director of Sciens Capital (US), Colt Defense (US), Petropavlosk plc. He is a Council Member of The International Institute of Strategic Studies; a Visiting Professor and Honorary Fellow of King's College London University and Chairman of the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives. He is President of The Army Benevolent Fund; Action Research; Federation of London Youth Clubs and a Governor of The Charterhouse, Clerkenwell. He is a Board Member of the Moscow School of Political Studies. See Iraq Business News Lord Guthrie
- 2011 PakAlert A grim Ministry of Defense bulletin issued to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev today states that President Hu has “agreed in principal” that the only way to stop the West’s aggression led by the United States is through “direct and immediate military action” and that the Chinese leader has ordered his Naval Forces to “prepare for warfare.” Hu’s call for war joins Chinese Rear Admiral and prominent military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong who, likewise, warned this past week that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War,” and Russian General Nikolai Makarov who grimly stated last week, “I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”
- 2011 TruthIsTreason While on vacation in Hawaii (again?), Obama tapped Jerome Powell to serve on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Powel served as the undersecretary for finance under President George H. W. Bush and was a partner of The Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is a massive private equity firm and one of the largest defense contractors in the world. They’re made up of some of the most influential policymakers over the last five administrations including both Bush presidents, former Secretary of State James Baker III, former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former Clinton Chief of Staff Mack McLarty, and former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt to name a few. Frank Carlucci, former Sec. of Defense, was also on the Board of Directors for Westinghouse and CBS, where he controlled a massive source of media, nuclear power plants, electric companies, and can sway public opinion. Now he’s a top dog at the Federal Reserve.
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2011 FT In a letter seen by the Financial Times, Mr Rothschild called for a “radical cleaning up” of PT Bumi Resources, the Jakarta affiliate of London-listed Bumi plc and one of the world’s biggest coal miners. The letter has raised tensions between the aristocratic billionaire and his Indonesian co-investors, the Bakrie family, who are Bumi’s largest shareholders. “Both myself and the Bakries need an immediate transformation of the way you are choosing to manage PT Bumi Resources,” he wrote in his letter to Ari Hudaya, a long-time Bakrie family lieutenant who is chief executive of both PT Bumi Resources and Bumi.
- 2011 Wikipedia Hakluyt & Company is a British strategic intelligence and advisory firm, and since 2011 has been a trading name of the renamed company Holdingham Group Limited. 2] Pelorus Research is another trading activity of Holdingham Group, started in 2011, providing research to investment managers.
- 2011 YouTube Muammar Gaddafi, removed from power, gold dinar, single African currency. and Wikipedia Muammar Gaddafi A leading advocate for a United States of Africa, he served as Chairperson of the African Union (AU) from 2 February 2009 to 31 January 2010. Gaddafi replaced the Libyan Constitution of 1951 with laws based on the political ideology he had formulated, which he called the Third International Theory and published in The Green Book. After establishing the Jamahiriya "state of the masses") system in 1977, he officially stepped down from power and after that time held a largely symbolic role within the country's official governance structure. Rising oil prices and extraction in Libya led to increasing revenues. By exporting as much oil per capita as Saudi Arabia and through various welfare programs, Libya achieved the highest living standards in Africa; Libya remained debt-free. In 2010 Gaddafi offered to invest $97 billion in Africa to free it from Western influence ...the West’s illegal war against Libya also is a war against Entire Africa ... Libya is one of the biggest contributors to the budget of the African Union, the others are Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa ...see Africa / NFU
- 2011 IsraelNationalNews "Muammar Gaddafi’s grandmother is my grandmother’s sister," explained Gita Boaron. "His grandmother is my father’s grandmother. She was Jewish, became Muslim and married the town sheikh. She had children and he’s her grandson so he’s considered Jewish because his mother was born to a Jewish mother. So it means he’s Jewish.” and NesarNews Nelson Mandela called Muammar Qadhafi “one of the 20th century’s greatest freedom fighters”, and insisted the eventual collapse of the apartheid system owed much to Qadhafi and Libyan support. Before NATO and the U.S. started bombing Libya, the United Nations was preparing to bestow an award on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and the Libyan Jamahiriya, for its achievements in the area of human rights. see also water pipeline bombed by NATO.
- 2012 AbelDanger Presidential Field McConnell has linked Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and Bain & Company to the Blackstone “Pull it” order which resulted in the 9/11 demolition of WTC#7 and associated destruction of evidence gathered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, of Twin Towers leveraged-lease and pass-through frauds.
- 2012 Guardian (Glencore Xstrata ) The Rothshild connections run deep. Rothschild is a personal friend of Glasenberg's. Before Glencore appointed Murray as chairman, Glasenberg called Rothschild to obtain Murray's mobile phone number. Meanwhile, Glasenberg sits on the board of Rusal, the aluminium group run by Rothschild's close contact Oleg Deripaska and where Glencore and Rothschild are leading investors. Rothschild was also a pre-flotation investor in Glencore, while the prospectus of Rothschild's coal mining group Vallar mentions Glencore 73 times, an indication of the importance of the trading group's long-term marketing deals with the group's assets. search terms: Tony Hayward (Forbes), BP, Vallares, David Pough, Mick Davis
- 2012 New York Times The Italian police on Friday arrested eight people on charges related to the seizure of $6 trillion in fake United States Treasury bonds, in a mysterious scheme that stretched from Hong Kong to Switzerland to the southern Italian region of Basilicata. The value of the seized bonds is in the neighborhood of half of the United States’ entire public debt of $15.36 trillion, but only the uninitiated would have accepted them as real securities. Rather than counterfeit, they were what officials call fictitious, printed in 6,000 units of $1 billion each, a denomination that does not exist and the equivalent of $3 bills, American officials said. see Divine Cosmos and Bloomberg
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- 2012 Racelies There are many very angry White Conservatives who felt like they have been wronged and slighted as NewsFollowup.com Rick Santorum has dropped out of the race. We think those who are Not inclined to support say a Ron Paul would possibly plant an anti Mormon Race Bomb. However, we still see a Mormon Centrist groomed by the Rothschilds getting into power as a future President coming into America as a Nice guy who will transform the job market, but as a Religious Trojan Horse who will eventually show his fangs and transform America into a Theocratic Dictatorship.
- 2012 SurfingtheApocalypse As those who have been paying attention to such things know, the western powers (Rothschild central bank controlled countries) have removed Iran from the SWIFT system. This means that they have no way to transact internationally, through electronic bank transfers in any currency. The Chinese, who depend on Iranian oil, are using a workaround... Gold. This is a newsletter from Jim Sinclair, last night: The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the most important event in the modern history of gold. 1. It is reasonable to assume that China has been threatened with total or at least selective exclusion from the SWIFT system if it pays in any currency for Iranian oil. 2. Gold has been decided by China as the means of making payment for massive international purchases free of the SWIFT system. 3. Other Asian and Middle Eastern nations will now see the gold they hold as money free of Western economic interference. 4. Gold now is not only money free of liability, but also free from interference regarding settlement by the long arm of Western influence. more, GoldBroker, InsideFutures, TheRealAsset
- 2012 The suspicious death (see full story) last November in a Chongqing hotel room of British citizen Neil Heywood, a reputed middleman for the Rothschilds and their international financial front man George Soros, has brought further attention on the ties between failed Chinese Communist Party Politburo candidate Bo Xilai and Western supporters. Bo is now considered by many observers inside and outside China to have been the favorite of the globalists to become Chinese President instead of Xi Jinping, the designated successor to Hu Jintao. The Hu and Xi faction are opposed to transforming China’s form of government from a quasi-Communist system to a totally capitalist system. The Bo faction was ousted from Chinese Communist Party leadership positions during the recent National People’s Congress.
- If the international mercenary tycoon the Judaized Khazarian Bernard Henry Levi in France today can be considered a revolutionary for his fighting thugs in Libya and Syria,
- 2012 MucketyNews Peter Peterson (Rothschild connected) Americans Select. Blackstone search "peter peterson" rothschild, H1N1,
- 2012 Sir John Rose joins intelligence specialist Hakluyt .. Published on February, 25 2012 - by The Daily Telegraph (deleted) ... BUSINESS Rolls-Royce - Tony Blair - Ian Fleming Sir John Rose, the former chief executive of Rolls-Royce, has joined the board of Hakluyt & Co, the business intelligence firm started by former MI6 officers. It is thought to be only Sir John's second permanent role since stepping down from the engineering giant last March. In September, he became deputy chairman of Rothschild Group, which owns the bank of the same name. In joining Mayfair-based Hakluyt, Sir John follows in the footsteps of his Rolls-Royce predecessor, Sir Ralph Robins, who sits on Hakluyt's advisory board, as well as diplomats including Sir David Manning, who was Tony Blair's principal foreign affairs adviser in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq.
LIBOR Fraud, British Bankers Association, Rothschild
- GeraldBlog LIBOR is a barometer for measuring global financial anxiety. More specifically, it measures the supposed health of individual banks; the lower the rate that they can supposedly borrow, the healthier the bank. Conversely, a higher rate indicates a bank is in trouble. In fact, most large banks are insolvent and kept on life-support by various forms of government bailouts. The Globe and Mail reports that, “Barclays admitted that it regularly lied when it submitted its interbank borrowing rates… it would present a lower rate to create the impression that it was healthier than it was.” and see FreeDumbNation ... this would mean that Tucker was essentially playing the messenger for the British government in instructing Diamond to create a false sense of financial stability by the manipulation of borrowing rates. ... Tucker then slyly instructed Diamond to fudge the numbers...
- Barclays Bank received in 2007 a $7.1billion bailout from Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan who is the son of Zayed_bin_Sultan_Al_Nahyan Wikipedia, (Zayed bin Sultan Nahyan) who helped create the BCCI Bank and by far the largest banking scandal in history. more below. Leagle BCCI 1996 First American Corp.
- 1972 Wikipedia British Bankers Association (LIBOR fraud) The BBA was founded in 1919. The Association was reconstituted in 1972, the same year it first accepted foreign banks. In 1975 responsibility for money transmission services moved to APACS, which became UKPA in 2009. The British Bankers Assc Board is made up of senior executives from: Barclays Bank plc BNP Paribas Citibank NA Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank AG Hampshire Trust plc HSBC Bank plc J.P. Morgan Europe Limited Lloyds Banking Group Santander UK plc Standard Chartered Bank The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Marcus Agius (Barclays), Angela Knight, Chief Executive, Lord O'Brien of Lothbury (Telegraph) had an advisory role with NM Rothschild & Sons), Sir Jeremy Morse (where he was accused by the Russians of spying, an allegation which he firmly denied. He was seconded to the Bank for International Settlements in Basle from 1966 to 1969 and to the IMF in Washington as secretary to the chairman of the Committee of Twenty (Sir Jeremy Morse, later chairman of Lloyds Bank) from 1972 to 1974), Sir George Mathewson CBE, LLD, FRSE, Sir Peter Middleton GCB, and Thomson board of directors, and LordsReform Adair / Rothschild .... LIBOR, key global metric used to set everything from credit card to mortgage interest rates ... Everyday, BBA LIBOR (the London Interbank Offered Rate) is calculated and published by Thomson Reuters on behalf of the BBA. Washington Post why-the-libor-scandal-is-a-bigger-deal-than-jpmorgan. Deutsche Bank is now under investigation about Libor.
- Wikipedia Marcus Agius (resigned / and reinstated from Barclays Bank 2 July 2012), a Roman Catholic; married Katherine (born 1949), daughter of Edmund de Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family of England and has a close involvement with the Rothschild family estate, Exbury Gardens in Hampshire. On 3 July 2012 it was announced that Agius was reinstated as "full-time chairman", following the resignation of CEO Bob Diamond. Agius will serve as chairman until a new chief executive is appointed. Marcus banking career began at the investment bank, Lazard, where he worked from 1972 to 2006 holding several senior positions. He was appointed as the Chairman of the London branch of Lazard in 2001 and Deputy Chairman of Lazard LLC in 2002... search Paul Tucker, Bank of England, Robert Diamond, Missier
- Rothschild links to Abu Dhabi bailout of Barclays in 2007. Bloomberg That’s just what many investors did in the wake of Barclays’s announcement that Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a member of Abu Dhabi’s royal family, will own a 16.3 percent stake, making him the bank’s largest shareholder. Qatar Holding LLC, part of sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority, will own 12.7 percent. Challenger Universal Ltd., an investment vehicle owned by the Qatar state, will hold a 2.8 percent stake. Both the Abu Dhabi and Qatari investors will receive higher interest payments than either RBS or Lloyds TSB will be paying the U.K. government.... Wikipedia Sheikh Mansour is the son of Zayed_bin_Sultan_Al_Nahyan. see also Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. and ... Mohammed bin Rashid, Khaldoon Al Mubarak (World Economic Forum), Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan, Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan Sultan bin Nasser al-Suwaidi is the Governor of the Central Bank of United Abab Emirates. Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan is President. EIU and VisualEconomics World leaders wealth. and EditorsEye Another half brother, Sheikh Mansour, controls the *second* largest UAE sovereign wealth fund, IPIC. see also Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) and Abu Dhabi Investment Council (ADIC). UAEInteraction ADIA, ADIC
- Lawsuits manipulation of the Libor could have harmed homeowners, students, small businesses, municipalities, corporations. Barclays was the largest trader involving millions per day in gains or losses, it went on for decades, thousands of manipulations, lawsuits could wipe out Barclays, RBS, Thomson Reuters. Have these banks allotted sufficient reserves? ..Can traders walk away from long term derivative contracts? Were credit card issuers damaged by artificially inflated interest rates? Local governments hurt by rigged lower rates. ... Statisticians are crunching a lot of numbers to quantify damages,
- Rockefeller Financial Reuben Jeffery III CEO Rockefeller Financial...and 2012—RIT Capital Partners plc (“RIT”), chaired by Lord (Jacob) Rothschild, and Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc., the parent company of Rockefeller & Co., Inc., today announced the creation of a strategic partnership ... Investing Businessweek connect Obama to Rothschild via Jeffery, CSIS, Craigiebank, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller..President's Council on International Activities at Yale University....on and on ... what did he know about the libor scandal.
- See Rahm Emanuel / Barack Obama connection to Wasserstein & Perella / Vernon Jordan / Lazard (Agius) / Rothschild and Huffington Post ... Barclays was a big source of money for the Romney campaign. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, employees of the international bank have contributed $234,650 to Romney, making them the ninth biggest donor to the presumptive Republican nominee. ... Jerry del Missier, the chief operating officer, is likely to step down from his role
- Wall Street Journal Ainsley Thomson ... and Huffington Post Mervyn King, Treasury committee chairman Andrew Tyrie, Tucker – then the Bank of England's executive director for markets, individual traders – Diamond said it was 14 – sought to manipulate the LIBOR to protect their own positions at various times between 2005 and 2009,
- FSA.uk Financial Services Authority and Housing crisis, BankRate LIBOR ... LaRouchePub Santander
- 2008 Apr TheBaron Thomson Corporation completes its takeover of Reuters Group PLC to form Thomson Reuters. Shares listed in London, New York and Toronto. Headquarters moves to 3 Times Square, New York. go to In-Q-Tel, and Wikipedia Ferrovial, Agius BAA buyout
- The Advocate Weblog LIBOR manipulation has been going on for decades by the 'masters of the universe'.
- EUTimes The House of Rothschild bought Reuters news service in the 1800′s. Within the last 20 years, Reuters bought the Associated Press. Now the Elite own the two largest wire services in the world, where most newspapers get their news.
- 2008 Wikipedia Oleg Derpaska is the Russian chief executive officer of Basic Element company and a member of the Board of Directors and CEO of United Company RUSAL, a Russian aluminum industry company. 3] He has been regularly listed amongst the "billionaire oligarchs" in Russia though he has contested the estimated figures published. Oleg Deripaska, who is a friend of Nathaniel Rothschild (a major investor in both United Company RUSAL and Glencore), together with Rothschild, hosted George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom and a friend of Rothschild's from school and university, and Peter Mandelson on Deripaska's yacht in Corfu in the summer of 2008. 54]
- Marcus Agius, Jerry del Missier and Bob Diamond resign BBC Liborgate and Telegraph, Wall Street Journal Agius resignation
- British Bankers Assc LIBOR fraud .. The BBA is the leading trade association for the UK banking and financial services sector. We speak for over 200 member banks from 60 countries on the full range of UK and international banking issues. ... promote and defend the industry ...represent over 200 banks ...operating 150 million accounts .... represent 45 Professional Associate (PA) member firms ... The BBA Board is made up of senior executives from: Barclays Bank plc BNP Paribas Citibank NA Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank AG Hampshire Trust plc HSBC Bank plc J.P. Morgan Europe Limited Lloyds Banking Group Santander UK plc Standard Chartered Bank The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
- 1984 The LIBOR Wikipedia is the average interest rate that leading banks in London charge when lending to other banks. It is an acronym for London Interbank Offered Rate. Banks borrow money for one day, one month, six months, one year, etc., and they pay interest to their lenders based on certain rates. The Libor figure is an average of these rates. .In 1984, the British Bankers' Association (BBA)—working with other parties, such as the Bank of England—produced the BBA standard for interest rate swaps ... Responsibility for setting the rate falls on Thomson Reuters, which aggregates submissions from banks and publishes the numbers daily, “Thomson Reuters (Wikipedia) continues to calculate and distribute Libor . Many financial institutions, mortgage lenders and credit card agencies track the rate, it is a benchmark for finance all around the world. The LIBOR is widely used as a reference rate for many financial instruments, including: inflation swaps, floating rate notes such as: forward rate agreements, syndicated loans, interest rate swaps, variable rate mortgages, short-term-interest-rate futures contracts, and comment: It appears the banking elite have been manipulating the LIBOR for years milking the proverbial cash cow. The banks would inter-trade so they could profit off the coming rate changes that the LIBOR set. ... This allow banks to manipulate their books to appear solvent or look better on paper ... actually this sounds like the Enron asset/debt diversion scam except these banks are working in collusion and not in isolation as Enron did giving the banks a larger pond to dabble in. and FT Deutsche Bank admitted that US and European regulators have asked for information in connection to an investigation into manipulation of interbank lending rates by numerous international banks Regulators in North America, Europe and Japan have been investigating whether traders at big US and European banks colluded to distort the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, and other benchmark lending rates including Euribor. and FinanceAddict Libor’s the interest rate that underlies $360 trillion of financial contracts worldwide. Interest rate swaps and corporate loans, but also mortgages, student loans, credit cards and more. ThisIsMoney.UK AbelDanger video, Samantha Cameron Wikipedia
- ZeroHedge Bank of England involvement, Liborgate While the Lieborgate scandal gathers steam not so much because of people's comprehension of just what is at stake here (nothing less than the fair value of $350 trillion in interest-rate sensitive products explained: ... the Libor, should really be abbreviated to LiEbor in "On the Uselessness of Libor" from June 2009, which alleged that this number is essentially manipulated, potentially with malicious intent. That alone got us a very unhappy retort from the British Banker Association (BBA) which is the banker-owned entity set to "determine" what the daily Libor fixing is based on how banks themselves tell us their liquidity conditions are. and
- BusinessWeek deferred prosecution agreement, DPA, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, 2009, Mark Lane, spokesman for Barclays, if the Justice Department determines that Barclays has committed “any federal crime,” the bank may be subject to prosecution for facilitating money transfers that violated U.S. sanctions against Cuba, Libya, Burma, Sudan and Iran from about March 1995 through September 2006.
- 1916 Dejan Lucic Edmund Rothschild built his career by pushing the British-Khazar interests in the post-war Japan. In cooperation with Winston Churchill he founded the BRINCO Corporation (British Newfoundland Development Corporation) in Canada. Edmund’s daughter Catherine is married to Marcus Agius, the president of “Barclay’s” global financial group (after the acquisition of ABN-AMRO, a Dutch banking group, these two Rothschild groups have become one). Marcus is also at the head of the BBC corporation. Wikipedia From December 1 2006, he is serving as a non-executive director in the BBC's new Executive Board. He is also the Trustee of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and is Chairman of the Kew Foundation. Marcus, a Roman Catholic; married Katherine (born 1949), daughter of Edmund de Rothschild and see history FundingUniverse ABN Amro and links to BCCI
- LaRouchePub .. the Inter-Alpha Group, the Rothschild-run banking syndicate at the core of the British Empire's predatory monetary system. "That's what they're hanging by, and whatever they're hanging by, is what will hang them." ... The Inter-Alpha Group was formed in 1971, as a syndicate of six oligarchic European banks, the year the Nixon Administration foolishly took the dollar off gold and destroyed FDR's Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates. That move opened the door to imperial currency warfare, the creation of the petrodollar market, and ultimately the Brutish Empire's control over the U.S. dollar. In short, virtually everything that has gone wrong in the world economy can be traced to the predatory actions of the Inter-Alpha Group and its associates. Now, having destroyed the American, European, and British economies, the Inter-Alpha Group has bet its future on expanding its looting of Brazil. search terms: BOVESPA, Bank Santander, derivatives, carry trade.
- PhilosophyPrime... a mysteriously synchronized global bubble, the first of its kind, which was in large part the result of deliberate global regulations and huge oil price run-ups(which have been shown to have been largely instigated by nefarious money flow channeling by Goldman Sachs)…all of this COULD probably be coordinated by a few groups – the Rothschilds in Europe with their mysterious Inter-Alpha Group of banks plus their apparent hold on global LIBOR via the BBA (these connections are quite opaque but the BBA one made a believer out of me
- Top cities in US that may sue over Libor fraud .... New York Los Angeles Chicago Houston Philadelphia Phoenix San Antonio San Diego Dallas San Jose Jacksonville g] Indianapolis f] Austin San Francisco Columbus Fort Worth Charlotte Detroit El Paso Memphis Boston Seattle Denver f] Baltimore Washington Nashville f] Louisville Milwaukee Portland Oklahoma City Las Vegas Albuquerque Tucson Fresno Sacramento Long Beach Kansas City Mesa Virginia Beach e] Atlanta Colorado Springs Raleigh Omaha Miami Tulsa Oakland Cleveland Minneapolis Wichita Arlington New Orleans Bakersfield Tampa Anaheim Honolulu b] Aurora Santa Ana St. Louis d] Riverside Corpus Christi Pittsburgh Lexington Stockton Cincinnati Anchorage Saint Paul Toledo Newark Greensboro Plano Lincoln Buffalo Henderson Fort Wayne Jersey City Chula Vista St. Petersburg Orlando Norfolk e] Laredo Chandler Madison Lubbock Durham Winston-Salem Garland Glendale Baton Rouge Hialeah Reno Chesapeake e] Scottsdale Irving North Las Vegas Fremont Irvine San Bernardino Birmingham Gilbert Rochester Boise City] Spokane Montgomery Des Moines Richmond e] Fayetteville Modesto Shreveport Tacoma Oxnard Aurora Fontana Akron Moreno Valley Yonkers Augusta f] Little Rock Mobile Columbus Amarillo Glendale Huntington Beach Salt Lake City Grand Rapids Tallahassee Huntsville Worcester Knoxville Newport News e] Grand Prairie Brownsville Providence Santa Clarita Overland Park Jackson Garden Grove Chattanooga Oceanside Santa Rosa Fort Lauderdale Rancho Cucamonga Ontario Port St. Lucie Vancouver Tempe Springfield Lancaster Pembroke Pines Cape Coral Eugene Peoria Sioux Falls Salem Corona Elk Grove Palmdale Springfield Salinas Pasadena Rockford Pomona
- Summary of new LIBOR issues ...family with a $100,000 mortgage would have been $50 to $100 worse off a month, ...banks manipulated rates to goose profits from trades in Libor-pegged derivatives and swaps. she’s (Angela Knight) on the Board of Terry’s rather larger holding company Tullet Prebon, of which Terry has been the Chief Executive since December 2006. I would’ve thought this makes their relationship even closer, and Terry’s self-styled Robin Hood image even more unlikely: Tullet Prebon is one of the largest inter-dealer money brokers in the world. It is therefore something of a conflict for Angie to be on its Board while allegedly offering objective information to the world about how the Libor rate is not being fixed; and pretty damn difficult for Terry to say he was unaware of that fixing. But there we are: I’m glad it’s all been cleared up, and I’m indebted to Nick for pointing out my underestimate of the hypocrisy involved re this one. .... this is what caused the “blow-out” in the TED Spread as well as the Eurodollar Future/Libor spread and put the brakes on a major break down of the U.S. Dollar Index. ... go to dedicated LIBOR / Rothschild page
- 2012 WMR / T-Room search "harry reid" huntsman Rothschild
- 2012 May Yahoo Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other defendants were arraigned on charges that include terrorism and murder, the first time in more than three years that they appeared in public. During the hearing, they generally refused to cooperate. At one point, one detainee leafed through a copy of The Economist (Rothschild publication) magazine.
- 2012 World Business Chicago bod Rahm Emanuel, James S. Crown, J.B. Pritzker, James Bell, Morman Bobins, Bouton CCGA, William Brodsky CBOE, Terrance Duffy CME Group, Glerum Citigroup, Michael Moskow CCGA, Henry Paulson, Muneer A. Satter Goldman Sachs ... Brodsky is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s International Advisory Committee ... LeadersMag Brodsky vice chairman WFE World Federation of Exchanges, France, ..link Rothschild to Chicago via Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD, William Brodsky and the WFE.
- 2012 Former California National Guardsman Greg Ford has filed suit in California against the California National Guard over retaliation suffered from his bringing to the attention of his superiors cases of torture in Iraq. A PDF copy of the complaint and the exhibits can be downloaded here
- GreeneWave Fed earned $77 billion ... Joel Arends, Swiftboating Obama?
- 4thMedia Carnaby Israel Houston nuclear fuel
- 2012 YouTube, Lord James Blackheath Wikipedia, $15 trillion Federal Reserve scam(official transcript NFU page), James Riady (Riyadi) (Wikipedia), HSBC, Fed Reserve Bank of New York. and PrisonPlanet comment and DailyCaller Fed scams and Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork website, In some instances, individuals involved in this fraudulent scheme claim to have met with Federal Reserve officials and claim to have verified that the alleged account is in order. We have also learned that the fraud may include the purchase of certain documents by the introducing brokers. ... If you have information regarding this fraud please contact either Robert Amenta, Special Investigator at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or Erik Rosenblatt, Senior Special Agent at the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
- 2012 JockeyClub honorary members: Her Majesty The Queen HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, HRH The Prince of Wales, HRH The Princess Royal, Sue Abbott HH Prince Khalid bin Abdullah, Ian Balding LVO, Toby Balding OBE, Sir Edward Cazalet, John Dunlop OBE, The Hon William Farish, Princess Haya of Jordan, Trevor Hemmings CVO, David Hillyard, JP McManus, HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum, Rashid al Maktoum, HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Rashid al Maktoum, John Magnier, The Lord Oaksey OBE, Bill Shand Kydd, George Strawbridge, Jr, Peter Walwyn, Sir Neil Westbrook CBE, The Marquess of Zetland
- 2012 BehindtheMatrix Bankster names to research: John Thornton, Duncan Niederauer, Jon Corzine, Joshua Bolten, Paul Deighton, Robert Rubin, Gavyn Davies, Jim Cramer, Robert Zoellick, Mario Draghi, Malcolm Turnbull, Hank Paulson
- 2012 WeAreChangeSeattle Peterson Romney election advisors P2012 Rothschild connected: Royal institute Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.)
- Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel, Jeffrey Feltman, Joseph Lieberman
- 2012 WMR There is ample evidence that Facebook and Google were partly started with seed money from the CIA's high technology venture capital firm IN-Q-TEL. There are close interlocking relationships between members of Facebook's board and that of IN-Q-TEL. Facebook also acquired initial seed capital from venture capital firms based in Israel, particularly that have been closely linked to the Mossad and its own high-technology projects. One of the first people to congratulate Zuckerberg on his marriage to Chan was Israeli President Shimon Peres... link Facebook to Rothschilds via William J. Perry to Global Technology Partners. and see Eduardo Saverin Facebook co-founders Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin thought to were making the steal of the century by cleaning up after Facebook's Initital Public Offering (IPO) of stock last week. However, with Saverin, born into a wealthy Brazilian Jewish family, announcing he was giving up his U.S. citizenship from his perch in Singapore to avoid paying U.S. taxes on his Facebook IPO profits and Zuckerberg quickly marrying Chinese-American Braintree, Massachusetts native Priscilla Chan the day after Facebook's stock tanked, informed experts on tax evasion have told WMR that there appears to be a major effort by the pair to hide their financial gain from regulators and tax authorities. Also of interest is the fact that Zuckerberg and Chan have set up a human organ donation project using Facebook. Israeli criminals networks have been active in the illegal trafficking of human organs.
- 2012 comment: Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder who plans to leak bank documents that will take down “one or two” major banks, according to Forbes magazine, has won an award from The Economist, a magazine belonging to the Economist Group – half of which is owned by the Financial Times, a subsidiary of Pearson PLC London-based: the world's largest education company and largest book publisher – and longtime majority stakeholder in Lazard Brothers merchant bankers]; the rest is owned by a group of independent shareholders, including many members of the staff and the Rothschild banking family of England.
- UBS search ... But let us go back to Messrs Monti and Papademos. They sit on the Trilateral Commission together with hundreds of corporate chairmen and CEOs such as Ana Botin (Bank Banesto/Santander, Spain), Peter Sutherland (Goldman Sachs/BP, UK), Michel David-Weill (Lazard Bank, France), Jurgen Fitschen (Deutsche Bank, Germany), Stephen Green (HSBC, UK), Nigel Higgins (Rothschild Group, UK), Lord Guthrie (N M Rothschild, UK), Klaus-Peter Müller (Commerzbank, Germany), Dieter Rampl (UniCredito, Italy), Otto Ruding (CitiCorp Europe), Lord Simon of Highbury (Morgan Stanley, UK), Emilio Ybarra (BBVA, Spain), Robert Kelly (Bank of NY Mellon) Lord Brittan (UBS, UK), Robert Zoellick (World Bank), plus Timothy Geithner, Henry Kissinger and many, many others
- 2012 Wikipedia John Bryson, Secretary of Commerce, is on the Board of Directors of The Walt Disney Company (which owns ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Mirimax, DiC, Marvel, Playdom, Tapulous, Fox Family Worldwide, Saban Entertainment), former chairman and CEO of Edison International (Wikipedia) Theodore F. Craver Jr. CEO; director of The Boeing Company, W. M. Keck Foundation, co-Chair of the Pacific Council on International Policy, trustee of CalTech and Stanford University Legg Mason acquires Rothschild Asset Management (Singapore) LeggMason
- 2012 LaRouchePac The Rothschild banking family, one of the top financial warfare and looting operations of the Anglo-Venetian oligarchic slime mold, controls at least the top two Spanish banks, Banco Santander (Wikipedia) and Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA). Banco Santander is a member of the Rothschild-controlled Inter-Alpha Group (Wikipedia) of banks, which is led by the Royal Bank of Scotland (Wikipedia), and includes leading banks in Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia, Greece, Ireland, and Portugal. From 1986 to 1998, BBVA's predecessor, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, was the Spanish member of the Inter-Alpha Group, but it left in 1998, paving the way for Banco Santander to take its place. Both Banco Santander and BBVA have extensive operations in Ibero-America, serving as vehicles for imperial looting.
- 2012 December 21 Myth: Everything globally will be centralized in Switzerland at Rothschilds BIS bank which is the bankers bank. There will be no “central banks of Europe” nor any “Federal Reserve Bank” in the USA. They literally won’t be needed anymore.
- WMR Suspicion of who was behind the leaks (Yemen) is being focused by the CIA and Directorate of National Intelligence on four individuals: presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan (Wikipedia), and Obama campaign chairman David Axelrod. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is said to be "livid" over the leaks. The leaks that exposed U.S. operations in Yemen are said to have exposed a network that it has taken the CIA years to build in the fractured country.
- Forbes Brazil, Russia, India and China, the BRIC countries, are back to talking about creating a unified financial system where they can avoid euro and dollar volatility. This time, a pooling of Central Bank dollars from the countries in case liquidity dried up as the world tracks the West’s crisis momentum. Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the new mechanisms established by the emerging markets themselves, who “know their current conditions and demands much better.” search terms: Three trillion dollars, Hu Jintao, a
- QuallaTribe He was co-founder of the CIA-sponsored Congress for Cultural Freedom and had links to Bilderberg and BCCI. He was a member of the Other Club together with Lord Rothschild, Tony Blair and others. According to Julian Amery: “The prosperity of our people rests really on the oil in the Persian Gulf, the rubber and tin of Malaya, and the gold, copper and precious metals of South- and Central Africa… If the communists or anyone else] were to take them over, we would lose the lot…” Julian Amery was a member of the Monday Club among whose leading figures were the Cecil family who have links to the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers. Julian’s brother John worked for Adolf Hitler.
- RT Latin America "spring" see Berezovski, Kasparov, the Mitals... and see "Inam ul-Haq" pakistan
- Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index TOP NFU
- cfr info
- HuffingtonPost July Barclays was dealt another blow yesterday as agencies Moody's and Standard & Poor's downgraded their outlook for the bank's credit rating in the wake of Mr Diamond's departure. and U.S. prosecutors and European regulators are close to arresting individual traders and charging them with colluding to manipulate global benchmark interest rates, according to people familiar with a sweeping investigation into the rate-rigging scandal. ... Barclays Plc, UBS and Citigroup, and have hired defense lawyers over the past year as a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. Financial Times reported on Wednesday that regulators were looking at suspected communication among four traders who had worked at Barclays, Credit Agricole, HSBC and Deutsche Bank. and ... the regulatory investigation is being led by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which has made the Libor probe one of its top priorities.
- 2012 July World Shia Forum As a result of a well-hatched evil plot starting murder of Rafique Hariri and its blame being laid on Syria, the Syrian troops were forced to leave Lebanon in 2006 before Israel attacked Lebanon. The point is that the Syrian army is considered professional and strong. Moreover, the army, as claimed by some Western media, consists mainly of Alawites. Hence, there is little chance that there will be any defecting from senior army generals or mutiny. Moreover, their track record so far shows full dedication to the cause of crushing the terrorist Salafist rebels. There is little chance that the Syria army will be defeated as a result of lack of motivation or lack of belief in their president. Most of the rebels on the other hand are not Syrians in the first place. They consist of imported terrorists from Iraq (the re-stationed al-Qaida terrorists), Saudi Arabia, Somalia and even Pakistan as per some reports. That is why there have been reports that the rebels have set the corpses of their dead comrades on fire in order to conceal their nationalities.
- 2012 July Scribd LIBOR Indictment excerpt: To analyze how well the Federal Reserve Eurodollar Deposit Rate captures changes in Market Fundamentals and absorbs variations in LIBOR that are driven by such fundamentals, consulting experts used regression analysis to measure the day-to-day changes in the Spread against changes in the T-Bill rate and the commercial paper rate. The evidence from these regressions strongly supports that day-to-day changes in the Federal Reserve Eurodollar Deposit Rate effectively capture day-to-day movements in LIBOR caused by Market Fundamentals. Thus, once the Federal Reserve Eurodollar Deposit Rate is subtracted to arrive at the Spread, remaining movements in LIBOR reflected in the Spread would be unrelated to movements in Market Fundamentals.58. ... Because Market Fundamentals are fully captured by the Spread, absent manipulation, the Spread should always be zero or close to zero. Thus, as more fully discussed below, negative Spreads provide a strong basis to conclude that Defendants suppressed and colluded to artificially suppress LIBOR. 24 59. Defendants: During the Class Period, Defendants BAC, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds, HBOS, WestLB, RBS, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Royal Bank of Canada, Rabobank, BTMU and Norinchukin were members of the BBA’s USD-LIBOR panel. Additionally, Citigroup, which controlled Citibank and reaped significant financial benefit from the suppression of LIBOR, actively participated in the conspiracy Unnamed co-conspirators: (i) Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; (ii) Bank of America Securities LLC; (iii) J.P. Morgan Clearing Corp.; (iv) J.P. Morgan Futures, Inc.; (v) HSBC Securities (USA); (vi) Barclays Capital Inc.; (vii) UBS Securities LLC; (viii) RBS Securities Inc.; (ix) Deutsche Bank Securities; and (x) Citigroup Global Markets Inc.44.
- 2012 July International Advisor see ties between LIBOR fraud banks and Gulf Cooperation Council: International Advisor qatar-asset-management-company-and-barclays ... Under the terms of the deal, signed yesterday in Doha, QAMC – a collaboration between the Qatar Investment Authority and the Qatar Financial Centre Authority (QFC Authority) – will invest $250m (£154m, €189m) in BNRI’s current and future portfolio companies, of which a substantial proportion will be allocated to BNRI’s existing $2.1bn portfolio of companies. and RBS RBS Market Access MSCI GCC Countries ex Saudi Arabia Top 50 Capped Index ETF. and A1SaudiArabia JEDDAH – Quite apart from the growing risks evident in the global economy, the regional turmoil known as the “”Arab Spring”" resulted in sharp stock market corrections and an extreme dearth of new issuance activity in the equity, bond, and sukuk markets alike, NCB said in its report “”GCC Financial Market Quarterly: Back to Square One”".
- 2012 July Nakvisson
- 2012 JulyNSNBC From this perspective it is not entirely surprising that Hamas is aligning itself with the Muslim Brothers from Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who together with NATO´s Al Qaeda make up the bulge of the military onslaught against the government and people of Syria. One could of course use euphemisms for NATO´s mercenary armies, such as Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Tripoli Military Counsel, Free Syrian Army. Cutting to the bone they are aspects of the same NATO/Zionist attack that has devastated Libya and is turned loose against Syria and Iran. Not surprisingly, the Hamas Polit-Bureau must have been under intense pressure from Muslim Brothers to join the “Arab Spring“, and doing so it has found it´s new allies in NATO and Israel.
- 2012 JulyAagrifan The Wahhabi Salafists were invented by the British, at the time of the Ottoman Empire, as a way of undermining and controlling Moslem countries.
- 2012 July The Ugly Truth It is interesting to note that the world’s biggest Terrorist Organization is in fact Israel’s Mossad and their offshoots, the Sayanim Agents within the U.S CIA, UK’s MI5/6, within French Intelligence and of course within the Muslim Zionists such as the Kurdish PKK, MKO, intelligence services within the ‘Arab’ Nations (Saudi, UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar etc) who have all been funded and/or trained by Mossad.
- 2012 July Accenture (formerly Arthur Anderson) Bank Leumi Switzerland, which is part of one of the largest Israeli banks, is a Swiss private bank with assets of CHF 6.4 billion. It is mainly engaged in private banking services, while also maintaining its own trading desk ... and see Accenture careers in Saudi Arabia, and ...Guardian HSBC's subsidiaries transported billions of dollars of cash in armoured vehicles, cleared suspicious travellers' cheques worth billions, and allowed Mexican drug lords buy to planes with money laundered through Cayman Islands accounts. Other subsidiaries moved money from Iran, Syria and other countries on US sanctions lists, and helped a Saudi bank linked to al-Qaida to shift money to the US. Senate Report Saudi Arabia Terrorist financing, money laundering, Saudi Arabia
- 2012 July WindowToPalestine One is that the US empire is trying to consolidate its position worldwide as it has been eclipsed by the fastest growing economies of the BRIC countries and secondly I think that the hard line like…Zionist in Israel are hoping to redraw the map of the Middle East in a way that is more favorable to them while they have the chance in their using American military power to do it.
- 2012 July DeadlineLive Colorado Massacre Linked To Historic Bank (LIBOR) Fraud? YES! and this also follows the Batman Rising (Phoenix) plot perfectly! Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score company FICO….and will testify soon, to Senate, on LIBOR scandal. Dr. Robert Holmes (father) algorithms were said used to discover this massive fraud scheme. search terms: HNC Software, Fair Isaac, Falcon Fraud Manager Credit card, expose Wall Street, PROMIS, INSLAW, Danny Cassalero murdered, bombs at London Olympics, Barclays / Romney lobbyist / fundraiser Patrick Durkin, The Dark Knight Rises, Bane gets his hands on Software that is used to expose the fraud in Wall Street and literally guts the rich (99%, 1%)? ICG and see WMR WMR previously reported on the connections between accused Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes and U.S. government-funded neuroscience research programs at the Anschutz Medical Campus at the University of Colorado and at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, in addition to his father's research work on neural networks for the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It has now emerged that James Holmes's psychiatrist, Dr. Lynne Fenton, worked as a psychiatrist for the U.S. Air Force. ... Holmes's defense attorneys are trying to obtain the notebook, which legal experts claim is privileged information between Fenton and Holmes, who was under her care during the time leading up to the shooting spree ... Fenton officially practiced Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Denver but she has specialized in the study of schizophrenia. Fenton has served as the Director of Student Mental Health Services at the Anschutz campus since 2008. ... see Air Force Colonel Philip Shue
- 2012 July Syrian Free Press Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri, The 3rd US and Zionist Defeat in front of Resistance Is Imminent in Syria,
- 2012 July Infowars US Treasury: Al Qaeda Runs Syrian “Rebellion” The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in its article, “Al Qaeda’s War for Syria,” cited officials from the US Treasury Department stating, “Al Qaeda in Syria (often operating as the “Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant”) is using traffickers—some ideologically aligned, some motivated by money—to secure routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign fighters, most of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa. A growing number of donors from the Persian Gulf and Levant appear to be sending financial support.”
- 2012 July Seymour Hersh “To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.” -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007) A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.
- 2012 July Syria360
- 2012 July Xinhua Russia changed the status of situation in Syria from "complicated" to "emergency" on Tuesday as the crisis in the violence-torn country escalates. and ... Xinhua Syrian Foreign Ministry on Monday overtly accused Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey of rendering financial support and arms supplies to the armed insurgent groups on ground in Syria. adding that those mercenaries have taken over a number of crowded neighborhoods in Aleppo and shielded behind the people there, killing those who didn't comply with their demands and forced others at gun point to leave their residents.
- 2012 July RT The Russian Communist leader, Gennady Zuyganov has accused the West of double standards and hypocrisy over its position on Syria which has resulted in “gruesome bloodshed”. “By supporting radical Islamists, the USA aims at impose control over the entire region and points the edge of an extremist dagger at Russia,” Zyuganov says. they use mercenaries who are portrayed in their media as fighters for freedom ... “the so-called Syrian opposition” is comprised of over 65,000 mercenaries from Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Jordan. At the same time, the Syrian government’s attempts to get the situation under control “are presented as violence against civilians.” ... The Russian Communist Party (KPRF) condemned “imperialist aggression” against Syria
- EcoFascism Among Europe’s most effective environmental activist organizations are: German Business Forum for Sustainable Development, E8, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, CSR Europe, European Wind Energy Association, and the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association.
- 2012 July ZeroHedge John Ewan? None other than the director "responsible for the management of the setting of Libor" at the British Bankers' Association. In other words, the man whom The Sun of all non-captured publications .... dubbed Mr. Libor. “I introduced new products and obtained EU, US and Japanese trademarks for BBA Libor. "I successfully negotiated contracts with derivatives exchanges and all of the major data vendors." ... "Thomson Reuters confirmed that Ewan has joined the company as head of business development for its fixing and benchmark business." ... He also manages the BBA's other benchmarks, such as daily REPO rates and the LINDEX Emerging Market Index Rates. ... John worked for FTSE Group where he wrote and maintained the ground rules that govern FTSE's stock market indices. ... "John was my primary contact at The British Bankers Association during a period of 4 years whilst I worked at Thomson Reuters. He is a subject matter expert on the construction, governance and scrutiny of market benchmarks. John has provided valuable insight to Central Banks and Regulatory bodies looking to commence their own market benchmarking activities. ...
- Haaretz US Drones flying over Syria to monitor crackdown. ...Syria, on the other hand, has recently published "confessions" that it allegedly gathered from the Turkish officers that they were trained by Israel's Mossad ...The Alawites make up about 12 percent of Syria's 23 million people but make up 40 percent of the army and the rest of the pro-Assad Shabbiha militia. Sunnis, who account for the majority of the opposition, form 75 percent of the population.
- MediaWhores Rothschild plan to dominate solar installations in North Africa, Desertec website Reuters Arab Spring helps Desertec's solar energy plan: CEO Paul van Son, the managing director of the Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII) 30 years at Siemens AG (Germany), SEP (the Dutch power pool and interconnected grid), KEMA Consulting/ECC (international energy consultants). He was also Chief Executive Officer of Essent Energy Trading, Managing Director of Essent Sustainable Energy and Chairman of the Management Board of Deutsche Essent GmbH in Düsseldorf, being responsible for the German activities of Essent N.V., and Dr. Aglaia Wieland. Before joining Dii in 2010, and Aglaia Wieland worked at the Boston Consulting Group, mainly in Europe and the Middle East. Supervisory board: Max Schon, Entrepreneur in Lübeck (Germany), Director of the Initiative 2° and President of the German Association Club of Rome; Dr. Hani el Nokraschy, An entrepreneur based in Hamburg (Germany); Jorn Aldag,CEO of Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics based in Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Dr. Oliver Steinmetz, Based in Luxembourg, working at the European Investment Bank, see Wikipedia Sustainability Award Rothschild
- 2012 Aug EcoFascism Desertec will spend the better part of a trillion dollars on solar energy plants in North Africa, the electricity from which will be transmitted via undersea cables to Europe. ... Desertec Industrial Initiative’s (Dii) founding shareholders were: ABB, ABENGOA Solar, Cevital, Deutsche Bank, E.ON, Nordbank, Solar Millennium, Munich RE, M+W, RWE, SCHOTT Solar, and Siemens. By October 2010 the following new shareholders were on board: Enel, Flagsol, NAREVA, Red Eléctrica, Saint-Gobain Solar, and TERNA. ... Lord Vallance, the former head of British Telecom. Thomas is on the European Advisory Council of the Rothschild Group and the International Advisory Board of Allianz. He is a Director of Mobil and Royal Bank of Scotland. He chairs both the European Advisory Committee of the New York Stock Exchange and the House of Lords’ Committee on Economic Affairs.
- 2012 JewishVirtualLibrary How many Jewish people are there in the world? 13,746,100 according to chart .... divided by 7 billion is about .000002 percent.
- 2012 Aug EndZog As the NATO backed banksters continue stealing what they regard as the spoils of war the Libyan economy continues shrinking. ... Rothschilds Military Field Commander Bernard Henri Levy. ... Levy arranged a staged uprising with the al Qaeda and Ex-Monarchist tribes of Benghazi and Misrata who had a long established relationship with the Khazar Jewish Rothschild family dating back to Rothschilds ancestors lucrative dealings in the African slave trade. and AntiZionistLeague al Qaeda
- 2012 Aug RT Obama ratcheted up the sanctions on Iran’s energy and petrochemical industries, approving sanctions against any entity that tries to purchase Iranian oil from the National Iranian Oil Co. and the Naftiran Intertrade Co. AsiaOne The sanction harms the interests of Bank of Kunlun, which belongs to China's largest petrol producer China National Petroleum Corporation ... 21cn
- Reuters President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
- BBC Col Nimah, like many opposition figures, insists that the jihadists' role and presence in Syria are limited. But reports indicate an increase in jihadist activities on the ground. ... The al-Qaeda-styled group in Syria is Jabhat al-Nusra li-Ahl al-Sham (the Front for the Protection of the Syrian People). ... Like other al-Qaeda affiliated groups, al-Nusra's statements and videos are usually issued by its own media group, al-Manara al-Baida (the White Minaret) in Syria. ... Al-Nusra has claimed responsibility for several attacks against the Syrian army, security and shabiha (state-sponsored thugs) since it announced its formation early this year.
- 2012 Aug WMR...conflicting reports about the death of the head of Saudi intelligence Prince Bandar bin Sultan ('Bandar Bush') ... even reports traced back to Michael Ledeen of the death or serious illness of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
- 2012 Aug WMR...conflicting reports about the death of the head of Saudi intelligence Prince Bandar bin Sultan ('Bandar Bush') ... even reports traced back to Michael Ledeen of the death or serious illness of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
- 2012 Aug ISN and Informed Comment Juan Cole and BRICS: Opportunities and Challenges, from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. From BRIC to BRICS: Developments in the Cooperation of Emerging Economies, from Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Warsaw, Poland.
- 2012 Aug Inner City Press By Matthew Russell Lee, Partial exclusive UNITED NATIONS, August 2 -- Major pushback met Saudi Arabia the day after it presented a draft General Assembly resolution on Syria urging sanctions and Bashar al Assad to step down. ... including ALBA and GRULAC
- 2012 Aug Reuters Standard Chartered Bank ... scheming with Iran's government to hide roughly 60,000 transactions over nearly a decade. He said the bank was "apparently aided" by its consultant Deloitte & Touche LLP, which hid details from regulators, and despite being under formal supervision by regulators including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for other compliance failures involving the Bank Secrecy Act and money laundering.
- medieval studies
- 2012 Aug RT Washington green-lights American donations to Syrian rebels ... The Syrian Support Group (SSG), a Washington-based organization closely connected to rebel forces, has been granted a license by the US Treasury to begin fundraising on behalf of the opposition. SSG: "The FSA may and will likely utilize the funds to purchase much-needed arms, ammunition and other military supplies" proclamation ... Signed by the commanders of the Military Councils of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo, Damascus, Daraa, Dayr az- Zawr, Hama, Homs, Idlib and Latakia... see also Friends of Syria group.
- 2012 Aug RT Libya ... The biggest fraction in the Assembly belongs to the National Forces Alliance, which won 39 seats. The Alliance, headed by former interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril, is a pro-US political party, ... Jibril himself was educated in the US. and RT Vladimir Zhirinovsky has labeled calls by US senators demanding Barack Obama directly support the Syrian opposition “absolutely unacceptable,” saying his party would demand a Russian response.
- 2012 Aug Election update, Romney continues to fall behind. Search terms, 47%, campaign train wreck, see latest bombshell on twitter, tax returns, dinner surreptitiously videotaped, Mother Jones broke the story with help of Carter's grandson, Wall Street backing off of Romney, 'fiscal cliff' is latest buzzword, cut spending in military and 'entitlements', expiring Bush tax cuts, possible nightmare scenario: nightmare scenario: The Presidential results can’t be certified in one or two states. Three of four Senate seats are also up in the air. Recounts or court challenges to voter-ID laws mean Congress returns for its lame-duck session uncertain which party will control the White House or Senate in 2013. debt ceiling reached, rating agencies downgrades. Election will be on Tuesday, November 6, for the 57th president, Obama is the incumbent running for a second term, see also Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. One third of the Senate up for re-election, there were some electoral college changes, voter disenfranchise movements, voter id GOP schemes will limit voting by blacks and students, all ALEC sponsored, Ron Paul bowed out and wouldn't endorse Romney, he did well in caucuses but not primaries, Tim Pawlenty joined then quit the Romney campaign, New Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain all out of the picture. The candidate needs 270 votes of the electoral college to win. There will be four debates,
- 2012 Aug The New America If President Obama is supporting al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces, should he be subject to indefinite detention under the terms of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)? ... “Recent news reports from the region have suggested that the influence and numbers of Islamist militants, some of them connected to al Qaeda or its affiliates, have been growing among Assad's opponents.” ... The next day, The New American’s Alex Newman covered the same story, writing that: “...Western governments, brutal Sunni-Arab dictatorships, an assortment of terror groups including al-Qaeda, and other powerful interests have all been backing the uprising since long before violence even broke out last year.” and Finally, under a headline reading "Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria,” the Guardian (U.K.) reports: They try to hide their presence. "Some people are worried about carrying the black] flags," said Abu Khuder. "They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?" But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs improvised explosive devices]. ... In fairness, however, President Obama is not alone in this unlawful endeavor. Congressional leaders calling for U.S. military intervention in Syria on behalf of the rebels — whose ranks are rife with al-Qaeda militants — are complicit in the propping up of our supposed enemy in the never-ending War on Terror and should rightfully be apprehended and detained until the end of these hostilities.
- 2012 Aug Huffington Post JPMorgan Chase has received subpoenas and requests for documents and, in some cases, interviews, from the DOJ, CFTC, SEC, European Commission, UK Financial Services Authority, Canadian Competition Bureau, Swiss Competition Commission and other regulatory authorities and banking associations around the world.
- 2012 Aug Global Research Aug 12, 2012 The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) currently arming, funding, and commanding entire brigades of the so-called "Free Syrian Army" (FSA), is designated an Al Qaeda affiliate by the United Nations pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) pdf, in addition to being listed by both the US State Department and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf) as a foreign terrorist organization and a proscribed terrorist organization respectively.
- 2012 Aug Antiwar Aug 14, 2012 While Congress was dickering over doomed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the “Freedom 7″ have been quietly gaining the upper hand over the federal government. ... determined group of plaintiffs has managed to secure a temporary injunction against the controversial NDAA measure ...Katherine B. Forrest, the U.S. District Judge in Manhattan presiding over the case, appeared to agree with the plaintiffs about the vagueness of the language and its potential consequences, and in May ordered a temporary injunction over Section 1021 (b)(2). “There is a strong public interest in protecting rights guaranteed by the First Amendment,” Forrest wrote in the 68-page temporary injunction (.pdf), which rejected key arguments by the defendants, mainly that the plaintiffs had no standing because none of them had yet been indefinitely detained, and that the so-called “homeland battlefield” section in the NDAA was no different than the existing detention provisions in the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), established by the Bush Administration after 9/11.
- 2012 Aug CNN blog ... The growing al Qaeda factor in Syria Former Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab said today that the Bashar al-Assad regime only controls about 30 percent of the country’s territory, and rebels also claimed this week to have shot down a fighter jet. But are they getting help from al Qaeda? CNN Senior International Correspondent Nic Robertson discusses the speculation and what it could mean in a post-al-Assad Syria. ... There is] evidence of bomb making and roadside bombs that target al-Assad’s forces on the highways. Suicide bombings have been used as well. So the evidence does seem to be there now. If al Qaeda then is helping the Syrian rebels, what does that suggest for future relations with that country?
- 2012 Aug PressTV Current neo-conservative doctrine foresees the fall of the governments of Iran, Belarus, and, ultimately Russia and China, after the fall of Damascus, to the combined forces of NATO and the Saudi- and Qatari-backed Salafist Wahhabis, who make up a large portion of the Syrian rebel movement. Russia has clearly drawn a line in the sand in Syria and does not want to see yet another Arab nation fall into the clutches of neo-con globalists and radical Muslims. Libya constituted proof of the alliance between the neo-con uber-capitalists, Zionists, and Wahhabists. Even if Russia concedes Damascus and the rest of inland Syria to the rebels, it is prepared, through the use of its Navy and naval base at Tartus in the predominantly-Alavi coastal region of Syria, to offer military protection for Bashar al-Assad, his fellow Alavis, and Syrian Christians who have been protected by the Alavis in an independent salient that includes Tartus and Latakia. The complete fall of Syria to Wahhabists and NATO will move the instability of the Middle East closer to the Russian southern frontier. ... The stakes for Russia are immense. One only needs to examine Nazi Germany’s “New Order” (Neuordnung) plans for the occupation of the Soviet Union and Persia to understand what the neo-cons and their Israeli and Wahhabist colleagues have in store for southern Russia and Iran.
- 2012 Rothschild Offshore Rothschild Bank International based in Guernsey .. and offers range of private client bank services to high net worth individuals based in UK or elsewhere in the world and works closely with other parts of the Rothschild Group. Banking Debt fund management Private client banking Rothschild Bank International Limited Private client services Lending services Brochures and forms Careers Legal Arrow Online Rothschild Reserve Commercial lending Asset finance Treasury.
- 2012 Sept Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve Act of 1913--which established the Federal Reserve as the central bank of the United States--has been amended or altered by the Congress numerous times over the years, but the act has never included an "expiration date" or repeal date. As stated in the law itself, the Federal Reserve Act can only be repealed, amended, or altered by the Congress. and Wikipedia or more below
- Huffington Post Sept 2012 As an incumbent candidate with mediocre economic indicators, Obama's likelihood of victory hovered at just over 50 percent likelihood a year before the election. A full year before the election the uncertainty in the prediction rests in a year's worth of events: from the nomination of the Republican candidate, to economic indicators, to any of the multitude of unforeseen events that can occur in a year's time.
- AmericanFreePress May 2012 ODD BEDFELLOWS UNITE AGAINST OBAMA Barack Obama’s fight to win reelection just got tougher. One of his biggest critics, one of the world’s richest, most powerful women—Lady Lynn de Rothschild of New York and London—has not only endorsed Republican Mitt Romney, but she also pulled the plug on Americans Elect (AE), the proposed “centrist” third party of which she was one of the chief sponsors.
- notes SpitFireList
- Standard Lady and the banks... why Lynn Forester is trying to rehabilitate capitalism ... Lynn Forester, the American wife of Evelyn de Rothschild, tells James Ashton about her campaign for ‘inclusive capitalism’ and why, even as a life-long Democrat, she’s unconvinced by Obama ... Twelve years after marrying into Britain’s most famous banking dynasty, the 58-year-old American entrepreneur is well-versed in the cultural differences that span the Atlantic — her international network of powerful friends includes Hillary Clinton and Prince Andrew.
- Irregular Times Jan 2012 Americans Elect Leader Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild Promotes Various Presidential Contenders ... Americans Elect characterizes itself as just a platform for a presidential nominating election, not trying to promote or oppose any particular candidacies. But is that really what’s going on? ... According to its own corporate bylaws and press declarations, Americans Elect leadership is supposed to remain neutral, refraining from communicating or acting to promote or oppose any candidate for president. But the leaders of Americans Elect can’t seem to help themselves: from Daniel Winslow to Christine Todd Whitman to Mark McKinnon to Nick Troiano to Douglas Schoen to the nameless webmaster designing the Americans Elect Candidates page, Americans Elect leadership has violated neutrality, consistently in the direction of promoting a Republican candidate for President of the United States.
- BeforeItsNews Oct 2012 RIOTING IN IRAN – ROTHSCHILD DEVALUES THE CURRENCY THERE – I THINK I NEED A WEEK IN A CARAVAN AT SKEGNESS … From William Mount = ” The Rothschilds banking system strikes again, they must have their war. The Rothschild has ordered two economies to dump, they are: 1) Iran. The Rial is the Iranian currency. For 20 years the Rial remained constant at about 9,000 Rial per dollar. A loaf of bread remained at about $2-3 per one pound loaf. In January the Iran Central Bank – Owned by the IMF, which is 54.5% owned by David Rothschild – devalued the Rial to 12,000 to the dollar. Bread went to about $4 per loaf. President Achmadenajab, in a Betrayal to Putin, not only ordered the printing presses to run continuously to print Rials but also built 14 Nukes in their underground research labs. Russia controls the other 350 + nukes they have, about 100 mounted on US made, Chinese rebuilt, cruise missiles – Range, 4,0000 Miles +. Over the last 4 days the Central Iran Bank (IMF) has devalued the Rial to about 40,000 per dollar, a loaf of bread is now about $12. The population is furious and out in the streets rioting. The oil exports only account for about 1 Million Gallons per day, and oil is purchased for about $15 per barrel from the wells, so this income cannot help Iran very much. By the way, in Saudi Arabia, Mobile pays around $.50 per barrel from their own wells – not the $112 a barrel listed for 1 year out Brent Crude. See: Oil-Prices.net. Unless the IMF wants that Nuke to go off next to their HQ in London, yes the Iranian Embassy has a Nuke in their Embassy in London as well, they had better return the Rial back to around 12,000 per US dollar. If the Iranians abandon their London Embassy – watch out. They are crazy enough to do this. My recommendation: IMF: Stop trying to create WW3. 2) Southern California. There in Southern California, which still has Oil bubbling out of shore of Redondo Beach and Los Angeles still has Open Tar Pits filled with oil, the oil industry is trying to convince the public that there is an Oil Shortage. Oil deliveries to refineries there have been cut by the Oil Industry and now there is Gas Rationing. Prices for gasoline has been raised by over $1.25 per gallon in a matter of days.
- Research: Antony Sutton Wikipedia Sutton studied at the universities of London, Göttingen, and California, and received his D.Sc. from the University of Southampton. He was an economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institution, he wrote the major study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the present time (1970). Sutton argued that the Soviet Union's technological and manufacturing base — which was then engaged in supplying the Viet Cong – was built by United States corporations and largely funded by US taxpayers. Steel and iron plants, the GAZ automobile factory – a Ford subsidiary, located in eastern Russia – and many other Soviet industrial enterprises were, according to Sutton, built with the help or technical assistance of the United States or U.S. corporations. He argued further that the Soviet Union's acquisition of MIRV technology was made possible by receiving (from U.S. sources) machining equipment for the manufacture of precision ball bearings, necessary to mass-produce MIRV-enabled missiles. In 1973, Sutton published a popularized, condensed version of the three volumes called National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union and was thereby citation needed] forced out of the Hoover Institution. His conclusion from his research on the issue was that the conflicts of the Cold War were "not fought to restrain communism", since the United States, through financing the Soviet Union "directly or indirectly armed both sides in at least Korea and Vietnam"; rather, these wars were organized in order "to generate multibillion-dollar armaments contracts". 1] The update to this text, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, looked at the role of technology transfers up to the 1980s. Appendix B of that text contained the text of his 1972 testimony before Subcommittee VII of the Platform Committee of the Republican Party where he summarized the essential aspects of his overall research:
- WMR: Nov 2012 Soros-backed assault on Christianity continues through nudist stunts and Satanic music promotion ... The street protests and off-the-wall political stunts being engaged in by various George Soros-funded groups to overthrow the governments of Russia, Ukraine, China, and other nations resistant to the global designs of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Rothschild banking family, and the gnomes of Bilderberg and Davos, are part of a master plan, a plan that has long been published in the works of master manipulator Gene Sharp.
- YouTube / WMR Nov 6, 2012 Is the Romney "fix" in for Ohio? A group of election protection advocates held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington,DC on November 5 to announce the filing of a lawsuit by Ohio Green Party congressional candidate Bob Fitrakis to halt the use of electronic voting machines in 39 Ohio counties, Ohio Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted approved the installation of an untested and incertitude software "patch" in e-voting machines. Lawsuit: Robert Fitrakis vs. John Husted Electronic Systems & Software. US District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Judge Greg Frost docket # 2:12 CV 1015
- 2013 Jan Wikipedia Lincoln, the movie ...(Propaganda to distract from Lincolns war with the Rothschild banksters) is a 2012 American historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg, starring Daniel Day-Lewis as United States President Abraham Lincoln and Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln. 4] The film is based in part on Doris Kearns Goodwin's biography of Lincoln, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, and covers the final four months of Lincoln's life, focusing on the President's efforts in January 1865 to have the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution passed by the United States House of Representatives. Filming began October 17, 2011, 5] and ended on December 19, 2011. 6] Lincoln premiered on October 8, 2012, at the New York Film Festival. The film was released on November 9, 2012, in select cities and widely released on November 16, 2012, in the United States by DreamWorks through Disney’s Touchstone distribution label in the U.S. 7] The film is scheduled for release on January 25, 2013 in the United Kingdom, with distribution in international territories, including the U.K., by 20th Century Fox. 8] Lincoln received widespread critical acclaim, with major praise directed to Day-Lewis' performance. In December 2012, the film was nominated for seven Golden Globe Awards including Best Picture (Drama), Best Director, and Best Actor (Drama) for Day-Lewis. The film also became a commercial success by grossing over $144 million at the domestic box office. 3] more search: 13th amendment, Francis Preston Blair, Union, Touchstone, Republican, Seward, Stevens, Confederates, General Lee, Ford's Theater, Daniel Day-Lewis, Liam Neeson, Sally Field, David Strathaim, Tommy Lee Jones, Hal Holbrook, Tony Kushner, Indiana Jones,
- 2013 Holocaust Truth Museum Welcome to the Holocaust Truth Museum, dedicated to the truth about the events known as the "Holocaust". We will not subject you to any propaganda, emotional content, or politicised content. This is not because we do not care about people. This is simply because we are a Museum that aims to provide a rational and scientific examination of relevant evidence to provide as accurate a picture as possible of such events. It is illegal to deny the "Holocaust" in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland.
- 2013 Jan, Debt ceiling negotiations, Boehner, McConnell, platinum, $1 trillion platinum coin, Obama says he refuses to negotiate, Senate, House in gridlock.
- MarketWatch Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury ... NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver more and IntelHub CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit ... and Intelhub and DissidentVoice Who Killed Lucia and Leo Krim? by Moti Nissani / October 2012 and Examiner Money laundering lawsuit against Fed could be tied to Obama staff shakeup ... On Nov. 8, Craig B. Hulet, a well known and highly respected analyst on government policy, terrorism, and international relations, spoke on Coast to Coast AM regarding the growing scandal involving a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve, major banks, and many members of the Bush and Obama administrations. During his one hour interview, Hulet offered the assessment that many members of the Obama cabinet, including Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, were resigning their offices due to their potential roles in the TARP money laundering lawsuit. Yet, the whole story on this massive lawsuit is much more complex than what is being reported on the surface. Just hours after the Wall Street Journal issued a press release on the suit, the children of a CNBC producer were found murdered in his home, along with a nanny who reportedly tried to commit suicide. This horrific event took place just hours before or after, CNBC posted the Wall Street Journal story on their website, and interestingly, the story was quickly removed three hours later. However, even the evidence of a murder suicide by the nanny is highly questionable, as the knife wounds inflicted on her were of extreme force, enough to break her neck, and not coinciding with those of a self-inflicted slashing
- 2013 Mar NYTimes Rothschild Leadership Moves Outside Family ... For the first time, he (David de Rothschild) passed some responsibilities of running Rothschild to someone outside the family. ... As a result, Mr. Rothschild appointed one of them, Nigel Higgins, a 27-year Rothschild veteran in London and co-head of its investment banking unit, to the chief executive position. ... (Alexandre too young) ... comment: me al-saud khalifa al-thani abdullah emirs sheiks fear losing power much of their money is invested in rockefeller/rothschild cabal - so much so they can be considered hostages who also take their orders from rockefeller/rothschild
- 2013 MintPressNews ... numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.
- 2013 Investors Mr. Storey has been a director of the company since May 2013 and is president and chief executive officer of Level 3 Communications (filling a role vacated by longtime Chief Executive Officer Jim Crowe.) Before assuming his current role, Mr. Storey served as the company’s president and chief operating officer, with global responsibility for Level 3's sales, marketing, customer and network operations, IT and business process engineering spanning three regions: North America, Latin America and EMEA. Mr. Storey has held a number of leadership positions in the telecommunications industry. He served as president and CEO of WilTel Communications. He was president of Leucadia Telecommunications Group. He held senior executive positions at Cox Communications, where he was a founding member of Cox Business Services. He began his 30-year career in the telecommunications industry with Southwestern Bell Telephone. Mr. Storey is a member of the Classified Business and Security Committee - Level 3 has been found to be complicit in allowing the NSA access to data cables between data centers.
- 2013 Bloomberg Rothschild, scion of a centuries-old British banking dynasty, quit the Bumi board in October last year amid a dispute with fellow founders the Bakrie family of Indonesia. Roeslani departed in December and stepped down from Berau Coal in January. Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported last month that an Inter Milan stake sale had been agreed on for about 300 million euros ($411 million).
- 2013 DCClothesline the Baroness Philippine Mathilde Camille de Rothschild (born Paris, France, 22 November 1933) is the only daughter of the vintner Baron Philippe de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild banking dynasty and owner of the French winery Château Mouton Rothschild. ... The pendant in the first pic below is a huge image ofBaphomet, a pagan deity that, since the 19th century, has become a figure or synonym of Satan. The humanoid goat Baphomet figure was first drawn and popularized in 1854 by occultistEliphas Lévi. In his book, Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (“Dogmas and Rituals of High Magic”), Lévi included an image he had drawn himself which he described as Baphomet and “The Sabbatic Goat” — showing a winged humanoid goat with a pair of breasts and a torch on its head between its horns. Levi called his image “The Goat of Mendes.” Lévi’s Baphomet is the source of the later Tarot image of the Devil, in the Rider-Waite design. The symbol of the goat in the downward-pointed pentagram was adopted as the official symbol — called the Sigil of Baphomet — of theChurch of Satan, and continues to be used among Satanists. [Source: Wikipedia]
- 2013 AlexJones Photos gathered from a high-society “surrealist ball” recall more of the same type of strange debauchery Alex Jones encountered when he successfully infiltrated the Bohemian Grove. The images were reportedly snapped by one of the party’s attendees, Alexis von Rosenberg, also known as the Baron de Redé, a prominent French banker who was close friends with the host of the ball, Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, of the notorious Rothschild banking dynasty. Rothschild’s ball was held at one of her family’s expansive estates, the Château de Ferrières, located just east of Paris. Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and Baron Alexis de Redé, Hélène Rochas, “Marie Hélène, Baron Alexis de Redé in a Dalí designed Hat and Mrs. Espírito Santo, ... The following costume made reference to the famous painting The Son of Man, making a direct biblical reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. This fascination with the occult is of the same persuasion Alex Jones encountered when he snuck into the private Bohemian Grove club hidden deep within California’s redwood forest. Each year, hundreds of the world’s most powerful men, from politicians to journalists to entertainment industry insiders, convene there to conduct bizarre ceremonial rites and rituals, like the sacrificing of human effigies to mock owl gods. Watch Alex’s seminal work Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove below. The elite social gathering’s eerily awkward theme – “Black tie, long dresses & Surrealists heads” – is also reminiscent of scenes out of director Stanley Kubrick’s 1999 film Eyes Wide Shut, in which the main character is persuaded into attending a gathering that required a costume, mask and secret password and in which bizarre sexual orgies and pseudo-religious rituals were taking place.
- 2013 SyriaTheTruth Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: “US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad”
- enlarge and link to story
- 2013 Oct Forward Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said during a debate in the British parliament that “unlimited” funds available to Jewish organizations and AIPAC in the U.S. are used to control American policy in the Middle East. The comments reportedly were made last week during the Round Table Global Diplomatic Forum in the British House of Commons. Former Israeli Knesset Member Einat Wilf was in attendance at the debate and posted Straw’s comments on her Facebook page. Straw said, according to Wilf, that the greatest obstacles to peace between Israel and the Palestinians and her Arab neighbors are the “unlimited” funds available to Jewish organizations and AIPAC in the U.S., as well as Germany’s “obsession” with defending Israel. “I guess he neglected to mention Jewish control of the media…,” Wilf added on her Facebook status. Straw announced Friday that he would step down as a member of Parliament from the Labor Party at the upcoming 2015 general election. He has served in Parliament continuously since 1979. Straw served as both Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary under Prime Minister Tony Blair, and as Secretary of State of Justice under Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
- 2013 JohnKirby The Rothschild Man Who Arranged the Kennedy Assasination; Case closed! The Team that shot Kennedy was funded by Zapata George H W Bush’s Team Yes he recruited them and their base was on a small Island 30 miles from Cuba owned by Harriman co. Allen Dulles may be the chief but George H was the Banker therefore the boss His Father whom is on the board of Harrimans was the Connection to city of London banking and son takes orders from dad when Rothchild FED was cancelled by Kennedy this man would have gotten the 3 am phone call. Prescotts have a long History with the Rothchilds.
- 2013 Feb Global Research Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company ... A local subsidiary of the New York-listed company Genie Energy — which is advised by former vice president Dick Cheney and whose shareholders include Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch — will now have exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights. see also Murdoch.
- 2013 DailyMail Rothschild vs Rothschild? Impossible, surely, in the closely-knit international family who all trace their gilded roots back to the Jewish Mayer Amschel Rothschild setting up a bank in Frankfurt in the 1760s. search terms: Nat brought down to earth by his own cousin, mismanagement, allegations of missing millions, Peter (Lord) Mandelson, Russian oligarchs, Bumi Plc, mother Lady (Serena) Roghschild, Bakrie, Zug, Kleinwort, ...
- 2015 April 23 Bloomberg Deutsche Bank AG was ordered to pay a record $2.5 billion fine and fire seven employees to settle U.S. and U.K. investigations into its role in manipulating Libor. Deutsche Bank must terminate six London employees and one in Frankfurt who engaged in wrongful conduct, the New York Department of Financial Services said in a statement Thursday. The DFS didn’t identify them by name and said one is a managing director, four directors and two vice presidents. “Deutsche Bank employees engaged in a widespread effort to manipulate benchmark interest rates for financial gain,” DFS Superintendent Benjamin Lawsky said in the statement. “We must remember that markets do not just manipulate themselves: It takes deliberate wrongdoing by individuals.” The penalty is the biggest yet in the interest-rate rigging scandal. The settlement comes on top of the 7.1 billion euros ($7.6 billion) Deutsche Bank has spent on litigation in the last three years. The firm still faces legal challenges including probes into foreign exchange, mortgage- and asset-backed securities dealings and alleged U.S. sanctions violations. Co-Chief Executive Officers Anshu Jain and Juergen Fitschen are in the midst of reviewing options for the bank to boost returns.
- 2015 Aug RT ‘Deal or war’: Is doomed dollar really behind Obama’s Iran warning? But what could really be behind Obama’s dire warning of “deal or war” is another scenario – the collapse of the US dollar, and with that the implosion of the US economy. That scenario was hinted at this week by US Secretary of State John Kerry. Speaking in New York on August 11, Kerry made the candid admission that failure to seal the nuclear deal could result in the US dollar losing its status as the top international reserve currency. “If we turn around and nix the deal and then tell [US allies], ‘You're going to have to obey our rules and sanctions anyway,’ that is a recipe, very quickly for the American dollar to cease to be the reserve currency of the world.” ... In other words, what really concerns the Obama administration is that the sanctions regime it has crafted on Iran – and has compelled other nations to abide by over the past decade – will be finished. And Iran will be open for business with the European Union, as well as China and Russia. It is significant that within days of signing the Geneva accord, Germany, France, Italy and other EU governments hastened to Tehran to begin lining up lucrative investment opportunities in Iran’s prodigious oil and gas industries. China and Russia are equally well-placed and more than willing to resume trading partnerships with Iran. Russia has signed major deals to expand Iran’s nuclear energy industry. MORE
- Jeb Bush is running for president and remarkably few know about the Bush family links to Nazi Germany beyond the Trading With Enemy Act issue. Prescott Bush's dealings with Zionist bankers in Nazi Germany are well documented. Paul Warburg, a Zionist Jew (Rothschild protege) Paul founded I.G. Auschwitz ( a wholly owned subsidiary of I.G. Farben) that had its own corporate concentration camp called Buna/Monowitz, where prisoners from Auschwitz were put to work. see Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warburg_family ... also according to Wikipedia, "The majority of Jews killed in the Holocaust were Orthodox and around 80% of European Haredim perished."... Zionists cooperated with Hitler in giving the Jews a choice, either go to Palestine or the labor camps... Israel Jews today are about 80% secular...see Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haredim_and_Zionism... this is how Israel was created...and the Bush Crime Family was intimately connected to this process. Here's the Guardian article explaining the Bush's links to Nazi Germany... http://www.theguardian.com/world/…/sep/25/usa.secondworldwarand to take it another step, Bush 41 was in Dallas for the Kennedy assassination and Bush 43 and the Zionists bankers of NYC did 9/11.
- 2016 Dec comment-Politically Correct guy:: cultural marxism: "everything is relative man".... "there is no truth".... "reality is what we make of it".... smoke dope and drop out dude!!! .... we don't need money... cops are violent pigs (especially the white ones). Women are smarter and betteer than men, all men are rapists. "get in touch with your feelings".... "if it feels good then do it"... "she so empowered!!... you go girl!!"... "there is no god"... "Let's burn the bible" "don't criticize islam!!"... "you're a bigot" "a homophobe" "you're an agist classist pig"..... "think globally act locally".... "save the whales.. the trees... the poor african kids!!".... "drop out of school and rebell against your parents".... "Dad's are scum.... mum's are cool".... "go vegetarian" "the ufo's are comming!!" .... "don't teach kids math's and reading!!!!!..... you elitist pig!!!.... they need to learn to build a veggie patch and learn to recycle and wear gender nuetral clothes!!!" "we can all eat other's cuisines and enjoy each others religions from every nation in one smelting pot of peoples and get along together and intermarry"
- 2016 Dec 21 NY Post A Manhattan federal judge ordered the public release of the search warrant that FBI agents used to reopen their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server just weeks before the presidential election. Redacted versions of an FBI search warrant related to emails of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin — discovered during an underage sexting investigation of her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner ... Judge P. Kevin Castel ruled. ... Emails between Abedin and Clinton, which were found on Weiner’s computer in an unrelated investigation, spurred the FBI to reopen its probe into the former presidential candidate’s email server less than two weeks before Election Day.
- 2016 RT Israel kidnapped babies scandal coverup, continues ...
- 2016 Dec 30 DailyMail Anti-Semitic rants of Muslim activists who won PM's praise: but ... Members of taxpayer-funded anti-extremism group post conspiracy theories blaming Israel for US massacre ... Aysha Iqbal posted conspiracy theories claiming a series of mass shootings, including the US Sandy Hook massacre, were committed by Israel. Alongside a video entitled, ‘Israel did Sandy Hook, Newtown CT School Massacres says Michael Harris’, she wrote: ‘Truth be told.’.. NoDisInfo
- 2017 Jan 3 Haaretz Netanyahu corruption probe .... World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder Testifies He Gave Netanyahu Gifts ... Zionist Union's Tzipi Livni tweeted in response, jabbing at the prime minister over a report that U.S. businessman Ron Lauder gave him suits as gifts. The prime minister is expected to be questioned under caution, meaning as a criminal suspect, since Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit recently approved upgrading the probe from a mere inquiry into a full-fledged criminal investigation. and... suspicions that Netanyahu and his relatives received illicit gifts and other benefits from various businessmen
Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: “US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad”
By Patrick Henningsen Global Research, August 26, 2013, 21st Century Wire
‘Chemical Weapons’ media propaganda in US, UK is designed to hide the truth in Syria.
Revised and Updated
The Mail quickly pulled the story down within 24 hours, offering no formal retraction, but simply wiped it clean from their website, but we have a screen shot (below).
The Mail was later sued by Britam Defense, and forced to publish a retraction. The Guardian reported on June 26th:
“The Daily Mail has apologised and paid £110,000 in libel damages to a London defence firm it wrongly linked with an alleged chemical weapons plot in Syria.
Britam Defence Limited complained that an article on the Daily Mail’s website Mail Online falsely accused two of its executives of conspiring in a “nefarious and illegal plot” in the Middle Eastern state “for enormous financial reward”.
The article quoted one email supposedly sent between two executives at the company which claimed to show that Britam had agreed to supply chemical weapons to Homs for use in an attack. However, the emails turned out to be forged.”
One of the original leaks which led to this brief, but buried story, was contained in the Britam Leaks, which detailed the alleged plan to be carried out which was said to have received a green light from Washington and was to be financed by Qatar.
Although a libel settlement was reached regarding naming the two Britam executives mentioned in the Mail article, it’s hard to prove that the plot itself did not happen – and herein lies the problem with the secretive shadow state and its array of private contractors in both the US and UK.
In January 29, 2013, Britain’s most popular Daily Newspaper, in its online version Dailymail.co.uk published an article titled:
U.S. ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime’
A few days later they pulled the article.
What the reason was for the deletion remains unclear. The article was published at this URL:
There exists a cached version of the article which can be found here:
See scan of complete deleted article below:
One day later, on January 30, a moderated news board thread was created, which is still online, at Mail Online about that article. “Thread: Syrian WMD False Flag – Are False Flags a way of life now?“
In their initial article Mail Online refers to an Infowars.com article (dated January 28, 2013), that’s where they probably found the information on the leaked e-mail and other documents.
CapitalBay (who published the wrong areal pictures of the school in Sandy Hook), Mail Online,Infowars, Yahoo News India, News Track India, Whale.to, Philippine Times, Uganda News,LiveLeak, Truth Media TV and others all claim in their mirrored articles that the alleged e-mail from Britam’s David Goulding to Philip Doughty was dated December 25, 2012.
However, at Neftegaz.ru (translated with Google) there also exists another version of the alleged e-mail. There the e-mail is dated December 24, 2012.
Whether the content of the alleged e-mail is correct, that’s open for debate. Fact is that PressTV has an article online which supports the claims in the alleged e-mail. And RT‘s article from last year (June 10, 2012) still claims that “Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons,” to then blame Assad for it. Those weapons came from Libya, according to RT. This begs the question: Did Christopher Stevens know about those weapons when he died in the CIA villa in Benghazi last year?
But why was the article pulled by Mail Online?
Why do there exist at least 2 versions of the same alleged e-mail?
And what about Britam admitting that they were hacked, according to Ruvr.co.uk (The Voice of Russia)?
But there’s also this, according to Mail Online it was a Malaysian hacker who got to the alleged e-mail(s), while Infowars claims that the e-mail was “obtained by a hacker in Germany.”
Either way, whoever initiated the Britam e-mail escapade did a good job at fooling both mainstream and alternative news outlets because it’s a real mess and few know what really happened and why.
Yet it’s ironic that Mail Online did not delete their other article where they wrote about the UN’s Carla Del Ponte who claims that Syrian rebels are responsible for “sarin gas attacks, which had been blamed on Assad’s troops.” The same rebels who now receive resources from the EU and the U.S., since the EU is buying oil from those “rebels” and the US is arming them for a proxy war as the Washington Post describes it.
Earlier it was reported that Israel had granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy who’s shareholders include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Screen shot of the deleted Article, click on it and zoom to read: